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Starting Systems: Description and Operation Starting System

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DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION STARTER RELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

STARTER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 STARTING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
STARTER RELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
STARTING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 STARTER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING STARTER RELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
STARTER MOTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SPECIFICATIONS
STARTER MOTOR NOISE - 2.5L ENGINE . . . . . 7 STARTING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION System for complete service information for the igni-
tion switch.
STARTING SYSTEM • Refer to Clutch Pedal Position Switch in the
proper section of Group 6 - Clutch for complete ser-
DESCRIPTION vice information for the clutch pedal position switch.
An electrically operated engine starting system is • Refer to Park/Neutral Position Switch in the
standard factory-installed equipment on this model. proper section of Group 21 - Transmission for com-
The starting system is designed to provide the vehi- plete service information for the park/neutral posi-
cle operator with a convenient, efficient and reliable tion switch.
means of cranking and starting the internal combus- • Refer to the proper section of Group 8W - Wir-
tion engine used to power the vehicle and all of its ing Diagrams for complete service information and
accessory systems from within the safe and secure circuit diagrams for the starting system wiring com-
confines of the passenger compartment. See the own- ponents.
er’s manual in the vehicle glove box for more infor- Group 8A covers the Battery, Group 8B covers the
mation and instructions on the recommended use Starting Systems, and Group 8C covers the Charging
and operation of the factory-installed starting sys- System. We have separated these systems to make it
tem. easier to locate the information you are seeking
The starting system consists of the following com- within this Service Manual. However, when attempt-
ponents: ing to diagnose any of these systems, it is important
• Battery that you keep their interdependency in mind.
• Starter relay The battery, starting, and charging systems in the
• Starter motor (including an integral starter sole- vehicle operate with one another, and must be tested
noid) as a complete system. In order for the vehicle to start
• Ignition switch and charge properly, all of the components that are
• Clutch pedal position switch (manual transmis- used in these systems must perform within specifica-
sion) tions.
• Park/neutral position switch (automatic trans- The diagnostic procedures used in each of these
mission) groups include the most basic conventional diagnostic
• Wire harnesses and connections (including the methods, to the more sophisticated On-Board Diag-
battery cables). nostics (OBD) built into the Powertrain Control Mod-
This group provides complete service information ule (PCM). Use of an induction-type milliampere
for the starter motor and the starter relay. Complete ammeter, volt/ohmmeter, battery charger, carbon pile
service information for the other starting system rheostat (load tester), and 12-volt test lamp may be
components can be located as follows: required.
• Refer to Battery in the proper section of Group All OBD-sensed systems are monitored by the
8A - Battery for complete service information for the PCM. Each monitored circuit is assigned a Diagnos-
battery. tic Trouble Code (DTC). The PCM will store a DTC in
• Refer to Ignition Switch and Key Lock Cyl- electronic memory for any failure it detects. Refer to
inder in the proper section of Group 8D - Ignition On-Board Diagnostic Test For Charging System
in the Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8C - noid plunger hold-in coil. Current now flows between
Charging System for more information. the solenoid battery terminal and the starter motor,
energizing the starter.
OPERATION Once the engine starts, the overrunning clutch pro-
The starting system components form two separate tects the starter motor from damage by allowing the
circuits. A high-amperage feed circuit that feeds the starter pinion gear to spin faster than the pinion
starter motor between 150 and 350 amperes, and a shaft. When the driver releases the ignition switch to
low-amperage control circuit that operates on less the On position, the starter relay coil is de-energized.
than 20 amperes. The high-amperage feed circuit This causes the relay contacts to open. When the
components include the battery, the battery cables, relay contacts open, the starter solenoid plunger
the contact disc portion of the starter solenoid, and hold-in coil is de-energized.
the starter motor. The low-amperage control circuit When the solenoid plunger hold-in coil is de-ener-
components include the ignition switch, the clutch gized, the solenoid plunger return spring returns the
pedal position switch (manual transmission), the plunger to its relaxed position. This causes the con-
park/neutral position switch (automatic transmis- tact disc to open the starter feed circuit, and the shift
sion), the starter relay, the electromagnetic windings lever to disengage the overrunning clutch and pinion
of the starter solenoid, and the connecting wire har- gear from the starter ring gear.
ness components. Following are general descriptions of the major
If the vehicle is equipped with a manual transmis- components in the starting system.
sion, it has a clutch pedal position switch installed in
series between the ignition switch and the coil bat- STARTER MOTOR
tery terminal of the starter relay. This normally open
switch prevents the starter relay from being ener- DESCRIPTION
gized when the ignition switch is turned to the The starter motors used for both the 2.5L and the
momentary Start position, unless the clutch pedal is 4.0L engines available in this model are not inter-
depressed. This feature prevents starter motor oper- changeable. Both starter motors are mounted with
ation while the clutch disc and the flywheel are two screws, but the 2.5L starter motor is mounted to
engaged. The starter relay coil ground terminal is the right rear corner of the engine block, while the
