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Inpit Tailings Disposal Marymia Gold Operation: Case History

J C Lane1

Inpit tailings disposal has been undertaken at a number of mining sites
within Australia. This paper presents a brief history of the experience of
inpit tailings disposal at the Marymia Gold Operation in Western
Australia, including geotechnical aspects of the design. Regular
monitoring of the inpit tailings disposal into the K1SE Pit at Marymia
has allowed the operators of the mine to assess the performance of the
tailings storage against its predicted performance during the design
phase. Results of this monitoring indicated that the predicted
performance was exceeded and the results have been incorporated into
the design of another large inpit tailings disposal, the K1 Pit.
Monitoring of tailings disposal to both the K1SE Pit and K1 Pit has
allowed the mine operator to make substantial savings from inpit tailings
storage when compared with above ground tailings storage facilities.
The inpit method of tailings disposal at Marymia has proven to be
acceptable from an environmental perspective by reducing the water
resource requirements of the project, backfilling pits, which would
otherwise collapse with time and eliminating the need for disturbing
additional areas of mining leases, which usually accompanies
construction of above ground tailings storage facilities.

The Marymia Gold Operation is located approximately 200 km
north east of Meekatharra in Western Australia. The location of
FIG 2 - Site layout.
the site and project layout are presented as Figure 1 and Figure 2.


The process plant at Marymia has a design capacity of 650 000
tonnes per annum. It was commissioned in mid-1992 with
tailings initially being discharged into Tailings Storage Facility
No 1 (TSF 1), which was operational on a continuous basis until
December 1995 when the K1SE Pit was commissioned. TSF 1
was again utilised continuously from October 1996 to June 1997
and intermittently from July 1997 until August 1997. TSF 1 is to
the west of the plant and the K1SE Pit and K1 Pit are located to
the northeast of the process plant.
Inpit tailings disposal at the Marymia Gold Operation was first
discussed as an alternative to the above ground storage in
late-1994, during the course of a routine management review of
the existing storage. However, it wasn’t until June 1995 that the
option of inpit tailings disposal was seriously considered, when
exploration work confirmed that ore from the proposed Marwest
Pit, remote from the plant, was found to contain fibrous actinolite
and tremolite. The use of an abandoned pit adjacent to the plant
would allow the tailings from the new ore source to be contained
in a sealed environment, with tailings from the Marwest ore
being covered with other more benign tailings.
Discussions were held with representatives of the Department
of Minerals and Energy, Western Australia (DMEWA) in late
June 1995 to determine the requirements for having the K1SE Pit
FIG 1 - Site location. approved as a tailings disposal facility. As a result of this
meeting specific issues were raised by DMEWA, which had to be
addressed in the documentation to be submitted for formal
Climatic conditions are typically semi arid to arid, with approval of the K1SE Pit as a tailings storage facility. The main
average annual rainfall of approximately 230 mm per annum and issues to be addressed related to:
average annual evaporation of approximately 3800 mm per
1. the stability of the K1SE Pit during tailings deposition;
2. the impact of tailings deposition on the groundwater regime
around the K1SE Pit;
1. Soil and Rock Engineering Pty Ltd, PO Box 1346, Osborne Park
WA 6916. 3. water recovery from the tailings; and

PACRIM ‘99 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 109


4. final density of the tailings and, in particular, the ability to 2. investigation of the engineering properties of the tailings,
rehabilitate the final surface of the tailings. specifically their settling and consolidation characteristics,
A geotechnical assessment of the K1SE Pit and the tailings to optimise the design of the water recovery system by
characteristics was subsequently commissioned to address the carrying out an appropriate laboratory testing program.
issues raised by DMEWA and approval to operate the K1SE Pit A similar scope of work was required for the assessment of the
as a tailings storage was granted in December 1995. K1 Pit which comprised the following:
Tailings deposition into the K1SE Pit commenced in 1. a review of the stability of the existing K1 Pit in the light of
December 1995 and this storage was operated on a continuous work previously carried out by other consultants and an
basis until October 1996. The K1SE Pit was operated on an inspection of the final pit walls;
intermittent basis from August 1997 to November 1997.
The success of the operation of the K1SE Pit prompted 2. evaluation of the operation of the K1SE Pit;
Resolute Limited to examine the option of inpit tailings disposal 3. reassessment of the engineering properties of the tailings,
into the K1 Pit. Evaluation of this option included: specifically their settling and consolidation characteristics,
1. geotechnical assessment of the K1 Pit, and to optimise the design of the water recovery systems for the
K1 Pit; and
2. evaluation of the performance of the K1SE Pit.
4. Preparation of a design concept for the K1 Pit with
Approval to operate the K1 Pit as a tailings storage was recommendations for its operation.
granted in late-1996.
Tailings deposition into the K1 Pit commenced in June 1997. Geological setting
The K1 Pit was operated on an intermittent basis until November
1997, at which time tailings deposition into this storage was The K1SE Pit is located at the southern end of the K1 Pit. The
carried out on a continuous basis until suspension of milling at geological setting of both the K1SE Pit and the K1 Pit are similar
Marymia in February 1998. with the four main geological units comprising:
Cycling of tailings deposition between TSF 1, the K1SE Pit 1. Talc Chlorite Schist:
and the K1 Pit in the various periods of intermittent operation has
Strongly sheared, highly foliated ultramafic, with thin
had an impact on the consolidation of the tailings. Details of
discontinuous quartz lenses along the foliation and ranging
deposition periods and tonnes of tailings deposited in each
from highly weathered at the top of the pit to slightly
storage are presented in Table 1.
weathered at the base. This is the dominant rock type,
especially in the east.
2. Mafic Amphibolite:
Scope of geotechnical work Pervasively weathered, the leached ultramafic consists
mainly of clays of mafic origin and some minor goethite
The scope of the geotechnical work for the assessment of the and quartz. This rock is the host for the meta-sediments
K1SE Pit tailings disposal comprised the following: including a banded iron formation (BIF) unit, which is the
main host of mineralisation. The mafic is partially
1. a review of the stability of the existing K1SE Pit and an
mineralised adjacent to the BIF unit.
inspection of the final pit walls; and

