Isi Skripsi Chpter 1,2
Isi Skripsi Chpter 1,2
Isi Skripsi Chpter 1,2
but when they speak in foreign language they will make many mistakes,
native language and their foreign language. Therefore when they speak
When making conversation people of course have aim and needs. When
explicit and implicit meaning. To know how human think, how human
communicate, how they use language in all the ways and with all the
to help account for the relation between sense and force; and this kind of
principle. They are quality, quantity, relation and manner. In real life
people often break these maxims in order to hide the implicit meaning of
the utterance so that the hearer makes the inference from the utterance.
understand, relevance.
analyze of flouting maxim in the movie script big friendly giant because
movie script or watching the movie directly the researcher believes that the
student more interest to learn English especially in speaking. So that their
utterances will be relevant, clear and correct with his or her interlocutors.
conversation when they talk each other. Sometimes they give response to
becomes not unclear and they would not achieve their conversation well.
maxim in the movie script “Big Friendly Giant” and its application in
teaching speaking for senior high school. In this thesis the researcher
describes the types of flouting maxims they are: quality, quantity, relation
student still make mistake when they are having conversation, by using
Many aspects can be analyzed from the script movie “Big Friendly
Giant”. However the researcher wants to state two problems that going to
discussed are:
Friendly Giant”
There are some expected benefits from the result of this study. The
1. English Teacher
2. Students
3. Other Researcher
presents about review theories and studies that are closely related to
A. Theoretical review
1. Pragmatic
Pragmatics is the study of the relations between language and context that
young linguistic discipline compared to, for example, phonetic and syntax
definition of linguistic pragmatic tend to use different terms and are often
more detailed. He has included below three definitions that are now
On the other hand, Mey (2004:6 ) explains that pragmatics studies the
of society.
our knowledge.
2. Cooperative Principle
maxim relevance and maxim manner. These maxims deal with their
not have full command of the target language, is often to concern with his/
every human language, they can function quite differently from language
a. Maxim of Quality:
means the speaker should inform the truth and they are not allowed
to say what they think false and give the statement that run short of
proof. Here speaker write are expected to say only what they believe
to be true and to have evidence for what they say. Consider the
example below:
Berta :”I do not know that it does, and I want to know if it does.”
In the example Y gives the truth that his car was broken down. So
that that they believe to be false or anything for which they lack
A :”Bye-bye, bye”
can’t be totally sure if this is true, So that if A rings up and finds that
that B did make it clear that B was uncertain. Most hearers assume
that speakers are not lying, and most speakers know that.
has evidence that it is, and When will dinner be ready?. It is being
the speaker does not know, has a reason for wanting to know, and
hearer such that the hearer accepts the utterance made by speaker as
statements of the way thing are from speaker’s point of view. By this
maxim, means that speakers should always provide true and valid
b. Maxim of Quantity
other information.
neither too little information nor too much. Some speakers like to point to
the fact that they know how much information the hearer requires or can
be bothered with, and say something like, ‘well, to cut a long story short,
she didn’t get home till two.’ People who give too little information risk
their hearer not being able to identify what they are talking about because
they are not explicit enough; those who give more information than the
Grundy (2000: 74) gives more examples: The students are making
progress. Based on the example, being all the information the speaker
provides, gives rise to the implicature that the students are not doing
hearer’s benefit. In other words, we are concerned here with the speaker’s
cooperative.( Celce,2007:171)
c. Maxim of Relation:
Be relevant.
are assumed to be saying something that is relevant to what has been said
door, and that he cannot go and see who it is because he is in the bath.
Some speakers like to indicate how their comment has relevance to the
Moreover, Grundy (2000:74) state that maxim of relevance is
fulfilled when the speaker give information that is relevant to the topic
Refers to the fact that the speaker needs to make sure that the
hearer sees the relevance of what is being said to what she/he knows about
situation and the goal of the interaction. If for some reason the speaker
suddenly decides to change the topic or interrupt the normal flow of the
conversation, it will be expected that she/he explain the reasons for this
d. Maxim of Manner:
Be perspicuous.
iii) Be brief.
iv) Be orderly.
In the example, Y’s answer obeys the manner maxim: be orderly, because
speakers put information brief and orderly, the speaker must avoid the
for the hearer to carry out the interpretation process. It is the speaker’s
to clarify and adjust the utterance so that it abides by the maxim of manner
of breaking maxim. One makes clear to the hearer that one is aware of the
other words, is not that communication has broken down, but that the
up appropriate ones.
maxims but expect hearers to appreciate the meaning implied, he say that
with flouting maxim. Just as with an indirect speech, the speaker implies a
function different the literal meaning of form, when flouting a maxim, the
speaker assumes that the hearer knows that their words should not be taken
at face value and that they can infer the implicit meaning.
a. Flouting Quantity
The speaker who flouts the maxim of quantity seems to give too
little or too much information. If peter asks, ‘Well, how do I look?’ and
Mary replies ‘Your Shoes are nice’, Peter knows that Mary is not
old lady in the sheltered home, in the example that started this unit, we
see that she flouts the maxim of quantity when she says, ‘Oh yes, you
will get other opinions, but that’s my opinion’. The interviewer knows
that she is not giving all information that he needs in order to fully
b. Flouting Quality
ways. Firstly, they may quite simply say something that obviously
would expect their hearer to say, ‘what you could eat a whole horse?’
or ‘I don’t think you are dying of hunger-you don’t even look thin’.
