Safety Science: Zhipeng Zhou, Yang Miang Goh, Qiming Li
Safety Science: Zhipeng Zhou, Yang Miang Goh, Qiming Li
Safety Science: Zhipeng Zhou, Yang Miang Goh, Qiming Li
Safety Science
journal homepage:
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Persistent endeavors have been made to promote construction safety, but fatalities still plague the indus-
Received 11 May 2014 try. Recently there had been an emergence of a variety of construction safety research focusing on topics
Received in revised form 6 October 2014 such as safety competency, accident statistics, design for safety, and safety culture. A large number of
Accepted 17 October 2014
construction safety studies with the variety of topics make it difficult for stakeholders to have an over-
Available online 7 November 2014
view of this field. Hence a systematic review of previous studies is paramount for facilitating sharing use-
ful research findings and accessing future trends in construction safety research. A five-step framework
was proposed in this review. The analysis focused on publication year, journal title, country/region dis-
Safety management
Construction industry
tribution, organizational level, project phase, project type, innovative technology application and
Systematic review research topic. Three groups of construction safety research were identified. The first group of research
Chronological analysis is conducted from the perspective of safety management process, such as safety assessment and safety
Thematic analysis program. The second group aims to explore the impact of individual and group characteristics in relation
to construction safety, such as worker behavior, perception, and safety climate. The third group utilizes
accident/incident data to improve safety performance. In order to better capture construction safety
research trend, these studies were discussed from chronological and thematic perspectives. Four main
research findings including construction safety research perspectives, construction safety research
trends, innovative technology applications in construction safety, and safety information flow, were
gained. Finally, this review identified and discussed research gaps and corresponding agenda which
can serve as guidance for future construction safety research.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
2. Methodology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
3. Data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
3.1. Literature search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
3.2. Literature selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
3.3. Literature coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4. Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4.1. Year profile of publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
4.2. Publications distributed by country/region . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
4.3. Publications distributed by organizational level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
4.4. Publications distributed by project phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
4.5. Publications distributed by project type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
4.6. Publications distributed by innovative technology application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
4.7. Research topic distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
5. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
5.1. Chronological discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
⇑ Corresponding author.
0925-7535/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
338 Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350
Table 1
The status of construction safety management in some countries.
this systematic review will motivate further studies on construc- Preliminary search
tion safety. The remainder of this study is structured as follows.
In the second section, a five-phase framework of systematic review Ten journals are identified.
on construction safety studies is designed. The third section
describes a three-phase method to collect relevant publications. Secondary search
The fourth section conducts an overview and analysis of these
studies from the aspects of publication year, journal title, coun- Selection based on publication types
try/region, organizational level, project phase, project type, innova-
tive technology application and research topic. The fifth section Journal articles remain.
conducts discussion from chronological and thematic perspectives,
proposes four main research findings, and identifies six research Selection based on criteria
gaps and corresponding agenda. Finally, the conclusions are stated.
Paper title
Literature Publication year
2. Methodology
coding Journal title
Although literature review usually plays a part of a study in Country or region
most cases, it can also be a stand-alone work. A literature review Organizational level
study is not merely a report on the references. Instead, this type Project phase
of study synthesizes the results from individual studies to produce Project type
a coherent and integrated argument about one research subject
Innovative technologies application
(Fink, 2005). A recent research trend shows an increasing use of Data analysis
systematic review in current literature. Systematic review is a spe- Research topic
cific and reproducible approach for identifying, selecting, and
appraising all the literature of a certain agreed level of quality that
are relevant to a research question (Booth et al., 2012). The appeal Chronological Thematic
of this style of review is that a more rational and standardized discussion discussion
technical process to review a research area, thereby illustrating
the objectivity and transparency of process to the readers (Jesson Discussion Research findings
et al., 2011).
This study adopts the systematic review as a methodological
approach to review the existing construction safety literature to
Research gaps and agenda
explore useful findings and identify knowledge gaps for future
Fig. 1. Main process of systematic review on construction safety studies.
research agenda. Fig. 1 illustrates the main process of systematic
review conducted in this study. The first three steps aim to collect
enough appropriate publications related to construction safety
Table 2
research. Through preliminary search, ten journals with the high-
Search results in the five databases.
est numbers of papers were identified as target journals for sec-
ondary search. The results of secondary search were used to Database EBSCO Engineering Science Scopus Web of
host village direct science
select literature, according to publication types and criteria. The
selected papers were compiled and coded from nine aspects (see No. of 430 779 137 966 730
Fig. 1). On the basis of coding results of nine aspects, data analysis
was carried out to have an overview of construction safety studies.
