Assigment 1 For BSC

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SET OF ASSIGNMENT NO. 1 FOR M.S Civil Engineering.



Define the following terms.

Concrete is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded
together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (curse) over time .
Also it is made up of those components ,are water and aggregate ( rock, sand and gravel)
and Portland cement ,cement is usually powder forms, acts as binding when it is mixed with
water and aggregate .
ii) concrete technology.
Concrete technology is the most widely used in construction material and its knowledge
is essential for every civil engineer. Concrete technology is a very vast subject which deals
with complete lifecycle of concrete .some of the main topic with which concrete technology
deals are:
1- Raw materials of concrete and their properties .
2- Properties of fresh concrete and its hardened paste.
3- Mix design ,strength and durability of concrete.
4- Admixture and special concrete and their used.
5- Latest development advancement in concrete technology.

Iii) concreting.
Concreting means adding ,admixing ,beating , an artificial ,stonelike building material
made by mixing cement and various aggregate , as sand ,gravel ,or shale ,with water and
allowing the mixture to harden .

advantages and disadvantages of concrete.

a) Advantages.

1- High compressive strength.

2- Compere to steel no corrosion.
3- Highly flow able concrete can be used to fill the cracks.
4- All types of structure dams ,bridges, building etc.can be constructed.
5- Can be used to construct high rise buildings in regions with wild seismic activity.
6- Special concrete using various admixtures for fire resistance, insulation ,light weight
etc.can be created .
7- Can be pumped and sloped into any forms.
8- Form work can be used multiple times .
9- Concrete structures have a typical lifespan of 50-100 years so are economical .
10- Fragment repairs are not required.

b) Disadvantages.

1- No tensile strength ,so concrete is always used with reinforcement.

2- Concrete expends contracts due to thermal changes .expansion gaps are thus
provided to allow creep effects.
3- Costing of concrete becomes a problems in very cold or very hot climates.
4- Ice cold water is used for concreting in high temperatures and like warm water in
5- Concrete is pervious material which may be rusting for the corrosion of steel.
6- Poor concrete quality lesser curing time before applying distemper or moist
condition cause soluble salts and water dispersible materials to come in concrete
surface waking a white powder like appearance on concrete surface known as
efflorescence .
7- Concrete has a very high self weight .
8- Creep effects damage concrete structure.

Q#3: :
1- composition of concrete.

The strength of concrete is strong-minded by the amount and type of its essential
materials. The following conferences describe each component of the mix and how it
affects the final produce

1) Cement forms part of the matrix that surrounds and binds the aggregate , providing
strength and durability.portalnd cement is produced in various forms ranging from
pure ground Portland cement to the cement containing useful waste products from
other industries , reducing the environmental impact.
2) Water is a vibrant element in the design of concrete initiates the
chemical process of hydration with the cement which causes the mixture to harden.
3) Aggregates have to main function . they provide a rigid structure within the concrete
and reduce void space to be filled by cement , a much more expensive comment.
4) Admixtures are carefully selected materials used to modify the setting and
hardening properties of concrete.
- Plasticizers improve the workability and allow the mix to achieve the same
workability with less water .
- Accelerators increase the setting rate and help development early strength.
- Retarders reduce the setting rate.
- Air entraining admixture natal climate

2- factors to be considered for making good concrete.

1. Compressive strength of concrete

1-effects many other describable properties of the hardened concrete.

2-The mean compressive strength (fcm) necessary at a specific age, usually 28 days,
determines the nominal water-cement ratio of the mix.

3-ISO 456-200, British Standard, and Eurocode use the term mean compressive strength
which is somewhat greater than distinctive compressive strength. However, ACI Code do
not use such term.

4-Other factors which effects the concrete compressive strength at given time and cured
at a definite temperature is compaction degree.

5-Finally, it is confirmed that, concrete compressive strength of fully trodden concrete is

inversely proportional to the water-cement ratio.

2. Workability of concrete

1- concrete workability for satisfactory and compaction depends on the size and
shape of the section to be concreted ,the amount and the spacing of
reinforcement ,and concrete transportation.
2- Additionally ,used high workability for the narrow and complication section
with numerous corners or inaccessible parts.
3- Frequently ,slump test used to evaluate concrete workability
3. Durability of concrete

1- The ability of concrete to withstand harmful environment condition

termed as concrete durability.
2- High strength concrete is generally more durable then low strength
3- In the situations when the high strength is not needed but the conditions
of contact are such that high durability is energetic, the durability
condition will determine the exploited water-cement ratio
4- Concrete durability decreases with the increase of w/c ratio.

