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Roel Palo Anicas

Dean, Institute of Graduate Studies, Director, Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Gordon College, Olongapo City,

[email protected]

Roel Palo Anicas. Leadership Practice and Competence of Administrators of the Strategic Partnership
Institutes of Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. –
Palarch’s Journal of Archaralogy of Egypt/Egyptogy 17(2), 345-355. ISSN 1567-214X

Keywords: Educational administration, Leadership practices, Competence, TVTC, Strategic partnership

institutes, Descriptive-correlational design, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Middle East.

The study's goal was to determine the extent of the leadership practices and competence of the administrators of the
Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) Strategic Partnership Institutes (SPIs) in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia. In the research, the descriptive-correlational design was used with the use of the questionnaire as the
key tool to collect data from nine (9) administrator-respondents and three hundred and four (304) teacher-
respondents. Descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency, and weighted mean were used in explaining the
collected data. Pearson r and t-test were used to evaluate essential relationships and significant differences between
the analysis variables. TVTC administrators' Strategic Partnership Institutes (SPIs) have a high level of leadership
practices and competence; there is a significant relationship between management practices and administrator
competence; and when examined by teacher-respondents among TVTC SPI administrators in the Kingdom of Saud,
there is no significant difference in the level of leadership practices To strengthen the leadership and competence of
TVTC's SPIs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the proposed training and development program should be adopted
and implemented as soon as possible.


"Effective schools do not happen by chance. They are designed and maintained by
leaders who have a thorough understanding of factors that contribute to organizational
effectiveness and the characteristics that make a school the institution emulated. A major
factor in effective schools is a strong instructional leader who stirs the organization
towards achieving the school mission, which revolves primarily around meaningful
learning and growth. To effectively carry out the tasks of institutional leadership, leaders
need to have essential competencies. With this development, the 21st-century teachers
are required to have a command of various knowledge bases - academic, pedagogical,
social, and cultural and to be reflective problem-solving professionals."

Educational institutions worldwide are now expected to provide an efficient leader with
the ability to handle change with the amalgam of post-industrial society, post-business
society, and information age. The extent of educational change is so immense that the gap
between capacity and academic expectations set by education widens. "The causes for
failures in educational programs were inadequate leadership activities around the
world" (Razik and Swanson, 2000).

Improving the leadership practices and management skills of the administrators of the
Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) Strategic Partnership Institutes
(SPIs) is in line with the vision of developing a culture of excellence that would harness
the potential and prepare Saudi youth for the technical and vocational qualifications
needed by the government.

"In the Philippine environment, Solomon (2002) pointed out that" educational realities
frequently challenged administrator leadership practices with issues of overall class size,
no classroom, insufficient facilities, and many other problems experienced, affecting not
only the performance of students but also the health of teachers and students.

In the local climate, the administrators of the SPIs at TVTC-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
were confronted with difficulties in exercising leadership capabilities and managerial
competence that hindered quality education forces such as poor understanding and
examination, lack of follow-up of parents, very poor study habit, absenteeism, and
perseverance and patience of teachers.

An excellent learning institution is the product of good leadership. In turn, successful

management depends on a clear understanding of the true management theory and the
ability to put the theory into practice, even more significantly. Rulers are not perfect
people, like any other corporation. They've got vulnerabilities and shortcomings.
Therefore, the action is taken to ensure that the objectives and the company are achieved
efficiently and effectively, delivering guidance.

School administration, especially in a growing company like the TVTC SPIs, has been a
complex activity. Then, as an academic manager of a learning institution under the
accreditation and oversight of TVTC, the researcher desires to examine the leadership
practices and management skills of TVTC administrators' SPIs to optimize their strengths
and establish and introduce initiatives to overcome their weaknesses. This research can
become a useful guide for the SPIs in achieving their target of quality, technical, and
vocational education, and appropriate qualifications.