always grounded on vehicles with a manual trans- 4.0L starter motor is mounted to the manual trans-
mission. mission clutch housing or automatic transmission
If the vehicle is equipped with an automatic trans- torque converter housing on the right side of the
mission, battery voltage is supplied through the low- engine.
amperage control circuit to the coil battery terminal Each of these starter motors incorporates several
of the starter relay when the ignition switch is of the same features to create a reliable, efficient,
turned to the momentary Start position. The park/ compact, lightweight and powerful unit. The electric
neutral position switch is installed in series between motors of both starters have four brushes contacting
the starter relay coil ground terminal and ground. the motor commutator. The 2.5L starter motor uses
This normally open switch prevents the starter relay four permanent magnets for the field poles, while the
from being energized and the starter motor from 4.0L starter motor features four electromagnetic field
operating unless the automatic transmission gear coils wound around four pole shoes. The 2.5L starter
selector is in the Neutral or Park positions. motor is rated at 1.2 kilowatts (about 1.6 horse-
When the starter relay coil is energized, the nor- power) output at 12 volts, while the 4.0L starter
mally open relay contacts close. The relay contacts motor is rated at 1.4 kilowatts (about 1.9 horse-
connect the relay common feed terminal to the relay power) output at 12 volts.
normally open terminal. The closed relay contacts Both of these starter motors are serviced only as a
energize the starter solenoid coil windings. unit with their starter solenoids, and cannot be
The energized solenoid pull-in coil pulls in the sole- repaired. If either component is faulty or damaged,
noid plunger. The solenoid plunger pulls the shift the entire starter motor and starter solenoid unit
lever in the starter motor. This engages the starter must be replaced.
overrunning clutch and pinion gear with the starter
ring gear on the manual transmission flywheel or on OPERATION
the automatic transmission torque converter drive These starter motors are equipped with a plane-
plate. tary gear reduction (intermediate transmission) sys-
As the solenoid plunger reaches the end of its tem. The planetary gear reduction system consists of
travel, the solenoid contact disc completes the high- a gear that is integral to the output end of the elec-
amperage starter feed circuit and energizes the sole- tric motor armature shaft that is in continual
engagement with a larger gear that is splined to the relay contact is held against one of the fixed contacts
input end of the starter pinion gear shaft. This fea- (normally closed) by spring pressure. When the elec-
ture makes it possible to reduce the dimensions of tromagnetic coil is energized, it draws the movable
the starter. At the same time, it allows higher arma- contact away from the normally closed fixed contact,
ture rotational speed and delivers increased torque and holds it against the other (normally open) fixed
through the starter pinion gear to the starter ring contact.
gear. When the electromagnetic coil is de-energized,
The starter motors for both engines are activated spring pressure returns the movable contact to the
by an integral heavy duty starter solenoid switch normally closed position. The resistor or diode is con-
mounted to the overrunning clutch housing. This nected in parallel with the electromagnetic coil in the
electromechanical switch connects and disconnects relay, and helps to dissipate voltage spikes that are
the feed of battery voltage to the starter motor and produced when the coil is de-energized.
actuates a shift fork that engages and disengages the
starter pinion gear with the starter ring gear.
Both starter motors use an overrunning clutch and DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING
starter pinion gear unit to engage and drive a starter
ring gear that is integral to the flywheel (manual STARTING SYSTEM
transmission) or torque converter drive plate (auto-
matic transmission) mounted on the rear crankshaft DIAGNOSIS
flange. Shims are available and can be used to adjust The battery, starting, and charging systems oper-
the 2.5L starter motor mounting position to correct ate with one another, and must be tested as a com-
for improper starter pinion gear to starter ring gear plete system. In order for the vehicle to start and
engagement. charge properly, all of the components involved in
these systems must perform within specifications.
STARTER RELAY Group 8A covers the Battery, Group 8B covers the
Starting Systems, and Group 8C covers the Charging
DESCRIPTION System. We have separated these systems to make it
The starter relay is an electromechanical device easier to locate the information you are seeking
that switches battery current to the pull-in coil of the within this Service Manual. However, when attempt-
starter solenoid when the ignition switch is turned to ing to diagnose any of these systems, it is important
the Start position. The starter relay is located in the that you keep their interdependency in mind.
Power Distribution Center (PDC), in the engine com- The diagnostic procedures used in these groups
partment. See the fuse and relay layout label affixed include the most basic conventional diagnostic meth-
to the inside surface of the PDC cover for starter ods, to the more sophisticated On-Board Diagnostics
relay identification and location. (OBD) built into the Powertrain Control Module
The starter relay is a International Standards (PCM). Use of an induction-type milliampere amme-
Organization (ISO) relay. Relays conforming to the ter, volt/ohmmeter, battery charger, carbon pile rheo-
ISO specifications have common physical dimensions, stat (load tester), and 12-volt test lamp may be
current capacities, terminal patterns, and terminal required.
functions. All OBD-sensed systems are monitored by the
The starter relay cannot be repaired or adjusted PCM. Each monitored circuit is assigned a Diagnos-
and, if faulty or damaged, it must be replaced. tic Trouble Code (DTC). The PCM will store a DTC in
electronic memory for any failure it detects. Refer to
OPERATION On-Board Diagnostic Test For Charging System
The ISO relay consists of an electromagnetic coil, a in the Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8C -
resistor or diode, and three (two fixed and one mov- Charging System for more information.
able) electrical contacts. The movable (common feed)

