Vacuum Circuit Breaker Operator Module: Type 3AH 4.16kV To 38kV
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Operator Module: Type 3AH 4.16kV To 38kV
Vacuum Circuit Breaker Operator Module: Type 3AH 4.16kV To 38kV
Operator Module Operation
Type 3AH SGIM-9918
4.16kV to 38kV
The information contained herein is general in nature and not intended for
specific application purposes. It does not relieve the user of responsibility
to use sound practices in application, installation, operation, and mainte-
nance of the equipment purchased. Siemens reserves the right to make
changes in the specifications shown herein or to make improvements at
any time without notice or obligations. Should a conflict arise between the
general information contained in this publication and the contents of draw-
ings or supplementary material or both, the latter shall take precedence.
For the purpose of this manual a qualified person is one who is familiar
with the installation, construction or operation of the equipment and the
hazards involved. In addition, this person has the following qualifications:
(a) is trained and authorized to de-energize, clear, ground, and tag circuits
and equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
(b) is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment such as
rubber gloves, hard hat, safety glasses or face shields, flash clothing,
etc., in accordance with established safety practices.
(c) is trained in rendering first aid.
These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equip-
ment, nor to provide for every possible contingency to be met in connec-
tion with installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further informa-
tion be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered
sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to
the local sales office.
The contents of this instruction manual shall not become part of or modify
any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship. The sales
contract contains the entire obligation of Siemens Power Transmission &
Distribution, Inc. The warranty contained in the contract between the par-
ties is the sole warranty of Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution,
Inc. Any statements contained herein do not create new warranties or modify
the existing warranty.
Table of Contents
Cover SGIM-9918-01
NOTE: IEEE Standards Requirements for Conversion of Caution - indicates a potentially hazardous situation
Power Switchgear Equipment (C37.59); Siemens has de- which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
veloped instruction manual for particular replacement injury.
breaker drawout vehicles, consult factory.
Dangerous Procedures
Contact the nearest Siemens representative if any addi- In addition to other procedures described in this manual
tional information is desired. as dangerous, user personnel must adhere to the follow-
This manual covers the Receiving, Handling and Storage
instructions for Type 3AH vacuum circuit breakers shipped Heavy weight. Can cause death, serious
separately from the switchgear. This section of the manual injury, or property damage.
is intended to help the user identify, inspect and protect
the circuit breaker prior to its installation. Use of a qualified rigger to hoist the circuit
Receiving Procedure
Make a physical inspection of the shipping container be-
Type 3AH circuit breakers weigh (Table A-4).
fore removing or unpacking the circuit breaker. Check for
shipment damage or indications of rough handling by the
4. The palleted circuit breaker can also be moved using a
carrier. Check each item against the manifest to identify
properly rated fork-lift vehicle. The pallets are designed
any shortages.
for movement by a standard fork-lift vehicle.
Accessories such as the manual charging crank, the rack-
Storage Procedure
ing crank and the split plug jumper are shipped separately.
1. When the breaker will be placed on its pallet for stor-
Shipping Damage Claims (when applicable) - Follow nor-
age, be sure the unit is securely bolted to the pallet
mal shipment damage procedures, which should include:
and covered with polyethylene film at least 10 mils
1. Check for visible damage upon arrival.
Indoor Storage - Whenever possible, store the circuit
2. Visible damage must be noted on delivery receipt, and
breaker indoors. The storage environment must be clean,
acknowledged with driver’s signature. Notation, “Pos-
dry and free of such items as construction dust, corrosive
sible internal damage, subject to inspection” must be
atmosphere, mechanical abuse and rapid temperature
on delivery receipt.
3. Notify the Siemens Sales office immediately of any
Outdoor Storage - Outdoor storage is not recommended.
shipment damage.
When no other option is available, the circuit breaker must
be completely covered and protected from rain, snow, dirt
4. Arrange for carrier’s inspection. Do not move the unit
and all other contaminants.
from its unloading point.
Space Heating - Space heating must be used for both in-
Handling Procedure
door and outdoor storage to prevent condensation and
corrosion. When stored outdoors, 250 watts per breaker
1. Carefully remove the shipping carton from the circuit
of space heating is recommended.
breaker. Keep the shipping pallet for later use if the
breaker is to be stored prior to its installation.
