3900 Series GSM BTS Product Documentation V100R013C00 - 09 20200401113528

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Components of the Vehicle-Mounted

Contents Components of the Vehicle-Mounted Cabinet BBU3900 Equipment Exterior of the BBU3900 Board Configuration of the BBU3900 GTMU UPEU UEIU FAN USCU UTRP DRFU GRFU MRFU DCDU-01 Fan Box ELU Components of the Vehicle-Mounted Cabinet

The components of the BTS3900 vehicle-mounted cabinet are BBU3900, GRFUs, DCDU-01, fan box,
and ELU.

 BBU3900 Equipment
This describes the BBU3900 equipment in terms of the appearance, boards and their panels,
module, LEDs, ports, and engineering specifications.

A double radio frequency unit (DRFU) processes two carriers.

The the GSM radio frequency unit (GRFU) is designed on the basis of multi-transceiver technology.
One GRFU supports six carriers.
A multi-mode radio frequency unit (MRFU) supports a maximum of six carriers. The MRFU (Multi-
Mode Radio Frequency Unit) is a type of the multi-mode radio frequency unit and supports up to 6
carriers for GSM, 4 carriers for UMTS, and 1 carrier for LTE.

 DCDU-01
The Direct Current Distribution Unit-01 (DCDU-01) supplies DC power to each component in the

 Fan Box
A fan box consists of a fan tray, four fans, and an FMU.

The Electronic Label Unit (ELU) reports the cabinet type information to the fan box.

Parent topic: Hardware Description BBU3900

This section presents the exterior of the BBU3900 and describes the boards in the BBU3900 and their
panels, functions, indicators, ports, and engineering specifications.

The BBU3900 performs the following functions:

 Provides ports for communication between the base station and the BSC or RNC.

 The GTMU provides CPRI ports for communication between the BBU and the RFUs.

 Provides USB ports. A USB flash drive can be inserted into the USB port to perform the
automatic base station upgrade during software installation and data configuration.

 Provides an OM channel between the base station and the LMT or the M2000 to operate and
maintain the base station.

 Processes uplink and downlink data.

 Manages the entire dual-mode system in terms of OM and signaling processing.

 Provides the system clock.

 BBU3900
The BBU3900, which has a case structure, is 19 inches wide and 2 U high.

 Boards and Module of the BBU3900

This describes the boards and module of the BBU3900 in terms of their configuration principles,
functions, ports, LEDs, and DIP switches.
Parent topic: BTS3900L Components Exterior of the BBU3900

The BBU3900, which has a case structure, is 19 inches wide and 2 U high.

The dimensions (W x D x H) of the BBU3900 are 442 mm x 310 mm x 86 mm. Figure 1 shows the

Figure 1 BBU3900

The Electronic Serial Number (ESN) is unique to a network element (NE) for identification, and is used
during the commissioning of the base station.

 If there is a label on the FAN unit of the BBU, the ESN is printed on a label and the mounting ears
of the BBU. Figure 2 shows the position of the ESN.
Figure 2 The position of the ESN (1)

 If there is no label on the FAN unit of the BBU, the ESN is printed on the mounting ears of the
BBU. Figure 3 shows the position of the ESN.

Figure 3 The position of the ESN (2)

Parent topic: BBU3900 Equipment Board Configuration of the BBU3900

This section describes the board configuration principles of the BBU3900.

Slots of the BBU3900

Figure 1 shows the slots of the BBU3900.

Figure 1 Slots of the BBU3900

Board Configuration of the BBU3900

Table 1 describes the board configuration principles of the BBU3900.

Table 1 Board configuration principles of the BBU3900

Board Optional/Mandator Maximum Number Slot Restriction


GTMU Mandatory 1 slot 5 or slot 6 Can be installed

only in the slot 6
(inhabited in slots 5
and 6).

FAN Mandatory 1 slot 16 Can be installed

only in the slot 16.

UPEU Mandatory 2 slot 18 and slot 19 When a single

configured, it is
installed in the slot

UEIU Optional 1 slot 18 -

UTRP Optional 1 slot 0 or slot 4 Preferentially

installed in the slot

USCU Optional 1 slot 1 -

UTRP is supported in V100R012 and later versions.

Figure 2 shows the typical configuration of the BBU3900.

Figure 2 Typical configuration of the BBU3900

Parent topic: Boards and Module of the BBU3900 GTMU

The GSM transmission & timing & management unit for BBU (GTMU) is the basic transmission and
control function entity of the BBU. It provides the reference clock, maintenance port, and external alarm
collection port, monitors the power, control and manage the entire BTS.

Specifications of the GTMU

The GTMU is classified into two types: GTMU and GTMUb. Table 1 lists the specifications of the GTMU
and GTMUb.

Table 1 Specifications of the GTMU

Board Applicable Transmission Port Port Capacity Full/Half-

Mode Mode Duplex

GTMU/GTMUb GSM TDM over 1 Four channels Full-duplex


Transmission 1 10 Mbit/s and Full-duplex

over FE/GE 100 Mbit/s
optical cables
Table 1 Specifications of the GTMU

Board Applicable Transmission Port Port Capacity Full/Half-

Mode Mode Duplex

Transmission 1 10 Mbit/s and Full-duplex

over FE/GE 100 Mbit/s
electrical cables


Figure 1 and Figure 2 show the panels of the GTMU and GTMUb.

