Can be played with the usual 300 pts. (or more, or less).
A Watchtower stands guard upon a hill... can they warn the town in
time? Defending Force
Exactly half the point value of the attackers.
The attackers must take the watchtower before the beacon burns No wizards. No Mounted forces.
bright enough to send a warning.
An advance scouting patrol is tasked with silencing the watchtower.
The guards of the watchtower are the only obstacle between the invad- Attacking Force
ing army and the town they want to catch by surprise. Double the point value of the Defenders.
An elaborate “King of the Hill” style skirmish surrounding a “ticking No mounted forces (this is a scouting party).
timebomb” of sorts.
Defending Force
A lone watchment atop the tower.
One model within “Short” of the tower.
The remainder of the defenders must be placed more than “Long” dis-
tance from the southern edge of the tower.
Who Goes First?
It’s a surprise attack, the attackers go first.
Attacking Force
Within “Long” of the Northern table edge.
Battlefield Objectives
Using a space of about 24” x 24” to 36”x 36”, set a hill in the approximate The attacker’s: The Attackers must break into the watchtower and silence
center. The watchtower is set upon the center of the hill. the guardians before any signal can go up! At the end of the 6th and final
turn, the Attacker must be in sole possession of the tower top to claim
Additional trees, walls and hedges are scattered about the table but none victory.
within Long distance of the tower.
The defender’s: Although not a heavily fortified position, the watchtower
is there to keep an eye out for marauding forces. The watchtower is not
designed to hold off an opposing army. It is, however, intended to give the
rest of the realm a warning signal. This warning signal comes in the form
of a beacon fire lit atop the tower. The Defender must last 6 turns, as that
is how long it will take for the beacon to burn hot enough to produce a
clear signal. At the end of the 6th and final turn, if there is a single active
Defender (knocked down doesn’t count) at the top of the tower than the
Defender wins
Adjust the balance of the warbands. If the watchtower crew seems to win Special Rules
too often, reduce them to 33% of the attackers points. If the watchtower
crew doesn’t seem to stand a chance, bump them up to 75% of the attackers Tower Door
The tower was more intended to survey
points. the land and sound the alert on enemy Optional Special Rule:
attacks than to stop them. The door is Tower Scenery
locked and barred, but may be bashed If you have access to a fully articu-
using the rules from SGG. lated tower, with removable roof and
multiple floors, take the battle inside
Attacking Inside the Tower and disregard the “Attacking Inside the
When the door is destroyed, the At- Tower” special rule.
tacker is considered to be Medium Dis-
Map Layout tance down from the top of the tower.
Any attacker at the broken door can
declare a move action to get in range of
the defender. The watchman at the top
of the tower is aware of the door being
destroyed and will move to defend
the doorway into the top. As long as
a living defender is in the tower, an
attacker can not get up the stairs to the
top of the tower.
Stalwart Defender
Defenders are immune to Rout Tests.