The research topics were then discussed from chronological and
thematic perspectives, in order to propose useful research findings.
Research gaps and agenda were finally identified to guide future In order to ensure high quality of selected papers, ten journals
studies on construction safety. with the highest numbers of papers focusing on construction
safety were chosen, including Journal of Construction Engineering
and Management (JCEM), Journal of Management in Engineering
3. Data collection (JME), Safety Science (SS), Construction Management and Econom-
ics (CME), Journal of Safety Research (JSR), International Journal of
3.1. Literature search Project Management (IJPM), Engineering Construction and Archi-
tectural Management (ECAM), Automation in Construction (AIC),
The preliminary search was conducted in five databases includ- Accident Analysis and Prevention (AAP), and Reliability Engineer-
ing EBSCO Host, Engineering Village, Science Direct, Scopus and ing and System Safety (RESS). Six of these journals are top journals
Web of Science. The five databases involve the main peer-referred in the field of construction engineering and management (Chau,
journals in the topic of construction management and safety man- 1997): CME (1), JCEM (2), ECAM (3), JME (4), IJPM (6) and AIC
agement. A comprehensive and extensive search was implemented (9). The other four journals are also top journals in the field of
under the ‘‘Title’’ field in the databases. The full search schema is safety management.
‘‘Title ((construction) and (safety))’’. The search is restricted to The secondary search within the ten selected journals was
peer-reviewed papers written in English. The results of the preli- implemented using the ‘‘Title/Abstract/Keyword’’ field of the dat-
minary search are illustrated in Table 2. These papers were abases. As none of the databases can cover all the aforementioned
exported into Endnote (Reuters, 2012). Duplicates were inevitable journals, different databases had to be used. The full search schema
among these papers, owing to adopting overlapping databases. is ‘‘Title/Abstract/Keyword ((construction) and ((safety) or (accident)
Duplicates were then removed and a total of 1628 papers or (incident) or (hazard)))’’. The secondary search identified a total
remained. of 735 papers.
340 Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350
tions have already been published within the first eight months of sub-project company
2013. This shows that more attention has been paid to construc- level, 6.83% level, 8.43%
tion safety in recent years and construction safety research has
become a vital part of construction management research.
Australia (24)
Brazil (5)
South Africa (1)
Studies at the company level include investigation into compa- of green building design and construction practices on safety and
nies of different scales and types, such as small subcontractor health of workers. In terms of the operation/maintenance phase,
(Loosemore and Andonakis, 2007), large company (Zhou et al., Hinze (1981) explored safety performance of construction road
2008), leading construction company (Choudhry et al., 2009), large maintenance crews in Missouri, the United States, while some
residential framing company (Mitropoulos and Guillama, 2010), researchers (Chan et al., 2008; Hon et al., 2010, 2011) concentrated
and small- and medium-sized company (Kheni et al., 2010). The on safety management of RMAA (Repair, Maintenance, Minor
sub-project level refers to large activities that can be conducted Alteration and Addition) projects. This review did not identify
independently within a project. The type of activity involves exca- any papers related to the demolition phase. It is recommended that
vation (McCann, 2006), roofing (Behm, 2011), scaffolding (Halperin construction safety research should adopt a life cycle approach and
and McCann, 2004), steel work (Leu and Chang, 2013), crane more research should be conducted on the plan, design, operation/
related work (Shapira et al., 2012), concrete formwork (Hallowell maintenance and demolition phases.
and Gambatese, 2009) and trenching (Hinze, 2005). Only 2.28% of
the studies were conducted at the task level. The tasks in these
4.5. Publications distributed by project type
studies were bar bending (Balasubramanian and Prasad, 2007), lift
operation (Sertyesillisik et al., 2010), material transfer (Perttula
Given that publications at company and industry levels were
et al., 2006) and overhead drilling (Rempel et al., 2010). Since basic
focused on companies and the construction industry, only studies
components of a construction project are constructed through
at project level, sub-project level and task level were considered
individual tasks, ensuring the safety of various tasks can be the
to be analyzed. Seven project types were involved in these studies
precondition of a safe project. More research should be conducted
(see Fig. 6). Out of the 234 papers, 205 (88%) publications were per-
at this level so as to develop innovative and practical safe work
tinent to building projects. Green building is becoming increas-
techniques for the industry.
ingly popular owing to environmental requirements and benefits.