Figure 1 GTMU panel

Figure 2 GTMUb panel


The GTMU performs the following functions:

 Controls, maintains, and operates the base station.

 Supports fault management, configuration management, performance management, and security

 Monitors the fans and power modules.

 Provides and manages the clock source of the base station in centralized mode.

 Provides the clock output for test.

 Provides the FE port for maintenance on the OM system.

 Supports transmission through four E1s and two FEs.

 Provides CPRI ports for communication between the BBU and the RF units.


Table 2 describes the indicators on the GTMU.

Table 2 Indicators on the GTMU

Indicator Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on The board is faulty.

Steady off There is no power supply, or the

board is faulty.

On for 1s and off for 1s The board is running properly.

On for 2s and off for 2s The base station is disconnected

from the base station controller.

On for 0.125s and off for Software is being upgraded or

0.125s loaded from the USB flash drive.

ALM Red Steady on An alarm is generated, indicating a


Steady off There is no fault.

ACT Green Steady on The board serves as an active board.

Steady off The board serves as a standby


Besides the preceding three indicators, there are some other indicators on the board, which indicate the
connection status of the FE optical port, FE electrical port, CPRI port, commissioning Ethernet port. They
are near the corresponding ports and have no silkscreen. Table 3 describes the indicators.
Table 3 Indicators for ports

Indicator Color Status Description

LIU0 to LIU3 Green Steady on The link is in the idle

state or a local alarm is

On for 1s and off for 1s An E1/T1 remote alarm

is generated.

Steady off The link is functioning


CPRI0 to CPRI5 Red/green Steady green The CPRI link is

functioning properly.

Steady red An optical module fails to

receive signals because
the optical module is
faulty or the fiber optic
cable is broken.

Blinking red (on for The CPRI link is out of

0.125s and off for lock because there is
0.125s) mutual lock between
dual-mode clock sources
or mismatched data rate
over CPRI ports (you are
advised to check the
system configuration to
locate the fault), or under
the USB(2)(3) flash drive
testing conditions,
VSWR alarms are
reported on the RRU
connected to the CPRI

Steady off The SFP module cannot

be detected, or the
optical module is
powered off.
Table 3 Indicators for ports

Indicator Color Status Description

ETH Green (LINK indicator on Steady on The connection is set up

the left) successfully.

Steady off No connection is set up.

Orange (ACT indicator Blinking Data is being transmitted

on the right) or received.

Steady off No data is being

transmitted or received.

FE0 Green (LINK indicator on Steady on The connection is set up

the left) successfully.

Steady off No connection is set up.

Orange (ACT indicator Blinking Data is being transmitted

on the right) or received.

Steady off No data is being

transmitted or received.

FE1 (on the GTMUb) Green (LINK indicator on Steady on The connection is set up
the left) successfully.

Steady off No connection is set up.

Green (ACT indicator on Blinking Data is being transmitted

the right) or received.

Steady off No data is being

transmitted or received.

M_S (on the GTMUb) - - This is the indicator for

the reserved port.

EXT (on the GTMUb) - - This is the indicator for

the reserved port.


Table 4 describes the ports on the GTMU.

Table 4 Ports on the GTMU

Silkscreen Connector Description

CPRI0 to CPRI5 SFP female connector Data transmission port interconnected to the RFU. It
supports the input and output of optical and electrical
transmission signals.

EXT (on the SFP female connector Reserved


ETH(1) RJ45 connector Local maintenance and commissioning port

FE0 RJ45 connector Connected to the routers in the equipment room through
FE cables to transmit network information

FE1 DLC connector Connected to the routers in the equipment room through
fiber optic cables to transmit network information

USB(2) USB connector Used for automatic software upgrade through the USB
flash drive

TST(3) USB connector Providing reference clock for the test instruments

E1/T1 port DB26 female connector Used for four E1/T1 inputs and outputs between the
GTMU and the UELP or between the GTMU and the


(1) Before accessing the base station through the ETH port, ensure that an OM port has been opened
and the user has obtained required authorities for accessing the base station through the OM port.

(2) The security of the USB port is ensured by encryption.

(3) The TST port is used for commissioning the base station rather than importing or exporting the base
station configuration.

The RST button on the GTMU panel is used for resetting the board.

DIP Switch

On the GTMU, there are five DIP switches, each of which has four bits. DIP switches S1 and S2 need to
be set jointly. The functions of the five DIP switches are as follows:

 S1 is used to set the E1 resistance. Table 5 provides details on this DIP switch.
 S2 is used to set the grounding mode of E1/T1 transmission cables. Table 6 provides details on
this DIP switch.

 S3 is reserved.

 S4 is used to determine whether to enable E1 bypass. Table 7 provides details on this DIP switch.

 S5 is used for timeslot settings when the E1 bypass is selected. Table 8 provides details on this
DIP switch.

Table 5 Description on S1

DIP DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4

S1 ON ON OFF OFF The E1 resistance is set to 75


OFF ON OFF OFF The E1 resistance is set to

120 ohm.

ON OFF OFF OFF The T1 resistance is set to

100 ohm.

Others Unavailable


Bits 3 and 4 of S1 should be kept the factory settings, without any manual setting onsite. The out-of-
factory state is OFF. If the bits are ON, set them to OFF.

Table 6 Description on S2

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4

S2 OFF OFF OFF OFF All the bits are set to OFF
by default in all modes.

