5.11 Farmyard - Domestic PDF
5.11 Farmyard - Domestic PDF
5.11 Farmyard - Domestic PDF
Our high quality water resources are a valuable national asset and represent an
essential foundation of our way of life. In addition to supplies of potable water and
wastewater services for households, industries such as agriculture, manufacturing,
tourism and fisheries also depend upon having abundant supplies of consistently good
quality water.
Measures to protect and improve water quality such as the continuing investment in
wastewater treatment facilities under the Water Services Investment Programme and the
Nitrates Action Programme are contributing much to address the challenge of nutrient
enrichment of our waters. We have made significant investments over recent years in
infrastructure to protect and enhance water quality, but further work is required in
order to achieve our targets under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) by 2015.
Ireland has pioneered the development of the ICW concept over the past two decades
for use in the treatment of polluted wastewater through natural biological processes.
ICWs integrate the sustainable management of land, water and biological resources
consistent with the ecosystem approach, to promote conservation and to enhance
biodiversity. In addition they have the potential to deliver on a substantial range of
other ecosystem services, including flood attenuation, amenity and recreation.
This guidance document provides a practical framework for good practice in the
design, site selection, construction and maintenance of ICWs. The particular focus of
this volume is on ICWs designed for the treatment of point sources of farmyard soiled
water and for domestic waste water. Later volumes are planned to deal specifically with
ICWs designed for applications such as the treatment of landfill leachate and diffuse
agricultural pollution. It is aimed at practitioners in the field of wastewater treatment,
planners, policy makers and other interested parties in both the public and private
The publication of this guidance would not have been possible without the
commitment and dedication of many organizations and individuals (duly
acknowledged elsewhere) whose knowledge and expertise was essential in bringing the
project to fruition. I would like to express my appreciation and thanks to all
Mr. John Gormley T.D.,
Minister for the Enviornment,
Heritage and Local Government.
November 2010
Acknowledgements 6
Chapter 1: Introduction 9
1.1 Social, economic and environmental coherence in managing
water-vectored pollution 9
1.2 Restoring emergent-vegetated wetlands and their environmental services 11
1.3 Integrated Constructed Wetlands 13
Chapter 6 Construction 68
6.1 Introduction 68
6.2 Pre-Construction 68
6.3 Construction 69
6.4 Fencing 74
6.5 Construction of Final Bio-monitoring Pond(s) 74
References 82
Further Reading 89
Figures and Tables
The Department also acknowledges the contribution of the Design Manual for
Constructed Farm Wetlands for Scotland & Northern Ireland and the earlier work
carried out by the ad-hoc ICW team which was further developed to produce this
Guidance Document.
Background: Integrated Constructed Wetland (ICW) concept
The concept can provide a practical and cost-effective solution for both the
management of water resources and the delivery of good ecological status for water
and its dependent habitats. While the ICW approach has the potential, with further
research and development, to address livestock wastewater, road/urban runoff, landfill
leachate and industrial wastewater, this Guidance Document focuses on dealing with
domestic wastewater and farmyard soiled water.
Chapter 1: Introduction
This Guidance Document is prepared for the application of the ‘Integrated Constructed
Wetland’ (ICW) concept in the management of point sources of farmyard soiled water
and domestic wastewater. Although primarily focusing on the treatment of domestic
wastewater and farmyard soiled water, the fundamental principles are generic and,
with further research and development, applicable to the management of polluted
waters from other sources e.g. landfill leachate, animal wastewater/ slurries, mining
waste, sludges and urban/road runoff1,2,3. Further guidance on specific issues on
management of polluted waters from these sources may issue to be added to this
Guidance Document.
The purpose of this Guidance Document is to provide comprehensive guidance for the
assessment, design and construction of ICW systems. This document parallels a similar
manual for Scotland and Northern Ireland4 and existing guidelines for Finland5. The
steps are outlined, ranging from assessing the appropriateness of an ICW in the first
instance, to its design, installation and the monitoring process. This involves several
decisions at each stage of the assessment and development process. The experience
and results, upon which this document is based, indicate that an effective, robust and
sustainable ICW can be established in a range of suitable locations. There will,
however, be variations in design and construction reflecting the site’s location and its
specific characteristics.
A common goal with regard to the management of polluted waters is the need for
‘closed-loop’ systems; making full use of the residual values of water-vectored
constituents in a way that does not impact negatively on the environment and that is
both socially and economically acceptable. These goals include the retrieval of
energy14, or its sequestration as organic or chemical carbon15, the recycling of nutrients16
and the reuse of water17 especially in drought-stressed conditions/regions. These goals
are sympathetic to the universally accepted principles of the ‘Ecosystem Approach’,
which promote a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living
resources, promoting nature conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way18.
The principles enshrined in the Ecosystem Approach are increasingly seen as the
framework for action with regard to sustainable water and natural resource
Using the fact that polluted waters have constituents that are an appropriate substrate
for further biological activity21, wetlands can provide social, economic and
environmental opportunities for integrated land and water management. One such
approach has been under development since the mid-1990s in Ireland. Rather than
being solely based upon environmental engineering, the concepts of restoration
ecology22 were applied, mimicking the structure of shallow emergent vegetated
wetlands23. This approach was termed the ‘Integrated Constructed Wetland’ (ICW)
concept1. This ICW concept combines various approaches to water, land and living
resource management by integrating three objectives:
The integration of these objectives is made with the expectation of achieving synergies
that might not otherwise be achieved if traditional land management strategies had
been adopted. The fundamental objective is the sustainable and holistic management
of polluted waters and associated land and water resources. The ICW concept
continues to be developed by applying the principles of ‘adaptive management’2.
Whilst initially developed for the farming community of the Annestown stream
catchment (c. 25km2) in south County Waterford, the ICW concept has potential for
application for the management of diverse point and diffuse polluted waters24. The
appropriate application of the ICW principles has relevance in contributing towards
achieving good chemical and ecological status for inland, transitional and coastal
waters as required under the EU Water Framework Directive.
Three factors are considered to be key when determining the successful application of
constructed wetlands to the holistic management of wastewater, namely:
- the ammonium-N concentration of the influent, and its effective removal
through nitrification and de-nitrification;
- phosphorus capture and retention, (which is generally considered to be the
most wetland area-dependent parameter25,26); and
- whether local soil materials are capable of providing effective protection to
This Document provides guidance for developers and regulators appropriate to the
influent and site-specific needs and is based on:
The guidance contained in this document is based upon experience gained from the
design, construction and operation of about 60 ICW systems built over the past 14
years. Two fundamental requirements are that ICW systems adequately treat
wastewaters and that any discharges from an ICW are beneficial or neutral in their
impact on the natural resources and ecologies of the location in which they are placed.
- economically viable, (taking account of capital costs, running costs and labour
- environmentally sustainable, providing capacities for water, carbon and nutrient
re-use, and
- an important addition to the landscape with significant amenity and biodiversity
While they are not a substitute for natural wetlands, they have a role in restoring values
lost through drainage and associated land management.
Natural wetlands may form wherever water slows or settles on its passage to the sea.
The saturation of soil catalyses a cascade of fundamental bio-geo-chemical changes in
soil structure and processes. Suites of microbial, plant and animal communities that
have evolved to live in water and water-saturated soils exploit these changes and
establish their own dynamic equilibrium by facilitating the retention of water and the
defence of their habitats29,30. The dynamic equilibrium found in many ecosystems is
maintained by various bio-geochemical feedback mechanisms, which in the case of
shallow, emergent vegetated wetlands are:
Of the diverse range of wetland types that are recognised by the 1971 International
Ramsar Convention for the conservation of wetlands (there are 42, grouped into three
categories), it is those classified as palustrine, emergent wetlands41 that come closest to
describing ICW structure and function, and that are used for this document.
These shallow, emergent-vegetated, surface-flow wetlands have robust and sustainable
capacities to improve water quality26,28,29.
The volume of influent polluted water can be greatly increased from rainfall falling on
paved and covered areas. The volume of precipitation is generally difficult to forecast in
Ireland and changes in rainfall patterns predicted by climate change are likely to
increase volumes of run-off entering collection systems.
During intense rainfall events conventional wastewater treatment systems may not be
able to deal with all polluted waters, which could lead to pollution of surface waters
and ground water47,48,49. Furthermore, sludges that require further management are
produced. When ICW systems are appropriately sized, designed and built they can
treat all intercepted effluents including short-term increases in volumes.
1. An effective multiple-bunded intercepting infrastructure for treatment of polluted
water within a defined area
2. Use of local materials with minimum ‘external costs’.
3. Low maintenance requirements.
4. Ease of commissioning/decommissioning.
5. Sustainable over a long lifetime (50 years or more).
6. A robust and segmented system designed for long life and ease of management,
with each segment having its own integrity, nutrient and biological status.
7. Increased biodiversity.
8. An inbuilt bio-monitoring capability that is in keeping with the principles
underlying the EU Water Framework Directive and the needs of regulation.
9. Recycling of captured nutrients in a de-watered/compost form after a period of
time (c. 10 to 20 years)
10. Carbon sequestration and low energy demands (subject to guidance on
methodology by EPA).
11. Potential to recycle treated water and sequestered organic matter.
12. Landscape fit and enhanced scenery.
13. Creation of an aesthetically enhanced area with potential recreational capacity.
1. Requires dedicated land
2. Requires competent skills for design, site analysis and characterisation, and
3. Requires regulatory authorisation by planning permission and discharge
4. Construction and establishment of vegetation may be weather dependent.
5. Creation of a potential water hazard if deep areas are included.
6. May pose a threat to surface and ground waters If inadequately designed,
constructed, or managed,
7. Will require ongoing informed management, monitoring and licensing.
CHAPTER 2: Site Assessment-General
2.1 Introduction
In keeping with the Ramsar (1971) and UNEP/CBD ‘Ecosystem Approach’ the decision
to use an ICW will be made on a joined-up evaluation of scientific, technological,
environmental, economic, logistical criteria, and the specific needs of the client. A
systematic and logical approach should be followed towards assessing a potential site
and the wastewater as to suitability for an ICW. An early assessment of a site’s overall
suitability and the properties/nature of the influent are required in order that time and
expense are not wasted.
This approach termed ‘Site Assessment’ comprises various tasks, including a desk study,
visual assessment, and site tests.
Facilitation of natural treatment processes Ensuring that the nature and properties of
the influent are known, that adequate
land space is available and that the
system can operate with low or zero
energy requirements.
