Comparison Chart: Vision and Mission Vision Statements. Both of These Serve Different Purposes For A
Comparison Chart: Vision and Mission Vision Statements. Both of These Serve Different Purposes For A
Comparison Chart: Vision and Mission Vision Statements. Both of These Serve Different Purposes For A
Comparison chart
to a minimum.
What do we do today? For whom do we Where do we want to be going
Developing a do it? What is the benefit? In other forward? When do we want to reach
statement words, Why we do what we do? What, that stage? How do we want to do it?
For Whom and Why?
Purpose and values of the organization: Clarity and lack of ambiguity:
Who are the organization's primary Describing a bright future (hope);
Features of
"clients" (stakeholders)? What are the Memorable and engaging expression;
an effective
responsibilities of the organization realistic aspirations, achievable;
towards the clients? alignment with organizational values
and culture.
The mission statement guides the day-to-day operations and decision-making of
the organization. It helps in tactical planning and "rallying the troops" around a
common near- to medium-term goal. The mission statement helps members of
the organization get on the same page on what they should do and how they
should do it.
The vision statement is, in a sense, loftier. It outlines the worldview of the
organization and why it exists. It attracts people — not just employees but also
customers and vendors — who believe in the vision of the organization.