However, green building accounts for a higher injury rate than tra-
4.4. Publications distributed by project phase ditional non-green building (Dewlaney et al., 2012; Fortunato
et al., 2012). This serves as the impetus for the study of green
As shown in the curve in Fig. 5, the ability to influence safety is building construction safety. Rajendran et al. (2009) presented a
the highest at the beginning of a project (Szymberski, 1997). Thus study of the impact of green building design and construction prac-
the plan and design phases can better assure safety of subsequent tices on construction worker safety and health. Behm (2011) con-
phases. Nevertheless, Fig. 5 illustrates that 408 (90%) studies ducted observations and field investigations of nineteen
involved the construction phase. Ironically, there was only one rel- vegetated roofs to reveal unsafe access for workers and equipment,
evant paper on the plan phase, which provided a decision tool for a lack of fall protection measures, and other site specific hazards.
decision makers to determine the adequate level of safety invest- Fortunato et al. (2012) applied six detailed case studies to identify
ments in a project (Aminbakhsh et al., 2013). There were 14 studies and evaluate the safety and health risks associated with the design
on the role of designers in construction safety. These studies show
that prevention through design (PtD) is an effective measure to
improve safety performance (Toole and Gambatese, 2008;
Gangolells et al., 2010; Behm, 2011). Eight studies combined the building project 205
design phase with other phases. For example, Frijters and Swuste underground project 12
(2008) developed a model for risk assessment in the design and road project 10
plan phase, and they showed that their proposed model can facil- pipeline project 4
itate risk reduction and prevent possible accidents. Enserink (2001) bridge project 1
proposed a quick scan approach for integral assessment, which oil and gas project 1
airport project 1
argued that construction safety issues should be considered in
the phases of plan and design. Six studies integrated the design 0 50 100 150 200 250
and construction phase. Rajendran et al. (2009) studied the impact Fig. 6. The number of publications distributed by project type.
High 500
Ability to Influence Safety
Number of Publications
1 100
1 6 3 50
14 5
1 0
Low 0
Start plan design construction operation/maintenance demolition End
Date Date
Table 4
The number of publications distributed by innovative technology application.
Innovative technology Augmented Laser scan Management Remote Global positioning Geographic Knowledge
reality (AR) information sensing system (GPS) information management
system (MIS) system (GIS) (KM)
Number 1 1 1 1 2 3 3
Innovative technology Ultra wideband Wireless network 3D Automation Data mining Database Robotics
Number 3 3 4 5 5 5 5
Innovative technology Building information Radio frequency Software 4D Computer-aided Sensor Virtual reality
modeling (BIM) identification (RFID) (VR)
Number 6 6 6 7 8 9 9
elements and construction management practices implemented to and diversified. As a result of coding the 439 papers, three main
achieve green certification. Another literature built on previous groups of construction safety research surfaced.
knowledge by quantifying the percent increase in base-level safety The first group of research from the perspective of safety man-
risk resulting from the design strategies and construction methods agement process involves safety plan, safety monitoring, safety
implemented to earn specific LEED credits (Dewlaney et al., 2012). assessment, safety measure, safety performance and so on. The
Perez-Alonso et al. (2011) presented the status of preventive activ- second group pays attention to the impact of workers’ individual
ity in the greenhouse construction industry of southeastern Spain. characteristics (such as worker behavior, perception, competency
Besides building project, other project types are bridge project, oil and attitude) and group/organizational characteristics (such as
and gas project, underground project, pipeline project, road project safety climate, safety culture and relationship among workers)
and airport project, but the number of relevant studies is signifi- on construction safety. The third one mainly focuses on how to uti-
cantly fewer. Due to the different construction methods and char- lize accident and incident data to improve safety performance,
acteristics of non-building projects, safety risks vary a lot including accident statistics, accident cost analysis, quality of acci-
accordingly. There should be a deliberate attempt to increase the dent data, accident causation, and hazard identification. To allow
number of studies on safety of non-building construction projects, analysis of research topics, only the main research topic of each
particularly large-scale infrastructure or industrial projects (such study was classified. Table 5 displays the distribution in detail
as metro, airport, and bridge) which are known for their engineer- according to main research topics. Among all the research topics,
ing complexities. safety measure (SME) was the most frequently studied topic,
accounting for 15.49% of all. Other frequently studied topics
4.6. Publications distributed by innovative technology application include accident statistics, accident causation, safety assessment
and hazard. These five topics add up to about 50% of all studies.
