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Paper 1 PDF
To cite this article: Gerry Larsson & Aida Alvinius (2020) Comparison within gender and
between female and male leaders in female-dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work
environments, Journal of Gender Studies, 29:7, 739-750, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2019.1638233
Department of Security, Strategy and Leadership, Swedish Defence University, Karlstad, Sweden; bFaculty of
Public Health, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Elverum, Norway
Criticism has been raised against much of the gender-oriented leadership research claiming that not
enough attention has been paid to the specific kind of work environment at hand. Is it, for example,
reasonable to assume dominance of stable gender-specific leadership behavior patterns in the military
(male-dominated), in healthcare (female-dominated) or in mixed-gender business organizations?
Contextual issues such as task profile or horizontal and vertical gender organizational structure and
culture are likely to exert an influence on leadership behavior (Alvinius, Krekula, & Larsson, 2018). Work
attractiveness is also likely to have an impact on recruitment and selection. High income and/or high
status jobs will, generally, attract more physically, psychologically and socially resourceful persons than
less attractive jobs (Gottesman & Hanson, 2005). It should also be mentioned that gender-segregated
working environments such as the male-dominated military and rescue organizations are, to
a considerable degree, due to the fact that physically demanding work has been allocated to, and
has attracted, men. This has, in a structured manner, excluded women (Ericson, 2011). Thus, both
individual and contextual factors have been shown to impact gender-related aspects of leadership.
The ambition in the present case was to study gender-related aspects of self-reported leader-
ship behaviors, based on an established leadership model and paying attention to different kinds
of work environments. The aim was twofold: (1) to compare the self-rated leadership behaviors of
women and men in female-dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments,
CONTACT Gerry Larsson [email protected] Swedish Defence University, Karlstad SE-65180, Sweden
This research was sponsored by the Swedish Defence University.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://, which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way.
and (2) to make within-gender comparisons of the self-rated leadership behaviors of women and
men in female-dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments.
Theoretical background
The last few decades have seen a sharp rise in gender-oriented leadership research (Ayman &
Korabik, 2010; Bass & Bass, 2008; Burke & Collins, 2001; Carli & Eagly, 2011; Glass & Cook, 2016; Hoyt
& Murphy, 2015). Various theoretical perspectives have been used as points of departure, including
genetics-based studies (Chaturvedi, Zyphur, Arvey, Avolio, & Larsson, 2012), intelligence and
personality-oriented research (Judge, Bono, Ilies, & Gerhardt, 2002; Judge, Colbert, & Ilies, 2004)
and social constructivist approaches (Eagly & Carli, 2007).
Another common theme in gender-oriented leadership research is the stereotype construct
which implies that members of a certain group, for instance women or men, are expected to share
characteristics and exhibit behaviors that are typical of their group (Corsini, 1999; Hoyt & Murphy,
2015). It has repeatedly been shown that people expect men to be agentic – assertive, dominant,
competent and authoritative, and women to be communal – warm, supportive, kind and helpful
(Bem, 1974; Carli & Eagly, 2011). Drawing on the transformational leadership model (Bass & Riggio,
2006), it was recently claimed that women behave more transformationally and men more con-
trolling/transactionally (Alvesson, Blom, & Svenningsson, 2016).
However, the generality of this in leadership contexts has begun to be questioned (Duehr & Bono,
2006; Eklund, Barry, & Grunberg, 2017). Thus, other researchers have shown that there are no significant
differences between female and male public managers. Regardless of whether there is a female or male
majority of employees or a female or male majority of managers, no effect on leadership behavior
occurs (Aarum Andersen & Hansson, 2011). To further illustrate, using Bem’s (1974) Sex Role Inventory,
Donnelly and Twenge (2017) showed that women’s self-reports of masculinity rose significantly from
1974 to 2012, with no significant change in self-reported femininity. Men’s masculinity and femininity
scores remained constant during this broader time frame. Women’s androgyny scores have signifi-
cantly increased since 1974 (but not since 1993), whereas men’s androgyny scores remained constant.
Thus, what appears to have happened, at least at the general population level, is that women have
increased their degree of masculinity, while no corresponding increase of femininity has occurred
among men. Thus, findings are mixed.