The descriptive-correlational method of research was employed in this analysis. As it
analyzed the extent of management activities and the level of managers' level of
competence, this research is descriptive. This correlational analysis will assess whether
there is an established association between management activities and administrative


The administrators and teachers of nine (9) TVTC SPIs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
were the subjects of this report. Two sets of questionnaires, the Leadership Practices
Questionnaire, and the Competence Questionnaire, were used in this inquiry. This
research used the Leadership Practices Questionnaire created by the Rollins in 1999 and
implemented worldwide in many studies in discussing an organization's leadership
practices. On the other hand, the second questionnaire is a Department of Education,
Culture and Sports Service Manual Structured Management Competence Questionnaire
(DECS, 2000) survey for administrators that evaluated the level of their competence in
staff management and growth, resource management, curriculum management, and
development, teaching and learning, developing supportive learning.

To fit this report's intent, both the Leadership Practices Questionnaire and the
Competence Questionnaire were submitted for validation. The Leadership Practices
questionnaire validation results have a mean score of 4.80, defined as very high validity.
The Questionnaire on Leadership Practices was divided into five indicators: modeling the
way, encouraging a shared vision, allowing others to act, questioning the process, and
fostering the spirit. There are 6 item statements in each indicator. On the other hand, there
were eight metrics with ten item statements allocated to each one for the competence
questionnaire. The proficiency has a mean validity score of 4.80 with a very high validity
descriptive counterpart.

The researcher followed the following protocol in collecting data for this study. Upon
approval, the researcher personally distributed the following questionnaires during the
monthly scheduled meeting to the Academic Manager / Academic Coordinator /
Academic Director of each TVTC SPI and will be administered by the Academic
Manager / Academic Coordinator / Academic Director of each TVTC SPI of each
institute and will be returned during the next monthly meeting.

The information collected and gathered was registered, tabulated, and interpreted
confidentially and accordingly. In the analysis, the following statistical instruments were
used; Percentage, Weighted Mean, Pearson Product Moment of Correlation (Pearson r),
and Coefficient Correlation Significance Test.


The following describes the profile of the administrator-respondents in terms of age,
length of service in the institution, highest academic achievement, number of years of
experience as administrator and training related to the position as administrator; the
extent of management activities and level of competence of the administrators of the
TVTC SPIs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Administrator-respondents’ profile

Age. Out of nine administrator-respondents five (5) or 55.56% whose age are from 40 -
44; two (2) or 22.22% are from age ranges 35-39 and 45 - 49; and zero (0) or 0% for 50 -

Length of Service. Out of nine (9) respondents, there were seven (7) or 77.78% whose
length of service is from 1 -4 years; two (2) or 22.22% were having 5 – 9 years of
experience; and zero (0) or 0% for 10 – above the length of service.

Highest Educational Attainment. There were seven (7) or 77.78% whose highest
educational attainment was bachelor’s degree; two (2) or 22.22% were master’s degrees,
and zero (0) or 0% was a doctorate’s degree graduate.


Specialization. Out of nine (9) respondents, there were seven (3) or 33.33% whose
specialization was BS in Business Administration; and one (1) or 11.11% each of the
following specializations, Master in the Arabic Language; Master in Information System;
BS Engineering in Applied Mechanical; BS Engineering in Industrial System; BS in
Computer Science; and BS in Instrumentation and Control Engineering Technology;

Number of Years of Experiences Administrator. Out of nine (9) respondents, there

were seven (7) or 77.78% whose number of years of relevant experiences as
administrator is from 1 -4 years; two (2) or 22.22% were having 5 – 9 years of relevant
experiences as administrator; and zero (0) or 0% for 10 – above years.

Training Attended Relevant with the Position as Administrator. Out of nine (9)
respondents, none of them (0) or 0% having training attended relevant to the
administrator position.

Extent of leadership practices

Under these variable leadership activities, as measured by the teacher-respondents, the

weighted means of five metrics are as follows: Encouraging the Heart, 3.15; Modeling
the Way, 3.14; Enabling Others to Act, 3.14; Inspiring a Shared Vision, 3.13; and
Challenging the Process, 3.06. All had a "Moderate" quantitative definition.

