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OOH740, OOHC740 Automatic Fire Detectors: Technical Manual

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OOH740, OOHC740

Automatic fire detectors

Technical Manual

A6V10305793_r_en_-- Smart Infrastructure


Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.

Transmittal, reproduction, dissemination and/or editing of this document as well as

utilization of its contents and communication thereof to others without express
authorization are prohibited. Offenders will be held liable for payment of damages.
All rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility model or design patent
are reserved.

Issued by:
Siemens Switzerland Ltd.
Smart Infrastructure
Global Headquarters
Theilerstrasse 1a
CH-6300 Zug
Tel. +41 58 724-2424

Edition: 2019-08-12
Document ID: A6V10305793_r_en_--

© Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2010

2 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Table of contents
1 About this document................................................................................. 7
1.1 Applicable documents .............................................................................. 9
1.2 Download center....................................................................................... 9
1.3 Technical terms ........................................................................................ 10
1.4 History of changes.................................................................................... 10

2 Safety ....................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Intended use............................................................................................. 13
2.2 Safety notes.............................................................................................. 13
2.3 Safety regulations for the method of operation......................................... 15
2.4 Standards and directives complied with ................................................... 17
2.5 Release Notes .......................................................................................... 17

3 Structure and function .............................................................................. 18

3.1 Overview................................................................................................... 18
3.1.1 Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA OOH740 .............................. 19
3.1.2 Neural fire detector OOHC740 ................................................... 20
3.1.3 Features of fire detection functionality ........................................ 21
3.1.4 Features of the 'Technical CO Alarm' ......................................... 23
3.1.5 Features of the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' ........ 25
3.1.6 Details for ordering ..................................................................... 25
3.1.7 Product version ES ..................................................................... 26
3.2 Setup ........................................................................................................ 27
3.2.1 Structure of OOH740 .................................................................. 27
3.2.2 Structure of OOHC740 ............................................................... 29
3.3 Function.................................................................................................... 32
3.3.1 Parameter sets ........................................................................... 32 Parameter sets for fire detection ....................................... 33 Parameter sets for 'Technical CO Alarm' .......................... 36
3.3.2 Danger levels and warning levels ............................................... 37 Danger levels for fire detection ......................................... 37 Warning levels for CO ....................................................... 38 Danger levels for 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message'........................................................................... 38
3.3.3 Diagnosis levels .......................................................................... 39
3.3.4 Line separator ............................................................................. 39
3.3.5 Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 ............................ 40
3.3.6 External alarm indicator in the case of ES <20........................... 40
3.3.7 Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the case
of ES ≥20 .................................................................................... 42
3.3.8 Connection for external alarm indicators .................................... 44
3.3.9 Renovation mode........................................................................ 44
3.3.10 Test mode ................................................................................... 45
3.3.11 Behavior in degraded mode........................................................ 46
3.3.12 Line tester ................................................................................... 46
3.4 Mechanical setup...................................................................................... 47
3.5 Accessories .............................................................................................. 48
3.5.1 Detector base with loop contact DB721...................................... 48
3.5.2 Detector base DB722 ................................................................. 49
3.5.3 Detector base DB721D ............................................................... 50
3.5.4 Detector base (collective) DB110 ............................................... 51

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 3 | 118
3.5.5 Sounder base DBS720 ............................................................... 51
3.5.6 Designation plate FDBZ291........................................................ 52
3.5.7 Detector base seal RS720 .......................................................... 52
3.5.8 Base attachment BA720 ............................................................ 52
3.5.9 Base attachment wet BA721 ...................................................... 53
3.5.10 Designation plate DBZ1193A ..................................................... 53
3.5.11 Detector heating unit FDBH291 .................................................. 53
3.5.12 Protective cage DBZ1194 ........................................................... 54
3.5.13 Detector locking device LP720 ................................................... 54
3.5.14 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA ....................................................... 54
3.5.15 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB.............................................. 55
3.5.16 Parameter set resistor 33 kΩ PSR720-1 .................................... 55
3.5.17 Parameter set resistance 68 kΩ PSR720-2................................ 55

4 Planning.................................................................................................... 56
4.1 Compatibility ............................................................................................. 56
4.2 Fire detection............................................................................................ 57
4.2.1 Ambient features......................................................................... 57
4.2.2 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 0 'Neural fire detector' ................ 58 Description ........................................................................ 58 Use.................................................................................... 60 Specification...................................................................... 61
4.2.3 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 1 'Heat detector' ......................... 62
4.2.4 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 2 'Smoke detector' ..................... 63 Description ........................................................................ 63 Use.................................................................................... 64 Specification...................................................................... 64
4.2.5 Parameter sets for collective operation ...................................... 65 Description ........................................................................ 65 Use.................................................................................... 65 Specification...................................................................... 66
4.2.6 Default settings for operating on the C-NET ............................... 67
4.2.7 Setting the parameter set in collective operation........................ 68
4.2.8 Sample applications for OOH740 ............................................... 69
4.2.9 Sample applications for OOHC740............................................. 70
4.3 Technical CO alarm.................................................................................. 71
4.3.1 Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm'.............................. 71 Description ........................................................................ 71 Use.................................................................................... 72 Specification...................................................................... 73 Default settings ................................................................. 74 Application examples ........................................................ 74
4.3.2 Ambient features......................................................................... 75
4.4 Technical Ambient Supervision Message................................................. 76
4.4.1 Ambient features......................................................................... 76 Temperature monitoring.................................................... 78 CO monitoring ................................................................... 78
4.4.2 Configuration .............................................................................. 79
4.4.3 Default settings ........................................................................... 79

5 Mounting / Installation............................................................................... 80
5.1 Required space ........................................................................................ 80
5.2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110 ................... 81
5.3 Sounder base DBS720............................................................................. 83
5.4 Detector base seal RS720........................................................................ 84

4 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
5.5 Base attachment BA720........................................................................... 85
5.6 Base attachment wet BA721 .................................................................... 87
5.7 Detector locking device LP720 ................................................................. 89
5.8 Designation plate FDBZ291 ..................................................................... 90
5.9 Cable entry ............................................................................................... 91
5.9.1 Auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-AA/-AB ......................................... 92
5.10 Detector lines............................................................................................ 93
5.10.1 Connection diagram, addressed ................................................. 93
5.10.2 Connection diagram, collective ................................................... 95
5.11 Detector dust cap ..................................................................................... 97
5.12 Detector heating unit FDBH291................................................................ 98
5.12.1 Installation of the detector heating unit ....................................... 98
5.12.2 Connection of the detector heating unit ...................................... 99
5.13 Migration from collective detector line to addressed detector line............ 100
5.13.1 Removing the diode unit ............................................................. 101

6 Commissioning ......................................................................................... 102

6.1 Commissioning on the C-NET .................................................................. 102
6.2 Commissioning on a collective detector line............................................. 102

7 Maintenance / Repair ............................................................................... 103

7.1 Performance check................................................................................... 103
7.2 Testing the point detector ......................................................................... 103
7.2.1 Test mode on the control panel .................................................. 104
7.2.2 Testing the fire detection functionality ........................................ 105
7.2.3 Testing the CO functionality (only for OOHC740)....................... 105
7.2.4 Testing the functionality of the 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message'..................................................................................... 106 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' performance
check................................................................................. 106

8 Specifications ........................................................................................... 107

8.1 Technical data for OOH740...................................................................... 107
8.2 Technical data for OOHC740 ................................................................... 110
8.3 Dimensions............................................................................................... 112
8.4 Environmental compatibility...................................................................... 112

Index................................................................................................................... 113

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About this document

1 About this document

Goal and purpose
This document contains all the information you'll need on automatic fire detectors
● OOH740
● OOHC740
Following the instructions consistently will ensure that the product can be used
safely and without any problems.

Target groups
The information in this document is intended for the following target groups:
Target group Activity Qualification
Product Manager ● Is responsible for information ● Has obtained suitable specialist
passing between the manufacturer training for the function and for the
and regional company. products.
● Coordinates the flow of information ● Has attended the training courses
between the individual groups of for Product Managers.
people involved in a project.
Project Manager ● Coordinates the deployment of all ● Has obtained suitable specialist
persons and resources involved in training for the function and for the
the project according to schedule. products.
● Provides the information required to ● Has attended the training courses
run the project. for Project Managers.
Project engineer ● Sets parameters for product ● Has obtained suitable specialist
depending on specific national and/ training for the function and for the
or customer requirements. products.
● Checks operability and approves ● Has attended the training courses
the product for commissioning at for Product Engineer.
the place of installation.
● Is responsible for troubleshooting.
Installation personnel ● Assembles and installs the product ● Has received specialist training in
components at the place of the area of building installation
installation. technology or electrical installations.
● Carries out a function check
following installation.
Maintenance personnel ● Carries out all maintenance work. ● Has obtained suitable specialist
● Checks that the products are in training for the function and for the
perfect working order. products.
● Searches for and corrects

Source language and reference document

● The source/original language of this document is German (de).
● The reference version of this document is the international version in English.
The international version is not localized.

Document identification
The document ID is structured as follows:
ID code Examples
ID_ModificationIndex_Language_COUNTRY A6V10215123_a_de_DE
-- = multilingual or international A6V10215123_a_en_--

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 7 | 118
About this document

Date format
The date format in the document corresponds to the recommendation of
international standard ISO 8601 (format YYYY-MM-DD).

Conventions for text marking

Special markups are shown in this document as follows:

⊳ Requirement for a behavior instruction

1.  Behavior instruction with at least two operation sequences
      – Version, option, or detailed information for a behavior instruction
      ⇨ Intermediate result of a behavior instruction
⇨ End result of a behavior instruction
● Numbered lists and behavior instructions with an operation
[➙ X] Reference to a page number
'Text' Quotation, reproduced identically
<Key> Identification of keys
> Relation sign and for identification between steps in a sequence,
e.g., 'Menu bar' > 'Help' > 'Help topics'
↑ Text Identification of a glossary entry
Supplementary information and tips

The 'i' symbol identifies supplementary information and tips for an easier way of

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About this document
Applicable documents

1.1 Applicable documents

Document ID Name
008250 Technical Manual Line tester FDUL221
009122 Technical manual Input/output module (transponder)
A6V10200373 Installation Detector base with loop contact DB721,
DB722, detector base DB720, sounder base DBS720,
detector base seal RS720, detector locking device
LP720, base attachment BA720
A6V10201731 Installation Detector exchanger DX791, adapter for
detector exchanger FDUD491
A6V10203222 Data Sheet Testequipment and accessories FDUL221,
DX791, RE6, RE7T, RE8ST, RE8STCO, FDUM29x,
LE3, StabexHF
A6V10210416 FS720 Fire detection system - Commissioning,
Maintenance, Troubleshooting
A6V10210424 FS720 Fire detection system - Configuration
A6V10229261 List of compatibility (for 'Cerberus™ PRO' product line)
A6V10254740 Operating instructions Solo461 heat detector tester kit
A6V10284161 Data sheet Automatic fire detectors OOH740,
A6V10316300 Installation Detector base (collective) DB110, DB110D,
DB110R, DB110RD, detector base seal RS720,
detector locking device LP720, base attachment BA720
A6V10323905 Installation Detector base DB721D, detector base seal
RS720, detector locking device LP720
A6V10387053 Installation RE8ST Testifire 1001-101 ST test kit,
RE8STCO Testifire 2001-101 STCO test kit
A6V10406006 Installation Base attachment wet BA721, Detector
designation plate DBZ1193A, Protective cage
DBZ1194, EMC-protective cage FDBZ294
A6V10882301 List of compatibility (for 'FC360' product line)

Please also observe the documentation for your fire detection system.

1.2 Download center

You can download various types of documents, such as data sheets, installation
instructions, and license texts via the following Internet address:
l Enter the document ID in the search field.

You will also find information about search variants and links to mobile
applications (apps) for various systems on the home page.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 9 | 118
About this document
1 Technical terms

1.3 Technical terms

Term Explanation
AI Alarm indicator
ASA (ASAtechnology ) Advanced Signal Analysis
CO Carbon monoxide
EAI External alarm indicator
EOL End-of-line
ES Product version
C-NET Addressed detector line
IAI Internal alarm indicator
LED Light-emitting diode
MAK value Maximum concentration at the workplace: maximum
permissible concentration of a toxic substance in the air
at the workplace

1.4 History of changes

The reference document's version applies to all languages into which the reference
document is translated.

The first edition of a language version or a country variant may, for example, be
version 'd' instead of 'a' if the reference document is already this version.

The table below shows this document's revision history:

Version Edition date Brief description
r 2019-08-12 ● Chapter 'Parameter sets for fire detection'
● Chapter 4.2.x 'Specification': Parameter sets, standards
● Chapter 4.3.1. 'Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm'': Standards
● Chapter 8.1 'Technical data for OOH740': EMC, standards
q 2018-10-11 ● 'Mounting of the detector heating unit' chapter corrected
p 2017-10-31 ● DBZ1190-AB: Conductor cross-section adapted (0.5…2.5 mm )
o 2016-11-15 ● 'Applicable documents', 'Test mode', and 'Testing point detector' chapters:
RE8ST and RE8STCO detector testers added
● Compatibility with fire detection system FC360 added
● Editorial adjustments
n 2016-03-23 ● Corrections in the 'Line separator' chapter

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About this document
Technical terms

Version Edition date Brief description

m 2016-02-15 ● Intended use added
● Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators added
● Additions to the 'Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110'
● EMC-protective cage FDBZ294 removed as accessory part
● Temperature ranges for 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' corrected
● Editorial changes
● Changes in the following chapters:
– 'Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA OOH740'
– 'Neural fire detector OOHC740'
– 'Structure of OOHC740'
– 'Parameter sets for fire detection'
– 'Behavior in degraded mode operation'
– 'Line separator'
– 'External alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 (OOH740 and OOHC740)'
– 'Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the case of ES ≥20
(OOH740 and OOHC740)'
– 'Detector base DB722'
– 'Compatibility'
– 'Fire detection' > 'Specification'
– 'Parameter sets: Sensor mode 0 'Neural fire detector' ' > 'Description'
– 'Parameter sets: Sensor mode 0 'Neural fire detector' ' > 'Application'
– 'Parameter sets: Sensor mode 2 'Smoke detector' > 'Description'
– 'Parameter sets: Sensor mode 2 'Smoke detector > 'Application'
– 'Parameter sets for collective operation' > 'Specification'
– 'Default settings for operating on the C-NET'
– 'Sample applications for OOH740'
– 'Sample applications for OOHC740'
– 'Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm' ' > 'Description'
– 'Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm' ' > 'Specification'
– 'Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm' ' > 'Sample applications'
– 'Technical 'Ambient Supervision' Message' > 'Ambient features'
– 'Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110'
– 'Base attachment BA720'
– 'Connection diagram, addressed'
– 'Connection diagram, collective'
– 'Migration from collective detector line to addressed detector line'
– 'Testing the fire detection functionality'
– 'Testing the CO functionality'
– ' 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' function check'
– 'Technical data'
● 'Danger levels for 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' ' chapter
l 2014-05-08 Data sheet in 'Applicable documents' chapter added; new parameter sets added;
'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' made available in point detector
OOH740; various changes in the 'Specifications' chapter; editorial changes; base
attachment wet BA721, designation plate DBZ1193A, protective cage DBZ1194,
EMC-protective cage FDBZ294, and detector heating unit FDBH291 added,
'Download center' chapter added; addition parameter sets for OOH740 added;
changes made to 'Compatibility' chapter

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 11 | 118
About this document
1 Technical terms

Version Edition date Brief description

k 2013-04-04 Technical data adapted
j 2013-01-25 LPCB approvals added
i 2012-08-16 Details concerning product version corrected in 'Planning' chapter; notice added:
Parameter sets 'Balanced CO' and 'Suppression CO' do not have LPCB approval;
date format changed in accordance with specifications of ISO 8601 (format: yyyy-
h 02.2012 Detector base DB722 and base attachment BA720 added, marine approval for
OOH740 added
g 11.2011 OOH740: VdS approval and CPD number added
f 09.2011 IP protection categories adapted
e 06.2011 Chapter 'Removing the diode unit' added
d 05.2011 Detector base DB110 added
c 02.2011 Removing the diode unit on the detector base DB721D changed; detector
designations changed
b 12.2010 Editorial revision; detector base DB721D added
a 07.2010 First edition

12 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Intended use

2 Safety

2.1 Intended use

The automatic fire detectors OOH740 and OOHC740 may only be used on a C-
NET detector line in a fire detection system FS720 or FC360.
The automatic fire detector OOH740 may also be used on a collective detector line
or a conventional detector line.