4. Maximum nominal size of aggregate

1- Reinforcement spacing controls maximum aggregates size.

2- Aggregate size is contrariwise proportional to cement condition for

water-cement ratio. This is for workability is directly relative to size of
3- However ,the compressive strength tends to increase with the decrease
in size of the aggregate .
4- IS 456:2000 and IS 1343:1980 mentions that the minor size of the
aggregate should be as large as possible.

5. Grading and type of aggregate

1- Aggregate grading influences the mix proportion for a specified

workability and water –cement ratio.
2- The relative proportions between coarse and fine aggregate in concrete
mix influence concrete strength .
3- Well graded fine and coarse aggregate create a dense concrete because
of the attainment of ultimate stuffing density.
4- Additionally ,for specific workability and water to cement ratio, type of
aggregate disturbs aggregate to cement ratio.

Q#4 :

1- What is cement.

A cement is binder , substance used for construction that set , adheres to other
material to bind them together . cement is seldom used on its own , but rather to bind
sand and gravel ( aggregate ) together Cement mixed with fine aggregate products
mortar for masonry, or with sand and gravel, produces concrete

2-The chemical constituents of Portland cement are as follows:

Lime (CaO) 60 to 67%

Silica (SiO2) 17 to 25%

Alumina (Al2O3) 3 to 8%

Iron oxide (Fe2O3) 0.5 to 6%

Magnesia (MgO) 0.1 to 4%

Sulphur trioxide (SO3) 1 to 3%

Soda and/or Potash (Na2O+K2O) 0.5 to 1.3%

Reference (

3-the various types of cement and where is each type used .

1-ordinary Portland cement.(OPC)
Ordinary Portland Cement also known as OPC is a type of cement that is manufactured
and used worldwide. It is widely used for all purposes including.

1- Concrete : when OPC is mixed with aggregate and water , it makes concrete , which is
widely used in the construction of buildings.
2- Mortar : for joining masonry .
3- Plaster : to give a perfect finish to the walls.
2. Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC)
To prepared ppc , you need to grid pozzolan clinker with Portland cement .
PPC has a high resistance to unlike chemical assaults on concrete. It is widely used in construction such as:

1- Marine structure
2- Sewage work
3- Bridges
4- Pier
5- Dams
6- Mass concrete work

3. Rapid Hardening Cement.

Cement suppliers in Malaysia also proposal rapid Hardening cement. Rapid Hardening Cement
is made when excellently grounded C3S is displayed in OPC with higher concrete.
It is commonly used in rapid construction like the construction pavement .

4. Extra Rapid Hardening Cement.

As the name recommends, Extra rapid hardening cement increases strength quicker and it is
achieved by adding calcium chloride to rapid hardening cement.
Extra rapid hardening cement is widely used in cold weather concreting to set the cement fast .
it is about 25% faster than that of hardening cement by one or two days .

5. Low Heat Cement.

Cement manufacturers in Malaysia offers low heat cement that is organized by keeping the
percentage of tricalcium aluminate below 6% and by increasing the quantity of C2S.
This low heat cement is used in mass concrete construction like gravity dams .it is important to
know that it is less reactive and the initial setting time is greater than OPC.

6. Sulfates Resisting Cement.

This type of cement is manufactured to resist sulfate attack in concrete. It has a lower
percentage of Tricalcium aluminate.
Sulfates resisting cement is used for constructions in interaction with soil or groundwater
having more than 0.2% or 0.3% g/l sulfate salts respectively.
It can also be used in concrete surfaces subjected to alternate wetting and drying like bridge

7. Quick setting cement .

Cement suppliers in Malaysia also offer quick setting cement which sets faster than then OPC
but the strength remains the same.
The quick setting cement is used for constructor that need a quick setting like underwater
structure and in cold and rainy weather condition.

8. Blast Furnace Slag Cement.

This type of cement is manufactured by grinding the clinker with about 60% slag and it is similar
to Portland cement. It is used for constructions where economic considerations are important..

9. High Alumina Cement.

High alumina cement is obtained by mixing calcining bauxite and lime with clinker during the
manufacturing process of OPC.
The most common uses are in constructions that are subject to high temperatures like a
workshop, refractory, and foundries.

10. white cement.

