Export-Import Management PDF
Export-Import Management PDF
Export-Import Management PDF
The second edi on of Export Import Management is a comprehensive textbook designed for man-‐
agement students pursuing a course in interna onal business. The book highlights the growing sig-‐
nificance of export–import trade and the need to understand the nuances of export management
for compe ng successfully in the interna onal market.
Beginning with the basics of foreign trade and export–import documenta on, it delves deep into
topics such as the methods and instruments of payment, export–import strategies, and export mar-‐
ke ng. It goes on to discuss the methods of financing exporters, business risk, and customs clear-‐
ance of import and export cargo pricing, and Incoterms (interna onal commercial terms). The book
also explores topics such as risk management and its coverage, containeriza on and leasing prac c-‐
es, and export incen ve schemes.
Jus n Paul is Professor, University of Puerto Rico Graduate School of Business, USA.
Rajiv Aserkar is Professor, Logis cs and Supply Chain Management at the S P Jain Centre of Manage-‐
ment, Dubai.
9780198089407 |400 pgs|2013|Paperback
New to this edi on
Price: INR 375.00
Two new chapters on Incoterms and the World Trade Organiza on (WTO)
New cases related to expor ng challenges, expor ng dilemma, and export procedures
Key Features
The following resource is available
to support the faculty using this Comprehensive coverage of trade opera ons, logis cs, and trade finance
text: Analysis of the markets in the Middle East, ASEAN, Australia, New Zealand, China, and Japan
Export documents at appropriate places to exemplify documenta on
PowerPoint Lecture slides Case studies in most chapters
Chapter-end ques ons to test the reader's understanding, as also interes ng exercises to put
learning into prac ce
Test Your Knowledge sec on as an appendix
“This textbook aims to explain the nuances of export– Chapter 1. Foreign Trade — Ins tu onal Framework and Basics, Chapter 2. Export—Import Docu-‐
import in a simple language thus helping students to menta on and Steps, Chapter 3. Methods and Instruments of Payment and Pricing, Chapter 4. Ex-‐
immediately grasp the concepts.” port-Import Strategies and Prac ces, Chapter 5. Export Marke ng, Chapter 6. Methods of Financing
Exporters, Chapter 7. Business Risk Management and Coverage, Chapter 8. Customs Clearance of
Dejo George, Vice President, Astro Group (Malaysia) Import and Export Cargo, Chapter 9. Logis cs and Characteris cs of Modes of Transporta-‐
on, Chapter 10. Characteris cs of Shipping Industry, Chapter 11. World Shipping, Chapter 12. Con-‐
taineriza on and Leasing Prac ces, Chapter 13. Export Procedures and Documents, Chapter 14.
Informa on Technology and Interna onal Business, Chapter 15. Incoterms, Chapter 16. Export In-‐
cen ve Schemes, Chapter 17. World Trade Organiza on, Chapter 18. Doing Business with Middle
East Countries, Chapter 19. Doing Business with ASEAN Countries, Chapter 20. Doing Business with
Australia and New Zealand, Chapter 21. Doing Business with China and Japan
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