Starting System Diagnosis

STARTER FAILS TO 1. Battery discharged or 1. Refer to Battery in the Diagnosis and Testing section of
OPERATE. faulty. Group 8A - Battery. Charge or replace the battery, if
2. Starting circuit wiring required.
faulty. 2. Refer to Starting System in Group 8W - Wiring
3. Starter relay faulty. Diagrams. Test and repair the starter feed and/or control
4. Ignition switch faulty. circuits, if required.
5. Clutch pedal position 3. Refer to Starter Relay in the Diagnosis and Testing
switch faulty. section of this group. Replace the starter relay, if
6. Park/Neutral position required.
switch faulty or 4. Refer to Ignition Switch and Key Lock Cylinder in the
misadjusted. Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8D - Ignition
7. Starter solenoid faulty. System. Replace the ignition switch, if required.
8. Starter motor faulty. 5. Refer to Clutch Pedal Position Switch in the Diagnosis
and Testing section of Group 6 - Clutch.
6. Refer to Park/Neutral Position Switch in the Diagnosis
and Testing section of Group 21 - Transmission. Replace
the park/neutral position switch, if required.
7. Refer to Starter Motor in the Diagnosis and Testing
section of this group. Replace the starter motor assembly,
if required.
8. If all other starting system components and circuits test
OK, replace the starter motor assembly.
STARTER ENGAGES, 1. Battery discharged or 1. Refer to Battery in the Diagnosis and Testing section of
FAILS TO TURN faulty. Group 8A - Battery. Charge or replace the battery, if
ENGINE. 2. Starting circuit wiring required.
faulty. 2. Refer to Starting System in Group 8W - Wiring
3. Starter motor faulty. Diagrams. Test and repair the starter feed and/or control
4. Engine seized. circuits, if required.
3. If all other starting system components and circuits test
OK, replace the starter motor assembly.
4. Refer to Engine Diagnosis in the Diagnosis and Testing
section of Group 9 - Engine.
STARTER ENGAGES, 1. Starter ring gear faulty. 1. Refer to Starter Motor in the Removal and Installation
SPINS OUT BEFORE 2. Starter motor faulty. section of this group. Remove the starter motor to inspect
ENGINE STARTS. the starter ring gear. Replace the starter ring gear, if
2. If all other starting system components and circuits test
OK, replace the starter motor assembly.
STARTER DOES NOT 1. Starter motor 1. Refer to Starter Motor in the Removal and Installation
DISENGAGE. improperly installed. section of this group. Tighten the starter mounting
2. Starter relay faulty. hardware to the correct tightness specifications.
3. Ignition switch faulty. 2. Refer to Starter Relay in the Diagnosis and Testing
4. Starter motor faulty. section of this group. Replace the starter relay, if
3. Refer to Ignition Switch and Key Lock Cylinder in the
Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8D - Ignition
System. Replace the ignition switch, if required.
4. If all other starting system components and circuits test
OK, replace the starter motor assembly.
INSPECTION required. Refer to the proper section of Group 8W -
For complete circuit diagrams, refer to Starting Wiring Diagrams for complete service information
System in the Contents of Group 8W - Wiring Dia- and circuit diagrams for the starting system wiring
grams. Before removing any unit from the starting components.
system for repair or diagnosis, perform the following
inspections: TESTING