The construction industry is often regarded to be hesitant in
adopting innovative technologies (Andresen et al., 2000;
Gonzalez de Santos et al., 2008) due to the inherent difficulties of 5. Discussion
its unstructured and changing environment. As diverse innovative
technologies continue to develop, researchers are increasingly 5.1. Chronological discussion
aware that innovative technologies application can be an effective
solution to safety issues of construction management (Zhou et al., 5.1.1. Research topics before 1995
2013). In an era with endless emergence of new technologies, In order to illustrate the distribution of research topics more
many studies have resorted to innovative technologies to prevent clearly and conveniently, the time span from 1978 to 2013 was
construction accidents. Sixty-three papers involve a total of 21 divided into 12 periods. Each period contains three years except
types of innovative technologies applied in construction safety. the last one. The last period is composed of 2011, 2012 and the first
Table 4 illustrates the publication distribution by innovative tech- eight months of 2013. Fig. 7 shows the distribution of research top-
nology application. The whole number is larger than 63, as some ics within construction safety before 1995. The research topics
publications involve more than one type of innovative technolo- were very scattered in this period, mainly focusing on accident sta-
gies. It was found that virtual reality and sensor were the most fre- tistics, accident cost, safety regulation and safety measure. Various
quently utilized. Following that were computer-aided and 4D types of accident statistics were analyzed, including back injuries
technologies. of site workers (Stubbs and Nicholson, 1979; Bernold and Guler,
These technology-driven studies often explored a combined 1993), major and minor accidents at the Thames Barrier construc-
application due to different functions of various innovative tech- tion site (Hubbard and Neil, 1985, 1986), occupational accidents in
nologies. To reduce vehicle accidents, global positioning systems the Israeli construction industry (Pines et al., 1987), accidents in
(GPS), smart sensors and wireless networks were integrated to pro- materials handling (Niskanen and Lauttalammi, 1989), serious
duce an advanced construction safety management system enti- occupational accidents in the Finnish construction industry
tled SightSafety (Riaz et al., 2006). Another example was the (Salminen, 1995), and fatalities recorded by OSHA (Hinze and
integration of building information modeling (BIM), location track- Russell, 1995).
ing, augmented reality (AR) and game technologies for building a The study of accident cost was also a common research topic
safety management and visualization system (SMVS) (Park and and these research provided motivation for better construction
Kim, 2013). safety management (Laufer, 1987; Leopold and Leonard, 1987;
Ore, 1992). It was established that despite increase in expenditure
4.7. Research topic distribution due to safety regulation compliance, accident cost decreases with
better compliance. For example, Koehn and Musser (1983) found
Previous analysis demonstrates that the subject of construction that with better safety compliance, ENR (Engineering News-
safety is performed by a range of studies. Research topics are broad Record) 400 companies’ construction cost decreased from 2.8% to
344 Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350
DRS SPE 1993-1995
Fig. 7. The distribution of research topics within construction safety before 1995.
Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350 345
AOW NMI 1996-1998
Fig. 8. The distribution of research topics within construction safety after 1995.
plant operations (Guo et al., 2012). Teizer et al. (2013) proposed a are influenced by the safety attitudes of construction workers
novel approach towards integrating real-time location tracing and (Loosemore, 1998; Leung et al., 2010; Hung et al., 2011). To change
3D immersive data visualization technologies to improve ironwork- the safety attitude of practitioners, Tam et al. (2001) applied an
ers’ education and training in safety and productivity. attitude-changing model based on reinforcement theory. Conchie
Another area of research was the use of technologies to facili- et al. (2011) studied how trust and distrust were related to safety
tate collection and monitoring of real-time safety information. leadership. Larsson and Torner (2008) investigated mechanisms by
These technologies include differential global positioning system which psychological climate might influence safety behavior.
(DGPS) (Oloufa et al., 2003), sparse point cloud (Kim et al., 2005), Construction workers’ ability to perceive hazards was shown to
sensor (Lee et al., 2009), remote sensing (Teizer et al., 2010) and have reliable relations to safety performance. An example is the
radio frequency identification (RFID) (Yang et al., 2012). study by Tam et al. (2003), who investigated the relationship
Effective knowledge management has been indicated by the between the characteristics of construction personnel and their
academia to significantly further organizational performance and ability to recognize safety signs and symbols. Yi et al. (2012) sug-
improve long-term competitiveness (Alavi and Leidner, 2001; gested a color scheme to reduce perception-related accidents on
Ruikar et al., 2007; Hallowell, 2012). Safety knowledge manage- construction sites. Some studies concentrated on comparing
ment was also identified as an important area of construction between groups of workers, for example Zou and Zhang (2009)
safety. For instance, Hadikusumo and Rowlinson (2004) conducted compared safety risk perceptions of workers in China and Austra-
a study on a design-for-safety-process tool to capture construction lia. Trajkovski and Loosemore (2006) studied safety implications
safety hazards and the safety measures required from safety engi- of low-English proficiency among migrant workers.