This section provides a description of the inspections,
checks and tests to be performed on the circuit breaker
module only.
1. Press red Trip pushbutton. The automatic spring charging features of the circuit
breaker must be checked. Control power is required for
2. Press black Close pushbutton. automatic spring charging to take place.
3. Again press red Trip pushbutton. 1. Open control power circuit be opening the control
4. Verify Spring Condition Indicator shows DISCHARGED. power disconnect device.
5. Verify Main Contact Status Indicator shows OPEN. 2. Energize (close) the control power circuit disconnect.
3. Use the Close and Trip controls (Figure 1) to first Close
Manual Spring Charging Check and then Open the circuit breaker contacts. Verify con-
1. Insert the manual spring charging crank into the manual tact positions visually by observing the Open/Closed
charge handle socket as shown in Figure 1. Turn the indicator on the circuit breaker.
crank clockwise until the spring condition indicator 4. De-energize control power by repeating Step 1. Dis-
shows the closing spring is Charged. connect the plug jumper from the switchgear first and
2. Repeat the Spring Discharge Check. next from the circuit breaker.
3. Verify that the springs are discharged and the breaker 5. Perform the Spring Discharge Check again. Verify that
primary contacts are open by indicator positions. the closing springs are discharged and the primary con-
tacts of the 3AH circuit breaker are open.
As-Found and Vacuum Check Tests - Perform and record
the results of both the As-Found insulation test and the Final Mechanical Inspections without Control Power
vacuum check high-potential test. Procedures for these
tests are described in the Maintenance Section of this 1. Make a final mechanical inspection of the circuit
manual. breaker. Verify that the contacts are in the Open posi-
tion, and the closing springs are Discharged.
Automatic Spring Charging Check
Note: A temporary source of control power and test leads 2. Verify mechanical condition of springs.
may be required if the control power source has not been 3. Check for loose hardware.
The control connector for the control and signalling cables The forces that occur when the action of the insulated cou-
is a multi contact plug. pler is converted into the vertical action of the moving con-
tact are absorbed by guide link, which pivots on lower in-
terrupter support and eye bolt.
Operating Mechanism
The operating mechanism is comprised of the mechanical
and electrical components required to:
58 54
50.4.1 64.1
Auxiliary Switch (Figure 6) The crank (62.2) on the charging shaft moves the linkage
The auxiliary switch (68) is actuated by the jack shaft (63) (55.1) by acting on the control lever (55.2). The closing
and link (68.1). spring charged indication is thus canceled and, the limit
switches (50.4) switch in the control supply to cause the
Mode of Operation closing spring to recharge immediately.
The operating mechanism is of the stored-energy trip free
type, i.e., the charging of the spring is not automatically Trip Free Operation (Figure 6)
followed by the contacts changing position, and the clos- The trip free coupling rod (62.8) permits the immediate
ing function may be overridden by a trip command at any de-coupling of the drive lever (62.6) and the jack shaft (63)
time. to override closing action by trip command or by means
of the racking interlocks.
When the stored-energy mechanism has been charged,
the instant of operation can be chosen as desired. The trip free coupling rod (62.8) forms a link between the
drive lever (62.6) and the jack shaft (63). The rigidity of
The mechanical energy for carrying out an “open-close- this link depends upon a spring return latch carried within
open” sequence for auto-reclosing duty is stored in the the coupling rod. The latch pivots within the coupling rod
closing and tripping springs. and is normally positioned to ensure the rigidity of the
coupling rod. Trip free coupling link (62.8.2) and trip free
Charging coupling lever (62.8.3) cause the spring return latch posi-
The details of the closing spring charging mechanism are tion to be dependent upon the normal tripping compo-
shown in Figures 6. The charging shaft is supported in the nents and the racking interlock. Thus, whenever a trip com-
charging mechanism (50.2), but is not coupled mechani- mand is applied or the breaker is not in the fully CON-
cally with the charging mechanism. Fitted to it are the NECT or TEST position, the trip free coupling rod is no
crank (62.2) at one end, and the cam (62.3), together with longer rigid, effectively decoupling the drive lever and jack
lever (62.5), at the other. shaft. Under these conditions the vacuum interrupter con-
tacts cannot be closed.