Distribution of tailings to the storages (May 1992 to 14 January 1998).

Tailings storage facility Dates of operation Tonnes of tailings deposited

TSF 1 May 1992 15 December 1995 2 003 615
5 October 1996 5 June 1997 348 805
24 June 1997 30 June 1997 10 312
1 July 1997 15 July 1997 22 684
26 July 1997 1 August 1997 11 447
4 August 1997 5 August 1997 3596
8 August 1997 15 August 1997 13 855
18 August 1997 19 August 1997 3436
K1SE Pit 15 December 1995 4 October 1996 483 589
16 August 1997 17 August 1997 3650
20 August 1997 26 August 1997 11 692
6 November 1997 14 November 1997 14 913
K1 Pit 6 June 1997 23 June 1997 29 549
16 July 1997 25 July 1997 14 991
2 August 1997 3 August 1997 3544
6 August 1997 7 August 1997 3055
27 August 1997 5 November 1997 116 230
15 November 1997 14 January 1998 101 037

110 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 PACRIM ‘99


3. BIF: 2. Minor failures have previously occurred on the west wall.

The BIF, which hosts the main mineralisation, is highly Remedial works have resulted in the removal of all failed
weathered and consists of alternating bands of materials above the haul road. Inspection of the wall above
haematite/goethite and quartz and occurs as sigmoidal the haul road suggested that some more blocks may fall
shaped lenses of between 2.0 m to 5.0 m width. from the slope.
4. Hanging Wall Mafics: 3. Whilst this failure was considered unlikely to affect the
operation of the inpit tailings disposal operation, it was
The Hanging Wall Mafic, which occurs along the eastern recommended that spigotting not be carried out from this
margin of the pit is highly weathered and massive to area. Instead, it was recommended that spigotting be
weakly foliated. confined to the north western section of the pit with spigot
Shearing along geological contacts is common and a pervasive discharge initially from the haul road at RL615, then from
foliation, which is subparallel to the shearing, occurs within the the berm at RL635, as the tailings rise to cover the haul
Talc Chlorite Schist. The shearing and foliation generally dips road.
between 70° to 75° towards 218° to 232° magnetic, although the
foliation dip varies up to vertical and to 70° towards 058° 4. The current pit walls did not exhibit signs of stress such as
magnetic. A number of joint sets, comprising discrete joints up to tension cracking.
6.0 m in length, and minor dip slip faulting have also been 5. Some minor wall failures may have occurred during
recognised. deposition as tailings and free water pond against highly
Groundwater was only encountered during mining of the weathered clayey materials resulting in loss of strength due
goodbye cut in the K1SE Pit, where it appeared to be contained to material softening. Such failures were unlikely to affect
within the BIF. The water level in the base of the pit was RL596. the operation of the project. However, regular inspections
The regional groundwater was at RL586.7, approximately 56 m were recommended to be carried out to ensure that, if such
below ground level and well below the base of the K1SE Pit. failures were to occur, they would not affect spigotting or
A failure occurred along the western wall of the K1SE Pit water return points.
during mining. The failure was attributed to toppling and sliding 6. Slake Durability Testing (four tests), in so far as these tests
along foliation in the talc chlorite schist. provide an indication of the durability of the wall materials
The foliation in the K1 Pit generally dips between 60° to 85° when subjected to cycles of wetting and drying, indicated
to the east. Failures occurred along the eastern wall of the pit that the pit wall materials are relatively resistant to wetting
during mining. and drying with the exception of the sample from the North
Groundwater was only encountered during mining at a depth West Wall and the South Wall.
of RL595 in the K1 Pit. The water level in the base of the pit It should be noted that the tailings rose very rapidly, from
prior to commencement of underdrainage construction was RL595 to RL638 in the initial eight months of tailings
estimated to be RL593. The regional groundwater is at RL586.7, deposition. Only materials in the vicinity of RL638 and RL643
approximately 53 m below ground level at the K1 Pit. were identified as having the potential to undergo the wetting and
drying cycles as this tailings storage is periodically ‘topped up’.
Geotechnical inspection
A geotechnical inspection of each pit was carried out prior to the K1 Pit
submission of documentation to the DMEWA, and Slake 1. The overall slope angles are relatively shallow. The western
Durability testing was carried out on samples of the pit wall wall, which is the steepest, contains a number of wide
materials from the K1SE Pit. berms towards the northern end of the pit where the
No cracking, indicative of potential large-scale wall failures, weathering profile is also shallower.
was observed around the pit crest, on the haul road or on the
berms, during the inspection. 2. Minor failures had previously occurred on the east wall.
Remedial works had resulted in the removal of all failed
Waste from the mining of the adjacent K1SE Pit has been materials.
dumped in the southern part of the pit. Small quantities of waste
from the mining of other small pits has been dumped in the 3. The wall above the haul road had been flattened and is