ON ON ON ON When four 75 ohm E1 RX

links have errors, set all bits
of S2 to ON to rectify the
faults on the E1 links.
Table 6 Description on S2

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4

Others Unavailable

Table 7 Description on S4

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4

S4 ON ON ON ON Supporting E1 bypass

OFF OFF OFF OFF Not supporting E1 bypass

Others Unavailable

Table 8 Description on S5

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4

S5 ON ON ON ON Not supporting E1 bypass

OFF ON ON OFF Supporting E1 bypass for

two cascaded base stations

ON OFF ON OFF Supporting E1 bypass for

three cascaded base

OFF OFF ON OFF Supporting E1 bypass for

four cascaded base stations

ON ON OFF OFF Supporting E1 bypass for

five cascaded base stations

OFF ON OFF OFF Supporting E1 bypass for

six cascaded base stations UPEU
The Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit (UPEU) for the BBU3900 converts -48 V DC or +24
V DC power into +12 V DC.


The UPEU is classified into three types: Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit Type A
(UPEUa), Universal Power and Environment Interface Unit Type B (UPEUb), and Universal Power and
Environment Interface Unit Type C (UPEUc). The UPEUa and UPEUc convert -48 V DC power into +12 V
DC, and the UPEUb converts +24 V DC power into +12 V DC. Figure 1, Figure 2, and Figure 3 show the
panels of the UPEUa, UPEUb, and UPEUc, respectively.

Figure 1 UPEUa panel

(1) BBU power switch (2) 7W2 connector

Figure 2 UPEUb panel

(1) BBU power switch (2) 7W2 connector

Figure 3 UPEUc panel

(1) BBU power switch (2) 3V3 connector

The UPEUc has a silkscreen "UPEUc" indicating its board type on it, whereas the UPEUa and UPEUb do
not have such a silkscreen indicating their board types. The UPEUa and UPEUb, however, can be
distinguished by the silkscreens "-48 V" and "+24 V" on them.


The UPEU performs the following functions:

 Converts -48 V DC or +24 V DC power into +12 V DC, which is the operating voltage of the

 Provides two ports with each transmitting one RS485 signal and two ports with each transmitting
four Boolean signals. The Boolean signals can only be dry contact or Open Collector (OC) signals.

Table 1 describes the specifications of the UPEU.

Table 1 Specifications of the UPEU

Board Output Power Backup Mode

UPEUa The output power of a UPEUa is 1+1 backup

300 W.
Table 1 Specifications of the UPEU

Board Output Power Backup Mode

UPEUc The output power of a UPEUc is 1+1 backup

360 W, and the output power of
two UPEUc boards is 650 W.

UPEUa+UPEUc The total output power of a -

UPEUa and a UPEUc is 360 W.

After the UPEUc is replaced by the UPEUa, the base station power consumption data monitored by the
network management system will change. The power consumption data does not only depend on the
output power but also on the data collection method. The UPEUc and UPEUa use different methods for
power consumption data collection. Therefore, the decrease in the power consumption shown in the
network management system after the UPEUc is replaced by the UPEUa does not necessarily reflect the
actual decrease of power consumption.


The UPEU has one indicator, which indicates the operating status of the UPEU. Table 2 describes the

Table 2 Indicator on the UPEU panel

Silkscreen Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on The board is functional.

Steady off There is no power

supply, or the board is


The UPEU provides two RS485 signal ports, each transmitting one RS485 signal, and two Boolean signal
ports, each transmitting four Boolean signals. Figure 4 shows the slots in the BBU.
Figure 4 Slots in the BBU

Table 3 describes the ports on the panel of the UPEU.

Table 3 Description on the ports

Slot Silkscreen Connector Quantity Description

Slot 19 +24 V or -48 3V3 1 Introducing +24 V or -48 V DC power


EXT-ALM0 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 0 to 3


EXT-ALM1 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 4 to 7


MON0 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 0


MON1 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 1


Slot 18 +24 V or -48 3V3 1 Introducing +24 V or -48 V DC power


EXT-ALM0 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 0 to 3


EXT-ALM1 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 4 to 7


MON0 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 0


MON1 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 1

connector UEIU

The Universal Environment Interface Unit (UEIU) of the BBU3900 transmits monitoring signals and alarm
signals from external devices to the main control board.


Figure 1 shows the panel of the UEIU.

Figure 1 Panel of the UEIU


The UEIU performs the following functions:

 Provides two ports with each transmitting one RS485 signal.

 Provides two ports with each transmitting four Boolean signals. The Boolean signals can only be
dry contact or OC signals.

 Transmits monitoring signals and alarm signals from external devices to the main control board.


The UEIU is configured in slot 18 and provides two RS485 signal ports, each transmitting one RS485
signal, and two Boolean signal ports, each transmitting four Boolean signals.

Table 1 describes the ports on the panel of the UEIU.

Table 1 Ports on the panel of the UEIU

Slot Silkscreen Connector Quantity Description

Slot 18 EXT-ALM0 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 0 to 3


EXT-ALM1 RJ45 1 Port for Boolean inputs 4 to 7


MON0 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 0


MON1 RJ45 1 Port for RS485 input 1


Parent topic: BBU3900 Components FAN

The FAN unit for the BBU3900 controls the speed of fans and monitors the temperature of the fan unit. It
reports the status of the fans and fan unit, and dissipates heat from the BBU.