Obtaining a good landscape fit Ensuring that the topography and the
existing landscape is adequately surveyed
and assessed.
The assessment must also determine whether the ICW discharges, either via surface or
ground, to any SAC, SPA or NHA. If it does so, an Appropriate Assessment will be
required to determine whether the effect is positive, negative or neutral.
ICWs should not be located such that they will have significant negative impacts on
any of the habitats or species for which a nature conservation site is designated, on the
site’s overall integrity or on any other protected species.
Not all sites of high biodiversity value are in protected areas and therefore a field visit
will be required to describe the site’s habitat according to the Heritage Council’s guide
to habitats in Ireland52, and to document the dominant plant species. Appropriate
ecological expertise will be required for such a survey. The presence of protected plant
species and use of the site by protected wild animals must also be assessed. The use of
site assessment protocols such as those widely used in EIA assessments can assist this
process. In general, when considering the location of ICWs sites, those with low
current biodiversity value should be selected, unless that would significantly decrease
the overall environmental benefits to be derived from the ICW. In particular, an ICW
should not be located within a natural wetland, unless it can be clearly demonstrated
through careful analysis that the environmental benefits gained by its construction
significantly outweigh the negative impacts on the wetland.
The generally recommended tool for environmental risk assessment is the ‘Hazard-
Risk can be defined as the likelihood (or expected frequency) of a specific adverse
consequence. Applied to ICW systems, it expresses the likelihood of impacts arising
from the construction or operation of, in this instance, an ICW and its water-vectored
pollutants, i.e. the potential Hazard.
A Hazard presents a risk when it is likely to significantly and negatively affect the status
of a valued resource such as surface or groundwaters or natural and built heritage i.e.
the Receptor. An impact can only occur if a significant linkage or pathway is
established between the Hazard and the Receptor. For the hazards under
consideration, key factors to minimise or mitigate the risk are velocity (addressed by
having an appropriate wetland configuration) and associated residence time (addressed
by having adequate functional wetland area) and sub-soil quality to deliver the
required impermeability.
Absolute protection from hazards and impacts is not possible and only a degree of 19
protection can be provided. Surface water and groundwater protection are often the
primary reason for the installation of an ICW system in the first instance. The
adsorption of potential pollutants from discharges-to-ground into subsoil clays of
sufficient depth is generally regarded as the main process of attenuation53,54.
An additional suite of well-documented processes and structures also
exist29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,39,40 to provide more sustainable protection than that from adsorption
and soil structure alone. High impedances to infiltration are delivered by the biofilms,
organic matter and humic substances that develop rapidly within wetlands once
established. This impedance is further augmented by biological feedback mechanisms
that secure water retention. Wetland soils provide an effective processing medium,
especially for the denitrification of nitrate-N and ammonium-N due to of the presence
of available carbon for heterotrophs34,36,55,56,57,. See schematic diagram (Fig. 2.1) below. It
is therefore essential that the factors determining the establishment of a functional
wetland soil are addressed including the significant attenuating processes within both
the wetland detritus and underlying soils. Notwithstanding the beneficial attenuating
mechanisms within and beneath ICWs, these mechanisms may be bypassed if the ICW
is not located, designed and maintained in accordance with this Guidance Document.
Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of the differences between terrestrial soils and
wetland soils showing drainage and impedance to water infiltration to ground
2.5 Key Environmental Receptors
The key environmental receptors in the context of an ICW (Scholz and Lee, 2005) are
shown below in Table 2.2.
Surface Water Generally the wetland will discharge to a surface water feature
(receptor) and a discharge licence will be required. The
assimilative capacity of the receiving water will need to be
assessed. Discharge water quality is primarily determined by
wetland area thus sizing is critical.
Groundwater There will be limited infiltration to the aquifer (receptor), which
will need to be assessed in keeping with groundwater protection
criteria. Nearby water supply sources need protection and the
potential for conduits examined.
Soil/subsoil The existing topsoil and subsoil will be exposed to fundamentally
different environmental regimes (changing from an oxygenated to a
waterlogged anaerobic state). The topsoil will be used as the
rooting medium for plants in the wetland. The newly developing
wetland soil will accumulate nutrients (predominantly
phosphorous and nitrogen). The subsoil has a role in containing
and attenuating residual infiltrating pollutants, principally
ammonium-N, that may pass through the wetland soil horizon
(Pathogens and P are removed primarily by detritus in the upper
soil layer. Denitrifying bacteria are found in both upper and lower
Landscape An appropriate landscape fit is a key objective for all ICW systems
and therefore needs to be comprehensively addressed
Flora and Fauna There is considerable capacity for ICW systems to enhance
biodiversity. Nevertheless, care will need to be taken to ensure that
any protected area such as SACs or NHAs are not negatively
impacted upon.
Air Minor odours may be associated with the wetland, and their
22 potential impact needs to be assessed,
Archaeology Site considerations need to include all aspects of former site use
and archaeological artefacts
1. General
The principal contaminants, which constitute the Hazard, are dependent on the water-
vectored pollutants. The influent water volume may be increased by rainfall and the
volume of polluted water that enters an ICW system is related to the rainfall pattern,
duration and intensity.
Parameter Farm ICW Influent Standard Number of
(mean concentrations) Deviation samples
COD mg/l O2 1178.68 642.0 101
Additional volumes of influent derived from intercepted runoff (e.g. roads, urban,
farmyards) can be calculated from rainfall figures and the interception area, (e.g. for an
interception area of 5,000 m2 which experiences rainfall of 1,000 mm per annum, the
calculated theoretical volume of soiled water will be a maximum of 5,000 m3 per
annum, an average of approximately 13m3 per day). The influent peak volume will
however be highly variable. For example, during a storm-event, where 100mm of rain
falls over a 2-day period the volume of soiled water for such a site area will be about
250 m3 per day (although evaporation and soakage at interception will reduce this
3. Phosphorus Accumulation
Within the various segments of the ICW, there will be accumulation of sediment and
necromass, particularly in the upper (proximal) segments. It is in this detritus matrix
that the phosphorus is captured and accumulates over time. The concentration of P in
this sediment can be of the order of 3kg per tonne dry weight46. (The multi-segmented
ICW design facilitates P retention as each segment has its own P-dynamics.)
Estimates of the P build-up in the first ICW segment would suggest that it can be
removed at intervals commensurate with the need to remove detritus (typically at
approximately 10-20 year intervals and used as a farm fertiliser, in accordance with
farm nutrient management plans, by land-spreading). Removal is preceded by
circumventing through-flow, dewatering and in-situ composting. This composted
sediment poses minimal risk to the environment while it remains in the ICW. However,
once removed it needs to be managed in ways that avoid risk to waters. The storage
requirements specified for farmyard manure in the European Communities (Good
Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, S.I. No. 101 of 2009 should
be applied to the removed ICW detritus/sediment. Alternatively the material removed
may be used as fuel with the ash derivative recycled, for example, as a fertiliser. It is
important to note that the extracted material has capacity for a range of uses, otherwise
the material may be considered a waste and a potential environmental hazard.
Guidance for detritus/sediment (and associated nutrients) re-use will have to comply
with the regulatory regime in force at the time of removal.
Table 2.5 Effluent composition from farmyard soiled water ICW systems monitored
in the Annestown/Dunhill catchment (All data until August 2007)
(Note – Glaslough ICW system has an average daily load of 1,400 p.e. at
present on a system designed for 1,750 p.e. with a total segment area of 32,500 m2)
Figure 2.2 Wastewater ICW system, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan
It is important to note that the volumes discharging from the wetland are periodically
and volumetrically variable and there can be periods, particularly during summer
months, when little or no discharge occurs to surface water. Water levels may fall
below the outfall level in any wetland cell creating freeboard which further delays
water through-flow on resumption of wet weather.
Exfiltration from an ICW will not be uniformly distributed, as the proximal wetland
segments may have significantly lower infiltration rates due to the sealing effect of
accumulating organic matter mentioned above. This effect will be less in the distal
segments. 27
Parameter Groundwater Depth at 3 m Standard Deviation
below ICW
(Mean Concentrations)
Ammonium mg/l N 4 4
Nitrate mg/l N 0.2 1.5
E Coli CFU/ 100ml 25 27
Molybdate Reactive <0.01 0.04
Phosphate mg/l P
1. Sites within 60m up-gradient of any well or spring used for potable water.
2. Sites within the inner protection zone of a public groundwater supply source,
where the vulnerability rating is classified as extreme.
3. Sites within 300m up-gradient of a public supply (>10m3/day or >50 persons)
borehole, where an inner protection zone has not been identified.
4. Sites within 25m of a dwelling.
5. Land beneath the projected crown area of mature trees.
6. Sites where the possibility of collapse cannot be ruled out (e.g. where swallow
28 holes and similar karst features are known to be near the surface).
7. Sites within 15m of an exposed karst feature.
8. Sites where construction of the ICW may negatively impact a site of natural
heritage value without carrying out an appropriate assessment as required by the
Habitats Regulations.
9. Sites where construction of the ICW may negatively impact a site of cultural
heritage value.
10. Sites where adequate land area is not available.
11. Sites in close proximity to a watercourse (no less than 10m from the initial and
second ponds and no less than 5 m for subsequent ponds,).
12. Sites that cannot be adequately protected from flood damage.
13. Where neither surface water discharge nor exfiltration is possible in situations
where an adequate receiving water is not available.
The five corner-stone processes that control the establishment, development and
maintenance of wetland conditions have been shown in practice to provide adequate
safeguards for the protection of associated ground and surface water receptors.
Apart from having a practical (for construction) thickness of subsoil, it is not necessary
to impose further groundwater protection measures except in sensitive situations
described below.
The person undertaking the assessment must have appropriate competency to:
CHAPTER 3: Undertaking the Site
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of site assessment is to determine the suitability of a particular site for the
construction of an ICW. This chapter details an approach for completing the site
A site assessment form (Appendix C) will aide the collation of site data and act as a
checklist to assist with the decision-making process. This form, when completed, will
provide a record of the site assessment and design process. The text below follows the
layout of this ‘Site Assessment Form’, and completion of the Form will benefit from
being used in combination with the text below.
