Expansion Tank Sizing Procedure

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Vt = [Vs {(V2/V1}-1] - 3αΔT]/[1-(P1/P2)]

Vt = volume of expansion tank, m3 or ft3 or gl

Vs = volume of water in system, m3 or ft3 or gl 1463.53 gallons
V1 = specific volume of water at lower temperature, m3/kg or ft3/lb
V2 = specific volume of water at higher temperature, m3/kg ft3/lb
P1 = Low pressure , kPa or PSI 20
P2 = High pressure, kPa or PSI 45.01
α = linear coefficient of thermal expansion, m/(m · F) or in/(in. °F)
Δt = (t2 − t1), °F 66 °F
t1 = lower temperature, °C or °F>> 44 °F
t2 = higher temperature, °C or °F >> 110 °F

P2 = CHW pump head loss 70 ft (pump head lossx0.433)+14.7

P2 45.01 PSI

Vt 24.66 gallons
0.01602 ft3/lb
0.01617 ft3/lb
6.5E-06 in/(in. °F)

(pump head lossx0.433)+14.7

Chilled water System Volume

Chilled Water Volume In B.S. Pipes SCH 40

Pipe (Dia) in inches Pipe Length (ft) WT. of Water in Volume of Water
Pipe (lb/ft) (gl/ft)
1 1/4 100.00 0.53 0.064
1 1/2 80.00 0.77 0.092
2 75.00 1.36 0.163
2 1/2 88.00 2.13 0.255
3 65.00 2.31 0.367
4 73.00 5.44 0.653
5 60.00 8.50 1.020
6 55.00 12.20 1.470
8 48.00 21.80 2.610
10 36.00 34.00 4.080
12 30.00 49.00 5.880
14 28.00 68.50 8.110
16 22.00 90.00 11.450

2) Chilled Water Equipments

Air side QTY. Water Content Water Volume

components (Kg) (m3)

Air Cooled Chiller 4

AHU-01 1 24.89 0.0249
AHU-02 1 24.89 0.0249
AHU-03 1 24.46 0.0245
AHU-04 1 26.10 0.0261
AHU-05 1 24.89 0.0249
AHU-06 1 24.46 0.0245
AHU-07 1 17.13 0.0171
AHU-08 1 26.10 0.0261
FCU-G01 8 3.78 0.0038
FCU-FF01 8 3.78 0.0038
ater System Volume

Total volume (gl)


Water Volume Total

Volume of
Water (gl)
18.50 74.00 Vs Vp+Ve gallons
6.58 6.58 Vs 1330.48 gallons
6.58 6.58 10% safety factor 133.0480185 gallons
6.46 6.46 Total Vs 1463.53 gallons
6.89 6.89
6.58 6.58
6.46 6.46
4.53 4.53
6.89 6.89
1.00 7.99
1.00 7.99
Ve 140.94
Water specific volume at temperatures given in degree Celcius Water specific volume at tem

Specific volume     (0-100°C
at 1 atm,
Temperature Temperature
>100 °C at saturation pressure)

[°C] [cm3/g] [ft3/lb] [gal(US liq)/lb] [°F]

0.1 1.00015 0.016021 0.11981 32.2

1 1.0001 0.01602 0.11981 34
4 1.00003 0.016019 0.11982 39.2
10 1.0003 0.016023 0.11979 40
15 1.0009 0.016033 0.11972 50
20 1.0018 0.016047 0.11961 60
25 1.00296 0.016066 0.11947 70
30 1.00437 0.016088 0.11931 80
35 1.006 0.016115 0.11911 90
40 1.00785 0.016144 0.11889 100
45 1.00989 0.016177 0.11865 110
50 1.0121 0.016212 0.11839 120
55 1.01452 0.016251 0.11811 130
60 1.01709 0.016292 0.11781 140
65 1.01984 0.016336 0.1175 150
70 1.02275 0.016383 0.11716 160
75 1.02581 0.016432 0.11681 170
80 1.02903 0.016483 0.11645 180
85 1.03241 0.016538 0.11607 190
90 1.03594 0.016594 0.11567 200
95 1.03962 0.016653 0.11526 212
100 1.04346 0.016715 0.11484 220
110 1.05158 0.016845 0.11395 240
120 1.06032 0.016985 0.11301 260
140 1.07976 0.017296 0.11097 280
160 1.10199 0.017652 0.10874 300
180 1.1274 0.018059 0.10629 350
200 1.15652 0.018526 0.10361 400
220 1.19016 0.019065 0.10068 450
240 1.22945 0.019694 0.09746 500
260 1.27611 0.020441 0.0939 550
280 1.33284 0.02135 0.0899 600
300 1.40422 0.022493 0.08533 625
320 1.49905 0.024012 0.07994 650
340 1.63755 0.026231 0.07317 675
360 1.89541 0.030362 0.06322 700
373.946 3.10559 0.049747 0.03858
Water specific volume at temperatures given in degree Fahrenheit linear coefficient of thermal expansion

Specific volume    (0-212°F
at 1 atm, >212 °F at
saturation pressure)
[ft3/lb] [ft3/sl] [cm3/g] Aluminum
0.01602 0.1198 0.5155 1.0002 Carbon Steel
0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1.0001 Cast Iron
0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1 Copper
0.01602 0.1198 0.5154 1 Stainless Steel
0.01602 0.1199 0.5155 1.0003 ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
0.01603 0.1199 0.5159 1.001 HDPE High density polyethylene
0.01605 0.1201 0.5164 1.002 PE Polyethylene
0.01607 0.1202 0.5171 1.0034 CPVC Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride
0.0161 0.1204 0.518 1.005 PVC Polyvinyl chloride
0.01613 0.1207 0.519 1.007
0.01617 0.1209 0.5201 1.0092
0.0162 0.1212 0.5214 1.0116
0.01625 0.1215 0.5227 1.0143
0.01629 0.1219 0.5242 1.0171
0.01634 0.1222 0.5258 1.0202
0.01639 0.1226 0.5274 1.0234
0.01645 0.123 0.5292 1.0269
0.01651 0.1235 0.5311 1.0305
0.01657 0.1239 0.5331 1.0343
0.01663 0.1244 0.5351 1.0384
0.01671 0.125 0.5378 1.0435
0.01677 0.1255 0.5396 1.0471
0.01693 0.1266 0.5446 1.0567
0.0171 0.1279 0.5501 1.0675
0.01728 0.1292 0.5558 1.0785
0.01748 0.1307 0.5623 1.0911
0.01799 0.1346 0.5789 1.1232
0.01861 0.1392 0.5987 1.1616
0.01943 0.1453 0.6251 1.2129
0.02044 0.1529 0.6577 1.2761
0.02177 0.1629 0.7004 1.3591
0.02357 0.1763 0.7583 1.4713
0.02491 0.1864 0.8015 1.5552
0.02683 0.2007 0.8631 1.6747
0.02964 0.2217 0.9535 1.8501
0.0338 0.2528 1.0875 2.1101
of thermal expansion for different pipes
Expansion Coefficients

10-6 in/in oF 10-6 m/m oC

12.8 23.1

6.5 11.7
5.9 10.6
9.3 16.8
9.9 17.8
35 63
67 120
83 150
44 79
28 50.4

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