northern part of the K1 Pit along the western wall and in the generally covered by waste although the inspection
north east corner of the K1 Pit. However, the quantities of waste suggests that some minor raveling of rock may occur
in the northern part of the pit were not considered to be during the operation of the tailings disposal facility.
significant. Whilst this was considered unlikely to affect the operation
of the inpit tailings disposal operation, it was recommended
Geotechnical implications with respect to tailings that spigotting be carried out such that:
deposition • tailings discharge be directed over the eastern edge of
The apparent strength of the rock materials exposed in the walls the haul road when spigotting in the southern end of the
of both the K1SE Pit and K1 Pit, and experience during mining, pit; and
indicates that kinematic modes of instability, where failures • tailings discharge be directed over the north western
occur along existing geological defects in the rock mass (planar, edge of the pit when tailings are discharged in the
sliding, toppling), are most likely. Whilst defect mapping, which northern end of the pit.
could be utilised to determine potential modes and zones of Spigot discharge was initially to be carried out from the
instability, was not carried out, the following comments haul road at RL600, then from the berms at RL620 and
regarding the long-term stability of the various pits apply. RL630, as the tailings rise to cover the haul road.
Spigotting from the northern end of the pit would be
K1SE Pit required from time to time to control the position of the
supernatant pond.
1. The overall slope angles are relatively shallow. The north It was identified that spigotting down slopes and tailings
wall, which is the steepest, is of limited extent and concave slurry flow down slopes or onto slopes which have waste
in nature. present should be avoided.

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4. At the time of the inspection, 1996, the pit walls did not It was assumed that water recovery from the tailings during
exhibit signs of stress such as tension cracking. consolidation would result in the dry density of the tailings being
similar to that which can be obtained from the theoretical
5. Some minor wall failures may have occurred during relationship of dry density and moisture content for tailings with
deposition as tailings and free water pond against highly an SG of 2.60. Figure 5 shows the results of the testing plotted on
weathered clayey materials and waste materials, resulting the relevant section of the theoretical curve, which provided a
in loss of strength due to material softening. Experience guide to the predicted behaviour of the dry density and moisture
with tailings deposition in the K1SE Pit indicated that the content.
wetted front above the supernatant extended for a height of
between 100 mm to 200 mm.
Failures caused by loss of strength were considered more
likely in the waste materials than in the pit walls. This is CONCEPT – K1SE PIT
because of the potential for more rapid infiltration of Given the potentially high water return via the recovery of
moisture into voids within the waste, compared to the supernatant and the limited storage life of the K1SE Pit,
relatively slow horizontal infiltration into defects within the installation of underdrainage was considered to be not warranted.
rock. Such failures were unlikely to affect the operation of A pontoon mounted pump to recover supernatant water was to
the project, but close attention to the spigotting technique be initially located on the haul road in the southern end of the pit
and size and position of the supernatant pond would be and gradually moved to the east and north as the tailings rose.
required to minimise potential for failures. Spigotting at the
toe of the waste in the southern section of the pit to form a Spigotting was to be initially carried out from the haul road
high beach, well above the supernatant pond, would then subsequently moved to the pit rim to cascade over the small
provide buttress support to limit the potential for the failure bench on the southwestern side of the pit.
of the waste as the tailings and supernatant pond rose.
It was noted that regular inspections should be carried out EVALUATION OF TAILINGS DISPOSAL
to ensure that if minor wall failures were to occur, they IN K1SE PIT
would not affect spigotting or water return points.
Tailings testwork As part of the design of the K1 Pit tailings disposal system, an
evaluation of the performance of the K1SE Pit was undertaken.
General The objective of this evaluation was to:
Tailings testwork was undertaken to assist in determining the 1. inspect the operation of the K1SE Pit;
characteristics of the tailings in respect to water recovery and
final dry density. Testwork for predictions of water recovery 2. assess the in situ density being achieved within the tailings
comprised, one undrained settling test and one drained settling in the K1SE Pit;
test and the results are presented as Figure 3 and Figure 4. 3. assess the storage life of the K1SE Pit;
One modified consolidation test in a Triaxial Cell, and one 4. assess the water recovery from the K1SE Pit;
consolidation test were undertaken to establish a dry density and
moisture content relationship for the tailings. Figure 5 shows the 5. assess the groundwater monitoring results;
results of these tests. 6. assess spigotting techniques;

