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Very-Low-Speed Variable-Structure Control of Sensor Less Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using An Advanced Rotor Flux Concept

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Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensor less Axial Flux

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux

Article · March 2015


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3 authors, including:

Mohammad Reza Alizadeh Pahlavani Iman Soltani

Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran Imam Khomeini International University


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World appl. programming, Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015. pp. 8-15

TI Journals
World Applied Programming 2222-2510
Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved for TI Journals.

Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensor less Axial Flux

Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux
Mohsen Gerami
Faculty of electrical Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology (MUT), Tehran, Iran
Mohammadreza Alizadehe Pahlvani
Faculty of electrical Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology (MUT), Tehran, Iran
Iman Soltani *
Faculty of electrical Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology (MUT), Tehran, Iran
*Corresponding author:[email protected]

Keywords Abstract
axial flux synchronous motor In this Paper, several essential and important improvements of the sensor less direct torque control
extended rotor flux (DTC) strategy for interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous motor drive are presented. The
Fuzzy PI controller studies comprising of analytical, modeling implementation clearly indicate the potential of a high-
speed Estimation performance direct torque controlled AFPM synchronous motor drive without a mechanical encoder .In
this study, speed sensor less fuzzy control of an Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
(AFPMSM) using an advanced flux concept at very low speeds (close to zero) is investigated. Due to higher
torque in low speeds and higher efficiency, Axial Flux Motors (AFMs) have more applications than Radial
Flux Motors (RFMs) including spacecraft, electric vehicles, direct driven screw propeller, blowers, etc. High
prices and the need for maintenance that reduces the system reliability, limit the use of sensors in drive
systems. For this reason, several methods have been proposed to estimate the motor speed and position. The
method presented in this paper, uses extended rotor flux concept to estimate the motor speed. From
mathematical point of view, this concept converts an Interior Permanent Magnet (IPM) motor model to a
Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet (SPM) one that simplifies the computations. Furthermore, in this paper
a fuzzy PI control has been used that offers better results than the classic PI control.

1. Introduction
PM machines are increasingly becoming dominant machines with the cost competitiveness of high energy permanent magnets [1]. These
machines have many advantages over other types of synchronous ones. Because of the fact that field excitation losses are eliminated in PM
machines, they are usually more efficient resulting in higher power density [1], [2]. Moreover, PM motors have small magnetic thickness which
results in small magnetic dimensions [1].
Axial flux motors for high torque at low speed and high efficiency, have been compared to the radial flux motors by many researchers [1]-[11].
The advantages of these motors are Integrated, compact and robust structure, the possibility to build machines with high pole and use the wide
range of speed and etc. The main difference between the axial flux machine with radial flux machines is that their flux is in the direction and
parallel to the axis of machine. While conventional motors have the radial flux distribution in the air gap (perpendicular to the axis). Figure 1
shows the fundamental difference between these two types of motors.
AFMs have generally higher torque and power densities and smaller volume and weight than RFMs, resulting in higher power-to-weight ratio.
Furthermore, they have a large diameter to stack length ratio and planar adjustable air gaps [1], [3]. These benefits qualify the AFMs with certain
advantages over conventional RFMs in various applications including naval torpedoes, aircrafts and space vessels, electric vehicles (Hybrid cars,
bicycles, wheelchairs), direct drive propeller for ships, etc. [3]-[6] ,[12].
Sensors are the most essential components of drive structures which are used in industries and vehicles, but the high prices, the need for
maintenance and thus reducing the system reliability limits their Operations [2]. Up to now, many methods have been proposed for estimating
the rotor position and speed, including use of Direct Torque Control (DTC) by Adaptive Model Reference [13], Extended Kalman filter and
Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) [14], Signal injection [15], Vector control using neural networks [16], Vector control based on adaptive fuzzy
estimator [17], Extended Kalman Filter with Fuzzy sliding mode control [18].
In this study, speed sensorless fuzzy control of an AFPMSM using an advanced flux concept is investigated at very low speeds (close to zero).
This new approach converts an IPM motor model to a SPM one that simplifies the computations. It’s shown that Fuzzy PI controller design
provides a better performance than the classic PI controller.
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the mathematical model of SPM motor is presented, the speed observer is proposed, Lyapunov
stability analysis is carried out and motor parameters are estimated. In Section III, the used fuzzy PI controller and its membership functions are
described. Section IV shows the simulation results and finally section V presents the conclusions of this work.