When the charging mechanism is actuated by hand with a
hand crank or by a motor (50.4), the flange (50.3) turns Opening (Figure 6)
until the driver (50.3.1) locates in the cutaway part of cam If the breaker is to be tripped locally, the tripping spring
disc (62.3), thus causing the charging shaft to follow. The (64) is released by pressing the trip button (54). In the
crank (62.2) charges the closing spring (62). When this case of an electrical command being given, the shunt trip
has been fully charged, the crank actuates the linkage (55.1) coil 52T (54.1) unlatches the tripping spring (64).
via control lever (55.2) for the “closing spring charged”
indicator (55), and actuates the limit switches (50.4.1) for The tripping spring turns the jack shaft (63) via lever (63.5);
interrupting the motor supply. At the same time, the lever the sequence being similar to that for closing.
(62.5) at the other end of the charging shaft is securely
locked by the latching pawl (62.5.2). When the closing
spring is being charged, cam disc (62.3) follows idly, i.e., it
is brought into position for closing.
Elementary Diagram
Undervoltage Release Since the striker pin of the undervoltage release 3AX1103
The undervoltage release is used for continuous monitor- is latched only when the armature is attracted, this trip is
ing of the tripping supply voltage. If this supply voltage provided with a screw (29) (see Figure 11), for locking the
falls excessively, the undervoltage release will provide for striker pin (23) in the normal position for adjusting pur-
automatic tripping of the breaker. poses or for carrying out trial operations during breaker
servicing. Position A (blocked) disables the undervoltage
The undervoltage device may be used for manual or relay release. Position B is the normal (operating) position.
tripping by employing a contact in series with undervoltage
device holding coil. Relay tripping may also be achieved
by employing a normally open contact in parallel with the 23 11 21 25 27 7 31
holding coil. If this scheme is used, a resistor must be
provided to limit current when the normally open contact
is closed. 33
Shock Absorber
Type 3AH circuit breakers are equipped with a sealed, oil-
filled, viscous damper, or shock absorber (61.8) Figure 6.
The purpose of this shock absorber is to limit overtravel
and rebound of the vacuum interrupter movable contacts
during the conclusion of an opening operation. The shock
absorber action affects only the end of an opening opera-
Auxiliary Switch
Figure 6 shows the breaker mounted auxiliary switch. This
switch provides auxiliary contacts for control of circuit
breaker closing and tripping functions. Contacts are avail-
able for use in relaying and external logic circuits. This
switch is driven by linkages connected to the jack shaft.
The auxiliary switch contains both ‘b’ (Normally Closed)
and ‘a’ (Normally Open) contacts. When the circuit breaker
is open, the ‘b’ switches are closed and the ‘a’ switches are
Figure 11. Undervoltage Block/Operate Selection
Table 1. Maintenance Tasks Also, the vacuum integrity check is usually performed in
conjunction with the High Potential tests.
• Checks of the primary power path
• Cleanliness check These instructions follow the recommendation that these
• Inspection of primary disconnects tests (contact erosion/manual spring charging check, and
vacuum integrity/high potential tests) will be combined as
• Checks of the stored energy operator mechanism
• Maintenance and lubrication
• Fastener check Cleanliness Check
• Manual spring charging check Figure 2 is a side view of the 3AH circuit breaker with the
• Contact erosion check insulating barriers removed (if furnished) to show the
vacuum interrupter, and the upper and lower primary dis-
• Electrical control checks
• Wiring and terminals check
• Secondary disconnect check All of these components must be cleaned and free of dirt
• Automatic spring charging check or any foreign objects. Use a dry lint-free cloth. For stub-
• Electrical close and trip check born dirt, use a clean cloth saturated with denatured alco-
• Vacuum integrity check
• High potential test Checks of the Stored Energy Operator Mechanism
The stored energy operator checks are divided into me-
• Insulation test chanical and electrical checks for simplicity and better or-
• Contact resistance test ganization. This first series of checks determine if the ba-
sic mechanism is clean, lubricated and operates smoothly
• Inspection and cleaning of breaker insulation without control power. The contact erosion check of the
vacuum interrupter is also performed during these tasks.