2.2 Safety notes

Comply with the following safety notes to protect life, limb, and property.
The safety notes in the document include the following elements:
● Symbol for hazard
● Signal word
● Type and source of hazard
● Consequences in the event the hazard occurs
● Measures or prohibitions to prevent the hazard

Symbol for hazard

This is the symbol for hazard. It warns you of Risks of injury.
Comply with all measures designated by this symbol to prevent injury or
Additional hazard symbols
These symbols indicate general hazards, type of hazard, possible consequences,
measures and prohibitions, a sample of which is displayed in the following table:
General hazard Potentially explosive
Voltage/electrical shock Laser light

Battery Heat

Signal word
The signal word classifies the hazard as defined in the following table:
Signal word Danger level
DANGER 'DANGER' identifies a dangerous situation, that results directly in death or serious
injuries, if you do not avoid this situation.
WARNING 'WARNING' identifies a dangerous situation, that can result in death or serious
injuries, if you do not avoid this situation.
CAUTION 'CAUTION' identifies a dangerous situation, that can result in minor or moderate
injuries, if you do not avoid this situation.

Note 'NOTE' identifies a possible situation that may cause damage if not observed.
'NOTE' does not reference possible injury.

Depiction of risk of injury

Notes on risk of injury is depicted as follows:

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 13 | 118
2 Intended use

Type and source of hazard
Consequences in the event the hazard occurs
● Measures/prohibitions to prevent the hazard

DEPICTION for possible damage to property

Notes on possible damage to property is depicted as follows:

Type and source of hazard
Consequences in the event the hazard occurs
● Measures/prohibitions to prevent the hazard

14 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Safety regulations for the method of operation

2.3 Safety regulations for the method of operation

National standards, regulations and legislation
Siemens products are developed and produced in compliance with the relevant
European and international safety standards. Should additional national or local
safety standards or legislation concerning the planning, mounting, installation,
operation or disposal of the product apply at the place of operation, then these
must also be taken into account together with the safety regulations in the product

Electrical installations

Electrical voltage
Electric shock
● Work on electrical installations may only be carried out by qualified
electricians or by instructed persons working under the guidance and
supervision of a qualified electrician, in accordance with the electrotechnical

● Wherever possible disconnect products from the power supply when carrying
out commissioning, maintenance or repair work on them.
● Lock volt-free areas to prevent them being switched back on again by mistake.
● Label the connection terminals with external voltage using a
'DANGER External voltage' sign.
● Route mains connections to products separately and fuse them with their own,
clearly marked fuse.
● Fit an easily accessible disconnecting device in accordance with IEC 60950‑1
outside the installation.
● Produce earthing as stated in local safety regulations.

Noncompliance with the following safety regulations
Risk of injury to persons and damage to property
● Compliance with the following regulations is required.

● Specialist electrical engineering knowledge is required for installation.

● Only an expert is permitted to carry out installation work.
Incorrect installation can take safety devices out of operation unbeknown to a

Mounting, installation, commissioning and maintenance

● If you require tools such as a ladder, these must be safe and must be intended
for the work in hand.
● When starting the fire control panel ensure that unstable conditions cannot
● Ensure that all points listed in the 'Testing the product operability' section below
are observed.
● You may only set controls to normal function when the product operability has
been completely tested and the system has been handed over to the customer.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 15 | 118
2 Safety regulations for the method of operation

Testing the product operability

● Prevent the remote transmission from triggering erroneously.
● If testing building installations or activating devices from third-party companies,
you must collaborate with the people appointed.
● The activation of fire control installations for test purposes must not cause
injury to anyone or damage to the building installations. The following
instructions must be observed:
– Use the correct potential for activation; this is generally the potential of the
building installation.
– Only check controls up to the interface (relay with blocking option).
– Make sure that only the controls to be tested are activated.
● Inform people before testing the alarm devices and allow for possible panic
● Inform people about any noise or mist which may be produced.
● Before testing the remote transmission, inform the corresponding alarm and
fault signal receiving stations.

Modifications to the system design and the products

Modifications to the system and to individual products may lead to faults,
malfunctioning and safety risks. Written confirmation must be obtained from
Siemens and the corresponding safety bodies for modifications or additions.

Modules and spare parts

● Components and spare parts must comply with the technical specifications
defined by Siemens. Only use products specified or recommended by
● Only use fuses with the specified fuse characteristics.
● Wrong battery types and improper battery changing lead to a risk of explosion.
Only use the same battery type or an equivalent battery type recommended by
● Batteries must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner. Observe
national guidelines and regulations.

Disregard of the safety regulations

Before they are delivered, Siemens products are tested to ensure they function
correctly when used properly. Siemens disclaims all liability for damage or injuries
caused by the incorrect application of the instructions or the disregard of danger
warnings contained in the documentation. This applies in particular to the following
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by improper use and incorrect
● Personal injuries or damage to property caused by disregarding safety
instructions in the documentation or on the product
● Personal injury or damage to property caused by poor maintenance or lack of

16 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Standards and directives complied with

2.4 Standards and directives complied with

A list of the standards and directives complied with is available from your Siemens

2.5 Release Notes

Limitations to the configuration or use of devices in a fire detection installation with
a particular firmware version are possible.

Limited or non-existent fire detection
Personal injury and damage to property in the event of a fire.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

Incorrect planning and/or configuration
Important standards and specifications are not satisfied.
Fire detection installation is not accepted for commissioning.
Additional expense resulting from necessary new planning and/or configuration.
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you plan and/or configure a fire detection
● Read the 'Release Notes' before you carry out a firmware update to a fire
detection installation.

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Structure and function
3 Overview

3 Structure and function

3.1 Overview
In this document the following point detectors are referred to collectively using the
term 'Automatic fire detectors':
● Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA OOH740
● Neural fire detector OOHC740
Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA Neural fire detector
OOH740 OOHC740

Can be used addressed in the C-NET Can be used addressed on the C-NET
and in collective mode
Detection behavior can be selected

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Structure and function

3.1.1 Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA OOH740

Figure 1: Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA OOH740

● Communication via C-NET (addressed detector line)
● Address automatically issued during commissioning
● Can also be used on collective detector lines in conjunction with the detector
bases DB721D and DB110
● Built-in line separator
● Signal processing with ASAtechnology and optional detection behavior
(application-specific ASA parameter sets)
● Software can be used to set as:
– Neural fire detector
– Wide-spectrum smoke detector
– Heat detector
● Red LED as alarm indicator
● The following functions are also included from point detector
product version [➙ 26] ES ≥20:
– 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode can be selected
– Extended flashing behavior of the internal alarm indicator
– Additional 'Super Sensitive' and 'Ultra Sensitive' parameter sets

Check the version of your FS720 or FC360 control panel. Some features are only
available as of certain versions. You will find details in the 'List of compatibility'.

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Structure and function
3 Overview

3.1.2 Neural fire detector OOHC740

Figure 2: Neural fire detector OOHC740

● Communication via C-NET (addressed detector line)
● Address automatically issued during commissioning
● Built-in line separator
● Signal processing with ASAtechnology and optional detection behavior
(application-specific ASA parameter sets)
● Software can be used to set as:
– Neural fire detector
– Neural CO-supported fire detector
– Wide-spectrum smoke detector
– Heat detector
● Detection behavior of the 'Technical CO Alarm' can be set regardless of the
ASA parameter sets for fire detection. Can be set using software.
● 'Technical CO Alarm': Detection of carbon monoxide (CO) at concentrations of
5 ppm CO or more (MAK value=30 ppm CO)
● 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message': Adjustable hysteresis-induced
ambient monitoring of temperature or carbon monoxide. Can be set using
● From point detector product version [➙ 26] ES ≥20: Extended flashing
behavior of the internal alarm indicator
● Red LED as alarm indicator

Check the version of your FS720 or FC360 control panel. Some features are only
available as of certain versions. You will find details in the 'List of compatibility'.

See also
2 Applicable documents [➙ 9]

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Structure and function

3.1.3 Features of fire detection functionality

● Dynamic influence on the parameter sets
● Pattern recognition
● Real time interpretation of the situation
● Process- and time-controlled switchover of the parameter sets
Signal processing of the point detectors is based on ASAtechnology (ASA =
Advanced Signal Analysis). ASAtechnology can also be characterized as "second
generation algorithms". Signal processing with ASAtechnology allows for optimum
adaptation of detector behavior to the corresponding ambient conditions.
Point detectors with ASAtechnology are characterized by their unique detection
reliability and very high resistance to deceptive phenomena.

Operating mode: Signal processing with ASAtechnology

The figure below shows signal processing on point detectors with ASAtechnology
in the form of a diagram:

Evaluation of the Dynamic influence
situation of parameter


Sensory Signal analysis Algorithms Result

Figure 3: Signal processing with ASAtechnology

The signals captured by the sensory are transmitted to the algorithm. The
algorithms are set by selecting the parameter set.

The individual parameters in the selected parameter set can be adapted with
ASAtechnology. A real time interpretation of the situation leads to a dynamic
influence on the algorithm. This results in the parameter set's and therefore the
point detector's application range broadening. The detector reacts more sensitively
in the event of fire, and more robustly in the event of deceptive phenomena.

Switching over the parameter set

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3 Overview

In addition to selecting the parameter set, the point detectors with ASAtechnology
enable time- or process-controlled switching over of the parameter sets (Manned/
Unmanned switchover). Thanks to this function, the detector can be used in places
where the situation changes regularly and frequently (e.g. kitchens, production

Downloadable parameter sets

Point detectors with ASAtechnology have several permanently programmed
parameter sets. For special applications new, additional parameter sets can be
downloaded in the field (depending on the control panel).

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3.1.4 Features of the 'Technical CO Alarm'

The 'Technical CO Alarm' mode can only be selected on the point detector

Alongside its fire detection functionality, the point detector also has a CO detection
functionality with the following features:
● Static or dynamic alarm profiles
● Real time interpretation of the situation
● Process- and time-controlled switchover of the parameter sets for CO
Signal processing by the 'Technical CO Alarm' is undertaken regardless of CO
signal processing for the fire detection functionality with the 'Suppression CO' and
'Balanced CO' parameter sets.
The signal processing feature of the 'Technical CO Alarm' enables optimum
calculation of the CO concentration. The electro-chemical cell allows the best
possible level of accuracy to be obtained depending on the ambient conditions.
The point detector's CO detection is characterized by the ability for parameters to
be set and a relatively low cross-sensitivity to other gases, e.g. ethanol or
hydrogen (H2).

Function of the Technical CO Alarm's signal processing

The figure below shows CO signal processing in the form of a diagram:

CO and other


Warning level
CO Technical CO alarm
°C t

Sensory Signal analysis Algorithms Result

Figure 4: Signal processing by the 'Technical CO Alarm'

The signals captured by the CO sensor are corrected with regard to CO exposure,
sensor sensitivity, temperature, and aging and supplied to the algorithm. The
algorithms are set by selecting the parameter set.

The parameter set can be used to select static and dynamic algorithms. A real time
interpretation of the ambient conditions results in improved measurement
The alarm limits correspond to the specified or proposed limits in the respective

Switching over of parameter set for the 'Technical CO Alarm'

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Structure and function
3 Overview

The point detector allows for the time-or process-controlled independent changing
over of the parameter set for CO (Manned / Unmanned changeover). This function
allows the detector to be used in places where the situation changes significantly
on a regular basis.

Configurable parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm'

The point detector has several permanently programmed 'Technical CO Alarm'
parameter sets.

Functionality of the 'Technical CO Alarm'
There is a risk of undetected CO exposure if the 'Technical CO Alarm' is not
configured on the control panel
● Use the documentation provided for the fire control panel to ensure that the
parameters you want to set for the 'Technical CO Alarm' are supported by the
control panel.

The system is not controlled as laid down in EN 54-2
Infringement of the EN 54-2 standard
● The signals for CO detection alone must not be used to control fire detection
equipment in accordance with EN 54-2.

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3.1.5 Features of the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message'

‘Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode can only be selected for point
detector OOH740 from product version ES ≥20.
The evaluation of the CO concentration in 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message' mode can only be selected for point detector OOHC740.

In 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode, the point detector can detect
an increase in temperature or CO concentration above a specified trigger threshold
caused by hysteresis.
The control panel is used to configure the parameters.

CO or

Warning level for

Technical Ambient
CO Supervision Alarm

Sensory Signal analysis Algorithms Result

Figure 5: Signal processing by the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message'

The system is not controlled as laid down in EN 54-2
Infringement of the EN 54-2 standard
● The signals for CO detection or temperature recording must not be used to
control fire detection equipment in accordance with EN 54-2.

3.1.6 Details for ordering

Type Order number Designation
OOH740 S54320-F7-A3 Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
OOHC740 S54320-F8-A3 Neural fire detector

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3 Overview

3.1.7 Product version ES

The product version ES provides the technical status of a device in terms of
software and hardware. The product version is provided as a two-digit number.
You will find the details of your device's product version:
● On the packaging label
● On the product label or the type plate

Product version on the packaging label

Details of the product version can be found directly on the packaging label in the

Figure 6: Example of a packaging label with details of the product version

Product version on the product label and the type plate

Details of the product version can be found after the device order number:


Figure 7: Example of a product label with details of the product version

Depending on the product and various approvals, the product labels may differ in
terms of the information type and layout.
Look for your device's order number on the product label.
You will find the product version after the order number.

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3.2 Setup

3.2.1 Structure of OOH740

The multi-sensor smoke detector ASA OOH740 is a multi-criteria fire detector and
has two optical and two thermal sensors.

Structure and function

Figure 8: Sensors of the OOH740

1 Heat sensors 4 Forward scatterer

2 Receiver 5 Labyrinth
3 Backward scatterer

The point detector's high-quality opto-electronic measuring chamber houses the

following components:
● Two optical transmitters
● One optical receiver
● Two thermal sensors
The transmitters illuminate the smoke particles from different angles. One sensor
acts as forward scatterer, the other as backward scatterer. The scattered light then
hits the receiver (photodiode) and generates a measurable electric signal.
The combination of a forward and backward scatterer facilitates an optimum
detection and the differentiation of light and dark particles, which leads to a
homogenous response behavior and optimizes the differentiation of wanted signals
and deceptive phenomena.
In addition, the heat sensors make it possible to detect fires without smoke
The combination of optical and thermal sensor signals optimizes detection
reliability. This has the following advantages:
● Early detection of all types of fire, whether they generate light or dark smoke, or
no smoke at all.
● The neural fire detector can be operated at a lower sensitivity level and thus
achieves a higher immunity against false alarms which can be caused by cold
aerosols (e.g. by smoking, electrical welding, etc.). In the case of an open fire,
the smoke sensitivity is heightened by the temperature increase, which means
that a detection reliability level that is comparable to that of the wide-spectrum
smoke detector can be achieved.