neers. To investigate how safety knowledge management strate-
gies were employed in the construction industry, Hallowell
(2012) conducted 11 case studies on a geographically dispersed 5.2.2. Impact of group/organizational characteristics on construction
sample of general contractors in the United States. Ding et al. safety
(2012) developed a knowledge base using construction drawings, Group/organizational characteristics of construction workers
to facilitate risk identification in subway projects. usually involve safety culture, safety climate, relationship among
workers and different role in construction safety. Most definitions
of safety culture encapsulate beliefs, values, and attitudes that are
5.2. Thematic discussion shared by a group (Yule, 2003). It is recognized that safety culture
plays an important part in workers’ safety on construction sites
5.2.1. Impact of individual characteristics on construction safety (Choudhry et al., 2007a). Safety culture can be compared among
As site workers are direct stakeholders in construction acci- three levels of construction management: top management, super-
dents, there is a growing focus on construction workers to explore visory staff and frontline worker (Fung et al., 2005). Choudhry et al.
the impact of individual characteristics on construction safety. This (2007b) reviewed existing literature on safety culture and provided
research area included studies on traditional classification of work- some clarification in terms of definitions, empirical evidence and
ers and groups, such as trades. For example, Baradan and Usmen its theoretical development. Some measures were explored and
(2006) revealed that ironworkers and roofers had the highest occu- proposed to further safety culture on construction sites (Chinda
pational risk. Fung et al. (2012) developed a risk evaluation model and Mohamed, 2008; Molenaar et al., 2009; Gilkey et al., 2012).
(Q-2-REM) for different construction trades. On the other hand, a In contrast to safety culture, the term ‘‘safety climate’’ is defined
more recent trend was the acceptance that unsafe behavior is as organizational members’ shared perceptions about their work
intrinsically linked to workplace accidents (Lingard and environments and organizational safety policies (Cabrera et al.,
Rowlinson, 1998; Mohamed et al., 2009) and the need for proactive 1997). The definition of safety climate is clearly related to those
management of worker behavior. Safety issues and risky behaviors of safety culture, but safety culture is characterized by shared
346 Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350
30 29
5 2 2 2
0 0 0 1 1
Period 1: Period 2: Period 3: Period 4: Period 5: Period 6: Period 7: Period 8: Period 9: Period 10: Period 11: Period 12:
underlying beliefs, values, and attitudes, safety climate is closer to use different types of technologies to ensure construction site
operations, and is characterized by the day-to-day perceptions of safety. Because to err is human (Mokdad et al., 2000) and an ideal
the working environment, working practices, organizational poli- safety management system without any human errors cannot be
cies, and management (Yule, 2003). Safety climate has been provided, various innovative technologies can serve as the last bar-
regarded as a leading indicator of safety performance. Statistically rier to timely identify human errors and deal with them, and finally
significant relationships were found between safety climate and prevent construction accidents. Technology-driven safety can
personal characteristics, including gender, marital status, educa- assist management-driven safety, rather than replace (Teizer
tion level, number of family members to support, safety knowl- et al., 2010). Both of them are mutually dependent and
edge, drinking habits, direct employer and individual safety cooperative.
behavior (Fang et al., 2006). Safety awareness, safety competence
and safety communication were found to influence safety climate
measurement (Lin et al., 2008). A popular way to study safety cli- 5.3.2. Construction safety research trends
mate is to measure safety climate in a variety of projects or orga- As discussed previously, construction safety research topics are
nizations. For instance, Choudhry et al. (2009) measured safety varying with the times. At the beginning, the academia was mainly
climate in a leading construction company in Hong Kong, Lingard concentrated on construction accident data, inclusive of conduct-
et al. (2010b) conducted their safety climate survey in a large hos- ing accident statistics, analyzing causing factors, calculating acci-
pital construction project in Australia, and Zhou et al. (2011) dent cost and so on. Given that site workers are the direct
focused on a Chinese construction company’s safety climate. stakeholders involvement in construction fatalities/injuries,
Construction safety is affected by the complex interrelation- researchers turned the focus to individual characteristics of site
ships between individuals and within gangs (Baarts, 2009). It was workers, e.g. behavior, perception, attitude, competency and psy-
found that safer workers had good working relationships with their chology. Comparing with individual characteristics of site workers,
foreman, the employer and their fellow crew members (Hinze, group/organizational characteristics are more fundamental and
1981). In addition, Sunindijo and Zou (2012) suggested that polit- they can have heavy impact on individual characteristics of work-
ical skill, which is one of the most important skills in management, ers. The academia subsequently tried to explore the impact of
positively influenced the implementation of safety management group/organizational characteristics on construction safety, in a
tasks and promoted the development of safety climate. range from the relationship among workers to organizational
Many research highlighted the roles played by different parties safety climate or culture. The trend of construction safety research
in construction safety management, such as owner, designer, gen- is much more diversified at present. Twenty-nine topics were
eral contractor, sub-contractor, and foreman. Smith and Roth focused during the recent period of 2011–2013 (see Fig. 8). This
(1991) discussed how contract documents and past court decisions indicates that the academia is endeavoring to use multi-means to
influenced the owner’s safety liability. Hinze and Wiegand (1992) address safety issues and improve safety management in the con-
assessed the extent to which designers’ decisions were made with struction industry.
specific consideration given to safety of construction workers.