• Functional tests
Maintenance and Lubrication
The list of tasks in Table 1 does not represent an exhaus-
Table 2: Maintenance and Lubrication Intervals (ANSI
tive survey of maintenance steps necessary to ensure safe
C37.06 Table 8 - Usual Service Conditions) Maintenance
operation of the equipment. Particular applications may
Based Upon Number of Breaker Closing Operations
require further procedures. Should further information be
desired or should particular problems arise which are not
covered sufficiently for the Purchaser’s purposes, the mat- Breaker Type Number of
ter should be referred to the local Siemens sales office. kV Years/Closing Operations
5 - 38 kV 10 years/10000 operations
The use of unauthorized parts in the repair of the The interrupter operator mechanism is shown in Figure 13
equipment, or tampering by unqualified personnel will
with the front cover and the operator control panel removed
result in dangerous conditions which wll cause death,
serious injury or equipment damage. to show construction details. Both the tripping spring and
the closing spring are shown. The movable end of the
Follow all safety instructions contained herein. closing spring is connected to a crank arm. The movable
end of the opening spring is connected to the jack shaft by
a pull rod.
Checks of the Primary Power Path
The primary power path consists of the three vacuum in-
Clean the entire stored energy operator mechanism with a
terrupters, the three upper and the three lower primary
dry, lint-free cloth.
disconnects. These components are checked for cleanli-
ness and condition. The vacuum interrupters are also
Check all components for evidence of excessive wear. Place
checked for vacuum integrity.
special attention upon the closing spring crank and the
various pushrods and linkages.
Some test engineers prefer to perform the contact erosion
check during the manual spring charging check of the op-
erator, since charging of the springs is necessary to place
the contacts in the closed position.
Anderol 732
Beacon 325 or Supermil A-72832
Figure 13. Front View of Operator Mechanism
High Speed Moving Parts. Can cause Rated Max. Interrupting Rated Curve Number
serious injury. Voltage Class Current Graph Curve
Tripping spring is charged. If trip latch is 4.76kV 250MVA 36kA A 3
moved, the stored energy springs will dis- 4.76kV 350MVA 49kA C 10
charge rapidly.
8.25kV 500MVA 41kA C 8
Avoid physical contact with circuit breaker 15kV 500MVA 23kA B 4
parts subjected to sudden, high speed move- 15kV 750MVA 36kA A 3
15kV 1000MVA 48kA C 9
38kV 1500MVA 35kA D 13
4. Press the red Trip pushbutton after completing the con-
tact erosion check. Visually verify the Discharge con- 4.76kV 31.5kA 31.5kA B 6
dition of the closing springs and that the circuit breaker 4.76kV 40kA 40kA C 7
contacts are Open. 4.76kV 50kA 50kA C 11
8.25kV 40kA 40kA C 7
5. Press the black Close pushbutton. Nothing should hap- 15kV 20kA 20kA A 1
pen. The manual spring check should demonstrate 15kV 25kA 25kA B 5
smooth operation of the operating mechanism. 15kV 31.5kA 31.5kA B 6
15kV 40kA 40kA C 7
Electrical Control Checks 15kV 50kA 50kA C 11
The electrical controls of the 3AH circuit breaker should be 27kV 25kA 25kA A 2
checked during inspections to verify absence of any me- 38kV 31.5kA 31.5kA D 12
chanical damage, and proper operation of the automatic
spring charging and Close and Trip circuits.
Primary tasks of this check are:
Unless otherwise noted, all of these tests are performed
without any control power applied to the circuit breaker. 1. The breaker is energized with control power for this
Check of the Wiring and Terminals
2. Energize the control power source.
1. Physically check all of the breaker wiring for evidence
of abrasion, cuts, burning or mechanical damage. 3. When control power is connected to the circuit breaker,
the closing springs should automatically charge. Vi-
2. Check all terminals to be certain they are solidly at- sually verify that the closing springs are charged.
tached to their respective device.