Existing research shows that, on a general level, organizational life and culture interact with
leadership styles for both men and women (Brown, 1997). Leaders’ socialization processes in organiza-
tions are influenced by culture and relationships, policies and procedures, etc (Schein, 1992). However,
the field of within- and between-gender comparisons of leadership behaviors in different kinds of work
environments appears to be under-researched.
Leadership styles
Exemplary, authentic model
Value base, role model and responsibility
Individualized consideraon
DEVELOPMENTAL Support and confront
Inspiration and motivation
Promote participation and creativity
External environment
Desirable competencies
Task-related competence
competence Organizaon
Social competence Structure
Stress management Regulations
Power distribution
Basic prerequsites
Physical Group
Psychological Structure
View-of-life Processes
Figure 1. The Leadership Model (Larsson et al., 2018, reprinted with permission from Studentlitteratur AB).
organizational culture and structure. As shown in Figure 1, the model presents three different types
of leadership styles: developmental leadership, conventional leadership and destructive leadership.
Each of these leadership styles has a hierarchical model structure including factors, e.g. Exemplary,
authentic model, sub-factors, e.g. Value base, and multiple behaviors at the lowest level (the last-
mentioned not shown in Figure 1). The model also describes a relationship between different types
of leadership behaviors, where leaders differ in that they exhibit these behaviors at different
frequencies. Hence the model should not be regarded as a typology classifying leaders into
different categories. All leaders use the various styles to a greater or lesser extent. The different
types of leadership styles are placed in a coordinate system with the axes representing organiza-
tional performance and individual development. Organizational performance relates to more
objective outcomes measures, such as productivity and sick leave. Individual development relates
to the leader gradually using developmental leadership behaviors more and more, which subse-
quently also results in individual development in the organization (Larsson et al., 2003, 2018).
The argument for choosing the leadership model is that it draws on the most wide-spread
leadership model in leading scientific journals over the last decades, the transformational leadership
model (Bass & Riggio, 2006; Diaz-Sáenz, 2011), and partly also on the authentic leadership model
(Gardner, Avolio, & Walumbwa, 2005). In addition to this, the root of the model in the interactional
person-situation paradigm (Endler & Magnusson, 1976), and the Scandinavian adaptation of the
original American models, were also regarded as strengths making the model an appropriate point of
departure for a gender-oriented leadership study in Sweden (Larsson et al., 2018).
The sample consisted of all leaders participating in Developmental Leadership courses conducted
by trainers authorized by the Swedish Defence University from July 2017 to May 2018 (N = 1807).
Prior to these courses, each leader rated him- or herself on the Developmental Leadership
Questionnaire (DLQ, Larsson, 2006). The leaders (course participants) accessed the DLQ via a web-
based link. The response rate is estimated as 100 per cent as the leadership courses use the
participants’ responses as a point of departure.
Before responding to the questionnaire, participants are informed that their responses may be
used anonymously for research purposes. They can then choose to agree to this or not, without
this having an effect of their leadership course. In the present case everyone agreed. The study was
carried out in accordance with the ethical principles of human research (Swedish Research Council
Vetenskapsrådet, 2002), i.e. the principle of respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence
and justice.
Background data (%) for the study group is presented in Table 1.
Table 1 is divided by gender and type of work environment. The basis of the differentiation of
type of work environment was empirical; i.e. the actual proportion of men and women in a given
work environment in the present study group (the proportion of women within each type is shown
below). Female-dominated work environments consist of participants working in healthcare and
schools/education (77% women). Male- dominated environment is built up by participants from
the armed forces, the police, the rescue services and from industry/production (24% women). The
category labelled mixed-gender consists of participants who endorsed one of the response alter-
natives ‘other service sector’ or ‘other’ 55% women). The table shows that within the groups of
women and men respectively, the background variables age, education, position, and organization
size vary significantly across the three types of work environments.
