Part I: Content Update: Roses Are Sweet
Part I: Content Update: Roses Are Sweet
Part I: Content Update: Roses Are Sweet
LET Competencies:
Prepared by:
Alice M. Karaan
1. N be Adj
where the adjective is a subject complement, in particular a predicate
adjective. The adjective refers back to the subject. The copula verb be
means “may be described as.”
2. N be UW (= uninflected word),
where the uninflected word is an ADVERBIAL such as here, there, up,
down, in, out, inside, upstairs, downstairs, on, off, now, then, yesterday,
and tomorrow. Be has the meaning of “be located” or “occur.”
3. N1 be N1
where the superscript means that the two nouns have the same
referent. The second noun following the be verb is also a subject
complement, in particular a PREDICATE NOUN or PREDICATE NOMINATIVE.
Her neighbor is my cousin.
Glasses break.
5. N1 TrV (= transitive V) N2
where N2 does not have the same referent as N1. N2 is called the direct
object of the verb, “the receiver of the action.”
6. N1 TrV N2 N3
where the superscripts 1, 2, and 3 indicate that each noun has a
different referent.
Mother gave a gift to the orphan. (usually reads as Mother gave the
orphan a gift.)
Two noun objects occur after the verb. Still N2 is the direct object and N3 is the
indirect object. If we omit the last noun, the pattern is identical to that in item 5. Note
that the indirect object is preceded by the preposition to (sometimes for or of). If the
two objects are inverted, the preposition disappears.
7. } N2
N1 TrV N2 }Adv (of place), uninflected
}Verb, present participle
}Verb, past participle
There are a choice of different forms in sentence final position. These are
illustrated as follows:
The most common illustration of this sentence pattern is one with the occurrence
of a final N2.
2. They have two inflections, the plural {-es} and the possessive (sometimes called
the genitive) {-‘s}. Both inflections have various allomorphs
/əz/ appears after morphs ending in sibilants or affricates / s, z, š, ž, č j /
/s/ appears after morphs ending in voiceless consonants / p, t, k, f, Ɵ /,
except the sibilants and affricate / s, š, č /
/z/ appears after morphs ending in vowels and voiced consonants / b, d, g,
ð, m, n, ŋ, l, r. y, w /, except the sibilants and the affricate / z, ž, j /
6. Certain superfixes occasionally identify nouns from other parts of speech as in:
récòrd and rècórd. These two words are morphemically alike; however, we
identify the stress pattern / ˊ ˋ / as a noun.
7. Nouns can serve as heads in a noun phrase. As heads they may be preceded by
one or more single-word modifiers and followed by a phrasal or clausal modifier
or both
the small study table in my room which my father bought
Functions of Nouns
Noun Types
3. collective nouns: able to take either singular or plural verbs forms, depending
on the interpretation given to the noun, i.e, whether it is seen as a unit or
as a collection of individuals
The team has won all its games.
The team have won awards in their respective events.
Articles are a subclass of determiners, which are noun-marking words. They usually
come before the nouns they modify.
(a saintly person)
7 To name “a certain With prepositional phrases
person whose name is.” 0At rest, in danger, on time
A Mr. Alba came to see
8 With nouns used in
headlines in newspapers,
captions in books, signs,
labels and the like
9 For a family name in the With common nouns used as
plural terms of address and therefore
The Basas have arrived. capitalized.
We are ready to go, 0Mother.
10 To distinguish people who
have the same name
The Jessica Reyes who joined
the beauty pageant is not the
Jessica Reyes who is my
11 When the article is part of a
geographical name
The Philippines
The United States
The Red Sea
12 When the article is accepted
as part of any kind of proper
The Philippine Star
The Princess of Negros
The Hilton
The University of St. Tomas
The United Nations
Most pronouns stand for, refer to, or replaces a noun or a noun phrase within a text;
hence, they occupy the same position as a noun or noun phrase does. The word or
words that a pronoun stands for are its antecedent or reference.
Pronouns can also be a direct reference to an outside situation (e.g., “What is that?”
in response to a sound or noise).
Kinds of Pronouns
There are many different kinds of pronouns: subject, object, possessive, reflexive,
demonstrative and others. The forms within each category are distinguished by
number (singular/plural), person (first/second/third) gender (masculine/feminine/
neuter), and in the case of demonstratives, by number and proximity.