BAGS, REFER TO GROUP 8M - PASSIVE For complete circuit diagrams, refer to Starting
RESTRAINT SYSTEMS BEFORE ATTEMPTING ANY System in the Contents of Group 8W - Wiring Dia-
STEERING WHEEL, STEERING COLUMN, OR grams. The battery must be fully-charged and load-
INSTRUMENT PANEL COMPONENT DIAGNOSIS OR tested before proceeding. Refer to Battery in the
SERVICE. FAILURE TO TAKE THE PROPER PRE- Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8A - Battery
BAG DEPLOYMENT AND POSSIBLE PERSONAL (1) Connect a suitable volt-ampere tester to the
INJURY. battery terminals (Fig. 1). See the instructions pro-
vided by the manufacturer of the volt-ampere tester
• Battery - Visually inspect the battery for indi- being used.
cations of physical damage and loose or corroded
cable connections. Determine the state-of-charge and
cranking capacity of the battery. Charge or replace
the battery, if required. Refer to Battery in the
proper section of Group 8A - Battery for complete ser-
vice information for the battery.
• Ignition Switch - Visually inspect the ignition
switch for indications of physical damage and loose
or corroded wire harness connections. Refer to Igni-
tion Switch and Key Lock Cylinder in the proper
section of Group 8D - Ignition System for complete
service information for the ignition switch.
• Clutch Pedal Position Switch - If the vehicle
is equipped with a manual transmission, visually
inspect the clutch pedal position switch for indica-
tions of physical damage and loose or corroded wire Fig. 1 Volts-Amps Tester Connections - Typical
harness connections. Refer to Clutch Pedal Posi-
tion Switch in the proper section of Group 6 - (2) Fully engage the parking brake.
Clutch for complete service information for the clutch (3) If the vehicle is equipped with a manual trans-
pedal position switch. mission, place the gearshift selector lever in the Neu-
• Park/Neutral Position Switch - If the vehicle tral position and block the clutch pedal in the fully
is equipped with an automatic transmission, visually depressed position. If the vehicle is equipped with an
inspect the park/neutral position switch for indica- automatic transmission, place the gearshift selector
tions of physical damage and loose or corroded wire lever in the Park position.
harness connections. Refer to Park/Neutral Posi- (4) Verify that all lamps and accessories are
tion Switch in the proper section of Group 21 - turned off.
Transmission for complete service information for the (5) To prevent the engine from starting, remove
park/neutral position switch. the Automatic ShutDown (ASD) relay. The ASD relay
• Starter Relay - Visually inspect the starter is located in the Power Distribution Center (PDC), in
relay for indications of physical damage and loose or the engine compartment. Refer to the fuse and relay
corroded wire harness connections. layout label affixed to the underside of the PDC cover
• Starter Motor - Visually inspect the starter for ASD relay identification and location.
motor for indications of physical damage and loose or (6) Rotate and hold the ignition switch in the Start
corroded wire harness connections. position. Note the cranking voltage and current
• Starter Solenoid - Visually inspect the starter (amperage) draw readings shown on the volt-ampere
solenoid for indications of physical damage and loose tester.
or corroded wire harness connections. (a) If the voltage reads below 9.6 volts, refer to
• Wiring - Visually inspect the wire harnesses for Starter Motor in the Diagnosis and Testing sec-
damage. Repair or replace any faulty wiring, as tion of this group. If the starter motor is OK, refer
to Engine Diagnosis in the Diagnosis and Testing layout label affixed to the underside of the PDC cover
section of Group 9 - Engine for further testing of for ASD relay identification and location.
the engine. If the starter motor is not OK, replace (1) Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to
the faulty starter motor. the battery negative terminal post. Connect the neg-
(b) If the voltage reads above 9.6 volts and the ative lead of the voltmeter to the battery negative
current (amperage) draw reads below specifica- cable clamp (Fig. 2). Rotate and hold the ignition
tions, refer to Feed Circuit Test in this section. switch in the Start position. Observe the voltmeter. If
(c) If the voltage reads 12.5 volts or greater and voltage is detected, correct the poor contact between
the starter motor does not turn, refer to Control the cable clamp and the terminal post.
Circuit Testing in this section.
(d) If the voltage reads 12.5 volts or greater and
the starter motor turns very slowly, refer to Feed
Circuit Test in this section.

