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Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.

1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor

Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2

1,2Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]


Background: Pain during labor is a physiological condition experienced by almost all maternity mothers. The
hardest time, and most mothers begin to feel pain or pain at the time of delivery is when I active phase.
Purpose: To known the effect of listening to holy Qur'an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor
Methods: A quantitative by experimental quasi research design, with one group pretest - posttest design approach.
The population of all who are on the first stage of labor. By purpose sampling technique got of 15 respondents. Data
analysis with t-test.
Results: Finding of the average pain before listening to holy Qur'an recitation of 5.93, and after intervention of 3.93.
Knowing there is Effect of listening to holy Qur'an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor. T test results
obtained p value 0,000 <α (0.05). It is recommended for hospital management, especially midwives, to provide
therapy to listening to holy Qur'an recitation as alternative to reduce of labor pain in the first stage of labor

Keywords: Listening; Holy Qur'an; Recitation; Labor pain; First stage of labor

INTRODUCTION produces endorphin which is known as natural

Pain during labor is a physiological condition analgesic (Wulansari, 2017). The management of
which is inevitably suffered by almost all giving birth pain sensation can be done through two ways,
women (Rospond, 2009) . The hardest moment is pharmacology and non-pharmacology. The
active first stage when many women start to feel pain pharmacological method is more effective than the
during the labor. In this time, many women non-pharmacological way however the
experience a very great pain because her uterus pharmacological method is more expensive and may
works actively. The contraction is getting stronger bring negative side effect. On the other side, non-
and more intensive. Stress or fear of pain can cause pharmacological method is non-intrusive, non-
the contraction harder and more difficult to feel. This invasive, cheap, simple, effective and without harmful
condition gets more tension for uterus that lower the effect (Maryunani, 2010). Non-pharmacological
circulation of blood and oxygen supply to uterus, the stimulation includescutaneous stimulation massage,
reduction and narrowing intensifies the inevitable ice and fire therapy, transcutaneous electrical nerve
pain (Diana, & Mail, 2019). stimulation, distraction, relaxation technique, guided
Thus, the pain is subjective, in order to reduce the imagination, and hypnosis. The distraction can be
sensation should involve the patients’ psychology. done through two ways, visual and audio distractions
The pain itself may affect the partus women condition (Potter, & Perry, 2015).
such as fatigue, anxiety, fear and stress. As bad Relaxation by listening Quran verses is one of the
consequence, stress may lower uterus contraction ways to reduce pain non-pharmacologically which
that leads to prolong labor process. To reduce the brings pain relief as well as peace of soul. The peace
pain a distraction technique i.e. listening quran of soul is known advantageous to induce endorphin
verses can be done due to the delta wave which hormone and reduce hormones which trigger vessel
stimulates the listener to be calm, peace and vasoconstriction and spasm of women blood. As
comfortable. As an effect, the hypothalamus

Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor

addition, peace of soul may increase oxygenation psychological effect because when the murrotal is
(Permana , 2010). heard to the patient it reaches the brain so that the
Murrotal refers to a voice record Quran reciting in murrotal is transcribed in the brain (Handayani,
melodic tone of voice done by a Qori’ (a Quran 2014). The pre-survey at Urip Sumoharjo Hospital of
reader) (Shihab, 2008). The recite of Quran Bandar Lampung, several women complain of
physically contains human voice in which human severe pain during labor stated that they could not
voice is a miraculous and affordable healing bear the pain particularly in the first stage of labor
instrument (Daulay, 2015). Voice is effective to process. They experienced pain on the abdomen,
decrease stress hormones, naturally activate waist, and back that spread to the spinal.
endorphin hormone, improve relax feeling and divert
frighten, anxious and tense feeling, enhance RESEARCH METHODS
chemical system of body which lower the blood This research was a quantitative research by design
pressure, and slow the breathing, heartbeat, pulse, was quasi experiment with one group posttest
and brain wave activity. The deep or slow breathing experiment. The study was conducted since
speed may lead to relaxation, controlled emotion, February to May in 2017. The population was the
deep thought and better metabolism (El Qudsy, research was the whole partum women at Urip
2013). Sumoharjo Hospital with the sample of 15 women
Murrotal therapy is playing the Quran reciting by and taken by Purposive sampling following criteria
using tape recorder, digital player and earphone such as without any a complications, Muslim women,
which is focused on the Chapter 30 of the Quran and without used any a pain medication. The
which is relatively easy to memorize and familiar to statistical test was done by using paired T test.
hear. The Quran reciting is played for 15 minutes.
listening Quran reciting creates positive

Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2 Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]

Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor


Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents (N=15)

Characteristics Frequency (f) Percentage (%)

Age (Years)
21-35 14 93.3
>35 1 6.7
Education Levels
Elementary school 0 0
Junior high school 0 0
Senior high school 11 73.3
University 4 26.7
5 33.3
10 66.7
Parity 3 20
Primipara 12 80

Economic Status
Low 2 13,3
Medium 12 80
High 1 6,7

Table 2. The Average Score of Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment (N=15)

Variable Mean Median Min- Max SD

Pre-treatment 5,93 6,00 5-7 0,495
Post-treatment 3,93 4,00 3-5 0,704

Table 2 showed that from 15 respondents of the research the mean or the average of pain score before listening
Quran reciting was 5.93 with 6.00 median. The standard deviation was 0.495. the lowest score or the minimum value
was 5 while the highest pain score or the maximum score was 7. After therapy of listening Quran reciting 3.93 with
4.00 median and standard deviation 0.704. The minimum pain score or lowest pain value was 3 while the maximum
pain score or the highest value was 5.

Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2 Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]

Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor

Table 3. Effectiveness of Listening to Holy Qur’an Recitation on Labor Pain in The First Stage of Labor

Variables Mean SD SE p-value N

Pain scale on the

pretest 5,93 0,495 0,182 15
Pain scale in the 0,000
posttest 3,93 0,704 0,182 15

According to table 3, the p value after T-Test was escalation of sympathetic nervous activity, blood
0.000 < α (0.05) indicating that the H0 was rejected pressure change, heartbeat, breath and skin color
while the Ha was accepted. This calculation proved (Nelson, 2015). If it is not managed well, there will be
that the listening Quran reciting reduced pain an increase of anxiety, tension, fear and stress. The
sensation among partum women in the active first experiencing a priority shift when they are about to
stage of labor process. give birth signed by an energy of encouragement or
an urge to nesting (labor preparation).(Walsh, 2011).
DISCUSSION Physically, the women undergo gastric inconvenient
The Average Score of Pre-Treatment and Post- feeling and diarrhea when they have intensive
Treatment permeation of liquid or spontaneous membrane
Based on the result of this research, from 15 rupture. In days before the labor process, many
respondents, the mean pain score or the average women constantly suffer recurring contraction that
before listening Quran reciting was 5.93 with 6.00 abruptly disappears (multipara). They possibly
median score. The standard deviation was 0.495. the experience inner pelvic inconvenience when the fetus
minimum result or the lowest score was 5 while the slides down through the pelvic (Whalley, 2008).
highest score was 7, the result of pain measurement The partum pain is the manifestation of uterus
from 15 respondents showed that the mean pain contraction (shortness). (Killpatrik, 2017). The
score after listening Quran reciting was 3.93 with contraction initiates hurting on waist, belly area and
4.00 median and 0.704 standard deviation. The spreading to tights. The uterus contraction may
minimum score the lowest pain value was 3 while the produce cervical dilatation and depletion and uterus
highest score was 5. ischemia (oxygen inadequacy) due to contraction of
This research result was consistent with the artery myometrium. Because uterus is an internal
research result conducted by entitled The Effect of organ, the pain is called visceral pain. Visceral pain
Listening Quran Reciting towards Partum Pain Level can be also felt in other organ where it is not the
in the Active First Stage of Labor Process on source which is called referred pain. During labor
Primipara at Yogyakarta. The result of the research process, the referred pain can be felt on low back
tested by using Wilcoxon method showed P< 0.05 (waist) and sacrum. Most women feel this pain in the
significance. The experimental group result was contraction process and it disappears between the
P=0.001 while the control group result was P = contraction interval. Low abdomen pain to vagina
0.414. This result indicated that listening Quran pain is a pelvic floor muscle stretch that comes when
reciting was effective to reduce labor pain (Sofia, approaching to the second stage of labor process.
2015). Unlike the visceral pain, this pain is localized on low
The theoretical review indicated that partum pain abdomen, vagina, rectum and perineum around the
particularly uterus contraction pain can cause the anus. This type of pain is known as somatic pain

Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2 Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]

Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor

which is caused by the stretch of low birth canal due opioid natural endogen. The opioid is permanent to
to the decline of the bottom part of the fetus. The blockade pain nociceptor (Diana, 2019). An
cause of pain on the tight explains the pressure and experiment performed revealed that Quran reciting
injuries on fascia, subcutaneous tissue and skeletal brings up relaxation on the nervous tension and
muscles triggering receptors and substituting outer physiological changes. The researcher argues that
pain. The pressure on the roots of flexus-lumbal- by only reciting Quran can bring positive mind effect
sacral causes pain on the tight, knees, vagina and to the body, it will be more beneficial when the
rectum (Prawirohardjo, 2010). reciting is conducted with stable rhythm, slow tempo
and harmonious tone because it may create
Effectiveness of Listening to relaxation for the listener and can be used as a
Holy Qur’an Recitation on Labor Pain in The First therapy to heal a sickness. The Quran as a therapy
Stage of Labor has been done and proven by researchers, a person
Based on the research result of bivariate analysis who recites or listens Quran can get an impact on the
by using T Test sample dependent technique, the p changes of muscle electrical, heartbeat and blood
value was 0.000 < α (0.05) indicating that there was count in the skin. States that reciting or listening
significant effect of listening Quran reciting towards Quran will have relaxation effect so that the blood
pain reduction on partum women in the first stage of arteries and heartbeat slow down (Kaheel, 2012).).
labor process. The result of this study was consistent The Quran reciting therapy done on sick people or
same result with previous study by using Wilcoxon patient can carry voice wave which triggers the brain
method showed P< 0.05 significance. The to produce a chemical substance namely
experimental group result was P=0.001 while the neuropeptide. This molecule can affect the receptors
control group result was p = 0.414. This result in the body to create comfort (El Qudsy, 2013). The
indicated that listening Quran reciting was effective to researcher implies that listening Quran reciting
reduce labor pain. Murrotal Quran is reciting the therapy is effective to reduce pain on partum women
Quran which is concentrated on two aspects, the in the active first stage of labor process. This may
correct pronunciation and melodious voice. The happen because of the relaxation effect after
tajweed (correct pronunciation) together with the listening Quran reciting.
melodic tone is signed by the original or medium tone
(Zuhdi, 2015). Murrotal Quran is an efficient CONCLUSION
treatment which even does not need any cost at all. Based on the analysis on the data and previous
This therapy can be done anytime, anywhere, and discussions, the conclusions is Listening Quran
any occasion (Zakiyah, 2015). More than just a reciting therapy is effective reduce pain on labor
therapy or healing attempt from a disease, murrotal pain in the first stage of labor at Urip Sumoharjo
Quran is a medicine itself, mercy of God, education, Hospital of Bandar Lampung in 2017 proven by the T
happiness and (“Taqarrub” = The extent to which the Test result p value 0.000 <α 0.05.
heart is able to feel closeness) to Allah SWT. It is a
salvation way in the earth until the hereafter. Murrotal SUGGESTION
Quran therapy is a comprehensive healing and As information for readers, listening to Quran
perfect program for life, body, soul and spirit reciting on Chapter Maryam and Al-Fatihah may
(Sedigheh, 2011). reduce pain on partum women and it is suggested as
Listening to Quran reciting is confirmed to an alternative to reduce pain instead of using
activate body cells where sound wave is transformed pharmacological method.
to be adaptable for body. It declines pain receptor
stimuli and triggers brain to discharge analgesic

Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2 Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]

Malahayati International Journal of Nursing and Health Science, Volume 03, No.1, March 2020: 57-62

The effect of listening to holy Qur’an recitation on labor pain in the first stage of labor

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Ana Mariza1*, Christika Lucia Anggraini2 Prodi Kebidanan Universitas Malahayati. *Email: [email protected]


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