Tle 7 - 8 - Fishery
Tle 7 - 8 - Fishery
Tle 7 - 8 - Fishery
4.3 Check, clean, and stow away tools
according to established industry
procedures and following user’s
4.4 Store materials following industry
standard procedures and
manufacturer’s specifications
4.5 Check PPE for damage and ensure
that clean and undamaged
equipment is properly stored
4.6 Perform record keeping according to
industry requirements
Note: Week 7 and 8 for Entrepreneurship
2.2 Perform routine check-up and
Perform preventive maintenance
by following the procedures in
sharpening and oiling farm tools
and equipment
The learner The learner LO 1. Perform estimation or basic
demonstrates an accurately performs calculation in the workplace
understanding of estimation and basic 1.1 Follow procedures in reporting to
estimation and basic calculation needed in appropriate persons
calculation needed in the workplace the estimate of materials and
the workplace resources
1.2 Perform estimations or
calculations to be done Week 2
according to the job requirement
1.3 Employ different techniques in
checking accuracy of
The learner The learner interprets LO 1. Layout garden plots
demonstrates an plans and drawings 1.1. Design farm plans and layouts
understanding of relative to agricultural according to crop grown
interpreting plans and crop production. 1.2. Follow strictly planting system
drawings. and practices according to
approved cultural practices Week 3
1.3. Interpret irrigation system plan
according to established
1.4. Differentiate designs of irrigation
The learner The learner LO 1. Determine areas of concern for
demonstrates an consistently applies safety measures Week 3-4
understanding of safety measures in 1.5 Identify work tasks in line with
applying safety the farm. farm operations
measures in the farm. 1.6 Determine place for safety
measures in line with farm
1.7 Determine time for safety
The learner The learner LO 1. Select and use farm tools and Week 1
demonstrates independently uses equipment*
understanding of tools and equipment 1.1 Identify fishery tools and
concepts, underlying in aquaculture equipment according to
theories and according to standard use
principles in the use procedure. 1.2 Conduct pre-operation check-up in
of tools and line with the
equipment in manufacturer’s manual
aquaculture. 1.3 Use appropriate tools and
EsP1/curriculum mapping/2020-2021 Pahina 10 ng
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