Air Emissions Inventory Report

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UAE National Air Emissions

Inventory Project
Final Results

UAE National Air Emissions
Inventory Project
Final Results

UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

The UAE’s first ever National Air Emissions Inventory Report will guide our future policies The establishment of an air emissions inventory for
on air quality management and aims at meeting local, national, and international the UAE was made possible through the valuable
objectives, as well as providing useful, up-to-date and comprehensive data on pollutant contribution of various stakeholders from the
sources. public and private sectors. We mobilized air quality
experts both locally and internationally, with the
The United Nations considers air pollution a public health emergency. Globally, more
support of the Global Green Growth Institute
than 90% of people are exposed to indoor and outdoor air pollution, leading to more
(GGGI), and completed a series of stakeholder
than seven million deaths every year. Improving air quality is essential to help achieve the
workshops to validate the data, methodology,
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under the guidance of our wise leadership, the
and results. The active participation of our
United Arab Emirates (UAE) supports this global aspiration by including air quality as a
institutional partners only proves the
key development priority in the UAE Vision 2021, in which we aim to raise our Air Quality
paramount importance of this endeavour. On
Index from its current level to 90% by 2021.
that note, I extend to them my sincerest
The first step toward improving air quality is to understand the geographic and economic appreciation for their continued support and
sources of air pollutants and develop a baseline of their quantities. Thus, the Ministry of hope that these partnerships will lay the
Climate Change and Environment (MOCCAE) began developing a national air emissions groundwork for a stronger collaboration on air
inventory in 2017 to serve as the cornerstone for policy-making on air quality control, air quality in the future.
quality modelling, and setting of emission limits and reduction targets.

As a pioneer initiative at the federal level, the UAE’s national air emissions inventory uses H.E. Dr. Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi
a unified methodology for all emirates in line with international standards. Building on Minister of Climate Change
& Environment
the work already undertaken in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, the inventory involved a rigorous
consultation and data collection process, and covers major air pollutants, namely carbon
monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), and
non-methane volatile organic compounds. It provides baseline information on emissions
from the key sectors of energy, transport, and industrial processes and sets 2015 as its
base year.

II 3
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project


Abu Dhabi National Oil Company
Naseem Al Hadaeq Perfumes
Port of Ajman
Abu Dhabi Port Co. Port of Fujairah
A multidisciplinary team was involved in developing the UAE National Air Emissions Inventory. Ace Cranes & Engineering FZ LLC Quality Castings Ltd FZE
MOCCAE would like to thank all individuals and organisations for their active participation and Aegean Oil Terminal Quick Mix Beton LLC
Aggregates for Trading RAK Ceramics PJSC
contribution to the first UAE National Air Emissions Inventory.
Al A’ali Crushers RAK Rock LLC (Q1, Silica Quarry)
Al Azzani Ready Mix Ras Al-Khaimah Cement Company
Al Odaid Quarry Raknor LLC
Al Shamsi Fibre Glass Co. Ras Al-Khaimah Ports
Alkaabi Rock Readymix Gulf Ltd.
Allied Trading & Industry LLC Rifco International FZ LLC
Eng. Aisha Al Abdooli
AMP Crushers Salbookh Trading Crushers LLC
Fatima Alhammadi
Arc Middle East LLC Saverglass LLC
Meera Al Taheri
Ashok Leyland UAE LLC Sharjah Airport
Angie Lorena Sanchez Pina
Aswan Trading Silver Metals Industries LLC
Atlantic Grease & Lubricants Manufacture LLC Socar Aurora Fujairah Terminal FZC
Berg Industries Sodamco Emirates Factory for Building Materials LLC
Mohammed Angawi
Bin Fadel Al Mazrouei Ready Mix Est Solar Lubricants Refinery LLC
Chiden Oseo Balmes
Central Quarry & Mining LLC Star Cement Co. LLC
Chetan Shrestha
City Block Cement Products Factory Stevin Rock LLC
Coastal Energy LLC Suvire Electric FZC
DANEM Energy LLC Swiss International Chocolates LLC
Melanie Hobson
DP World (Dubai) Turkish Gulf Quarry LLC
Kirsten May
Dubai Airports UTICO
Richard German
Dubai Blocs LLC Vopak Horizon Fujairah Limited
Rosie Brook
Emirates Airlines Welmix Concrete
Richard Claxton
Emirates Gas LLC WRT Middle East FZE
Georgina Mansell
ENOC Lubricants & Grease Manufacturing Plant
Alison Pridmore
EPPCO Aviation
EPPCO International Limited
Ministry of Energy and Industry Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi Excellent Pipes Company LLC
Ministry of Infrastructure Development Fujairah Municipality Falcon Oil LLC
Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority Ras Al-Khaimah Environmental Protection and Fly Dubai
Federal Electricity and Water Authority Development Agency Fujairah Cement Industries PJSC
Federal Transport Authority- Land and Maritime Ras Al-Khaimah Waste Management Authority Fujairah Gold FZC
General Civil Aviation Authority Sharjah Electricity and Water Authority Fujairah National Quarry
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport Environment and Protected Areas Authority – Fujairah Oil Terminal
Dibba Al-Fujairah Municipality Sharjah Fujairah Tank Terminals Ltd
Ajman Municipality Umm Al-Quwain Municipality GPS Chemoil LLC FZC
Dubai Municipality Guardian Zoujaj International Float Glass Co. LLC
Gulf Petrochem Oil Terminal
Eng. Yousif Alahmed Al Rayssi Eng. Mohamed Ahmed Hamdan Al Dhanhani Hutchinson Ports (UAQ)
Eng. Rabaa Ibrahim Al Awar Eng. Alia Humaid Ahmad Bin Harib IL & FS Prime Terminals FZC
Eng. Fatima Mohamed Almakki Asma AlSayed Moosa JF & I Packaging (Pvt) Ltd
Sara Ali Ibrahim Noora Ibrahim Abdulla JK Cement Works
Arwa Rashid Obaid Al-Ali Lafarge Emirates Cement
MAC Metal Foundry & Eng Co.

UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Table of Contents List of figures and tables

Foreword II Figure 1 Synopsis of Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) code 4

Acknowledgements IV Figure 2 Overview of methodology 7
List of figures and tables VII Figure 3 Overview of UAE emissions by pollutant and sector,
List of acronyms and abbreviations VIII 2015 (in tonnes) 8
Executive summary 1
Figure 4 Estimated emissions by pollutant per sector, 2015 (in tonnes) 9
1 Introduction 3 Figure 5 Estimated emissions from the energy sector by pollutant,
1.1 Background 3 2015 (in tonnes) 12
1.2 Scope of the inventory of emissions 3
Figure 6 Estimated emissions from the energy mobile sector by pollutant,
2 Methodology 6 2015 (in tonnes) 16
2.1 Process of compilation 6 Figure 7 Estimated emissions from the IPPU sector by pollutant,
2.2 Stakeholder consultation 7 2015 (in tonnes) 19
3 Summary of results 8 Figure 8 Estimated emissions from the agriculture sector by pollutant,
3.1 Estimates of emissions 8 2015 (in tonnes) 21
3.2 Key category analysis 9 Figure 9 Estimated emissions from the waste sector by pollutant,
4 Energy 12 2015 (in tonnes) 23
4.1 Overview of emissions 12
4.2 Overview of methodology 13 Table 1 An abridged guide to the Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) code 5
5 Transport 16 Table 2 Summary of total UAE air pollutant emissions per pollutant
5.1 Overview of emissions 16 by sector, 2015 (in tonnes) 9
5.2 Methodology 17 Table 3 Sectors identified by the key category analysis, 2015 10
6 Industrial processes and product use (IPPU) 19 Table 4 Estimated emissions from the energy stationary sector
6.1 Overview of emissions 19 by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 13
6.2 Methodology 20 Table 5 Estimated emissions from the energy mobile sector
7 Agriculture 21 by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 17
7.1 Overview of emissions 21 Table 6 Estimated emissions from the IPPU sector by pollutant,
7.2 Methodology 22 2015 (in tonnes) 20
8 Waste 23 Table 7 Estimated UAE emissions from the agricultural sector
8.1 Overview of emissions 23 by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 22
8.2 Methodology 24 Table 8 Estimated UAE emissions from the waste sector
9 Conclusions and recommendations 25 by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 24
References 26

UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Main sources of air pollution in the UAE

List of acronyms and abbreviations
Navigation Other Oil & Gas Other
3% 4% 2%
Agriculture 4%
ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company 4%
Industry Industry
CO Carbon monoxide Road transport
76% 17%
EAD Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi 13%
EEA European Environment Agency PM10 CO
EMEP European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme
Residential &
FSCA Federal Statistics and Competitiveness Authority Power generation Other commercial
and desalination
4% 4% 4% 78%
GHG Greenhouse gas 3%
Road transport
IPPU Industrial processes and product use Navigation 4% Road transport
LPG Liquid petroleum gas 6% 38%
6% Carbon Monoxide
LTO Landing and take-off (aviation)
19% PM2.5 Industry NOx Reduces oxygen supply in
MOCCAE UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment the blood; harms the
Road heart & brain.
MOEI UAE Ministry of Energy and Industry transport
68% Power generation
and desalination
Oil & Gas
MSW Municipal solid waste 15% 15%
N Nitrogen Nitrogen Oxides
NFR Nomenclature for Reporting
PM2.5 & PM10 Worsens allergies, respiratory
Particulate matter of maximum 2.5 &
infections, & lung/heart
NH3 Ammonia 10 micrometers: tiny particles that can
Domestic solvent use
(inc. fungicides)
get deep into lungs and embedded in Other
NMVOC Non-methane volatile organic compounds the organs shortening lifespan. 4% 5%
NOX Nitrogen oxides Power generation
and desalination 5%
PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 micrometres in diameter Other
Road transport
2% 3%
Fugitive emissions

PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 micrometres in diameter Navigation 5% 32%
POPs Persistent organic pollutants Industry

RAK Ras Al-Khaimah Industry

14% Oil & Gas
SOX Sulphur oxides SO2 Oil & Gas Waste
79% 18%
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
t Tonne Non-methane volatile
TSP Total suspended particles organic compounds:
Causes respiratory
UAE United Arab Emirates Sulfur Dioxide inflammation & cancer.
UAQ Umm Al-Quwain Triggers asthma, respiratory
problems, & breathing difficulties.
It is also very damaging of the
O3 Ozone
NOx reacts with NMVOCs and other air
pollutants in the presence of sun light
to produce ground level ozone.
Ozone affects the respiratory tract &
triggers respiratory illnesses

UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Executive Summary Priority was given to local and national official data
sources. Where data was not available, estimates or
Power generation and road transport comprise a large
proportion of the NOX emissions, with oil and gas
assumptions were incorporated. Recommendations operations also contributing a significant amount. For
have therefore been made to improve the completeness SO2 emissions, oil and gas operations are the dominant
Improving air quality is a priority for the United Arab The methodology for compilation of the national and accuracy of the emission estimates in the next source, while petrol-fuelled passenger cars and light
Emirates (UAE). It is part of the country’s Green Agenda inventory follows the EMEP2/European Environment inventory compilation cycle. Of note is the lack of duty vehicles comprise the majority of CO emissions,
and one of the key performance indicators in the Agency (EMEP/EEA) 2016 guidebook, internationally completeness for the industry sector, both in terms of with the IPPU sector also being an important source.
National Agenda of the UAE Vision 2021. In July 2017, recognised for compiling air pollutant emission combustion and process emissions. Therefore, For particulate matter (both PM10 and PM2.5), the
the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment inventories (EEA, 2016). In this inventory, emissions are collecting activity data to enhance this sector will be a dominant source is IPPU with smaller amounts arising
(MOCCAE) launched the Air Emissions Inventory classified into the following sectors: key priority going forward. from fuel combustion in industry and transport, from
Project to develop the first national-level inventory for brake and tyre wear.
• Energy
air pollutant emissions in the UAE. The objective of the Figure i, which presents a summary of the results of
• Transport3 Phase II, shows that, as expected and in line with most Although the agriculture and waste sectors have a
project was to identify the key sources of air pollutants
in the country with the view of formulating strategies • Industrial processes and product use (IPPU) other countries’ inventories, emissions from the minor contribution to the country’s overall emissions,
that can be put in place to improve air quality. • Agriculture stationary energy and transport sectors dominate the their role is more significant in terms of greenhouse gas
emission sources. emissions (GHG). However, of particular note are the
• Waste
The Air Emissions Inventory Project was carried out in estimated high NMVOC emissions from municipal
two phases. Phase I involved the development of the solid waste (MSW) disposal on land.
Similar to the pollutant PM2.5, the agriculture and waste
inventory methodology, which was successfully sectors were added later in Phase II.
completed in 2018, and training for stakeholders on
data collection. Phase II comprised the data collection For each sector, the guidebook provides three Figure i Overview of UAE emissions by pollutant and sector, 2015 (in tonnes)
and compilation of the national air pollutants inventory. methodologies with varying levels of complexity. In
This report presents the results from Phase II. most cases, due to data availability, the simplest
methodology has been used. Where possible, however, 0.3 t 323 t
Although the emirates of Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Ajman 4,090 t 4,405 t 31,589 t 78,841 t
more detailed methods have been used, resulting in 5t
11,631 t
had separately undertaken efforts to quantify emission higher levels of accuracy. 117,842 t
for some or all of their sectors, this is the first national air 134,640 t
pollutant emission inventory carried out for the whole
country. Using 2015 as the base year, the inventory
undertaken included the following pollutants:
• Carbon monoxide (CO)
133,936 t 406,220 t 760,343 t
• Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
• Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
• Particulate matter of 10 micrometres or less (PM10)
• Particulate matter of 2.5 micrometres or less (PM2.5)
• Non-methane volatile organic compounds 6t 1t
(NMVOCs) 1,416 t 297 t
44,308 t 6,090 t
The pollutant PM2.5 was not incorporated during Phase 82,459 t 5,225 t
I of the inventory and was added in Phase II to ensure 8,847 t
the completeness1 of the report. 18,910 t NMVOC PM₁₀ 6,166 t 9,305 t PM₂.₅
22,964 t
5,040 t
93,056 t

Energy Transport IPPU Agriculture Waste

‘Completeness’ means that an annual inventory covers at least all sources, as well as all pollutants, for which methodologies are provided or for which
supplementary methodologies have been agreed” (EEA, 2016, p. 14).
Co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe, more commonly known as
European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme, or EMEP.
For ease of reference, this report uses ‘Energy’ and ‘Transport’, instead of ‘Energy (Stationary)’ and ‘Energy (Mobile)’.