The Developmental Leadership Questionnaire (DLQ; Larsson, 2006) was used to assess leadership
behaviors. Developmental leadership is a leadership style with 21 items designed to measure the
three factors: Exemplary, authentic model, Individualized consideration and Inspiration and moti-
vation. Sample item: ‘I act in accordance with the opinions I express.’ Conventional-positive
leadership is a leadership style measured using six items covering the facets Demand and reward –
seek agreements and Control – take necessary measures. Sample item: ‘I aim to reach agreements
on what must be done.’ The factor Conventional-negative leadership is also assessed using six
items, measuring the two facets: Demand and reward – if, but only if, reward and Control –
overcontrol, respectively. Sample item: ‘I keep a log of other people’s mistakes.’ The Destructive
leadership style finally, consists of 17 items design to measure the two factors Active destructive
leadership and Passive destructive leadership (incorporated into the DLQ from the instrument
Destrudo-L, Larsson, Fors Brandebo, & Nilsson, 2012). Sample item: ‘I avoid making necessary
decisions’. A detailed description of the leadership dimensions, factors and facets can be found
in Larsson et al. (2018).
Respondents are asked to judge how frequently they engage in the specific behavior described
by each item. Each behavior is rated on a nine-point frequency scale ranging from Never, or almost
never (1) to Always, or almost always (9). Scale scores were computed by adding the raw scores of
the items representing the scale and dividing the sum by the number of items (scale scores could
range from 1 to 9). Reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) was computed on each scale for the whole sample
as well as for men and women separately within each of the three types of work environments. All
coefficients were satisfactory, for the whole sample they turned out as follows – Developmental
leadership: 0.96, Conventional-positive leadership: 0.89 Conventional-negative leadership: 0.85 and
Destructive leadership: 0.92.
Comparisons between women and men were performed using t-tests. Within-gender comparisons
across the three types of work-environment were carried out using one-way analysis-of variance
followed by Scheffé tests, the most conservative post-hoc comparison method with respect to Type
I errors. Chi-square computations were performed to assess differences in proportions on categorical
background variables. Statistical significance was assumed at p < .05. When scale indices were
computed (see above), only participants with complete scores on all items in a given index were
included (listwise deletion). Following from this, the numbers of participants shown in Tables 2 and 3
are slightly lower than what is presented in Table 1.
Comparisons between women and men within different types of work environments
Table 2 shows that the mean scores of men and women differ significantly on all four leadership
behavior scales in female-dominated work environments. Thus, women score higher on develop-
mental leadership and conventional-positive leadership, while men score higher on conventional-
negative leadership and destructive leadership. Similar, but less clear results are obtained in the
mixed-gender work environments (the gender difference on the scale designed to measure
destructive leadership behaviors was not statistically significant). In the male-dominated type of
work environment only one statistically significant mean difference was found, men scored higher
on the conventional-negative leadership factor.
Table 2. Means, standard deviations and gender comparisons (t-tests) within different types of work, environments.
Women Men
(n = 674) (n = 203)
Variablea M SD M SD t p
Developmental leadership 7.26 0.73 7.05 0.79 3.28 .001
Conventional positive leadership 7.43 0.78 7.13 0.93 4.53 .000
Conventional negative leadership 1.68 0.76 2.02 0.98 −5.06 .000
Destructive leadership 1.67 0.61 1.83 0.65 −3.05 .002
Women Men
(n = 132) (n = 443)
Variablea M SD M SD t p
Variablea M SD M SD t p
Table 3. Means, standard deviations and within gender comparisons (One-way Analysis of Variance) of self-rated leadership
behavior in female-dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments.
Female-dominated Male-dominated Mixed gender
(n = 674) (n = 132) (n = 228)
Variablea M SD M SD M SD F p Scheffé 2
Developmental leadership 7.26 0.73 7.03 0.92 7.23 0.76 4.30 .014 A
Conventional positive leadership 7.43 0.78 7.29 0.95 7.29 0.81 3.57 .029
Conventional negative leadership 1.68 0.76 1.95 0.88 1.73 0.79 6.65 .001 A, C
Destructive leadership 1.67 0.66 1.81 0.51 1.73 0.61 3.10 .046 A
Female-dominated Male-dominated Mixed gender
(n = 203) (n = 443) (n = 188)
Variablea M SD M SD M SD F p Scheffé 2
Developmental leadership 7.05 0.79 7.02 0.81 7.06 0.78 0.17 .843
Conventional positive leadership 7.13 0.93 7.31 0.83 7.11 0.86 5.00 .007 A, C
Conventional negative leadership 2.01 0.98 2.19 1,03 1.88 0.72 7.12 .001 C
Destructive leadership 1.83 0.65 1.79 0,67 1.83 0.63 0.31 .733
Scores could range from 1 (lowest frequency) to 9 (highest frequency).