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3 Setup

Technical Ambient Supervision Message

'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode detects an increase in
temperature above a specified trigger threshold caused by hysteresis.
You can set the following parameters:
● Temperature threshold value
● Messaging when the temperature threshold value is exceeded or undershot
● Hysteresis range
The 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is configured using the 'Cerberus-
Engineering-Tool' software.

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Structure and function

3.2.2 Structure of OOHC740

The neural fire detector OOHC740 is a multi-criteria fire detector and has two
optical sensors, two thermal sensors, and one CO sensor.

Structure and function

Figure 9: Sensors of the OOHC740

1 Heat sensors 4 Forward scatterer

2 Receiver 5 Labyrinth
3 Backward scatterer 6 CO sensor

Fire detection
The point detector's high-quality opto-electronic measuring chamber houses the
following components:
● Two optical transmitters
● One optical receiver
● Two thermal sensors
● One CO sensor
The transmitters illuminate the smoke particles from different angles. One sensor
acts as forward scatterer, the other as backward scatterer. The scattered light then
hits the receiver (photodiode) and generates a measurable electric signal.
The combination of forward scatterers and backward scatterers allows for optimum
detection of and distinction between light and dark particles and particle sizes. The
distinction between light and dark particles firstly results in a homogeneous
response behavior and secondly enables better differentiation between wanted
signals and deceptive phenomena.
In addition, the heat sensors make it possible to detect fires without smoke
The CO sensor enables faster detection of fires with incomplete combustion and
fires with the development of a lot of CO.
The combination of optical, thermal and CO sensor signals optimizes detection
reliability for all types of fire, regardless of whether they generate dark or light
smoke, or none at all.

You can set the following response behaviors on the neural fire detector
● Combined optical and thermal
● Combined optical, thermal and CO

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3 Setup

● Optical smoke detector alone

● Heat detector alone

The response behavior is determined by selecting one of the following sensor

● Sensor mode 0: Application as neural fire detector
● Sensor mode 1: Application as heat detector
● Sensor mode 2: Application as smoke detector
The sensor mode is configured with the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software.

Functionality of sensor modes
Danger of alarm activation as a result of deceptive phenomena
● Depending on the configuration software used for the fire control panel,
sensor modes 1 and 2 may not be available.
If the deceptive phenomena occurring (e.g. if the operator suspects that both
CO and smoke-like deceptive phenomena are present at the same time)
mean that only one heat detector can be operated, the OOHC740 may not be
used in such environments.

Combined optical-thermal or optical-thermal CO mode is selected by choosing the

parameter set in sensor mode 0!
The parameter sets of the heat detector or optical detector can be selected in
sensor mode 1 or 2.

Technical CO alarm
The point detector has a high-quality CO sensor which is based on the
measurement principle of the electro-chemical cell.
Instances of the specified CO concentration being exceeded can be detected by
the CO sensor. The limit values vary depending on the parameters set.
You can set the following CO response behaviors on the neural fire detector
● Static CO alarm thresholds
● Dynamic CO alarm thresholds
The response behavior is configured with the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool'

Technical Ambient Supervision Message

'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode detects an increase in
temperature or CO concentration above a specified trigger threshold caused by
Temperature monitoring compares the current measured temperature with a preset
threshold value.
CO monitoring compares the current measured CO concentration with a preset
threshold value.
You can set the following parameters on the neural fire detector OOHC740:
● CO concentration or temperature threshold value
● Messaging when the temperature threshold value is exceeded or undershot
● Messaging when the CO concentration threshold value is exceeded
● Hysteresis range
– Fixed hysteresis range
– Average CO value over a period of 15 minutes
The 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is configured using the 'Cerberus-
Engineering-Tool' software.

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See also
2 Parameter sets [➙ 32]

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3 Function

3.3 Function

3.3.1 Parameter sets

The detection behavior of the point detectors is influenced by the parameter sets
so that it can be specifically adjusted to the fire phenomena and environmental
conditions to be expected in the environment to be monitored.
All parameter sets are programmed in the point detectors. During commissioning,
the optimum parameter set must be selected for the conditions at the place of

On a C-NET detector line, the parameter set must always be set explicitly.

You can select and set the parameter sets as follows:

● Using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software
● Directly on your fire detection system (only within the same sensor mode)
You will find a description of the exact procedure for selecting and setting the
parameters in the relevant documentation.

Please note the chapter 'Applicable documents'.

Parameter sets for fire detection in collective mode

The point detector OOH740 can also be operated in collective mode.
There are several parameter sets for fire detection available in collective mode.
The parameter sets are selected in collective mode using resistors installed in the
detector base.

See also
2 Parameter set resistor 33 kΩ PSR720-1 [➙ 55]
2 Parameter set resistance 68 kΩ PSR720-2 [➙ 55]
2 Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]
2 Applicable documents [➙ 9]

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Structure and function
3 Parameter sets for fire detection

The detection behavior of the point detectors is influenced by the parameter sets
for fire detection so that it can be specifically adjusted to the fire phenomena and
environmental influences to be expected in the environment to be monitored.
All parameter sets for fire detection are programmed in the point detectors. During
commissioning, the optimum parameter set must be selected for the conditions at
the place of installation.

Always use the suitable parameter set for fire detection for the corresponding
The default device parameter set is not always the suitable parameter set.

Overview of parameter sets for fire detection (addressed detector

No. Parameter set OOH740 OOHC740
sensor mode 0
'Neural fire detector'
2 'Robust' X X
4 'Balanced' X X
5 'Suppression' X X
6 'Fast Response' X X
7 'High Compensation' X X
8 'High Suppression' X X
9 'High Sensitive Fast' X X
10 'Balanced CO' – X
11 'Super Sensitive' X –
12 'Suppression CO' – X
14 Application-specific parameter – –
Only from product version ES ≥20
The following table shows which product version ES meets which standard for the
parameter sets.
No. Name ES <30 ES ≥30
2 'Robust' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
4 'Balanced' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
5 'Suppression' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
6 'Fast Response' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
7 'High Compensation' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
8 'High Suppression' – –
9 'High Sensitive Fast' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29

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3 Function

No. Name ES <30 ES ≥30

10 'Balanced CO' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
11 'Super Sensitive' EN 54-7 EN 54-7
12 'Suppression CO' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7,
EN 54‑29
14 Application-specific parameter set – –
15 Application-specific parameter set – –

The 'High Suppression', 'High Sensitive Fast', and 'Super Sensitive' parameter
sets are only suited for special applications.

No. Parameter set OOH740 OOHC740

sensor mode 1
'Heat detector'
1 'A1R' X X
2 'BR' X X
3 'A1S' X X
4 'BS' X X

No. Parameter set OOH740 OOHC740

sensor mode 2
'Smoke detector'
1 'Universal' X X
2 'Robust' X X
3 'Sensitive' X X
5 'Super Sensitive' X –
6 'Ultra Sensitive' X –
Only from product version ES ≥20

X = parameter set can be selected

– = parameter set cannot be selected

The 'Ultra Sensitive' parameter set is only suitable for special applications.

The 'Ultra Sensitive' parameter set does not meet the criteria of standard
EN 54-7.

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Overview of parameter sets for fire detection (collective detector line)

Parameter set in Resistance value in Flashing signal to display the set
point detector the detector base parameter set in the first three
OOH740 minutes following the detector line
being started up
'Standard Plus' - Once every 6 s
'Suppression' 33 kΩ Twice every 6 s
(resistor PSR720‑1)
'High Sensitive Fast' 68 kΩ Three times every 8 s
(resistor PSR720‑2)

If there is still a flashing signal on a point detector OOH740 more than 3 minutes
after the detector line was started up, there is a fault. You will find more
information in chapter 'Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]'.

The point detector OOH740 is always operated in sensor mode 0 'Neural fire
detector' on a collective detector line.

The neural fire detector OOHC740 cannot be operated in collective mode.

See also
2 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 0 'Neural fire detector' [➙
2 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 1 'Heat detector' [➙ 62]
2 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 2 'Smoke detector' [➙ 63]
2 Parameter sets for collective operation [➙ 65]
2 Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]

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Structure and function
3 Function Parameter sets for 'Technical CO Alarm'

Regardless of the parameter sets for fire detection, the CO detection behavior of
the point detector OOHC740 can be influenced by the separate parameter sets for
CO and specifically adjusted to the environmental influences to be expected in the
environment to be monitored.
All parameter sets for CO are programmed in the point detector. During
commissioning, the optimum parameter set can be selected for the conditions at
the place of installation.
Unlike the parameter sets for fire detection, the parameter set for CO does not
necessarily have to be configured. Provided that a fire detection system allows the
parameter set for CO to be configured, we would recommend configuring it.

The neural fire detector OOHC740 cannot be operated as a pure CO detector.

You must always select a parameter set for fire detection as well as the
parameter set for CO.

Overview of parameter sets for CO detection

No. Parameter set OOH740 OOHC740
0 'Robust EU1' – X
1 'Balanced EU2' – X
4 'Static 40' – X
5 'Static 50' – X
6 'Static 60' – X
7 'Balanced US1' – X

X = parameter set can be selected

– = parameter set cannot be selected

See also
2 Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm' [➙ 71]
2 Configuration [➙ 79]

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3.3.2 Danger levels and warning levels Danger levels for fire detection

The point detector's signal processing efficiently distinguishes between fire events
and deceptive phenomena. If the following points apply, a danger level has been
● Measured values above a response threshold
● Progression of smoke density, temperature and CO concentration (only with
OOHC740) over a long period of time
The stated parameters are evaluated using algorithms (CO only with the parameter
sets 'Suppression CO' and 'Balanced CO').

Danger levels when operating on an addressed detector line (C-NET)

The point detectors can transmit the following danger levels to the fire control
Danger level Meaning Comment
0 No danger Normal condition
1 Check situation A different parameter set for fire
detection should possibly be
selected (inappropriate application)
2 Warning Possible danger
3 Alarm Fire

The evaluation of the danger level and the decisions to be taken (e.g. activation of
remote transmission) are configured in the fire detection system.

Danger levels when operating on a collective detector line

The point detector OOH740 can transmit the following danger levels to the fire
control panel:
Danger level Meaning Comment
0 No danger Normal condition
3 Alarm Fire

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3 Function Warning levels for CO

The functions described in this section are only available on the OOHC740.

Measured values above a response threshold depending on the parameter set for
CO are not the only basis for reaching a warning level for CO. The CO progression
is also observed over a longer period of time and evaluated using algorithms.
Neural fire detector OOHC740 can convey the following warning levels to the
control panel in the form of a technical message:
Warning level Meaning Comment
for the Technical CO
0 No danger Normal condition
1 Advance warning Increased CO concentration (MAK value = 30 ppm CO
level 1/ exceeded)
CO loading
2 Warning High CO concentration
3 Alarm, evacuation The CO concentration has reached dangerous levels.
This warning level requires parameters to first be set for the CO
The warning level is not available in degraded mode operation
or on devices that have not been commissioned or localized.

The evaluation of the warning level and the decisions to be taken (e.g. activation
of remote transmission) are configured in the fire detection system. Danger levels for 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message'

The point detectors can transmit the following danger levels to the fire control
Danger level Meaning Comment
0 No danger Normal condition
2 Warning Possible danger, threshold value

The evaluation of the danger level and the decisions to be taken are configured in
the fire detection system.

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3.3.3 Diagnosis levels

Operating the point detector on the C-NET:
The point detector monitors its operation largely autonomously. The signals of all
sensors are permanently monitored.
The following components in particular should be monitored for correct
● Temperature sensors
● Light emitters
● Light receivers
The following diagnosis levels are derived from the different control measurements:
● Normal
● Observe information
● Replacement recommended
● Replacement necessary
● Fault
When an error occurs which impairs the correct functionality of the device, a fault
message is reported to the control panel.

The CO sensor can only be monitored for failure. For a functional test, the CO
sensor must be tested with test gas.

Operating the point detector OOH740 in collective mode:

When an error occurs which impairs the correct functionality of the device, a fault
message is reported to the control panel.
● All of the devices installed downstream of the faulty point detector and the end-
of-line unit are automatically disconnected.
● A line fault is indicated on the collective control panel.
● The faulty point detector indicates the fault by making the internal alarm
indicator flash. Flashing frequency: Two flashes every 4 s.

3.3.4 Line separator

Operating the point detector on the C-NET:
All C-NET devices are equipped with a line separator.
The C-NET device is equipped with electronic switches which isolate the defective
part in case of a short-circuit on the C-NET detector line. The rest of the detector
line remains serviceable. On a loop line, all C-NET devices remain fully functional
after a single short-circuit.

Once the cause of a short-circuit has been remedied on the C-NET, an open line
separator does not close automatically. Reset the detector line on the control

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3 Function

3.3.5 Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20

Information about the product version of your device can be found in the
'Product version ES [➙ 26]' chapter.

Addressed mode
The point detectors have an internal alarm indicator. The internal alarm indicator
shows the point detector's operating conditions in addressed mode.
Operating condition Flashing mode of alarm indicator
Normal Al off
Alarm AI flashes every second
Test mode Al off
Alarm in test mode AI flashes every second

The flashing behavior of the point detectors in addressed mode for higher product
versions is described in the
'Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the case of ES ≥20 [➙ 42]'

Collective mode

The flashing behavior of the OOH740 in collective mode is independent from the
product version!

The following additional displays are possible when operating the point detector
OOH740 in collective mode:
Operating condition Flashing mode of alarm indicator
Normal Off
Alarm Flashing every 1 s
Fault Two flashes every 4 s
'Standard Plus' parameter Flash every 6 s
set is set
'Suppression'parameter set Two flashes every 6 s
is set
'High Sensitive Fast' Three flashes every 8 s
parameter set is set
Only during the first three minutes of operation after the detector line being started up or reset.

See also
2 Setting the parameter set in collective operation [➙ 68]

3.3.6 External alarm indicator in the case of ES <20

External alarm indicators (EAI) connected to the point detectors display the
following behavior in addressed mode and collective mode:

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Operating condition Flashing mode of alarm indicator

Alarm/Active EAI flashes every second
Alarm in test mode EAI flashes every second

The flashing behavior of the external alarm indicators in addressed mode for
higher point detector product versions is described in the
'Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the case of ES ≥20 [➙ 42]'

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3 Function

3.3.7 Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the

case of ES ≥20
Internal alarm indicators
The table below describes the flashing behavior of internal alarm indicators in
addressed mode.
You will find information on the flashing behavior of the OOH740 in collective mode
in chapter 'Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]'.

Several flashing patterns are available for normal operation. The flashing pattern
is selected using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software.

Operating condition Flashing mode Graphic

Alarm IAI flashes red

Display priority: 1 once a second t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Test mode Without alarm IAI flashes red

Display priority: twice every t
1 4 seconds 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

With alarm IAI flashes red

twice every t
4 seconds and red 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]
every second in-
Fault IAI off
Display priority: 2 t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Normal Configuration 1 IAI off

Display priority: (device default) t
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Configuration 2 IAI flashes red

every 10 seconds t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Or 'Configuration 1' mode active.