Personal and Related Pronouns
Things to remember:
1. Animals closely related to people can be referred to by he, him, and his or
she, her, and hers.
2. Use it and its to refer to inanimate objects except ships, which are always
referred as she.
3. Countries and schools are sometimes referred matter are sometimes referred
to by she or her.
4. Traditionally, the pronouns he, him, and his have been used for mixed groups
or groups in which the sex is unknown. Many people now object to this use,
so they use both the masculine and feminine forms or the plural forms to
avoid the problem.
Everybody submitted his or her assignment. (awkward)
All the students submitted their assignments. (acceptable)
Reflexive Pronouns
1. Use the reflexive pronoun as the object of the verb form or preposition to refer
to the subject of the sentence.
2. The phrase by + self or its emphatic form all by + self means alone or without
any help.
Intensive Pronouns
The intensive form occurs directly after the word it modifies or at the end of the
Reciprocal Pronouns
1. The reciprocal pronoun forms are each other and one another. They means
that each part of the subject did the action and also received the action.
3. Some prefer to use each other for two people or things and one another for
more than two.
The two finalists congratulated each other for making it to the top.l
The class members prepared surprise gifts for one another during the
Christmas party.
Demonstrative Pronouns
Indefinite Pronouns
Use singular verbs with compound pronouns and use singular pronouns to refer to
them in formal writing.
Relative pronouns
2. Relative pronouns used in adjective clauses are who, whom, whose, which
and that.
3. Who, whom, and whose are used for persons while which is used for non-
The guest who came to dinner is the governor.
The book which I bought is a best seller.
6. That, which and whom are the only relative pronouns that can be left out.
The instrumental music (that) I like to hear often is that of Zamfir.
The house pests (which) I hate to see are the rodents and the
7. Who, whom, and whose can be used in both essential and nonessential
10. Relative pronouns used in noun clauses are that, what, whatever, whoever,
whomever, and whichever.
Whatever you offer will be appreciated. (noun clause as subject)
He will befriend whoever he gets acquainted with. (noun clause as
direct object)
11. Look at the antecedent of who, that or which when used as subject to decide
whether the verb following should be singular or plural.
The painting which is exhibited is the painter’s masterpiece.
The farmers who own orchards earn much from their harvest.
Prepositions are notoriously difficult for ESL learners for several reasons.
1. Several English prepositions are realized as a single form in the learner’s first
to substitute for to be afraid of
in favor of awareness of
Meanings of Prepositions
at on in
by through
under ↕ ↕ ↕ about
from off out of
Adapted - Dirven 1993
At, on, and in are the basic and most general place prepositions. At
denotes place as a point of reference, on denotes physical contact
between the figure and landmark, and in denotes the enclosure of the
trajector in the landmark.
From, off, and out of are source prepositions involving the notion of
separation from place. From denotes separation from a point of
orientation, off denotes separation from contact with line or surface, and
out of, separation from inside a landmark.
By and with are proximity prepositions, which locate the figure in relation
to a point of orientation marked by the preposition at. By denotes the idea
of “connection” while with denotes both a point of orientation and the idea
of connection. In its spatial sense, with can occur only with animate nouns
as landmark.
Under and over are vertical space preposition. Under denotes a figure at
a lower point than the landmark. Over denotes a figure that is at a higher
point than the landmark.
Denotes an action (e.g., read) or a state of being (e.g. know). Action verbs
are dynamic. State of being verbs (or stative verbs) include the copula or
linking verbs, e.g. the be-verbs, remain, appear, and become.
The third person singular –s has the same allomorphs as the noun plural and
the noun possessive.
The –ed past tense inflection has three allomorphs:
- / əd / after morphs which end in / t / or / d / as in planted, raided
- / t / after morphs that end in voiceless sounds except / t / as in
brushed, jumped, walked
- / d / after morphs which end in voiced sounds except / d / as in
cleaned, grabbed, agreed
Follows a subject noun and may be followed in turn by adjectives
Have tense and aspect qualities. Tense and aspect have to do with form.
TENSE is “the grammatical marking on verbs that usually indicates time
reference relative to either the time of speaking or the time at which some
other situation was in force” (Jacobs 1995). Time reference has to do with
meaning. Events and situations are located in time, perhaps to our speaking
about them, perhaps while we are speaking about them, or perhaps at some
later time. English has three tenses – present, past, and future. The present
and the past tenses have inflectional markings, while the future is marked by
the inclusion of the modals will or shall. Simply put, tense is a set of verb
forms that indicate a particular point in time or period of time in the past,
present, or future.