NOTE: A cold engine will increase the starter cur-

rent (amperage) draw reading, and reduce the bat-
tery voltage reading.


The starter feed circuit test (voltage drop method)
will determine if there is excessive resistance in the
high-amperage feed circuit. For complete circuit dia-
grams, refer to Starting System in the Contents of
Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams.
When performing these tests, it is important to
remember that the voltage drop is giving an indica- Fig. 2 Test Battery Negative Connection Resistance
tion of the resistance between the two points at - Typical
which the voltmeter probes are attached. (2) Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to
Example: When testing the resistance of the bat- the battery positive terminal post. Connect the nega-
tery positive cable, touch the voltmeter leads to the tive lead of the voltmeter to the battery positive cable
battery positive cable clamp and the cable connector clamp (Fig. 3). Rotate and hold the ignition switch in
at the starter solenoid. If you probe the battery pos- the Start position. Observe the voltmeter. If voltage
itive terminal post and the cable connector at the is detected, correct the poor contact between the
starter solenoid, you are reading the combined volt- cable clamp and the terminal post.
age drop in the battery positive cable clamp-to-termi-
nal post connection and the battery positive cable.
The following operation will require a voltmeter
accurate to 1/10 (0.10) volt. Before performing the
tests, be certain that the following procedures are
• Battery is fully-charged and load-tested. Refer to
Battery in the Diagnosis and Testing section of
Group 8A - Battery for the procedures.
• Fully engage the parking brake.
• If the vehicle is equipped with a manual trans-
mission, place the gearshift selector lever in the Neu-
tral position and block the clutch pedal in the fully
depressed position. If the vehicle is equipped with an
automatic transmission, place the gearshift selector
lever in the Park position.
• Verify that all lamps and accessories are turned
Fig. 3 Test Battery Positive Connection Resistance -
• To prevent the engine from starting, remove the
Automatic ShutDown (ASD) relay. The ASD relay is (3) Connect the voltmeter to measure between the
located in the Power Distribution Center (PDC), in battery positive terminal post and the starter sole-
the engine compartment. Refer to the fuse and relay noid battery terminal stud (Fig. 4). Rotate and hold
the ignition switch in the Start position. Observe the
voltmeter. If the reading is above 0.2 volt, clean and
tighten the battery cable connection at the solenoid.
Repeat the test. If the reading is still above 0.2 volt,
replace the faulty battery positive cable.

Fig. 6 Test Starter Ground - Typical

If the resistance tests detect no feed circuit prob-
lems, refer to Starter Motor in the Diagnosis and
Testing section of this group.

Fig. 4 Test Battery Positive Cable Resistance - CONTROL CIRCUIT TESTING

Typical The starter control circuit components should be
(4) Connect the voltmeter to measure between the tested in the order in which they are listed, as fol-
battery negative terminal post and a good clean lows:
ground on the engine block (Fig. 5). Rotate and hold • Starter Relay - Refer to Starter Relay in the
the ignition switch in the Start position. Observe the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group for the
voltmeter. If the reading is above 0.2 volt, clean and procedures.
tighten the battery negative cable attachment on the • Starter Solenoid - Refer to Starter Motor in
engine block. Repeat the test. If the reading is still the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group for
above 0.2 volt, replace the faulty battery negative the procedures.
cable. • Ignition Switch - Refer to Ignition Switch
and Key Lock Cylinder in the Diagnosis and Test-
ing section of Group 8D - Ignition System for the pro-
• Clutch Pedal Position Switch - If the vehicle
is equipped with a manual transmission, refer to
Clutch Pedal Position Switch in the Diagnosis
and Testing section of Group 6 - Clutch for the pro-
• Park/Neutral Position Switch - If the vehicle
is equipped with an automatic transmission, refer to
Park/Neutral Position Switch in the Diagnosis
and Testing section of Group 21 - Transmission for
the procedures.
• Wire harnesses and connections - Refer to
Starting System in the Contents of Group 8W -
Fig. 5 Test Ground Circuit Resistance - Typical Wiring Diagrams for complete circuit diagrams.
(5) Connect the positive lead of the voltmeter to
the starter housing. Connect the negative lead of the
See the Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis chart (Fig.
voltmeter to the battery negative terminal post (Fig.
7). If the complaint is similar to Conditions 1 and 2
6). Rotate and hold the ignition switch in the Start
in the chart, correction can be made by placing shims
position. Observe the voltmeter. If the reading is
between the starter motor and the engine block using
above 0.2 volt, correct the poor starter to engine
the following procedures:
block ground contact.
(1) If the complaint is similar to Condition 1, the
starter motor must be moved toward the starter ring