The display priority ensures that important messages are prioritized in the flashing
behavior. Highest display priority: 1.
Example: If a detector is displaying 'Fault' and then an alarm is detected, the
flashing mode will change from 'Fault' to 'Alarm'.

Not all fire control panels support the flashing patterns described.

A steady-on flashing mode for the alarm and an alternative flashing mode for
normal operation can be set using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software.

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The above graphics are not valid in countries in which the alarm is indicated by an
alarm indicator that lights up permanently. For more information, please contact
your regional company.

Please also observe the documentation for your fire detection system.

External alarm indicators

The table below describes the flashing behavior of external alarm indicators in
combination with a point detector whose product version corresponds to the title of
this chapter in addressed mode.

Operating condition Flashing mode Graphic

Alarm/Active EAI flashes red

Display priority: 1 every second t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Fault EAI off
Display priority: 2 t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Normal Configuration 1 EAI off

Display priority: (device default) t
3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Configuration 2 EAI flashes red

every 10 seconds t
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [s]

Or 'Configuration 1' mode active.

The display priority ensures that important messages are prioritized in the flashing
behavior. Highest display priority: 1.
Example: If a detector is displaying 'Fault' and then an alarm is detected, the
flashing mode will change from 'Fault' to 'Alarm'.

Information about the product version of your point detector can be found in the
'Product version ES [➙ 26]' chapter.

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3 Function

3.3.8 Connection for external alarm indicators

Operating the point detector on the C-NET:
Two external alarm indicators can be connected to each point detector.
On the C-NET, it is possible to connect external alarm indicator to any point
detector. The trigger for activating the alarm indicator can be programmed at the
control panel.
Instead of an optical alarm indicator that flashes in the event of an alarm, the
sounder base is provided with an acoustic alarm indicator.

Operating the point detector OOH740 in collective mode:

The external alarm indicator is activated in the event of an alarm. Two external
alarm indicators can be connected to the point detector OOH740.

See also
2 Sounder base DBS720 [➙ 51]
2 Connection diagram, addressed [➙ 93]
2 Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]

3.3.9 Renovation mode

When operating the point detectors on the C-NET, individual detectors can be set
specifically to renovation mode on the fire control panel.
Select renovation mode if major work is being carried out in the room and large
volumes of dust or aerosols are being produced.
In renovation mode, the neural fire detector and the heat detector only trigger an
alarm when the temperature exceeds 80 °C for 20 seconds.

The wide-spectrum smoke detector does not respond to smoke in renovation

mode. When a temperature of 80 °C is reached for a period of 20 s, the wide-
spectrum smoke detector does however also send an alarm to the control panel.

Renovation mode cannot be selected in collective operation.

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3.3.10 Test mode

Operating the point detector on the C-NET:
For testing purposes the point detectors can be set to test mode. In test mode the
point detectors react faster and with a higher sensitivity level.

Physical testing:
● The optical function part on the neural fire detector can also be tested with the
detector tester RE8ST and the test gas REF8 or REF8‑S.
● The heat sensors of the neural fire detector can be tested with the following
– Hot air fan
– RE7T Solo461 heat detector tester kit
● The CO sensor can be tested with the detector tester RE8STCO and the test
gas REF8‑C.

Operating the point detector OOH740 in collective mode:

Once the point detector has been inserted into the detector base or once the
detector line has been reset, the point detector works in test mode for a period of
3 minutes.
The 'Test mode' status is displayed on the point detector's internal alarm indicator.
The internal alarm indicator displays the parameter set selected at the present
During this time, the point detector's response time is considerably reduced. This
makes it easier to test the point detector with test gas.

See also
2 Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]
2 Setting the parameter set in collective operation [➙ 68]
2 Testing the point detector [➙ 103]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 45 | 118
Structure and function
3 Function

3.3.11 Behavior in degraded mode

Applicable for the C-NET:
When the main processor of the fire control panel fails, the control panel works in
degraded mode operation. Depending on the control panel type, the fire control
panel can continue to perform the most important alarming and signaling functions
in degraded mode operation.

Behavior of control panels that support degraded mode operation:

● Alarming is still ensured in degraded mode operation. However, in degraded
mode only collective alarming is possible. This means that in the event of an
alarm, it is possible to identify the C-NET detector line but not the exact
location of the detector triggering the alarm.
● If a sounder base DBS720 is connected to the output for the external alarm
indicator, it is activated in degraded mode operation in the event of a fire alarm.
● When the connection for the external alarm indicator is used for a control
function (e.g. hold-open system), the output assumes the configured fail-safe
position; configuration for a specific control panel is possible.

In degraded mode operation, the OOHC740 only supports the 'Fire' alarm class. If
the 'CO' alarm class is also to be supported in degraded mode operation, please
contact technical customer support.

Degraded mode operation on the C-NET is not supported in the same way by all
control panels. The information in the 'List of compatibility' and in the corresponding
control panel documentation must be taken into account during project planning.

Degraded mode operation is not possible on collective detector lines.

3.3.12 Line tester

The line tester FDUL221 is able to recognize and localize the following errors on
the C-NET:
● Wiring error
● Open line
● Short-circuit
● Ground fault
In addition, the line tester recognizes the devices connected to the C-NET detector
You will find more information in document 008250.

The line tester FDUL221 cannot be used on collective detector lines.

See also
2 Applicable documents [➙ 9]

46 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Structure and function
Mechanical setup

3.4 Mechanical setup

One of the following devices is required to install a point detector:
● Detector base DB72x or detector base (collective) DB110
● Sounder base DBS720
After installing the detector base or sounder base, simply insert the point detector
in the base and turn it, either manually or using the detector exchanger DX791 and
the adapter for detector exchanger FDUD491, until you hear and feel it snap in.

● Quick installation and secure contact
● The centered alarm indicator makes an alignment of the detector base
● Space for up to 4 auxiliary terminals
Accessories are available for a variety of different applications and can be
combined to suit the particular application in question.

See also
2 Detector base with loop contact DB721 [➙ 48]
2 Detector base DB721D [➙ 50]
2 Detector base (collective) DB110 [➙ 51]
2 Sounder base DBS720 [➙ 51]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 47 | 118
Structure and function
3 Accessories

3.5 Accessories

3.5.1 Detector base with loop contact DB721

● For the mounting of point detectors
● Thanks to the loop contacts, the detector line
is not interrupted when there is no point
detector installed in the detector base.
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● For surface-mounted cable entry, up to 8 mm
cable diameter
● Cable connection via screw terminals
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor fire detector OH720
– Smoke detector OP720
– Heat detector HI720
– Heat detector HI722
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Neural fire detector OOHC740
– Interbase DBS72x
– Air sampling smoke detection kit FDBZ290
● Order number: S54319‑F11‑A1

See also
2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110
[➙ 81]
2 Cable entry [➙ 91]

48 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Structure and function

3.5.2 Detector base DB722

● For the mounting of point detectors
● Thanks to the loop contacts, the detector line
is not interrupted when there is no point
detector installed in the detector base.
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● For surface-mounted cable entry, up to 8 mm
cable diameter
● Seal integrated in the detector base.
Protection category: IP42.
● Cable connection via socket strip
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor fire detector OH720
– Smoke detector OP720
– Heat detector HI720
– Heat detector HI722
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Neural fire detector OOHC740
● Order number: S54319-F19-A1

See also
2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110
[➙ 81]
2 Cable entry [➙ 91]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 49 | 118
Structure and function
3 Accessories

3.5.3 Detector base DB721D

● For installing point detectors in collective
● Removable diode unit: A collective detector
line can be converted on the C-NET by
removing the diode unit without changing the
detector base
● Thanks to the diode unit, the collective
detector line is not interrupted when there is
no point detector installed in the detector
base. A compatible control panel can detect
and display that the point detector is missing.
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● For surface-mounted cable entry, up to 8 mm
cable diameter
● Cable connection via screw terminals
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Air sampling smoke detection kit FDBZ290
● Order number: S54319-F15-A1

See also
2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110
[➙ 81]
2 Cable entry [➙ 91]

50 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Structure and function

3.5.4 Detector base (collective) DB110

● For the mounting of point detectors
● The detector line is interrupted if the point
detector is not used
● Selects the default device parameter set in the
point detector used
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● For surface-mounted cable entry, up to 8 mm
cable diameter
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Air sampling smoke detection kit FDBZ290
● Order number: S54372-F5‑A1

See also
2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110
[➙ 81]
2 Cable entry [➙ 91]

3.5.5 Sounder base DBS720

● For acoustic alarming in the case of an event
● Thanks to the loop contacts, the detector line
is not interrupted when there is no point
detector installed in the sounder base.
● For the C-NET detector line
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● For surface-mounted cable entry, up to 8 mm
cable diameter
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor fire detectors OH720 /
– Smoke detectors OP720 / OP720‑CN
– Heat detectors HI720 / HI720‑CN
– Heat detectors HI722 / HI722‑CN
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Neural fire detector OOHC740
● You will find more information in
document A6V10218037
● Order number: S54319‑F5‑A1

See also
2 Sounder base DBS720 [➙ 83]
2 Cable entry [➙ 91]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 51 | 118
Structure and function
3 Accessories

3.5.6 Designation plate FDBZ291

● To identify the location
● Compatible with:
– Detector base DB72x
– Sounder base DBS720
● Order number: A5Q00002621

See also
2 Designation plate FDBZ291 [➙ 90]

3.5.7 Detector base seal RS720

● For mounting in wet rooms
● Protection category IP42
● Compatible with:
– Detector base DB72x
– Sounder base DBS720
● Order number: S54319‑F8‑A1

See also
2 Detector base seal RS720 [➙ 84]

3.5.8 Base attachment BA720

● There are several potential break-out points in
the base attachment for surface-mounted
cable entry
● For the recess-mounted cable entry
● Permanent connection and joint mounting with
detector base
● Compatible with:
– Detector bases DB72x
● Order number: S54319-F20-A1

See also
2 Base attachment BA720 [➙ 85]

52 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Structure and function

3.5.9 Base attachment wet BA721

● For mounting in humid, wet environments and
if the detector heating unit is used
● Protection category achievable: IP44
● Six break-out points for M20 x 1.5 metal cable
● Compatible with:
– Detector base DB72x/DB110xx/DB721D
– Detector heating unit FDBH291
– Designation plate DBZ1193A
– M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland
● Order number: S54319-F29-A1

See also
2 Base attachment wet BA721 [➙ 87]

3.5.10 Designation plate DBZ1193A

● To identify the location
● Compatible with:
– Base attachment wet FDB295/BA721
– Base attachment, surface-mounted, humid
– DBW1171 base
– Interbase DBS72x
● Order number: BPZ:4864330001

See also
2 Base attachment wet BA721 [➙ 87]

3.5.11 Detector heating unit FDBH291

● For operating point detectors in critical
ambient conditions during icy conditions or
when there is a danger of moisture
● Compatible with:
– Addressable detector base FDB2x1/
– Flat detector base FDB2x2
– Base attachment wet FDB295/BA721
● Order number: A5Q00004439

See also
2 Detector heating unit FDBH291 [➙ 98]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 53 | 118
Structure and function
3 Accessories

3.5.12 Protective cage DBZ1194

● To protect the devices against mechanical
● Can only be used in conjunction with the
following accessories:
– Base attachment wet FDB295
– Base attachment wet BA721
● Order number: BPZ:4677110001

See also
2 Base attachment wet BA721 [➙ 87]

3.5.13 Detector locking device LP720

● For protection against device theft
● Hinders unauthorized access to devices
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor fire detector OH720
– Smoke detector OP720
– Heat detector HI720
– Heat detector HI722
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
– Neural fire detector OOHC740
– Interbase DB72x
– Base (wall mounting) FDB226‑x
– Base deep (wall mounting) FDB227‑x
– Blanking plate FDBZ298
● Order number: S54319‑F9‑A1

See also
2 Detector locking device LP720 [➙ 89]

3.5.14 Micro terminal DBZ1190-AA

● Auxiliary terminal for connecting cables
● For T-branches of additional cabling e.g. for
detector heating units, sounder base, external
alarm indicators etc.
● For conductor cross-sections of 0.28…
0.5 mm
● 4-pin
● Order number: BPZ:4677080001

54 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Structure and function

3.5.15 Connection terminal DBZ1190-AB

● Auxiliary terminal for connecting cables
● For T-branches of additional cabling, e.g., for
cable shielding, detector heating units,
sounder base, external alarm indicators, etc.
● For conductor cross-sections of 0.5…2.5 mm²
● 3 poles
● Order number: BPZ:4942340001

3.5.16 Parameter set resistor 33 kΩ PSR720-1

● For selecting the 'Suppression' parameter on a
point detector OOH740 in collective mode
● Resistance value: 33 kΩ
● Install the resistors directly in a detector base
DB721D or detector base (collective) DB110
between terminals '5' and '1a'
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
● Order number: S54319-F16-A1

See also
2 Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]

3.5.17 Parameter set resistance 68 kΩ PSR720-2

● For selecting the 'High Sensitive Fast'
parameter set on a point detector OOH740 in
collective mode
● Resistance value: 68 kΩ
● Install the resistors directly in a detector base
DB721D or detector base (collective) DB110
between terminals '5' and '1a'
● Compatible with:
– Multi-sensor smoke detector, ASA
● Order number: S54319-F17-A1

See also
2 Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 55 | 118
4 Compatibility

4 Planning

4.1 Compatibility
Compatible with control panels that support the C-NET detector line.
The point detector OOH740 is also compatible with control panels which support
collective mode.
You will find detailed information in the 'List of compatibility'.
The table below shows the compatibility of the devices with various product lines:
Detector Control panels
FC20xx FC10 FC12x FC72x SIGMASYS AlgoRex XC10 FC361-xx
C-NET – – – X – – – X
1) 1) 1) 2) 1) 1) 2)
Collective – X X X – – X X

X = compatible
– = not compatible
OOH740 only
Connection only possible via suitable line devices, e.g., input/output module (transponder)
FDCIO223 or zone module FDCI723

56 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

4.2 Fire detection

4.2.1 Ambient features

In selecting the optimum fire alarm parameter set, the following factors must be
taken into account:
● Risk of damage to persons
● Value concentration
● Room geometry
● Deceptive phenomena
● Risk of fire
● Critical fire size

Risk of damage to persons

People's lives are severely at risk in venues such as concert halls, nursing homes,
and hospitals. The risk of damage to persons is therefore very high in such places.
In canteen kitchens the situation is different. Few people work in such facilities and
are able to save themselves in the event of timely alarms. The risk of damage to
persons is thus rather low in this case.

Value concentration
Irreplaceable cultural assets are often on display in museums. Computer centers
house servers with large data volumes. The concentration of valuable items is
rather high. In a normal hotel room the concentration of valuable items must be
classified as low.

Room geometry
High ceilings, complex room shapes or well-ventilated rooms have a complex room
geometry. This aggravates early fire detection, as it is difficult for the fire
phenomenon to reach the fire detector. An office room with normal ceiling height
has a simple room geometry.

Deceptive phenomena
Deceptive phenomena can deceive a fire detector and bring about a false alarm.
The deceptive phenomena differ depending on the fire detector. Deceptive
phenomena include
● Steam
● Cigarette smoke
● Dust
● Dry ice in discotheques
● Exhaust fumes
● Aerosols produced when welding
● Sources of heat such as radiant heaters or hot engines
In a small hotel room with a rather low ceiling where vapor from the bathroom may
penetrate the room, or in operating facilities where a lot of dust is generated, many
deceptive phenomena must be taken into consideration. In a clean room where
electronic modules are fabricated the risk of deceptive phenomena is rather low.

