A Case Study On Design of Ammonia Conden PDF
A Case Study On Design of Ammonia Conden PDF
A Case Study On Design of Ammonia Conden PDF
Abstract— Shell and tube heat exchangers are widely used in II. PROBLEM STATMENT
process industries for exchange of heat from one fluid to
Ammonia enters into condenser at 7000 Kg/h, 120 °C
another by indirect means. Design of heat exchanger is lengthy
and iterative procedure and overall cost of heat exchanger temperature and 16 bar (a) pressure. At inlet ammonia is in
depends upon various independent variables. Here in present superheated condition. At exit subccoled ammonia liquid is
study, we have considered ammonia condenser for study obtained at 26 °C. Cooling water is used as a cooling
purpose. As ammonia is produced widely in urea medium. Water comes from cooling tower so that maximum
manufacturing industries. In present study, we have studied temperature of water is 20 °C. Discharge head of water pump
effect of various independent variables like tube outside is 6 kgf/cm2. Water temperature is maintained by induced
diameter, tube length and baffle spacing on heat transfer draft fan in cooling tower. Ammonia vapour is allocated on
coefficient and pressure drop. shell side while cooling water is allocated on tube side.
Keywords— Ammonia, HTRI, Condenser design, Shell and
tube heat exchanger III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Table 2. Nomenclature and units for variables and parameters increases slightly as shell side fluid velocity has increased.
But effect on tube side pressure drop is more pronounced
Sr. Parameter/Variable Nomen Unit compared to shell side pressure drop. Observation for shell
No. clature side and tube side heat transfer coefficients and pressure
1 Tube outside diameter d0 mm drops are tabulated in Table 3.
Table 3. Relation between tube OD and shell and tube side heat transfer
2 Tube inside diameter di mm coefficient and pressure drop.
3 Tube side heat transfer hi W/m2°
coefficient C Sr. Tube Tube side Shell side Tube Shell
No. OD heat heat side side
4 Shell side heat transfer ho W/m2° transfer transfer Pressure Pressur
coefficient C coefficient coefficient drop e drop
1 6.35 17694 2906.74 1465.16 4.529
5 Tube side Pressure drop ∆pt kPa 2 9.525 9441.4 2711.92 221.412 4.698
6 Shell side Pressure drop ∆ps kPa 3 12.7 7189.4 2471.27 95.288 4.644
4 15.875 6212.56 2427.53 60.183 4.547
7 Tube length L m
5 19.05 5680.59 2365.46 45.326 4.458
8 Baffle Spacing BS m 6 22.225 5414.96 2290.73 38.355 4.373
In present work, performance of ammonia condenser is
evaluated in terms of tube and shell side heat transfer
coefficient and pressure drop. The main findings of the work
is as follows:
1. Increase in tube OD and increase in tube side
number of passes has pronounced effect on tube side heat
transfer coefficient and pressure drop. So, while designing
one has carefully select tube OD and number of tube side
Figure 2. Effect of baffle spacing on shell side pressure drop. (Shell ID = 1.1
pass partition plate.
m, Baffle cut = 25%, Tube side number of passes = 4, Layout angle = 30 o, 2. Increase in length of tube, makes no significant
Tube OD = 19.05 mm, Tube Length = 4.267 m) change in tube and shell side heat transfer coefficient and
pressure drop.
D. Effect of number tube side passes 3. For condenser, increase in baffle spacing does not
Effect of variation in number of tube side passes were make any significant impact on shell side heat transfer
studied on tube and shell side heat transfer coefficient and coefficient. As condensation coefficient does not depend on
tube and shell side pressure drop. Effect of change in passes baffle spacing. It also does not have any considerable effect
on number of tubes, tube and shell side heat transfer on pressure drop as well. So for condensers, purpose of
coefficient and tube and shell side pressure drop is tabulated baffles is only to support tube bundle.
in Table 5. 4. Increase in number of tube side passes increase tube
For fixed internal diameter of shell, increase in number of side heat transfer coefficient significantly but it also suffers
passes decreases number of tubes. Due to reduction in tube from the drawback of high tube side pressure drop. Change
side area with increase in tube side passes, tube side velocity in number of tube side passes, do not affect shell side heat
increases and tube side turbulence is increased. As tube side transfer coefficient and pressure drop.
heat transfer coefficient is strong function of Reynolds’
number, tube side heat transfer coefficient increases. With REFERENCES
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