While the weighted means of five metrics as rated by the administrator-respondents under
this variable leadership practice are as follows: Encouraging the Heart, 3.91; Challenging
the Process, 3.85; Inspiring a Shared Vision, 3.83; Enabling Others to Act, 3.76; and
Modeling the Way, 3.59. All had a "high" quantitative definition.

Level of competence

The weighted means of eight indicators under this variable competence as rated by the
teacher-respondents are as follows:

School Planning and Development, 2.83; Curriculum Management and Development,

2.64; Community Building, 2.61; Teaching and Learning, 2.55; Resource Management,
2.54; Conducive Learning Environment, 2.52; Staff Management and Development, 2.46;
and Leadership, 2.44. Five indicators have quantitative description of “Low” and three
are “Moderate”. While the weighted means of eight indicators under this variable
leadership practices as rated by the administrator-respondents are as follows: Resource
Management, 4.23; Community Building, 4.22; Teaching and Learning4.02; School
Planning and Development, 3.98; Leadership, 3.89; Conducive Learning Environment,
3.86; Curriculum Management and Development, 3.62; and Staff Management and
Development, 3.50. All had quantitative description of “High”.

Significant relationship between the leadership practices and competence of the


There are four indicators under Encouraging the Heart which are Very Low Correlations
and Not Significant and one under Enabling Others to Act. These are the following:
Resource Management between Encouraging the Heart having an r of -.225 and .109
probability; Curriculum Management and Development between Encouraging the Heart
having an 5 of .103 and .466 probability; Community Building between Encouraging the
Heart having an r of .212 and .132 probability; School Planning and Development
between Enabling Others to Act having an r of .246 and .057 probability; and School
Planning and Development between Encouraging the Heart having an r of .239 and .087
probability, respectively.


Significant difference in the assessment of teachers and administrators on leadership


The hypothesis that there are no significant differences in the extent of leadership
practices among TVTC SPI administrators in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is rejected;
the probability value is, therefore, statistically significant. The metrics are as follows:
modeling the path with a probability value of 0.001; enabling others to act with a
probability value of 0.001; inspiring shared vision with a probability value of 0.002;
challenging the process with a probability of 0.003, and encouraging the heart with a
probability of 0.003.

Significant difference in the assessment of teachers and administrators on competence

The hypothesis of there is no significant difference on the extent of competence among

the administrators of SPIs of TVTC in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is rejected; hence
the probability value is statistically significant. The following are the indicators: staff
management and development with probability value of 0.007; resource management
with a probability value of 0.000; curriculum management and development with a
probability value of 0.004; teaching and learning; conducive learning environment;
community building; school planning and development; and leadership having all a
probability of 0.000, respectively.

The proposed training and development program towards enhancing the level of
leadership and competence of the administrators of the SPIs of TVTC in the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia

The training and development program

In an ever changing and fast paced corporate world, training and development are
indispensable functions. Training refers to the process of acquiring the essential skills
required for a certain job. It targets specific goals, for instance understanding a process.
Training allows employees to acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, perform better,
increase productivity and be better leaders. Career development, on the other side, puts
emphasis on broader skills, which are applicable in a wide range of situations. This
includes decision making, thinking creatively and managing people.

In a school set-up, school administrators must develop not only the essential management
skills but also pertinent leadership skills so that they can sustain their functions in
managing and promoting quality education and in the same time leading the faculty and
staff in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in a way that they are happy and satisfied.
Thus, they Human Resources Department must continue to expose them to various
training and development programs.

The findings of this study gauged the significant relationship between leadership
practices and competence of the administrators. This is the basic foundation of this
proposed training program that aims to address the weak links in the administration of the
strategic partnership institutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The plan is to propose
several short courses programs strategically designed to help school administrators attain
the desired efficiency and effectively in managing and leading their institutes.

It has to be noted that all technical-vocational institutes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
is administered by the Ministry of Education thru the Office of the Technical and
Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC). Thus, the format of these proposed short
courses follows the implemented design approved by TVTC.