FIG 3 - Results of undrained settling test.

112 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 PACRIM ‘99


FIG 4 - Results of drained settling test.

FIG 5 - Results of consolidation tests.

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7. assess settlement predictions; and The volume of water returned to the plant has been monitored.
The return water volumes, as a percentage of water in the tailings
8. reassess the tailings testwork. slurry, range between five per cent, at the start of the inpit
The performance of each of these components was evaluated disposal in December 1995 and 74 per cent for the month of
to ensure the design of the K1 Pit would incorporate experience April 1996.
gained from the design and operation of the K1SE Pit. A water balance was prepared for the K1SE Pit given the
following data:
Inspection of K1SE Pit 1. measured volume of return water;
An inspection of the K1SE pit was carried out on 12 January 2. tonnes of ore treated and pumped to the K1SE Pit at a
1996 as part of the tailings storage audit and management review slurry density of 44 per cent solids;
for the Marymia Gold Operation.
At the time of that inspection, the K1SE Pit tailings disposal 3. average evaporation data;
and water recovery system had been operating for approximately 4. rainfall data for the months of operation; and
three weeks and some ‘teething’ problems were being
encountered with the water recovery system. 5. the average in situ density and moisture content of the
Another inspection of the K1SE Pit was undertaken on 21 June
1996. A close examination of the K1SE Pit showed that the water Seepage was assumed to be very low (1 × 10-9 m/sec) for the
recovery system was relatively successful with only a shallow purposes of this water balance given that, the water levels in the
adjacent monitoring bores have responded at a slower rate than
depth of supernatant water present over the tailings.
the rise of tailings, with only those bores located along the shear
zone responding to change in ground water level. Using this
Dry density of tailings water balance it has been possible, by trial and error, to obtain an
Recommendations, for a survey of the tailings within the K1SE appropriate pan factor for the evaporation for this type of tailings
Pit, provided at the time of the inspection on 12 January 1996, disposal.
were adopted by Resolute Limited. The objective of the survey From the water balance for the K1SE Pit, a prediction was
was to monitor the density of the tailings and compare the made for water return for the proposed K1 Pit tailings disposal.
density achieved against the theoretical density curve prepared as The water return for the K1SE Pit for 1996, the predicted water
part of the Geotechnical Assessment for the K1SE Pit at the time return from the K1 Pit and the predicted water return from TSF1
the Works Approval Application was prepared. are presented on Figure 6, together with actual returns where
records are available.
A hydrographic survey of the surface of the tailings was
undertaken on 9 June 1996. The volume of the pit occupied by
the tailings, 233 345 m3, was obtained by superimposing the Groundwater monitoring
tailings surface over the final survey of the excavated surface of Figure 7 presents the results of groundwater level monitoring of
K1SE Pit. Ore milled, since deposition commenced in the K1SE bores K1SE1 to K1SE9.
Pit up to the time of the survey, totalled 292 834 tonnes giving an It should be noted that all bores have responded to the change
average dry density of the in situ tailings of 1.255 t/m3. The in the groundwater regime as a result of the deposition of tailings
results of the June 1996 survey indicate the target average dry into the K1SE Pit, the greatest change being in boreholes K1SE3,
density of 1.60 t/m3, from the consolidation testing could be K1SE4 and K1SE5 which are located along the shear zone which
achieved. passes through the K1SE Pit in a north south direction. Figure 8
shows the position of the groundwater monitoring bores around
Storage life the K1SE Pit.
Tailings deposition commenced on 15 December 1995, with a All results of groundwater quality monitoring indicate the
predicted storage life of at least nine months. Based on the groundwater quality is within the limits assigned by the
results of the survey of the 9 June 1996, the remaining storage Department of Environmental Protection of Western Australia
life of the K1SE Pit was predicted to be at least another 3.9 (DEPWA), with the exception of total dissolved solids (TDS).
months from 9 June 1996. However, baseline monitoring indicated the TDS in bores on the
eastern side of the pit was higher than the limits assigned by the
This meant that the K1SE Pit would be filled to RL645 DEPWA prior to tailings deposition in the K1SE Pit. Figures 9,
towards the middle of October 1996, a storage life of 10 and 11 show the results of water quality monitoring.
approximately ten months against a predicted storage life of nine
months. Errors in the original survey could account for the
differences in the predicted storage life against the actual storage Spigotting techniques
life, given the anticipated final dry density. Spigotting of tailings has been carried out from a number of
However, as the level of the tailings rises the average dry different points around the pit in an attempt to develop a uniform
density of the tailings would also continue to rise, due to tailings surface. The most successful technique has been found to
consolidation, increasing the storage life of the pit. be an open end tailings line discharging onto the ground above
It was recommended that monitoring of the tailings surface be the supernatant water level such that the tailings can spread and
continued on a three-monthly basis, even after the final cascade into the pond at low velocity over a wide front rather
deposition of tailings is completed. than from a high velocity single point such as the open end of a
Water return
Settlement predictions
Water return from the K1SE Pit was via a pontoon mounted
pump which pumps water back to a storage tank located near the Based on the results of consolidation testing of the tailings and
computer modelling of the settlement, the total settlement was
plant. The storage tank is fitted with a control valve which closes
predicted as being in the range of 5.0 m to 8.0 m, with
the water return pipeline at the tank. The pipeline from the pump
approximately 80 per cent of this settlement occurring during the
back to the plant is fitted with a by-pass which allows water to be
tailings disposal operation.
returned to the K1SE Pit when the tank is full.

