The Relationship Between The Need For Closure and Deviant Bias: An Investigation of Generality and Process
The Relationship Between The Need For Closure and Deviant Bias: An Investigation of Generality and Process
The Relationship Between The Need For Closure and Deviant Bias: An Investigation of Generality and Process
The relationship between the need for closure and deviant bias: An
investigation of generality and process
13 246
3 authors:
Richard J Crisp
Durham University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Mark Rubin on 05 June 2014.
This self-archived version is provided for scholarly purposes only. The correct reference for this
article is as follows:
Rubin, M., Paolini, S., & Crisp, R. J. (2011). The relationship between the need for closure and
deviant bias: An investigation of generality and process. International Journal of Psychology, 46, 206-
213. doi: 10.1080/00207594.2010.537660
This research was supported by the Australian Research Council's Discovery Project
funding scheme (DP0556908). We are grateful to Jessica Beckerleg, Toni Lindsay, Abby
Stokes, and Samantha Wilson for their assistance with data collection and coding.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Mark Rubin at the
School of Psychology, the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW 2308, Australia. Tel:
+61 (0)2 4921 6706. Fax: +61 (0)2 4921 6980. E-mail: [email protected]
Word Counts: Abstract: 209; Main text: 3,663; Footnotes: 0; References: 22 references (611
words); Tables: 1 (179 words); Figures: 1 (38 words); Total for main text + tables + figures +
references: 4,491.
The need for closure predicts an evaluative bias against people whose opinions or behaviors
deviate from other members of their social groups (Doherty, K. T., 1998; Kruglanski, A. W.,
& Webster, D. M., 1991; Schimel, J., et al., 1999). In the present study, we investigated
whether the relationship between the need for closure and deviant bias generalized to
nonsocial stimuli, and we examined the process underlying this relationship. Sixty-one
undergraduate students completed measures of the need for closure, the need for structure,
intolerance for ambiguity, and the ability to be decisive and achieve cognitive structure. They
then rated their liking for letters of the Latin alphabet (“A” & “B”) whose locations were
consistent and inconsistent with relevant categories (“A circle” & “B circle”). Participants
liked category-inconsistent letters less than category-consistent letters. Measures related to
the need for structure and closed-mindedness correlated positively with this deviant bias,
whereas measures related to the ability to be decisive and achieve cognitive structure did not.
These results imply that the relationship between the need for closure and deviant bias is a
relatively basic and pervasive effect that is not unique to social deviance and that is driven by
the need for structure and closed-mindedness. Implications for social and nonsocial stimuli
are discussed.
KEYWORDS: need for closure; need for structure; stereotype-inconsistent; deviant bias
The Relationship Between the Need for Closure and Deviant Bias:
An Investigation of Generality and Process
The need for closure represents “individuals’ desire for a firm answer to a question
and an aversion toward ambiguity (Kruglanski & Webster, 1996, p. 264; see also Neuberg &
Newsom, 1993; Webster, & Kruglanski, 1994). Webster and Kruglanski (1994) developed a
Need for Closure scale that consists of five subscales, including the preference for
predictability, closed-mindedness, preference for order, discomfort with ambiguity, and
decisiveness. Notably, this scale measures an ability component as well as a need component,
and this distinction between need and ability has caused serious debates about the structure
and validity of the scale (Kruglanski, Atash, DeGrada, Mannetti, Pierro, & Webster, 1997;
Neuberg et al., 1997). However, the work of Mannetti, Pierro, Kruglanski, Taris, and
Bezinovic (2002) and Roets and Van Hiel (2007) have clarified this issue by demonstrating
that the ability items are restricted to the Decisiveness subscale of the Need for Closure scale.
The need for closure has been found to predict relatively negative evaluations of
people whose opinions or behaviors deviate from other people in their social groups
(Doherty, 1998; Kruglanski & Webster, 1991; Schimel et al., 1999, Study 5). In the present
research, we investigated whether the relationship between the need for closure and this
deviant bias generalized to nonsocial stimuli. We also examined the process underlying this
relationship by investigating the extent to which the need for structure, closed-mindedness,
and the ability to be decisive predicted deviant bias.
Previous Research
In previous research, Kruglanski and Webster (1991) and Doherty (1998) manipulated
the need for closure using time pressure or environmental noise and then measured
evaluations of an opinion deviant during group discussions. In a high time pressure condition,
the deviant expressed his or her opinion five minutes before a decision deadline, resulting in a
high need for closure. In a low time pressure condition, the deviant expressed his or her
opinion five minutes from the start of the discussion, resulting in a low need for closure. In a
high environmental noise condition, the group discussion was conducted in the presence of a
loud, active computer printer. In a low need for closure condition, the computer printer was
inactive and silent. The researchers found consistent results across these diverse
manipulations of the need for closure: High need for closure (i.e., high time pressure or loud
environmental noise) caused negative evaluations of opinion deviants.