1 2
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

1. Introduction
Figure 1 Synopsis of Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) code
1.1 Background The Air Emissions Inventory Project was carried out in
two phases. Phase I involved the development of the
According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
inventory methodology, which was successfully
exposure to ambient air pollution accounts for an
completed in 2018, and training for stakeholders on
estimated 4.2 million deaths per year due to stroke, 1A1a. Public electricity
data collection. Phase II comprised the data collection 1A1. Energy
& heat production
heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic respiratory
and compilation of the national air pollutants inventory. Industries
1A1b. Petroleum
diseases. It is thought that approximately 91% of the refining
This report presents the results from Phase II. 1A2. Manufacturing
world’s population live in places where air quality levels Industries & Construction
exceed WHO limits (WHO, 2016).
1.2 Scope of the inventory of emissions 1A. Fuel combustion
1A3a. Aviation

1. Energy
Studies show that exposure to air quality, alongside Emission inventories have been compiled for 2015 for 1B. Fugitive emissions 1A3. Transport4 1A3b. Road
behavioural factors, serves as a significant determinant the following pollutants: from fuels

of respiratory health among UAE’s adolescents • Carbon monoxide (CO) 2A. Mineral Products
1A4. Other sectors 1A3d. Navigation
(Barakat-Haddad et al). Specifically, risk assessment
• Nitrogen oxides (NOX)
results for the UAE revealed that around 290 deaths 2B. Chemical Industry
and 89,000 hospital visits per year may be linked to air • Sulphur dioxide (SO2)
quality (Funk et al, 2014). Outdoor air pollution is also a • Particulate matter of 10 micrometres or less (PM10) 2. Industrial Processes
2C. Metal Production
and Product use
major contributor to premature deaths (Gibson and • Particulate matter of 2.5 micrometres or less (PM2.5)
Farah, 2012). 2D. Solvents
•  Non-methane volatile organic compounds National Air
(NMVOCs). Pollutant Emissions
Against this background, improving air quality is a Inventory
2H-L. Other Industry

priority for the UAE. It is part of the country’s Green Emission estimates are divided into sectors as follows: 3B. Manure
Agenda (Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, • Energy
3. Agriculture
2016) and one of the Key Performance Indicators in the
National Agenda (United Arab Emirates Cabinet, n.d.) • Transport 3D. Agricultural Soils

of the UAE Vision 2021 (United Arab Emirates, n.d.). • Industrial processes and product use (this covers 5A. Solid waste
One of the first steps to improving air quality is to the emissions resulting from various industrial disposal on land

understand the sources by compiling an emissions activities that produce emissions not directly as a 5B. Biological treatment
of waste
inventory, and then actions can be put in place to result of energy consumed). 4. Waste
improve air quality. A national air emissions inventory • Agriculture 5C. Waste incineration
provides a detailed estimate of selected pollutants and • Waste 5D. Waste-water
their sources, which can serve to guide policy decisions handling
on air pollution reduction measures. Each sector is later split into individual categories (e.g.
Energy – transport) and sub-categories (e.g. road
Developing an air emission inventory in the United transport) and then further sub-divided into further
Arab Emirates arose from the need to improve air categories where necessary (e.g. passenger vehicles)4.
quality across the country and prevent adverse effects Each of these categories is assigned with a Nomenclature
of air pollution on the health of humans and ecosystems. for Reporting (NFR) code (see Figure 1) (EEA, 2016). The Source: Adapted from European Environment Agency (2016).
Inventories help to identify sources and quantities of air nomenclature is consistent with the format used for
pollutants, which in turn provide policy-makers with reporting of GHG emission inventories under the
reliable data to address the matter and formulate United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
policies to limit those emissions. Change (UNFCCC), but expanded for particular sources
of air pollution. An abridged version of NFR codes is
With this in view, in July 2017, the Ministry of Climate
provided in Table 1.
Change and Environment (MOCCAE) launched the Air
Emissions Inventory Project to develop the first
national-level inventory for air pollutant emissions in
the UAE. It covers all seven emirates, namely Abu Dhabi,
Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain (UAQ), Ras
Al-Khaimah (RAK) and Fujairah.

For ease of reference, in this report, the category ‘Transport’ was moved to the sector level.

3 4
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Table 1 An abridged guide to the Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) code5

2. Methodology
NFR Code Source description
2.1 Process of compilation 2.1.2 Data management
1 Energy
The air quality pollutant inventory was compiled by During Phase I of the inventory, after assessing the data
1A Fuel Combustion Activities
international inventory experts from Aether who availability and gaps, it was decided that a combination
1A1 Energy Industries undertook the task of quantifying the national of top-down and bottom-up approaches was
1A1a Public electricity and heat production6 estimates. The 2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook was followed appropriate for the data collection by sector. This
throughout, abiding by the methodologies and quality approach yielded more accurate findings than simply a
1A1b Petroleum refining (referred to in this report as oil and gas operation)
assurance/quality control practices. The guidebook, top-down approach, and was more traceable and
1A1c Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries widely used by many countries, was adapted – ensuring efficient than a bottom-up approach only. In other
1A2 Manufacturing Industries and Construction that the UAE inventory is comparable with many other words, a bottom-up approach was followed wherever
1A3 Transport inventories. In addition, the guidebook provides a data exists and in the case that data were insufficient or
transparent methodology across all relevant sectors for did not exist, a top-down approach was applied.
1A3a Aviation the UAE.
1A3b Road Transport The data and information required for compiling air
1A3c Railways 2.1.1 Emissions estimation and ‘Tier’ methodology quality emission inventories includes activity data
provided directly from Ministries, environmental
1A3d Navigation (shipping) Given the complexities and impracticalities of
authorities, transport operators and industrial sites
undertaking direct measurements of the emissions
1A3eii Other through especially designed questionnaires, as well as
from each source identified in the UAE, it is necessary to
1A4 Other sectors (stationary and mobile combustion) experts’ judgement from discussions with local and
estimate emissions through an indicator that describes
national experts. Information was primarily collected
1A5 Other (not elsewhere specified) the source activity and an emission factor that is specific
during the project’s latter stages of Phase I and early
for the typology of the source. In general, anthropogenic
1B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels stages of Phase II during which a wealth of material was
(human-produced) emissions of air pollutants are
1B1 Fugitive Emissions from Solid Fuels gathered.
estimated by multiplying emission factors with activity
1B2 Fugitive Emissions from Oil and Natural Gas data for each source:
Throughout the inventory compilation process, the
2 Industrial Processes and Product Use sector experts applied the 2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook
2A Mineral Products
Estimated emissions pollutant = precepts on good practice to review and incorporate
2B Chemical Industry
Emission factor pollutant × Activity data data gathered in a consistent and accurate manner. As
far as possible, local or national datasets have been used
2C Metal production where the emission factor is the average emission rate in the inventory. In cases where local or national
2D Solvents of a given pollutant from a given source, relative to the datasets were not available, information was taken from
intensity of a specific activity, and the activity data is a international datasets (see Figure 2).
2H Pulp and paper industry, food and beverages industry
measure of the scale of activity providing the emissions.
2I Wood Processing 2.1.3 Compilation spreadsheets
2K Consumption of POPs and heavy metals Emissions can be estimated at different levels expressed
The inventories were compiled in Excel spreadsheets. In
in three tiers of increasing complexity. The ‘Tier 1’ is a
3 Agriculture general, there is a spreadsheet for each sector and
simple method using already available default emission
3B Manure Management within this file each tab contains the calculations for
factors only. The ‘Tier 2’ method uses either country-
one or more than one NFR category, depending on the
3D Agricultural soils specific emission factors, or default emission factors
complexity of the calculation and method used. For the
over a range of different technologies. The ‘Tier 3’
5 Waste simpler calculations (Tier 1 and 2), default emission
method uses emission factors that are not only country-
5A Solid Waste disposal on land (referred to in this report as MSW) factors were obtained from the 2016 EMEP/EEA
specific but also differentiated by technology and
guidebook and combined with an activity statistic to
5B Biological treatment of waste operating conditions. Tier 3 is the most accurate and
estimate the annual emissions.
complex methodology, while it is easiest to obtain data
5C Waste Incineration
for Tier 1.
5D Waste-water handling
5E Other Waste The methodological choice for a particular source and
in a particular country depends on the importance of
6 Other
that source to the level and trend of emissions in that
country, as well as on the resources available to prepare
NFR code 4, which does not appear on this list, relates to ‘Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry’. This category is only applicable to greenhouse the emissions inventory.
gas inventories.
Referred to as ‘Power generation’ in this report.

