Teacher's Role in Creating Conducive /encouraging Learning Environment Who Is Teacher?

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Teacher’s role in creating conducive /encouraging learning

Who is Teacher?
A teacher (also called a school teacher or, in some contexts, an educator)
is a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, skills or
benefit.Informally the role of teacher  may be taken by anyone
Teacher as a ……
• Facilitator.
• Guider / Counselor,
• Instructor,
• Leader.?

Facilitator ????
• A facilitator is the person who assists individuals or a group of people
in grasping at their common targets and in achieving them without
any intervention on his/her behalf.

Teacher as a Facilitator
• Teachers must adapt new ways of teaching.
• Shifting roles from a lecturer to a facilitator.
• Provides resources, monitors progress and encourages students to
problem solve.
• Teachers must teach students to manage their own learning.
• The result will be students
Teachers find once the shift to facilitative learning is implemented, students
are more motivated
Guider ????
• One who serves as a model for others
• One who shows the way by leading, directing, or advising.
• Some one who serves to direct or indicate.
Role of teacher in guidance and conselling
 Plan guidance and conselling services
 Organize guidance and conselling service
 Assist other members of staff in their interaction of pupil
 Keep pupils records
 Make referals
 Evaluation
Instructor ????

An instructor is a teacher. One can be an instructor of just about

anything, but it usually applies to teaching hands-on skills, like teach
how to swim or the instructor of the knitting class held at the
community center

The teacher:instructor roles

 Pedagogical
 Professional
 Evaluator
 Social
 Technologist
 Administrator
 Advisors
 Researcher
Leader ????

• In schools, the term teacher-leader is commonly applied to teachers

who have taken on leadership roles and additional professional
responsibilities. The teacher-leader concept is closely related to voice
and shared leadership (the distribution of leadership roles and
decision-making responsibilities beyond the administrative team in a
district or school).
What is lesson..?
• A teacher’s plan for teaching an individual lesson.
• A lesson plan is a teacher’s detailed description of the course of
instruction or “learning trajectory” for a lesson. A daily lesson plan is
developed by a teacher to guide class learning
• Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject
being covered, and the needs of the students.
• A lesson is a structured period of time where learning is planned to
occur. It involves one or more students being taught by a
Teacher Or Instructor
What is planning..?
• Planning is a basic management function involving formulation /
prepration of one or more detailed plans to achieve best balance of
needs or demands with the available resources.
• Planning is the process of setting out in advance, strategies/plans,
policies, procedures, programmes and standards through which an
educational objective (or set of objectives) can be achieved
What is lesson plan..?
• A teacher’s detailed description of the course of instruction for an
individual lesson.
• A lesson plan is a written guide for trainers plans in order to achieve
the proposed learning outcomes.
• It provides specific definition and direction on learning
• Objectives, Tools, Instructional media, material requirements,
conduct of the training

What to consider when writing a lesson plan..?

Know your Students

• Ability & interest levels
• Backgrounds
• Attention
• Ability to work together in groups
• Prior knowledge and learning experiences
• Special needs or accommodations
• Learning preferences
Know the content
• Subject material that you will be teaching
• State/School district curriculum guides
• National/state curriculum standards
• Know the instructional mat Technology, software, audio/visuals,
community resources, equipment, library resources, local guest
speakers, etc

Key components of a lesson plan

1- Profile
2- Objective
3- Materials
4- Procedure
5- Assessment

Key components of a lesson plan

1- Profile
 Basic information about the lesson
 Name of lesson
 Subject
 Grade Level
 Instructional Settings: Small Group, Whole class
 General Description of lesson
 Standards
2- Objective
• Determine what you want students to learn and be able to do
• A specific result that a person or system aims to achieve within
a time frame and within available resources.
• The objectives should be specific and smart, easier to measure.
• Objectives are basic tools that underlie all planning and
strategic activities.
3- Materials
• Instructional materials are the tools used in educational lessons,
which includes active learning and assessment.
• Basically, any resource a teacher uses to help him teach his students
is an instructional material. Like
Audio visual aids, Text books, Charts, Journal Articles, Multimedia
materials, Computer, Internet connection etc
4- Procedure
• Outlining the steps of the teaching process
• Useful instructional strategies
• Using the appropriate technique in your lesson plan
5- Assessment
 Assess the outcome and to what extent the objectives were
 Ensure the assessment activity is directly and clearly tied to the
stated objectives
 Some commonly used assessment activities:
 Quizzes
 Tests
 Independently performed worksheets
 Cooperative learning activities
 Oral discussion
Question and answer sessions

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