2. Model formulation

2.1. The mathematical model of SPM motor

9 Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensorless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux Concept

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

a) b)
Figure. 1. Magnetic circuits; a) the AFPM Magnetic circuit, b) the RFPM Magnetic circuit.
The main difference between AF and RF motors is that in an AF motor, flux lines are in the direction of the motor axes; while in an RF one,
these lines are perpendicular to air gap. This fundamental difference is shown in fig. 1. However, performances and Dynamic models of these
two motors are almost alike. So, using RFM dynamic model [12], AFM equations in the rotor reference frame are as follows:

By transforming 3 and 4 to stationary reference frame one can obtain:
The flux linkage of the permanent magnet or rotor flux is aligned with machine d axis, so:
Substituting from 8 and 9 into 6 and 7, one gets:
∫( ) (10)

∫( ) (11)
The rotor angle is obtained from the following equation:
( ) (12)
Can be rewritten as follows: (where is the equ. 7)
( ) (14)
where, In the above equation is called extended rotor flux. This flux is the virtual permanent magnet flux linkage of the IPM motor. Using
this new parameter, machine equations in section 1-1 can be rewritten as follows:

These relationships are very similar to the mathematical model of the SPM machine in section 1-3 so that the effect of rotor saliency is removed.
Other SPM motor equations can also be applied to the IPM motor. Like Permanent flux linkage, extended rotor flux can be placed along the d
axis, Hence:
∫( ) (19)

∫( ) (20)

( ) (21)
Therefore by estimating the extended rotor flux, rotor position can be calculated. In the next section, this idea is applied to the flux observer.
Introducing the extended rotor flux, it can be said that the IPM motor has been converted to the SPM motor.

2.2. Observer designing

In observers which their model contains a term that depends on the speed, the last stage is usually performed to estimate the Adaptation of speed.
Therefore, the estimated speed is affected by stacking faults, Noise and Delay. When false speed is sent to the observer, estimating the flux and
speed gradually becomes worse and driving at low speeds goes toward instability. Adaptive speed observer always developed in stationary
(α ) or rotating ( ) reference model. If both the reference models to be used simultaneously, velocity dependent terms can be eliminated.
Mohsen Gerami, Mohammadreza Alizadehe Pahlvani, Iman Soltani * 10

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

Therefore, a new concept called extended rotor flux is considered. This idea from mathematical point of view converts model of IPM motor to
SPM motor. Accordingly, the stator flux sliding mode observer which has no need to speed adaptation mechanism is designed.
Based on the equations of the machine in reference model of motor (section 2-1), the stator flux observer is expressed mathematically as follows:
̂ ̂ ̃̇ (̃̇) (22)
̂̇ (̂ ) (̂ )̂ ( ) (23)
( ( )
) ( ) (24)
̂ ̂ (25)
(̂ ) ( ) ( )
̂ ̂
K and KSMO are observer's gains and the (^) sign indicates the estimated values. Observer is applied to both linear and nonlinear feedback term.
Linear and nonlinear gains specify Error and robustness dynamics respectively. The stator flux observer combines the benefits of current model
at low speeds and the voltage model at high speeds. It should be noted that the simultaneous combination of both rotating rotor and stationery
observer frames is the only possible way to introduce the extended rotor flux which can be used to obtain rotor position information. As a result,
unlike adaptive speed observer, any error associated with estimating wrong speed is removed. Therefore, the stator flux estimation at very low
speeds improved. Global asymptotic stability of the observer is guaranteed by Lyapunov stability analysis.
2.3. Lyapunov stability analysis