5 6
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

2.2 Stakeholder consultation Municipalities, and transport and industrial

organisations. Useful inputs were obtained, and these
3. Summary of results
Preliminary results of the Air Quality National Emissions
have been taken on-board for the final version of this
Inventory were presented to relevant stakeholders at an
report. 3.1 Estimates of emissions
event in August 2019. This enabled any additional
information to be collected and ensured that A summary of the total emission estimates by pollutant and sector is shown in Figure 3, Figure 4, and Table 2. The data
organisations were satisfied with the approach being shows that, as expected, the stationary energy and transport sectors are the dominant sources of air pollutants.
used. Attendees included UAE Ministries, Emirate

Figure 3 Overview of UAE emissions by pollutant and sector, 2015 (in tonnes)

Figure 2 Overview of methodology

0.3 t 323 t
4,090 t 4,405 t 31,589 t 78,841 t
11,631 t
117,842 t
Input activity data: 134,640 t
- International datasets
Tier 3
Increasing accuracy &
increasing complexity
- National statistics
- Emirate statistics Data Final NOₓ SO₂ CO
- Facility information Tier 2 calculation emission
Input emission factors: sheets estimates
133,936 t 406,220 t 760,343 t
- Facility specific emissions factors
- Default emission factors from the Tier 1
2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook (Tier 1/2)

6t 1t
- Activity data directly available from 1,416 t 297 t
statistics and industry
- Default judgement based on data 44,308 t 6,090 t
used in inventories elsewhere 82,459 t 5,225 t
- Assumptions 8,847 t

18,910 t NMVOC PM₁₀ 6,166 t 9,305 t PM₂.₅

22,964 t
5,040 t
93,056 t

Energy Transport IPPU Agriculture Waste

7 8
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Figure 4 Estimated emissions by pollutant per sector, 2015 (in tonnes) Table 3 Sectors identified by the key category analysis, 2015

800,000 Percentage of
NFR category Pollutant
emissions (%)
1A3bi Road transport: passenger cars CO 38
1A3bii Road transport: light duty vehicles CO 37

500,000 2C3 Aluminium production CO 10

1A1b Oil and gas operations* NMVOC 25
5A Municipal solid waste disposal on land NMVOC 18
1A3bii Road transport: light duty vehicles NMVOC 17
200,000 1A3bi Road transport: passenger cars NMVOC 14
1A3ai(i) International aviation landing and take-off (LTO) (civil) NMVOC 5
1B2av Fugitive emissions from distribution of oil products NMVOC 4
1A3bi Road transport: passenger cars NOx 18
Energy Transport IPPU Agriculture Waste
1A3biii Road transport: heavy duty vehicles and buses NOx 16
1A1a Power generation NOx 15
1A1b Oil and gas operations NOx 14
Table 2 Summary of total UAE air pollutant emissions per pollutant by sector, 2015 (in tonnes) 1A3dii National navigation (shipping) NOx 5

Emissions 1A2b Non-ferrous metals NOx 5

Sector 1A2f Non-metallic minerals NOx 4
Energy 134 640 406 220 78 841 82 459 6 090 5 225 2A1 Cement production PM10 18

Transport 133 936 11 631 760 343 93 056 6 166 5 040 1A2f Non-metallic minerals PM10 11

Industrial processes and 4 090 31 589 117 842 18 910 22 964 9 305 2D3b Road paving with asphalt PM10 10
product use (IPPU) 2A5 Quarrying and mining of minerals other than coal PM10 10
Agriculture 4 405 NA1 NA 8 847 1 416 297 2B Chemical industries PM10 10
Waste 5 0.27 323 44 308 6.3 0.96 2A2 Lime production PM10 4
Total 2
277 076 449 439 957 349 247 581 36 642 19 868 2C1 Iron and steel production PM10 4
NA – Not applicable (emissions of this pollutant do not arise from this source). 1A3bvi Road transport: automobile tyre and brake wear PM10 4
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total shown as a result of rounded off figures.
1A3bii Road transport: light duty vehicles PM10 4
1A3dii National navigation (shipping) PM10 3
3.2 Key category analysis In accordance with the 2016 EMEP/EEA guidelines, a
1A3biii Road transport: heavy duty vehicles and buses PM10 3
key category analysis was carried out highlighting the
A source of emissions is denoted as a key category if it 2A1 Cement production PM2.5 18
more significant categories for each pollutant. This was
has a significant influence on the country’s total
performed using a simple Excel spreadsheet tool. Only 1A2f Non-metallic minerals PM2.5 18
emissions in terms of the absolute level of emissions of a
an absolute level assessment has been undertaken,7
given pollutant. By highlighting these categories, the 2B Chemical Industries PM2.5 14
wherefore the inventory categories are sorted from
inventory compilation team were able to better assess
large to small in terms of emissions for a single year and 1A3bii Road transport: light duty vehicles PM2.5 7
the prioritisation for the improvement of data gathering
all categories that contribute to 80% of the total
and methodologies. Other users of the inventory can 1A3dii National navigation (shipping) PM2.5 5
emissions are highlighted to identify the vital few from
also clearly identify those categories that may be more
the trivial many. Table 3 summarises the key categories 2C1 Iron and steel production PM2.5 5
applicable for other purposes such as mitigation to
in the inventory. 1A3biii Road transport: heavy duty vehicles and buses PM2.5 5
reduce air quality pollutant emissions.
2C3 Aluminium production PM2.5 4
In this case, only the absolute level is relevant as the inventories are only being compiled for 2015 and no trend in emissions is available. In addition,
no uncertainty assessment has been undertaken at this stage.

9 10
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Percentage of 4. Energy
NFR category Pollutant
emissions (%)
4.1 Overview of emissions and include some of the most significant sources of the
1A3bvi Road transport: automobile tyre and brake wear PM2.5 3
air pollutants covered in the inventory.
Stationary combustion comprises burning of fuels to
1A1a Power generation PM2.5 3
provide energy in power stations to generate electricity
1A1b Oil and gas operations SO2 79 The emission estimates for stationary combustion
and desalinate water in oil and gas operations, and in
show that different sectors are responsible for the
1A2f Non-metallic minerals SO2 7 other industries. This sector also includes fugitive
largest share of emissions for different pollutants (see
emissions from extraction, processing, and delivery of
Figure 5 and Table 4).
* Although the term ‘oil and gas operations’ has been used here, NFR code 1A1b technically refers only to petroleum refineries. See sections 4.2.2 and fossil fuels. These activities result in emissions of all the
4.2.5 for further information. pollutants considered within the scope of this inventory,

