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Design of Compact Microstrip Antenna by Using New Nano-Composite Materials

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Design of compact microstrip antenna by using new nano-composite


Article · June 2011

DOI: 10.1109/INEC.2011.5991781


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3 authors, including:

Ahmed Thabet Mohamed Adel Z. El Dein

Aswan University Aswan University


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Design of Compact Microstrip Antenna by using New Nano-composite Materials
A.Thabet, Adel Z. El Dein, and A. Hassan

Nano-Technology Research Centre

High Institute of Energy, South Valley University
Aswan, Egypt
[email protected] and [email protected]
[email protected]

Electric Field leak out of the

Abstract edges
This paper has been enhanced the dimensions of the
microstrip antenna namely; the height of the microstrip antenna Antenna head
substrate and the width of the patch microstrip antenna, by Line feed
using nano-composite materials which composite of RT Duriod Substrate
5880 with nanofillers (Fumed Silica and Aluminum Oxide).
Thus, in this paper, novel nano-fillers are added to RT Duriod, Ground Plane
and then the nano-composed materials will be used as a
substrate for the microstrip antenna. The height and the width Fig. 1 Microstrip antenna model
of suggested model of the microstrip antenna are smaller than
those of the conventional rectangular microstrip antenna. The The most typical substrates have a dielectric constant in range
reduction of the size is achieved by using nano-composed of 2.2 to12. Thin substrates with high dielectric constant are
materials of high relative permittivity. By using this novel illustrated in [5]. The antenna dimension is illustrated in [4]. It
nano-composite material, an efficient and compact microstrip can be seen that the width can be calculated from [4]:
antenna can be obtained, also compact size, simple fabrication .
and increase Radiation, Bandwidth and Surface wave power of
microstrip antenna. The length is given by:
2 (2)
Keywords: microstrip antenna, compact antenna, nano-
. .
composite material. 0.412 (3)
. .

An antenna is a device that is used to transfer guided 1 (4)
electromagnetic waves (signals) to radiating them in an
unbounded medium and each antenna is designed for a certain An important design step is to choose a suitable dielectric
frequency band. There are many different antenna types. substrate of appropriate thickness h and loss tangent. The
Rectangular and circular microstrip patch antennas have substrate dielectric constant plays a role similar to the
various advantages and disadvantages. The common structures substrate thickness [4]. The conventional model has the
that used to feed patch antenna are coaxial probe feeds, following data:
microstrip line feeds, and aperture coupled feeds. Microstrip RT Duriod 5880 with 2.2 with thickness h=5.5mm is
line-fed structures have various advantages and disadvantages. used in this model, the patch length 87.57 and the
The aperture coupled structure has all of the advantages of the patch width 74.6 as shown in [4].
former two structures [1-4]. The microstrip line feed technique
is selected in this paper. Microstrip patch antennas radiate Selected Materials
primarily because of the fringing fields between the patch edge Fumed Silica, one of the most important filler that used in
and the ground plane. However, such a configuration leads to a insulating materials, integrated circuits, electric components,
larger antenna size. In order to design a compact microstrip conductors, and many other applications. It has a dielectric
patch antenna, substrates with higher dielectric constants must constant is ε=4.5, and the main advantages of Fumed Silica are
be used which are less efficient and result in narrower costless and have a great effect on properties such as viscosity,
bandwidth. Hence a trade-off must be realized between the stiffness and strength. This paper uses nano-composite
antenna dimensions and antenna performance [5-7]. materials which composite of RT Duriod 5880 with nano-fillers
In the present work, a logical comparison has been carried out (Fumed Silica) of rectangular microstrip antenna with volume
for the suggested models, conventional rectangular microstrip fraction 0.3 and with nano-fillers (Aluminium Oxide) with
antenna, and recent nano-composite model. Also, this paper has volume fraction 0.1. Suggested nano-composite Fumed Silica
been explained the improvement in height of substrate and with RT Duriod 5880 has been got high dielectric constant for
width of patch by using novel nano-composite materials which compact size, simple fabrication and increase radiation, Fumed
composes of RT Duriod 5880 with nano-filler Fumed Silica Silica and Aluminium Oxide are selected Aluminium Oxide is
and Aluminum Oxide over. the family of inorganic compounds with the chemical formula
. It is an amphoteric oxide and is commonly referred to
Antenna Design as alumina, corundum as well as many other names, reflecting
A microstrip antenna consists of conducting patch on a its widespread occurrence in nature and industry. Its most
ground plane separated by dielectric substrate with thickness h significant use is in the production of aluminium metal,
and relative permittivity ε as shown in Fig. 1. The conducting although it is used as an abrasive due to its hardness and as a
patch can take any shape but rectangular and circular refractory material due to its high melting point, It has a
configurations are the most commonly used configuration. dielectric constant is ε=9.5 [9].
Results and discussion C. Microstrip antenna with New Nano-Composite Materials
A. Microstrip antenna with New Nano-Composite Materials of (RT Duriod 5880 with Aluminum Oxide) of Conventional
Conventional Size Resonant Frequency
Parameters of conventional and suggested models Figure 5 displays the return loss S , of microstrip antenna
Substrate ε Radiation Directivity F
material effiency
with new nano-composite martial RT Duriod 5880 with
dB dBi MHz nanofillers Aluminum Oxide with volume fractions 0.1, where
RT Duriod 5880 2.2 0.5099 7.763 1800 the same resonant frequency 1800 MHz of conventional
RT Duriod 5880 with 2.2 0.5099 7.763 1800 microstrip antenna. It is obtained that by using nano-composite
0.1 fumed silica martial of RT Duriod 5880 with 0.1 volume fraction of
RT Duriod 5880 with 2.4 0.5290 7.562 1731.6 Aluminum Oxide filler, the height of the substrate is reduced to
0.2 fumed silica be 1.6mm as shown in table.3 and the width of the patch
RT Duriod 5880 with 2.8 0.5437 6.791 1620
antenna is also reduced to be 71mm. And length of the patch
0.3 fumed silica
RT Duriod 5880 with 3.01 0.5322 6.156 1569.6
antenna is also reduced to be 72mm. The radiation efficiency,
0.1 Aluminum Oxide bandwidth and surface wave power of microstrip antenna have
RT Duriod 5880 with 3.76 0.3078 5.009 1414.8 been enhanced, and dimensions of microstrip antenna have
0.2 Aluminum Oxide been decreased. Compact microstrip antenna can be obtained
RT Duriod 5880 with 4.46 0.3355 5.085 1306.8 with high performance, light weight, easy fabrication and low
0.3 Aluminum Oxide
0 1000 2000 3000 4000

