GHT-102 MMR Lecture-1

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Department of Geology

University of Dhaka

Lecture 1: Introduction to

Instructor: Md. Mostafizur Rahman, PhD

GHT 102: Geomorphology
Course description:
 The course contains fundamental knowledge and its application to identify
geomorphic features, units, tools and methods in order to visualize the various
exogenetic and endogenetic processes contributed to the formation of different

 Study of geomorphology will help in landscape management and engineering

GHT 102: Geomorphology
Learning Outcome: By the end of the course, the students will be able to –
a. Learn the scope of geomorphology
b. Describe earth`s surficial processes, natural agents, resulting landforms and
their origin
c. Explain fluvial, glacial, aeolian and coastal processes and resulting landform
d. Explain geomorphic features, methods and tools
e. Describe morphodynamic and morphometric units of Bangladesh
f. Express the significance of landscape management for various infrastructure
Tentative schedule
Lecture No. Topic
Lecture 1 Introduction and scope of geomorphology
Lecture 2 Introduction and scope of geomorphology
Lecture 3 Exogenetic and endogenetic processes, agents and their origin
Lecture 4 Exogenetic and endogenetic processes, agents and their origin
Lecture 5 Exogenetic and endogenetic processes, agents and their origin
Lecture 6 Fluvial process: weathering and erosion
Lecture 7 Fluvial process: weathering and erosion
Lecture 8 Fluvial process: transportation and deposition of sediments
Lecture 9 Fluvial process: transportation and deposition of sediments
Lecture 10 Development of fluvial landforms
Lecture 11 Incourse-1
Reference books
What is Geomorphology?
 The word “geomorphology" comes from the Greek roots "geo”,
“morph,” and “logos,” meaning “earth,” “form,” and “study,”
respectively. Therefore, geomorphology is literally “the study of
earth forms.”

 Geomorphology is the study of the processes shaping Earth’s

surface and the landforms and deposits that they produce.

 Some workers include submarine landforms within the scope of

geomorphology; and some would add the landforms of other
terrestrial-type planets and satellites in the Solar System – Mars,
the Moon, Venus, and so on.

 Earth’s landforms reflect the local and regional balance between

hydrologic, tectonic, aeolian, glacial, atmospheric, and marine
What is Geomorphology?
 Geomorphologists are concerned primarily with earth’s surficial
features (rivers, hills, plains, beaches, sand dunes, and myriad
others), including their origin, history, composition, and impact on
human activity.

 Geomorphologists learn to observe and interpret landscapes

systematically in order to understand how processes shape Earth’s
surface, decipher the history of a place, and recognize (and
potentially mitigate or manage) the impacts of environmental hazards
on societies.
Importance of Geomorphology
 To understand geomorphological processes of various environment.

 To detect natural and environmental hazards efficiently, e.g. earthquake, flooding, landslide, tsunami,
volcanism etc.

 To identify various landform features and landscapes

 To identify various landform features from satellite


 Coastal and river research

 Vulnerability studies

 Geology, Geography, Archeology, Engineering,

Planning, Mining, Construction, Urbanization……..
Geologic Timescale
What processes form landscape?
What past processes created this relict landscape?
What modern processes are modifying it?

Were the processes that created the relict landforms destructional or constructional?
Are the modern processes modifying this landscape destructional or constructional?
Physiographic divisions of Bangladesh: Issue of scale
Issue of scale
Issue of scale
 Scale of landforms varies over 15 (!) orders of magnitude.
 continents (107 km2) to microscale features like ripples,
glacial striations (10-8 km2).

 Age of landforms varies over 7-8 orders of magnitude.

 Continents (109 years) to microscale features like pools
and riffles (102 years).

 Larger landforms most durable (longer-lasting).

 Smaller landforms created/destroyed faster than larger

 Rates of geomorphic / geologic change slow for larger

areas, faster when measured over small areas.
 example: earthquakes compared to glaciers
 rate of erosion in small watershed compared to larger one
Rise of Geomorphic thought
• Observation and hypothesis – Herodotus 450 BC

• Description – Hutton – 1700’s+

• Explanation 1800’s
–Agassiz – glacial landforms
–Powell (1834 -1902) – fluvial/structure
–Gilbert (1843 -1918) – All surfaces

• Correlation
–Davis (1850 -1934) – fluvial+

• Quantification and prediction – now a common goal

Geomorphology history flashcards
 Herodotus (484-425 BC): Rocks on land in Egypt contained marine
fossils, assumed that the Nile Delta took thousands of years to form.
 Arisotle (384-322 BC): Dry land can be submerged, land can be raised
from beneath the ocean, described erosion by rivers, and deposition in
 Lucretius (99-55 BC): Recognized weathering processes on rocks.
 Seneca (3-65 AD): Observed erosion of valleys by running water.
 Ibn-Sina (980-1037 AD): Concluded that mountains could be uplifted,
and later eroded.
 Leonardo DaVinci (1452-1519 AD): Found marine fossils on land
 G. Bauer (1494-1555 AD): hypothesized that mountains were sculpted
by weathering and mass movements
 Steno (1638-1687AD): regarded water as the most significant agent of
Landscape creation vs. landscape development
 Biblical interpretations hindered the proliferation of non-catastrophic landform
evolution theories.

