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International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice P a g e | 417

A Case Study on Design of Ammonia Condenser:

Effect of Independent Variables
Ronak Patel1 Sanjay Patel2* Raju Mewada3
1 2* 3
Assistant Professor, Chemical Professor, Chemical Engineering Associate Professor, Chemical
Engineering Department Institute Department Institute of Engineering Department Institute
of Technology, Nirma University, Technology, Nirma University, of Technology, Nirma University,
Ahmedabad, India Ahmedabad, India Ahmedabad, India

Abstract— Shell and tube heat exchangers are widely used in II. PROBLEM STATMENT
process industries for exchange of heat from one fluid to
Ammonia enters into condenser at 7000 Kg/h, 120 °C
another by indirect means. Design of heat exchanger is lengthy
and iterative procedure and overall cost of heat exchanger temperature and 16 bar (a) pressure. At inlet ammonia is in
depends upon various independent variables. Here in present superheated condition. At exit subccoled ammonia liquid is
study, we have considered ammonia condenser for study obtained at 26 °C. Cooling water is used as a cooling
purpose. As ammonia is produced widely in urea medium. Water comes from cooling tower so that maximum
manufacturing industries. In present study, we have studied temperature of water is 20 °C. Discharge head of water pump
effect of various independent variables like tube outside is 6 kgf/cm2. Water temperature is maintained by induced
diameter, tube length and baffle spacing on heat transfer draft fan in cooling tower. Ammonia vapour is allocated on
coefficient and pressure drop. shell side while cooling water is allocated on tube side.
Keywords— Ammonia, HTRI, Condenser design, Shell and
tube heat exchanger III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

I. INTRODUCTION Effect of one independent variable is studied while

keeping rest of the independent variables constant. Several

H eat transfer between process fluids is an inseparable

part of most of the chemical processes[1]. Heat
exchangers are equipment, which is used in chemical
independent variables like outside diameter of tube, tube
length, baffle spacing and number of tube side pass partition
are considered for present work. Influence of independent
industries for exchange of heat. Several types of heat variables are encountered with constant process parameters.
exchangers are used in industrial processes. These include Process parameters which are remained constant are
double pipe heat exchangers, shell-and-tube exchangers, tabulated in Table 1. For the given problem, observations are
plate-and-frame exchangers and many others[2]. From all of reported in rating mode of HTRI. For rating shell inside
the mentioned heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat diameter was kept 1.1 meter.
exchangers are widely used in heating and air conditioning,
Table 1. Constant Process Parameters
chemical processes, power generation, refrigeration,
manufacturing and medical applications. Shell-and-tube heat Sr. No. Process Parameter Value
exchanger provide advantage of high surface area to volume
ratio and is adaptable to various operating conditions[3]. 1 Hot fluid flow rate 1.944 kg/s
Design of shell-and-tube is an iterative procedure, which
is constrained by maximum allowable pressure drop. Before
2 Cold fluid flow rate 53.7 kg/s
starting design, designer have to specify certain independent
process variables like outside diameter of tube, geometry of
tube pitch, baffle spacing and number of tube side pass 3 Hot fluid inlet temperature 120 °C
partition are independent and can affect design significantly.
These independent variables have pronounced effect on heat 4 Hot fluid outlet temperature 26 °C
transfer coefficient and pressure drop. So trial and error
procedure is required to find optimum design of shell-and- 5 Cold fluid inlet temperature 20 °C
tube heat exchanger.
Computational tools like HTRI and HTFS are extensively 6 Cold fluid outlet temperature 32 °C
used for rating and thermal design purpose of the heat
exchangers however, they do not consist any optimization
techniques. These softwares also require input in terms of 7 Hot fluid inlet pressure 1600 kPa
independent variables, which will govern overall design.
In present study, effect of independent variables are 8 Cold fluid inlet pressure 600 kPa
studied in terms of their effect on heat transfer coefficient
and pressure drop for ammonia condenser using HTRI. This
paper will provide rough estimate to designer for initial In entire study, units and nomenclature listed (as per Table
selection of independent variables, so that optimum design 2) against their name are used.
can be converged with less number of iterations.