The results show that road transport comprises a large The agriculture and waste sectors play a minor role, and
proportion of the NOX emissions, with power generation as discussed in the report, these are more significant
Figure 5 Estimated emissions from the energy sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)
and oil and gas operations also contributing significant sectors in terms of GHG emissions, with particular
amounts. For SO2, oil and gas operations are the attention to the estimated high NMVOC emissions
dominant source, while passenger cars and light duty from MSW disposal on land.
vehicles comprise the majority of CO emissions, with 5,286 t 1,816 t 7,535 t 4,290 t 1,185 t
11,570 t
the IPPU sector also being an important source. For 9,272 t
33,529 t
particulate matter (both PM10 and PM2.5), the dominant 12,154 t
42,295 t
sources are IPPU with smaller amounts arising from fuel
combustion in industry and transport, from brake and
tyre wear. 35,349 t NOₓ SO₂ CO
20,555 t
40,657 t

40,139 t 354,067 t

2,221 t
124 t 118 t
12,995 t 486 t 662 t 429 t 581 t
1,571 t
4,528 t

61,144 t 4,818 t 4,098 t

1A1a Power generation

1A1b Oil and gas operations
1A2 Stationary combustion in manufacturing industries and construction
1A4 Small-scale cumbustion
1B Fugitive emissions

11 12
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Table 4 Estimated emissions from the energy stationary sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 4.2.2 1A1b9 – Oil and gas operations In the UAE, key activities grouped under subcategory
1A2f (Non-metallic minerals) include manufacture of
Emissions This sub-sector includes emissions arising from
cement, asphalt, glass, plaster, ceramics and mineral
Sector/category exploration and production, oil refineries and gas
NOx SO2 CO NMVOC PM10 PM2.5 wool, among others. The subcategory 1A2gviii (Other
processing. In 2015, there were four oil refineries in the
stationary combustion in industry) includes quarrying
1A1a Power generation 42 295 9 272 12 154 2 221 662 581 UAE and multiple gas processing plants. These
and crushing of stone, and concrete production.
operations take place in the emirates of Abu Dhabi,
1A1b Oil and gas operations 40 139 354 067 20 555 61 144 124 118 Dubai and Fujairah.
Several types of fuel combustion data were available,
Stationary combustion in
depending on the emirate and subcategory, which
1A2 manufacturing industries 35 349 33 529 40 657 4 528 4 818 4 098 With respect to Abu Dhabi, emission estimates for NOX,
necessitated a varied approach to emissions estimation.
and construction SO2, CO and NMVOCs were provided directly by the
For Dubai and Abu Dhabi, emissions data were taken
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and they
1A4 Small-scale combustion1 11 570 1 816 4 290 1 571 486 429 directly from their emissions inventories.
were considered to be a combination of Tier 2 and Tier
1B Fugitive emissions 5 286 7 535 1 185 12 995 IE2 IE 3 methods. For particulate matter, a Tier 1 approach
Assessment of completeness
was applied, using activity data provided by ADNOC
Total 2
134 640 406 220 78 841 82 459 6 090 5 225
and emission factors from the 2016 EMEP/EEA The emissions estimates presented for 1A2 ‘Stationary
Refers to commercial and residential sectors. guidebook. combustion’ in ‘Manufacturing and Construction’ (as
IE – Included elsewhere. For Abu Dhabi, fugitive emissions are reported in the oil and gas operations sector (1A1b). well as for industrial processes and product use – see
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total shown as a result of rounded off figures. In the case of the Dubai refineries, emission estimates section ‎6) for Ajman, RAK, and Fujairah are based only
for all pollutants reported have been provided directly on the data provided in the returned questionnaires.
by Dubai Municipality and are thought to be based on Responses have not been received from all industrial
NOX emissions are produced from all combustion 4.2 Overview of methodology stack monitoring and thus also considered to be a Tier facilities in these emirates, and of those received, not all
processes and all fuels, and the public electricity and 3 method. In accordance with the 2016 EMEP/EEA provided fuel consumption or production data.
4.2.1 1A1a – Power generation and desalination
desalination8 category is the largest single source of guidebook, it has been assumed that for this sector: Therefore, for some subsectors, emissions could not be
NOX emissions, closely followed by oil and gas In the UAE, electricity production and water estimated, or they are likely to be underestimated. No
operations. Emissions arising from sub-sectors within desalination are fuelled by the burning of natural gas in Total suspended particles (TSP) = PM10 = PM2.5 gap-filling based on assumptions or proxy data has
the stationary combustion in manufacturing industries normal conditions, and diesel and residual fuel oil as been attempted.
and construction are also key categories for NOX backup. In 2015, the most common technology in For Fujairah, the amount of fuel combusted in 2015 was
emissions. operation was gas turbine generation, although some provided by the refinery directly. Since no further For Sharjah and UAQ, no data was available from
generation in steam turbines also occurred. information was provided, the simplest method – Tier questionnaires. Total liquid petroleum product
For SO2 emissions, the oil and gas sector make by far the 1 – utilising emission factors from the 2016 EMEP/EEA consumption (for both emirates) and total natural gas
largest contribution, followed by stationary combustion Estimations of emissions from power generation and guidebook was applied. consumption (Sharjah only) was combined with Tier 1
in manufacturing industries and construction. desalination are a Tier 2 standard for the generation emissions factors to give a ‘Total industry’ emissions
facilities in Sharjah, Ajman, RAK, and Fujairah, as those 4.2.3 1A2 – Stationary combustion in estimate not split by subsector.
CO emissions arise mostly from stationary combustion use data on fuel consumption by fuel type and type of manufacturing and construction
in manufacturing industries and construction, with generation technology in 2015. This information was For Abu Dhabi and Dubai, emissions estimates are likely
solid fuel combustion in cement manufacture (reported gathered from the electricity and water authorities in The emissions included in this category result from fuel
to cover most of the emitting facilities, as they compiled
in RAK and Fujairah) being the largest contributors. UAE. A Tier 3 standard was available for the generation consumption in combustion to provide heat, electricity
directly by the local municipalities who undertake the
facilities in Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and therefore used. and mechanical work for manufacturing and
tasks of licensing and monitoring the industries in their
NMVOC emissions arising from the oil and gas sector There are no power generation facilities in the emirate construction. This is distinct from emissions
were the most significant sources and a key category in of UAQ. resulting from industrial processes and product
the inventory. use (IPPU), which are covered in section 6. In the
Due to the lack of completeness, estimates of emissions
NFR framework, this category is subdivided into a
from industry (both combustion and IPPU) should be
For PM emissions, the only major source and key number of different subcategories, including:
interpreted as ‘reported’ emissions, rather than a true
category amongst stationary combustion activities was • 1A2a Iron and steel total.
combustion of solid fuels in cement manufacture. • 1A2b Non-ferrous metals
• 1A2c Chemicals 4.2.4 Small-scale combustion [1A4]
• 1A2d Pulp, paper and print Small-scale combustion emissions correspond to the
combustion of fuels in the commercial and residential
• 1A2e Food processing, beverages and tobacco
sectors. Data on the total amount of fuel consumed in
• 1A2f Non-metallic minerals the commercial and residential sectors at the national
• 1A2gviii Other stationary combustion in industry level were available from the 2016 Annual Statistical

Desalination tends to occur at the same sites as electricity generation, and as one fuel consumption figure is often reported for the two activities 9
In the NFR reporting structure, 1A1b is referred to as petroleum refineries. Exploration and production emissions would normally be accounted for
combined, they are treated as a single activity in this inventory. in the industrial combustion sector (1A2), but have been included here so that all emissions arising from oil and gas operations are included in one

13 14
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Report (Ministry of Energy and Industry of United Arab