Risk of fire
In production facilities where highly combustible materials such as flammable
liquids, cotton, paper etc. are processed and where electrical machines are
operated, the fire risk is very high. Minor overheating or sparks may cause a fire. In
a storehouse where steel is stored and where no electrical installation is provided
with the exception of lighting, the fire risk is very low.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 57 | 118
4 Fire detection

Critical fire size

When a waste paper basket in a metal-processing facility catches fire, the
consequential damage is usually rather low. Here we are talking about a critical,
medium fire size that can still be tolerated. The situation is completely different in
pharmaceutical production facilities where even the lowest smoke concentration
may impair the process and where combustible materials are processed. Even the
smallest fire must be detected immediately. In this case, we are talking about a
small admissible critical fire size.

4.2.2 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 0 'Neural fire detector' Description
(Parameter set numbers in brackets)

High Suppression (8):

To cover applications with permanent, optical deceptive phenomena (dry ice in
discotheques, welding), this parameter set only reacts when a temperature rise of
approx. 8 K is detected in addition to the optical signal. Due to the combination of
optical and thermal signals, it is better suited than a pure heat detector. This
parameter set is also suited for applications that can otherwise only be covered
with special detectors.

Suppression (5):
Thanks to its very robust behavior, the 'Suppression (5)' parameter set is
particularly suitable for rooms where deceptive phenomena such as vapor, very
dense cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes can be expected. It reacts in a very
robust way to the deceptive phenomenon vapor.

Suppression CO (12):
Thanks to its very robust behavior, this parameter set is particularly suited for
rooms where deceptive phenomena such as vapor, cigarette smoke or exhaust
fumes can be expected. It reacts in a very robust way to the deceptive
phenomenon vapor. In the event of smoldering fires or fires in rooms where
cleaning products are stored, the parameter set reacts quicker than the
'Suppression (5)' parameter set as it takes the CO concentration into account.

High Compensation (7):

This parameter set reacts in the same way as the 'Robust (2)' parameter set,
however, the compensation range is twice as large. This parameter set is thus
especially suited for rooms in which a lot of dust and other deposits can be
expected during longer periods.

Robust (2):
The priority of the 'Robust (2)' parameter set is on robust response. The sensitivity
is the same as with the 'Suppression (5)' parameter set; however, deceptive
phenomena are not explicitly analyzed and suppressed. It is thus particularly suited
to application in rooms where deceptive phenomena such as cigarette smoke or
dust can be expected. The 'Robust (2)' parameter set is suitable for higher rooms
in comparison to the 'Suppression (5)' parameter set.

Balanced (4):
The 'Balanced (4)' parameter set displays a balanced response behavior in its
response to fires and robustness to deceptive phenomena. It reacts faster with
open fires. It reacts slower with vapor, cigarette smoke or smoldering fires.

58 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

Balanced CO (10):
This parameter set displays a balanced response behavior in its response to fires
and robustness to deceptive phenomena. It reacts faster with open fires. It reacts
slower with vapor and cigarette smoke. In the event of smoldering fires or fires in
cleaning rooms, the parameter set reacts quicker than the 'Balanced (4)' parameter
set as it takes the CO concentration into account.
Thanks to the fact that three criteria are evaluated (smoke, heat and CO
concentration), this gives particular robustness to deceptive phenomena when
compared with more sensitive parameter sets.

Fast Response (6):

This parameter set reacts in a fast and highly sensitive manner. It is thus especially
suitable for rooms without deceptive phenomena, where the priority is on detecting
the fire as early as possible.

High Sensitive Fast (9):

This parameter set is suited for applications requiring very high sensitivity levels. It
reveals a significantly higher optical and thermal sensitivity than 'Fast Response'.
This parameter set is also suited for applications that can otherwise only be
covered with special detectors.

Super Sensitive (11):

This parameter set can be selected for all point detectors OOH740 from product
version ES ≥20.
The parameter set is suitable for applications that require fast and sensitive
response behavior. It is twice as sensitive as 'High Sensitive Fast' in detecting
smoldering fires and temperature increases. Its response behavior with respect to
smoldering fires is similar to that of the 'Sensitive' parameter set.

Download 1 (14) / download 2 (15):

Application-specific parameter sets that can be loaded directly onto the point

All parameter sets except for 8 comply with standards EN 54-7 and CEA 4021.

Parameter sets 'Balanced CO' and 'Suppression CO' do not have LPCB approval.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 59 | 118
4 Fire detection Use
No. Name Risk of damage Concentration Room geometry Deceptive Risk of fire Critical fire size
to persons of valuable phenomena

small… low… simple… few… small… small…

large high complex many large medium

8 'High Suppression'

5 'Suppression'

12 'Suppression CO'

7 'High Compensation'

2 'Robust'

4 'Balanced'

10 'Balanced CO'

6 'Fast Response'

9 'High Sensitive Fast'

11 'Super Sensitive'

The 'High Suppression', 'High Sensitive Fast', and 'Super Sensitive' parameter
sets are only suited for special applications.

60 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection
4 Specification
The following table shows the characteristics and fields of application of the
parameter sets of the point detectors OOH740 and OOHC740.
No. Name Optical Thermal

Typ. Response Sensitivity, Sensitivity, Static Differential activation Differential

time open fire smoldering fire activation temperature activation
from - typ. - to temperature (temperature possible from:
increase >10 K/min)

[s] [%/m] [%/m] [°C] ∆T [K] [°C]

8 'High Suppression' 60 - 80 - 360 2.3 8 80 25 30

5 'Suppression'  90 - 160 - 760 3.2 11.4 80 29 30
1 4 3
12 'Suppression CO'  75 - 150 - 760 2.3…3.2  8.6…11.4  80 29 30

7 'High Compensation' 80 3.2 11.4 80 29 30

0 'High Compensation' 80 3.2 11.4 80 29 30

2 'Robust' 80 3.2 11.4 80 29 30

4 'Balanced' 40 - 64 - 300 2.3 8 80 25 30

1 4 3
10 'Balanced CO'  25 - 50 - 300 1.4…2.3  5…8  80 25 30

6 'Fast Response' 20 - 30 1.6 5.6 80 25 3

9 'High Sensitive Fast' 20 - 30 0.8 2.8 60 25 3

11 'Super Sensitive'  12 1.0 1.5 60 8 3

14 Application-specific parameter sets


The CO signal helps to speed up alarm activation in the event of smoldering fires but cannot
trigger fire alarms on its own.
Only for OOHC740: If the 'Suppression (5)' parameter set is needed, 'Suppression CO (12)' should
be used for new applications.
Depends on CO proportion.
In the case of open fires, the proportion of CO in the fire gas make-up is low. With high proportions
of CO, the sensitivity could theoretically increase by up to 0.9 %/m with open fires (i.e. instead of
2.3 %/m to 1.4…2.3 %/m, for example).
Only in the OOH740 from ES ≥20

The following table shows which product version ES meets which standard for the
parameter sets.
No. Name ES <30 ES ≥30
8 'High Suppression' – –
5 'Suppression' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
12 'Suppression CO' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
7 'High Compensation' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
0 'High Compensation' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
2 'Robust' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
4 'Balanced' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
10 'Balanced CO' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
6 'Fast Response' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
9 'High Sensitive Fast' EN 54-7 EN 54‑7, EN 54‑29
11 'Super Sensitive' EN 54-7 EN 54-7
14 Application-specific parameter set – –

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 61 | 118
4 Fire detection

No. Name ES <30 ES ≥30

15 Application-specific parameter set – –

The static activation temperature of 80 °C is above the operating temperature

range permissible for continuous periods.
The point detector may only be used in continuous operation within the specified

4.2.3 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 1 'Heat detector'

Select 'Sensor mode 1' 'Heat detector' if the detector should only react thermally.
No. Name
0 'A1R'
1 'A1R'
2 'BR'
3 'A1S'
4 'BS'

All parameter sets meet the criteria of standard EN 54-5.

62 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

4.2.4 Parameter sets: Sensor mode 2 'Smoke detector' Description
Select sensor mode 2 when fast temperature changes may occur which are not
caused by fire (e.g. radiant heaters, hot engines). In this sensor mode the detector
only reacts optically; this is comparable with a wide-spectrum smoke detector.
However, because it has a second optical sensor, it reveals an optimized response
behavior in relation to the different types of fire.
(Parameter set numbers in brackets)

Robust (2):
This parameter set responds to aerosols in a similar way as the neural fire detector
in sensor mode 0 with the 'Robust' parameter set, without taking into account the

Universal (1):
With 'Universal' the sensitivity and response time to aerosols are between 'Robust'
and 'Sensitive'.

Sensitive (3):
With regard to aerosols, this parameter set reacts in a way that is comparable to
'Fast Response' in sensor mode 0 without temperature influence.

Super Sensitive (5):

The parameter set can be selected for all point detectors OOH740 from ES ≥20.
With regard to aerosols, this parameter set reacts in a way that is comparable to
the 'Super Sensitive' parameter set in sensor mode 0 without temperature

Ultra Sensitive (6):

The parameter set can be selected for all point detectors OOH740 from ES ≥20.
This parameter set has an extremely high level of sensitivity for normal smoke
detectors. Only select 'Ultra Sensitive' for applications that require high sensitivity
and where no deceptive phenomena (visible aerosols) can be expected.

With the exception of '6', all parameter sets meet the criteria of standard EN 54-7.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 63 | 118
4 Fire detection Use
No. Name Risk of damage to Concentration of Room geometry Deceptive Risk of fire Critical fire size
persons valuable items phenomena

small … low … simple … few … small … small …

large high complex many large medium

2 'Robust'

1 'Universal'

3 'Sensitive'

5 'Super Sensitive'

6 'Ultra Sensitive' Specification
The table below shows the parameter sets' characteristics and fields of application:
No. Name Response time Sensitivity
[s] open fire/smoldering fire
2 'Robust' 80 2.3 / 8
1 'Universal' 50 2.3 / 8
0 'Universal' 50 2.3 / 8
3 'Sensitive' 30 1.6 / 5.6
5 'Super Sensitive' 12 1.0 / 1.5
6 'Ultra Sensitive' 12 0.35 / 0.5
Only in the OOH740 from ES ≥20

Parameter sets 2, 1, 0, 3,and 5 meet the criteria of standard EN 54-7.

The parameter set 6 does not meet the criteria for any of the EN 54 standards.

64 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

4.2.5 Parameter sets for collective operation

Collective mode is only possible with the point detector OOH740. Description
Standard Plus:
This parameter set is fast and highly sensitive. It is thus especially suited to rooms
without deceptive phenomena, where the priority is on early fire detection.

Thanks to its very robust behavior, the 'Suppression' parameter set is particularly
suitable for rooms where deceptive phenomena such as cigarette smoke or
exhaust fumes can be expected. It reacts in a very robust way to the deceptive
phenomenon vapor.

High Sensitive Fast:

This parameter set is suited for applications requiring very high sensitivity levels. It
is also suitable for applications that can otherwise only be covered with special
detectors. Use
Name Risk of damage Concentration Room Deceptive Risk of fire Critical fire size
to persons of valuable geometry phenomena

small … low … simple … few … small … small …

large high complex many large medium

'Standard Plus'


'High Sensitive

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 65 | 118
4 Fire detection Specification
Name Optical Thermal
Typ. Response Sensitivity, open Sensitivity, Static activation Differential activation temperature 
time fire smoldering fire temperature
from - typ. - to

[s] [%/m] [%/m] [°C] ∆T [K]

'Standard Plus' 50 2.3 8 80 25

'Suppression' 90 - 160 - 760 3.2 11.4 80 29

'High Sensitive 20 - 30 0.8 2.8 60 16


Applicable with fast temperature increases >10 K/min.

The static activation temperature of 80 °C is above the operating temperature

range permissible for continuous periods.
The point detector may only be used in continuous operation within the specified

66 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

4.2.6 Default settings for operating on the C-NET

The default device parameter set is set in the following cases:
● Point detector has not been commissioned
● Device location cannot be localized (e.g., due to a fault)
The device parameter set 0 is set with sensor mode 0 in the point detectors
OOH740 and OOHC740 when delivered.
The following table shows the default device parameter set in the various sensor
Fire detectors OOH740 / OOHC740 Default device parameter set
Sensor mode 0 (neural fire detector) 'High Compensation'
Sensor mode 1 (heat detector) 'A1R'
Sensor mode 2 (smoke detector) 'Universal'

Upon commissioning of the fire detection system, the optimum parameter set must
be selected based on the existing risk and the ambient conditions.
After the commissioning of the control panel, the fire detectors are automatically
set to their country-specific basic setting.
You can select and set the parameter sets as follows:
● Using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software
● Directly on your fire detection system (only within the same sensor mode)
You will find a description of the exact procedure for selecting and setting the
parameters in the relevant documentation.

Please note the chapter 'Applicable documents'.

See also
2 Applicable documents [➙ 9]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 67 | 118
4 Fire detection

4.2.7 Setting the parameter set in collective operation

In the case of the point detector OOH740, the set parameter set depends on the
resistor installed in the detector base.
Parameter set in fire Resistance value in the Flashing signal to display the set parameter set in the
detector OOH740 detector base first three minutes following the detector line being
started up
'Standard Plus' - Once every 6 s
'Suppression' 33 kΩ (PSR720-1) Twice every 6 s
'High Sensitive Fast' 68 kΩ (PSR720-2) Three times every 8 s

If no resistor is installed in the detector base, the 'Standard Plus' parameter set is
Upon commissioning of the fire detection system, the optimum parameter set must
be selected based on the existing risk and the ambient conditions.

See also
2 Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]
2 Parameter set resistor 33 kΩ PSR720-1 [➙ 55]
2 Parameter set resistance 68 kΩ PSR720-2 [➙ 55]

68 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Fire detection

4.2.8 Sample applications for OOH740

The table below includes examples regarding the selection of the parameter set for
the point detector. The examples cannot be used universally, but illustrate typical
Environment Deceptive phenomena / detector Parameter set
Addressed Collective
Normal office, room No special requirements 'High 'Standard Plus'
without any particular Compensation (7)'
deceptive phenomena
Possible deceptive Vapor as deceptive phenomenon 'Balanced (4)' or 'Suppression'
phenomena, e.g. electric 'Suppression (5)'
Kitchen A lot of vapor as deceptive 'Suppression (5)' 'Suppression'
phenomenon or 'BS (4)'

Hospital room, museum Quick response needed, no deceptive 'Fast 'Standard Plus'
phenomena expected Response (6)'

Clean room Fast and very sensitive reaction 'High Sensitive 'High Sensitive
required Fast (9)' Fast'

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 69 | 118
4 Fire detection

4.2.9 Sample applications for OOHC740

The table below includes examples regarding the selection of the parameter set for
the point detector. The examples cannot be used universally, but illustrate typical
Environment Deceptive phenomena / detector Parameter set
Normal office, room No special requirements 'Robust (2)' in sensor mode 0
without any particular
deceptive phenomena
Rooms with potential risk – 'Balanced CO (10)'
to persons due to Alternatively 'Balanced (4)'
smoldering fires, CO
Possible deceptive Vapor as deceptive phenomenon 'Balanced CO (10)' or
phenomena, e.g. electric 'Suppression CO (12)'
kettle Alternatively 'Balanced (4)' or
'Suppression (5)'
Cleaning rooms (e.g. in Vapors from cleaning materials 'Balanced CO (10)'
hotels) Alternatively 'Balanced (4)'
Kitchen A lot of vapor as deceptive 'Suppression CO (12)' or
phenomenon 'Balanced CO (10)'
Alternatively 'Suppression (5)' or
'Balanced (4)'
Hospital room, museum Quick response needed; 'Fast Response (6)'
no deceptive phenomena expected
Clean room Fast and very sensitive reaction 'High Sensitive Fast (9)'

70 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Technical CO alarm

4.3 Technical CO alarm

The 'Technical CO Alarm' mode can only be selected on the neural fire detector

The system is not controlled as laid down in EN 54-2
Infringement of the EN 54-2 standard
● The signals for CO detection or temperature recording must not be used to
control fire detection equipment in accordance with EN 54-2.