114 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 PACRIM ‘99


A comparison of the calculated dry density for the tailings, as Since June 1996, numerous other surveys have been carried
derived from the survey on 9 June 1996, and the predicted in situ out and the most recent survey of the K1SE Pit, January 1998,
dry density, indicated that the predicted performance was indicated that the average density of the partially consolidated
reasonably accurate and on this basis it was concluded that the tailings is 1.40 t/m3. Figure 12 shows the plot of tailings dry
computer modelled settlement would also be reasonably density and moisture content obtained from the laboratory testing
accurate. against the theoretical dry density curve, together with the dry
densities derived from the June 1996 and January 1998 surveys.

FIG 6 - Water return.

FIG 7 - Groundwater monitoring bores K1SE Pit standing water levels.

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Discussion of testwork

Undrained settling test

Predictions made with respect to the availability of supernatant
water from the undrained settling tests were correct, in so far as a
high rate of water return has been achieved from the K1SE Pit.
The dry density of the tailings within the pit to date would
suggest that rapid settling of solids, particularly the coarse
fraction, is occurring, allowing water to be recovered relatively
quickly as consolidation occurs. Further monitoring of the settled
density of the tailings is recommended, however, the results to
date are encouraging and suggest that the predicted average dry
density is readily achievable.

Drained settling tests

The maximum water return predicted from these tests was 65 per
cent, 41 per cent from the supernatant and 24 per cent from the
underdrainage. Water returns to date have been as high as 74 per
cent indicating that drainage of the tailings is occurring up the
sides of the pit, presumably through the coarse fraction of the
tailings and at the interface between the tailings and the pit walls.

Consolidation testing
FIG 8 - Groundwater monitoring bores K1SE Pit. Preliminary estimates of settlement for the surface of the tailings
in the deepest part of the pit, as provided in the Works Approval
Document for the K1SE Pit, ranged from 5.0 m to 8.0 m on
completion of tailings disposal to RL643. The actual settlement
Reassessment of tailings testwork at any point within the pit will vary with the depth of tailings.
Given the high water recovery being achieved during the
General operation of the pit, the consolidation predictions seem
reasonable, with a significant proportion of the consolidation
Based on the evaluation of the performance of the K1SE Pit, the occurring during the operation of the pit.
results of the original tailings testwork was re-evaluated prior to Predicted consolidated settlements for the K1 Pit, based on
the design of the K1 Pit. previous consolidation testing of tailings for the K1SE Pit, are
approximately 8 m.

FIG 9 - Groundwater monitoring bores K1SE pit – TDS.

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FIG 10 - Groundwater monitoring bores K1SE pit – pH.

FIG 11 - Groundwater monitoring bores K1SE pit – WADCN.

The modified triaxial testing results were used in determining indicates an average dry density of 1.255 t/m3 (estimated bulk
the maximum storage density of the K1SE Pit inpit tailings density of 1.757 t/m3) for a tailings depth of 45 m. A more recent
disposal for various overburden pressures experienced during the assessment of the K1SE Pit (January 1998) indicated that the
life of the disposal system. The limitations of the test are the average dry density of the tailings was 1.40 t/m3 confirming that
density of the materials which can be handled in the membrane. the final dry density predicted is readily achievable. Reference
The performance of the K1SE Pit, indicated by the dry density should be made to Figure 12.
determination for the tailings deposited in the pit (June 1996),

PACRIM ‘99 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 117


FIG 12 - Density performance.

