Unit 2 Current To Voltage
Unit 2 Current To Voltage
Unit 2 Current To Voltage
1. The output current equation for MC1408 digital to analog converter would be
a) Io= -(Vref/R1)×[(D7/2)+(D6/4)+(D5/8)+(D4/16)+(D3/32)+(D2/64)+(D1/128)+(D0/256)].
b) Io= (Vref/2R1)×[(D7/2)+(D6/4)+(D5/8)+(D4/16)+(D3/32)+(D2/64)+(D1/128)+(D0/256)].
c) Io= (Vref/R1)×[(D7/2)+(D6/4)+(D5/8)+(D4/16)+(D3/32)+(D2/64)+(D1/128)+(D0/256)].
d) Io= -(Vref/2R1)×[(D7/2)+(D6/4)+(D5/8)+(D4/16)+(D3/32)+(D2/64)+(D1/128)+(D0/256)].
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Answer: c
Explanation: MC1408 is a combination of a DAC and current to voltage converter. If the
binary signal is input to MC1408 DAC then the output current would be,
Io= (Vref/R1)×[ (D7/2)+(D6/4)+(D5/8)+(D4/16)+(D3/32)+(D2/64)+(D1/128)+(D0/256)].
2. Determine the maximum value of output current of the DAC in MC1408?
a) 0.773×(Vref/R1)
b) 0.448×(Vref/R1)
c) 0.996×(Vref/R1)
d) 0.224×(Vref/R1)
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Answer: c
Explanation: The output current of DAC is the maximum when all the inputs are logic 1.
Therefore, Io= (Vref/R1)×(1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128/+1/256)=(0.996)×(V ref/R1).
3. Determine the range or the output voltage?
a) 0 – 2.51v
b) 0 – 2.22v
c) 0 – 3.74v
d) 0 – 4.93v
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Answer: d
Explanation: When all binary input D0 through D7 are logic 0, the current Io =0.
∴ The minimum value of Vo =0v.
When all the inputs are at logic 1, Io = (Vref/R1) ×
(1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128/+1/256) = (3/2kΩ) × (0.996) =1.494mA.
Hence, the maximum value of output voltage is V o= Io×RF = 1.494×3.3kΩ =4.93v. Thus,
the output voltage range is from 0 to 4.93v.
4. Calculate the change in the output voltage if the photocell is exposed to light of
0.61lux from a dark condition. Specification: Assume that the op-amp is initially nulled,
Minimum dark resistance = 100kΩ and resistance when illuminated (at 0.61lux) = 1.5kΩ.
a) 3mA
b) 6mA
c) 4mA
d) 2mA
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Answer: d
Explanation: Output current, Io = Vin /R1 = 10/5kΩ =2mA.
3. Which of the following application uses voltage to current converter?
a) Low voltage dc and ac voltmeter
b) Diode match finding
c) Light emitting diode
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In all the applications mentioned above, the input voltage V in is converted
into an output current of Vin/R1 or the input voltage appear across resistor.
4. The op-amp in low voltage DC voltmeter cannot be nullified due to
a) D’Arsonaval meter movement
b) Offset voltage compensating network
c) Selection of switch
d) Gain of amplifier
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Answer: a
Explanation: The op-amp sometimes cannot be nullified because the output is very
sensitive to even slight variation in wiper position of D’Arsonaval meter movement
(ammeter with a full scale deflection of 1mA).
5. What is the maximum input voltage that has to be selected to calibrate a dc voltmeter
with a full scale voltage range of 1-13v.
a) ≤ ±14v
b) ≥ ±13v
c) ≤ ±15v
d) = ±14v
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Answer: a
Explanation: The maximum input voltage has to be ≤ ±14v, to obtain the maximum full
scale input voltage of 13v.
6. Higher input voltage can be measured in low voltage DC voltmeter using
a) Smaller resistance value
b) Higher resistance value
c) Random resistance value
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Higher resistance values are required to measure relatively higher input
voltage. For example, if the range of switch is at x10 position in the low voltage dc
voltmeter then, the corresponding resistance value would be 10kΩ. So, it requires a 10v
input to get a full scale deflection (if 1v cause full scale deflection in the ammeter with a
full scale deflection of 1mA).
7. In the diagram given below, determine the deflection of the ammeter with a full scale
deflection of 1mA when the switch is at X2kΩ. Consider resistance of the offset voltage
compensating network to be 10Ω.