This type of cement is manufacture by using raw material that are free from iron and oxide .
It is similar to OPC but it is more expensive
1- difference between coarse and fine aggregate.
Scope Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
1 Definition Are small size filler material in Are larger size filler material in the
construction . construction .
2 Size of partial They are pass through 4.75 mm They are retain in the 4.75 mm sieve
and retain on 0.075 mm on sieve

3 Material Sand, surki, stone clays ,fly ash Brick chips ,stone chips , gravel
etc. ,cinders etc.
4 Sources River sand or machine sand Dolomite aggregates, crushed gravel
crushed stone sand ,crushed or stone, natural disintegration of
gravel sand are the major sources rock are the major sources of coarse
of fine aggregate . aggregate.

5 Surface area Higher Less

6 Function in The void of coarse aggregate is fill Coarse aggregate acts as inert filler
concrete up by the fine aggregate . material for concrete
7 Use Used in mortar and plaster , Coarse aggregates are mainly used in
concrete ,filling of road concrete, railway track ballast, etc.
pavement, etc.

2- the main classification of aggregate .

1- Classification of aggregates based on : grain size

The size of fine aggregate is defined as 4.75 mm or smaller , that is the aggregate which
can pass the sieve no 4 with the mesh size of 4.75 mm(sand, silt and clay).

The size of Coarse aggregates measure above the 4.75mm limit. These are more likely
to be natural stone or gravel that has not been crushed or processed.
2- Classification of aggregates based on: Density.

There are three weight – based variation of aggregate .

1- Lightweight
2- Standard
3- High density
The different density aggregate will have much different application ,Lightweight and
ultra-lightweight aggregates are more absorbent than their heavier complements, so
they can be put to great use in green roof construction, for example. They are also used
in mixes for concrete blocks and pavements, as well as lining and fireproofing.

4- Classification of aggregates based on: Geographical Origin

- Natural – aggregate taken from natural sources , such as riverbeds, quarries and
mine ,sand gravel ,stone and rock are the most common , and this can be fine or
coarse .
- Processed – also called artificial aggregate or by product ‘ aggregate , they are
commonly taken from industrial or engineering waste they treated to the
construction aggregate for high quality concrete .
5- Classification of aggregates based on: Shape
Shape is one of the most active ways of discerning aggregates. The shape of your
selected aggregates will have a important effect on the workability of your concrete.
Aggregates bought in batches from a upright supplier can be reliable in shape, if
required, but you can also mix aggregate shapes if you need to.

3- type of aggregate will be acceptable.

The most aggregate to by used for construction are the natural sand and gravel from
riverbed or seashores are smooth and rounded and are excellent aggregates.
Crushed stone produces much more angular and elongated aggregates , which have a
higher surface to volume ratio , better bond characteristics but required more cement
paste to produce a workability mixture .

Q#6 :
1- grading of aggregate .
Grading refers to the determination of the partial size distribution for aggregate .
Grading limits and maximum aggregate size are specified because these properties
Affect the amount of aggregate used as well as cement and water requirements,
Workability , pumpablility , and durability of concrete .

2- the grading is necessary for aggregate as:

The grading or size distribution of aggregate is an important distinctive because it
determines the paste condition for workable concrete. This paste requirement is the
factor controlling the rate, since cement is the most exclusive component. It is
therefore desirable to minimalize the amount of paste consistent with the production
of concrete that can be handled, compressed, and finished while providing the
necessary strength and durability. The required amount of cement paste is dependent
upon the amount of void space that must be filled and the total surface area that must
be covered.

3- Discuss the following terms

1- Sieve analysis .

A sieve analysis is practice or procedure used to assess the particles size distribution
of a granular material by allowing the material to pass through a series of sieve of
progressive smaller mesh size and weighing the amount of material that is stopped
by each sieve as a fraction of the whole mass.
2- Fineness .

Fineness is the state or quality of being fine.

Also it is an experimental figure obtained by adding the total percentage of the
sample of an aggregate retained on each of a specified series of sieves, and dividing
the sum by 100.

3- Continuous type grading and gap grading

The term continuously graded is used to define conventional grading when it is
necessary to differentiate it from gap grading.
The term gap grading is signified by a horizontal line over the range of sizes omitted.

1- the purposes of using water in concrete?

Water is the key ingredient ,which when mixed with cement ,forms paste that
binds the aggregate together . the water causes the hardening of concrete through
a process called hydration . the roll of water is important because the water to
cement ratio is the most critical factor in the production of perfect concrete.