Since an ICW will interact with the wider environment and can enhance the
surrounding landscape, the visual aspects of construction are important and the use of
visual records (such as photographs or video) to support the design process is strongly
1. Preliminary Consultation
A preliminary consultation with the client is necessary in order to:
A good understanding between designer and client of these issues is necessary with
information exchanged on budget costs for the project and other logistical items. The
decision to consider building an ICW may originate with the client but may involve the
adviser/designer in the decision and procurement process.
The client may have particular reasons for considering the use of an ICW and these
should be noted as they may highlight potential receptors and habitats at risk.
The nature of water-vectored effluent material and the area of intercepted precipitation
(including the likely ICW area) will need to be established.
The approximate size of the required wetland (See Chapter 5.4 below) needs to be
discussed and recorded in order to give the client an indication of the overall land area
required for the wetland. The rationale for the area required needs to be explained and
agreed in order to ensure full compliance with the design needs.
The name, address, and contact details of the client should be confirmed and some
general items in the form can be filled out at this time.
2. Collation of Relevant Environmental Data and Desk Study
The purpose of this activity is to:
A desk study involves the assessment of available relevant data pertaining to the site
and adjoining area to determine whether the site has any restrictions on the
development of an ICW. The following information will need to be collated and
Base maps can be purchased from the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, or from regional
map shops. A set of maps suitable for planning applications, termed a planning pack is
the most suitable way to buy the maps and these can be used later for the preparation
of any planning application.
The relevant ‘Discovery Series’ 1:50,000 scale map will establish the regional
topographical context, showing slopes and contours, surface water features and other
relevant topographical features. The grid reference for the site should be determined
(computed from the Discovery Map).
The best available base map information is at scales of 1:2,500 and 1:10,000. These
maps provide useful information on the immediate topography and may identify
potential sites of natural or cultural heritage. (Refer to www.npws.ie for further
information on such sites)
Basic data on the annual rainfall in the area should be determined. Other information
of relevance may include evaporation, evapotranspiration, and wind direction data.
The main sources of this data are the Meteorological Service (www.met.ie) and other 33
commercial websites.
Surface Water
Identify potential candidate receiving watercourses for the ICW from O.S. maps.
Information on surface water flows and quality may be obtained from the EPA
(www.epa.ie ), OPW (www.opw.ie), or Local Authority for larger water courses in the
vicinity of the site. If this information is not available, receiving water flows (above the
proposed discharge point) must be estimated by either:
1. Empirical formulae
2. Appropriate computer-package model
3. Direct flow measurement.
The method of estimating the receiving water flow should be noted in the Comment
column in Appendix C2.3. If necessary, expert advice should be sought.
Approximate catchment areas for surface water features may be estimated from
discovery series maps.
Surface discharge volume from the ICW can be calculated using the following general
The baseline chemical analysis data for the receiving waters should be determined; a
minimum of 3 sets of sample results should be obtained. Results may be available
from the EPA or local authority. If direct monitoring is required, samples should be
gathered at regular intervals over at least a three-month period (to include a period of
prolonged dry weather, typically between the 1st July and the 30th September) at a
point immediately upstream of the proposed discharge location. Analysis should be
provided for the following parameters: 5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD),
molybdate reactive phosphate (MRP), suspended solids (SS), ammonium-N, nitrate-N
and nitrite-N. Where a water quality Q (ecological status) rating is available, it should
be noted along with any other water quality data. Water Framework Directive river
body status should be given where available.
The general formula to describe the mixing of a discharge with river water is:
Details of the effect of the ICW discharge on receiving water quality should be
calculated for the following parameters: BOD, MRP, Ammonium-N and Nitrate-N, and
any other relevant parameter, based on the characteristics of the effluent. Use of
average flows should suffice for most situations, as the ICW discharge flow is directly
influenced by and proportional to rainfall. The above calculations will indicate if
adequate assimilative capacity for the discharge is available in the proposed surface
receiving watercourse.
The existing sources of water used by the client should be established, i.e. whether
mains, private, or group water scheme.
The relevant geological and hydrogeological information for the site should be
The Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 35
are the principal sources of this information (websites at www.gsi.ie and www.epa.ie).
These websites list available groundwater protection schemes. The GSI produces maps
of Groundwater Resources (Aquifers) and Vulnerability to Contamination (Groundwater
Vulnerability). These are combined to produce a map of Groundwater Protection
Zones. In general this information is available from the website, but the relevant
contact details, if further information is required, are: The Groundwater Section,
Geological Survey of Ireland, Beggars Bush, Dublin 4, and the Environmental
Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle, Wexford.
In addition, a national aquifer map is available on the GSI website, and it is possible to
zoom in to the area in question and print the relevant excerpt if required.
Note: If a Groundwater Vulnerability Map has not been produced by the GSI for a
particular area, then the extremely vulnerable areas may be obtained from the relevant
River Basin Districts (RBD) project. General soil and subsoil maps are available from
Teagasc (www.teagasc.ie). The shallow rock areas delineated on Teagasc subsoil maps
are indicated at the 1m contour. Soil (topsoil) maps are also available from Teagasc.
Existing data, available from the GSI, includes the location of outcropping bedrock and
karst features and existing depth to bedrock data from their well databases. From this,
areas of shallow subsoils (rock within 1m of surface) can be delineated. This can then
be used in the desk study. Where information from the GSI well and karst databases
are used in a desk study, the townland in which the feature is located (or more specific
location if available) should be highlighted on a map
The data, when compiled should be compared to the groundwater protection response
matrix in Appendix A to establish the preliminary groundwater protection response for
the proposed development.
In the case of an ICW where a discharge to surface water is possible, the amount of
water going to ground is relatively low if a maximum infiltration rate of 1 x 10-8 m/s or
better is achieved. (see sections 2.7 above). Mineral-N contained in the ICW infiltrate
is considered to be the key potential pollutant of groundwater. An ICW with all
shallow cells (100-300mm), and a surface water discharge, will have a variable low
total-N loading discharging to ground due to both flow and denitrification. The
approach outlined in Appendix B will assist in the initial assessment.
In the absence of a suitable surface receiving water for an ICW designed and
constructed in accordance with this Guidance Document, a final discharge to
groundwater may be considered in appropriate circumstances.
Where the final discharge is less than 5m3/day on average, a detailed geotechnical/
hydrogeological assessment/investigation is not required.
Where the final discharge exceeds 5m3/day on average, a detailed geotechnical/
hydrogeological assessment/investigation is essential and should be carried out prior to
site selection.
The drainage patterns of the area being examined are critical, and field drainage maps
for the particular area should be sought from the landowner or their advisor/agent.
General information on the density of drainage in the area can be determined from the
topographical maps. Heavy soil types should alert the assessor to the possibility of
hidden drains. Reference to older, (prior to 1950), 6 inch or 25 inch maps will indicate
previously wet areas which may now be drained.
Wet and heavy soils, where drainage is most likely to be found, should be singled out
for special scrutiny to remove drainage infrastructure. Experience over the past 14 years
has shown that undetected land drains are the principal cause of ICW systems having
inadequate hydraulic retention.
Public Utilities 37
The first point of confirmation for public utilities should be the client. The local
authority should be consulted with regard to the possible location of public water
supplies and water mains in the area. Locations of gas lines, electricity cables, and
communications networks need to be confirmed in consultation with all the relevant
utilities. The local office for each utility should be contacted. Contact details can be
found in the telephone directory for the area.
Desk Study Assessment
All the information collected through the desk study should be examined.
This overall information may highlight the inappropriateness of a potential site on the
basis of the location being of significant archaeological, natural heritage or historical
value or identify potential constraints. To avoid accidental damage, a trial hole
assessment should not be undertaken in areas which are, or adjoining, significant sites
(e.g. SACs, NHA’s) without appropriate prior permission from the statutory authority.
It is useful to make a sketch of the proposed source, or use a map already obtained
from the client to orientate the evaluation.
The various component sources of waste waters, require examination including the
contributing interception area and computed run-off. The ability of each of these
components to generate waste water needs to be evaluated and the expected annual
volume of total waste water approximated for each component. The existing
arrangements with regard to run-off should be established and examined noting all
drains that may be intercepted by the ICW.
Photographs should be taken of the site, to record the general layout and structures,
and various features of interest.
The purpose of this exercise is to establish a thorough picture of the client’s site
management profile, and to assist in completion of the design and planning
application. It is important that the client is present during this process to discuss all
water management activities that may impinge on the ICW and occur through the year.
The survey information will be used principally in the design process, to make
optimum use of topography and minimise earthworks costs. The topographical survey
will also allow the production of cross-sections through the proposed ICW area, which
will assist in construction planning and costing.
The survey should include all relevant components of the waste water identified above 39
and should allow computation of any contributing area.
The potential receiving waters and topographical setting of the proposed wetland
system should be examined to assess the landscape fit and the possible discharge
options. Again, photographic recording is strongly advised.
The landscape position reflects the location of the site in the landscape, e.g. crest of
hill, valley, slope of hill.
Ideally the site should be down slope of the source of waste water and any associated
interception area to allow gravity flow. A minimum 1m drop is required from the
waste water source to the base of the first proposed ICW segment/cell, to allow for
build up of sediment59. The slope of the chosen site should be estimated. Steep slopes
should be avoided and preference given to sites that are mostly level. (This will have
safety, cost, land-take and functional advantages.)
It is expected that some sites, that may be the most suitable for the construction of an
ICW, are sites that are marginal for agricultural purposes, on the basis that they are
wet. However as outlined in Section 2.3 above, such wet areas may contain or be part
of areas with current high natural values and in such cases the ICW should be located
elsewhere so that the ICW’s contribution to biodiversity enhancement is optimised and
any negative effects minimised. Prior to selecting such a site a biodiversity
impact/benefit assessment should be carried out using the Heritage Council’s “A Guide
to Habitats in Ireland”52. Wet sites should also be examined to ensure that no protected
species are to be found therein. In this regard, the methodology published by the
National Parks and Wildlife Service should be used (www.npws.ie).
In most cases ground conditions on these sites will be conducive to constructing and
sealing ponds and this will be apparent to the trained eye but this may not always be
the case and an assessment and description of the sub-soils must be made.
Wet sites have inherent advantages for ease of construction and the establishment of
vegetation. They are also those most likely to remain hydrated and may provide
opportunities for additional aquatic features that could enhance the economic and
social values of the overall exercise. Additionally, such sites may be preferable on the
basis of land cost. However wet sites tend to have additional water inflow from up-
slope and ground water sources, and may have intensive drainage infrastructure that
needs to be thoroughly addressed (sections 5.3 and 6.3.2).