ASPECT isa general name given to verb forms used to signify certain ways in
which an event is viewed or experienced. Aspect can view an event as
completed whole (simple), or whether or not it has occurred earlier (perfect
aspect) or is still in progress (progress).
Simple Perfect Progressive Perfect Progressive
0 have + -en be + -ing have + -en be +-ing
Present dream/dreams has/have dreamed am/is/are dreaming has/have been
eat/eats has/have eaten am/is/are eating has/have been eating
Past dreamed had dreamed was/were dreaming had been dreaming
ate had eaten was/were eating had been eating
Future will/shall will/shall have will/shall be will/shall have been
dream dream dreaming dreaming
will/shall eat will/shall have will/shall be eating will/shall have been
eaten eating
An adjunct of time or other time expression is necessary o specify the
particular time in the past we are referring to.
3. Future Perfect
To refer to something that has not happened yet, but will happen
before a particular time in the future.
By the time he graduates, his parents will already have left for
New Zealand
c. To indicate changes, trends, developments, and progress
He’s performance in class is improving.
3. Future progressive
a. To say something will surely happen because arrangements have
been made
They will be sending their students regularly to the University
for English proficiency enhancement.
Perfect-Progressive Aspect
2. Auxiliary/helping verbs
True Modals Phrasal Modals
can, could be*able to
will, shall be going to, be about to
must have* to, have got to
should, ought to be to, be supposed
would (= past habit) used to
may, might be allowed to, be permitted to
3. Operators/operator verbs
If there are two auxiliary or more auxiliary verbs present in the verb
phrase, the first auxiliary serves as the operator.
He has been reading the Obama autobiography.
He has not been reading the Obama autobiography.
*He has been not reading the Obama autobiography.
Has he been reading the Obama autobiography.
He has been reading the Obama autobiography, hasn’t he?
1. Collective nouns may take either a singular or plural verb inflection depending on
the meaning.
Conceived of a one entity – takes singular verb
Our school team has won its games.
Conceived of as more than one entity or refers to individual membership –
takes plural verb
Our school team have won all their games.
2. Some common and proper nouns ending in –s, including –ics nouns and certain
diseases are always conceived as single entity – take a plural verb.
The recent news is exciting.
Mathematics is repelling to many students.
Measles is a contagious disease.
The United States is still a powerful country.
3. Titles of works even when plural in form are conceived of as single entitles.
The Ten Commandments is a beautiful movie.
The Syntax Files is good reading for those in linguistics.
The song Greenfields brings nostalgia to people of my generation.
4. Nouns occurring in sets of two take the singular when the noun pair is present but
take the plural when pair is absent.
That pair of Lee jeans is expensive.
My glasses are missing.
6. A number normally takes the plural. The number takes the singular.
A number of parents are coming for the meeting.
The number of signatories is substantial to merit approval of the motion.
7. When we use a number and a plural noun to talk about two or more things, we
usually use a plural verb. We use a singular verb with ‘one’.
Seven days make up a week.
One solid evidence is enough to prove his dishonesty.
9. Arithmetic operations take the singular because they are perceived as reflecting a
single numerical entity on both side of the equation or equal sign.
Two plus two is/equals four.
10. The quantifiers a lot (of), lots of, plenty of take a singular verb if the subject noun
is noncount by plural verb if the subject head noun is plural.
A lot of sound views were advanced during the discussion.
A lot of nonsense is evident from uninterested participants.
11. Traditional grammar states that when used as a subject, none (meaning not one)
is always singular regardless of what follows in a prepositional phrase.
None of the boys joins the mountaineering group.
None of rice is eaten at all.
12. Traditional grammar maintains that the antecedent of the relative pronoun is the
noun before.
Alice is one of the graduate students who have finished her master’s
degree in a short period of time.
13. For correlatives either . . . or and neither . . . nor, traditional grammar argues for a
proximity rule, i.e., subject-verb agreement should occur with the subject noun
nearest to the verb.
Either my friend or my classmates are expected to help me with my
Neither my classmates nor my friend volunteers to lend support.
14. A singular noun or pronoun should take a singular verb inflection regardless of
what else occurs between the subject and the verb.
Jimmy, along with his co-teachers, conducts a cleanliness campaign in
the barangay.