4.3.1 Parameter sets for the 'Technical CO Alarm' Description
(Parameter set numbers in brackets)

Robust EU1 (0):

Default device parameter set with a static alarm threshold of 60 ppm CO. This
parameter set has a large compensation range and rapid compensation. Warning
level 3 is not output in the default device parameter set.

Balanced EU2 (1):

This parameter set corresponds to the dynamic CO alarm thresholds according to
EN 50291‑1:2010. The parameter set has a small compensation range.

Static 40 (4):
This parameter set has a static alarm threshold of 40 ppm CO. The parameter set
has a small compensation range.

Static 50 (5):
This parameter set has a static alarm threshold of 50 ppm CO. The parameter set
has a small compensation range.

Static 60 (6):
This parameter set has a static alarm threshold of 60 ppm CO. The parameter set
has a small compensation range.

Balanced US1 (7):

This parameter set corresponds to the dynamic CO alarm thresholds according to
UL 2034. The parameter set has a small compensation range.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 71 | 118
4 Technical CO alarm Use
No. Name Risk of increased CO concentration Room geometry Deceptive Compensation
concentration of CO phenomena range
(risk of damage to

small … low … simple … few … small …

large high complex many large

0 'Robust EU1'

1 'Balanced EU2' 

4 'Static 40'

5 'Static 50'

6 'Static 60'

7 'Balanced US1' 


72 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Technical CO alarm
4 Specification
The table below shows the characteristics and fields of application of the
parameter sets for CO of the point detector.
No. Name Response thresholds of warning levels 1 to 3 'Technical CO Alarm' Alarming
[ppm CO] according to
1 2 3

Static Concentration-dependent
[ppm CO] response time [min]
0 'Robust EU1' 30 60 – - –

1 'Balanced EU2' 30 50 – ≥120  @   33 ±3 ppm CO EN 50291-1:20

60…90  @   55 ±5 ppm CO 10
10…40  @ 110 ±10 ppm CO
≤3  @ 330 ±30 ppm CO

4 'Static 40' 30 35 40 - –

5 'Static 50' 30 40 50 - –

6 'Static 60' 30 45 60 - –

7 'Balanced US1' 30 50 – 60…240  @   70 ±5 ppm CO UL 2034

10…50  @ 150 ±5 ppm CO
  4…15  @ 400 ±10 ppm CO

Warning level 3 is not output in the default device parameter set.
Example for parameter set 1 'Balanced EU2' @ 55 ±5 ppm CO:
At 50 ppm CO, alarming must take place after between 60 and 90 minutes.

At an ambient temperature of ≥80 °C, the CO sensor may not function reliably.

Irreversible signaling of a critical fault therefore follows after four hours.

The point detector may only be used in continuous operation within the specified

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 73 | 118
4 Technical CO alarm Default settings

When the point detector is supplied, the default device parameter set for CO
(parameter set 0, 'Robust EU1') is set.
The optimum parameter set for CO must be selected when commissioning the fire
detection system. The selection criteria are the existing risk and ambient
After the commissioning of the control panel, the fire detector is automatically set to
its country-specific basic setting.
You can select and set the parameter sets with the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool'
You will find a description of the exact procedure for selecting and setting the
parameters in the relevant documentation.

Please note the chapter 'Applicable documents'.

See also
2 Applicable documents [➙ 9] Application examples

The table below includes examples regarding the selection of the parameter set for
CO for the point detector. The examples cannot be used universally, but illustrate
typical applications.
Environment Detection behavior wanted Parameter set for CO
Rooms with open fire Very fast response needed 'Static 40 (4)'
Heating rooms Evaluation of time dependency of 'Balanced EU2 (1)' or
CO concentration 'Balanced US1 (7)'
Combustion or fermentation plants Very robust behavior towards 'Robust EU1 (0)'
deceptive phenomena
Car parks, automotive workshops Robust behavior towards 'Balanced EU2 (1)' or
deceptive phenomena 'Balanced US1 (7)'
Underpasses and escape Evaluation of time dependency of 'Balanced EU2 (1)' or
compartments CO concentration 'Balanced US1 (7)'
Animal stalls Fast reaction required 'Static 50 (5)'
Chemical labs or production sites Fast and very sensitive reaction 'Static 40 (4)'
required 'Alternatively Balanced EU2 (1)'

74 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Technical CO alarm

4.3.2 Ambient features

In selecting the optimum parameter set for CO, the following factors must be taken
into account:

Positioning the point detector

CO is slightly less dense than air and spreads evenly though the room when at a
constant temperature.
However if CO is produced in a fire, it is warmer than the surrounding air and rises
towards the ceiling with the smoke. If the point detector is used as a fire detector
for this situation, the same positioning rules apply to it as for a fire detector.
If the point detector is used for the 'Technical CO Alarm' and CO is produced from
cold sources, the point detector must be installed in the ceiling too. Cold sources
include e.g. gas cylinders in a laboratory. The positioning rules for gas detectors
must be consulted for more details.

Influence of the surroundings

At temperatures in excess of +50 °C (outside the device specification!), the CO
sensor ages faster than expected and the guaranteed 5-year service life for the
point detector is reduced.
If the rooms requiring protection constantly have concentrations of ethanol of up to
500 ppm (= MAK value for ethanol), e.g., in breweries or whiskey distilleries, the
'Technical CO Alarm' is more likely to experience false alarms since the electro-
chemical cells have slight cross-sensitivity to ethanol.
In a very dry and very hot climate, the response time of the CO sensor increases to
around 120 s. The response of the point detector to relatively slow increases in the
CO concentration, e.g. in the event of fires, is not therefore affected. But very quick
increases in the CO concentration are detected with a slight delay.
The CO sensor responds faster in humid air than in dry air. There are no limits here
on use as a fire detector or for the 'Technical CO Alarm'.
The electro-chemical CO sensor of the point detector has a slight cross-sensitivity
to hydrogen (H2), i.e., H2 also causes CO signals. As H2 can be produced when
charging lead batteries and in electroplating plants, robust parameter sets which
only cause an alarm when increased CO concentrations are detected should be
used in such environments.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 75 | 118
4 Technical Ambient Supervision Message

4.4 Technical Ambient Supervision Message

‘Technical Ambient Supervision Message' mode can only be selected for point
detector OOH740 from product version ES ≥20.
The evaluation of the CO concentration in 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message' mode can only be selected for point detector OOHC740.

The system is not controlled as laid down in EN 54-2
Infringement of the EN 54-2 standard
● The signals for CO detection or temperature recording must not be used to
control fire detection equipment in accordance with EN 54-2.

4.4.1 Ambient features

In markets where the use of the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is
permitted, the point detector can be positioned above or near objects which require
the operating temperature or CO concentration to be monitored to prevent
The following ambient conditions are detected in 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message' mode:
● An increase or decrease in temperature
● An increase in CO concentration
You can set the following parameters using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool'
software on the control panel:
● CO concentration or temperature threshold value
● Alarming when the temperature threshold value is exceeded or undershot
● Alarming when the CO concentration threshold value is exceeded
● Hysteresis range
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.

76 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Technical Ambient Supervision Message

Example of temperature monitoring caused by hysteresis:


20 t


0 t
Figure 10: Ambient supervision output signal when the operating temperature threshold value of 35 °C
is exceeded and a hysteresis range of 5 °C is selected. The diagram below shows the progression of
the output signal.

1 Temperature progression 3 Danger level ('0' or '2')

2 Hysteresis range 4 Output signal
When an operating temperature of 35 °C is reached, the point detector sends a
message with 'Danger level 2' to the control panel.
In the example shown, a further message with 'Danger level 0' is sent once the
operating temperature of 30 °C (threshold value minus hysteresis range) is

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 77 | 118
4 Technical Ambient Supervision Message Temperature monitoring

Temperature monitoring compares the current measured temperature with a preset
threshold value.
You can select the following comparisons:
● Temperature exceeded: Alarming takes place when the measured temperature
exceeds the set threshold value.
● Temperature undershot: Alarming takes place when the measured temperature
undershoots the set threshold value.
The threshold value can be selected within a range that exceeds the permissible
ambient temperature.
The adjustable threshold value for the OOHC740 is -20…+50 °C
The adjustable threshold for the OOH740 is -20…+55 °C.

Hysteresis ranges
You can set two hysteresis ranges:
● Normal hysteresis range with a range of 1 °C.
● Large hysteresis range with a range of 5 °C.

See also
2 Technical data for OOH740 [➙ 107]
2 Technical data for OOHC740 [➙ 110] CO monitoring
CO monitoring compares the current measured CO concentration with a preset
threshold value.
Alarming takes place when the current measured CO concentration temperature
exceeds the set threshold value.
You can set the CO concentration threshold value in stages of 5 ppm between
20 and 600 ppm.

Hysteresis range and average over 15 minutes

You can choose between two options:
● A fixed hysteresis range of 5 % of the threshold value. Alarming takes place
immediately if the threshold value is exceeded.
– For low CO concentrations, a minimum hysteresis range of 2 ppm is
– For high CO concentrations, the hysteresis range is limited to 15 ppm.
● The average CO concentration over the last 15 minutes is calculated. Alarming
takes place if the threshold value is exceeded. The hysteresis range is
permanently set to 6 ppm.

78 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Technical Ambient Supervision Message

4.4.2 Configuration
You can configure the point detector using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool'
software as follows:

Settings for temperature monitoring:

Adjustable values Notes
Normal hysteresis range Hysteresis range of 1 °C
Large hysteresis range Hysteresis range of 5 °C
Temperature [°C] Permissible threshold value range:
-20…+50 °C for OOHC740
-20…+55 °C for OOH740
Temperature undershot/ Selects whether the output signal should be sent when the set
temperature exceeded threshold value is undershot or exceeded.

Settings for CO monitoring:

Adjustable values Notes
Normal Hysteresis range of 5 % of the threshold value, max. 15 ppm
Slow Average CO concentration over 15 minutes, hysteresis range of
6 ppm
CO concentration in stages of 5 ppm Permissible CO range: 20…600 ppm

4.4.3 Default settings

When the point detector is delivered, the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message'
mode is switched off.
You can switch on and configure the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message'
mode using the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software.
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 79 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Required space

5 Mounting / Installation

5.1 Required space

● Upon insertion of the detector base and sounder base, the detector base is
placed under stress by compression, tension, and torsion. The fastening
method must, therefore, be designed accordingly.
● Detector bases and sounder bases must be placed flat on the ceiling.
● Avoid mounting on steps, concrete ribs, etc.
● Install the detector base or sounder base directly on the recessed box or a
level surface.
● If a surface-mounted cable feed is used, there are two possible break-out
points on the detector base or sounder base for the cable entry. Max. cable
diameter: 8 mm.
● The point detector must have at least 2 cm of free space to the side. Only then
can the point detector be removed from the detector exchanger DX791 and the
adapter for detector exchanger FDUD491.
● Contorted detector bases or sounder bases will complicate or even impede the
insertion of detectors.

* * *
* = min. 2 cm

1 Detector exchanger 2 Telescope or extension rod

80 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110

5.2 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective)

● Install the detector base DB72x or DB110 directly on the ceiling.
● Insert the cables into the detector base. You have the option of using the
following types of line:
– Recess-mounted cable entry
– Surface-mounted cable entry (cable diameter max. 8 mm)

Incorrect laying of cables
Damage to cables and difficulties when installing the point detector
● The cable loops must be placed flat in the base bottom.
● The bare length of the cables is approximately 8…10 mm.

1 Minimum Ø 40 mm 2 Maximum Ø 90 mm

Please note the limitations when using the detector base DB721D.
See chapter 'Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]'.

In the case of the detector bases DB721 and DB722, the C-NET detector line is
not interrupted even if a point detector is not used.

Only use the detector base DB110 on collective detector lines.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 81 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Detector base DB72x and detector base (collective) DB110

Connection terminals
The following detector bases have screw terminals:
● DB721
● DB721D
● DB720
● DB110
The following detector bases have spring clips:
● DB722



Figure 11: Screw terminals and spring clips

You will find information on connecting the detector bases in the chapters
'Cable entry [➙ 91]' and 'Detector lines [➙ 93]'.

82 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Sounder base DBS720

5.3 Sounder base DBS720

1. Install the sounder base DBS720 directly on the ceiling.
2. Insert the cables into the sounder base DBS720. You have the option of using
the following types of line:
– Recess-mounted cable entry
– Surface-mounted cable entry (cable diameter max. 8 mm)

Incorrect laying of cables
Damage to cables and difficulties when installing the point detector
● The cable loops must be placed flat in the base bottom.
● The bare length of the cables is approximately 8…10 mm.

1 Minimum Ø 40 mm 2 Maximum Ø 90 mm

In the case of the sounder base DBS720, the C‑NET detector line is not
interrupted even if a point detector is not used.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 83 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Detector base seal RS720

5.4 Detector base seal RS720

● Use the detector base seal RS720 to install point detectors in wet rooms.
Protection category: IP42.
● Compatible with the detector bases DB72x, the detector base (collective)
DB110 and the sounder base DBS720.
● Only use for recess-mounted cable entry.

Installing the detector base seal

1. NOTICE! Excessively large holes in the detector base seal will impair the
potential IP protection category. Do not cut or drill holes in the detector base
seal. Without using a tool, push the lines through the detector base seal.
2. Fit the detector base seal RS720 between the ceiling and the detector base or
the sounder base.

Figure 12: Installing the detector base seal RS720

84 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Base attachment BA720

5.5 Base attachment BA720

Install base attachment BA720 if you are using a cable with a diameter >8 mm for
surface-mounted cable entry.
The base attachment BA720 is attached to the ceiling together with a detector
Compatible with the detector bases DB72x and DB110x.

Mounting for recess-mounted cable entry:

1. Insert the cables into the base attachment BA720 (1).
2. Install the base attachment BA720 (1) on the ceiling together with a detector
base (2).
3. Connect the cables in the detector base (2).

Figure 13: Recess-mounted cable entry with base attachment BA720

1 Base attachment BA720 2 Detector base DB72x

Mounting for surface-mounted cable entry:

1. Break out the areas required for cable entry in base attachment BA720 (1).
2. Insert the cables into the base attachment BA720 (1) through the broken-out
3. Install the base attachment BA720 (1) on the ceiling together with a detector
base (2).
4. Connect the cables in the detector base (2).

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 85 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Base attachment BA720

Figure 14: Surface-mounted cable entry with base attachment BA720

1 Base attachment BA720 2 Detector base DB72x

86 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Base attachment wet BA721

5.6 Base attachment wet BA721

Base attachment wet BA721 is for surface-mounted feed lines in humid and cold
environments. The cables are inserted using M20 x 1.5 metal cable glands (Fig. 3).
Protective cages DBZ1194/FDBZ294 can be installed on 'base attachment wet
● Protective cage DBZ1194 (Fig. 3) protects the detector against mechanical
● EMC-protective cage FDBZ294 (Fig. 4) protects the detector against
mechanical damage and electromagnetic fields.