 Werner (1749-1817 AD): theorized that all mountains formed under water as layers
of sediment, and were ultimately sculpted by rapidly receding oceans.

 Georges Cuvier: Great catastrophic floods produced unconformities, and carved

Earth’s landscape.
James Hutton (1726-97)
 Granites form through heat & fusion in deep
underground, and are later uplifted and

 Landforms are produced by slow, continuous


 Uniformatarianism

 Sediments are eroded from landforms, only to

be deposited and later lithified into new rocks.

 There is neither an apparent beginning nor

end to landform development.

Modern river channels Ancient river channels

Scientists make observations of an event or an object and then try to explain those observations by
organizing them into a logical system. As rock bodies can cover extensive areas and represent vast
periods of time, much of geological research cannot be done as controlled experiments in a formal
laboratory setting. In these situations, we rely on the assumption that physical, chemical and biological
laws are constant. That is, the processes operating today are the same as those that operated in the
past. For instance, since water flows down hill today, it must have done so in the past. Therefore, if we
identify a body of rocks that exhibits characteristics similar to those found in a modern geological
environment, we assume that it must have formed in a similar manner.
Hutton’s Proponents
 John Playfair (1748-1819)
 Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth (1802).
 Streams carve their own drainage systems.
 Stream reaches and maintains equilibrium, adjusted to
local gradient. CONCEPT OF “GRADED STREAM”
 The Earth is very ancient; ongoing processes continue to
change it.

 Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875)

 The Principles of Geology (1833 - 1875)
 A strong promoter of Uniformitarian theory
 A vehement opponent of Catastrophism
Other Nineteenth Century European Contributions
 Venetz, and Bernardhi: Moraines and erratics prove glaciations extended from
polal regions(1832)

 Louis Agassiz : Recognized glacial landforms in Europe & N. America-

introduced the concept of Ice Ages (1837)

 Charles Darwin (1809-1882): Recorded his observations during the voyage of

“the Beagle”, suggested an origin for atolls.
Evolutionary Geomorphology
 William Morris Davis (1850-1934)
 Based on Darwinian Evolutionary Theory
 Landscapes evolve throughout time
 Stage of evolution can be determined by examining the characteristics of the
 Implies that TIME is the critical factor in determining what the landscape looks like
William Morris Davis’ cycles of erosion
William Morris Davis’s idealized ‘geographical cycle’ in which a landscape evolves
through ‘life-stages’ to produce a peneplain.

(a) Youth: a few ‘consequent’ streams, V-shaped valley crosssections, limited

floodplain formation, large areas of poorly drained terrain between streams with lakes
and marshes, waterfalls and rapids common where streams cross more resistant
beds, stream divides broad and ill-defined, some meanders on the original surface.

(b) Maturity: well-integrated drainage system, some streams exploiting lines of weak
rocks, master streams have attained grade, waterfalls, rapids, lakes, and marshes
largely eliminated, floodplains common on valley floors and bearing meandering
rivers, valley no wider than the width of meander belts, relief (difference in elevation
between highest and lowest points) is at a maximum, hillslopes and valley sides
dominate the landscape.

(c) Old age: trunk streams more important again, very broad and gently sloping
valleys, floodplains extensive and carrying rivers with broadly meandering courses,
valleys much wider than the width of meander belts, areas between streams reduced
in height and stream divides not so sharp as in the maturity stage, lakes, swamps,
and marshes lie on the floodplains, mass-wasting dominates fluvial processes,
stream adjustments to rock types now vague, extensive areas lie at or near the base
level of erosion.
Grove Karl Gilbert: Process Geomorphology
 Landforms are a balance between resisting framework and the forces acting to
alter the landscape
 Implies that time is one component of many that affect the appearance of the
 Inferred that the landscape was in equilibrium between driving forces and resisting
 Most were in Dynamic Equilibrium
 1930-1965 Rise of Quantitative Approaches to Geomorphology
 Quantitative trends continue (computers, satellite, other remotely sensed data,
numerical methods, improved dating techniques,…)

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