Schimel et al. (1999, Study 5) demonstrated that that the relationship between the
need for closure and deviant bias generalizes from manipulations of the need for closure and
judgments of opinion deviants to measures of the need for closure and judgments of
stereotype-inconsistent individuals. Participants began Schimel et al.’s research by
completing the Need for Closure scale. Their mortality salience was then manipulated. In a
high mortality salience condition, participants described their thoughts and feelings about
their own death. In a low mortality salience condition, participants described their thoughts
and feelings about watching television. They then evaluated a gay man based on a description
of his personality, preferences, and lifestyle. In a stereotype-consistent condition, this
description referred to a theatre major who liked to “visit art galleries, go to discos, and go
shopping” (p. 919). In a stereotype-inconsistent condition, the description referred to an
engineering major who liked to “restore old cars, play basketball, and lift weights” (p. 919).
The researchers found that only people who scored relatively high on the need for closure
scale and who had a salient sense of their mortality showed a significant evaluative bias
against the stereotype-inconsistent gay man.
and category-inconsistent targets. So, for example, even if for some reason participants
perceived the letter “A” to be more positive than the letter “B”, the fact that we represented
category-consistent and category-inconsistent stimuli using “A” and “B” letters an equal
number of times meant that valence differences between specific stimuli (“A”/“B”) could not
account for evaluative differences between stimulus types (category-consistent/
category-inconsistent). Note that this counterbalancing precluded the influence of
letter-specific valence effects such as contrast effects (Schwarz & Bless, 1992; Sherif &
Hovland, 1961) and the effects of category-based expectancy violations (e.g., Jussim,
Coleman, & Lerch, 1987).
Perceived awareness of the research hypothesis. We considered the possibility that
implicit demand characteristics in our research design might cue participants to the
hypothesis of a positive relationship between the need for closure and evaluations of
category-inconsistent stimuli. In this case, participants might respond in a way that they
believe would confirm the perceived hypothesis in order to be “good” participants and not
“ruin” the research (Orne, 1962). In order to test this demand characteristics explanation, we
asked participants to respond to two statements that measured their perceived awareness of
the research hypothesis (PARH; Rubin, Paolini, & Crisp, 2010). The PARH statements were
(1) “I wasn’t sure what the researchers were trying to demonstrate in this research” and (2) “I
was unclear about exactly what the researchers were aiming to prove in this research”.
Participants responded to each PARH statement using a 7-point Likert-type scale (1 =
strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree). Participants also responded to three open-ended
questions that asked them to describe (a) what information they had heard about the research
from previous participants, (b) what the research was trying to show and how it was trying to
show it, and (c) what suspicions or doubts they had about the research.
In her postexperimental comments, one participant suggested that the more
spontaneous people were, the more they would like letters that did not fit in with the average.
A second participant did not complete a substantial portion of the research questionnaire. We
excluded the data from these two participants from our analyses.
After we reverse scored appropriate items, each of the psychometric scales had
acceptable internal consistency (see Table 1). Consequently, we averaged scores to create
single scores for each scale and each Need for Closure subscale.
-- Insert Table 1 here --
An alpha level of .05 was used as the criteria for statistical significance in all
analyses. As shown in Table 1, there were significant, large, positive correlations between
many of the psychometric scales. Consistent with previous research (e.g., Neuberg et al.,
1997; Webster & Kruglanski, 1994), these correlations confirmed the convergent validity
between these measures. Notably, however, the Decisiveness subscale and the Ability to
Achieve Cognitive Structure scale had mainly nonsignificant relationships with the other
scales. Again, this evidence is consistent with previous research (e.g., Bar-Tal, Kishon-Rabin,
& Tabak, 1997; Neuberg et al., 1997), and it confirms that these measures assess a
substantially separate aspect of the closure construct (Roets & Van Hiel, 2007). Consistent
with the assumption that these scales both measured the ability to be decisive, the largest
correlation that they obtained was with one another, r(59) = .66, p < .001.
In order to investigate deviant bias, we computed mean evaluation ratings for each
target type (category-consistent/category-inconsistent). We then performed a paired samples t
test on this data using target type as the independent variable. Participants rated
category-consistent letters (M = 3.45, SD = .70) significantly more positively than
category-inconsistent letters (M = 3.01, SD = .96), t(58) = 2.57, p = .013, 2 = .10. In other
words, participants showed a significant bias against deviant stimuli.
deviant bias to occur; an equivalent relationship can occur when the stimuli are not social in
Practically, our results imply that the relationship between the need for closure and
deviant bias should occur in a broad range of different situations. We consider some
examples in relation to both nonsocial and social stimuli below.