A general overview of land use, density of dwellings, surface water ponding, water
bodies, drainage, vegetation, and condition of the ground should be made, and the
relative distances of potential receptors from the ICW established. Special emphasis
should be placed on understanding the site’s drainage, including the location of
existing land drainage infrastructure, as this may impact on the ICW and the overall
drainage performance of the site.
Surface Water
The position and type of surface water features should be noted as this will give an
indication of the relative permeability of the ground.
Based on the desk study, a watercourse should be identified for the discharge from the
Any information on water quality should be examined and water samples taken if no
information is available.
Other surface water features such as ponds, lakes, beaches, natural wetlands, streams,
drainage ditches, etc. should be identified.
Existing wells/boreholes within 300m of the proposed site should be identified and
their distance and direction in terms of groundwater flow determined. Groundwater
levels may be determined as part of the trial hole programme. Baseline groundwater
quality data should be collected at this time where available. Swallow holes, or
collapsed features such as “dolines” should be noted. Sites on karst geology must
receive special attention with regard to their capacity to establish and maintain a
wetland infrastructure.
Road cuttings and any open excavations in the vicinity of the site should be examined,
to provide information on the subsoil profile. Similarly, the shape and nature of banks
in watercourses can provide useful insights to the ground conditions.
Information gathered during the desk study can be verified at this stage
The general vegetation should be described and photographed. Trees that may
potentially be close to the wetland should be mapped. A vegetation assessment may
support the identification of suitable ground conditions for an ICW. Existing wetland
emergent vegetation may provide sources of emergent plants that might be used in its
Location of dwellings or other places of assembly such as nearby schools, churches,
hospitals, etc. which are not marked on the available maps, should be established and
their distance from the ICW site determined. Overhead wires, poles and any other
utilities should be marked on drawings.
The prevailing wind direction across the proposed ICW site should be identified, and
the sensitivity of any receptors downwind identified. Impact from any localised heavy
rainfall events should be particularly noted.
Drainage Systems
All sites must be examined for the presence of drains. Sites that may once have been
wet will require special attention, because of the greater possibility that existing
drainage infrastructure may be in place. Land-drains have proved to be the single most
important factor affecting the hydraulic integrity of ICW systems as they may be a
conduit for water loss short-circuiting the wetland system. Conversely, these sites,
because they are generally wet and marshy, are often ideal for wetland construction
and/or regeneration. This should be evaluated as part of the site assessment.
The nature of the hazard should be fully understood at this stage and this will need to
be linked to the topographical survey.
Ideally the proposed receiving water should be fully assessed and samples taken for
baseline analysis. If EPA or local authority water quality data is available it should be
At this stage the choice of site for the ICW should be clearly apparent.
1. General
The trial-hole and in some instances trial trenches, are probably the most critical
element of the site characterisation, as their assessment will form the basis of whether
or not an ICW can be constructed on the site. The purposes of the trial hole are to
If the trial hole and trench tests can be arranged to coincide with the visual assessment
of the proposed site it can save time and expense.
The trial-hole should be kept as small as practicable. Topsoil depth and its description
should be recorded. The subsoil characteristics of key interest are:
1. texture,
2. structure,
3. compactness,
4. colour,
5. layering,
6. depth to bedrock and
7. depth to water table.
44 Trenching across the slope (sometimes around the perimeter of the site) is the best way
of assuring the land-drainage status of the site. Trenches where deemed necessary
should be sufficiently deep and clear-cut to allow for detection of possible field drains
and groundwater flows.
The uniformity of the characteristics (outlined in Table 3.1) between trial holes must be
Because of the relatively large area of ground covered by ICW systems, a minimum of
3 PSDTs will be required at the proposed formation level. This level (depth) should be
recorded in Appendix B3.3 under “Other information”. Similar to the trial hole
scenario, the number of PSDTs should be increased with the size of the proposed ICW.
Minimum At least 3
> 0.5 ha < 1.0 ha 4
> 1.0 ha < 1.5 ha 5
> 1.5 ha < 2.0 ha 6
> 2.0 ha 7
The most appropriate soil horizon for use as a liner material should be identified.
Representative samples shall be taken from this horizon for laboratory testing at an
approved laboratory to determine clay content to BS1377. Before commencement of
this tests all particles greater than 20 mm in diameter should be removed.
Table 3.2 summarises the information collected from the desk study and site
assessment phases. The information is used to decide whether an ICW can be
constructed on the site. A detailed outline of the general decision-making process for
constructed farm wetlands including two useful decision trees has been published4. A
decision tree from this document is presented in Appendix G.
Information Key Issues Implications
Topography Slopes, land profile Design, overall layout,
landscape fit
Surface water Receptor sensitivity Set back distances,
Receiving water assimilative discharge licence
possible flood levels Possible flood levels
PSDT results (BS Required fines and clay content Design, construction and
1377) site suitability
4.1 Introduction
The construction of an ICW must conform, like any other development, to the statutory
and regulatory requirements contained in the relevant national legislation and
regulations. In general ICW systems intercepting point sources of polluted water
require full planning permission and discharge licensing. The purpose of this section is
to outline to the designer/applicant the relevant governing legislation and the
procedures and documentation required at each stage of the Planning Stages.
− Local Government (Water Pollution) Act of 1977 and Local Government (Water
Pollution Amendment) Act of 1990, and subsequent Regulations.
− Local Government (Planning & Development) Act of 2000 and subsequent
− EPA Act 1992 and 2007
− EU Water Framework Directive and subsequent Regulations.
− European Communities Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations,
2007, S.I. No. 684 of 2007
− European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters) Regulations
2009, S.I. No. 272 of 2009
− European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters)
Regulations, 2009, S.I. No. 101 of 2009.
− European Communities Environmental Objectives (Groundwater) Regulations
2010, S.I. No. 9 of 2010
− European Union (Natural Habitats) Regulations, S.I. No. 94 of 1997
All planning authorities now have websites, on which information relating to the
preparation and lodgement of a planning application can be easily accessed. This
allows each applicant to determine what is required in the preparation of a planning
application in advance of pre-planning consultation and will also ensure a more
productive consultation. In the case of an ICW application, which will involve a
discharge licence at the final stage, there is scope here for discussion of the likely
discharge licence conditions, on the basis of typical expected effluent characteristics
from an ICW (see 2.6 above), and ideally the inclusion of some form of bio-monitoring
in the final pond (See 5.5 below).
An appeal can be made to An Bord Pleanala against the decision of the planning
authority by the applicant or by a third party but it must be made within 4 weeks
beginning on the date of the decision of the planning authority and this will add
significantly to the timescale above. It should be noted, however, that a third party can
only appeal if they have already made an objection at the planning application stage.
An Bord Pleanála has an objective to decide appeals within 18 weeks of receipt. This is
not always possible and in such event all parties will be informed of the reasons why
the decision is delayed.
4.6 Discharge Licence Requirements
The construction of an ICW may require a discharge authorisation in addition to
planning permission, depending on the promoter/developer of the ICW, either by:
(i) A discharge licence to surface water issued by the local authority under the
Water Pollution Acts 1977 & 1990. Under the Local Government (Water
Pollution) Regulations, 1978, S.I. No. 108 of 1978, a discharge to groundwater
of domestic sewage not exceeding 5 m3/day is exempt from licensing by local
authorities. Therefore all other discharges to groundwater require a discharge
licence to groundwater issued by the local authority under the Water Pollution
Acts 1977 & 1990.
(ii) An Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) licence issued by the
Environmental Protection Agency if the ICW is associated with an activity listed
in the First Schedule of the Environmental Protection Agency Acts 1992 to 2007,
e.g. slaughter plant, dairy plant;
(iii) A waste licence issued by the Environmental Protection Agency if the ICW is
associated with an activity listed in the Third or Fourth Schedules of the Waste
Management Acts 1996 to 2008, e.g. landfill;
(iv) A waste water discharge licence (for agglomerations >500 population
equivalent) or a waste water discharge certificate of authorisation (for
agglomerations <500 population equivalent) issued by the Environmental
Protection Agency if the ICW is associated with a local authority waste water
treatment system.
The discharge authorisation must be applied for separately from the planning
permission, with separate fee structures. This must be completed before
commencement of construction to avoid any possible conflict with the planning
An application for a discharge licence should be made to the relevant local authority
on a standard application form obtained from that local authority. An application for
an IPPC licence, waste licence or waste water discharge licence should be made to the
Environmental Protection Agency on a standard application form that can be obtained
from www.epa.ie/downloads/forms/lic/
A discharge authorisation shall set standards for the quality of effluent discharge to
surface water from the ICW and frequency of required maintenance, monitoring and
reporting. The standards for quality of effluent discharge shall be determined on a
case-by-case basis and shall be subject to the assimilative capacity of the receiving
waters. The European Communities Environmental Objectives (Surface Waters)
Regulations 2009, S.I. No. 272 of 2009, established stricter ambient standards than
those which previously applied. The Environmental Protection Agency is currently
preparing guidance on assimilative capacity calculations for receiving waters and this
will be made available to the public.
Chapter 5: Designing an Integrated
Constructed Wetland (ICW)
5.1 Introduction
The ICW concept and the context in which systems may be deployed have been
outlined above (Chapter 1). Their design recognises the multi-faceted requirements of
the site, the potential influent/s and the potential of multiple land use for the overall
development including the use of in-situ accumulated materials. The most important
factor in designing an ICW is to recognise that it is not a proprietary design but a
conscious and deliberate attempt to implement a holistic approach to natural resource
management within the context of achieving sustainable development. It is
fundamentally an ecological concept and is not suited to a formulaic design, with each
site having its own special ecological characteristics and requirements. (See Fig 5.1
This chapter gives guidance on the designing of ICW systems for the treatment of
polluted water streams including any unavoidable surface water run-off to the ICW.
The content and strength of influent for which the ICW concept was initially developed
(farmyard soiled water) is given in table 2.3 above. The nature of this influent is that it
is highly variable in strength and flow and clearly demonstrated that ICW systems
could have a wide range of application covering many water-vectored effluent types.
The steps below guide the assessor (client and regulator) through the ‘Design Process’.
The ultimate aim is to ensure that any potential polluted water source is anticipated
and dealt with, that the ICW will be robustly built and long lasting, and that the
completed ICW will enhance the surrounding landscape, contribute to biodiversity and
provide a range of ecosystem services, including products that might be used locally.