Volume I Issue VIII IJRSI ISSN 2321-2705

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice P a g e | 418

Table 2. Nomenclature and units for variables and parameters increases slightly as shell side fluid velocity has increased.
But effect on tube side pressure drop is more pronounced
Sr. Parameter/Variable Nomen Unit compared to shell side pressure drop. Observation for shell
No. clature side and tube side heat transfer coefficients and pressure
1 Tube outside diameter d0 mm drops are tabulated in Table 3.
Table 3. Relation between tube OD and shell and tube side heat transfer
2 Tube inside diameter di mm coefficient and pressure drop.
3 Tube side heat transfer hi W/m2°
coefficient C Sr. Tube Tube side Shell side Tube Shell
No. OD heat heat side side
4 Shell side heat transfer ho W/m2° transfer transfer Pressure Pressur
coefficient C coefficient coefficient drop e drop
1 6.35 17694 2906.74 1465.16 4.529
5 Tube side Pressure drop ∆pt kPa 2 9.525 9441.4 2711.92 221.412 4.698
6 Shell side Pressure drop ∆ps kPa 3 12.7 7189.4 2471.27 95.288 4.644
4 15.875 6212.56 2427.53 60.183 4.547
7 Tube length L m
5 19.05 5680.59 2365.46 45.326 4.458
8 Baffle Spacing BS m 6 22.225 5414.96 2290.73 38.355 4.373

A. Effect of tube outside diameter B. Effect of tube length

Effect of tube outside diameter is encountered on tube Effect of tube length on tube and shell side heat transfer
side and shell side heat transfer coefficient and tube side and coefficient and tube and shell side pressure drop is studied.
shell side pressure drop. For constant wall thickness of tube, Increase in tube length will not affect tube and shell side heat
with increase in tube outside diameter tube inside diameter is transfer coefficient and shell and tube side pressure drop
increased. Due to increase in tube inside diameter, tube side much as tube and shell side cross flow area will not change
velocity decreases for constant volumetric flow rate and with tube length. There is slight reduction in shell side
number of tubes in given shell decreases. Relation between velocity due to pressure drop along the length of heat
tube outside diameter and velocity is shown in Figure 1. exchanger. Obtained results are tabulated in Table 4.
Decrease in tube side fluid velocity cause reduction in tube Table 4. Relation between tube length and shell and tube side heat transfer
side heat transfer coefficient as there will be overall coefficient and pressure drop.
reduction in Reynold’s number. For forced convection heat
Sr. Tube Tube side Shell side Tube Shell
transfer, heat transfer coefficient is strong function of
No. length heat heat side side
Reynold’s number. For shell side fluid, velocity increases as
transfer transfer Pressure Pressure
the tube OD increases. This increase in shell side fluid
coefficient coefficient drop drop
velocity is justified as shell side cross flow area decreases
with increase in tube OD. But shell side heat transfer
coefficient do not vary significantly with the tube OD. Effect
of tube OD is more sensitized on tube side heat transfer 1 1.892 4656.86 2381.94 18.068 3.847
coefficient than shell side heat transfer coefficient. 2 2.438 4651.09 2417.07 20.293 4.141
3 3.048 4649.47 2373.4 22.515 4.429
4 3.658 4652.98 2451.63 24.746 4.678
5 4.267 4654.13 2368.95 26.958 4.925
6 4.877 4655.31 2449.88 29.187 5.184
7 5.486 4655.66 2423.51 31.413 5.398
8 6.096 4657.41 2401.11 33.638 5.585