Fig. 7 Starter Motor Noise Diagnosis

gear by removing shims from both starter mounting NOTE: This is a condition that will generally cause
pads on the engine block (Fig. 8). Refer to Starter broken starter (flywheel/torque converter drive
Motor in the Removal and Installation section of plate) ring gear teeth or broken starter motor hous-
this group for the procedures. ings.

NOTE: The shim thickness is 0.381 mm (0.015 in.).

These shims may be stacked if additional thickness STARTER MOTOR
is required. Correct starter motor operation can be confirmed
by performing the following free running bench test.
This test can only be performed with the starter
motor removed from the vehicle. Refer to Starting
System in the Specifications section of this group for
the starter motor specifications.

CAUTION: The 2.5L engine uses a permanent mag-

net starter. Permanent magnet starters are highly
sensitive to hammering, shocks, external pressure
and reverse polarity. This starter motor must never
be clamped in a vise by the starter field frame. The
starter should only be clamped by the mounting
flange. Do not reverse the battery cable connec-
tions to this starter motor when testing. The perma-
nent magnets may be damaged and the starter
rendered unserviceable if it is subjected to any of
these conditions.
Fig. 8 Starter Motor Shim
(2) If the complaint is similar to Condition 2, the (1) Remove the starter motor from the vehicle.
starter motor must be moved away from the starter Refer to Starter Motor in the Removal and Instal-
ring gear. This is done by installing shim(s) across lation section of this group for the procedures.
both starter mounting pads on the engine block. (2) Mount the starter motor securely in a soft-
More than one shim may be required. Refer to jawed bench vise. The vise jaws should be clamped
Starter Motor in the Removal and Installation sec- on the mounting flange of the starter motor. Never
tion of this group for the procedures. clamp on the starter motor by the field frame.
(3) Connect a suitable volt-ampere tester and a
12-volt battery to the starter motor in series, and set
the ammeter to the 100 ampere scale. See the
instructions provided by the manufacturer of the
volt-ampere tester being used.
(4) Install a jumper wire from the solenoid termi-
nal to the solenoid battery terminal. The starter
motor should operate. If the starter motor fails to
operate, replace the faulty starter motor assembly.
(5) Adjust the carbon pile load of the tester to Fig. 10 Continuity Test Between Solenoid Terminal
obtain the free running test voltage. Refer to Start- and Solenoid Case - Typical
ing System in the Specifications section of this ment. Refer to the fuse and relay layout label affixed
group for the starter motor free running test voltage to the underside of the PDC cover for starter relay
specifications. identification and location. For complete circuit dia-
(6) Note the reading on the ammeter and compare grams, refer to Starting System in the Contents of
this reading to the free running test maximum Group 8W - Wiring Diagrams.
amperage draw. Refer to Starting System in the (1) Remove the starter relay from the PDC. Refer
Specifications section of this group for the starter to Starter Relay in the Removal and Installation
motor free running test maximum amperage draw section of this group for the procedures.
specifications. (2) A relay in the de-energized position should
(7) If the ammeter reading exceeds the maximum have continuity between terminals 87A and 30, and
amperage draw specification, replace the faulty no continuity between terminals 87 and 30. If OK, go
starter motor assembly. to Step 3. If not OK, replace the faulty relay.
(3) Resistance between terminals 85 and 86 (elec-
STARTER SOLENOID tromagnet) should be 75 6 5 ohms. If OK, go to Step
This test can only be performed with the starter 4. If not OK, replace the faulty relay.
motor removed from the vehicle. (4) Connect a battery to terminals 85 and 86.
(1) Remove the starter motor from the vehicle. There should now be continuity between terminals
Refer to Starter Motor in the Removal and Instal- 30 and 87, and no continuity between terminals 87A
lation section of this group for the procedures. and 30. If OK, perform the Relay Circuit Test that
(2) Disconnect the wire from the solenoid field coil follows. If not OK, replace the faulty relay.
(3) Check for continuity between the solenoid ter-
minal and the solenoid field coil terminal with a con-
tinuity tester (Fig. 9). There should be continuity. If
OK, go to Step 4. If not OK, replace the faulty starter
motor assembly.

