Ventilator Equipment: Industry: Medical Application: Ventilator

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Ventilator Equipment Application Note

Industry: Medical
Application: Ventilator


Inspiration Side,
Wall Supply Lines

O2 Filter and AWM720P1 IN Inspiration

Valve Heater Flow Sensor
20PC Differential
Pressure Sensor
* OUT Expiration

Expiration Line
200 LPM
200 LPM Filter and Flow Sensor
Check Valve
Flow Sensor Heater
* Possible Sensor Locations

Figure 1. Ventilator application using Honeywell’s 200 LPM airflow sensors

gas flow measurement to the preset inspiratory

Background volume. If the actual gas flow does not match the
Ventilation is the process through which oxygen preset inspiratory volumes, a stepper motor opens
and carbon dioxide are exchanged between the or closes the gas check valves to adjust flow deliv-
lungs and the air. For those who cannot breathe ery.
without assistance, a ventilating machine supports The patient exhales oxygen and carbon dioxide
or manages this process. that returns to the respirator or passes through an
According to FDA regulation 21CFR868.5895, a open exhalation line. At this point, there are sev-
continuous ventilator (or respirator) is a device in- eral possible exhalation sensor, filter and heater
tended to mechanically control or assist patient configurations. In Figure 1, the patient’s exhaled
breathing by delivering a predetermined percent- gases pass through a gas flow sensor mounted
age of oxygen in a gas form. between the patient and the filter heater assembly.
This sensor is optional depending on the applica-
Application tion requirements. Next, the patient’s gas expira-
tion travels through a heater and filter that re-
Figure 1 illustrates a typical ventilator application. moves large particles and condensation. The expi-
High pressure gases enter the ventilator and pass ration then travels through a flow sensor that
through an adjusting valve. The adjusting valve measures gas flow.
ensures that oxygen and the fresh air supply are
combined in appropriate proportions. This mixture As in the inspiration cycle, the ventilator flow sen-
passes through a main flow bacterial filter. Next, sor sends an output signal to a signal conditioner
the oxygen and the fresh air mixture travel through or an analog digital converter interface that relays
a flow sensor that measures the inspiratory gas the signal to a microprocessor. In this instance, the
flow. microprocessor compares the gas flow measure-
ment to the preset expiratory volumes. If actual
Finally, the ventilator flow sensor sends an output gas flow exceeds or does not meet preset expira-
signal to a signal conditioner or an analog digital tory volumes, a stepper motor opens or closes the
converter interface that relays the signal to a mi- check valve.
croprocessor. The microprocessor compares the

Sensing and Control

Honeywell’s Solutions to Customer’s Needs
Ventilator Gas Flow Sensing
Ventilators must accurately maintain and regulate gas flow so that the patient inhales and exhales with
minimal exertion. To measure ventilator gas flow, Honeywell recommends the 200 standard liter per min-
ute (SLPM) airflow sensor.
Honeywell’s airflow sensors meet the requirement for multiple gas compatibility, high stability, low hys-
teresis, high accuracy and repeatability, and fast response time.
Figure 1 illustrates one system for measuring the gas flow and the placement of Honeywell’s 200 LPM
airflow sensors in a ventilator application detailed in the Application section.
Honeywell offers another flow measurement solution that is also found in ventilator applications. In this
specific design, a 20PC differential pressure sensor with P1 and P2 ports interfaced across an inline re-
strictor, such as a screen mesh, measures the pressure drop in ventilation applications.

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Sensing and Control

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