Note: A temporary source of control power and test leads
may be required if the control power source has not been
connected to the switchgear. When control power is con-
Hazardous voltages and high-speed nected to the 3AH circuit breaker, the closing springs should
mechanical parts. automatically charge.
Will cause death, severe personal injury, or
property damage.
De-energize before working on this
Read instruction manuals, observe safety in-
structions and limit use to qualified person-
Electrical Close and Trip Check After checking the vacuum, reconnect the lever (48.6) to
(Control Power Required) the insulated coupler (48).
A check of the breaker control circuits is performed while
the unit is still connected to the switchgear by the plug High-Potential Tests
jumper. This check is made with the breaker energized by The next series of tests (Vacuum Integrity Test and Insula-
control power from the switchgear. tion Tests) involve use of high voltage test equipment. The
breaker under test should be inside a suitable test barrier
1. Once the breaker springs are charged, move the Close/ equipped with warning lights.
Trip switch to the Close position. There should be both
the sound of the breaker closing and indication that Vacuum Integrity Check (using Dielectric Test)
the breaker contacts are closed by the main contact A high potential test is used to verify the vacuum integrity
status indicator. of the circuit breaker. The test is conducted on the circuit
breaker with its primary contacts in the Open position.
2. As soon as the breaker has closed, the automatic spring
charging process is repeated.
3. After a satisfactory close operation is verified, move
the Close/Trip switch to the Trip position. Verify by both Hazardous voltages used in high potential
sound and contact position that the contacts are open.
Completion of these checks demonstrates satisfactory Will cause severe personal injury and
operation of auxiliary switches, internal relays and so- death.
lenoids. Follow safe procedures, exclude unnecessary
personnel and use safety barriers. Keep
Checks of the Spring Charging Motor away from the breaker during application of
No additional checks of the spring charging motor are nec- test voltages.
essary. Disconnect the plug jumper from between
the circuit breaker and switchgear before
Vacuum Interrupters conducting high potential tests.
The life expectancy of vacuum interrupters is a function of
the number of interruptions and magnitude of current in- After test completion, ground both ends and
the middle portion of the vacuum interrupter
terrupted (Table 3 and Figure 15).
to dissipate any static charges.
They must also be replaced before certain amount of me-
chanical operations (Table 5) or when the contacts have
been eroded beyond allowed limits. Vacuum tube replace-
ment procedures are detailed in the following maintenance
instructions. Vacuum interrupters may emit X-ray
The curve is Figure 15 is offered as a guide to life expectancy.
Can cause personal injury.
Interrupter Vacuum Check Mechanical (Figures 16) Keep personnel more than six (6) feet away
Before putting the breaker into service, or if an interrupter from a circuit breaker under test.
is suspected of leaking as a result of mechanical damage,
check the vacuum either mechanically as described in this
section or alternatively electrically using a high potential
High Potential Test Voltages
test set as described in the next section.
The voltages for high potential tests are shown in Table 4.
Open and isolate the breaker and detach the insulated cou-
pler (48) from lever (48.6) (Figure 16). Table 4. High Potential Test Voltages
The atmospheric pressure will force the moving contact of Equipment kV Max AC rms Max DC Avg
a hermetically sealed interrupter into the “Closed” posi-
tion, causing lever (48.6) to move into the position shown 4.76kV 14kV 20kV
in Figure 16.
8.25kV 27kV 38kV
A vacuum interrupter may be assumed to be intact if it
shows the following characteristics: 15kV 27kV 38kV
Figure 16. 3AH Pole Assembly / Vacuum Check Mechanical / Contact Resistance Test
3. Apply test voltage across each pole for one minute. Insulation and Contact Resistance Test Equipment
(Breaker open). In addition to the High Potential Test Equipment capable
of test voltages as listed in Table 4, the following equip-
4. If the pole sustains the test voltage for that period, its ment is also required:
vacuum integrity has been verified. • AC High Potential tester with test voltage of 1500 volts,
60 Hz
Note: This test includes not only the vacuum interrupter,
but also the other insulation components in parallel with • Test equipment for contact resistance tests.