Current and dynamical state errors are given by the following relations:
̃̇ ̃ (26)
̇̃ ̃ ̃̇ (̃̇) (27)
̃ ̂
The following Lyapunov candidate function is being considered:
(̃ ̃ ) (28)
It is assumed that the stator resistance between sampling intervals remain constant, thus:
̇ ̃ ̃̇ ̃ ̃ ̃ (29)
By substituting equations 26 and 27 into 29 and after simplification it will result:
̇ ̃̇ [ ( )] ̃̇
̂̇ (30)
̃ ( ̃̇ ̃̇ ) ̃̇ (̃̇)

[ ] [ ] (31)
For Global asymptotic stability, ̇ , Therefore, the following relationships can be inferred:
[ ( )] (32)
̃̇ (̃̇) (33)
( ̃̇ ̃̇ ) (34)

Equation (32) shows that the eigenvalues ([ ( )]) should be in right hand side of plane. Thus, both the gains k1 and k2 can be
calculated by pole placement method.
( ) (35)

{ ( ) ( ) [( )√ ( ) ]} (36)

Since the actual angular speed is not available, the estimated velocity is used instead. Note that although gains need the information of
angular speed, but the observer itself is independent of this parameter. Obviously, the imaginary component of the observer poles grown by
velocity and this causes unwanted vibrations at high speeds.
If ( ) , Equation ( 33 ) gives:
|̃̇ | |̃̇ | (37)
So , Large values of , Increased observer's resistance but may produce unwanted chattering. For real drive
be considered.
2.4. estimation of motor parameters
Observer's performance is highly dependent on the stator resistance parameter. Any failure to adaptation may strongly affect drive performance.
To reduce the adverse effects of the stator resistance variation on sensorless drive, online resistance estimator is suggested.
̂ ∫( ̃̇ ̃̇ ) (38)
Choosing greater adaptive gain reduces the response time of estimator, but it leads to unwanted oscillations.
Another critical problem of low speed performance of flux observer is DC measuring offset. Effects of DC Offset can be reduced by adding an
integrator component in observer's gain according to next equation:
11 Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensorless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux Concept

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

( ) (39)
kI Is a small positive gain.
Electromagnetic torque and rotor speed is estimated by equations (40) and (41):
̂ (̂ ̂ ) (40)
̂ ̂
̂ ̂
̂ ̂ (41)

The stator voltage of observer is obtained from following relations:

( )

( ) ( ( ) ( ) ( ))

in above relations is Reference voltage vector (SVPWM), is Resistive voltage drop of power inverter elements and is The threshold
voltage. rd and vth are obtained from estimation of characteristic curve of power Elements[11]. Block diagram of the drive motor with flux sliding
mode observer is shown in Figure 2.
3. Fuzzy PI controller design
PI and PID conventional controllers, although widely used for the control of IPM motors But because of the prominence of permanent magnet
rotor and induction of Stator phases and nonlinear factors such as saturation are highly sensitive. Fuzzy PI controllers which are controlled by
the Function are more resistant than PI and PID controllers, They also do not need to accurately model the mathematical model under control
and it controls uncertain and nonlinear models much more better[12,13,14].

Figure 2. Block diagram of the drive motor with sliding mode flux observer
Five triangular membership functions are used for each controller inputs which are shown in fig. 3 (a figure should be added). These functions
are Big Negative (NB), Small Negative (NS), Zero (Z), Small positive (PS) and Big Positive (PB). Similarly, five triangular membership
functions are used for controller output which are shown in fig. 4 (another figure should be added). These functions are Small (S), Medium (M),
Big (B), Very Big (VB) and Very Very Big (VVB). Table 1 shows relationships among inputs and output of the controller. From this table,
totally 25 rules can be provided among inputs and output.
Table 1.relationships among inputs and output of the fuzzy controller.

Shown in Figure 3, it shows the fuzzy controller in Simulink environment. (why has the fuzzy controller two outputs?)

Figure 3. Fuzzy PI controller in Simulink environment.

