Journal Dental Implant 1
Journal Dental Implant 1
Journal Dental Implant 1
Review Article
Diagnosis for dental implant
Rohit Singh1 , Irfanul Huda1, *, Aaysha Tabinda Nabi2 , Supriya Singh3 , Kumar Anand4
1 Dept. of Prosthodontic, Patna Dental College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
2 Dept. Of Periodontology, Buddha Institute Of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
3 Awadh Dental College and Hospital, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India
4 Dept. of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Buddha Institute of Dental Sciences and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India
Article history: Various factor have been discussed in the literatures that facilitate clinical assessment for dental implant
Received 30-05-2020 selection and placement with consequent hard and soft tissue enhancement around the implant prosthesis.
Accepted 05-06-2020 The sequential process of clinical examination, laboratory tests, radiographic analysis, diagnostic protocols
Available online 24-09-2020 of casts, wax ups. Along with the treatment needs and desires of the patient have to be factored in for the
overall diagnosis and prognosis of implant therapy. A step-by-step methodology has been created to help
the implant practitioner with a checklist that aims to create the optimal plan for each case. 1
Diagnosis © 2020 Published by Innovative Publication. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license
Dental Implant (
& Treatment Planing
2581-4796/© 2020 Innovative Publication, All rights reserved. 135
136 Singh et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(3):135–139
2.4. Bony anatomy of implant site and its evaluation may be indicative of temporomandibular joint arthropathy
and neuromuscular imbalance of the head and neck.
The skeletal profile has both esthetics as well as well-
functional ramifications. The patient should be evaluated
aesthetically while inspecting the edentulous arch. Skeletal 3.2. Plain film radiography
profile classification relating the maxilla and the maxillary It is still the most widely used modality for pre and
arch to the mandible and the mandibular arch is done postoperative implant assessment. Both periapical and
with visual inspection mounted study models and by occlusal radiographs are known to provide the best image
cephalometric radiographs. Mounted study models can details with minimal geometric distortion of all the available
assist in properly evaluating the arch form as well as inter modalities. (frederiksen nl. 1995).
arch relationship. The arch geometry impacts the position of
dental implants., thus impacting the way the implants relate 3.3. Periapical radiograph
to each other in an anteroposterior direction In a V shaped
arch would land more easy to place implants with a great Provide detailed information regarding the dimensions in
anterior posterior ratio than a u-shaped arch or an arch with length and height of available bone in small sections.they
straight anterior ridge. are indicated for single tooth replacement, but it is difficult
to locate the inferior alveolar canal in the first molar
2.5. Smile analysis region and correct positioning of film is difficult in
edentulous region. They do not give information regarding
All aspects of patient’s smile should be analyzed and the buccolingual dimension and this modality is limited by
the patient’s esthetics, expectations should be documented its 2d nature. 2
preoperated digital photographs can be utilized to evaluate
and document the pretreatment smile. (chee w 2006) the 3.4. Occlusal radiograph
maxillary anterior teeth should show when the patient
smiles. The anterior arrangement of teeth including teeth Usually used in conjunction with the periapical radiographs
sizes as well as the positions in the arch should be and they show the buccolingual width between the extremes
documented. of buccal and lingual cortical plates.
While analyzing the smile, the implantologist should
look for any spaces, length of clinical crowns any recessions 3.5. Disadvantages
flaring teeth, attrition and shade of the teeth preoperative and
check the feasibility of creating the golden proportions of a 1. It fails to show the medial and lateral extent of cortical
pleasing smile postoperative. bone delineating the alveolar process as it displays only
the extremes of the cortical plate.
2. This modality is limited by its 2d nature.
3. Occlusion
The patient should be examined for the changes in occlusion 3.6. Panoramic radiograph
due to the missing teeth. There may be premature contacts
or major occlusal discrepancies due to trauma to occlusion. They display image slices through the jaws by producing
The patient’s existing occlusion should be evaluated. In a single image of the maxilla and mandible and their
conjunction with the development of the treatment plan supporting structures in a frontal plane they display
it is also necessary to create a diagnostic wax-up to anatomic structures like nasal cavity, maxillary sinus,
determine spatial relationship (mesial, distal, buccal, and inferior alveolar canal and mental foramen and indicated
lingual) as well as the alignment and parallelism of the when multiple implant placements are planned.
implants to be placed. In the edentulous space the tooth
or teeth are fabricated using a base plate The diagnostic 3.7. Disadvantages
wax-up is duplicated into a stone model and a surgical
The resolution is lesser when compared to intraoral
template is fabricated to assist the surgeon in proper
alignment, parallelism and direction of implants. The cuspid
relationship as well as posterior tooth contact in centric as
well as eccentric relationship should be documented. (chee 1. A 10-20% image magnification occurs, which is non
w and jivraj s. 2006.) uniform. This magnification is undesirable for both
implant selection and implant site assessments.
2. Geometric distortion and overlapping of images of
3.1. Temporomandibular joint teeth can occur.
The temporomandibular joint’s movement should be 3. Overlapping of anterior region by vertebral column
thoroughly examined. Alteration in mandibular movement occurs.(reiskin ab. 1998).
138 Singh et al. / IP Annals of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2020;6(3):135–139
7. Conflict of Interest Cite this article: Singh R, Huda I, Nabi AT, Singh S, Anand K.
Diagnosis for dental implant. IP Ann Prosthodont Restor Dent
None. 2020;6(3):135-139.