the interrupter. These include the standoff insulators and
Insulation and Contact Resistance Test Procedure Inspection and Cleaning of Breaker Insulation
1. Observe safety precaution listed in the danger and cau- 1. Perform the Spring Discharge Check on the circuit
tion advisories for the Vacuum Integrity Check tests. breaker after all control power is removed. The Spring
Discharge Check consists of 1) depressing the red Trip
2. Close the circuit breaker. Ground each pole not under pushbutton, 2) then depressing the black Close
test. Use manual charging, closing and tripping pro- pushbutton, and 3) again depressing the red Trip
cedures. pushbutton. All of these controls are on the breaker
front panel. visually verify the Discharge condition of
3. Apply the proper AC or DC (Table 3) high potential test the springs.
voltage between a primary conductor of the pole and
ground for one minute. 2. Remove any interphase and outerphase barriers if fur-
nished (applicable for certain types only).
4. If no disruptive discharge occurs, the insulation sys-
tem is satisfactory. 3. Clean barriers and post insulators using clean cloth
and one of the following solvents:
5. After test, ground both ends and the middle of each
• No. 2 or No. 2 denatured alcohol
vacuum bottle to dissipate any static charge.
• Isopropyl or isobutyl alcohol
6. Disconnect the leads to the spring charging motor.
4. Replace all barriers. Check all visible fasteners again
7. Connect all points of the secondary disconnect with a for condition and tightness.
shorting wire. Connect the shorting wire to the high
potential lead of the high voltage tester, and ground
the breaker housing. Starting with zero volts, gradu- Note: Do not use any cleaning compounds contain-
ally increase the test voltage to 1500 volts rms, 60 Hz. ing chlorinated hydrocarbons such as trichlorethyl-
Maintain test voltage for one minute. ene, perchlorethylene or carbon tetrachloride.
8. If no disruptive discharge occurs, the secondary con- These compounds will damage the phenylene ether
trol insulation level is satisfactory. copolymer material used in the barriers and other
insulation on the circuit breaker.
9. Disconnect the shorting wire and re-attach the leads
to the spring charging motor.
Functional Tests
10. Perform contact resistance tests of the primary con- Refer to the Installation Checklist in the Installation Checks
tacts. The resistance should be read between the lower and Initial Functional Tests section of this manual. Func-
and upper terminal pads (Figure 16). Contact resis- tional tests consist of performing at least three (3) Manual
tance should not exceed the values listed in Table 5. Spring Charging Checks and three (3) Automatic Spring
Charging Checks. After these tests are complete, and the
Table 5. Maximum Contact Resistance springs fully discharged, all fasteners and connections are
checked again for tightness and condition.
Current Rating Contact Resistance
(Amps) (Micro-Ohms)
1200 35
2000 30
3000 30
1.5 Free struts (28) from the upper pole support (20). 2. Installing an Interrupter
Loosen the strut hardware on the lower support
(40) and swing the struts forward and downward. NOTE: Replacement interrupter (30) will be received
from the factory with an eyebolt (36.3) in place, ad-
1.6 Loosen screws fastening the centering ring (28.1). justed and torqued to specific requirements. DO NOT
1.7 Remove bolt (31.2), lockwasher and large washer
at stationary contact of the vacuum interrupter.
Carefully note location of the conductive spacer 2.1 Inspect all silver plated connection surfaces for
between interrupter and pole support. This spacer cleanliness. Clean only with a cloth and solvent.
has a concave surface which must be handled with Do not abraid.
care to avoid damage.
2.2 Insert interrupter (30) in the lower pole support
1.8 Using a deep socket, loosen and remove hex (40) with the evacuation nipple (P) (if applicable)
capscrew fastening the upper pole support to the facing the mechanism housing. Slip terminal
post insulator. Completely remove the upper pole clamp (29.2) into position on the movable stem.
support and set aside.
Figure 18.
Technique for Fastening Terminal Clamp Hardware
2.5 Attach struts (28) to the upper pole support (20) 3. Checking the Contact Stroke
replace hardware (M10), but do not tighten at this
time. 3.1 Open the circuit breaker.
