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ILLUSTATIVE CASE: Liability of sheriff lawfully

CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS enforcing a judgment in an ejectment suit.
Facts: A judgment was rendered by a
ARTICLE 1157 justice of the peace court (now municipal
Obligations are from law, contracts, court) in favor of X who brought an ejectment
quasi-contracts, acts or omissions punished suit against Y, the owner of the house built on
by law, and quasi-delicts. the land of X. Z, the deputy sheriff who
executed the judgment, was obliged to
SOURCES OF OBLIGATIONS remove the house of Y from the land
1. Law – imposed by the law. (to pay according to the usual procedure in the action
taxes; support family) for ejectment.
2. Contracts – stipulation of the parties. Issue: Is Y entitled to indemnity
(repay loan by virtue of an arising from the destruction of his house?
agreement) Held: No proof has been submitted
3. Quasi-contracts – when they arise that a contract had been entered into
from lawful, voluntary and unilateral between plaintiff (Y) and the defendants (X
acts. (return the money paid by and Z) or that the latter had committed illegal
mistake or which is not due) acts or omissions or incurred in any kind of
4. Crimes or acts or omissions punished fault or negligence, from any of which an
by law – arise from civil liability, obligation might have arisen on the part of X
consequence of a criminal offense. and Z to indemnify Y. For this reason, the
(obligation of a thief to return the car claim for indemnity, on account of acts
stolen by him) performed by the sheriff, while enforcing a
5. Quasi-delicts or torts – arise from judgment, cannot under any consideration be
damage caused to another through an sustained.
act no contractual relations exist
between the parties. (obligation of
the head of the family that lives in a
building to answer for the damages
caused by things thrown)

1. Emanating from law
2. Emanating from private acts
 Licit acts (contracts and quasi-
 Illicit acts (punishable by law in
the case of delicts or not
punishable in the case of quasi-
** ACTUALLY: there are only 2 sources (laws
& contracts) because obligations from quasi-
contracts, crimes, and quasi-delicts are
imposed by law.
** Source of obligation is a private act, law
merely recognizes the existence of the

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