VOICE pertains to who or what serves the subject in a clause. In the active voice, the
subject of a clause is most often the agent, or doer, of some action. In the passive
voice, the subject of a clause is the receiver or undergoer of the action. The passive
“defocuses” the agent. (Shibitani 1985 in Celce Murcia and Larsen-Freeman 2001)
The passive voice is more limited than the active in that it requires only the transitive
verbs – verbs that take direct objects.
The passive morphology is be . . . –en, i.e., a form of the be verb + the past
participle. Usually in passive sentences the agent is not mentioned at all, referred to
as the agentless passive. If the agent is mentioned (= agented passive), it appears in
a prepositional phrase marked by the preposition by.
3. Use the passive when the agent or the actor is so unimportant or obvious that
you do not need to mention it.
Rica was born in Seychelles.
4. Use a passive verb if you want to hide the name of the person who is
responsible for an unpleasant decision or result.
An increase in tuition fees was proposed.
When to use the passive presents the greatest challenge to ESL learners.
These are verbs which consist of two or three words. They consists of:
1. a verb followed by an adverb;
go up, spill over, push through
2. a verb followed by a preposition; or
come upon, reckon with, bank on
3. a verb followed by an adverb and a preposition
break out of, look forward to, go along with
1. intransitively
Why don’t you speak up?
2. transitively
Let’s cut pollution down to conserve our environment
3. both intransitively and transitively
A plane took off.
She took her coat off because it was warm.
A two-word verb often has a one-word synonym, which is generally more formal.
Here are some examples:
Separable and Inseparable Verbs
pick it/a new shirt out
point it/the problem out
An adjective –
1. restrictive/nonrestrictive adjectives
RESTRICTIVE adjectives are necessary for defining which noun is being referred
to while NON-RESTRICTIVE adjectives merely add information without being
essential for identification.
Adjectives with positive polarity are unmarked forms because they are used
more frequently in a given language, learned earlier by children, and used in
neutral contexts. Adjectives of negative polarity are marked. They are less
frequently used.
3. gradability
a. Adjectives can be placed in continuum of intensity, with the intensity
increasing or decreasing depending on the intensifier chosen.
When two or more adjectives are used in a structure, they usually occur in a
particular order or sequence as follows:
Compound sentence: The boys sang and the girls danced last night.
Compound subject: The teacher and her students will join the parade.
Compound verb: The children play and eat during recess.
Compound object: We boiled corn and cassava.
1. Ellipsis: Omission or elision of the first verb phrase in the second and adding
the word too or either (for uninverted forms), and so or neither (for inverted
Affirmative forms
My friends like to read storybooks and I, too. (uninverted)
A horse runs fast, and so does an ostrich. (inverted)
Negative forms
Donna can’t climb a tree, and his little brother can’t, either.
Ducks can’t fly high, and neither can chickens. (inverted)
My father is both kind and sincere.
Other than and, simple coordinating conjunctions include: for, nor, but, or, yet, and
so. Note the following examples:
milk or chocolate
small but/yet terrible
The table is big, so heavy to lift. (non-clausal)
He came late, so he missed the fun. (clausal)
They accepted the verdict, for they failed to counter the charges against
them. (clausal)
Other forms of correlative conjunctions are either . . . or, not only . . . but also, and
neither . . . nor. These pairs are used together
Either Tony or Nico will top the test.
Anna is neither friendly nor generous.
Our teacher is not only competent but also very understanding.
3. As inferential connective
particular use of and goes beyond the usual content conjunctive use; rather it
places and into the category of discourse markers like oh and well.
Sentence combining
Although late, Melissa topped the test
dependent clause independent clause
Subordinating Conjunctions
Relative clauses
Another form of subordination involves the embedding of one clause within another.
For example:
The most common relative pronouns which mark relative clauses are: that, which,
who, whom, and whose. Their uses are presented earlier in the section on pronouns
Negation at the lexical or word level can simply use the negative affix. For example:
untidy untidily
impossible impossible
inadequate inadequately
illegally illegally
dishonest dishonestly
atypical atypically
Determining which affix to use is not always predictable. However, the choice of im-,
in-, il- or ir- is phonologically conditioned by the consonant which follows it, i.e., im- is
used if the following consonant is bilabial (b, p, m), il- goes with a stem beginning
with l, and ir- with a stem beginning with r. The prefix in- is the most common.