Fig. 9 Continuity Test Between Solenoid Terminal

and Field Coil Terminal - Typical
Fig. 11 Starter Relay
(4) Check for continuity between the solenoid ter-
minal and the solenoid case (Fig. 10). There should RELAY CIRCUIT TEST
be continuity. If not OK, replace the faulty starter (1) The relay common feed terminal cavity (30) is
motor assembly. connected to battery voltage and should be hot at all
times. If OK, go to Step 2. If not OK, repair the open
STARTER RELAY circuit to the fuse in the PDC as required.
The starter relay (Fig. 11) is located in the Power
Distribution Center (PDC), in the engine compart-
(2) The relay normally closed terminal (87A) is REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION
connected to terminal 30 in the de-energized position,
but is not used for this application. Go to Step 3. STARTER MOTOR
(3) The relay normally open terminal (87) is con-
nected to the common feed terminal (30) in the ener- REMOVAL
gized position. This terminal supplies battery voltage
to the starter solenoid field coils. There should be 2.5L ENGINE
continuity between the cavity for relay terminal 87 (1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
and the starter solenoid terminal at all times. If OK, cable.
go to Step 4. If not OK, repair the open circuit to the (2) Raise and support the vehicle.
starter solenoid as required. (3) While supporting the starter motor with one
(4) The coil battery terminal (86) is connected to hand, use the other hand to remove the two screws
the electromagnet in the relay. It is energized when that secure the starter motor to the engine block
the ignition switch is held in the Start position. On (Fig. 12).
vehicles with a manual transmission, the clutch
pedal must be fully depressed for this test. Check for
battery voltage at the cavity for relay terminal 86
with the ignition switch in the Start position, and no
voltage when the ignition switch is released to the
On position. If OK, go to Step 5. If not OK with an
automatic transmission, check for an open or short
circuit to the ignition switch and repair, if required.
If the circuit to the ignition switch is OK, refer to
Ignition Switch and Key Lock Cylinder in the
Diagnosis and Testing section of Group 8D - Ignition
System for testing of the ignition switch. If not OK
with a manual transmission, check the circuit
between the relay and the clutch pedal position
switch for an open or a short. If the circuit is OK,
refer to Clutch Pedal Position Switch in the Diag-
nosis and Testing section of Group 6 - Clutch for test-
ing of the switch.
(5) The coil ground terminal (85) is connected to
the electromagnet in the relay. On vehicles with a
manual transmission, it is grounded at all times. On
vehicles with an automatic transmission, it is
grounded through the park/neutral position switch
only when the gearshift selector lever is in the Park
Fig. 12 Starter Motor Remove/Install - 2.5L Engine
or Neutral positions. Check for continuity to ground (4) Lower the starter motor from the engine block
at the cavity for relay terminal 85. If not OK with a far enough to access and remove the nut that secures
manual transmission, repair the circuit to ground as the solenoid wire harness connector eyelet to the
required. If not OK with an automatic transmission, solenoid terminal stud. Always support the starter
check for an open or short circuit to the park/neutral motor during this process, do not let the starter
position switch and repair, if required. If the circuit motor hang from the wire harness.
to the park/neutral position switch is OK, refer to (5) Remove the nut that secures the battery cable
Park/Neutral Position Switch in the Diagnosis harness connector eyelet to the solenoid battery ter-
and Testing section of Group 21 - Transmission for minal stud. Always support the starter motor during
testing of the park/neutral position switch. this process, do not let the starter motor hang from
the wire harness.
(6) Remove the battery cable and solenoid wire
connector eyelets from the solenoid terminal studs.
(7) Remove the starter motor and any starter
motor shims (if used) from the engine compartment.
(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
(2) Raise and support the vehicle.
(3) Remove the lower (forward facing) mounting
screw from the starter motor (Fig. 13).