Mohsen Gerami, Mohammadreza Alizadehe Pahlvani, Iman Soltani * 12

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

4. Simulation Results
In this section, to verify the proposed control method, the block diagram shown in fig. 3 is simulated in MATLAB Simulink GUI and different
conditions are tested. Table 2 includes AFPM motor and estimator parameters in the simulated system. For both conditions, the simulation
includes the start-up process with a ? (N.m.) load torque. Simulation results at 1 rpm and 0.1 rpm for reference speed are shown in figures 4 - 6
and 7 - 9 respectively. Figures 4 and 7 are motor speed curves, figures 5 and 8 are errors of speed estimations and figures 6 and 9 are resistance
estimation curves. Parameters of each figure are given in its following table. It is evident from figures 4 and 7 that the proposed fuzzy controller
based AFPMM drive system can follow either in 1 rpm or in 0.1 rpm reference speed far better than conventional PI based one.
As can be observed in figures 5 and 8, in both speed references (1 rpm and 0.1 rpm), compared to observer with conventional PI controller, the
observer with fuzzy PI controller reached to the correct estimation of speed in a shorter time. Furthermore, PI fuzzy controller reduces the error
of speed estimation in steady states. But in both two conditions (1 rpm and 0.1 rpm speed references), the responses of the Rs estimator with
fuzzy and conventional PI based control, are as same.
Table 2.Values of motor and estimator parameters
P=4 k = 150
Rs = 5.8 Ω = 0.1
λf = 0.533 wb Vth = 1.1
Ld = 0.0268 H = 0.5
Lq = 0.0613 H J= 0.49 kg.m^2
Lls = 0.0013 H f = 50 Hz
TL = 6 Nm fz = 10000 Hz

Speed [rpm]

PI Fuzzy



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time [Sec]
Figure 4. Motor speed versus time in 1 rpm reference speed.

Table 3. Parameters obtained from figure. 4.

Reference Speed (r.p.m.) 1
Rise Time (sec.) 0.05
Settling Time (sec.) 1.76
Over Shoot (r.p.m.) 3
13 Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensorless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux Concept

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

2.5 PI Fuzzy

Speed Error [rpm] 2



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time [Sec]
Figure 5. Speed estimation error (1rpm)
Table 4. Parameters obtained from figure. 4.
Reference Speed (r.p.m.) 1
Rise Time (sec.) 0.7
Settling Time (sec.) 2.78
Over Shoot (r.p.m.) 5

PI fuzzy

R [ ]

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time [Sec]
Figure 6. resistance estimation curve (1rpm)

-5 ref
-10 PI Fuzzy
Speed [rpm]






0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Time [Sec]
Figure 7. Motor speed versus time in 0.1 rpm reference speed.
Mohsen Gerami, Mohammadreza Alizadehe Pahlvani, Iman Soltani * 14

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

Table 3. Parameters obtained from figure. 4.

Reference Speed (r.p.m.) 0.1
Rise Time (sec.) 0.16
Settling Time (sec.) 1.90
Over Shoot (r.p.m.) 3

7 PI
PI Fuzzy
Speed Error [rpm]

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16

Time [Sec]
Figure 8. Speed estimation error (0.1rpm)

PI fuzzy
4 PI
[ ]


0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Time [Sec]
Figure 9. resistance estimation curve (0.1rpm)
5. Conclusion
In this paper, mathematical model of an IPM motor based on a new concept of extended rotor flux for estimating very low speeds was presented.
According to the concept of extended rotor flux, a new sliding mode observer by combining and matching two sets of stationary (αβ) and
rotating (dq) reference model was designed. One feature of this observer is that it has no need to any mechanism for speed adaptation. Global
asymptotic stability of the observer is guaranteed by Lyapunov stability analysis. The simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy controller
based AFPMM drive system can follow reference speed far better than conventional PI based one. Moreover, compared to observer with
conventional PI controller, the observer with fuzzy PI controller reached to the correct estimation of speed in a shorter time.
15 Very-low-speed variable-structure control of sensorless Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using an Advanced Rotor Flux Concept

World Applied Programming Vol(5), No (1), January, 2015.

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