Nothing, nobody, and no one are indefinite pronouns while nowhere is an adverb.
Other negative items include never (negative adverb of frequency), nor (negative
coordinating conjunction, and neither . . . nor (negative correlative conjunction.
At the sentence level, not or its contraction n’t is the main negator. This applies to
different sentence types.
Are you not/Aren’t we meeting today? (question)
Do not/Don’t laugh. (command)
Was it not/Wasn’t it exciting! (exclamation)
No and not are negative substitutes. No can be a negative substitute for a whole
sentence while not for a subordinate clause.
Placement of not
1. Not usually follows the be-verb, whether functions as a main verb (copula) or an
auxiliary/helping verb.
2. Other than be, not follows the auxiliary verb if one is present or the first auxiliary
(modal, phrasal modal, or have) if there are two or more.
3. With other main verbs, a do-verb is introduced before negation can take place.
The child swims in the pool. The child does swim in the pool.
The child does not swim in the pool.
Yes/no questions are formed by inverting the subject and the operator.
Yes/no questions may have a statement word order, i.e., the word order is
uninverted. This sentence, however, is likewise said with a rising intonation.
Lucy is your 3cousin3↑
She can speak 3fluently3↑
Yes/no questions usually take short answers using the operator. The operator is
italicized below.
1. Is your sister fond of sweets? {Yes, she is.
{No, she isn’t.
If the sentence contains more than one auxiliary verb, the short answer may also
contain an auxiliary verb in addition to the operator.
Semantic problems may arise for many ESL learners who react to a negative yes/no
question in a literal manner in their language. This means that they agree or disagree
with the form of the yes/no question, thus causing miscommunication.
While neutral yes/no questions, as in the preceding cases, query on the whole state,
activity or event, this query can be more focused sometimes.
Does Álex plan a foreign trip with Melly? (or did someone else?)
Does Alex plán a foreign trip with Melly? (or did he only suggest?)
Does Alex plan a foreign tríp with Melly? (or is it something else?)
Does Alex plan a foreign trip with Mélly? (or is it with someone else?)
The focused sentence element gets the primary stress as shown above.
Some and any can both occur with different question types depending on the
However, some is used in questions that expect a positive response, e.g., an
WH-QUESTIONSare used to seek specific information so they are also referred to as
information questions. Except for how, these words begin with wh- : who, whose,
whom, what, which, where, when, why, and how.
Liza bought a beautiful house for her parents before she went to Canada.
Forming Wh-Questions
If who, what, or which is the subject of the sentence, it is followed by the normal word
order of a statement.
Whom/who, what and which as objects form questions by putting the wh-words first,
and do, does, or did next.
A modal (e.g., can) cannot be replaced by do, does, or did. The do-verb replaces the
main verb.
Certain fixed formulaic wh-questions serve social functions (Celce-Murcia and Larsen
Freeman 2001). Among them are:
Adverbs modify or change the meaning of other words such as verbs, adjectives,
another adverb, or even a whole sentence.
Adverbs or adverbials vary in form as follows:
Kinds of adverbs
Where we put only makes a big change in the meaning of a clause. To illustrate:
1. Only he (no one else) invited Alex to join the team this year.
2. He only invited Alex to join the team this year this year. (not ordered)
3. He invited only Alex (no one but Alex) to join the team this year.
4. He invited Alex only to join the team this year. (to join, not to do anything else)
5. He invited Alex to join the team only this year. (Before an adverb of time, only
means as recently as or at no other time.)
Positions of Adverbials
While some adverbials are fixed in their positions in the sentence, others are
movable. They can occur sentence initially, medially, or finally.
Order of Adverbials
When two or more adverbials co-occur in final position in the same sentence,
ordering should be observed.
Directions: Read each item carefully, then choose the letter of the correct answer
1. The judges chose Mawmaw the best dog in the show. The italicized phrase
functions as _____.
A. object complement
B. direct object
C. indirect object
D. appositive
3. It’s raining hard. We have put _____ our work for today.
A. across
B. away
C. out
D. off
The answer is D. To put across means “ _____,” e.g., while to put away
means “_____ ” as in _____ On the other hand, to put out means “_____,”
1. The sentence “The audience class clapped when the musical rendition was
over,” illustrates one of these patterns.
A. N InV
B. N LV Adj
C. N TrV N
D. N InV Adv
2. In the sentence, “The club meeting will be in an hour,” the underlined phrase
functions as _____.
