Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed Study - The Study The CDC Refused To Do (Phase 1)
Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed Study - The Study The CDC Refused To Do (Phase 1)
Vaxxed Vs Unvaxxed Study - The Study The CDC Refused To Do (Phase 1)
December 7, 2020
The public has been demanding a vaccinated vs unvaccinated study for decades. The CDC
has steadfastly refused to fund or conduct such a study. In 2019, Informed Choice WA
members proudly joined the grassroots effort to fund the IPAK 2019
Vaxxed/Unvaxxed Study. The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) is a
not-for-profit organization which exists to perform scientific research in the public
interest. IPAK is funded by people, LIKE YOU, not pharmaceutical companies. On
November 22, 2020, the study was published in the International Journal of
Environmental Research and Public Health.
Lyons-Weiler, J.; Thomas, P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and
Cumulative Rates of Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 8674.
“the immune system is also much more than an isolated component of the body, merely
responsible for search-and-destroy missions. In fact, it interleaves with many of the other
body systems, including the endocrine, nervous, and metabolic systems, with more
connections undoubtedly to be discovered in time.” [2]
So far, the public health strategy has been to vaccinate as much as the government health
agencies want, with no limit. Moreover, the CDC refuses to perform this comparative
study, and four bills in Congress that would have forced them to perform this study have all
failed: H. R. 2832 in 2007; H.R. 1757 (113th): Vaccine Safety Study Act 2013; H.R.1636 –
Vaccine Safety Study Act (2015-16); H.R.3615 – Vaccine Safety Study Act (2017-2018).
Note that the pharmaceutical industry is the second largest donor to politicians (in dollar
amount) after the insurance industry and before the oil and gas industry [3]. There is a
pediatric practice in Oregon that for the last 30 years has respected the fundamental and
critical need for fully informed medical consent, and also respected the individual health
circumstances and needs of each of its young patients. Because of this, the practice has
medical records on children ranging from those vaccinated per the CDC schedule to
children not vaccinated at all. Thus, we have a population we can use to compare. What did
the study find? In every measure examined, the fully vaccinated children had more
problems than the completely unvaccinated children: more ear infections, more brain
damage, more allergies, more dermatitis, more respiratory infections, more eczema—more
everything. One category, ADHD, showed **zero** cases in the unvaccinated cohort vs the
fully vaccinated cohort. As mentioned earlier, activating the immune system of the delicate
developing brain is risky and aluminum salts travel around the body. We are discovering
this aluminum in children’s brains. Aluminum is only slightly less toxic than mercury and
possibly on par with lead. Now you may understand why millions of people are saying that
the vaccination program, in creating the sickest generation this nation has ever known, is
driving the sales of other pharmaceutical products to the tune of 4.5 billion prescriptions
per year. It’s not our imagination: Americans really are sicker than other countries and they
also are one of the most vaccinated populations on the planet. Because of the censorship of
anything critical of vaccination, and the complete lack of financial incentive to improve
safety of either the products or how and when they are administered, we are damaging
every single child to some degree, giving them symptoms that start them on the road to
being lifetime pharmaceutical customers. The authors are now moving on to Phase 2 of
their study, which they describe as being focused “on the comparison of health outcomes
associated with live vs. non-live vaccines, aluminum-containing vaccines vs. non-aluminum
containing vaccines, as well as studying the impact of individual vaccines on specific health
outcome risks.” [1] Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of Billed
Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination
[2] Kuby’s Immunology—7th Edition, p.1 [3] Pharmaceuticals / Health Products…
Overall, the more vaccines a child received, the higher the incidence of health
issues, ranging from asthma to weight disorders.
The authors noted that the pediatric practice had rates of developmental disorders
far lower than national rates, and they say that may be because of the individualized
nature of their care.
“Developmental disorders were determined to be difficult to study due to extremely low
prevalence in the practice, potentially attributable to high rates of vaccine cessation upon
adverse events and family history of autoimmunity. Remarkably, zero of the 561
unvaccinated patients in the study had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
compared to 0.063% of the (partially and fully) vaccinated. The implications of these results
for the net public health effects of whole-population vaccination and with respect for
informed consent on human health are compelling. Our results give agency to calls for
research conducted by individuals who are independent of any funding sources related to the
vaccine industry. While the low rates of developmental disorders prevented sufficiently
powered hypothesis testing, it is notable that the overall rate of autism spectrum disorder
(0.84%) in the cohort is half that of the US national rate (1.69%). The practice-wide rate of
ADHD was roughly half of the national rate. The data indicate that unvaccinated children
in the practice are not unhealthier than the vaccinated and indeed the overall results may
indicate that the unvaccinated pediatric patients in this practice are healthier overall than
the vaccinated.”
Lyons-Weiler, J.; Thomas, P. Relative Incidence of Office Visits and Cumulative Rates of
Billed Diagnoses Along the Axis of Vaccination. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020,
17, 8674.
IPAK needs your help to fund PHASE 2. Please considerbecoming an IPAK Science Hero and make the
world a safer place for our children through objective science.
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