Toole (2002) highlighted that specific site safety responsibilities 5.3.3. Innovative technology applications in construction safety
should be assigned based on the ability of designers, general con- Construction projects are often built in an unstructured and
tractors and subcontractors, so as to prevent root causes of con- changing environment due to their inherent complexities and diffi-
struction accidents. Rowlinson et al. (2003) studied foremen’s culties. Therefore safety hazards or risks in construction sites cannot
opinions regarding 27 safety supervisory tasks. be completely excluded. Innovative technology application can be
an intermediate solution to prevent workers from injuring in an
5.3. Research findings environment with safety risks. Fig. 9 illustrates the trend of innova-
tive technology application in construction safety. No more than two
5.3.1. Construction safety research perspectives studies considered adopting innovative technologies in construc-
Despite the diversification of research topics in the field of con- tion safety before ‘‘period 9’’. However, there have been a signifi-
struction safety, they are mainly derived from two research per- cantly increasing number of construction safety studies adopting
spectives: management-driven and technology-driven. As to the innovative technology application since ‘‘period 9’’, but the number
first perspective, corresponding researchers deem that enhancing climbed to 29 in the recent ‘‘period 12’’. This demonstrates that more
management performance can effectively guarantee construction and more researchers have recognized the effectiveness of innova-
safety and avoid fatalities or injuries on construction sites. The tive technology application to support safety management in the
studies from the perspective of management usually involve safety construction industry. As the functions of various innovative tech-
climate, safety culture, worker’s competency or behavior, hazard nologies are different from and complementary to each other, it
management, and so on. The other perspective focuses on how to tends to be an integrated application of various innovative technol-
Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350 347
ogies. Twenty-three studies integrated at least two types of innova- climate factors (Glendon and Litherland, 2001) and properties
tive technologies assisting in construction safety. (Lingard et al., 2010a), the ways to improve safety climate (Zhou
et al., 2008; Zou and Sunindijo, 2013), and the measurement of
5.3.4. Safety information flow safety climate scores in multi-levels (Lin et al., 2008; Choudhry
The way of safety management in the construction industry et al., 2009). Despite the importance of safety climate in the pro-
has varied from reactive to proactive. Safety information flow motion of construction safety, previous studies have not been
plays a key role in this variation. Proactive safety management focused on how to apply safety climate to accident prediction. As
requires safety information flow to be more smooth and efficient. a leading indicator or precursor, safety climate has the great poten-
Basically construction safety management is a process of safety tial to timely predict accidents on construction sites.
information flow involving information collection, transmission,
storage, analysis, estimation, visualization and response. Various
innovative technologies can be adopted to assist in managing 5.4.3. Ignorance of quantitative relationship identification between
safety information flow. Radio frequency identification (RFID), project/company scale and construction safety
laser scanning, sensor, and global positioning system (GPS) were Some researchers conducted construction safety studies from
used to collect safety related information, such as identity infor- the perspective of project scale or company scale. It was found that
mation, location information, and environment information. accident rate is higher in small construction businesses than in lar-
Wireless network and ultra wideband were used to promptly ger ones (Jeong, 1998; Kheni et al., 2010). This is because small
transmit safety information to the right places and persons. Ana- construction businesses have fewer resources, making it difficult
lytical technologies (e.g. data mining, geographic information sys- to effectively perform construction safety management
tem (GIS), and augmented reality) and visualization technologies (Champoux and Brun, 2003). On the contrary, large ones have bet-
(e.g. 3D, 4D, virtual reality, and building information modeling ter organization, greater awareness of occupational safety, and
(BIM)) were combined to analyze safety information and visualize more training for construction workers (McVittie et al., 1997;
the results of safety assessment, in order to guide construction Kheni et al., 2010). However, these were descriptive studies and
practice to the avoidance of fatalities or injuries. only identified the qualitative relationship between project/com-
pany scale and construction safety. Their quantitative relationship
5.4. Research gaps and agenda is still a gap which can be supplemented in future research. Studies
can be done to determine the extent of project/company’s effects
The academia has already done a significant number of studies and their role in construction safety performance.