C. Effect of baffle spacing

Effect of baffle spacing was investigated on shell side
heat transfer coefficient and shell side pressure drop. With
Figure 1. Relation between shell side and tube side fluid velocity and tube increase in baffle spacing shell side heat transfer coefficient
OD (Shell ID = 1.1 m, Baffle cut = 25%, Baffle spacing = 0.2 m, Layout remains almost constant because for condensation outside
angle = 30o, Tube length = 5.486 m) tubes and horizontal condenser shell side heat transfer
coefficient do not depend upon baffle spacing as per equation
On the same line results are observed for tube side and 1[4]. Slight decrease in heat transfer coefficient with increase
shell side pressure drop. Tube side pressure drop decreases in baffle spacing was observed because de-superheating and
as tube OD increases, because tube side velocity decreases sub-cooling heat transfer coefficients depends upon shell side
with increase in tube OD. For shell side fluid, pressure drop cross flow velocity.

Volume I Issue VIII IJRSI ISSN 2321-2705

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Practice P a g e | 419

Pass No. Tube Shell Tube Shell Tube shell

of Velo Velo side side side side
Where, tubes city city heat heat press press
(m/s) (m/s) transfer transfe ure ure
Wc = Total condensate flow in (kg/s) coeffici r drop drop
L = Length of tube ent coeffic
Nt = Tube in bundle
Nr = Average number of tube in vertical tube row.
ρv = Density of vapor 1 1543 0.18 0.58 740.01 1918 6.93 4.71
ρL = Density of liquid
2 1498 0.37 0.49 1905.9 2239 9.45 4.57
g = Acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s 2
Shell side pressure drop decrease very slightly with 4 1424 0.77 0.47 3496.9 2210 22.3 4.58
increase in baffle spacing as shown in Figure 2. This
behavior is justified as increase in baffle spacing increases 6 1364 1.13 0.43 5604.2 2155 58.2 4.4
shell side cross flow area, therefore reducing shell side 8 1324 1.58 0.42 7186.1 2172 129 4.38
velocity. Reduction in shell side velocity reduces pressure
drop. While tube side pressure drop is not dependent upon 10 1282 2.47 0.44 8781.9 2204 252 4.38
baffle spacing therefore tube side pressure drop remains 12 1244 2.51 0.45 10390 2230 441 4.38
constant (58.296 kPa).
16 1164 4.17 0.43 13665 2211 1148 4.37

In present work, performance of ammonia condenser is
evaluated in terms of tube and shell side heat transfer
coefficient and pressure drop. The main findings of the work
is as follows:
1. Increase in tube OD and increase in tube side
number of passes has pronounced effect on tube side heat
transfer coefficient and pressure drop. So, while designing
one has carefully select tube OD and number of tube side
Figure 2. Effect of baffle spacing on shell side pressure drop. (Shell ID = 1.1
pass partition plate.
m, Baffle cut = 25%, Tube side number of passes = 4, Layout angle = 30 o, 2. Increase in length of tube, makes no significant
Tube OD = 19.05 mm, Tube Length = 4.267 m) change in tube and shell side heat transfer coefficient and
pressure drop.
D. Effect of number tube side passes 3. For condenser, increase in baffle spacing does not
Effect of variation in number of tube side passes were make any significant impact on shell side heat transfer
studied on tube and shell side heat transfer coefficient and coefficient. As condensation coefficient does not depend on
tube and shell side pressure drop. Effect of change in passes baffle spacing. It also does not have any considerable effect
on number of tubes, tube and shell side heat transfer on pressure drop as well. So for condensers, purpose of
coefficient and tube and shell side pressure drop is tabulated baffles is only to support tube bundle.
in Table 5. 4. Increase in number of tube side passes increase tube
For fixed internal diameter of shell, increase in number of side heat transfer coefficient significantly but it also suffers
passes decreases number of tubes. Due to reduction in tube from the drawback of high tube side pressure drop. Change
side area with increase in tube side passes, tube side velocity in number of tube side passes, do not affect shell side heat
increases and tube side turbulence is increased. As tube side transfer coefficient and pressure drop.
heat transfer coefficient is strong function of Reynolds’
number, tube side heat transfer coefficient increases. With REFERENCES
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Volume I Issue VIII IJRSI ISSN 2321-2705

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