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1. Is the mind the same as the brain, or do we have souls?

Brain is a physical organ.

Mind is not a physical organ. Scientists have not been successful in locating the mind. 
soul is beyond what you can understand through logic. You will have to expand your
perception in order to understand, experience. This is done through yoga.

2. What is consciousness?

General we define consciousness like ‘state of being awareness’ or experience of having touch, feel etc.
But Consciousness term has huge meaning. It is harder to explain yet. Every subject has different
definition of consciousness but the point is same literally. Consciousness lies in everything. From stones
(less unit of consciousness) to human beings (high level) means every matter.

It is eternal which has existed always and will exist forever. Consciousness has neither beginning and nor
ending just like our universe.
For the complete understanding of fundamental of Universe, we need to find the mysteries behind the
Consciousness because our Reality is the product of it.

Yes, our Reality is only constrained to what we can perceive or feel from our sense organs because our
body is the product of evolutionary process happening from 3.8 billion years ago on the Earth.
Reality maybe an illusion for us as we can perceive limited dimension through our mind. And Illusion
maybe reality as many dimensions in space-time are hidden for us or according to simulation theory.
Reality maybe an illusion or,

Illusion maybe a reality.

In terms of spirituality, consciousness is the inner soul. And the supreme consciousness is what we
named them as God. It’s like that cable antenna from which television is working. If there's no antenna,
television wouldn't work properly. Just like that without consciousness, our brain wouldn't function

According to quantum mechanics, nothing happens in physical world unless there's a conscious mind to
observe it. So, it’s all about the observer and the thing which is observed (wave function). For certain
human beings to alive, there should be an observer (Conscious being) and like this, it form an infinite
chain looking at people which forms Cosmic Consciousness.

According to Upnishad, Consciousness is the true Reality.

This is up to my understanding of Consciousness.

To be conscious that we are perceiving . . . is to be conscious of our own existence.

—Aristotle (384–322 BC)

3. What is an emotion?

Emotions are sensations added to thoughts to help in survival by very advanced areas of the

Here is a simple example of a thought with and without emotion.

I want to cross over to a place to arrive.

I want to cross over to a place to arrive and hold my child.

Here's another.

I see a fire.

I see a fire at my house.

I see a fire at my house and my child is there.

By reading these lines, you are activating your thinking to place yourself in the observer, but
as you get involved you will feel additional sensations of involvement and increasing
emotional content.

And, that is emotion.

4. What is the meaning of life?

Well everybody has different opinion about life .There is not a clear cut definition about life .For some
life is to building a family and lead a life as it is .For some life is all about accumulating wealth .For other
life is all about enganging in academic circle .But still for some life is all about art . For many life is all
about love and for very few life is a religious practises .Life is beautiful we can express it by word but
when the real problem comes we don’t find it anymore beautiful .We take birth in this world with
purpose .Without purpose there is no life.

Aristotle the greek philospher said everything has purpose or goal .For human life is all about to attain
happiness for sake of itself , whatever we desire it just for us , never for the sake of anything else .For
example-why are you going to school ? To earn a degree .Why you want degree? I need degree to obtain
employment .Why do you want job? I need job so that i can earn money the things which i need such as
food clothes etc.Why we need all that ? Those thing will make me happy .why you want to be happy ?.At
this point you realize there is no further answer .We want to be happy for the sake of being happy and
not for sake of something else . A man who act virtously will rightly win good and noble things in life
.Life will also made you stand in downfall , sadness but we should fight from it .If we can struggle in life
for sake of happiness why not we also had a attitude of never give up on the downfall phase of our life .
Even that phase also teaches to learn from our mistakes we have done and never repeat that mistakes
again .As life is too short to regret .

5. Is happiness the most important purpose in life?

Happiness is a state of mind, this is not a purpose of life. Happy, sad all are phase of life.

If something good is going on in your life so be happy.

if something bad is going on in your life so find your sparkle in rough days.

Happiness is not stationary. How you handle happiness and sadness in beautiful way that's the purpose
of life.

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