Emirates, 2016). However, although the report
included estimates for fugitive sources and therefore
emissions for the Abu Dhabi emirate are reported
5. Transport
presented the total amount of fuel, the data was not in 1A1b (oil and gas operations). This activity is not
disaggregated by type of fuel. Assumptions were thought to occur in other emirates. 5.1 Overview of emissions this date in the UAE. Emission estimates for non-road
therefore made on the types of fuel being combusted • 
1B2aiv – Fugitive emissions oil: refining and mobile machinery are not explicitly included as a
and the split between different emirates. It was assumed This sector covers aviation, road transport, railways, and
storage. Fugitive emissions arising from this separate source, due to a lack of activity data (which is
that all of the fuel combusted in the residential sector shipping. Railway emissions are not covered in the
category are assumed to be included in those also common across many other countries).
was liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and for the inventory because Etihad Rail only began its operation
emirates with refineries in the 1A1b (oil and gas in 2016 and there was no activity in this sector prior to
commercial sector it was assumed that 70% was LPG operations) sector.
and 30% diesel. Due to lack of emirate-specific GDP
1B2av – Distribution of oil products. This covers
data available, the amount of fuel combusted has been
emissions arising from gasoline distribution in each Figure 6 Estimated emissions from the energy mobile sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)
split across the emirates based on the population
of the emirates for which estimates are based on the
residing in each. Default emission factors from the 2016
amounts of fuel sold.
EMEP/EEA guidebook were applied.
1B2c – Venting and flaring. The UAE has a zero 574 t 7t 14,926 t 1,759 t
routine flaring policy in all of its oil and gas 244 t 12,049 t 15,084 t 6,965 t
4.2.5 1B – Fugitive emissions from fuels 17,460 t 124 t
operations and compared to the year 1995, some of 1,232 t
Intentional or unintentional releases of air pollutants the largest oil and gas companies have managed to
may occur during the extraction, processing and 34 t
achieve a 76% reduction of hydrocarbon flaring.
delivery of fossil fuels to the point of final use. These are However, flaring sometimes does occur for safety NOₓ SO₂ CO
43,697 t 50,958 t
known as fugitive emissions for which estimates are and operational reasons. The emissions data
subject to a high level of uncertainty. 353,294 t
provided by ADNOC included estimates for fugitive 9,659 t 368,316 t
sources and therefore emissions for the emirate of 9,528 t
Emissions arising from the following categories have Abu Dhabi are reported in 1A1b (oil and gas
been estimated: operations). The amount of fuel flared in the
• 1B2ai – Fugitive emissions oil: exploration, Fujairah refinery was provided. For Dubai, no
production and transport. This includes fugitive information was available; however, it was assumed
emissions from production platforms, storage that the same proportion of fuel flared to that 3,193 t 714 t 36 t 36 t
tanks, tanker loading, and losses during transport in combusted in the refineries in Abu Dhabi also 2,110 t 413 t
marine tankers and pipelines. The estimates for this applied to Dubai. Default emission factors were 12,328 t 413 t
1,239 t 1,197 t
category have been compiled for Dubai and then applied in accordance with the 2016 EMEP/
Fujairah. The emissions data provided by ADNOC 1,306 t
EEA guidebook.
1,306 t
40,585 t 34,124 t
979 t 1,047 t
2,131 t
979 t
61 t
61 t

1A3a Aviation 1A3bi Road transport: passenger cars

1A3bii Road transport: light duty vehicles 1A3biii Road transport: heavy duty vehicles and buses
1A3biv Road transport: mopeds and motorcyles 1A3bvi-vii Road transport: road tyre and brake wear
1A3d Navigation

The emission estimates show that both passenger cars and navigation sectors also contribute to the total
and heavy-duty vehicles dominate the NOX emissions transport emissions across all pollutants.
for this sector (see Figure 6 and Table 5). The aviation

15 16
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

Table 5 Estimated emissions from the energy mobile sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) provided by the Dubai Municipality. In the absence of inventories only covered in-port emissions and
any other information, the data was scaled by the therefore it was decided that a similar approach should
Emissions estimated difference in vehicle registrations between be adopted for other emirates. Estimates were derived
NOx SO2 CO NMVOC PM10 PM2.5 2015 and 2017 in order to derive a 2015 estimate. for UAQ, RAK, and Fujairah based on ships arriving at
the ports and the ship profile information provided.
1A3a Aviation 12 049 574 6 965 12 328 36 36 Passenger cars have been assumed to be 99% gasoline
Road transport: passenger fuelled and, along with gasoline fuelled light duty For Sharjah and Ajman, in the absence of any other
1A3bi 50 958 1 232 368 316 34 124 413 413 vehicles, contribute the largest amount of CO emissions. information, the emission estimates were based on the
This is expected as CO emissions are substantially amount of fuel sold for navigation purposes, which was
Road transport: light duty
9 528 124 353 294 40 585 1,306 1 306 higher from gasoline fuelled vehicles and in particular provided by the MOEI. Unfortunately, it led to
older vehicles. As the age profile of the UAE fleet is inconsistencies in the methodology used between the
Road transport: heavy duty unknown for most of the emirates, the simplest emirates. A Tier 1 approach has been used for the above
1A3biii 43 697 34 15 084 2 110 979 979
vehicles and buses methodology from the 2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook has mentioned emirates, which has combined the
Road transport: mopeds been used. estimated fuel consumed in this sub-sector with default
1A3biv 244 7.5 14 926 3 193 61 61 emission factors from the EMEP/EEA guidebook.
and motorcycles
The emissions factors utilised assume a typical EU-15
Road transport: gasoline
1A3bv NA1 NA NA NE2 NA NA fleet and activity data for 1995, and apply to countries Non-road mobile machinery: It is assumed that the
with older vehicle fleets. It is therefore likely that air emissions arising from the combustion of fuel in mobile
Road transport: road tyre pollutant emissions are in fact over-estimated for the machinery is included in the road transport emission
1A3bvi-vii NA NA NA NA 2 131 1 047
and brake wear UAE. estimates, as the fuel data provided did not allow
1A3d: Navigation 17 460 9 659 1 759 714 1 239 1 197 emission estimates to be made for these specific
Shipping:11 For Abu Dhabi and Dubai, emission sources.
Total 3
133 936 11 631 760 343 93 056 6 166 5 040 estimates were obtained directly from the emirate
concerned. Where information for particular pollutants
NA – Not applicable (emissions of this pollutant do not occur from this source).
NE – Not estimated (emissions from gasoline evaporation from road vehicles have not been estimated as the simplest approach (Tier 1) requires was not provided, it was supplemented with
information on the annual distance travelled by each vehicle type, which was not available). information from the 2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook. The
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total shown as a result of rounded off figures.

5.2 Methodology Road transport: The estimated amount of total fuel

consumed in the road transport sector for each emirate
Aviation:10 Emission estimates were compiled for the
was provided by the Ministry of Energy and Industry
Landing and Take-off (LTO) element only and no
(MOEI). In order for a Tier 1 method to be followed,
emission estimates were derived for the cruise element
information on the amount of fuel consumed by each
due to a lack of available information. It has been
vehicle type (such as cars, light duty vehicles, heavy
assumed that the following emirates primarily have goods vehicles, buses, and motorcycles) is required.
international flights and all emissions arising are Data was estimated using a bottom-up approach by
reported under ‘international’: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and combining an estimate of the mileage driven by the
Sharjah. Domestic flights are assumed to occur from number of vehicles. The latter was obtained from
airports in RAK and Fujairah. There are no airports in Dubai’s road transport statistics between 2014 and
Ajman or UAQ, thus emissions from these sources have 2016, and it was assumed that a similar fleet profile
been reported as ‘not occurring’. existed in other emirates.

