Draft Policies and Guidelines For The Deployment of Pre Service Teachers Sept. 7 2020

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Republic of the Philippines ORDER No.

Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF



In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise known
as the “​Higher Education Act of 1994​,” and RA 9155, otherwise known as the ​“Governance of
Basic Education Act of 2001,” ​the following policies and guidelines are hereby adopted and


In the midst of a pandemic that has profoundly altered many aspects of life, the
continued effective delivery of education in all levels is, more than ever, of paramount
importance. It is imperative for teacher education institutions (TEIs) to respond positively to the
distinctive challenge and opportunity presented by the unusual circumstances surrounding AY
2020 – 2021 by delivering courses in innovative and flexible ways suitable to the context of
educational institutions, teachers, and students. Recently, the Commission on Higher Education
released the Guidelines on the Implementation of Flexible Learning (CHED Memorandum Order
No. __, s, 2020) to ensure continuity of learning at the tertiary level while DepEd issued an order
on the Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan FOR School Year 2020-2021 ​in
Light of the Covid-19 Public Health Emergency (DepEd Order No. 12, series of 2020). TEIs ​and
Cooperating Schools must continue to strive to sufficiently prepare the next batch of ​teachers to
teach in the post-pandemic, new normal environment. Hence, in addition to the ​current
preparations being undertaken to deliver courses by means of flexible modalities, the ​Field
Study and Practice Teaching courses also need to be redesigned in ways that are ​compatible
with the present situation. The need to shift from residential or face to face teaching ​to flexible
learning in higher education and learning delivery modalities in basic education to
ensure the health, safety and security of the teachers, students, pre- service teachers and other
stakeholders during the time of the pandemic is fundamental.

This set of guidelines for the academic year 2020-2021 covers pre-service teachers
taking the experiential learning courses under CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) 30, s. 2004
entitled “Revised Policies and Standards for Undergraduate Teacher Education Curriculum.”
Students taking Certificate in Professional Education or 30 units of education courses, including
practice teaching, should follow CMO 30, s. 2004 also. Students in the new curriculum (CMO 74
to 80 and 82, s. 2017) are only in their Third Year and will take Field Study and Teaching
Internship in AY 2021-2022.

TEIs are enjoined to implement the necessary modifications in the delivery of Teaching
Internship and Field Study given their context and available resources. However, Field Study
and Teaching Internship courses must be ​experiential​, using the different ​new normal ​learning
modalities; ​developmental through coaching and mentoring, and ​aligned with the Learning
Continuity Plan (LCP) and Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs).

In view of the risks posed by the ongoing pandemic, this supplemental policy on practice
teaching and field study of pre-service teachers shall abide by existing health protocols and
standards prescribed by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management on Emerging
Infectious Diseases (IATF), Department of Health (DOH), and other health and safety
regulations implemented by the HEI’s respective local government units. In any circumstances
that face-to-face contact would be permitted by relevant authorities, minimum public health
standards as stipulated in DOH Administrative Order No. 2020-0015 shall be strictly observed.

Furthermore, in order to promote the well-being of students and guarantee quality of ​their
learning and exposure and ensure their safety while undergoing internship, TEIs and
Cooperating Schools are advised to adhere to the requirements on Student Internship Program
in the Philippines per CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 104, series of 2017 and the
Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic Education Offices and School per DepEd
Order No. 014, series of 2020.


To promote coherence in understanding the present guidelines, the following are the
descriptions of key terminologies:

Classroom-Based Action Research (CBARs) – ​are research studies conducted by PTs in

their teaching internship. The CBARs may only focus on a specific teaching-learning process
identified by the PTs.

Coaching and Mentoring ​- are the support processes to prepare Field Study students and
practice teachers in the experiential learning program
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College Supervisors ​– are the faculty members assigned by the TEI to monitor, supervise, and
evaluate the FSS and PTs in their experiential learning courses.

Cooperating School ​- refers to the TEI partner school where Field Study and Teaching
Internship are undertaken

Cooperating Teachers (CTs) ​- are the selected educators who act as coaches and mentors of
PTs in their teaching internship program at the partner or laboratory school of a TEI

Experiential Learning Courses (ELC) - ​refers to the collective program Field Study and
Teaching Internship courses. It is a year-long engagement that supports that supports authentic
experiential learning from field study and actual classroom immersion of the prospective

Field Study Course ​- is the first experiential learning course which will immerse a future
teacher in an actual classroom situation and learning environment where direct observation of
teaching learning episodes that focuses on the application of educational theories learned in
content and pedagogy courses will be made. It allows teacher pre-service students to participate
and assist in a limited actual teaching-learning activities that relate to assessment of learning,
preparation of instructional materials, preparation of bulletin boards, and other routines in the

Field Study Students (FSS) ​– are pre-service teachers taking their Field Study courses in a
partner or laboratory school of a TEI

Flexible Learning - ​is the program by CHED that encompasses the different delivery modalities
for teaching and learning in the new normal

Learning Delivery Modality (LDM) ​- refers to the program that describes the different
teaching-learning modalities by the basic education schools such as online instruction
(synchronous/asynchronous), radio-based and television-based instruction, and other modalities

Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) ​– modified basic education curriculum

released by the Department of Education to address the present educational dilemma

New Normal ​- refers to the emerging behaviors, situations, and minimum public health
standards that will be institutionalized in common or routine practices and remain even after the
pandemic while the disease is not totally eradicated through means such as widespread
immunization. These include actions that will become second nature to the general public as
well as policies such as bans on large gatherings that will continue to remain in force (Omnibus
Guidelines On The Implementation Of Community Quarantine In The Philippines With
Amendments As Of June 03, 2020, Inter-agency Task Force For The Management Of Emerging
Infectious Diseases)
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Practice Teachers (PTs) ​- are pre-service teachers having their teaching internship programs
in a laboratory school of a TEI or in a partner cooperating school

Portfolio ​– is a purposeful documentation prepared by FSS and PTs that showcases their
learning experiences in the experiential learning courses. The online or softcopy version of the
said documents is referred to as electronic or e-portfolio.

Resource Teachers (RTs) ​– are the educators being observed by the FSS in a partner or
laboratory school of a TEI

Teacher Education Institution - ​refers to higher education institutions offering teacher

education programs

Teaching Internship ​- is a one semester full-time teaching internship in basic education schools
either in-campus or off-campus using a clinical approach under the mentorship of a cooperating


Several stakeholders as identified in the DepEd Order No. 3, S. 2007 entitled “New
Normal Guidelines in the Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on Experiential Learning: Field
Study and Teaching Internship” play important roles in the implementation of the ELC for
pre-service teachers. The present guidelines acknowledge that the said roles are still in effect
and are to be followed accordingly.

The present guidelines (CMO 74-80 and 82, series of 2017) stress that for Teaching
Internship, it is the responsibility of the assigned college supervisor to facilitate the activities,
monitor, and evaluate the performance of the PTs. For Field Study courses, the resource
teachers will only accommodate observations and interviews if needed. TEIs are still expected to
establish a Memorandum of Agreement with the Division Office where their partner schools

Cooperating public and private school principals, resource and cooperating teachers
must see to it that the tasks assigned to FSS and PTs are consistent with the objectives of the
Field Study and Teaching Internship courses and limited to the specific requirements and
activities of the courses. They should refrain from assigning tasks to the FSS and PTs ​which are
unrelated to their growth and development as would-be teachers.
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In the ​new normal,​ the following teaching-learning activities are expected in the experiential
learning courses. The adjustments on the tasks to be performed by FSS and the PTs are
presented in the table below.
Field Study Courses Teaching
Teaching-Learning Activities
Most Essential Learning b. Attending pre-observation
Competencies in actual and post-observation
1. Observation of Classes, teaching and reflecting on theseconferences with the
Pre-Observation and processes Cooperating Teacher and the
Post-Observation College Supervisor
c. Interviewing teachers on
Conferences c. Keeping a daily reflection
a. Viewing selected videos of lesson preparation in flexible journal.
demonstration lessons from learning and distance learning
YouTube and other sources delivery mode
and reflecting on the d. Attending pre-observation
teaching-learning activities and post-observation
using guide questions through conferences with the Resource
modules and worksheets Teacher and the College
b. Viewing videos involving Supervisor
teaching-learning e. Submitting anecdotal reports
on details during the
observation sessions
a. Observing the
teaching-learning process in
Flexible Learning and in
different Distance Learning
Delivery Modes (online,
radio-based instruction,
television-based instruction,
and other modalities) focusing
on the development of the
processes in different LDMs MELCs and reflecting on these
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focusing on the delivery of the processes
Teaching-Learning Activities
Field Study Courses Teaching
Internship 2. Class Routines ​a. Being oriented on
protocols for classes in the learning
modality employed by the
school a. Being oriented on protocols for classes
b. Viewing of video-recordings in the learning modality employed by the
of home-based learning school
routines b. Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in
c. Submitting anecdotal the preparation and implementation of
reports on details during the class guidelines for holding classes
observation sessions through distance learning modalities.
a. Assisting the Cooperating to him/her.
Teacher in the preparation of ● All modules will be provided
presentations and learning by the Cooperating School.
3. Preparation of Instructionalmaterials to be used in classes
Materials b. Developing contextualized
a. Compiling print and non-print instructional materials
materials from open appropriate for the
educational resources which demonstration teaching
are related to the lessons, modality
contextualized to the needs of
the students, and aligned with Note:
the MELCs
b. Accomplishing worksheets ● The practice teacher will not
reproduce or print DepEd
related to the development of
self-learning modules for the
instructional materials
students who will be assigned Page | 6
4. Class Activities ​a. Documenting and of a specific discipline
compiling class activities c. Accomplishing worksheets
which are related to the on observations of class
lessons, contextualized to activities
the needs of the students, a. Assisting the CTs in preparing class
and aligned with the MELCs activities
b. Analyzing how resource b. Facilitating LDM class activities with
teachers effectively use minimum supervision from the CTs
open educational resources c. Designing contextualized learning activities
including DepEd Commons aligned with the MELCs
to deliver the competencies

