Cost of Bad Ergonomics: To Apparel Factories
Cost of Bad Ergonomics: To Apparel Factories
Cost of Bad Ergonomics: To Apparel Factories
to apparel factories
The main goal of ergonomics is to increase productivity and efficiency on one hand and at
the same time to make the employees work under humane conditions and within the
comfort limits on the other hand.
An ergonomist designs or modifies the work to fit the worker, not the other
way around. The goal is to eliminate discomfort and risk of injury due to
In other words, the employee is the first priority in analyzing a workstation.
In the garment industry, workers spend most of their time carrying out
repetitive activities in awkward postures.
If one does not sit properly, take regular breaks, and also use correctly
positioned furniture and equipment, they become vulnerable to pain and
Injuries and muscle pain affecting the wrists, shoulders, neck and back are
common problems for workers in the garment industry.
The worker is forced to work within the confines of the job or workstation
that already exists. This may require employees to work in awkward
postures, perform the same motion over and over again, or lift heavy loads
– all of which could cause work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
Ergonomics aims at preventing injuries by controlling the risk factors such
as force, repetition, posture, and vibration that can cause injuries to
Spreading by hand.
Long reaches are required to cut across the width of the fabric each time a layer is
completed or flaws are removed from the fabric.
Manual spreading
Operators have the long reach across the table to cut the fabric and they have to
manually pick up weights to hold the fabric down each time a layer is completed
before spreading the fabric in the other direction.
Automated spreading.
Operators either ride on a platform or walk beside the automatic spreader as it
moves along the table.
Operators often have to smooth the fabric while it is being spread.
The table is often too low and operators have to bend their backs while smoothing.
This is a risky posture when maintained for extended periods of time
Attachments to the sewing table.
Wooden bars attached to the sewing table are used as the supply location. These bars
are sometimes located too far from the operator, are too small or allow the garments to
slip off them.
Rolling carts.
The carts are very heavy and the shelving units are low. Wheels are frequently in very
poor repair and/or have a build-up of thread on them. This makes the carts very
difficult to maneuver.
Automated stackers
Stackers deposit the garments at a low location that requires someone to bend down
to pick them up to move them on to the next workstation.
Leg room
Sewing machine operators have limited legroom because of drawers and/or trash
chutes attached to the underside of the table.
Illness and injuries among
textile workers according
to a research conducted:
70% of sewing machine operators using
foot controls report back pain.
35% report persistent lower back pain.
25% have suffered a compensable
cumulative trauma disorder (CTD).
Work in the garment factories is repetitive 81% reported CTDs to the wrist.
and monotonous requiring strong visual 14% reported CTDs to the elbow.
demands, improper postural requirements, 5% reported CTDs to the shoulder.
involving long hours sitting or standing in 49% of workers experience neck pains.
one position. Absenteeism increases as working
conditions worsens.
The leading issues of which employees, Loss of worker force due to injuries or
who worked for many years in the garment high turnover is associated with working
sector, complain are back, waist, shoulder conditions.
pain, burn and pain in hands, arms and Hand sewing and trimming are stressful
elbows, neck flattening, musculoskeletal to upper limbs.
problems, pain in the feet and legs, eye Stitching tasks are associated with pain
problems. in the shoulders, wrists, and
handsIroning by hand is associated with
elbow pain.
Garment assembly tasks are associated
with CTDs of the hands and wrists.
Foot operated sewing is associated with
pain in the back
The apparel industry has found that the
cost of piecework can be high, for workers
who suffer repetitive motion injuries and
employers who bear high workers’
compensation costs.