related to construction safety, and these studies have demon-
strated many benefits for the construction industry. Three main
groups including a total of 33 types of construction safety research 5.4.4. Lack of construction safety research at the task level
topics are identified in this review. The diversification of construc- As discussed in Section 4.3, more than 90% of the studies were
tion safety research topics shows that researchers and practitio- concentrated on the industry, company and project levels. Studies
ners are exploring a variety of paths to advance construction conducted at the task level only accounted for 2.28% of all. Tasks
safety management level. Nevertheless, this review still identified are often performed to construct basic components of one pro-
six research gaps which will be discussed below. Corresponding ject. Tasks are related to specific behavior of workers, material,
research agenda are also proposed. construction method, equipment/tools, and working environment,
which are direct factors of construction safety. Therefore ensuring
5.4.1. Lack of unsafe behavior monitoring the safety of various tasks can be the precondition of safety at the
Many studies argued that the majority of fatalities/injuries are sub-project, project, company and industry level. More attention
ascribed to workers’ unsafe behavior (Choudhry and Fang, 2008). should be paid to safe construction tasks, in order to explore
It is widely recognized that workers’ unsafe behavior is intrinsi- innovative and practical work methods or techniques for the con-
cally linked to workplace accidents (Lingard and Rowlinson, struction industry.
1998; Mohamed et al., 2009). Some studies endeavored to
explore why workers engaged in unsafe behavior (Teo et al.,
2005; Choudhry and Fang, 2008), and how to foster safe behavior 5.4.5. Excessive concentration on building project and construction
on construction sites (Teo et al., 2005). Although these studies phase
and corresponding findings are significant to enable workers to There were 88% studies concentrating on the project type of
work more safely, they cannot guarantee the complete elimina- building. Only 29 studies were focused on non-building projects,
tion of unsafe behavior from construction sites. It is essential to such as underground project, road project, bridge project and pipe-
explore methods to monitor unsafe behavior in case of its occur- line project. This shows that there is a need for more construction
rence. Considering the complexities and difficulties of unsafe safety research on non-building projects, particularly complex
behavior monitoring, manual method is not enough to fulfill infrastructure or industrial projects. Their engineering complexi-
the task. The development of information and communications ties will increase construction safety risks. Similarly, this review
technology (ICT) provides the opportunity and possibility to has also shown that current safety research tends to focus on the
establish an unsafe behavior monitoring system based on ICTs. construction phase. Fig. 5 reveals that the ability to influence safety
This can be an important area of construction safety research. is the highest at the beginning of a project (Szymberski, 1997).
Some studies have taken a lifecycle approach, where construction
5.4.2. Lack in applying safety climate to accident prediction safety research takes into account the different phases of a project.
There is an increasing interest in utilizing safety climate to It is recommended that future research should diversify the efforts
improve construction safety. The significance of safety climate and ensure that non-building projects and non-construction
and its relationship with safety performance has been established phases should be paid more attention. Additionally, it can also be
in construction safety research (Siu et al., 2004; Mohamed et al., interesting to study construction safety management from other
2009). Safety climate is the manifestation of normative values, dimensions of contractual differentials, competition and prices,
beliefs, and behaviors at a point in time (Yule, 2003; Cooper and new building concepts and the globalization of the construction
Phillips, 2004). The academia made great efforts to explore safety market for future research.
348 Z. Zhou et al. / Safety Science 72 (2015) 337–350
5.4.6. Lack of innovative technology applications in construction safety Andresen, J., Baldwin, A., Betts, M., Carter, C., Hamilton, A., Stokes, E., Thorpe, T.,
2000. A framework for measuring IT innovation benefits. J. Inf. Technol. Constr.
5, 57–72.
As discussed in Section 4.6, a total of 21 types of innovative Andriessen, J.H.T.H., 1978. Safe behavior and safety motivation. Saf. Sci. 1 (4), 363–
technologies (e.g. BIM, GIS, sensor, RFID and virtual reality) were 376.
considered for construction safety management in 63 studies. Baarts, C., 2009. Collective individualism: the informal and emergent dynamics of
practising safety in a high-risk work environment. Constr. Manage. Econ. 27
Fig. 9 illustrates the trend that there have been an increasing num- (10), 949–957.
ber of studies considering innovative technology application to Balasubramanian, V., Prasad, G., 2007. Manual bar bending – an occupational
construction safety since 2002. However, most of these innovative hazard for construction workers in developing nations. J. Constr. Eng. Manage.