2- How will you test the suitability of water to be used for concrete
A simple way of determining the suitability of water for mixing is to compare the
setting time of cement and the strength of mortar cubes using the water in
question with the corresponding results obtained using the de-jonized or distilled
water as prescribed by BS EN 1008: 2002 , which required the initial setting time to
be not less than 1 hour and to be with in 25 percent of the result with distilled
water : the final setting time shall not exceed 12 hour and also be within 25 %. The
mean strength should be at least 90 % . those required may be compared with
BS 3246: 1980, which suggests a tolerance of 30 min in the initial setting time and
recommends a tolerance of 10% for strength .
Q#8 :
1- What is an Admixture.
- An admixture is define as a material other than water , aggregate ,cementitious
materials ,and fiber reinforcement ,used as an ingredient of a cementitious
mixture to modify its freshly mixed ,setting ,or hardened properties and that is
added to the batch before or during its mixing.

1- the purposes for which admixture are use.

Admixtures are used for the purpose to improve some characteristics of concrete
and the admixtures can be used to improve the following results :

Improve Durability
Water Reduction in the Mix
Mid-Range water reducers
High-Range water reducers superplasticizers
High Strength Concrete
Corrosion Protection
Set Acceleration
Strength Enhancement
Set Retardation
Crack Control (shrinkage reduction)
Finish Enhancement

Q#9 :
The workability admixture and state their effects on other
properties of concrete.
1- Superplasticizer
Increase the flow ability with the retarded set Reduce water–cement ratio

2- Shrinkage reducers
Reduce drying shrinkage.
3- Air-entraining admixtures
Improve durability in freeze –thaw deicer ,sulfate ,and alkali-reactive environments
improve workability.

4- Accelerators .
Accelerate setting and early strength development .

5- Air detainers.
Decreases air content .

6- Coloring admixtures.
Colored concrete.

7- Alkali aggregate .
Reduce alkali aggregate reactivity expansion.

8- Bonding admixtures.
Increase bond strength.

9- Permeability reducers.
Decrease permeability.

1- What are ‘Accelerators’ and retarders.
Accelerators is an admixture for the use in concrete, mortar, translation or screeds.
The addition of an accelerator hurries the setting time and thus cures time starts
earlier. This allows concrete to be placed in winter with reduced risk of cold damage

Retarders is a chemical agent thst slows a chemical reaction .for example

retarders are used to slow the chemical reaction hardening of plastic material such
as wallboard ,concrete , and adhesives .
2- Describe briefly their advantages and disadvantages of
accelerators and retarders.

1- Advantages
The advantages of using accelerating admixtures include:
• Efficient start and finishing operations,
• Sinking the period of curing and protection,
• Earlier removal of formwork so that the construction is ready for early services,
• Working leaks and quick setting when used in concreting methods.
4.5 Plasticizer (Water-Reducing Agents, WRA.

The advantage of using retarders admixtures .

 Retarding admixtures delay hydration of cement
 To delay or extend the setting time for cement paste in concrete .
 These are helpful for concrete that has to be transported to long distance ,and
helpful in placing the concrete ate high temperature .
 Used in casting and consolidating large number of pours without the formation of
cold joints.
 Used in grouting oil wells.

2- What are pozzolanic materials

Pozzolanic materials are siliceous or siliceous and aluminous materials, which in
themselves possess little or no cementitious value, but will, in finely divided form
and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with calcium hydroxide liberated
on hydration, at ordinary temperature, to form compounds, possessing cementitious

Pozzolanic materials can be separated into two groups: natural pozzolana and
artificial pozzolana. Natural Pezzoli’s " Clay and Shales " Opulence Charts "
Diatomaceous Earth " Volcanic Tuffs and Pumices. Artificial Pozzolans " Fly ash "
Blast Furnace Slag " Silica Fume " Rice Husk ash " Methacholine " Sorcha.
3- The use of pozzolanic as admixture .

Use of pozzolans may increase or decrease water demand subject on the particle
shape, surface texture, and fineness. Fly ash usually decreases water demand. Most
of the other pozzolans increase the water demand. Pozzolans decrease bleeding
because of fineness; decrease the maximum rise in temperature when used in large
quantities (more than 15% by mass of cementitious material) because of the
leisurelier rate of chemical reactions; which decrease the rise in temperature.

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