Note the dimensions of the protective cages (Fig. 3) before installing base
attachment wet BA721!

You will find information on connecting detector heating unit FDBH291 in the
'Connection of the detector heating unit' chapter.
122 13



1x A

13 122

Fig. 2

1x A
Fig. 1



13 13

Fig. 3 Fig. 4
Figure 15: Mounting and removal of protective cages and designation plates on base attachment wet

Fig. 1 Mounting of base attachment wet BA721

● Mounting on back box on substructure (2 screws)
● Mounting of housing cover on back box (4 screws)
● Mounting of detector base (2 screws)

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 87 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Base attachment wet BA721

Fig. 2 Master gauge for recesses

Fig. 3 Mounting of protective cage DBZ1194, M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland,
designation plate DBZ1193A
Fig. 4 Mounting of EMC-protective cage FDBZ294

Danger of falling
Danger of injury
● When installing, use a secured ladder or work platform.
● Only use detector exchanger DX791 as a mounting tool.

Mounting (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2)

1. Install the M20 x 1.5 metal cable gland(s) in the back box of the base
attachment wet.
2. Fit the back box securely to the substructure with 2 screws (detail A).
3. Screw the housing cover to the back box with the 4 screws.
4. Push the detector base into base attachment wet BA721.
a You must be able to hear the detector base click into place.
5. Screw the detector base securely onto base attachment wet BA721 using
2 screws.

Removing the detector base

1. Loosen the two screws on the detector base.
2. Disengage the lock with a screwdriver ('click').
3. Remove the detector base from base attachment wet BA721.

See also
2 Protective cage DBZ1194 [➙ 54]
2 Detector heating unit FDBH291 [➙ 53]

88 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector locking device LP720

5.7 Detector locking device LP720

A point detector can be protected against theft with the detector locking device



Figure 16: Installing the detector locking device LP720

A Set screw M3 x 12 mm B Allen key

1. Insert the point detector into the detector base.

2. Using the Allen key provided, insert the set screw through the hole in the
detector housing and tighten.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 89 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Designation plate FDBZ291

5.8 Designation plate FDBZ291

1. Label designation plate FDBZ291 with location address of point detector.
2. Attach designation plate FDBZ291 to detector base DB72x or detector base
(collective) DB110.

If the detector base seal RS720 is being used, it is not possible to install the
designation plate FDBZ291.

Figure 17: Mounting of designation plate FDBZ291

90 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Cable entry

5.9 Cable entry

The detector bases DB72x and DB110 contain four screw terminals. A maximum
of 2 cables may be connected to each screw terminal.
The maximum conductor cross section of the screw terminals is 0.2…1.6 mm .

Connection assignment in addressed operation

Designation Connection
1a (+) Connection for external alarm indicator
1b (+) C-NET IN and OUT
5 (-) C-NET IN or OUT / external alarm indicator
6 (-) C-NET IN or OUT / external alarm indicator

Connection assignment in collective operation

Designation Connection
1a (+) Connection for external alarm indicator
1b (+) Collective detector line IN and OUT
5 (-) Collective detector line IN (from the control panel) / external alarm
6 (-) Collective detector line OUT (to the EOL) / external alarm indicator

The resistor for selecting the parameter set must be mounted between connections
'5' and '1a'.

Incorrect laying of cables
Damage to cables and difficulties when installing the point detector
● The cable loops must be placed flat in the base bottom.
● The bare length of the cables is approximately 8…10 mm.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 91 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Cable entry

5.9.1 Auxiliary terminals DBZ1190-AA/-AB

Use the following auxiliary terminals for multiple connections:
● DBZ1190-AB connection terminal 0.5…2.5 mm²
● DBZ1190-AA micro terminal 0.28…0.5 mm²

Figure 18: Detector base with connection terminals and micro terminals

A defective contact may occur when replacing a plugged-in conductor cross-

2 2
section of 2.5 mm with conductor cross-sections of 0.5…0.8 mm .

92 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector lines

5.10 Detector lines

5.10.1 Connection diagram, addressed

Cables and topology
● The connection is established from base to base using twisted or non-twisted
wire pairs.
● Wherever possible use twisted, unshielded cables.
● Shielded cables are only required in special cases, such as strong high-
frequency fields.
● You have the option of using the following types of line:
– Loops
– Stub lines
– Stub line as a branch of a loop

Connecting external alarm indicators FDAI91 / FDAI92 / FDAI93

Observe the following points when connecting external alarm indicators:
● Wherever possible use twisted, unshielded cables.
● Connect a maximum of two external alarm indicators to one detector.
● If a cable with shielding is used to connect the external alarm indicator, this
shielding must be linked to the shielding of the detector bus.
The shielding must not be linked to the external alarm indicator itself.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 93 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Detector lines

C-NET connection diagram

2 2 2
1a 1b 1a 1b 1a 1b +

1 7
5 6 5 6 5 6
+ + –
– –
5 6

– +

2 2
1a 1b 1a 1b
5 6

5 6 5 6

3 3

Figure 19: Connection diagram for addressed detector lines

1 Control panel 5 Cable –EAI6

2 Detector base DB72x, sounder base DBS720 6 Cable –EAI5 (optional)
3 Auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx 7 Short circuit (error)
4 External alarm indicator 8 Short circuit (error)

The alarm indicator connected will continue to function correctly in the event of a
short-circuit occurring at position '7' on the connection diagram. The alarm indicator
is triggered by cable –EAI6.
If the short-circuit occurs at position '8' on the connection diagram, the alarm
indicator will no longer be triggered.
As an option, the alarm indicator may also be connected using cable -EAI5.
In this case, the alarm indicator will correctly indicate an alarm even if a short-
circuit occurs at position '8'.
This ensures that the alarm indicator is always functioning correctly.

94 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector lines

The option described is possible in loops and stub lines.

You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.

5.10.2 Connection diagram, collective

If the point detector OOH740 is used on a collective detector line, the parameter
set is selected by installing a resistor PSR720-1 or PSR720-2 in the detector base.
The resistors are available as accessories.
You can select parameter sets by installing or leaving out the following resistors:
Parameter set Resistance value Resistance
'Standard Plus' - -
'Suppression' 33 kΩ PSR720-1
'High Sensitive Fast' 68 kΩ PSR720-2

Proceed as follows to install the point detector OOH740 on a collective detector

1. Only install detector base DB721D or detector base (collective) DB110 on the
detector line.
2. If necessary: Mount a resistor between connections '1a' and '5'.
3. Install one point detector OOH740 on each detector base.
a Mounting of the point detector is complete.

Use of the detector base DB721D makes it easier to subsequently migrate the fire
detection installation from a collective detector line to an addressed detector line.
The detector bases no longer need to be replaced.

Limitations when using the detector base DB721D

Only install the detector base DB721D when the following conditions are satisfied:
● The control panel can detect that the point detector has been removed from the
detector base with a diode.
● Downstream detectors on the stub are still operated correctly when the point
detector is removed.
Control panels FC10 with a 'British Standard Module' satisfy these conditions.
You will find detailed information in the 'List of compatibility'.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 95 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Detector lines

Connection diagram

Figure 20: Connection diagram for collective detector lines

1 Control panel 4 External alarm indicator

2 Detector base DB721D or DB110 5 Resistor for selecting the point detector's parameter set
3 Auxiliary terminal DBZ1190-xx

Connections '5' and '6'

If a point detector is removed from its detector base, all downstream detectors on
the stub remain active.
This function is only guaranteed if the following points are observed when installing
the detector base DB721D:
● The cable coming from the control panel or the control panel's cable is
connected to connection '5'.
● The cable routed towards the EOL resistor is connected to connection '6'.

Check that the cables are installed correctly by performing an appropriate function

Diode unit for detector base DB721D

A missing, damaged or incorrectly installed diode unit can impair detection of a
point detector being removed from its detector base. Check that the diode unit is
functioning correctly by performing an appropriate function test.

See also
2 Parameter sets for fire detection [➙ 33]
2 Parameter set resistor 33 kΩ PSR720-1 [➙ 55]
2 Parameter set resistance 68 kΩ PSR720-2 [➙ 55]

96 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector dust cap

5.11 Detector dust cap

1. Cover the point detector with the detector dust cap during the construction
phase. This will protect the point detector from dust and dirt.
2. Once construction work is complete, remove the detector dust cap from the
point detector.

1 Point detector 2 Detector dust cap

A detector dust cap is provided as part of the scope of supply for each point

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 97 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Detector heating unit FDBH291

5.12 Detector heating unit FDBH291

5.12.1 Installation of the detector heating unit

When the detector is exposed to icing or moisture condensation (e.g., in cooling
rooms, attics, loading ramps), detector heating unit FDBH291 is installed in the
detector base. The detector heating unit increases the detector temperature by
approximately 2 °C over the operating temperature and thus avoids moisture
condensation on the detector.

Optimum function of the detector heating unit is only guaranteed with base
attachment wet BA721.

Figure 21: Mounting of the detector heating unit FDBH291

1 Micro terminals 3 Detector heating unit

2 Base attachment wet 4 Detector base

98 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--
Mounting / Installation
Detector heating unit FDBH291

5.12.2 Connection of the detector heating unit

● Connect the cables for the monitored supply from the control panel and the
detector heating unit to the supplied micro terminals DBZ1190-AA.
● The cables can be placed in the same cable harness as the detector line or
● Several detector heating units can be connected in parallel.
● Detector heating units require a separate supply.

Risk of icing
● To ensure smooth operation, the detector must be checked regularly for icing.

DB721 DB721
1a 1b 1a 1b +

DBZ1190-AA DBZ1190-AA
5 6 5 6
- + - +
1 +

2 +
Figure 22: Connection diagram for detector heating unit FDBH291

1 Control panel supply (monitored) 2 Control panel

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 99 | 118
Mounting / Installation
5 Migration from collective detector line to addressed detector line

5.13 Migration from collective detector line to addressed

detector line
w One fire detection installation is installed for collective detector lines.
w Detector bases DB721D are installed on the detector line.
w Point detectors OOH740 are installed in the detector bases DB721D.
1. Install a fire detection installation with one C-NET detector line
2. Remove the point detector from the detector base.
3. Remove the diode unit from the detector base DB721D. See the chapter
'Removing the diode unit [➙ 101]'.
4. If a resistor for selecting a parameter set in collective mode is installed in the
detector base DB721D: Remove the resistor.

Because the resistor is no longer needed, e.g. the connection wires of the resistor
can be cut using a wire cutter or another cutting tool.

5. Install the point detector on the detector base.

6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for each detector base.
a The fire detection installation detects the point detectors on the addressed
detector line during commissioning.
7. During commissioning, check the set parameter set on each point detector. If
necessary, select another parameter set.
a Migration is complete.

If there are a lot of collective point detectors on one stub, it is often the case that
not all of the detectors are detected when the detector line is first started up. In
this instance, restart the detector line. Repeat this process until all of the
detectors are detected by the control panel.

See also
2 Connection diagram, collective [➙ 95]
2 Removing the diode unit [➙ 101]

100 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Mounting / Installation
Migration from collective detector line to addressed detector line

5.13.1 Removing the diode unit

Figure 23: Removing the diode unit

1 Detector base DB721D 3 Diode unit

2 Screwdriver size 1

Falling diode unit
Risk of eye damage
● Wear safety goggles when removing the diode unit!

w There is no point detector in the detector base DB721D.

1. Attach a size 1 screwdriver (2) between the connection terminal '6' in the
detector base (1) and the diode unit (3). See arrow in the figure.
2. NOTICE! The loop contact in the detector base is damaged when the diode
unit is removed! Avoid bending the spring contact next to connection '6'!
3. Hit the handle of the screwdriver (2).
a The diode unit (3) falls out of the detector base (1).

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 101 | 118

6 Commissioning on the C-NET

6 Commissioning

6.1 Commissioning on the C-NET

The devices are commissioned via the control panel. The exact procedure is
described in the control panel documentation.
Conduct a performance check once commissioning is complete.

6.2 Commissioning on a collective detector line

The devices are commissioned via the control panel. The exact procedure is
described in the control panel documentation.
Conduct a performance check once commissioning is complete.

102 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Maintenance / Repair
Performance check

7 Maintenance / Repair

7.1 Performance check

The selftest automatically subjects the detectors to an extensive electrical
performance check. Regular performance checks of the detectors are required
nonetheless. This may be done with the test gas or hot air fan depending on the
detector type.

● Check the devices every year.
● Replace heavily soiled or damaged devices.
● All point detectors should be replaced after 6 to 8 years of service, depending
on the ambient conditions.
● The CO sensor used in the OOHC740 has a maximum service life of 5 years.
When CO-supported parameter sets are activated, a critical warning is
triggered once this period has lapsed.
It can continue to be used as an OOHC fire detector depending on the fire
control panel following reconfiguration to non-CO-supported parameter sets
until the recommended replacement interval of 6 to 8 years is reached.

7.2 Testing the point detector

Depending on the point detector, testing may be performed with one or more of the
following accessories:
● Detector tester RE8ST
● Test gas, optical
– REF8‑S (recommended)
– REF8
● Detector tester RE8STCO
● CO test gas
– REF8‑C (for CO sensors)
● Heat detector tester kit RE7T
● Hot air fan

Collective operation
In collective operation, the point detector OOH740 has a reduced response time for
a period of 3 minutes following the detector line being started up or reset. In this
time, the point detector responds faster to test gas or a hot air fan than in normal
Once an alarm is triggered on a point detector, the detector line must be restarted.
Only then can the next point detector be tested.
You will find more detailed information in the fire detection system documentation.

See also
2 Test mode on the control panel [➙ 104]

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 103 | 118

Maintenance / Repair
7 Performance check

7.2.1 Test mode on the control panel

The fire detectors are highly resistant to deceptive phenomena. This means that
optical fire detectors, for example, will recognize the immediate occurrence of
smoke (such as that which occurs during testing with test gas) as a deceptive
phenomenon and will not trigger an alarm. This is desirable in normal operation;
however, it does make testing with test gas problematical.
To enable detector testing with test gas or with a hot air fan, the detector must be
switched to test mode.
On an addressed detector line, the point detector or detector zones can be
switched to 'Test' on the control panel. Testing with test gas is then possible
without problems.

Collective operation

Collective control panels can be switched to test mode too. In this instance,
however, only the output of a real alarm is prevented. With collective control
panels, test mode has no influence over point detectors' response times.

The detector must be disconnected from the power supply on a collective detector
line such that it switches to test mode.
You can do the following to disconnect the power supply:
● Restart the detector line
● Remove from the detector base for at least 5 s the detector to be tested first in
a detector line and then reinsert it
The point detectors then have a reduced response time for 3 minutes.

To trigger a detector using test gas, normally 2…4 gas discharges at intervals of

approx. 2 seconds are required. When the detector is working in test mode,
activation takes place after approximately 10 seconds.