Differing levels of complexity have been used to derive In terms of mileage driven, as no data was available, it
the emission estimates depending on whether the was based on experts’ judgement and on the amount of
emirate provided landings and take-offs by aircraft type. fuel consumed. However, there are two exceptions. The
Dubai and Sharjah provided this information allowing first is Abu Dhabi, where some information on the age
the more detailed method (Tier 3) to be used. It was of the fleet was available from the Air Emissions
then assumed that the aviation fleet profile in Abu Inventory published by the Environment Agency of
Dhabi was similar to that of Dubai. For other emirates, it Abu Dhabi (EAD). This allowed a more complex Tier 2
was assumed that aircraft were on average akin to a method to be used for the emirate. For Dubai, 2017
C560 plane and thus a Tier 1 approach was used. emission estimates for the transport sector were directly

Emissions arising from ground support equipment at airports and ports are not reported in these categories and would be reported under “Other” 11
Emissions arising from ground support equipment at airports and ports are not reported in these categories and would be reported under ‘Other’
(1A5). However, no information was available to allow direct estimates made for these sources and it has been assumed that they are accounted for (1A5). However, no information was available to allow direct estimates made for these sources. It was assumed that they are accounted for in the road
in the road transport sector. transport sector.

17 18
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

6. Industrial processes and product use (IPPU) Table 6 Estimated emissions from the IPPU sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)

Emissions (tonnes)
6.1 Overview of emissions and iron and steel production. Emissions from mineral NOx SO2 CO NMVOC PM10 PM2.5
industries are predominantly from cement production.
Emissions accounted for in this category are those 2A Mineral industries 707 14 333 NA 12,115 4,413
associated with industrial processes and product use 2B Chemical industries 1 119 1.4 112 7 543 3 723 2 788
Across the country, emissions from product use are
(see Figure 7 and Table 6), and exclude combustion
generally not estimated due to data limitations. 2C Metal industries
related emissions. 2 128 31 336 116 842 1 090 2 656 1 851
Domestic solvent use (which includes cosmetics and
toiletries, car care products, and household products), 2D Other solvent and product use 24 12 14 10 060 4 040 194
Emissions from industrial processes in the UAE most
the largest estimated category for product use, has been 2H Other industry production 112 225 540 217 430 59
significantly arise from metal and mineral industries,
estimated using a default per capita value.
while those from metal industries are predominantly 2I Wood processing 0.0000047 0.000047 0.000047 0.000024 0.0013 NA
from primary and secondary aluminium production,
Production of persistent organic
pollutants (POPs)
2K Consumption of POPs and heavy NA NA NA NA NA NA
Figure 7 Estimated emissions from the IPPU sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)
2L Other production NA NA NA NA NA NA
Total2 4 090 31 589 117 842 18 910 22 964 9 305
24 t 112 t 225 t 14 t 1 t 14 t 540 t 333 t
12 t 112 t 1
NA – Not applicable (emissions of this pollutant do not occur from this source).
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total as a result of rounded off figures.
707 t

6.2 Methodology Either the simplest (Tier 1) or a more detailed method

NOₓ SO₂ CO (Tier 2 to 3), in accordance with the 2016 EMEP/EEA
2,128 t 1,119 t
In general, a bottom-up approach has been used in
guidebook, was applied to estimate emissions from
estimating emissions from industrial processes. Input
each facility and was dependent on the level of detail of
116,842 t
data were largely acquired from questionnaires
31,336 t
the information provided. The exception to this was
distributed to individual facilities throughout the UAE.
Abu Dhabi (Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi, 2018)
An additional data base compiling all the received data
and Dubai (Dubai Municipality, n.d.), for which emission
was created. This approach means that emission
estimates were directly available from both emirates.
estimates are only as complete as the data received, and
59 t
therefore completeness remains an issue for the IPPU
217 t 430 t
194 t sector across the UAE. Where available, international
data sets were used to complement facility data and
4,040 t
1,851 t improve the report’s completeness.
7,543 t 4,413 t
12,115 t
10,060 t NMVOC 2,656 t PM₁₀ PM₂.₅

3,723 t 2,788 t
1,090 t

2A Mineral industries 2B Chemical industries

2C Metal industries 2D Other solvent and product use
2H Other industry production 2I Wood Processing

19 20
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

7. Agriculture All NOX emissions are accounted for under crop

production and agriculture soils as manure is typically
from the agriculture sector. Negligible emissions of
NMVOC, PM10 and PM2.5 are estimated from crop
not stored before being applied to fields as a fertiliser. production and agriculture soils (3D).
7.1 Overview of emissions NOX and NMVOC emissions arise from the excreta of These NOX emissions are the largest source of emissions
agricultural livestock that are deposited in and around
Emissions from the agriculture sector are of minor
buildings, and collected as liquid slurry, solid manure or Table 7 Estimated UAE emissions from the agricultural sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)
significance for all air quality pollutants included in this
litter-based farmyard manure. Emissions of particulate
inventory. SO2 and CO emissions are not applicable for Emissions
matter (PM) are mainly from feed, bedding, and feathers
the agriculture sector and are therefore not included in Sector/category
which occur from buildings used to house livestock. NOx SO2 CO NMVOC PM10 PM2.5
this section (see Figure 8 and Table 7). It should be
noted that the primary air pollutant from the agriculture 3B1a Manure management – Dairy cattle NO1 NA2 NA 2 465 87 56
The majority of NMVOC and PM10 emissions from
sector is NH3, which is not yet included in the inventory.
manure management are due to farmed cattle and 3B1b Manure management – Non-dairy cattle NO NA NA 779 24 16
poultry. A much larger proportion of PM2.5 emissions
The main activity that causes emissions is manure 3B2 Manure management – Sheep NO NA NA 361 128 43
are due to camels, which have approximately the same
management. The term manure refers to excrement
contribution as dairy and non-dairy cattle to PM2.5 3B4d Manure management – Goats NO NA NA 1 206 134 45
from agricultural livestock that is used as a fertiliser.
emissions from manure management. 3B4e Manure management – Horses NO NA NA 243 12 7.9
3B4gi Manure management – Laying hens NO NA NA 3 248 787 59
Figure 8 Estimated emissions from the agriculture sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes) 3B4gii Manure management – Broilers NO NA NA 385 71 7.1
3B4h Manure management – Camels NO NA NA 117 95 60
3D Crop production and agricultural soils 4,405 NA NA 43 79 3
117 t 43 t
385 t Total 3
4,405 NA NA 8,847 1,416 297

2,465 t 1
NO – Not occurring
NA – Not applicable (emissions of this pollutant do not occur from this source).
NOₓ 3,248 t NMVOC 3
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total shown as a result of rounded off figures.

779 t
7.2 Methodology Competitiveness Authority (FCSA). Other additional
4405 t 1,206 t 361 t information, such as the rate of application of fertilisers,
243 t All emission estimates for NOX, NMVOCs, PM10 and was sourced from FAO datasets and was allocated to
PM2.5 have been made using the Tier 1 method. No UAE based on national crop area statistics. The simplest
emissions of SO2 or CO occur from the agriculture methodology from the 2016 EMEP/EEA guidebook has
sector. been utilised throughout the inventory. The assumption
24 t 3t is that no manure is stored or used in anaerobic
79 t Data on livestock population, agricultural soils and
95 t 87 t digesters, but all manure that it is produced within the
60 t 56 t
71 t 128 t crops was available from the Federal Statistics and UAE is applied directly to cropland.

