Reinforcing Bars - Compressed
Reinforcing Bars - Compressed
Reinforcing Bars - Compressed
S&R -(Bridges)
Transport Bhawan, 1, Parliament Street, New Delhi·l1 0001
Dated: 28.10.2020
Sub: Reinforcing Bars: Clause 1009.3.1 of Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge
The grade and other parameters of the reinforcing bars to be used for plain, reinforced
or pre stressed concrete works on National Highways has been specified in Clause 1009.3.1 of
Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge Works. This Clause also prescribe that the steel
shall be procured from original producers. In case, the original producers are unable to supply
the steel within the required time period or they are not producing the reinforcing bar of
required size /diameter, the supply from other producers are also allowed, provided the
reinforcement is manufactured from billets procured from Original producers.
2. Ministry has received various representations from the manufacturers / associations
that secondary producer/other producers, who produce steel reintorcernent from billets with
technical parameters conforming to IS: 1786, unable to supply the steel for National Highways
works due to aforesaid Clause 1009.3.1 of Ministry's Specifications for Road and Bridge Works.
Moreover, Ministry of Steel vide their Order No.4 (13)/2016-SD (I) dated 9'C'August, 2016 has
also excluded the distinction between Primary (Original) & Secondary (Other) steel producers.
3. The matter has been considered in the Ministry and it has been decided that steel
reinforcement manufactured by the Secondary (Other) producers are also permitted for
National Highway works provided the reinforcement bars are manufactured from the billets.
4. As such, the 2"'1 and 4l!1 para of Clause 1009.3.1 of Ministry's Specifications for Road
and Bridge Works shall be amended as per following:-
2nd Para
"All steel shall be procured from producers who manufacture billets directly from
iron ores and roll the billets to produce steel conforming to IS: 1786. No re-rolted steel shall
be incorporated in the works. The steel shall also be procured from other producers
provided it is manufactured from the billets made directly from iron ores and not from
shredded scrap and sponge iron as basic feedstock. In such cases, the other producers will
have to submit the proof of purchase such as GST, Invoice etc from the billet producers to
establish that billets are made directly from iron ores and have been procured from them.
The steel shall be got tested by the Engineer in the NABL affiliated laboratories only as a
third party check. It shall be ensured that all the test results conform to IS: 1786."
4th Para
"For the steel procured {rom producers who manufacture billets directly from iron
ores also, the Engineer / Employer may carry out checks on materials through third party as
mentioned above, for conforming to the test results shown in the certificates so as to
ensure the quality of steel supplied. "
5. The contents of this Circular may please be brought to the notice of all the Concerned
in your Organization for strict implementation. This circular will be implemented from the
date of its issuance.
Yours faithfully,
(Jitendra Kumar)
Superi ntending Engi neer- S&R(Bridges)
For Director General (Road Development) & SS.
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