A = Significant difference between female-dominated and male-dominated work environments (p < .0,5).
C = Significant difference between male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments (p < .0,5).
The first aim was to compare the self-rated leadership behaviors of women and men in female-
dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments. The results in female-
dominated work environments were clear – women rated themselves higher on developmental
leadership and conventional-positive leadership, while men rated themselves higher on conventional-
negative leadership and destructive leadership. The only difference found in male-dominated work
environments was that men rated themselves higher on conventional-negative leadership. In the
mixed-gender work environments, the results resembled those obtained in the female-dominated
settings. However, there was no significant difference on the destructive leadership scale in the mixed-
gender case. The mean score among women on this scale in mixed-gender work environments was
actually higher than the women’s mean score in female-dominated work environments (although the
difference was not statistically significant). If a higher proportion of men lowers the threshold for
women to use destructive leadership behaviors could be a topic for further research.
Further subgroup analyses of potential confounding effects of age and organizational management
level mainly confirmed the presented overall picture. The lower number of statistically significant
differences in the subgroup analyses can, at least partly, be explained by smaller sample sizes.
The second aim was to make within-gender comparisons of the self-rated leadership behaviors of
women and men in female-dominated, male-dominated and mixed-gender work environments.
Beginning with women, a clear picture emerged. In female-dominated work environments (as com-
pared to male-dominated work environments), female leaders reported more use of developmental
and conventional-positive leadership behaviors and less use of conventional-negative and destructive
leadership behaviors. These findings are in line with previous research (Burke & Collins, 2001; Hoyt,
Simon, & Reid, 2009; Merchant, 2012). The result in mixed-gender work environments resembled that
obtained in female-dominated work-settings. The relationship between type of work environment and
men’s self-reported leadership was less clear. Male leaders used more conventional-positive leadership,
as well as more conventional-negative leadership, in male-dominated work settings. Among male
leaders, no differences between work environments were found on the scales designed to measure
developmental leadership and destructive leadership respectively.
How can these results be understood? The results in the female-dominated and mixed-gender
work environments are in line with previous claims that women use more transformational and less
transactional/controlling leadership behaviors (Alvesson, Blom, & Svenningsson, 2016). The findings
in these two kinds of work environments could also be interpreted as indicating that women
leaders do not lack confidence in their leadership role, which contradicts the stereotype image that
women tend to underestimate themselves. The results in the male-dominated work settings on the
other hand, are in agreement with the finding that there is no gender difference in leadership
behaviors (Aarum Andersen & Hansson, 2011).
The mean scores of women differed on all four leadership scales across the three types of work
environments, while the means among men only differed on two of the scales. This could be be
interpreted as indicating that women leaders have a higher sensitivity for the interpersonal aspects
of the work environment and that they have a higher ability for flexibility in adopting different
leadership approaches depending on context.
Stereotypes say that men can be expected to be more instrumentally-oriented, dominant and
authoritative, and women are supposed to be more expressively-oriented, supportive and helpful
(Carli & Eagly, 2011). This would be more in line with the results obtained within the female-
dominated and mixed-gender work environments, but it does not fit with the within-gender results
differences across the different types of work settings. This supports the importance of paying
attention to different kinds of work environments in this type of research.
A different attempt to understand the results is to relate them to the characteristics of female-
dominated and male-dominated work environments. In the present case, the female-dominated
workplaces consisted of healthcare organizations and schools. These environments have a strong
humanistic and interpersonal emphasis. The participants from the male-dominated settings were
mainly recruited from the military and from industry/production organizations. At least historically,
these types of work environments have had a stronger functional and command-oriented empha-
sis. So, it seems reasonable to assume that the results can be understood from an organizational
culture perspective (cf. Brown, 1997; Schein, 1992). But probably only partly, the selection hypoth-
esis cannot be ruled out. This hypothesis states that certain personality types are attracted to
certain kinds of jobs among both women and men, and that this could explain the results.
