Ann C Unit Rates DLF Estimate PDF
Ann C Unit Rates DLF Estimate PDF
Ann C Unit Rates DLF Estimate PDF
Unit Supply (Total Supply Total Erection
Sr. NO. Description Unit Qty. Total Supply cost Unit Erection Cost Total Cost (A+B)
Rates Cost + 15 %) (A) Cost(B)
1 HT Cables 0.00 0.00
a 3/C 400 mm2 11 kV XLPE Armoured cable Mtrs 264424 1692.96 447659255.04 514808143.30 84.65 22383491.60 537191634.90
b 3/C 300 mm2 11 kV XLPE Armoured cable Mtrs 8470 1206.04 10215158.80 11747432.62 60.3 510741.00 12258173.62
c 3/C 120 mm2 11 kV XLPE Armoured cable Mtrs 8529 743.16 6338411.64 7289173.39 37.16 316937.64 7606111.03
Sub-Total 281423 464212825.48 533844749.30 23211170.24 5570,55,920
2 LT Cables 0.00 0.00
a LT XLPE Cable S/C 630 MM. sq. Mtr 27320 730.63 19960811.60 22954933.34 36.53 997999.60 23952932.94
b LT XLPE Armoured 3.5 Core, 300 cable Mtr 340000 940.42 319742800.00 367704220.00 47.02 15986800.00 383691020.00
c LT XLPE Armoured 3.5 Core, 240 cable Mtr 1500 835.34 1253010.00 1440961.50 41.77 62655.00 1503616.50
d LT XLPE Armoured 3.5 Core, 120 cable Mtr 153000 449.00 68697000.00 79001550.00 22.45 3434850.00 82436400.00
e LT XLPE Armoured 3.5 Core, 95 cable Mtr 1000 344.89 344890.00 396623.50 17.24 17240.00 413863.50
f LT PVC Cable 2/C 10 MM. sq. Mtr 92500 25.48 2356900.00 2710435.00 1.27 117475.00 2827910.00
g LT PVC Cable 2/C 16 MM. sq. Mtr 1000 38.71 38710.00 44516.50 1.94 1940.00 46456.50
h LT PVC Cable 4/C 16 MM. sq. Mtr 85000 64.70 5499500.00 6324425.00 3.24 275400.00 6599825.00
i LT PVC Cable 4/C 25 MM. sq. Mtr 97500 91.03 8875425.00 10206738.75 4.55 443625.00 10650363.75
j LT PVC Cable 4/C 50 MM. sq. Mtr 4250 145.64 618970.00 711815.50 7.28 30940.00 742755.50
k LT PVC Cable 4/C 95 MM. sq. Mtr 1000 258.69 258690.00 297493.50 12.93 12930.00 310423.50
l LT XLPE Armoured Cable 2/C 10 MM. sq. Mtr 370000 61.32 22688400.00 26091660.00 3.07 1135900.00 27227560.00
m LT XLPE Armoured Cable 2/C 16 MM. sq. Mtr 1000 59.37 59370.00 68275.50 2.97 2970.00 71245.50
n LT XLPE Armoured Cable 4/C 16 MM. sq. Mtr 340000 101.33 34452200.00 39620030.00 5.07 1723800.00 41343830.00
o LT XLPE Armoured Cable 4/C 25 MM. sq. Mtr 390000 138.93 54182700.00 62310105.00 6.95 2710500.00 65020605.00
p LT XLPE Armoured Cable 4/C 50 MM. sq. Mtr 17000 231.33 3932610.00 4522501.50 11.57 196690.00 4719191.50
q LT XLPE Armoured Cable 4/C 95 MM. sq. Mtr 1000 354.94 354940.00 408181.00 17.75 17750.00 425931.00
Sub-Total 1923070 543316926.60 624814465.59 27169464.60 6519,83,930
3 LT Feeder Pillar 0.00 0.00
6– way Distribution feeder pillar with 1 no ACB , 4 pole,
3phase, 415 v , 1600 Amps for incoming and 5 nos outgoing
a MCCB 4 pole, 3phase, 415 v , 400 Amps rating type, Nos 239 479648.34 114635953.26 131831346.25 9592.97 2292719.83 134124066.08
metering arrangement on incomer suitable for outdoor
installation, in accordance with Technical Specification
Dismantling estimated Rates of existing HT and LT line and cartage to nearest store
Total Cost of
Sr. No. Description Unit ng Unit Qty
Pole (PCC, Rail, Tubler etc ) - Supply Unit rates taken of 9
A Nos. 157.50 11914 1876455
mtr. Pole
ACSR Conductor with allied Material - Supply Unit rates
B KM 2163.35 1136 2457565.6
taken of 80 mm. sq. Conductor
Distribution T/F with allied Material - Supply Unit rates taken
C nos. 2232.53 234 522412.02
of 200 kVA DT
HT AB Cable of various sizes along with allied material -
D Supply Unit rates taken of 3CX185 mm.sq.+ 150 KM 19296.13 39 752548.875
Overhead HT XLPE Cable of various sizes along with allied
C KM 16428.03 11 180708.275
material - Supply Unit rates taken of 3CX185 mm.sq.
Total 5789689.77
1 Prices are excluding Taxes & Duties