The FAN units fall into two types: FAN and FANc, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 1 FAN
Figure 2 FANc

There is a FANc silkscreen on the FANc while the FAN has no such silkscreen.


The FAN unit performs the following functions:

 Controls the fan speed.

 Reports the status, temperature, and in-position signal of the fans to the main control processing

 Monitors the temperature at the air intake vent.

 Dissipates heat.

 The FANc provides a read-write electronic label.


There is only one indicator on the panel of the FAN unit, which indicates the operating status of the fans.
Table 1 describes the indicator.
Table 1 Indicator on the panel of the FAN unit

Silkscreen Color Status Description

STATE Green On for 0.125s and off for The module is not
0.125s registered, and no alarm
is reported.

On for 1s and off for 1s The module is working.

Red Steady off No alarm is generated.

On for 1s and off for 1s The module is reporting

alarms. USCU

This section describes the Universal Satellite card and Clock Unit (USCU).

Specifications of the USCU

The USCU is classified into three types, as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Specifications of the USCU

Board Mode Supported Satellite Card


USCUb12 GSM RT single-satellite card


USCUb21 GSM K161 dual-satellite card

This board is not supported by
MBTSs working in multiple

There are three types of USCU: USCUb11, USCUb12, and USCUb13, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
The USCUb11 and USCUb12 have the same exterior.

Figure 1 USCUb11 and USCUb12 panel

Figure 2 USCUb21 panel

(1) GPS port (2) RGPS port (3) TOD port (4) M-1PPS port (5) BITS port


The USCU has the following functions:

 The USCUb11 provides ports to communicate with the RGPS (for example the reused equipment
of the customer) and BITS equipment. It does not support GPS signals.

 The USCUb12 performs time synchronization or obtains accurate clock signals from the
transmission equipment. It does not support RGPS signals.

 The USCUb21 provides ports to communicate with the BITS and TOD equipment. It supports
GPS and GLONASS signals but does not support RGPS signals.


Table 2 and Table 4 describe the indicators on the USCU.

Table 2 Indicators on the USCU

Indicator Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply, but the board

is faulty.

Steady off There is no power supply, or the

board is faulty.

On for 1s and off for 1s The board is running properly.

On for 0.125s and off for Software is being loaded to the

0.125s board, or the board is not configured.

ALM Red Steady off The board is running properly, and

no alarm is generated.

Steady on An alarm is generated, and the board

must be replaced.

On for 1s and off for 1s An alarm is generated, and the alarm

may be caused by an associated
board or port fault. Therefore, you
must locate the fault before replacing
the board.

ACT Green Steady on The serial port for communication

between the USCU and the main
control board is enabled.

Steady off The serial port for communication

between the USCU and the main
control board is disabled.
The ALM indicator in GSM mode has different statuses from the ACT indicator on other boards, as listed
in Table 3.

Table 3 Indicators on the USCU

Indicator Color Status Description

ALM Red Steady off The board is running properly, and

no alarm is generated.

On for 1s and off for 1s An alarm is generated, and the alarm

Table 3 Indicators on the USCU

Indicator Color Status Description

may be caused by an associated

board or port fault. Therefore, you
must locate the fault before replacing
the board.

Table 4 Indicators on the TOD port

Color Description Default Configuration

Green If the indicator is steady on, The green indicator of the TOD0 port is off, and
the TOD port is configured the yellow indicator of the TOD0 port is on.
as an input port.

Yellow If the indicator is steady on, The yellow indicator of the TOD1 port is Off, and
the TOD port is configured the green indicator of the TOD1 port is On.
as an output port.


Table 5 describes the ports on the USCU.

Table 5 Ports on the USCU

Port Connector Description

GPS SMA coaxial The GPS ports on the USCUb12 and USCUb21 receive
connector GPS signals.
The GPS port on the USCUb11 is reserved. It cannot
receive GPS signals.

RGPS port PCB welded wiring The RGPS port on the USCUb11 receives RGPS signals.
terminal The RGPS ports on the USCUb12 and USCUb21 are
reserved. They cannot receive RGPS signals.

TOD0 port RJ45 connector Receiving or transmitting 1PPS+TOD signals

TOD1 port RJ45 connector Receiving or transmitting 1PPS+TOD signals, and receiving
TOD signals from the M1000

BITS port SMA coaxial Receiving BITS clock signals, supporting adaptive input of
Table 5 Ports on the USCU

Port Connector Description

connector 2.048 MHz and 10 MHz clock reference source

M-1PPS port SMA coaxial Receiving 1PPS signals from the M1000
connector UTRP

The universal transmission processing unit (UTRP) is an extended transmission board in the BBU3900. It
provides ports connecting to transmission equipment.

Specifications of the UTRP

Table 1 describes the specifications of the UTRP.