2.6 Couple levers (48.6) to the eyebolt (36.3), using 3.2 Free insulating coupler (48) by removing pin
the pin supplied. Apply retention clips. Appro- (48.5). The interrupter contacts must now close
priate pin is modestly chamfered, not to be con- automatically as a consequence of atmospheric
fused with pin or the insulated coupler. pressure.
2.7 Raise terminal clamp (29.2) against the spacer 3.3 Observe the terminal clamp (29.2) through the
(29.3) on the movable terminal of the vacuum tube openings on each side of the lower pole support
(36.1) and position the interrupter (30) so that its (40). Using vernier calipers measure the distance
groove faces the connecting surface of flexible from the bottom surface of the terminal clamp to
strap (29.1). Refer to Figure 18 and employ tech- the bottom edge of the cutout opening. Measure
nique illustrated to fasten terminal clamp. Note carefully and record your result.
opposing wrenches. Tighten the bolt(s) of the ter-
minal clamp to a torque of 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.), tak- 3.4 Connect the insulating coupler (48) using pin (48.5)
ing care to see that the terminal of the interrupter and the retaining clips provided.
is not subjected to excessive bending movement.
3.5 Repeat the measurement described in step 3.3
NOTE: Excessive bending movement exerted while again with care to maximize accuracy. Record
fastening the terminal clamp will damage the vacuum your result.
3.6 Determine difference between the measurements
2.8 Align pole support (20) correctly and tighten bolt made under steps 3.3 and 3.5. Your result should
fastening it to the post insulator. Fasten securely be 19-20mm (0.748-0.787 in.)
all bolts associated with struts (28).
3.7 If you fail to achieve the listed results carefully,
2.9 Tighten interrupter fastening bolt (31.2) on the up- repeat the entire procedure making certain of your
per pole support (20) holding the interrupter firmly measurements.
by its upper insulator and operate levers (48.6),
by hand, to see whether the movable contact 3.8 Loosen locking nut on eyebolt on insulated cou-
moves freely. If any binding or lack of freedom is pler (48), and retain position of the eye. Make
noted, loosen bolt (31.2) and adjust the interrupter adjustments in one-half turn increments. After
in pole support by turning and moving it slightly. adjustment is completed, tighten eyebolt locking
nut to 26-34 ft-lb. (35-45 Nm).
2.10 The centering ring (28.1) has been loose and “float-
ing” during installation of the vacuum interrupter. 4. After eyebolt is tightened to proper torque, repeat all
Check that the movable contact is free to move measurement procedures, making certain they are in
vertically without binding, and then tighten the agreement with values indicated in 3.6.
hardware which secures the centering ring. Re-
check that the movable contact is free to move 5. Complete all other maintenance procedures. Com-
vertically without binding. pletely reassembled breaker should pass high poten-
tial test before it is ready for service.
2.11 Attach insulating coupler (48) and lever (48.6) to-
gether, using pin (48.5). Apply retaining clips. Hydraulic Shock Absorber
Correct pin has ends which have been generously The 3AH mechanism is equipped with hydraulic shock ab-
chamfered. sorber and a stop bar that functions when the breaker
opens. See item 61.8, (Figure 6). The shock absorber
2.12 Open and close breaker several times and then should require no adjustment. However, at maintenance
check to see that all bolted joints and devices are checks, the shock absorber should be examined for evi-
tight. dence of leaking. If evidence of fluid leakage is found, the
shock absorber must be replaced to prevent damage to
the vacuum interrupter bellows.
Vacuum Interrupter 1. Record contact resistance with contacts closed, and re-check
Contact Resistance each year to monitor condition.
Table 8. Troubleshooting
Breaker fails to close Closing springs will not 1. Secondary control circuit is de-
automatically charge energized or control circuit fuses
are blown. Check and energize
or replace if necessary
2. Secondary disconnect contacts
15 or 16 are not engaging. Check
and replace if required.
3. Damage to wiring, terminals or
connectors. Check and repair as
4. Failure of charging motor (88)
Replace if required.
5. Motor cut-off switch LS21 or LS22
fails to operate. Replace if nec-
6. Mechanical failure of operating
mechanism. Refer to factory or
authorized service shop.