It is essential that the designer be fully familiar with the proposed site, through actually
visiting the site and by speaking with the landowner/client. This ensures the client’s
wishes and requirements will be taken on board, and that the designer can consider
the incorporation of existing landscape features into the proposed design, in particular,
the visual aspect of the ICW design will require dialogue with the client.
The designer must be able to visualise the finished product, and its impact on the
surrounding environment (here experience and demonstration are considered
essential). The optimal use of the land contours is critical, particularly in achieving
optimal length to width ratios for the various segments of ICW systems. It is advisable
to follow the natural contours of the landscape as far as possible to ensure minimal cut
and fill during construction and to maintain low length to width ratios.
The present overall sizing formula for an ICW system has been developed from the
observed performance of more than 20 ICW systems treating farmyard soiled water and
domestic waste water over the past 14 years. Particular attention has been paid to 55
understanding and addressing the robustness and sustainability of ICW systems with
regard to total phosphorus and MRP removal from through-flow. As ICW systems are
primarily surface-flow systems, hydraulic retention time is determined by wetland
surface area. As ICW systems are ‘open systems’, hydraulic retention is also greatly
influenced by intercepted precipitation events. These will be of varying amplitudes that
may be more than 50 times the average polluted water stream volume as in the case of
farmyard soiled water and combined wastewater/stormwater sources. Performance data
have shown that in the case of both sources a minimum of 1.3 times the interception
area is required to achieve MRP concentrations in the last ICW cell of 1.0 mg/l for
farmyard effluent in the South County Waterford area1.
For farmyard soiled water treatment, the area occupied by an ICW is typically 1-2% of
any individual farm area. These indicative area requirements for the ICW based upon
the interception area and influent volume is generally a minimum area requirement.
Larger areas may be used especially where lower levels of phosphorus discharge are
required. Further additional ponds may be added for water retention or monitoring
purposes (Ref. Section 5.5 below).
* Interception Area = Full farmyard, inclusive of roof areas, and any other areas
requiring run-off capture
** Supporting infrastructure = Area taken up by embankments and associated
*** 20 m2/p.e. for wastewater free of storm water increasing to 40 m2/p.e. when
storm water is also included
Fig 5.2 Indicative relationship between P reduction and ICW area
1. Basic Configuration
Configuration and residence time interact by ensuring that the waste water is dispersed
and flows with minimum velocity and preferential flow throughout each segment/cell
of the ICW system. An ovoid shape and optimal aspect (length to width ratio) of less
than 4:1 is ideal. This in turn is augmented by having an appropriate number of
wetland segments/cells. Additionally, the greater the emergent vegetation density the
slower the rate of flow of the influent through the system (i.e. hydraulic impedance).
The segment/cell shape should ensure that as much area of the ponds/lagoons are
utilised by having a level base and optimal water depth. Curvilinear shapes that ideally 57
follow the land contours, are encouraged and will facilitate good distribution. While a
length to width ratio of less than 4:1 is considered the ideal this may not always be
possible, especially on sloping ground and a compensatory increase in area is advised.
Particular hardy species of emergent wetland plants such as species in the genera
Typha, Glyceria, Carex and Scirpus are recommended for this first segment/cell as the
strength of influent may at times be such as to damage the growth potential of other
plant genera. This potential toxic tendency in the first segment/cell is balanced by the
fact that during high flux flow periods (i.e. high rainfall periods) the concentration of
the influent is diluted and plant vigour can be re-established.
The corollary of this is, that during dry periods, the influent concentration is greater
and requires shallower conditions to facilitate nitrification and avoids the negative
synergy between water depth and ammonium-N concentration.
2. Landscape Fit/Layout
As previously stated, the landscape-fit of an ICW is one of its explicit objectives. It
recognises the potential value of utilising the natural contours and features of the
existing landscape. This in turn leads to economic savings in construction costs
because of the reduction in cut and fill volumes.
Land forming the ICW structure requires a level of sensitivity to ensure that the final
structure fits into the landscape. Whilst subsequent vegetation development may help
achieve this there is a basic need for the overall structure to look “natural” and have a
degree of sympathy with the surrounding countryside. This is generally achieved
through best fit of the topographical layout of the ICW within the natural topography of
the site. The forming of the structure to fit the landscape usually has the added
advantage of reducing the ICW maintenance, enhancing its amenity value and
improving its functional longevity. A typical ICW layout is illustrated in Fig. 5.1 above.
The profiles and infrastructural details required to support habitat development are best
addressed at this stage. The incorporation of existing vegetation, particularly trees,
should be given consideration where appropriate, an exception being where deep or
wide rooted trees might potentially damage the sub-soil liner or embankments.
Experience has shown that preferential placement of ICW systems on wet sites (not
designated as SACs or NHAs or a habitat for protected species) has inherent advantages
for ease of construction and the establishment of additional aquatic features that can
enhance the economic and social aspects of the exercise. Furthermore, such sites tend
to be both preferable to the land owner and more water retentive thus facilitating water
Fig 5.3 ICW showing landscape-fit; in this example the ICW configuration reflects
the meandering of the adjacent water body
3. Additional Ponds and Receiving Areas
The floral and faunal composition of receiving waters is probably the best indicator of
water quality. Having a receiving water body at the outlet of an ICW will thus reflect
the ICW’s performance over a number of weeks, months or even years. This is highly
desirable for assessing performance and is of particular value to regulatory
The provision of an additional area (to that required for most ICW systems) in order to
treat water to even higher limits of quality can be applied to areas where there is this
need (e.g. where there is low assimilative capacity in receiving waters). The additional
area will be especially effective in diminishing surface flow, where the water table is
below the base of the ICW, as this will increase water-loss through evapotranspiration,
interception and infiltration to ground. A sufficiently large additional seasonal or
monitoring pond may greatly reduce, or entirely remove, any surface water discharge
from an ICW. (Water balance is achieved through surface water flow, precipitation/
infiltration and evapotranspiration/interception). An additional area of bunded wet
woodland of alder or other appropriate tree species will be particularly effective for
diminishing or altogether removing all surface water discharge. The construction of
these additional wetland and ponded areas at the end of the ICW system, while not
mandatory, is strongly encouraged, so as to realise other potential values for the site
The construction of open-water ponds require that their water depth is greater than 1
m, thus a shallower safety shelf (c. 300-400 mm) should circumscribe all areas of
deeper open water. This shelf may be planted with emergent vegetation or left to
vegetate naturally. If stocked with trout or other salmonids a central depth greater than
2 m is required. This pond also presents opportunities for aquatic and submerged plant
communities and can be of significant amenity value.
It is important that in designing the side slopes and transition area of any final bio-
monitoring pond, that they have gently sloping sides and that buffer vegetation areas
are provided so as to ensure adequate safety for visitors to the site. Where space is at a
premium, the transitional area may be reduced or omitted, but in general its inclusion
promotes greater plant and animal diversity, and improves the safety aspects of the site.
Fig. 5.4 Cross sectional view of wetland cell showing embankment and water depth
As referred to in Section 5.4 above, the embankment area around an ICW increases the
area requirement by approximately an additional 25%. This additional area is required
for access, safety, maintenance and monitoring requirements, and the needs of
biodiversity. A total minimum embankment width of 9 m from the beginning of the
land-water transitional (ecotone) area from one side of the embankment to that of the
other will result. Where space is at a premium the ecotone area may be reduced. In
general, such areas have high conservation value and provide greater overall 61
sustainability besides enhancing safety of the system.
The conveyance of the through-flow from pond to pond through the system is achieved
typically by the use of 150 mm diameter PVC/HDPE pipes. These pipes include an
elbow fitted to each outlet point to control water depth to accommodate detritus build
up over time. During low flow periods evaporation rates also tend to be high, often
resulting in little or no output from the ICW to the receptor surface waters for what may
occasionally be several months. The development of “freeboard” capacity during such
dry periods further enhances hydraulic retention when increased flows re-occur.
Discharge during periods of high precipitation will generally occur when greater
assimilative capacity is available in the receiving waters. This synchronicity of flows
from ICW systems with the natural weather systems reduces further the likelihood of a
pollution event.
The inlet pipe to the first segment/cell should enter at a very minimum of 500mm
(ideally >1 m) above the initial design water level, (there need be no minimal head
difference for subsequent cells). The inlet and outlet points should be designed to
allow for safe access for sampling and monitoring purposes. An area (c. 1m2),
composed of coarse stones/rocks at the beginning of each segment/cell, underneath the
influent discharge pipe, may support some enhanced hydraulic distribution and
aeration. It will also provide a hard standing area for access and monitoring.
5.7 Health and Safety (H and S) Considerations and Final Design Drawings
A typical preliminary H and S Plan are given in Appendix F attached. This plan reflects
the generally safe nature of the final ICW layout, with particular concern for access by
the general public and by monitoring personnel. Where access is possible, it may be
advisable to include signage near deeper areas of the system. Fencing may be
necessary, in particular at the initial receiving area, where the risk from faecal
contamination is relatively high. Because of the generally shallow depth, gentle
embankment slopes, vegetation density, and the overall landscape-fit, there is
minimum risk of drowning. The inclusion of specific safe access to outlet points for
monitoring personnel mentioned above is a particular feature to enhance health and
safety. Specific attention must be given to deeper ponds by the placement of warning
signs and life buoys as appropriate.
All final design drawings should include the necessary H and S requirements and:
1. General
Vegetation plays a variety of essential roles in the performance of ICW systems by
The primary vegetation types used in ICW systems are emergent plant species
(helophytes). These species have evolved to enable them to root in soils with no
available or limited soil oxygen supply, growing vertically through the water column
with most of their leaves/stems in the air. They have specially adapted tissues that
facilitate oxygen storage and its transportation from the leaves through the stem to the
roots. They may have year-round growth and photosynthesis or be seasonally
Specific species selection depends upon; water depth, turbidity, pH, ammonium-N
concentration, soil type and ionic strength for each wetland segment/cell.
Ammonium-N concentration is a dominant factor in the establishment and vigour of
emergent vegetation. Stress from ammonium-N varies with some species having very
low tolerance and others appearing to survive periodic concentrations greater than 280
mg/l1. The species mix for an ICW system should be selected to optimise the overall
performance of the system including its aesthetics and biodiversity.
Table 5.1 lists the species recommended for use in large scale ICW systems.