134 t 7t 16 t
PM₁₀ PM₂.₅
12 t 43 t
59 t

787 t 45 t

3B1a Manure management: dairy cattle 3B1b Manure management: non-dairy cattle
3B2 Manure management: sheep 3B4d Manure management: goats
3B4e Manure management: horses 3B4gi Manure management: laying hens
3B4gii Manure management: broilers 3B4h Manure management: camels
3D Crop production and agricultural soils

21 22
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

8. Waste Table 8 Estimated UAE emissions from the waste sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)

8.1 Overview of emissions Negligible emissions of all pollutants are estimated NOx SO2 CO NMVOC PM10 PM2.5
from the incineration of hazardous waste in clinical
Emissions from the waste sector are of minor 5A Municipal solid waste disposal on land NA 1
NA NE 44 255 6.2 0.94
waste incinerators. The incineration of hazardous
significance for all air quality pollutants included in this 5B1 Composting NE2 NA 323 NE NE NE
waste is limited mostly to Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
inventory, except for NMVOC emissions from MSW12
disposal on land, which is identified as a key category Wastewater is treated and collected in all the Industrial waste incineration –
5C1b 5 0.27 0.41 43 0.041 0.023
(see Figure 9 and Table 8). It should be noted that some emirates except UAQ. The practice gives rise to Hazardous
waste disposal activities can give rise to other pollutants, insignificant emissions of NMVOC. 5D Wastewater handling NA NA NA 11 NE NE
particularly heavy metals and persistent organic
pollutants (POPs) that are not yet included in the Total 3
5 0.27 323 44 308 6.3 0.96
inventory. Small amounts of carbon monoxide 1
NA – Not applicable (emissions of this pollutant do not occur from this source).
emissions from composting were estimated. 2
NE – Not estimated (emissions of this pollutant are likely to occur from this source, but there are no default emission factors available in the EMEP/
EEA guidebook).
The sum of the component parts may not exactly equal the total shown as a result of rounded off figures.
Figure 9 Estimated emissions from the waste sector by pollutant, 2015 (in tonnes)

0.4 t 8.2 Methodology The simplest methodology from the 2016 EMEP/EEA
guidebook are utilised throughout, except for
The majority of activity data for the waste sector was composting (Tier 2), where it was assumed that
obtained from waste data collected by MOCCAE, ‘windrow’ composting13 is practiced.
which provided national totals of MSW disposal routes,
NOₓ SO₂ CO including waste disposal on land, composting, and Emission estimates for the waste sector can be treated
hazardous waste incineration. For MSW disposal on as being highly uncertain due to the use of
land, a breakdown of activity data by emirate was predominantly default emission factors on a limited
5t 0.3 t 323 t available. evidence basis. Substandard completeness of the waste
sector inventory is also a concern, where it is possible
Data on the volume of collected and treated wastewater that uncollected MSW or wastewater not accounted
by emirate was available from the FCSA 2015 national for in national data may give rise to additional emissions.
data set.
11 t 43 t 0.04 t 0.02 t


44,255 t 6t 1t

5A Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) disposal on land 5B1 Composting

5C1b Industrial waste incineration: hazardous 5D wastewater handling

The bulk of MSW originates from households, although similar wastes from sources, such as commerce, offices, public institutions, and selected 13
Windrow composting is the production of compost by piling organic matter or biodegradable waste, such as animal manure and crop residues, in
municipal services are also included. MSW also includes bulky waste, but excludes waste from municipal sewage networks, and municipal construction long rows (windrows). This method is suited to producing large volumes of compost. For further reading, please see
and demolition waste.

23 24
UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

9. Conclusions and recommendations References

This project has provided the results of a ground- An update to the inventory is recommended every two Barakat-Haddad, C., Zhang, S., Siddiqua, A., and Dghaim, R. (2015). “Air quality and respiratory health among adolescents
breaking air pollutant inventory conducted for the to three years. Efforts should focus on completeness, on from the United Arab Emirates”. Journal of environmental and public health Vol. 2015, Article ID 284595. Available at:
UAE. Emission estimates have been compiled for the those key categories, and where improvements can be
year 2015 for six criteria pollutants. The results of the made with a low or medium level of effort. Inclusion of
inventory have allowed the main pollution sources to activities, such as construction, which are well known Dubai Municipality. n.d. Internal communication.
be identified, enabling appropriate action to be taken contributors to air pollution, should be addressed.
to improve air quality across the UAE. Future editions of this document can include additional Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi (2018). Abu Dhabi air emissions inventory. Available at:
regulated criteria pollutants such as ammonia or lead. Publications/Abu%20Dhabi%20Air%20Emission%20Inventory%202018/AD%20AIR%20EMISSIONS%20LOW%20
The estimations showed that the stationary energy and Significant improvements to the accuracy of the RES%20FINAL.pdf
transport sectors are the dominant sources of air national inventories can be achieved with the
pollutants. Power generation comprises a large development of country emission factors that reflect EEA (European Environment Agency) (2016). EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook 2016. Technical
proportion of the NOX emissions, with road transport the local practices and technologies. In addition, the guidance to prepare national emission inventories. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at:
and oil and gas operations also contributing significant geographical allocation of these estimated emissions is
amounts. For SO2 emissions, oil and gas operations are utterly important for the identification of areas for
the dominant source. On the other hand, petrol fuelled priority intervention. Funk, W.E., Pleil, J.D., Pedit, J.A., Boundy, M.G., Yeatts, K.B., Nash, D.G., Trent, C.B., El Sadig, M., Davidson, C.A., and Leith, D.
passenger cars and light duty vehicles comprise the (2014). “Indoor Air Quality in the United Arab Emirates”. Journal of Environmental Protection 5:709–722. Available at:
majority of CO emissions, with the IPPU sector also In the meantime, synergies between public entities and
being an important source. For particulate matter the private sector should be maintained and reinforced
(both PM10 and PM2.5), the dominant sources are IPPU in order to undertake regular updates of this inventory, Gibson, J. M., and Farah, Z. S. (2012). “Environmental risks to public health in the United Arab Emirates: a quantitative
with smaller amounts arising from fuel combustion (in thus improving accuracy and completeness in every assessment and strategic plan”. Environmental health perspectives 120(5):681–686. Available at:
industry and transport) and road vehicle brake and tyre edition. org/10.1289%2Fehp.1104064
Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (2016). State of the Green Economy. Available at:
The agriculture and waste sectors play a minor role, as ae/assets/40a8d3c1/green-economy-report-2016.aspx
these are more significant sectors in terms of GHG
emissions, in particular with regard to the estimated United Arab Emirates Cabinet (n.d.). National agenda. United Arab Emirates Cabinet website. Available at: https://
high NMVOC emissions from MSW disposal on land.

The process of collecting the activity data has been an United Arab Emirates (n.d.). UAE Vision 2021. United Arab Emirates Vision 2021 website.
enormous task and a substantial amount of useful uae-vision
information has been obtained, which has allowed
detailed calculations to be undertaken in many cases. Ministry of Energy and Industry of United Arab Emirates (2016). Annual Statistical Report 2016. Available at: https://
However, completeness remains a matter of concern,
particularly in the industrial combustion and process
sectors. WHO (World Health Organization) (2016). Ambient air pollution: a major threat to health and climate. WHO: Geneva.
Available at:

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UAE National Air Emissions Inventory Project

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For further information or feedback:

Ministry of Climate Change & Environment

PO Box 1509, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Email: [email protected]

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