Table 1 Specifications of the UTRP

Board Sub- Applicable Transmissio Port Port Full/Half-

board/Board Mode n Mode Capacity Duplex

UTRP2 UEOC UMTS Transmission Two FE/GE 10 Mbit/s, Full-duplex

over FE/GE optical ports 100 Mbit/s,
optical cables and 1000

UTRP3 UAEC UMTS ATM over Eight ATM Eight Full-duplex

E1/T1 over E1/T1 channels

UTRP4 UIEC UMTS IP over E1/T1 Eight IP over Eight Full-duplex

E1/T1 ports channels

UTRPb4 Without a GSM TDM over Four TDM Eight Full-duplex

sub-board E1/T1 over E1/T1 channels

UTRPb4 Without a LTE IP over E1/T1 Eight IP over Eight Full-duplex

sub-board E1/T1 ports channels

UTRP6 UUAS UMTS STM-1/OC-3 One One channel Full-duplex

Table 1 Specifications of the UTRP

Board Sub- Applicable Transmissio Port Port Full/Half-

board/Board Mode n Mode Capacity Duplex

d STM-1/OC-
3 port

UTRP9 UQEC UMTS Transmission Four FE/GE 10 Mbit/s, Full-duplex

over FE/GE electrical 100 Mbit/s,
electrical ports and 1000
cables Mbit/s


Figure 1 shows the panel of the UTRP2.

Figure 1 Panel of the UTRP2 (with two optical ports)

Figure 2 shows the panel of the UTRP3 and UTRP4.

Figure 2 Panel of the UTRP3 and UTRP4 (with eight E1/T1 channels)

Figure 3 shows the panel of the UTRPb4 in GSM mode.

Figure 3 Panel of the UTRPb4 (GSM)

Figure 4 shows the panel of the UTRPb4 in LTE mode.

Figure 4 Panel of the UTRPb4 (LTE)

Figure 5 shows the panel of the UTRP6.

Figure 5 Panel of the UTRP6 (with one STM-1 channel)

Figure 6 shows the panel of the UTRP9.

Figure 6 Panel of the UTRP9 (with four electrical ports)


The UTRP performs the following functions:

 Provides extended E1/T1 ports to connect to transmission equipment, supporting ATM, TDM, and
IP transmission.
 Provides electrical and optical transmission ports to connect to transmission equipment.

 Supports cold backup.


Table 2 describes the indicators on the UTRP panel.

Table 2 Indicators on the UTRP panel

Silkscreen Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply,

but the board is faulty.

Steady off There is no power

supply, or the board is

On for 1s and off for 1s The board is functioning

properly according to the

On for 0.125s and off for The board is not

0.125s configured or data is
being loaded.

On for 2s and off for 2s The board is working in

offline mode or is being

ALM Red Steady on or blinking An alarm is reported,

quickly indicating a fault in the

Steady off There is no fault.

On for 2s and off for 2s A minor alarm is


On for 1s and off for 1s A major alarm is


On for 0.125s and off for A critical alarm is

0.125s reported.

ACT Green Steady on The board serves as an

Table 2 Indicators on the UTRP panel

Silkscreen Color Status Description

active board.

Steady off The board serves as a

standby board.

The RUN and ALM indicators on the UTRP board in GSM mode have different status from the RUN and
ALM indicators on other boards, as listed in Table 3.

Table 3 Indicators on the UTRP panel

Silkscreen Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply,

but the board is faulty.

Steady off There is no power

supply, or the board is

On for 1s and off for 1s The board is functioning

properly according to the

On for 2s and off for 2s The board is out of

communication with the
main control board.

ALM Red Steady on or blinking An alarm is generated,

quickly indicating a running fault.

Steady off The board is running


The ACT indicator on the UTRP board in GSM mode has different status from the ACT indicator on other
boards, as listed in Table 4.

Table 4 Status of the ACT indicator on the UTRP board in GSM mode

Status of the ACT Indicator Before the Configuration Takes Effect

Steady on None or both of the two E1 ports in GSM mode are

Table 4 Status of the ACT indicator on the UTRP board in GSM mode

Status of the ACT Indicator Before the Configuration Takes Effect


On for 0.125s and off for 0.125s Only one E1 port in GSM mode is functional.

Each Ethernet port on the UTRP2 and UTRP9 corresponds to two indicators indicating the status of the
current link, as listed in Table 5.

Table 5 Indicators for the Ethernet ports on the UTRP2 and UTRP9

Silkscreen Color Status Description

LINK Green Steady on The link is connected


Steady off The link is not connected


ACT Orange Blinking Data is being transmitted

or received on the link.

Steady off No data is being

transmitted or received
on the link.


Table 6 describes the ports on the UTRP2.

Table 6 Ports on the panel of the UTRP2 (with 2 optical ports)

Silkscreen Port Type Quantity Connector

FE/GE0 and FE/GE1 FE/GE optical port 2 SFP connector

The UTRP3, UTRP4, and UTRPb4 have the same ports, as listed in Table 7.
Table 7 Ports on the panel of the UTRP3, UTRP4, and UTRPb4 (with 8 E1/T1 ports)

Silkscreen Port Type Quantity Connector

E1/T1 port E1/T1 port 2 DB26 connector

Table 8 lists the ports on the UTRP6.

Table 8 Ports on the panel of the UTRP6 (with one STM-1 channel)

Silkscreen Port Type Quantity Connector

STM-1/OC-3 STM-1/OC-3 1 SFP connector

Table 9 lists the ports on the UTRP9.

Table 9 Ports on the panel of the UTRP9 (with four electrical ports)

Silkscreen Port Type Quantity Connector

FE/GE0 to FE/GE3 FE/GE electrical port 4 RJ45 connector

DIP Switch

There is no DIP switch on the UTRP2, UTRP6, and UTRP9.