133 (10), 791–797.
technology applications remain in the stage of academic research. Balfanz, H.P., Dinsmore, S., Hussels, U., Musekamp, W., Stuber, A., 1992. Safety
Seldom practice of innovative technology application has been car- analysis and information system (SAIS), a living PSA computer system to
ried out for construction safety management, not to mention support NPP-safety management and operators. Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 38 (2),
industrial applications with large scale. Researchers and practitio- Bansal, V.K., 2011. Application of geographic information systems in construction
ners should work cooperatively and explore the effective path of safety planning. Int. J. Proj. Manage. 29 (1), 66–77.
innovative technology transition from construction safety research Baradan, S., Usmen, M., 2006. Comparative injury and fatality risk analysis of
building trades. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 132 (5), 533–539.
into construction safety practice. Behm, M., 2011. Safe design suggestions for vegetated roofs. J. Constr. Eng. Manage.
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its safety performance. However, the variety of topics and the U.S. Dept. of Labor, Washington, DC. <> (25.04.12).
number of papers made it difficult for researchers and practitioners Cabrera, D.D., Isla, R., Vilela, L.D., 1997. An evaluation of safety climate in ground
to have an overview of the field. Thus, this comprehensive litera- handling activities. In: Proceedings of the IASC-97 International Aviation Safety
Conference, Netherlands.
ture review evaluated 439 peer-reviewed papers published in ten Champoux, D., Brun, J.P., 2003. Occupational health and safety management in
journals with high reputation in the field of construction manage- small size enterprises: an overview of the situation and avenues for
ment and safety research. A five-step systematic review was con- intervention and research. Saf. Sci. 41 (4), 301–318.
Chan, A.P.C., Wong, F.K.W., Chan, D.W.M., Yam, M.C.H., Kwok, A.W.K., Lam, E.W.M.,
ducted in this research. Cheung, E., 2008. Work at height fatalities in the repair, maintenance, alteration,
An overview and analysis of these studies were carried out from and addition works. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 134 (7), 527–535.
the aspects of publication year, publication type, journal title, Chau, K.W., 1997. The ranking of construction management journals. Constr.
Manage. Econ. 15 (4), 387–398.
country or region, organizational level, project phase, project type,
Chinda, T., Mohamed, S., 2008. Structural equation model of construction safety
innovative technology application and research topic. This review culture. Eng., Constr. Archit. Manage. 15 (2), 114–131.
identified 33 research topics that were clustered into three main Choudhry, R.M., Fang, D., 2008. Why operatives engage in unsafe work behavior:
investigating factors on construction sites. Saf. Sci. 46 (4), 566–584.
research groups. The first group is from the aspect of safety man-
Choudhry, R., Fang, D., Mohamed, S., 2007a. Developing a model of construction
agement process, containing topics such as safety knowledge, safety culture. J. Manage. Eng. 23 (4), 207–212.
safety assessment, safety measure, and safety training. The second Choudhry, R.M., Fang, D., Mohamed, S., 2007b. The nature of safety culture: a survey
group turns focus to site workers, exploring the impact of individ- of the state-of-the-art. Saf. Sci. 45 (10), 993–1012.
Choudhry, R.M., Fang, D., Lingard, H., 2009. Measuring safety climate of a
ual characteristics, such as behavior, perception, competency and construction company. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 135 (9), 890–899.
attitude, and group characteristics, such as safety climate, safety Clarke, J.A., Johnstone, C.M., Kelly, N.J., Mclean, R.C., Anderson, J.A., Rowan, N.J.,
culture and relationship among workers, on construction safety. Smith, J.E., 1999. A technique for the prediction of the conditions leading to
mould growth in buildings. Build. Environ. 34 (4), 515–521.
The third group utilizes of accident/incident data to promote con- Conchie, S.M., Taylor, P.J., Charlton, A., 2011. Trust and distrust in safety leadership:
struction safety and it involves accident statistics, accident cost mirror reflections? Saf. Sci. 49 (8), 1208–1214.
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tification, and so on. After discussing the research topics from chro- Dewlaney, K.S., Hallowell, M.R., Fortunato, B.R., 2012. Safety risk quantification for
nological and thematic perspectives, four main research findings high performance sustainable building construction. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 138
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Ding, L.Y., Yu, H.L., Li, H., Zhou, C., Wu, X.G., Yu, M.H., 2012. Safety risk identification
construction safety research trends, innovative technology applica-
system for metro construction on the basis of construction drawings. Automat.
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this systematic review identified and discussed six research gaps Enserink, B., 2001. Integral assessment – putting safety on the agenda for mitigation
and preparedness. Saf. Sci. 39 (1), 93–105.
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Evia, C., 2011. Localizing and designing computer-based safety training solutions for
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relationship identification between project/company scale and 452–459.
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study in Hong Kong. J. Constr. Eng. Manage. 132 (6), 573–584.
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