Considering nonsocial stimuli first, many consumer products have been financially
unsuccessful because the manufacturing brand name was associated with products from
other, often inconsistent categories. Notable examples include Smith and Wesson mountain
bikes, Coors Rocky Mountain spring water, Colgate food products, Frito Lay lemonade, Bic
underwear, and Harley Davidson perfume (Walletpop, 2010). Based on the present research
findings, people with a high need for closure are likely to have the strongest negative
reactions to these category-inconsistent products.
Turning to social stimuli, future research might profit from examining the relationship
between the need for closure and evaluations of migrants, because migrants are social stimuli
that have moved from a consistent category location (e.g., an Australian in Australia) to an
inconsistent category location (e.g., an Australian in the USA).
The Process Underlying the Relationship Between the Need for Closure and Deviant
The present research also identified the particular dimensions of the need for closure
that are responsible for its relationship with deviant bias. Consistent with predictions, deviant
bias was significantly associated with measures that are related to the need for structure (e.g.,
preference for order and predictability, dislike of ambiguity) and closed-mindedness and
unrelated to measures of the ability to be decisive and achieve closure.
The present research does not refute the potential influence of either the ability or the
need to be decisive when deviants threaten quick decision-making. Hence, the ability or need
to be decisive may be associated with bias against opinion deviants during a group problem-
solving task (Kruglanski & Webster, 1991). However, clear evidence of this relationship has
yet to be established.
Future research should investigate the extent to which the ability and need for
decisiveness, structure, and closed-mindedness operate in different situations. For example, in
Kruglanski and Webster’s (1991) research, opinion deviates may have evoked negative
reactions not only because they undermined the ability of the group to reach a quick solution
to a problem, but also because they threatened the group’s social categorical structure and
brought up contrasting options for consideration.
Limitations and Directions for Future Research
We should note four limitations of our research that may provide the impetus for
future research in this area. First, we did not demonstrate that the need for closure predicted
deviant bias using social stimuli in the present research. Future research would profit from
demonstrating both social and nonsocial effects within the same study.
Second, our particular operationalization of deviant stimuli included a prescriptive
component in the form of labels that identified each category as either an “A circle” or a “B
circle”. This approach produced a rather explicit form of deviance that may have augmented
our effects. Future research should investigate whether similar effects are apparent when this
prescriptive component is absent from the research stimuli.
Third, contrary to Schimel et al. (1999, Study 5), we did not manipulate mortality
salience in the present research. Our results indicate that mortality salience is not necessary in
order for the need for closure to predict deviant bias using nonsocial stimuli. Nonetheless,
based on Schimel et al.’s evidence and more recent work by Landau et al. (2006), future
research in this area should investigate the potential moderating effect of mortality salience.
Fourth, although we measured the ability to be decisive in the present research, we did
not measure the need to be decisive. Hence, we cannot rule out the possibility that the need
for decisiveness predicts deviant bias. Future research can investigate this issue using Roets
and Van Hiel’s (2007) new set of items for the Decisiveness scale.
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Table 1
Cronbach Alpha Values and Correlation Coefficients
Measure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Deviant bias – –
2. Need for Closure .86 .42** –
3. Preference for predictability .79 .32* .79** –
4. Closed-mindedness .61 .34** .60** .47** –
5. Preference for order .80 .35** .83** .59** .23 –
6. Discomfort with ambiguity .61 .30* .64** .59** .34* .39** –
7. Decisiveness .75 .09 .33* -.09 .14 .29* -.26* –
8. Need for Cognitive Structure .84 .35* .66** .60** .46** .45** .75** -.12 –
9. Personal Need for Structure .83 .37** .76** .85** .32* .66** .63** -.09 .69** –
10. Intolerance for Ambiguity .75 .32* .57** .48** .56** .41** .38** .13 .57** .52** –
11. AACS .78 .07 .13 -.13 .08 .16 -.33* .66** -.07 -.06 .15 –
12. PARH .83 .16 .09 .13 .28* -.12 .21 -.09 .20 .11 .21 .08
Note. Variables 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are subscales of the Need for Closure scale. AACS = Ability to Achieve Cognitive Structure. PARH = Perceived
Awareness of the Research Hypothesis.
* p < .05. ** p < .01.
Figure Captions
Figure 1. Example of a diagram that required the evaluation of a category-consistent letter
A circle B circle