TAILINGS DISPOSAL DESIGN CONCEPT - K1 PIT geotextile which extends to the sides of the pit. A 500 mm layer
of sand is placed over the geotextile and another layer of Bidim
A64 geotextile is installed over the sand. The layers of geotextile
General and sand act as a filter to prevent tailings entering the area which
Installation of an underdrainage system, in addition to a pontoon has been filled with scats.
mounted pump to recover supernatant was considered warranted Water from the tailings would flow through the pipe to the
to maximise water recovery and hence maximise the density of sump where a submersible pump inserted into the uPVC, will
the tailings of the K1 Pit. pump water back to the ground level and then to the plant for
The main factors which determined this were: re-use in processing of ore.
1. the shape of the K1 Pit;
Supernatant water
2. tailings testwork which demonstrated the viability of an
underdrainage system; A pontoon mounted pump was to be deployed to recover
supernatant water. This pump was to be a larger capacity than the
3. potentially high water return via the recovery of supernatant pump installed in the K1SE Pit and was to be initially located on
water from a pontoon mounted pump; and the haul road in the middle of the K1 Pit and gradually moved to
4. the longer storage life of the K1 Pit when compared to the the south up the haul road as the tailings rose.
K1SE Pit. A standby pump was recommended in the event of a prolonged
breakdown of the main pump which would otherwise allow the
Underdrainage system supernatant water level to rise well in advance of the tailings.
The underdrainage comprises Megaflo 150 pipe, wrapped in
Bidim A14, surrounded by scats and covered by Bidim A34
geotextile. This pipe extended from approximately mid way Spigot discharge would initially be carried out from the haul road
along the pit to the collection sump located at the northern end of at RL600, then from the berms at RL620 and RL630, as the
the pit. tailings rise to cover the haul road.
The underdrainage sump comprises an inclined borehole Spigotting from the northern end of the pit would be required
drilled through the northwestern wall of the pit, which was from time to time to control the position of the supernatant pond.
designed to emerge (daylight) in the goodbye cut below RL574. Spigotting down slopes or onto slopes, which have waste present,
(Several attempts were made to complete this borehole during was not recommended, and should be avoided.
construction.) This borehole is lined with Class 12 uPVC pipe,
It was predicted that some fine tuning of the design may be
fitted with a well screen inside the goodbye cut. The screen was
required during the spigotting and decanting procedures to
to be surrounded by scats, with the scats placed up to RL574, or
higher. The scats are in turn covered with a layer of Bidim A64 optimise the water recovery.

118 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 PACRIM ‘99


Construction costs TABLE 2

The final cost of the inpit tailings disposal system for the K1 Pit, Water balance – predicted and actual losses.
including design and documentation was approximately
$220 000. Tailings storage Predicted losses Actual losses
facility (measured)
K1SE Pit n/a* 46.0 %
General K1 Pit 36.0 % 28.8 %
The environmental impact of many mining practices can be
reduced. However, quite often the costs involved in pursuing * It should be noted that no prediction was made on the anticipated
environmentally friendly practices are prohibitively expensive evaporation losses from the K1SE Pit.
and therefore not widely practised. The inpit tailings disposal
system developed at the Marymia Gold Project not only allows
for environmentally responsible disposal of hazardous waste, but From Table 2 it can be seen that there is a marked decrease in
also results in substantial cost savings in most areas of tailings water losses in the K1SE and K1 Pits, compared with the losses
storage. from TSF 1. The difference is attributed to the decrease in
surface area of the inpit tailings storage facilities and therefore a
decrease per unit volume of tailings exposed to the atmosphere.
Environmental benefits Evaporation is greatly dependent upon exposure to sunlight,
temperatures and wind movement across the surface of the
General tailings, all of which are decreased in a below ground, sheltered
Disposal of tailings to both the K1SE Pit and K1 Pit has
significant environmental advantages which not only benefit the The increased water recycling achieved by use of the K1 Pit
environment at the Marymia Mine Site but also have an impact resulted in a reduction in water requirements from the borefield
outside the immediate vicinity of the site. in the order of 400 000 000 litres per annum. Marymia is a small
operation relative to industry standards (0.6 Mtpa); in a larger
The direct benefits to the area immediately around the mine
include: operation (2.0 Mtpa), with similar pulp densities, reductions in
water demand could be expected to be in the order of 1.3 billion
1. storage of hazardous waste (Asbestiform materials); litres per annum.
2. reduction in areas of natural vegetation to be cleared to Sanders (1973) indicates that groundwater recharge to calcrete
provide alternative tailings storage facilities; aquifers, typical of the groundwater sources in the Marymia
Area, represents 5.2 per cent of the rainfall over the whole
3. no aesthetic impact, which is normally associated with
catchment. In areas where water is extracted from paleochannels,
above ground tailings storage facilities; and
ground water recharge is typically as low as 0.1 mm/yr over the
4. backfilling of pits which would otherwise collapse with catchment (Turner, Townley, Rosen and Milligan 1994). The
time. benefit to the environment of reducing the demand on local water
The direct benefits to areas beyond the mine include: resources cannot be overstated.
1. reduction in reagent consumption, which reduces the
external resource requirements of the project; Water quality/water monitoring
2. significant reduction in water resource requirements; and Contamination of the local groundwater is one of the major
considerations of in-pit disposal and a number of precautions
3. significant reduction in greenhouse gas production from have been taken to reduce the likelihood of such an occurrence.
burning diesel fuel to operate the borefield pumping Before in-pit disposal was considered, an analysis of the geology
system. and hydrogeology was conducted to determine the most likely
seepage paths. Monitoring bores were then installed around the
Environmental achievements perimeter of the pits and systematic analysis of water quality
commenced prior to tailings deposition. These monitoring bores
Handling of asbestiform material were designed such that in the event that monitoring indicated
the tailings water was having a detrimental effect on the
The nature of asbestos materials (fibrous actinolite and tremolite) groundwater, the monitoring bores could be used for water
requires that the tailings waste is stored wet or under a constant recovery with submersible pumps.
cover of water until finally covered by fresh earth at the
completion of tailings deposition. This has been consistently Rehabilitation
achieved from the commencement of tailings deposition and
material will be safely and permanently capped during the The under drainage system in the K1 Pit allows for continuous
rehabilitation process. removal of excess water from the tailings and promotes rapid
consolidation of the tailings. It is believed that upon the
completion of tailings deposition, the usual time required to
Water recycling allow the tailings to dry before rehabilitation, 12 to 24 months
Water balances were prepared for the three tailings facilities used depending on the salinity of the tailings, will be reduced by
at Marymia. TSF 1 is a conventional above ground facility, the approximately six months.
K1SE Pit is a small-scale inpit disposal system (without under
drainage) and the K1 Pit employed inpit disposal combined with Aesthetic impact of mining activities
under drainage. Table 2 details the results of the predicted water
The utilisation of an abandoned open pit for tailings disposal has
losses, from the water balance, and actual site measurements. dual aesthetic benefits.