Circuit breaker will not trip Tripping coil, or solenoid (52T) 1. Secondary control power is de-
does not energize. There is no energized or control power fuses
tripping sound. are blown. Correct as indicated.
2. Damage to wiring, terminals or
connectors. Check and repair as
3. No tripping signal to secondary
disconnect contact 1. Check for
continuity and correct relay logic.
4. Secondary disconnect contacts 1
or 2 are not engaging. Check and
replace if required.
5. Failure of trip coil (52T). Check
and replace if necessary.
6. Auxiliary switch NO contacts 23-
24 or 33-34 are open when
breaker is closed. Check linkage
and switch. Replace or adjust as
ANSI C37.04-1979 Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
ANSI C37.06-1987 AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis- Preferred Ratings and Related Required Capabilities
ANSI C37.09-1979 Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
ANSI C37.010-1979 Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
Maximum Design Voltage ( V ) (2) kV rms 4.76 4.76 8.25 15.0 15.0 15.0 38
Voltage Range Factor ( K ) (3) —— 1.24 1.19 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.30 1.65
1. High close and latch (momentary) rating available for special application
2. Maximum voltage for which the circuit breaker is designed, and the upper limit for operation.
3. K is the ratio of the rated maximum design voltage to the lower limit of the range of operating voltage in which the required
symmetrical and asymmetrical interrupting capabilites vary in inverse proportion to the operating voltage.
4. To obtain the required symmetrical interrupting capability of a circuit breaker at an operating voltage between 1/K times rated
maximum design voltage and rated maximum design voltage, the following formula shall be used:
Required Symmetrical Interrupting Capability = Rated Short-Circuit Current ( I ) X [ ( Rated Maximum Design Voltage ) / ( Operating
Voltage ) ]
For operating voltages below 1/K times rated maximum design voltage, the required symmetrical interrupting capability of the
circuit breaekr shall be equal to K times rated short-circuit current.
5. Within the limitations stated in ANSI C37.04-1979, all values apply to polyphase and line-to-line faults. For single phase-to-ground
faults, the specific conditions stated in clause of ANSI C37.04-1979 apply.
6. Current values in this row are not to be exceeded even for operating voltage below 1/K times rated maximum design voltage. For
operating voltages between rated maximum design voltage and 1/K times rated maximum design voltage, follow footnote 5 above.
7. Current values in this row are independent of operating voltage up to and including rated maximum design voltage.
8. “Nominal 3-Phase MVA Class” is included for reference only - this information is not listed in ANSI C37.06-1987.
9. Standard duty cycle is CO - 15s - CO
Table A-1b
Type 3AH Circuit Breaker Ratings (New “Constant kA” Rating Basis)
ANSI C37.09-1999 Standard Test Procedure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
ANSI C37.010-1999 Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis
Maximum Design Voltage ( V ) (1) kV rms 4.76 4.76 4.76 8.25 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 27.0 38.0
Voltage Range Factor ( K ) (2) —— 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
kA rms
Short-Circuit ( I ) (4) (5) 31.5 40 50 40 20 25 31.5 40 50 25 31.5
ms 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83
Interrupting Time
Cycles 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
kA rms
Max. Sym Interrupting ( I ) 31.5 40 50 40 20 25 31.5 40 50 25 31.5
% dc Component % 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
1. Maximum voltage for which the circuit breaker is designed, and the upper limit for operation.
2. K is listed for informational purposes only. For circuit breakers rated on a “kA basis”, the Voltage Range Factor is 1.0.
3. 3000FC indicates that fan cooling may be required in the switchgear structure to achieve this rating.
4. All values apply to polyphase and line-to-line faults.
5. Standard duty cycle is O - 0.3s - CO - 15s - CO.
Table A-2
Type 3AH Circuit Breaker Ratings
Table A-3
Interrupting Capacity of Breaker Auxiliary Switch Contacts
Non-Inductive 20 10 5 20(1) 5 3
Inductive 20 10 5 20(1) 5 3
1. 2 Contacts in series.
SGIM-9918 (9-2001) Printed in U.S.A. © 2001 Siemens Power Transmission & Distribution, Inc.
SIEMENS is a registered trademark of Siemens AG.