The document outlines a process for programmatic pilots that includes several phases:
1) Scoping and identification to understand needs, stakeholders, and potential for user uptake.
2) In-depth research, study, and testing to characterize solutions, including lab and field testing.
3) Prototyping and development through iterative testing and evaluation.
4) System installations and large trials to gauge actual impact and develop strategies for replication and scaling successful models.
The document outlines a process for programmatic pilots that includes several phases:
1) Scoping and identification to understand needs, stakeholders, and potential for user uptake.
2) In-depth research, study, and testing to characterize solutions, including lab and field testing.
3) Prototyping and development through iterative testing and evaluation.
4) System installations and large trials to gauge actual impact and develop strategies for replication and scaling successful models.
The document outlines a process for programmatic pilots that includes several phases:
1) Scoping and identification to understand needs, stakeholders, and potential for user uptake.
2) In-depth research, study, and testing to characterize solutions, including lab and field testing.
3) Prototyping and development through iterative testing and evaluation.
4) System installations and large trials to gauge actual impact and develop strategies for replication and scaling successful models.
The document outlines a process for programmatic pilots that includes several phases:
1) Scoping and identification to understand needs, stakeholders, and potential for user uptake.
2) In-depth research, study, and testing to characterize solutions, including lab and field testing.
3) Prototyping and development through iterative testing and evaluation.
4) System installations and large trials to gauge actual impact and develop strategies for replication and scaling successful models.
Scoping In-depth research, Study, Testing, Characterization Prototyping and Development
System installations, and Identification Inputs, Vendor interaction and Evaluation (iterative phase) large trials
Field Testing REPURPOSE APPLICATION Large holistic pilots
Identification Market study 1. Claims verification Ecosystem development Need Assessment Identification of Solution 2. Geographical context Identifying actual Impact Stakeholder mapping Ecosystem understanding and User need MODIFICATION and strategy to scale/ Understanding potential for evaluation replicate user uptake/ adoption Gauge actual Impact User centric research Lab testing (technical + Prototyping and development functionality) YES to all YES to all Gauge potential impact 3. Technology Testing 1. Potential to Impact 1. Potential for scale DIRECT 2. Scope for invention/ (Impact vs No innovation YES to all scalability)* 3. Potential Feasibility, 2. Comparative Study of Existing solutions INVENTION Desirability, Viability 1. Functionality + (User and 3. Potential to create No User uptake/ stakeholder critical processes 1. Functionality + User uptake/ adoption perspective) 4. Analysis (short, adoption 2. Financial viability medium and long 2. Financial viability 3. Feasibility term) and timeline for 3. Feasibility (stakeholders + (stakeholders + adoption/ uptake* context) context) No 4. Impact on field 4. Impact on field
Strategy gets developed across the development and
pilot phases Problem/ Idea Database Working closely with partners (entrepreneurs, enterprises and other institutions) to replicate and scale successful Replication and models through knowledge transfer, capacity building Scale up and financial innovation
Limiting Technical Debt With Maintainability Assurance - An Industry Survey On Used Techniques and Differences With Service-And Microservice-Based Systems