See also
2 Testing the point detector [➙ 103]

104 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Maintenance / Repair
Performance check

7.2.2 Testing the fire detection functionality

The table below shows the accessories with which the fire channel can be tested in
the various sensor modes.
Fire detector OOH740 Test gas Detector Hot air fan
tester RE8ST
Optical CO
Sensor mode 0 (neural fire X X X X
Sensor mode 1 (heat detector) – – - X
Sensor mode 2 (smoke detector) X – X –

If the point detector is working in test mode, the following must be noted:
In test mode, the point detector responds according to the sensor mode selected.
This means when the point detector is operated as a heat detector (sensor
mode 1), it must be thermally checked as well.

Selecting test mode for the fire zone on the fire control panel does not deactivate
evaluation of the functionality of the 'CO Technical Alarm' and 'Ambient
Supervision Technical Alarm'.

When the detector is in alarm condition, the internal alarm indicator flashes. For
information on the flashing modes, observe the notices in chapters
'Internal alarm indicator in the case of ES <20 [➙ 40]' and
'Extended flashing behavior of the alarm indicators in the case of ES ≥20 [➙ 42]'.

7.2.3 Testing the CO functionality (only for OOHC740)

The table below shows the accessories with which the gas channel can be tested.
Gas channel Test gas Detector Hot air
tester fan
Optical CO
Technical CO alarm – X X –

If the point detector OOHC740 is working in test mode, the following must be
Because the fire detection functionality is not automatically deactivated during test
mode for CO, the documentation provided for the control panel must be consulted
for details of how to proceed.

If using CO test gases which haven't been approved, a fire alarm may be
triggered during testing if additional setting of test mode is not undertaken on the
fire control panel.

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 105 | 118

Maintenance / Repair
7 Performance check

7.2.4 Testing the functionality of the 'Technical Ambient Supervi-

sion Message'
You do not have to check the functionality of the 'Technical Ambient Supervision
Message' on a regular basis.
Testing the fire detection functionality and the CO functionality ensures that the
'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is also working. 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' performance

You cannot test whether the 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is
functioning correctly with test devices.
Checking can only take place indirectly:
w You must know the current ambient temperature.
l Enter the following parameters in the 'Cerberus-Engineering-Tool' software:
– A hysteresis range of 5 °C.
– A temperature threshold which is at least 10 °C below the current ambient
– Alarming when value falls below threshold
a The detector sends a signal to the control panel.
a The 'Technical Ambient Supervision Message' is working correctly if the control
panel displays the corresponding message.

106 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Technical data for OOH740

8 Specifications
Unless otherwise mentioned, the following data applies:
Temperature = 25 °C
Air pressure = 1000 hPa (750 Torr)

8.1 Technical data for OOH740

You will find information on approvals, CE marking, and the relevant EU directives
for this device (these devices) in the following document(s); see 'Applicable
documents' chapter:
● Document A6V10284161

Addressed detector line (C-NET)

Detector line Operating voltage (modulated) DC 12…33 V
Operating current (quiescent) Typ. 170…250 µA
Maximum current connection factor 1
Quiescent current connection factor 1
Address connection factor 1
Separator connection factor 1
Protocol C-NET or collective (automatic detection)
Compatibility See 'List of compatibility'
Line separator Line voltage:
● Nominal DC 32 V (= Vnom)
● Minimum DC 12 V (= Vmin)
● Maximum DC 33 V (= Vmax)
Voltage at which the line separator
● Minimum DC 7.5 V (= VSO min)
● Maximum DC 10.5 V (= VSO max)
Permanent current when switches are Max. 1.5 A (= IC max)
Switching current (e.g., in the event of Max. 2 A (= IS max)
a short-circuit)
Leakage current when switches are Max. 1 mA (= IL max)
Serial impedance when switches are Max. 0.15 Ω (= ZC max)
When operated on the C-NET, the line separator is closed via an actuation signal
from the control panel. Required line voltage: DC 12...33 V (normal range)
External alarm indicator External alarm indicators which can be 2 external alarm indicators and
connected 1 sounder base
Voltage DC 10…17 V
Current 9…15 mA
Flashing interval times:

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 107 | 118

8 Technical data for OOH740

● Normal bright flashing 15 ms

● Faint flashing 1 s

Device characteristics Response sensitivity (typ.) 1.5…12 %/m (depending on the

parameter set)
Note: The limit for the 'Ultra Sensitive'
parameter set is 0.5 %/m. However, this
parameter set does not meet the
requirements of EN 54-7.
● Permissible wind speed Max. 5 m/s
● Compensation speed ≤1/45 voltage increase for detection/h
Ambient conditions Operating temperature -25…+55 °C
Storage temperature -30…+70 °C
Optimum storage temperature 0…+20 °C
Air humidity ≤95 % rel.
Protection category (IEC 60529):
● Detector base DB721/DB721D/ IP40
● Detector base DB721/DB721D/ IP44
DB110 and sounder base DBS720
with detector base seal RS720
● Sounder base DBS720 IP40
● Base attachment wet BA721 IP44
Electromagnetic compatibility:
● 100 kHz…6 GHz 50 V/m

Mechanical data Dimensions (Ø x H) with detector base: 117 x 49 mm

Color ∼RAL 9010 pure white
Standards European standards ● EN 54-5
● EN 54-7
● EN 54-17
● EN 54-29

Collective detector line

Detector line Operating voltage DC 14…28 V
Maximum current connection factor See 'Collective maximum
current connection factor' table
Quiescent current at:
● Maximum current connection 65…100 μA
factor = 1
● Maximum current connection 80…125 μA
factor = 1.25

108 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Technical data for OOH740

Current peak at:

● Maximum current connection 150 μA
factor = 1
● Maximum current connection 180 μA
factor = 1.25

Alarm voltage at:

● Alarm current = 1...15 mA DC 5…10 V
● Alarm current = 35 mA DC 18…22 V
● Alarm current = 50 mA DC 26…28 V
Alarm current at operating voltage = 4…50 mA
DC 5...28 V
Reset voltage UR:
● Alarm is reliably reset DC 0…2 V
● Alarm may possibly not be reset DC 2…4 V
Reset time at UR ≤DC 2 V:
● Alarm is reliably reset >2 s
● Alarm may possibly not be reset 1…2 s
Protocol Collective (with and without
current limitation)
Compatibility See 'List of compatibility'

Collective maximum current connection factor

Parameter set Maximum current Resistance value in the detector
connection factor base
'Standard Plus' 1 -
'Suppression' 1.25 33 kΩ
'High Sensitive Fast' 1.25 68 kΩ

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 109 | 118

8 Technical data for OOHC740

8.2 Technical data for OOHC740

You will find information on approvals, CE marking, and the relevant EU directives
for this device (these devices) in the following document(s); see 'Applicable
documents' chapter:
● Document A6V10284161
Detector line Operating voltage (modulated) DC 12…33 V
Operating current (quiescent) Typ. 300…380 µA
Maximum current connection factor 2
Quiescent current connection factor 2
Address connection factor 1
Separator connection factor 1
Protocol C-NET
Compatibility See 'List of compatibility'
Line separator Line voltage:
● Nominal DC 32 V (= Vnom)
● Minimum DC 12 V (= Vmin)
● Maximum DC 33 V (= Vmax)
Voltage at which the line separator
● Minimum DC 7.5 V (= VSO min)
● Maximum DC 10.5 V (= VSO max)
Permanent current when switches are Max. 1.5 A (= IC max)
Switching current (e.g., in the event of Max. 2.0 A (= IS max)
a short-circuit)
Leakage current when switches are Max. 1 mA (= IL max)
Serial impedance when switches are Max. 0.15 Ω (= ZC max)
Closing the line separators:
When operated on the C-NET, the line separator is closed via an actuation signal
from the control panel. Required line voltage: DC 12...33 V (normal range)
External alarm indicator External alarm indicators which can be 2 external alarm indicators and
connected 1 sounder base
Voltage DC 10…17 V
Current 9…15 mA
Flashing interval times:
● Normal bright flashing 15 ms
● Faint flashing 1 s
Device characteristics Response sensitivity (typ.) 3…12 %/m (depending on the parameter
● Permissible wind speed Max. 5 m/s
● Compensation speed ≤1/45 voltage increase for detection/h
CO sensor service life Max. 5 years
Ambient conditions Operating temperature -20...+50 °C

110 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

Technical data for OOHC740

Storage temperature -20…+55 °C

Optimum storage temperature 0…+20 °C
Air humidity ~15…95 % rel. during continuous
Condensation water may impair the
function of the CO sensor.
Protection category (IEC 60529):
● Detector base DB721/DB721D/ IP40
● Detector base DB721/DB721D/ IP44
DB110 and sounder base DBS720
with detector base seal RS720
● Sounder base DBS720 IP40
● Base attachment wet BA721 IP44
Electromagnetic compatibility:
● 10 kHz…2.7 GHz 40 V/m
Mechanical data Dimensions (Ø x H) with detector base: 117 x 49 mm
Color ∼RAL 9010 pure white
Standards European standards ● EN 54-5
● EN 54-7
● EN 54-17
● CEA 4021

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 111 | 118

8 Dimensions

8.3 Dimensions
OOH740 OOHC740

106 106



OOH740 with base DB72x or DB110 OOHC740 with base DB72x

117 117

8.4 Environmental compatibility
This equipment is manufactured using materials and procedures which
comply with current environmental protection standards as best as
possible. More specifically, the following measures have been
● Use of reusable materials
● Use of halogen-free plastics
● Electronic parts and synthetic materials can be separated
Larger plastic parts are labeled according to ISO 11469 and ISO 1043.
The plastics can be separated and recycled on this basis.

Electronic parts and batteries must not be disposed of with domestic

● Take electronic parts and batteries to local collection points or
recycling centers.
● Contact local authorities for more information.
● Observe national requirements for disposing of electronic parts
and batteries.

112 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--


Ambient supervision ......................................... 20
Application as heat detector
Sensor mode 1 ............................................ 30
Application as neural fire detector
Sensor mode 0 ............................................ 30
Application as smoke detector
Sensor mode 2 ............................................ 30
Approvals ............................................... 107, 110
ASAtechnology................................................. 21
Auxiliary terminals
Connection terminal .................................... 92
Micro terminal.............................................. 92

Cables .............................................................. 93
Carbon monoxide
CO ............................................................... 20
CE marking............................................. 107, 110
Carbon monoxide ........................................ 20
CO concentration ....................................... 30, 78
Average ....................................................... 78
Average over 15 minutes ............................ 78
CO sensor
Detection of carbon monoxide .................... 29
Collective behavior
Degraded mode operation .......................... 46
Collective mode
Internal alarm indicator................................ 40
Product version and flashing modes ........... 40
Setting for parameter sets ........................... 32
Compatibility............................................... 56, 95
Compatibility with control panels ...................... 56
Connection diagram ......................................... 93
External alarm indicators............................. 93
Connection terminal ......................................... 92
Control panel .................................................. 102

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 113 | 118


D Observe information .................................... 39

Danger level Replacement necessary.............................. 39
Signal processing of the point detector ....... 37 Replacement recommended ....................... 39
Default device parameter set ............... 33, 67, 74 Diode unit ......................................................... 50
Default parameter set 0 Correct function ........................................... 96
Delivery ....................................................... 67 Remove ....................................................... 96
Degraded mode operation Uninstalling................................................ 100
Collective behavior ...................................... 46 Disposal.......................................................... 112
Fire control panel failure.............................. 46 Documentation for fire detection system ..... 9, 32,
Delivery 43, 67, 74
Default device parameter set 0 with sensor Download center
mode 0 ........................................................ 67 URL ............................................................... 9
Designation plate
Detector base .............................................. 90
Environmental compatibility............................ 112
Mounting ..................................................... 90
Sounder base .............................................. 90
Product version ........................................... 26
Detection behavior of the detector
EU directives .......................................... 107, 110
Parameter set........................................ 33, 36
External alarm indicator.............................. 41, 44
Detection behavior of the point detector
Addressed mode ......................................... 40
Parameter set.............................................. 32
Alarm ........................................................... 41
Detection of carbon monoxide
Alarm in test mode ...................................... 41
CO sensor ................................................... 29
Can be operated in collective mode ............ 44
C-NET ......................................................... 44
Performance check ................................... 103
Collective mode........................................... 40
Detector base ................................................... 47
Sounder base .............................................. 44
Detector base (collective)................................. 47
Detector base seal F
Mounting ..................................................... 84 Fire control panel failure
Detector dust cap ............................................. 97 Degraded mode operation .......................... 46
Detector exchanger DX791 ........................ 47, 80 Flashing behavior
Adapter for detector exchanger FDUD491. 47, Steady-on .................................................... 42
80 Flashing mode
Detector heating unit Internal alarm indicator................................ 42
Mounting ..................................................... 98 Flashing pattern
Detector line Configuration ............................................... 42
Connection diagram .................................... 93 Internal alarm indicator................................ 42
Detector locking device
Mounting ..................................................... 89
Diagnosis levels ............................................... 39
Fault ............................................................ 39
Normal......................................................... 39

114 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--


Hot air fan Recycling........................................................ 112
Test device .................................................. 45 Renovation mode
Hysteresis................................................... 28, 30 Major renovation work ................................. 44
Hysteresis range .................................. 30, 76, 78 Required space ................................................ 80
PSR720-1.............................................. 55, 95
Internal alarm indicator..................................... 40
PSR720-2.............................................. 55, 95
Alarm ........................................................... 40
Collective mode........................................... 40 S
Test mode ................................................... 40 Screw terminals
Assignment ................................................. 91
Sensor mode 0
Line separator
Application as neural fire detector ............... 30
Function ...................................................... 39
Sensor mode 1
List of compatibility ..... 9, 20, 46, 56, 95, 107, 110
Application as heat detector ........................ 30
Loop ................................................................. 93
Sensor mode 2
M Application as smoke detector .................... 30
Maintenance intervals .................................... 103 Short-circuit
Major renovation work Line separator ............................................. 39
Renovation mode ........................................ 44 Reset the detector line ................................ 39
Micro terminal................................................... 92 Signal processing of the point detector
Danger level ................................................ 37
O Warning level .............................................. 38
Order number ................................................... 25
Sounder base ............................................. 44, 47
Original language ............................................... 7
Source language ................................................ 7

P Standards ............................................... 108, 111

Packaging label Steady-on

Product version ........................................... 26 Internal alarm indicator................................ 42

Parameter set Stub line ........................................................... 93

Detection behavior of the detector ........ 33, 36

Detection behavior of the point detector ..... 32
Performance check ........................................ 103
Product label
Product version ........................................... 26
PSR720-1......................................................... 55
Resistance .................................................. 95
PSR720-2......................................................... 55
Resistance .................................................. 95

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 115 | 118


Temperature exceeded .................................... 78
Temperature increase ................................ 28, 30
Temperature undershot.................................... 78
Test device
Detector tester RE6T .................................. 45
Detector tester RE8ST ................................ 45
Detector tester RE8STCO........................... 45
Heat detector tester kit RE7T Solo461........ 45
Hot air fan.................................................... 45
Test gases REF8, REF8-S.......................... 45
Test gases REF8, REF8-S
Test device .................................................. 45
Test mode
Addressable detector ................................ 104
Collective detector..................................... 104
Threshold value................................................ 78
Topology........................................................... 93
Type plate
Product version ........................................... 26

Warning level
Signal processing of the point detector ....... 38

116 | 118 A6V10305793_r_en_--

A6V10305793_r_en_-- 117 | 118
Issued by © Siemens Switzerland Ltd, 2010
Siemens Switzerland Ltd Technical specifications and availability subject to change without notice.
Smart Infrastructure
Global Headquarters
Theilerstrasse 1a
CH-6300 Zug
+41 58 724 2424


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