There are three DIP switches on the UTRP3, UTRP4, and UTRPb4. SW1 and SW2 are used to set
whether to ground the receiver end of the E1 cable, and SW3 is used to set the resistance of the E1
cable. Figure 7 shows the DIP switches on the UTRP3 and UTRP4. Figure 8 shows the DIP switches on
the UTRPb4.
Figure 7 DIP switches on the UTRP3 and UTRP4

Figure 8 DIP switches on the UTRPb4

Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12 list the settings of the DIP switches on the UTRP.
Table 10 Settings of SW1 on the UTRP

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4


ON ON ON ON Unbalanced

Others Unavailable

Table 11 Settings of SW2 on the UTRP

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4


ON ON ON ON Unbalanced

Others Unavailable


SW1 and SW2 are set to OFF by default. SW1 corresponds to No.4 to No.7 E1 channels. SW2
corresponds to No.0 to No.3 E1 channels.

Table 12 Settings of SW3 on the UTRP

DIP Switch DIP Status Description

1 2 3 4



resistance is set
to 120 ohm.

resistance is set
to 75 ohm.

Others Unavailable DRFU
Double radio frequency unit (DRFU) is an RF unit of GSM radio filter and applies to GSM only scenario.


Figure 1 shows the DRFU panel.

Figure 1 DRFU panel

The DRFU performs modulation, demodulation, data processing, and combining and dividing for
baseband signals and radio frequency (RF) signals.

In addition, the DRFU provides the following functions:

 Converts the direct frequency conversion technology, modulates the baseband signals for the
GSM TX band. After filtering and amplification, the baseband signals are transmitted to the antenna
system through the duplexer.

 Receives uplink RF signals from the antenna system and then down-converts the received
signals to intermediate frequency (IF) signals. After amplification, analog-to-digital conversion, digital
down-conversion, matched filtering, automatic gain control (AGC), the IF signals are sent to a
baseband unit (BBU) for further processing.

 Performs power control.

 Performs reverse power detection.

 Synthesizes frequencies and tests loops.

 Generates the common public radio interface (CPRI) clock, recovers the CPRI clock from loss of
synchronization, and detects alarms.

A DRFU consists of a high-speed interface unit, signal processing unit, power amplifier, and dual-
duplexer. Figure 2 shows the logical structure of the DRFU.
Figure 2 Logical structure of the DRFU


There are six indicators on the DRFU panel, indicating its operating status. Table 1 describes the status of
the indicators on the DRFU.

Table 1 Status of the Indicators on the DRFU

Indicator Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply, but the module

breaks down or is verifying the software

Blinking (on for 1s and off The module works properly.

for 1s)

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The module is loading software.

off for 0.125s)

Off There is no power supply, or the module

breaks down.
Table 1 Status of the Indicators on the DRFU

Indicator Color Status Description

ALM Red Steady on Alarms (excluding VSWR alarms) are

generated, and the module must be

Blinking (on for 1s and off Alarms are generated. The alarms may be
for 1s) caused by the faults on the related boards or
ports. Therefore, the necessity for module
replacement is uncertain.

Off No alarm (excluding VSWR alarms) is


ACT Green Steady on The module works properly with the TX

channel enabled.

Blinking (on for 1s and off The module works properly with the TX
for 1s) channel disabled.

VSWR Red Steady on The VSWR alarm is generated on the ANT1


Blinking (on for 1s and off The VSWR alarm is generated on the ANT2
for 1s) port.

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The VSWR alarm is generated on the ANT1
off for 0.125s) and ANT2 ports.

Off No VSWR alarm is generated.

CPRI0 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Steady red The reception of the optical module is
abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The CPRI link has a loss-of-lock error.
off for 1s)

Off The small form-factor pluggable (SFP)

module is not properly installed, or the optical
module is powered off.

CPRI1 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Steady red The reception of the optical module is
Table 1 Status of the Indicators on the DRFU

Indicator Color Status Description

abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The CPRI link has a loss-of-lock error.
off for 1s)

Off The SFP module is not properly installed, or

the optical module is powered off.


Table 2 describes the ports on the DRFU.

Table 2 Ports on the DRFU

Port Type Silkscreen on the Connector Type Description


Port for ANT1 DIN female Connects to the antenna system.

transceiving RF connector

CPRI port CPRI0 SFP female Connects to a lower-level radio frequency unit
connector (RFU) during the cascading.

CPRI1 Connects to the BBU, or an upper-level RFU

in the cascading mode.

Interconnection RX1/IN QMA female Receives the diversity signals in antenna

port for connector channel 1.
receiving RF
RX1/OUT Transmits the diversity signals in antenna
channel 1.

RX2/IN Receives the diversity signals in antenna

channel 2.

RX2/OUT Transmits the diversity signals in antenna

channel 2.

Power supply PWR 3V3 power Feeds in power.

port connector
Parent topic: BTS3900L Components GRFU

GSM radio frequency unit (GRFU) is an RF unit of GSM radio filter and applies to GSM only scenario.


GRFUs fall into three types: GRFU V1, GRFU V2, and GRFU V2a. The three types of GRFUs can be
identified by their labels. As shown in Figure 1, there is "V0" or "V1" on the label of a GRFU V1, there is
"V2" on the label of a GRFU V2, and there is "V2a" on the label of a GRFU V2a.