These species should be appropriate to the majority of ICW systems. Should the
species listed below be judged insufficient, then other native emergent species may be
considered, provided it is clearly documented why the use of this species is necessary
and the species is native to the general region or locality of the ICW system. Use
should be in accordance with the information available from the National Biodiversity
Datacentre (www.biodiversityireland.ie).
The use of non-native species may be considered in circumstances where the non-
native species does not have the potential to invade natural ecosystems. The use of
non-native species must comply with any Regulations, notices or advice on non-native
and/or invasive alien species issued by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and
Local Government under the Wildlife Act, 1976, as amended (2000, 2009). Under no
circumstances should noxious alien (invasive) species be used (see
Botanical name Common name Notes
5.10 Summary of ICW Design Recommendations
6.1 Introduction
All aspects covered in the previous chapters on the Concept, Design, and Site
Assessment of ICW systems, must coalesce during construction. The explicit drawing
together of its three fundamental components; water management (flow and quality),
landscape-fit and biodiversity, are achieved during this phase. Any specific planning
conditions must also be taken on board. The competence of the contractor and those
charged with supervising the construction are essential. In time it is expected that a
larger number of competent designers, site assessors, contractors and construction
supervisors, with recognised standards and portfolios of reference projects will become
This chapter broadly sets out the process to be followed by the developer in order to
ensure that all elements of the ICW design are taken on board during this ‘Construction
6.2 Pre-construction
1. Appointment of Contractor
Once planning approval and a discharge licence has been obtained, and the client is
free to move ahead with construction, the first stage is the appointment of a competent
contractor. This stage should ideally involve the original designer of the ICW. There are
a number of basic items required of an appointed contractor:
6.3 Construction
1. Site Preparation
Effective use of the site’s soils and topography during construction is essential to
minimising costs and obtaining best use for the ICW. The topsoil on the site will
usually have important, valuable properties that are conducive to vegetation
establishment and enhancing ground water quality. The topsoil for each segment of the
ICW should be stripped and stored for re-use during the final stages of construction.
This should include topsoil under the footprint of the embankments.
Sites may be variable in their permeability and depth of subsoil; consequently subsoil
or soil parent material may need to be distributed to achieve adequate coefficients of
uniformity. These items should be clear from site characterisation and design
documents. In particular the required soil depths are determined from the site
characterisation and recommendations of Section 2.7 above.
The use of topography in minimising cut and fill should be reflected in the construction
approach. This is emphasized in the design and the final fitting of the ICW into the
Generally the interception and diversion of drainage and surface water is best achieved
through the construction of an intercepting drain up-slope of the ICW. This water can
ideally be re-directed to an outlet drain, or be allowed to enter any monitoring or
additional segment/cell of the ICW. Prevention of water loss from within the ICW
through existing drains is achieved through their total removal or destruction within the
outer footprint of the entire ICW.
1. Levelling of ICW base area on sites where subsoils already have the required
2. Compaction of the subsoil, in layers of approximately of 150-200 mm, using
vibrating rollers on the more permeable soils to achieve 500mm depth of sub-
soil liner.
3. Machine tracking with water on intermediate subsoils and again with the
redistributed topsoil. This puddling technique is the method found to be the
most effective. It has additional advantages in that it will demonstrate the water
retention capacity of the wetland cell and provides optimal conditions for the
establishment of vegetation.
4. Where subsoils are unsuitable, as indicated in the ‘Trial Hole Analysis’,
imported material consisting of boulder clay or other high-clay content soil
material may be substituted. This in turn should be compacted in layers of
approximately 150-200 mm or puddle as in 3. above. An alternative is to use a
geo-membrane or bentonite liner which may be as cost effective as importing
suitable material.
The accumulation of organic matter from the influent will further decrease the rate of
exfiltration as a result of the organic nature of the detritus. The essential component in
achieving the necessary impedance to infiltration is that the structure remains
adequately hydrated and the supporting soil free from conduits. If allowed to dry out
and to be colonised by terrestrial vegetation, hydraulic conductivity may increase.
The construction machinery necessary to carry out the work will depend on site
conditions and the scale of the undertaking, and may range from wheeled multi-tasked
excavators to large tracked backhoe excavators and bulldozers.
Topsoil, because of its organic content, gathered at the site during the preliminary stage 71
of construction is ideally suited to achieving impedance to infiltration and should be
conserved for redistribution in preparation for final sealing and planting/seeding. The
use of puddling where topsoil and/or subsoil is mixed with water to make self-levelling
slurry is a proven method for achieving the required level of impedance where there
may be some doubt with regard to infiltration. In some instances the extra topsoil may
need to be used to enhance sealing. The use of water in the preparation of the wetland
surface and for planting should be ideally available at this phase as it may facilitate a
range of construction needs, such as the final levelling and the provision of optimal
conditions for planting/seeding of the emergent plant species. A lysimeter placed 200-
400mm under a wetland cell will allow for qualitative and quantitative assessment of
infiltrating water. Lysimeters must be fixed in place so that any collected water is
accessible and reflects the adjacent soil conditions.
4. Construction of Embankments
Embankment construction needs to be to standards that will support vehicular traffic
such as tractors, have slopes that minimise soil creep and be resistant to weather
erosion. A layered and tracked building method in layers of approximately 200 mm is
recommended and has proven both effective and efficient.
The slope of the embankment should never be less than 1:1 - for biodiversity
enhancement 2:1 or even wider ratios have special merit. The top profile of the
embankment should be adequately compacted, level and wide enough to allow a
tractor and mower to travel on safely. Corner and junction areas are required to be
sufficiently wide to allow for easy turning of vehicles. This is supported by the
curvilinear layout generally indicated in the ICW design.
Embankment construction should also be made up from the on-site materials and
ideally exclude topsoil that can be used for puddling. The aim is to have low
permeability in the embankments to allow for any future increasing water level in any
of the wetland segments. The same construction principles apply as with the
construction of the wetland base.
This may be undertaken by filling the individual ICW segments/cells with water until a
satisfactory degree of water-loss is confirmed. Where an appropriate water source is
not available it may be necessary to conduct this test in wet weather.
6. Landscape Fit
Land forming of the ICW structure requires a level of sensitivity by the designer and
contractor to ensure that the final structure fits into the landscape. The ICW design
layout will have indicated basic shape and configuration, however the contractor will
in many instances be influential in interpreting and implementing the designer’s plan
and the quality of what is finally achieved on site. Good communication between
designer and contractor is essential.
7. Establishment of Vegetation
Various methods for establishing vegetation are effective. Success depends upon
conditions and management of the wetland during the establishment period.
Figure 6.1 Spring planting and establishment by autumn of bare-rooted greater pond
sedge (Carex riparia)
The use of bare-rooted planting stock (Fig 6.1 above) usually requires a period of
settling-in. They should ideally be planted in spring or summer, when the settling-in
period is approximately 2 weeks to 1 month. They are normally planted at 1 to 2
plants per square metre and with the wetland initially operating at minimum depth of
approximately 100 mm. Planting accompanied by water should be undertaken as soon
as possible after construction.
Pot-grown plants are the quickest to establish and minimise time-loss before operation.
They are generally used for small ICW systems. The physiological status of pot-grown 73
plants is important and if immature seedlings or plants have too little vegetative
emergence above water they may fail. Juvenile plants are more vulnerable to pollution
than physiologically older plants. An integral mixture of plant species gives added
robustness to the overall system and allows for a measure of self-design through inter-
species competition.
Direct seeding of appropriate species will require minimal water depth and turbidity to
allow seeds to germinate and seedlings to develop to a physiologically mature state so
that they may withstand the influents in each wetland segment. They also require that
competition from residual vegetation and the seed bank in the topsoil be minimised.
Setting seeds during the winter period ensures better germination in the following
spring/summer. Seeds should ideally be collected from local sources.
6.4 Fencing
Appropriate fences should be erected to the required standards to control, where
needed, the access of people and livestock and where (or when) required under any
planning conditions. The shallow depth of the ICW and the surround of any deeper
water such as the monitoring pond, provides a degree of built-in safety. Permanent
stock-proof electric fencing has, in the main, been adequate for farm ICW systems but
more closed or robust physical fencing may be necessary in certain situations
especially near habitation. Generally though, people should have easy access to the
wetland and visits and intimacy with it should be encouraged.
The landscape fit will require special attention to the adjoining land and may have
generally lower embankment heights. Safety marginal areas around the inside edges of
the pond with a minimum width of 2-3m should be shallow with a finished depth of
less than 0.5m. The central depth should be greater than 2m if trout are to be
introduced. The final outcome will, on the basis of experience to date, reflect the
capabilities of the machine operator and their interaction with the designer. Discharge
to the adjacent watercourse may be through an adjustable pipe, open channel,
conduit/sluice, or some form of diffusion zone in situations where little or no discharge
is required. The use of an adjustable pipe elbow allows the water to be monitored and
managed more easily.
Chapter 7: Operation, Maintenance, and
76 Maintenance should remove any trees that may grow to large stature on the
embankments. Trees of small size or larger trees at appropriate locations may be
tolerated and even encouraged, as long as the stability of the banks and their integrity
are not compromised.
7.4 Monitoring
Monitoring of surface and groundwater discharges may be required to comply with
discharge licence requirements and to determine if the ICW is functioning as designed. 77
The emphasis on ecosystem function of ICW systems facilitates a range of monitoring
opportunities that are generally not practicable in other treatment wetland systems.
Any one of these monitoring approaches listed below, or a combination of approaches,
may be utilised. This wider range of monitoring parameters may be used to better
understand the performance of the ICW, and the wider values for the site, while the use
of indicator species (plant and animal) may be both less costly and more informative.
This biological monitoring will be especially effective in establishing compliance with
good farming practice and detecting abuses.
The licensee may be required to install a composite sampler and continuous flow
monitoring. This, however, will be dependent on the scale of the ICW, the discharge
volume and quality, and the receiving water scale and quality. All samples should be
collected on a 24-hour flow proportional composite basis.
As noted previously, the ICW concept allows for a final stage monitoring pond (with or
without fish) prior to discharge. Such ponds provide additional insight into the ongoing
performance of an ICW over many seasons and much longer, even indefinitely. While
such a monitoring pond may provide additional water quality management services it
should not be included in the design calculation of the wetland’s functional area
requirement. Nevertheless, evapotranspiration, interception and exfiltration to the soil
from a monitoring pond may increase the freeboard and decrease surface discharge
during dry weather periods. The addition of such additional wetland/ponded areas can
greatly enhance the amenity and biodiversity values of the overall site thus making the
exercise of building an ICW one with multiple benefits.