PACRIM ‘99 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 119


At the completion of mining an open cut pit, the pit is bunded cent. This equates to additional gold revenue of
and left to naturally degrade. With the implementation of approximately $2.73 M over the six-year life of the facility
responsible inpit disposal, a pit can be filled or partially filled (based on $A420 dollars per ounce in January 1998).
back to the natural ground level. This reduces the need to clear
land and construct above ground tailings storage facilities. Maintenance costs
Economic benefits The K1 Pit storage requires very little maintenance, and is much
simpler and cheaper to operate than the multi-point spigotting
required for an above ground tailings storage facility. Table 5
Capital cost of tailings disposal shows maintenance costs for TSF 1 compared with maintenance
costs during a period of K1 disposal:
Table 3 presents a comparison, based upon the storage capacity
and capital costs (total construction costs, inclusive of ongoing
lifts) between TSF 1 and the K1 Pit. This table shows that the
cost of tailings disposal to the K1 Pit is ten times lower than the TABLE 5
cost of the above ground storage TSF 1. Maintenance costs.

Period Salaries, mechanical/electrical repairs

TABLE 3 and parts
Capital cost of tailings disposal.
1 Jul 96 - 31 Dec 96 $104 992
TSF 1 K1 Pit 1 Jul 97 - 31 Dec 97 $69 672
Construction cost ($) $2 000 000 $220 000
Capacity (dry tonnes) 2 400 000 3 654 000
Cost per dry tonne of $0.83 $0.06
tailings ($/t) Not only does the K1 storage have a capacity almost 1.5 times
larger than the original above ground storage but also the surface
area is over 2.5 times smaller than the original storage, resulting
in substantial rehabilitation savings (over four times less per
Pumping costs tonne of tailings). Table 6 details the estimated savings in
The reduced demand on the local water table (400 000 000 litres
per annum) means that pumping requirements from the borefield
(15 km from the plant) were reduced by 50 per cent. This equates TABLE 6
to some $480 000 over the six year life of the K1 Pit. Rehabilitation costs.

Gold revenue/reagent recycling TSF 1 K1 Pit

In a CIP/CIL gold plant the majority of the gold is leached from Surface area (m2) 250 000 93 000
the solid in the first 20 - 30 hours. The gold content of the Capacity (m3) 1.411 × 106 2.114 × 106
tailings slurry (whilst very low) is mainly associated with the fine Area per unit volume (m-1) 0.117 0.044
solids. Gold in the liquid can be recycled to the plant from a
Cost of rehabilitation $375 000 $139 500
paddock storage, however, the amount of evaporation in such a
facility means that most of the gold is locked up in the tailings Rehabilitation cost per dry $0.156 $0.038
indefinitely. tonne of tails
The K1 Inpit storage not only recycles the majority of the
water but analysis of gold concentrations shows that additional
gold is also leached from the solids due to the lengthy residence Summary of major savings
time of such a large facility (approximately four months).
A summary of the major savings estimated to total approximately
Table 4 details the observation/calculations made as at 31
$5.7 M over the 6.3 year life of the K1 Inpit tailings storage is
January 1998.
presented in Table 7.