Figure 1 GRFU panel

A GRFU performs modulation and demodulation between baseband signals and radio frequency (RF)
signals, processes data, and combines and divides signals.

In addition,the GRFU has the following functions:

 Converts the direct frequency conversion technology, modulates the baseband signals for the
GSM TX band. After filtering and amplification, the baseband signals are transmitted to the antenna
system through the duplexer.

 Receives uplink RF signals from the antenna system and then down-converts the received
signals to intermediate frequency (IF) signals. After an amplification, analog-to-digital conversion,
digital down-conversion, matched filtering, automatic gain control (AGC), the IF signals are sent to
the baseband unit (BBU) for further processing.

 Provides power control and VSWR detection.

 Performs reverse power detection.

 Synthesizes frequencies and tests loops.

 Generates the common public radio interface (CPRI) clock, recovers the CPRI clock from loss of
synchronization, and detects alarms.


A GRFU consists of a high-speed interface unit, signal processing unit, power amplifier, and dual-
duplexer. Figure 2 shows the logical structure of the GRFU.
Figure 2 Logical structure of the GRFU


The six indicators on the GRFU panel indicate the operating status of the GRFU. Table 1 describes the
indicators on the GRFU panel.

Table 1 Indicators on the GRFU Panel

Indicator Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply, but the module breaks
down or is verifying the software version.

Blinking (on for 1s and off The module works properly.

for 1s)

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The module is loading software.

off for 0.125s)

Off There is no power supply, or the module

breaks down.

ALM Red Steady on Alarms (excluding VSWR alarms) are

generated, and the module must be replaced.

Blinking (on for 1s and off Alarms are generated. The alarms may be
Table 1 Indicators on the GRFU Panel

Indicator Color Status Description

for 1s) caused by the faults on the related boards or

ports. Therefore, the necessity for module
replacement is uncertain.

Off No alarm (excluding VSWR alarms) is


ACT Green Steady on The module works properly with the TX

channel enabled.

Blinking (on for 1s and off The module works properly with the TX
for 1s) channel disabled.

VSWR Red Steady on The VSWR alarm is generated on the

ANT_TX/RXA port.

Blinking (on for 1s and off A VSWR alarm is generated on the ANT_RXB
for 1s) port.

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The VSWR alarm is generated on the
off for 0.125s) ANT_TX/RXA and ANT_RXB port.

Off No VSWR alarm is generated.

CPRI0 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Steady red The reception of the optical module is
abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The CPRI link has a loss-of-lock error.
off for 1s)

Off The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module

is not properly installed, or the optical module
is powered off.

CPRI1 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Steady red The reception of the optical module is
abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The CPRI link has a loss-of-lock error.
off for 1s)

Off The SFP module is not properly installed, or

Table 1 Indicators on the GRFU Panel

Indicator Color Status Description

the optical module is powered off.


Table 2 describes the ports on the GRFU panel.

Table 2 Ports on the GRFU Panel

Port Type Silkscreen Connector Type Description

RF port ANT_RXB DIN connector Connects to the antenna system

ANT_TX/RX DIN connector Connects to the antenna system


CPRI port CPRI0 SFP female Connects to the BBU, or an upper-level RFU in the
connector cascading mode

CPRI1 SFP female Connects to a lower-level RFU during the

connector cascading

Interconnection RX_INB QMA female Receives the diversity signals

port for receiving connector
RF signals
RX_OUTA QMA female Transmits the main signals

Power supply port PWR 3V3 power Feeds in power


Monitoring port MON RJ45 connector Port for monitoring and commissioning

Parent topic: BTS3900L Components MRFU

Multi-Mode Radio Frequency Unit (MRFU) is a type of RF unit that can work in multiple radio frequencies.
It applies to scenarios such as GO, UO, LO, GU and GL.

MRFUs fall into three types: MRFU V1, MRFU V2, and MRFU V2a. The three types of MRFUs can be
identified by their labels. As shown in Figure 1, there is "V0" or "V1" on the label of a MRFU V1, there is
"V2" on the label of a MRFU V2, and there is "V2a" on the label of a MRFU V2a.

Figure 1 MRFU Panel


The functions of MRFU are as follows:

 Modulates and converts the signals to the TX band by up-converting the intermediate frequency
(IF) signals, filters and amplifies the signals and then transmits the signals to the antenna through
the duplexer.

 Receives radio frequency (RF) signals from the antenna system, down-converts the signals to IF
signals, and then transmits them to the baseband unit (BBU) after an amplification, analog-to-digital
conversion, digital down-conversion, matched filtering, and Digital Automatic Gain Control (DAGC).

 Performs power control.

 Provides Voltage Standing Wave Ration (VSWR) detection.

 Supplies power to the tower mounted amplifier (TMA) and controls the remote electrical tilt (RET)

 Controls Digital Predistortion (DPD) based on feedback signals.

 Generates the common public radio interface (CPRI) clock, recovers the CPRI clock from loss of
synchronization, and detects alarms.


A MRFU consists of the high-speed interface unit, signal processing unit, power amplifier, and duplexer.
Figure 2 shows the principle of the MRFU.

Figure 2 Principle of the MRFU

Table 1 describes the indicators on the MRFU.

Table 1 Indicators on the MRFU

Indicator Color Status Description

RUN Green Steady on There is power supply, but the module breaks
down or is verifying the software version.