3. Groundwater Monitoring
Any requirement for specific groundwater monitoring will depend on a risk-based
evaluation of the likely impacts on a) the groundwater beneath and down-gradient of
the ICW, b) down-gradient wells or c) nearby surface water receptors. Therefore,
groundwater monitoring requirements will be site specific.
Groundwater can be monitored in a number of ways. The sampling of existing and new
wells adjacent to or within the ICW and its curtilage.
Any or all of the above approaches require attention to delivering results that regulators
can have confidence in. This is best achieved by describing the methodologies used,
by demonstration, and by presenting results/analyses.
1. Harrington, R., and C. Ryder. 2002. The use of integrated constructed wetlands
in the management of farmyard runoff and waste water. In Proceedings of the
National Hydrology Seminar on Water Resource Management: Sustainable
Supply and Demand. Tullamore, Offaly. 19th Nov. 2002. The Irish National
Committees of the IHP and ICID, Ireland. 55-63.
2. Harrington, R. E. J. Dunne, E. J., P. Carroll, P., J. Keohane, J., and C. Ryder, C.,
(2005) The concept, design and performance of integrated constructed
wetlands for the treatment of farmyard dirty water. In: Nutrient Management in
Agricultural Watersheds: A Wetlands Solution, edited by E. J. Dunne, K.R. Reddy
and O.T. Carton. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 179-188.
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40. Kellner E., Price S. and Waddington J.M., 2004, Pressure variations in peat as a
result of gas bubble dynamics, Hydrological Processes, 18, 2599-2605 85
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42. Moshiri, G.A.,1993, Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Improvement,
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43. Kadlec, R.H. and R.L. Knight. 1996. Treatment wetlands. Lewis Publishers,
Boca Raton, 893 pp.
44. Shappell N. W., Billey L.O., Forbes D., Matheny T.A., Poach M.E., Reddy G.B.
and Hunt P.G., 2007, Estrogenic Activity and Steroid Hormones in Swine
Wastewater through a Lagoon Constructed-Wetland System, Environ. Sci.
Technol., 41, (2), pp 444–450
45. Scholz M., Sadowski A. J., Harrington R. and Carroll P., 2007, Integrated
Constructed Wetlands Assessment and Design for Phosphate Removal,
Biosystems Engineering, 97 (3), 415-423.
46. Carroll, P., R. Harrington, J. Keohane, and C. Ryder, 2005. Water treatment
performance and environmental impact of integrated constructed wetlands in
the Anne valley watershed, Ireland. In: Nutrient Management in Agricultural
Watersheds: A Wetlands Solution, edited by E. J. Dunne, K.R. Reddy and O.T.
Carton. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 207-217.
48. Bartley, P., 2003. Nitrate responses in groundwaters under grassland dairy
agriculture. Ph.D. thesis, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
49. Rodgers, M., P. Gibbons, and J. Mulqueen, 2003. Nitrate leaching on a sandy
loam soil under different dairy wastewater applications In IWA Proc. 7th
International Specialised Conference on Diffuse Pollution and Basin
Management, UCD, Dublin, Ireland. Aug. 2003.
50. Culleton, N., E. Dunne, S. Regan, T. Ryan, R. Harrington and c. Ryder, 2005.
Cost effective management of soiled water agricultural systems in Ireland. In:
Nutrient Management in Agricultural Watersheds: A Wetlands Solution, edited
by E. J. Dunne, K.R. Reddy and O.T. Carton. Wageningen Academic Publishers,
The Netherlands. 260-269.
54. Buss S.R., Herbert A.W., Morgan P., Thorton S.F., Smith J.W.N., 2004, A review
of ammonium attenuation in soil and groundwater, Quaterly Journal of
Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 37, 347-359
55. Harrison, J.J., R.J. Turner, L.L.R. Marques and H.Ceri, 2005 Biofilms: A new
understanding. American Scientist pp. 508-515
56. Bragazza L. and Freeman C., 2007, High nitrogen availability reduces
polyphenol content in Sphagnum peat, Science of the Total Environment, 377
(2007) 439–443
57. Wu, J., Gui. S., Stahl, P., and Zhang, R., 1997, Experimental Study on the
Reduction of Soil Hydraulic Conductivity by Enhanced Biomass Growth. Soil
Science, 162 (10), 741-748
58. Mustafa, A., Scholz, M., Harrington, R. and Carroll, P., 2009, Long-term
performance of a representative integrated constructed wetland treating
farmyard runoff, Ecological Engineering, 35 (5), pp 779-790.
59. Scholz M. and Zettel S., 2004, Stormwater Quality Associated with a Full Silt
Trap Discharging into an Urban Watercourse, The Journal of the Chartered
Institution of Water and Environmental Management, 18 (4), 226-229.
60. Becerra Jurado, G., Masterson, M., Harrington, R. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2007).
Evaluation of sampling methods for macroinvertebrate diversity estimation in
heavily vegetated ponds. Hydrobiologia. In press. Methodology used for
sampling the ponds.
61. Becerra Jurado, G., Johnson, J. & Kelly-Quinn, M. (2007) A new record of 87
Dytiscus circumflexus Fabricius 1801, from Co. Waterford. Irish Biogeographical
Society. In press. A potentially rare water beetle in Ireland.
62. Becerra Jurado, G., Johnson, J., Feely, H., Harrington, R. & Kelly-Quinn, M.
Biodiversity potential of Integrated Constructed Wetlands for treating farmyard
wastewater. Freshwater Biology. In preparation. Full analysis of biodiversity
potential for ICWs.
63. Ellenberg, H. 1986. Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen oekologisches sicgt.
Vierte Aufl., Verlag Eugen Ulmer: 900-915EPA, 2002. Interim report: the
biological survey of river quality 2001. Environmental Protection Agency,
Johnston Castle, Wexford, Ireland.
Other References for Further Reading
APHA (American Public Health Association), 1992 & 1996. Standard Methods for the
Examination of Water and Wastewater, 17th & 19th editions, APHA AWWA WEF,
Washington, D.C.
Coulter, B. 2004. Nutrient and trace element advice for grassland, tillage, vegetable
and fruit crops. Teagasc, Johnstown Castle Research Centre, Wexford 95pp.
Harrington, A., 2005. The relationship between plant vigour and ammonium
concentrations in surface waters of constructed wetlands used to treat meat industry
wastewaters in Ireland. In: Nutrient Management in Agricultural Watersheds: A
Wetlands Solution, edited by E. J. Dunne, K.R. Reddy and O.T. Carton. Wageningen
Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 219-223.
Lee B.-H. and Scholz M., 2007, What is the Role of Phragmites australis in 89
Experimental Constructed Wetland Filters Treating Urban Runoff? Ecological
Engineering, 29 (1), 87-95.
Mitsch W.J. and Jørgensen S. E., 2003, Ecological Engineering and Ecosystem
Restoration, Wiley, USA 424 pp.
Pickett, S.T.A., W.R. Birch, S.E. Dalton, T.W. Foresman, J.M. Grove and R.
Rowantree.1997. A conceptual framework for the study of human ecosystems in urban
areas. In Urban Ecosystems, Springer Science and Business Media B.V. P. 185-199.
Strack M., Kellner E. and Waddington J.M., 2005, Dynamics of biogenic gas bubbles in
peat and their effects on peatland biogeochemistry, Global Bio-geochemical Cycles
(American Geophysical Union), 19, GB1003
The role of the groundwater response matrix is to provide an initial evaluation of the
general suitability of a site, in this case for an ICW, from a hydrogeological perspective,
as part of the desk study. It can also be used to indicate the measures that may be
required to meet the required specification.
The geological and hydrogeological data that place a site within a response category is
general to an area, and not specific to a site. It is therefore incumbent on the developer
to demonstrate that the site conditions of a specific site are determined, before a
decision is taken on the suitability or otherwise of a site. Examples of uncertainty on
available data can include depth to rock values (and hence vulnerability ratings) and
the presence of sand/gravel.
A risk assessment approach is taken in the development of this response matrix. The
appropriate response to the risk of groundwater contamination from an ICW in the
different hydrogeological settings in Ireland (see Table 1) is given by the assigned
response category (R) appropriate to each protection zone – see Table 2.
Table 1: Matrix of Groundwater Protection Zones
Rk* Rf Rg Lg Ll/Lm Pl Pu
Extreme SI/E SO/E Rk/E Rf/E Rg/E Lg/E Ll/E Pl/E Pu/E
High SI/H SO/H Rk/H Rf/H Rg/H Lg/H Ll/H Pl/H Pu/H
Moderate SI/M So/m Rk/M Rf/M Rg/M Lg/M Ll/M Pl/M Pu/M
Low SI/L SO/L Rk/L Rf/L Rg/L Lg/L Ll/L Pl/L Pu/L
Rk* Rf Rg Lg Ll/Lm Pl Pu
7. The ICW shall be at least 15 m away from karst features that indicate
enhanced zones of high bedrock permeability (e.g. swallow holes and
dolines (collapse features)). 93
8. The site assessment shall pay particular attention to the possibility of
instability in these karst areas.
R31 Not generally acceptable, unless requirements 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 can be met (Note
R32 Not generally acceptable, unless requirements 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 can be met (Note
R4 Not acceptable
Note 1: Establishing the required minimum subsoil thickness beneath the ponds will be
difficult to achieve.
Careful evaluation and prediction of the likely impact of ammonium-N beneath ICWs
is required as part of the site evaluation. The following factors should be considered:
• Area of ponds; the larger the area, the greater the nitrogen load entering
• Stream flows and surface water ammonium-N concentrations; the dilution
capacity of the stream depends on both factors.
• Status of nearby stream; where the stream is classed as ‘high status’, the surface
water EQS for total ammonium is 0.04 mg/l N (mean); where the stream is ‘good
status’ the surface water EQS is 0.065 mg/l N (mean).
• Permeability of base of ponds; this dictates the nitrogen loading entering
groundwater, assuming that the ammonium concentration in groundwater is 4
mg/l N.
• Presence of a well down-gradient of ponds; the drinking water limit for
ammonium-N is 0.3 mg/l.