Hearers would be expected to know that the speaker simply meant that
they were very hungry. Hyperbole is often ata the basis of humor.
Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage in your life
when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you.
(Lebowitz,1985,quoted in Sherrin 1995)
It is an exaggeration to say that adults are never happy to hear that the
phone is for them, even though this may often be the case. Anybody
reading this humorous line would know not to take it at its face value.
such a wet blanket-we just want to have fun’. Here again, hearers
would understand that the house was very cold indeed, and the other
The last two main ways of flouting the maxim of quality are
irony and banter, and they form a pair. As Leech (1983:144) says,
c. Flouting relation
of relation, they expect that the hearers will be able to imagine what
the utterance did not say and make the connection between their
We assume that the ‘mommy’ was the mother of the crying baby and
that she picked the baby up because it was crying. Similarly, in the
following exchange:
comment that there is someone at the door, and that he cannot go and
d. Flouting manner
little daughter does not become excited and ask for the ice-cream
4. Teaching Speaking
learning, enabling the learner to learn, and setting the condition for
somebody’s ideas.
from teacher to student in good situation and condition so that the students
will accept knowledge easier and add their knowledge than before.
Brown (2000:266) states that listening and speaking skills are closely
often than not, ESL curricula that treat oral communication skill will
a. Definition Movie
entitled Big Friendly Giant. The researcher use movie because the
than hear their teacher explanation more about material, beside that
5) Unquestionable.
Ismail (2013:128)
c. Disadvantages movies
class periods.
Ismaili (2013:128)
d. Genre of Movie
1) Action
2) Adventure
the law, stealing and murdering their way through life. Criminal
films are probably the largest film genre, with many subsets.
Writers etc.
6) Epics / Historical
Southbound etc.
8) Musicals/Dance
9) Science fiction
10) War
primary plot or background for the action of the film. War films
operations, and training. See this site's Greatest War Movies (in
multiple parts).
11) Westerns
screenwriter. Roald dahl (1916-1990) was a World War II fighter ace who
became a writer for adults and then an immensely popular writer for
children. Among his well-known books for children are James and the
Giant Peach, Charlie and the chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Witches,
Fantastic Mr. Fox, and The Twits. With more than 200 million books in
print, Dahl is ranked among the best-selling authors of the world; and, far
and away, he is the best-selling children’s writer in the UK. Dahl was
married for thirty years to the actress Patricia Neal and had five children.
The BFG is dedicated to his daughter Olivia who was seven years old
based on the 1982 novel of the same name by Roald Dahl. Big Friendly
Giant release on July 1, 2016 in United States. Big Friendly giants is one
of film that can inspire many people to having empathy and brave to help
other, beside that Big Friendly Giant also suitable for all ages , everyone
allow to watch this movie because the movie not only entertain the
audience but also give some lesson, especially for the parents about world
life and also about how important to have a dream or imagination for their
analyze because big friendly giant is one of novel writer by Roald dahl, he
is one of British Novel that ever best-selling authors of the world, beside
situation, use movie as media make teaching learning more interest, beside
that student should observe how the actors speak with their interlocutors as
In the BFG, young orphan Sophie meets the BFG one night when she
can’t sleep. He takes her back to his cave, where she meets nine other
giants, all of whom eat humans. To stop the giants, Sophie and the BFG go
The BFG kidnaps Sophie so that she can’t tell anyone about his
existence. He fears being captured and put in a cave. He’s much nicer than
his fellow giants, who treat him terribly and eat human beings for every
Determined to stop the giants, Sophie and the BFG devise a plan:
they are going to plant a nightmare about man-eating giants during the
them. Her soldiers dig a huge pit, into which they throw the sleeping
B. Previous study
have analyzed maxim. The first previous study is done by Wida Noviyana
Inggris ”When English Rings A Bell” year VIII Using Cooperative Principle
(Maxim) and Its Application to Teach Speaking At the Eight Grade Students of
Junior High School. The objectives of the study to find out of maxims are
particularly, the cooperative principle. She conduct the way her research by
using descriptive qualitative research. The procedures of analyzing the data are
describing the data in form dialogue of the textbook, describing the context,
and analyzing the data based on Grice’s cooperative principle, and analyzing
the implicatures. The result shows that in her research, in textbook entitled
“When English Rings A Bell” found flouted the maxim of quantity 79 times or
54, 86%, the maxim of quality flouted 19 times or 13,19%, the maxim of
relation flouted 31 times or 21,52%, and the maxim of manner flouted 15 times
or 10,41%. The result shows that all of maxim flouting was in this textbook,
there is similarity between her research and this thesis, the similarity is that use
researcher uses documentation method to collecting the data. The data are
taken from the dialogue in the movie and they are explained descriptively. The
result of the research show that the maxim flouted 28 times in the whole
dialogue of the movie. The maxim of quantity flouted 4 times, the maxim of
quality flouted 15 times, the maxim of relation flouted 5 times, and the maxim
of manner flouted 4 times. The result shows that the implicature is related to
the context situation. There is similarity between her research and this thesis,
the similarity is that use movie as object of analyze but there are differences
between her research with this thesis, her research use documentation method
to collect data in this thesis use watching the movie, downloading the script
and taking all utterances which contain flouting maxim the data.