Fig. 14 Starter Wire Harness Remove/Install - 4.0L

(2) Install the battery cable and solenoid wire con-
nector eyelets onto the solenoid terminal studs.
(3) Install and tighten the nut that secures the
battery cable harness connector eyelet to the solenoid
battery terminal stud. Tighten the nut to 10 N·m (90
in. lbs.). Always support the starter motor during
this process, do not let the starter motor hang from
the wire harness.
(4) Install and tighten the nut that secures the
solenoid wire harness connector eyelet to the solenoid
Fig. 13 Starter Motor Remove/Install - 4.0L Engine terminal stud. Tighten the nut to 6 N·m (55 in. lbs.).
Always support the starter motor during this process,
(4) While supporting the starter motor with one
do not let the starter motor hang from the wire har-
hand, use the other hand to remove the upper (rear
facing) mounting screw from the starter motor.
(5) Position the starter motor and any starter
(5) Lower the starter motor from the front of the
motor shims that were removed to the engine block
transmission clutch housing or torque converter
and loosely install both of the mounting screws.
housing far enough to access and remove the nut
that secures the battery cable eyelet to the solenoid NOTE: Shim thickness available is 0.381 mm (0.015
battery terminal (Fig. 14). Always support the starter in.). Refer to Starter Motor Noise - 2.5L Engine in
motor during this process, do not let the starter the Diagnosis and Testing section of this group for
motor hang from the wire harness. more information.
(6) Remove the battery cable eyelet from the sole-
noid battery terminal. Always support the starter (6) Tighten both of the starter motor mounting
motor during this process, do not let the starter screws. Tighten the screws to 45 N·m (33 ft. lbs.).
motor hang from the wire harness. (7) Lower the vehicle.
(7) Disconnect the solenoid terminal wire harness (8) Reconnect the battery negative cable.
connector from the connector receptacle on the
starter solenoid. Always support the starter motor 4.0L ENGINE
during this process, do not let the starter motor hang (1) Position the starter motor in the engine com-
from the wire harness. partment.
(8) Remove the starter motor from the engine com- (2) Reconnect the solenoid terminal wire harness
partment. connector to the connector receptacle on the starter
solenoid. Always support the starter motor during
INSTALLATION this process, do not let the starter motor hang from
the wire harness.
2.5L ENGINE (3) Install the battery cable eyelet onto the sole-
(1) Position the starter motor in the engine com- noid battery terminal. Always support the starter
motor during this process, do not let the starter (3) See the fuse and relay layout label affixed to
motor hang from the wire harness. the underside of the PDC cover for starter relay iden-
(4) Install and tighten the nut that secures the tification and location.
battery cable eyelet to the solenoid battery terminal. (4) Remove the starter relay from the PDC.
Tighten the nut to 10 N·m (90 in. lbs.). Always sup-
port the starter motor during this process, do not let INSTALLATION
the starter motor hang from the wire harness. (1) See the fuse and relay layout label affixed to
(5) Position the starter motor to the front of the the underside of the PDC cover for the proper starter
transmission clutch housing or torque converter relay location.
housing and loosely install both the upper and lower (2) Position the starter relay in the proper recep-
mounting screws. tacle in the PDC.
(6) Tighten the lower (forward facing) starter (3) Align the starter relay terminals with the ter-
motor mounting screw. Tighten the screw to 41 N·m minal cavities in the PDC receptacle.
(30 ft. lbs.). (4) Push down firmly on the starter relay until the
(7) Tighten the upper (rearward facing) starter terminals are fully seated in the terminal cavities in
motor mounting screw. Tighten the screw to 54 N·m the PDC receptacle.
(40 ft. lbs.). (5) Install the cover onto the PDC.
(8) Lower the vehicle. (6) Reconnect the battery negative cable.
(9) Reconnect the battery negative cable.

(1) Disconnect and isolate the battery negative
(2) Remove the cover from the Power Distribution
Center (PDC) (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15 Power Distribution Center




Starter Motor and Solenoid

Manufacturer Mitsubishi
Engine Application 2.5L, 4.0L
2.5L - 1.2 Kilowatt (1.6 Horsepower)
Power Rating
4.0L - 1.4 Kilowatt (1.9 Horsepower)
Voltage 12 Volts
Number of Fields 4
Number of Poles 4
Number of Brushes 4
Drive Type Planetary Gear Reduction
Free Running Test Voltage 11.2 Volts
Free Running Test Maximum Amperage Draw 90 Amperes
2.5L - 2600 rpm
Free Running Test Minimum Speed
4.0L - 2500 rpm
Solenoid Closing Maximum Voltage Required 7.8 Volts
2.5L - 130 Amperes
*Cranking Amperage Draw Test
4.0L - 160 Amperes
*Test at operating temperature. Cold engine, tight (new) engine, or heavy oil will increase starter amperage draw.

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