The first course is the Management and Leadership Training. The basic goal is for the
participants to either acquire new skills or sharpen existing skills in school
administration. The second course is on Strategic Organization Change. This course aims
to accustom the participants on the essential components of leading and motivating
faculty and staff in accepting and addressing change in the organization.

The training and development program shall be conducted in a four-Saturday schedule

from 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. The program shall be given by batch in order composed of
twenty participants in order to better facilitate the training.

Training A

Management and Leadership Training for Administrators Course Name

3 Number of Training Days 24 Number of
Training Hours

Course description

Effective Management and Leadership Skills are acquired skills. The ability to lead and
manage a business means that the person in charge of the business effectively leads and
manages his team in attaining the vision and goals of the company. To be both a leader
and manager is a challenging job especially with the goals to be attained. The challenges
involve not only in attaining the goals but to make the people he manages leads to
perform the necessary task and responsibilities as one team. As the key person in the
business, the school administrator must continue studying and attending advance courses
and training in management leadership and leadership. This course is designed to further
enhance the skills of business leaders and managers by providing them with a review of
leadership and management concepts as well as updates about the latest trends in
leadership and management. The topics included in this short course are arranged in a
way that the participants will be able to either develop or enhance their leadership and
management skills and effectively apply them in their respective institutes.

General objectives

After the training, the school administrators are expected to gain new skills in managing
and leading their institutions.

Specific Objectives
1. An Overview about Management and Leadership
1.1 Define management and leadership
1.2 Distinguish the difference between management and leadership
2. Leadership Presence
2.1 Appraise one’s leadership presence
2.2 Enumerate personal ways in developing leadership presence
3. Strategic Leadership
3.1 Identify the elements of strategic leadership
3.2 Summarize the skills necessary in developing strategic leadership
4. Empowered Leadership
4.1 Describe the characteristics of an empowered leadership
4.2 Enhance skills in empowering employees
5. Problem Analysis and Decision-Making


5.1 Improve their skills in identifying, analyzing and solving work-related problems
5.2 Increase management, staff & customer commitment to their decisions
6. The Delegation Process
6.1 Recall the usual implemented process in delegation
6.2 Systematize the delegation procedure in the organization
7. The Communication Strategies
7.1 Analyze the communication process in one’s workplace.
7.2 Implement the correct steps in the communication process
8. Appreciative Inquiry
8.1 Learn the concepts under appreciative inquiry
8.2 Demonstrate knowledge in appreciating the main purpose of appreciative inquiry

Training B
Strategic Organizational Change Course Name
1 Number of Training Days 8 Number of Training Hours

Course description

This course is intended for employees in the higher management like senior directors
who are involve in the organization’s strategic planning and operations managers who are
responsible for minimizing the cost of change.

Change and leadership are closely linked. All organizations must change and adapt to the
various forces that may affect the existence and stability of the business. To implement
and manage change, senior managers must be equipped with the proper leadership.
Progress only happen when an organization is able to seize the opportunity to change.

General objectives

After the Training, the participants are expected to fully the various concepts and
principles involving Strategic Organizational Change and implement the skills in their
organizations as strategic leaders, enabling the staff to embrace the change and promote
better staff and client satisfaction.

Specific Objectives
1. The Eight-stage Process of Strategic Change Management
1.1 Explore the processes involving strategic change management
1.2 Give the importance of properly analyzing the need to change
2. Critical Systems Thinking
2.1 Describe the process of critical systems thinking
2.2 Identify the challenges in doing critical systems thinking
3. Systematic Leadership Approach
3.1 Differentiate the various principles of leadership
3.2 Identify the tasks of systematic leaders
4. Adaptation, the Call to Lead the Change
4.1 Appraise the various situations that demand change
4.2 Suggest own ways in adapting to challenging business situations
5. Leading The Change


5.1 Assess the possible impacts of doing and not doing change
5.2 Apply appropriate decision making in an uncertain time

Developmental Program
Objectives Strategy Activities Performance
1.To sustain and Change workplace Increasing workplace Integrated
enhance proper resource mind set resource awareness in workplace
utilization of demand side by resource
acquired resources creating an up-to-date programs and
capacity and demand processes

