Q.1 List and Explain in Brief The Methods of Selection of Consultants
Q.1 List and Explain in Brief The Methods of Selection of Consultants
Q.1 List and Explain in Brief The Methods of Selection of Consultants
(c) Negotiations: Because the budget is fixed, the consultant’s TOR cannot be changed
substantially and technical negotiations cover only minor aspects. Financial negotiations will not
include discussions of remuneration rates and of other unit rates, but only of minor
rearrangement of activities and staff for compatibility with the work plan and clarification of tax
b) Where appropriate: The LCS method is appropriate only for small assignments of a standard
or routine nature wherein the intellectual component is minor, well established practices and
standards exist.
(a) Features: Under CQS, we first request expression of interest (EOI) and qualification
information relating to the experience and competence of the consultants relevant to the
assignment. We then evaluate the information, establish a shortlist and then select the
firm with the best qualifications and references among those who confirm to be willing to
submit a proposal if selected. The RFP is then sent to the selected consultant and asked to
submit technical and financial proposals and then invited to negotiate the contract if the
technical proposal proves acceptable.
(b) Where appropriate: CQS method is appropriate for assignments for which the cost of a
fully fledged selection procedure would not be justified. CQS method can substantially
reduce the process cost for us as well as the consultants and the time required to hire a
consultant as well. This method is particularly suitable when the past qualifications and
experience of the consultant are crucial to the choice while the technical proposal itself is
not likely to reveal much additional or decisive information on the suitability of the
consultant for the proposed assignment.
(c) Type of assignments for which this method is adopted:
CQS is usually adopted for the following assignments:
Evaluation studies at critical decision points in the project implementation such as review
of alternative solutions with large downstream effects;
Executive assessments of strategies and programs;
High level, short term, expert advice;
Participation in project review panels;
(a) Features: Under this method, we request the already identified consultant to prepare
technical and financial proposals which are then negotiated.
(b) Where appropriate: Because there is no competition, we should use this method, only
when it offers obvious advantages over a competitive method, as in the following cases:
The assignment represents a natural or direct continuation of a previous one awarded
competitively and the performance of the consultant has been good or excellent;
The consultant’s prompt availability is essential (for example in emergency
operations following a natural disaster, a financial crisis etc.);
The contract value is very small;
Only one consulting organization has the qualifications or experience required to
carry out the assignment;
(c) (c) Type of assignment for which this method of selection is adopted: Good or
excellent performance in the first assignment has to be a precondition for contract
continuation. In such cases, we should weigh the importance of continuing with the same
technical approach, the experience acquired and the continued professional liability of the
incumbent consultant against the benefits of competition, such as fresh technical
approaches and competitive remuneration rates. In these cases we have to consider and
account for the time and cost of a competitive round, because it may weigh considerably
on our decision. SSS should not normally be adopted when the downstream assignment is
substantially larger in value than the initial one.
Q.2 Describe six channels that can be used for communication, giving the salient
advantages/disadvantages of each and the situation each is best suited for.
Different channels (media) of communication are available today. The bellow table presents the
advantages and disadvantages of using the various channels available.
Q.3. Explain International competitive Bidding, its requirements and steps followed for ICB
(b) Pre-qualification document (for works): The pre-qualification document shall include
sufficient details regarding eligibility, method of submission of pre-qualification
documents, details of documents/ information to be furnished, qualification criteria to be
satisfied, evaluation methodology, preparation of the list of pre-qualified applicants and
notification of the list of approved pre-qualified bidders.
(d) Bidding document (for works and goods): The bidding document shall include
sufficient details regarding eligibility, method of submission of bids, bid security (amount
and currency) to be furnished, period for submission of bids, qualification criteria to be
satisfied, evaluation methodology, securities to be submitted, award of contract etc. It
shall also include internationally accepted Conditions of Contract, such as those
developed by Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs-Conseils (FIDIC) and Institution
of Engineers, U.K.
(e) Bidding period (for works): The bidding period, that is the period from the date of issue
of the bid document to pre-qualified bidders to the last date stipulated for the submission
of the prequalification document, shall be sufficiently large, depending on the size and
complexity of the proposed contract to enable the prospective bidders to obtain the
bidding document, study the field conditions, collect field data, work out reasonable rates
and then submit meaningful bids. A period between 45 to 60 days or even more in case of
large and complex contracts is considered reasonable.
(f) Bidding period (for goods): The bidding period, that is the period from the date of
publication of the IFB in the press or from the date of making available the document for
sale (whichever is later) to the last date for submission of bids, shall be sufficiently large,
depending on the size and complexity of the proposed contract to enable the prospective
bidder to obtain the bidding document, study the same, work out the reasonable rates and
then submit meaningful bids. A period between 45 to 60 days is considered reasonable.
Steps for ICB