• Aerobic/anaerobic conditions in the groundwater beneath the ponds and
between the ponds and down-gradient receptors; where aerobic conditions are
likely to be present, the ammonium will be oxidised and therefore the nitrogen
will pose a significantly reduced risk to receptors. In circumstances where the
ICW ponds are located in low-lying areas close to a stream, anaerobic
conditions will often be present beneath the ponds and between the ponds and
the stream. However, in circumstances where there is an unsaturated zone
beneath the ponds, aerobic conditions are likely to be present. 95
The following equation can be used to estimate the minimum average stream flow
required to maintain the ammonium concentrations below the EQS for ammonium-N:
Qu/s = the flow rate in the river upstream of the discharge (l/s)
Cu/s = the concentration of ammonium-N in the river upstream of the discharge
Qgw = the rate of the groundwater discharge (m3/d)
Cgw = the concentration of ammonium-N in the groundwater discharge (mg/l)
Cd/s = the concentration of ammonium-N in the river downstream of the
discharge (mg/l)
86.4 = conversion factor to l/s.
Worked Example:
This is a worst-case scenario in that, in many instances, the subsoil permeability will be
less than 1x10-8 m/s. For example, if the permeability is 1x10-9 m/s, the Qu/s would be 4
l/s. This also illustrates that if there is a ‘small’ and/or sensitive stream nearby, a
possible solution is to ensure that the permeability is low.
Where the nearby stream is relatively small and the stream flows are not known, it is
possible to undertake a rapid calculation of the approximate average flow in the
stream, assuming that the stream is not in a catchment underlain by a karstified
limestone aquifer (where bypassing via underground conduits can occur), using the
following equation:
To avoid any accidental damage, a trial hole assessment or percolation test should not
be undertaken in areas, which are at or adjacent to significant sites (e.g. NHAs, SACs,
SPAs, and/or Archaeological etc.), without prior advice from The Department of
Environment, Heritage and Local Government, or the relevant Local Authority.
1:50000 1:10,000 1:2500
Catchment Area (Ha)
Available Dilution
Source of Water
Mains Private GGroup
(Tick as Appropriate)
Aquifer Category and Description
Is there a Groundwater Protection
Scheme ?)
Vulnerability Class
Extreme High Moderate Low
(Tick as Appropriate)
Topsoil Type
Subsoil Type and Thickness”
Groundwater Response
(Refer to Appendix A)
Incidence of Karst, describe
(Show location on Map)
Public Supply Boreholes
(Show location on Map, and
indicate distance from proposed
ICW Site)
Domestic Boreholes
(Show location on Map, and indi-
cate distance from proposed ICW
Land Drainage
- Maps
- Local Knowledge
(Including Soil Types)
Needs Further
UTILITIES Knowledge Safety
Power Lines
– above ground
– below ground
Gas mains:
Water Mains:”
3.2.1 Topography / Landscape Position
General Comments:
Ground Slope Steep (>1:5) Shallow (1:5 -1:20)
Difference in Level between source of influent and
Proposed base of ICW 1st Pond
3.2.2 Surface Water
General Description of
Proposed Receiving Water
Channel Width
Channel Depth
Water Depth
3.2.3 Groundwater
Rock Outcrops
Karst Features
Subsoil Cuttings/Exposures
3.2.4 Utilities
Description of Flora
3.2.6 Human
Drainage Systems:
5.0 Site Assessor Details
Date of Report:
• Using a hammer, trowel, or pick, clean off a portion of the trial pit wall.
• Examine whether the quantity of boulders/cobbles is dominant over finer
material. This will usually be easily done by eye. If unsure, separate
boulders/cobbles from finer material in two sample bags and compare weights 107
by hand.
D: Thread Test
Test adapted from a combination of the American Society of Testing and Materials
Designation Standard practice for description and identification of soils (visual-manual
procedure) (1984), and the British Standards Institution BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice
for Site Investigations (1999).
• Ensure the sample is of the consistency of putty. This is very important! Add extra
water or sample to moisten or dry the sample.
• Check that no particles greater than 1 or 2 mm occur in the prepared sample.
• Gently roll a thread 3mm in diameter across the width of the palm of your hand.
Remove excess material.
• If a thread can be rolled, break it and try to re-roll without adding additional
• Repeat until the thread can no longer be rolled without breaking.
• Record the total number of threads that were rolled and re-rolled.
• Repeat the test at least twice per sample. Water can be added between each test
repetition, to return the sample to the consistency of putty.
E: Ribbon Test
Test adapted from the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation
Service Soil Survey Agricultural Handbook 18. (1993).
• Ensure the sample is of the consistency of putty. This is very important! Add extra
water or sample to moisten or dry the sample.
• Check that no particles greater than 1 or 2 mm occur.
• Form your moist sample into a large roll in your hand, approximately the width
of your thumb.
• Hold your hand and arm parallel with the ground. Using your thumb, press the
sample over your index finger to form a uniform ribbon about thumb-width and
0.5cm thick. Let this ribbon hang over your index finger and continue to extrude
the ribbon between thumb and index finger until it breaks. Be careful not to
press your thumb through the ribbon.
• Measure the total length of the formed ribbon when it breaks (i.e. from tip of
thumb to end of ribbon).
• Repeat this test at least 3 times per sample to obtain an average ribbon value.
Water can be added between each repetition, to return the sample to the
consistency of putty.
F: Dilatancy Test
Test taken from British Standards Institution BS 5930:1999 Code of Practice for Site
Investigations (1999).
• Wet the sample such that it is slightly more wet (and softer) than for a thread
test, but not so wet that free water is visible at the surface.
• Spread the sample in the palm of one hand, such that no free water is visible at
the surface.
• Using the other hand, jar the sample 5 times by slapping the heel of your hand
or the ball of your thumb. Take note of whether water rises to the surface or not,
and how quickly it does so.
• Squeeze the sample, again noting if the water disappears or not, and how
• Dilatant samples will show clear and rapid emergence of a sheen of water at the
surface during shaking, and clear and rapid disappearance from the surface
during squeezing. Non dilatant samples will show no discernible sheen.
• Decide whether your sample has dilatancy. Beginners often find it quite difficult
to determine the presence of a sheen, unless it is very obvious. It will become
easier once samples with clear dilatancy are observed.
Widely 2000-600
Medium 600-200
Closely 200-60
Very closely 60-20
Extremely closely <20
Fissured Breaks into blocks along unpolished discontinuities
Sheared Breaks into blocks along polished discontinuities
Appendix E
• The quantity and quality of waste water entering the ICW system. The licence
should specify the maximum load input to the ICW, e.g. population equivalent
for municipal waste water ICWs, sources of soiled water for farmyard ICWs, etc.
• The nature, composition, rate, volume and period during which a discharge may
or may not be made should be specified based on the effect of the discharge on
the receiving water and the design, construction and location of the discharge
• Monitoring Requirements
Typical parameters to be monitored in the waste water entering the ICW and in
the discharge from the final pond of ICW (amendments may be justified
depending on the quantity and quality of waste water entering the ICW system):
Biochemical Oxygen Demand
Chemical Oxygen Demand 111
Suspended Solids
Nitrates (as N)
Ammonium (as N)
Total Phosphorus
Molybdate Reactive Phosphorus
This Preliminary Health and Safety Plan has been prepared in accordance with current
H&S Regulations
1.1 Client
Insert farmer/client name here
Complete as appropriate
Intended Contract
Commencement Date *
Intended Contract
112 Completion Date *
1.6 Drawings/Specifications
The following drawings accompany this preliminary Health and Safety
plan. These should be read in conjunction with this plan.
The following is the non-exhaustive list of particular risks to the health and
safety of persons as set out in Schedule 2 of SI 138 of 1995, together with the
opinion of the Project Supervisor for Design Stage on what elements of the
works may fall within each risk category. It should be noted that many of the
risks on the project may arise out of working methods which are at the
discretion of the Contractor and as such cannot be determined by the Project
Supervisor for Design Stage.
2.1 Works which puts persons at work at risk of burial under earthfalls,
engulfment in swampland or falling from a height, where the risk is
particularly aggravated by the nature of the work or processes used or
by the environment at the place of work or site.
2.2 Work which puts persons at risk from chemical or biological substances
constituting a particular danger to the safety and health of such persons
or involving a legal requirements for health monitoring.
None Envisaged.
2.7 Work carried out by divers at work having a system of air supply.
None Envisaged
2.8 Work carried out in a caisson with a compressed air atmosphere.
None Envisaged
None Envisaged
The information contained in this preliminary Health and Safety Plan has
been prepared prior to the commencement of the work on site. It does
not take account of any matters or information which may come to light
after that time.
Signed: .......................................................................................................
for and on behalf of the Project Supervisor (Design Stage)
Date: .......................................................................................................
Is the site located downhill from the farmyard? Consider locating ICW to an alternative site
Assess possibility of using Is there sufficient depth of suitable soils on site to provide
pumps or alternative site a soil liner of 1m with permeability of 1x10-8m/s?
Are there any field drains or springs on Check availability of sufficient land for
the site? diffuse discharge through a woodland?
Can they be diverted? If no, locate Is there sufficient distance between ICW
alternative site and any nearby wells and dwellings?
Proceed with
Relocate ICW
ICW design
Attenuation: the control of the flow of water to a water course or drainage system
Bio-geochemical: term used to describe the the cycle whereby molecules move
through water, land and air.
Biomass: the mass of living microbes, plants, or animals present per unit area at any
given time.
Detritus: partly decomposed plant or animal litter with its associated microorganisms.
Discharge: the volume of water flow per unit time; can refer water leaving a wetland
including that to surface or ground.
Groundwater: means all water which is below the surface of the ground in the
saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.
Heterotroph: an organism that uses organic carbon for growth by consuming other
Humic substances: the end product of decayed matter usually containing quantities of
trace minerals.
Hydric soil: soil that is saturated or flooded long enough during the growing season to
develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part.
Hydrophyte: a plant growing in soils that are saturated or flooded long enough during
the growing season that the soils become anoxic.
Necromass: the mass of litter or dead plant and animal material per unit area at a given
Pathway: conduits and interconnected interstitial (pore) soil spaces along which water
Phosphorus capture: the extraction of phosphorus from influent water for use in growth
of vegetation
Photosynthesis: conversion of carbon dioxide and water into sugars and oxygen by
plants using energy form the sun.
Subsoil: the term used to describe soils underlying the topsoil layer
Transitional: the zone marking the interface between land and water
Water quality: the physical, chemical and biological properties of water. Water quality
is usually judged from a human-use perspective and given regulatory status.