Unfortunately, no assessment was made of personality, so we are left with the conclusion that
societal and organizational aspects, as well as individual personality-oriented aspects, could
account for the results (cf. the interactional person-situation paradigm, Endler & Magnusson, 1976).
Still a different way to look at the results is to relate it to ongoing changes in society and the labor
market at large. Sweden is ranked as one of the most gender equal countries in the world (European
Institute for Gender Equality, 2017; United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2010). In 2015,
the Swedish Government stated that it was the first feminist government in the world (Swedish
Government, 2015). The average proportion of female managers in all sectors is nearly 40%
(Statistics Sweden, 2016) and this is rising rapidly (Confederation of Swedish Enterprises, 2017).
Given this, it seems reasonable that the old stereotype ‘think manager – think male’ (Schein, 2001) is
beginning to become outdated (see also the cross-temporal change reported by Donnelly & Twenge,
2017). A richness of research shows that developmental and conventional-positive leadership beha-
viors covary with various favorable individual and organizational outcomes (Bass & Riggio, 2006; Diaz-
Sáenz, 2011). Even stronger support showing that destructive leadership covaries with negative out-
comes is available (Einarsen, Aasland, & Skogstad, 2007; Larsson et al., 2012; Skogstad, Einarsen,
Torsheim, Aasland, & Hetland, 2007). To the degree that women as a group act more in line with
these general research findings than men, as partly shown in the current study, it can actually be
assumed at the group level that women’s leadership behaviors are more effective from an organiza-
tional point of view. In addition to organizational effectiveness, it has also been shown in a large-scale,
multi-level study that a higher proportion of women at higher organizational levels is associated with
less gender segregation (Stainback, Kleiner, & Skaggs, 2015).
Study strengths include a fairly large sample and the use of a theory-based assessment tool of
high reliability. The comparison of three different types of work environments is also a strength.
However, it should be noted that the environment type division is broad and rough. Working in
a healthcare organization can, for instance, mean that you are director of a university hospital, head
of a small ward or an HR unit manager. Unfortunately, we do not have this kind of detailed data.
Another shortcoming is that the study is based on self-ratings only, collected at one point in
time. Ratings made by superiors, peers and subordinates would be desirable as well as more
objective data. Thus, more detailed data on the participants’ actual jobs within a given work sector,
as well as data from more sources than self-ratings, form our main suggestions for further research.
Still another limitation following from the selected aspect of potential empirical data, is that we
have no information on expectations and demands on female and male leaders – self-imposed or
in the eye of significant others (cf. Glass & Cook, 2016; Hoyt & Murphy, 2015; Merchant, 2012).
One practical implication is to use the empirical results of this study in general leadership
educational contexts and in individualized coaching or mentoring programs. A second implication
is related to recruitment and selection. The present results could serve as a basis for critical
reevaluation negative attitudes towards women in recruitment and selection processes. The female
leaders in the present study used more developmental (transformational) leadership than their
male peers and this leadership style has repeatedly been associated with favorable organizational
outcomes (Bass & Bass, 2008; Burke & Collins, 2001; Lam, 2016). A third and final implication is
a need to explore and take action against a higher frequency of negative leadership behaviors,
among both female and male leaders, in male-dominated work environments.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Notes on contributors
Gerry Larsson (Ph.D., University of Gothenburg, Sweden) is a licensed psychologist and Professor of Leadership
Psychology at the Swedish Defence University. During 2004–2009 he also served as Vice President of the university.
He has published more than 160 journal articles, 85 books or chapters in books, and more than 500 research reports.
Aida Alvinius (Ph.D., Karlstad University, Sweden) is Associate Professor and a University Lecturer in the Department of
Security, Strategy and Leadership, Swedish Defence University. She has published articles, chapters in books, and
research reports within the field of organisation, leadership and gender.
Aida Alvinius
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