Equities and Liabilities Shareholder'S Funds Mar-20 Mar-19 Total Share Capital 3,277.66 2,760.03
Equities and Liabilities Shareholder'S Funds Mar-20 Mar-19 Total Share Capital 3,277.66 2,760.03
Equities and Liabilities Shareholder'S Funds Mar-20 Mar-19 Total Share Capital 3,277.66 2,760.03
Rs in Crore
1 Total Assets 609,913.93
2 Earning Assets
Balances with RBI 33961.61
Balances with Banks & money at Call & Short Notice* 65179.68
Investments + 118848.92
Advances + 359188.95
Total Earning Assets 577179.16
3 Interest bearing Liabilities
Saving Deposits 109,207.44
Term & Other Deposits 380,280.01
Borrowings 51083.14
Subordinated Debt 0.00
Total Interest bearing liabilities 540570.59
* balances with banks in deposit account and outside india included
Equity Capital 817.29
Reserves 30196.28
Total Equity 31013.57
5 Interest Income 41796.46
6 Interest Expenditure 30072
10 Non-interest operating income 3,652.54
11 Non-interest operating Expenditure 9,341.54
12 Provisions and Contingencies 12,124.83
Provisions and Contingencies include provision for tax
Profit After tax -6,089.21
Profitability Ratios
Return on Assets= NI/ TA -0.010
Equity Multiplier TA/ TE 19.67
TE/ TA 0.05
ROE=ROA X EM -0.20
NI/ OR -0.52
OR/ TA 0.019
TA/ TE 19.67
*OR 11724.62
(II - IE)/ TA 0.019
Provisions/TA 0.020
ROA -0.010
NIM 2.03%
II/ EA 0.072
IE/ Intt Bearing Liab 0.056
Intt Bearing Liabilities/ EA 0.937
Efficiency ratio= Non intt exp/ (Net Interest Income+Non intt income) 0.206
Risk Ratios
Liquidity Risk= Short term securities/ Deposits 0.005789768013747
Interest Rate Risk = Interest Sensitive Assets/ Interest Sensitive Liabilities
Credit Risk = Provisioning / Assets 0.020
Capital Risk = Capital / Assets 0.0013
Leverage ratio= Total equity/Total assets 0.051
Total capital ratio= (Total equity + Long-term debt + Reserve for loan
losses)/Total assets 0.13
Provision for loan loss ratio= PLL/ TL (provision for loan losses/total loans and
leases) 0.039260450523325
Loan Ratio = Net loans/ Total assets 0.038
Reserve Ratio = Reserve for loan losses (reserve for loan losses last year minus
gross charge-offs plus PLL and recoveries)/Total loans and leases
Return on
Assets= NI/ TA
In an economy that is ever-fluctuating, investors want to know that their money is sa
Since some banks have performed financial belly-flops, you may want to investigate a
profitability before you place your money in their care. Three primary measures of ba
profitability are known as the "Return on Assets" (ROA) , "Return on Equity" (ROE) an
"Net Interest Margin" (NIM). Ratios are comparisons of various quantities. Use these
formulas to determine the profitability ratio of a bank.
3 4 5
tio assess a company's debt levels, which are an
ompany's financial health.
s lower the risk. It means if the ratios came out
n then the risk will also be lower.
want to know that their money is safe.
flops, you may want to investigate a bank's
care. Three primary measures of bank
(ROA) , "Return on Equity" (ROE) and the
ons of various quantities. Use these
Mar-20 Mar-19
Interest / Discount on Advances / Bills 28,804.74 27,250.35
Income from Investments 10,704.15 9,972.89
Interest on Balance with RBI and Other 2,431.53 2,837.66
Inter-Bank funds
Others 412.84 706.92
TOTAL INTEREST EARNED 42,353.27 40,767.81
Other Income 6,713.07 5,132.01
TOTAL INCOME 49,066.34 45,899.82
Interest Expended 27,096.29 27,110.14
Payments to and Provisions for Employees 6,141.45 6,021.04