S-Parameter Magnitude
Figure 3 shows the effect of the nano-filers Fumed Silica and 0
Aluminum Oxide on resonant frequency, it has been seen that
resonant frequency decreases to be 1616.4 MHz and 1569.6 M Conventional

in dB
Hz as shown in table.1, when using a nano-composed material -20
with filler (Fumed Silica and Aluminum Oxide ) with volume RT Duriod
-30 withAluminium Oxide wt
fraction of 0.3 and 0.1 respectively. Also, it is seen that the
using of this nano filler with these volume fractions, has -40
frequency (MHz)
enhancement of the radiation, bandwidth and surface wave
Fig. 5 S , for suggested compact antenna with novel nano-composite
power of microstrip antenna. The sizes of filters with a nano-
composite material which composes with Fumed Silica and Table.3
Aluminum Oxide are lower than conventional sizes at these Parameters of conventional and suggested models
frequencies. Substrate ε h w L f Radiation
material mm mm mm MHz effiency
B. Microstrip antenna with New Nano-Composite Materials RT Duriod 5880 2.2 5.5146 74.653 87.578 1800 0.5099
(RT Duriod 5880 with Fumed Silica) of Conventional Resonant RT Duriod 5880 2.8 3 71 83 1616.4 0.5322
Frequency with 0.3
Aluminum Oxide
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
0 Conclusions
Magnitiude in dB

-10 Using novel nano-composite materials which composite of RT

S parameter

-20 Duriod 5880 with nanofillers Fumed Silica and Aluminum
RT Duriod 5880 with Oxide have been enhanced the design of microstrip antenna.
-30 Fumed Silica wt 0.3
The Height and the width of suggested models of the microstrip
-40 antenna are smaller than those of the conventional rectangular
frequency (MHz)
Fig. 4 S , for suggested compact antenna with novel nano-composite microstrip antenna. The radiation efficiency, bandwidth and
materials surface wave power of microstrip antenna have been enhanced
Table.2 with easy fabrication, high performance and low cost.
Parameters of conventional and suggested models
Substrate ε h w L f Radiation Acknowledgements
material mm mm mm MHz effiency The present work was supported by the Science and Technology
RT Duriod 5880 2.2 5.5146 74.653 87.578 1800 0.5099 Development Fund (STDF), Egypt, Grant No: Project ID 505.
RT Duriod 5880 2.8 3 71 83 1616.4 0.5437 References
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