Meeting Agenda Organizer: XYZ Company Date and Time: 8 Meeting Type: Formal Location: Workplace Attendees: All The Newly Recruited Staffs

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Meeting Agenda

Organizer: XYZ Company Date and Time: 8th December 2020, 10 am – 12pm
Meeting Type: Formal Location: Workplace
Attendees: All the newly recruited staffs

Meeting Purpose and set up:

The meeting purpose is staff training and development. The meeting agenda is to provide quality
training to the staffs and enhance their development. Staff training and development is a term
that is sometimes used synonymously across industries and includes different employee learning

Every staff member, especially the newly joined will be the attendees. The meeting will be done
at the workplace itself.

Training and development will provoke review and preparation of the business. Business owners
are also expected to review current talent and identify growth and advancement prospects
directly rather than by recruiting. Organizations will need to recognize the growth of digital and
online training in the creation of talent.

Topic Subjects Notes and Action Items

Staff Training and Development Positive Staff Retention Recruitment and promotion can be a big obstacle
for employers, but this may be prevented by job
growth. Learning systems have been so centralized
within companies that they are also seen as
strategic assets when employed. Providing
programs within the context of job contracts offers
workers a sense of value within the organization
and promotes engagement and eventually retention
of personnel.

Training Future Supervisors Targeting capabilities and future managerial

personnel will help to build up a company for
success and transformation. Attaining leadership
talent may commence from the actual recruitment,
or existing personnel can be chosen by human
resources experts as management applicants. The
establishment of leadership development programs
means that the company continues to consider
potential corporate priorities through the
development of marketable talent.

Staff Empowerment Leaders who are motivated in the workplace would

be more successful in manipulating and trusting
workers. As a result, these workers will have a
greater degree of control, value and faith in their

Increase Workplace Boredom in the job may generate feelings of

Engagement frustration and unhealthy working patterns. Normal
growth programs will avoid laziness in the
workplace. Repeated training programs would also
create a daily re-evaluation of staff, qualifications
and procedures. Training and development would
also affect the atmosphere of the business by
concentrating on scheduling.

Digital Learning Ensuring staff having time to learn was the top

challenge affecting workforce growth in 2018.
Business owners need to reduce any aversion to
learning by involving talent across the current
channels on which they have opted to invest their
time. Training can be provided across various
channels, diverse in its mobility i.e. personalized

Increase Innovation in The measures involved in the planning plan start

Strategies with the setting of company priorities. Employers
and growth experts should ask themselves what
market factors and goals we think would have an
impact on preparation. Leaders will need to
determine what expertise are required within the
organization, again associating it with the
overarching goals. 

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