Blinking (on for 1s and off The module works properly.

for 1s)

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The module is loading software.

off for 0.125s)

Off There is no power supply, or the module

breaks down.

ALM Red Steady on Alarms (excluding VSWR alarms) are

generated, and the module must be replaced.

Blinking (on for 1s and off Alarms are generated. The alarms may be
for 1s) caused by the faults on the related boards or
ports. Therefore, the necessity for module
replacement is uncertain.

Off No alarm (excluding VSWR alarms) is


ACT Green Steady on The MRFU works properly with the TX

channel enabled.

Blinking (on for 1s and off The MRFU works properly with the TX
for 1s) channel disabled.

VSWR Red Steady on The VSWR alarm is generated on the

ANT_TX/RXA port.

Blinking (on for 1s and off A VSWR alarm is generated on the ANT_RXB
for 1s) port.

Blinking (on for 0.125s and The VSWR alarm is generated on the
off for 0.125s) ANT_TX/RXA and ANT_RXB port.

Off No VSWR alarm is generated.

CPRI0 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Table 1 Indicators on the MRFU

Indicator Color Status Description

green Steady red The optical module fails to receive signals.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The reception of the optical module is
off for 1s) abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Off The small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module

is not properly installed, or the optical module
is powered off.

CPRI1 Red and Steady green The CPRI link is available.

Steady red The reception of the optical module is
abnormal, and an alarm is generated.

Blinking red (on for 1s and The CPRI link has a loss-of-lock error.
off for 1s)

Off The SFP module is not properly installed, or

the optical module is powered off.


Table 2 describes the ports on the MRFU.

Table 2 Port on the MRFU

Port Type Silkscreen Connector Type Description

RF port ANT_RXB DIN connector RF RX port for connecting to the antenna


ANT_TX/RXA DIN connector RF TX/RX port for connecting to the antenna


CPRI port CPRI0 SFP female Connects to the BBU


CPRI1 SFP female Connects to the BBU


Interconnection RX_INB QMA female Receives the diversity signals

port for receiving connector
Table 2 Port on the MRFU

Port Type Silkscreen Connector Type Description

RF signals RX_OUTA QMA female Transmits the main signals


Power supply port PWR 3V3 power Feeding -48 V DC power


Monitoring port MON RJ45 connector Port for monitoring and commissioning

Parent topic: BTS3900L Components DCDU-01

The Direct Current Distribution Unit-01 (DCDU-01) supplies DC power to each component in the cabinet.


Figure 1 shows the panel of the DCDU-01.

Figure 1 Panel of the DCDU-01


The DCDU-01 has the following functions:

 Supports one -48 V DC inputs

 Supports ten -48 V DC outputs

 One 25 A output to the SPARE2 port

 Nine 12 A outputs to other ports

 Supplies power to only the BBU3900, RFUs, and fan box in the cabinet, but not external devices


Table 1 describes the ports, terminals, and power switches on the panel of the DCDU-01.

Table 1 Ports, terminals, and power switches on the panel of the DCDU-01

Port Label Connector Description

Power input wiring NEG(-) OT terminal Negative input wiring terminal

RTN(+) Positive input wiring terminal

Power output port SPARE2, SPARE1, BBU, Tool-less female power Providing 10 power outputs to
FAN, and RFU5 to RFU0 connector (pressfit type) the modules such as the
BBU3900, RFUs, and fan box

Power switch SPARE2, SPARE1, BBU, - Powering on or powering off

FAN, and RFU5 to RFU0 the modules such as the
BBU3900, RFUs, and fan box

Parent topic: BTS3900L Components Fan Assembly

A fan assembly consists of a fan tray, four fans, and an FMU.

Exterior of the Fan Assembly

Figure 1 shows the exterior of a fan assembly.

Figure 1 Exterior of the Fan Assembly

(1) Fan (2) Fan tray (3) FMU

Function of the Fan Assembly

The fan assembly performs the following functions:

 Provides forced ventilation and heat dissipation for the cabinet.

 Monitors the temperature.

 Supports fan speed adjustment based on temperature or controlled by the BBU.

 Stops the fans when the ambient temperature is low.

Figure 2 shows the ports on the FMU board.

Figure 2 Ports on the FMU board

Table 1 and Table 2 describes the LEDs and Ports on the FMU board.

Table 1 LEDs on the FMU board

LED Color Status Meaning

RUN Green Blinking (on for 0.125s and off The unit is functional but fails to
for 0.125s) communicate with the BBU or upper-level

Blinking (on for 1s and off for The unit is functional and is communicating
1s) with the BBU or upper-level FMU.

Off There is no power supply, or the module is


ALM Red Blinking (on for 1s and off for The module is reporting alarms.

Off No alarm is generated.

Table 2 Ports on the FMU board

Port Type Label Connector Type Description

Power port -48 V 3V3 power The port is used to introduce the
connector -48 V DC power supply.

Sensor port SENSOR RJ45 connector The port is connected to the

Table 1 LEDs on the FMU board

LED Color Status Meaning

Communication COM OUT RJ45 connector The port is connected to the

port lower-level FMU.

COM IN RJ45 connector The port is connected to the

BBU or upper-level FMU. ELU

The Electronic Label Unit (ELU) reports the cabinet type information to the fan box.

Figure 1 shows an ELU.

Figure 1 ELU

Parent topic: Components of the Vehicle-Mounted Cabinet

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