5. Assessment Practices
a. Compiling various
assessment materials used by
the resource teachers in the
implementation of their LDM
b. Accomplishing worksheets
on assessment procedures
a. Assisting the Cooperating
Teacher to create assessment
materials related to the
lessons, applicable to various
distance learning delivery
b. Designing templates for
various assessment tools with
suitable scoring rubrics
c. Designing templates for
reflection activities on the
teaching-learning process
d. Assisting the Cooperating
Teacher in checking students’
Teaching-Learning outputs

Activities​Field Study Courses Teaching Internship ​Page | 7

6. Demonstration Teaching demonstration teaching Cooperating Teacher

a. Observing PTs in their final
a. Preparing lesson plans, b. Conducting daily and final
demonstration teaching using study guides, modules, and demonstration teaching using
the LDM of the partner school teaching materials relevant to the LDM of the partner school
b. Accomplishing worksheets LDM of the partner school and
to reflect on the observed as required by the
b. Accomplish worksheets to
practice preparing school
7. School Forms ​a. Familiarization with forms
school forms and how to prepare a. Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in
them accomplishing school forms
other online professional

8. Networking and Linkages

a. Participating in webinars
and other online professional
a. Assisting the CTs in
parent-teacher conferences b.
Providing support by being

volunteer tutors as part of

auxiliary service in partner
c. Participating in local and Page | 8
international webinars and

Activities​Field Study Courses Teaching Internship

on the studied CBARs research with an audience
9. Classroom-Base d Action a. Conducting CBARs on a through any available platform
Research specific teaching-learning aread. Submitting the action
a. Doing professional readings b. Listing references used in research to the College
on different CBARs related to the CBARs following TEI Supervisor
the teaching-learning prescribed referencing or
processes citation styles
b. Preparing reflection papers c. Sharing results of the
● Compilation of
10. Portfolio ​a. Preparing of an electronic Worksheets
portfolio of various field ● Reflections on the field
study areas study areas observe
● Evidence of Learning
Note: a. Preparing an electronic portfolio of various
The e-portfolio for field studies teaching-learning
may contain the following: experiences and processes. This is to give
● Title (My Field Study emphasis on the process rather than output.
● Introduction Note:
● FSS Biography The e-portfolio must show the pre-service
● Beliefs on Teaching teacher’s developmental experiences in the
and Learning (Pre and Philippine Professional Standard for Teachers
Post) domains through the different learning
● Certificate of modalities in various contexts. The following
are the suggested contents for the e-portfolio ● Acknowledgements
for teaching internship:
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● Introduction
● Retrospection ● Curriculum Vitae of the PT
● Certificate of Completion
● Professional readings
● Weekly Journals
● Experiences, Evidence,
and Reflections on the
Different Philippine
Professional Standards for
Teachers (PPST) domains
o ​Domain 1, Content
Knowledge and
o ​Domain 2, Learning
o ​Domain 3, Diversity of
o ​Domain 4, Curriculum
and Planning
o ​Domain 5, Assessment
and Reporting
o ​Domain 6, Community
Linkages and
o ​Domain 7, Personal
Growth and Professional
● Teaching Philosophy as a
Beginning Teacher


TEIs must require Practice Teachers to submit a Medical Certificate, certifying their physical
and emotional fitness to undergo internship.

Aside from reviewing the tasks enumerated above, TEIs are encouraged to orient student
teachers on the tools and practices in the new normal such as social etiquette in a connected
world, cybersecurity in social media, and accessing content resources and tools in curating
learning materials. Also, policies, programs, and activities of both the DepEd and CHED related

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to (1) positive discipline; (2) online safety; (3) child protection; (4) anti-bullying; (5) and safe
school environment should be covered before student deployment.


Upon successful completion of the Field Study courses, the student will be awarded a
Certificate of Completion for Field Study by the cooperating school.

Upon successful completion of the Teaching Internship, the Practice Teacher will be
awarded a Certificate of Completion by the cooperating school. This certificate will be included
in his/her portfolio. An appropriate grade should also be issued by the cooperating teacher for
each individual Practice Teacher.


Evaluation tools for the Field Study and Teaching Internship courses shall be designed in line
with the implementation of these courses using the learning modalities employed by the
Cooperating School. TEIs are encouraged to contextualize their use of existing tools.


If any part or provision of these Policies and Guidelines shall be held unconstitutional or invalid,
other provisions hereof are not affected, thereby shall continue to be in full force and effect.


These Policies and Guidelines shall take effect immediately.

Quezon City, Philippine, ______, 2020 Pasig City, Philippines,______, 2020 For the

CHED: For the DEPED:



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CHED Memorandum Order No. __, series of 2020 - Guidelines on the Implementation of
Flexible Learning

CHED Memorandum Order No. 104, series of 2017 - Revised Guidelines for Student Internship
Program in the Philippines (SIPP) for All Programs

DepEd Order No. 03, series of 2007 - Guidelines in the Deployment of Pre-service Teachers on
Experiential Learning: Field Study and Practice Teaching

DepEd Order No. 14, series of 2020 - Guidelines on the Required Health Standards in Basic
Education Offices and Schools
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