A. subject complement
B. predicate noun
C. prepositional phrase
D. adverbial
3. Which of the following sentences does not have a linking verb?
A. The tall building appears haunted.
B. The principal is busy observing classes.
C. The ugly bud becomes a beautiful flower after two days.
D. The class are working on their science project.
4. Which of these is a passive sentence?
A. The box contains a pair of shoes.
B. He has bought a new house by the lake.
C. Bob got excused for his first offense.
D. The choir sang an early folk tune.
5. In the sentence “My aunt tenderly mothers her youngest son,” the word
mothers is _____.
A. a noun
B. a verb
C. an adjective
D. a possessive
6. Which of the following sentences does not contain a phrasal verb?
A. The Board winded their meeting up quite early.
B. We look up to him as our role model.
C. Do not lean against the wall.
D. Am I going to round off the numbers?
7. Which of the following words is not a derived noun?
A. nature
B. vision
C. bigamy
D. martyrs
8. I can hardly hear the news. Please turn _____ the volume.
A. over
B. up
C. about
D. away
15. You can sleep on the beach or in the woods. The sentence has conjoined
A. clauses
B. predicates
C. verb phrases
D. prepositional phrases
16. _____ you learn to swim, you cannot go on this trip. The appropriate
subordinating conjunction to complete the sentence is _____.
A. If
B. Unless
C. Because
D. Since
17. You look attractive in _____ the blue sweater _____ the yellow. To complete
the sentence which correlative conjunction is appropriate?
A. not only . . . but
B. neither . . . nor
C. either . . . or
D. whether . . . or
18. The amount which she paid for is a student loan. The underlined words is
considered _____.
A. an independent clause
B. a dependent clause
C. a fragment
D. a subject complement
19. My brother don’t like meat and neither do I. The underlined words show
A. uninverted affirmative elision
B. inverted affirmative elision
C. uninverted negative elision
D. inverted negative elision
20. Which of the following is a prototypical imperative sentence?
A. Let’s gather wild berries.
B. Could you please sharpen my pencil?
C. Don’t wash your dirty linen in public.
D. Wait for your turn.
1. In the sentence, “The water supplier delivers on Tuesdays and Fridays,” the verb
is a _____ verb.
E. transitive
F. intransitive
G. linking
H. two-word
2. Which of these is an active sentence?
I. The dishes have been washed.
J. Much corn is raised in the Ilocos Region.
K. The boy scouts raised the flag.
L. The drums are played at 7:45 in the evening.
3. A commentary of a sports match, a ceremony or an event makes use of the
A. simple present
B. present progressive
C. present perfect
D. past progressive
D. librarians
12. Which of the following sentences expresses negation?
A. The dogs are not well trained.
B. Many never pray before sleeping.
C. Usually the lame can neither run nor jump.
D. All of the above.
13. The imperative “Have an enjoyable vacation,” is used as _____.
A. a suggestion
B. a wish
C. an advice
D. an invitation
14. Which of the following shows is not a correct coordination of these sentence?
Mark loves to eat fruits.
I love to eat fruits.
A. Mark and I love to eat fruits.
B. Mark loves to eat fruits and I do, either.
C. Mark loves to eat fruits and so do I.
D. Mark loves to eat fruits and I do, too.
15. In the sentence, “The awardee that the committee chose comes from a poor
family,” the underlined word functions as _____.
A. a sentence marker
B. object of the verb
C. subject of the clause
D. a subordinating conjunction
16. Ella was a girl who could surf but who was afraid to swim. The conjuncts in the
sentence are _____.
A. sentences
B. relative clauses
C. relative pronouns
D. independent clauses
17. Which of the following sentences should have the article a on the blank?
A. The artist I talked in the art fair is _____ Michelangelo.
B. _____ Philippines has a lot of wonderful tourist destinations.
C. Obama Wins by _____ Landslide
D. _____ sampaguita lei is usually given to a guest of honor.
18. In the sentence, “The red roses given as a birthday gift by my best friend realy
smell sweet,” which adjective is predicative?
A. red
B. birthday
C. best
D. sweet
19. In the noun phrase, a sound advice from my grandmother who came last
weekend, the head is _____.
A. sound
B. advice
C. grandmother
D. weekend
20. Which of the following is a gradable adjective?
A. unique
B. round
C. perfect
D. healthy
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