Gold balance.
Based on the monitoring of the K1SE Pit and the K1 Pit, the
Tailings component Gold to storage Gold returned to following conclusions have been reached.
(grams) plant (grams)
1. To-date, the tailings management of the K1SE Pit and K1
Solution 2649 7935 Pit has met and exceeded commitments made by Resolute
Solid 25 056 n/a Resources Limited to the DEPWA.
2. The water recovery and resultant average dry densities
n/a - not available achieved have matched the expectations of Soil and Rock
Engineering and the storage life of both K1SE Pit and K1
Points to note from the observations/calculations are as Pit will exceed their design storage life.
follows: 3. Inpit tailings disposal in the K1SE Pit has proved to be very
• extra gold in solution has been leached from solids (21 per successful from the operator’s point of view and has
cent gold return from solids); and resulted in considerable savings in capital and operational
• overall gold return to the plant from tailings is over 28 per costs when compared to the above ground tailings storage
option. Savings comprise:

120 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 PACRIM ‘99


Capital cost reductions including DMEWA bonds and 4. In addition to the savings outlined above, revenue can be
construction costs AUD$1 780 000. generated in the form of additional gold, which would
Significant reductions in operating costs can be made in the normally not be recovered in the process plant, being
following areas: recovered from the tailings storage, additional revenue is
• borefield operation, savings estimated at estimated at AUD$2 730 000.
AUD$483 000; 5. The operation of both the K1SE Pit and the K1 Pit indicates
• maintenance, savings estimated at AUD$420 000; and that significant environmental and economic advantages
• recovery of process reagents, savings estimated at can be achieved through inpit tailings disposal.
AUD$37 800. The operators of the Marymia Gold Operation (Resolute
Rehabilitation costs are significantly less than comparable Limited and Titan Resources NL) have been awarded a
above ground tailings storage facilities savings estimated at Certificate of Merit for Environmental Excellence by the
AUD$235 500. Minister for Mines in Western Australia. The inscription on the
award states
Resolute Limited and Titan Resources NL are
TABLE 7 commended for the inpit tailings disposal
Major savings. undertaken at the Marymia Gold Mine. Extensive
investigation, innovation and design testwork
Cost area Saving was undertaken before adopting inpit tailings
Construction (initial and on-going) 1
$1 780 000 disposal at this site. This program has resulted in
environmental benefits such as filled pit voids,
Lime consumption2 $37 800
reduced vegetation disturbance, reduced
Rehabilitation on completion $235 500 groundwater extraction, and economic savings in
Additional gold recovered (revenue)3 $2 730 000 the construction, operation, and rehabilitation of
Pumping cost (fuel)4 $483 000
the tailings disposal facility. This program
demonstrates the benefits that may be derived
Maintenance savings $420 000 from inpit tailings disposal in appropriate
Total $5 700 000 circumstances.

1. Construction cost for the above ground storage is based on The assistance of Resolute Limited in supplying information for
initial cost plus all lifts required until completion of tailings the preparation of this paper is gratefully acknowledged.
deposition. Construction cost for the K1 storage is based on
initial cost as no further construction costs are anticipated. The information in this paper is originally from an informal
presentation prepared by Chris Lane (Soil and Rock
2. Lime consumption is based on a laboratory test using two 43 Engineering) and Gavin Fletcher (Resolute Limited). This paper
per cent pulp density solutions buffered to the average pH for has been significantly modified from the original presentation to
K1 Return water and Bore water. The difference was
incorporate additional information provided prior to the closing
calculated per tonne of ore and the savings were based upon
0.6 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) for 6.3 years. of the Marymia Gold Operation in February 1998.
3. Gold recovered is based upon 0.6 Mtpa operation with an
average head grade of 3.86 g/t and a recovery of 95 per cent in REFERENCES
the treatment plant. Based on 28 per cent of the gold, Turner, J, Townley, L, Rosen, M and Milligan, N, 1994. Groundwater
remaining in the tailings being recovered (as experienced to Recharge to Paleochannels in the Eastern Goldfields of Western
date), this equates to ~6500 ounces of gold at a nominal sale Australia, Water Down Under 1994, Adelaide, Australia, 514 p.
price of $A420 per ounce (January 1998). Sanders, C C, 1973. Hydrogeology of a Calcrete Deposit on Paroo
4. Savings in pumping costs are based upon the fuel costs for Station, Wiluna, and Surrounding Areas, West Australia Geol Survey
1996/1997 and an estimate that pumping requirements will be Annual Report, 1972, 24 p.
halved as a result of the water recycling achieved by the K1

PACRIM ‘99 Bali, Indonesia, 10 - 13 October 1999 121

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