Update methods and

Corporate Social tools for appropriate
Responsibility utilization of
workplace resources Implementation
like water, electricity, of a policy that
papers and etc. promotes a more
The conduct of an utilization of
evidence based non-renewable
workplace resource resources

workplace research Reviewed
current policies
on resource
utilization and

2. To improve Creation of a Establishment of a Adoption of an

curriculum curriculum curriculum up-to-date and
management and management and management and well-balanced
development development core development core curriculum that
policies group that includes group that establishes will be embraced
faculty guidelines and and owned by
representative in procedures for the every
all subject areas development, revision, teacher/trainer
deletion, enrichment handling the
and evaluation of the subjects
written curriculum in
all subject areas in a
manner that is
coherent, and
consistent with the
vision, mission and
goals of the kingdom.


3.To create a Harness employee Create a policy that Development of

more solid advocates allows employees to a more
presence in the post in their social committed
community media account the employees
activities, influenced and
achievements and motivated by the
innovations of the encouragement
institute. The policy of the
will also enumerate management
those that can’t be

Replace content-
marketing with
Connect clients Consumer and A faster brand
and employees Employee generated sharing and the
content: Replace development of a
corporate messaging more
with humanized and personalized
personalized posts that employee-client
resonate with relationship that
employees and their is founded in
network. mutual trust.

Participate in skills
competition that will
showcase the
development of the
various technical-
vocational skills of the
students/trainees Creation of an
Use contest to impression that
incentivize Creation of working the institute is
participation committees that that true to the
review and codify fulfillment of its,
existing policies, vision, mission
practices and and goals, thus,
procedures create an image
of brand trust
and loyalty.

Development of
the “Sense of
4. To heighten Ownership” that
faculty Increase teachers will enhance the
participation in and employees values of
school planning level of decision- Continues conduct of participation and
and development making especially needs assessment of performance of
in the areas of the teacher and the teachers
curriculum, employees to translated and
instruction and specifically target and observable in
assessment prioritize the more their day-to-day
immediate needs and teaching
demands for training intercourse
and development


Creation of a Higher
Higher committee involving probability of
involvement of teachers on the eliminating gaps
teachers and acquisition, between current
employees in the elimination and repair skills and the
design of their of learning resources skills needed to
developmental perform the job,
program thereby, increase
work production
involvement of
teachers in the
development of the Highly utilized
material resources material

The following are the conclusions taken from the research findings:

The TVTC administrators' Strategic Partnership Institutes (SPIs) have a high degree of
leadership practice.

The TVTC administrators' Strategic Partnership Institutes (SPIs) have a high degree of

There is a significant relationship in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia between leadership

practices and the TVTC SPI administrators' competence.

In the study of teacher-respondents among administrators of TVTC SPIs in the Kingdom

of Saudi Arabia, there is no significant difference in the level of leadership practices.

The following suggestions are given based on the study's results and conclusions:

As the central governing body of technical and vocational institutions in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, TVTC can plan and improve sustainable programs that use the results as
baseline knowledge that could enhance more leadership practices and skills that could lift
them to the highest level. In implementing the Proposed Training and Development
Program, activities led by TVTC can also generate a standardized period of control and
order. Some of the events that could serve the function may be conferences, training,
workshops, writing shops, professional development studies, linkages, benchmarks.

In terms of their leadership practices and integrity, teacher-respondents will provide

honest to goodness input for administrators' power and weakness. As managers of their
respective institutes, this will help them hone, improve, and give them opportunities to
establish themselves in their field and effectively fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

To further strengthen their leadership and grow their competence properly, the SPI
administrators should engage in training related to their role as administrators.

To strengthen the leadership and competence of TVTC's SPIs in the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, the proposed training and development program should be adopted and
implemented as soon as possible.


Another research may have been carried out to resolve other factors that may impact
introducing the proposed TVTC training and development program in the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia in the SPIs.


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