Summative Evaluation No. 3 Learning Material No. 6: Training & Development

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Quintos, Paul Emmanuel

BSMA 3102
Summative Evaluation No. 3

Learning Material No. 6

Training & Development

Training helps every employee in the organization to become productive and

competitively perform their job. With the help of training, you are equipping and
giving each employee the necessary skills that will uplift their work performance.
Asides from the development, training will somehow become the motivation of every
employee to stay in the company. There are some steps to consider before taking an
employee to have the training. In this learning module, the four steps are employee
orientation, taking the chosen employee to an in house training, assignation an
employee to be a mentor, and lastly engagement to external training and development.
Besides this, I also learn the different types of training. In technology and technical
training is a type of training that meant to teach the new employee the technological
aspects of the job. Quality training training refers to familiarizing employees with the
means of preventing, detecting, and eliminating non- quality items, usually in an
organization that produces a product. Skills training, the third type of training,
includes proficiencies needed to actually perform the job. For example, an
administrative assistant might be trained in how to answer the phone, while a
salesperson at Best Buy might be trained in assessment of customer needs and on how
to offer the customer information to make a buying decision. training. Soft skills refer
to personality traits, social graces, communication, and personal habits that are used
to characterize relationships with other people. Professional training is a type of
training required to be up to date in one’s own professional field. Team training as a
process that empowers teams to improve decision making, problem solving, and
team-development skills to achieve business results. Managerial training is given to
those employee who have work with the organization for a long time. They are those
people who are identified for a promotion. The training topics might include those
from our soft skills section, such as how to motivate and delegate, while others may
be technical in nature. The last type is safety training. This is a type of training that
occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries caused by work-related
accidents. Safety training is especially important for organizations that use chemicals
or other types of hazardous materials in their production. All these types are
performed and delivered differently. Upon this, the lesson also teach me those
different training delivery methods. On-the-job coaching is one way to facilitate
employee skills training. On-the-job coaching refers to an approved person training an
employee on the skills necessary to complete tasks.  Mentoring is a process by which
an employee can be trained and developed by an experienced person. Normally,
mentoring is used as a continuing method to train and develop an employee. Brown
bag lunches are a training delivery method meant to create an informal atmosphere.
As the name suggests, brown bag lunch training is one in which the training occurs
during lunchtime, employees bring their food, and someone presents training
information to them. Web training delivery involves the usage of technology. Job
shadowing is a training delivery method that places an employee who already has the
skills with another employee who wants to develop those skills. Job swapping is a
method for training in which two employees agree to change jobs for a period of time.
In vestibule training, training is performed near the worksite in conference rooms,
lecture rooms, and classrooms. The last training methods are international assignment
training. This is where the chosen employee trains outside the country.

Learning Material No. 7

Managing Employee Performance

As an HR manager it is your main duty to look and manage the employee

performance. It is not good to just fire an employee who committed a mistake in the
company. It is because a proper delegation is needed before firing an employee and
besides as what the lesson from previous modules, it is to costy to hire anew one.
With that being said, it is better to know, as an HR, the proper way on handling
employee performance. In this learning module, first, I learn what is the different
types of performance issues. In this module, it tackled some of those like constantly
late or leaves early, family issues, nonperforming, theft, ethical breach, and many
more. Some issues are based on personal reason and others are because the innate
manner of the employee. That innate matter is often times are the reason why an
employee are possibly be fired at work. Upon performing those highly and restricted
performance, a progressive disciplinary action or a punishment is occurred. There are
several types of offenses that always depends on the company rulings and standards.
The seven test[s] of just cause represent a practical and effective way to determine
whether a proposed disciplinary action is firmly and fairly grounded. It is fair to
assume that these tests will be applied by arbitrators in the event that disciplinary
actions are challenged, and it is therefor good practice to apply them prospectively
when considering the imposition of progressive discipline.

Learning Material No. 8

Employee Assessment

A performance evaluation system is a systematic way to examine how well an

employee is performing in his or her job. It is necessary to check the performance of
every employee because your company is spending for every one of them.Besides, it
will help the company to satisfy why they receiving such benefits and to know how
they work in the company as well. With that being said the module teaches us how to
assess and evaluate each employee. In designing a performance appraisal system
please keep in mind that managers should constantly be giving feedback to
employees, and this process is a more formal way of doing so. Some organizations
choose to give performance evaluations once per year, while others give them twice
per year, or more. There are also different methods of appraisal. This are graphic
rating scale, essay appraisal, checklist scale, critical incident appraisals, work standard
approach, ranking methods, management by objectives, and Behaviorally Anchored
Rating Scale (BARS). The graphic rating scale, a behavioral method, is perhaps the
most popular choice for performance evaluations. This type of evaluation lists traits
required for the job and asks the source to rate the individual on each attribute. In
an essay appraisal, the source answers a series of questions about the employee’s
performance in essay form. This can be a trait method and/or a behavioral method,
depending on how the manager writes the essay. A checklist method for performance
evaluations lessens the subjectivity, although subjectivity will still be present in this
type of rating system. With a critical incident appraisal, the manager records examples
of the employee’s effective and ineffective behavior during the time period between
evaluations, which is in the behavioral category. For certain jobs in which
productivity is most important, a work standards approach could be the more effective
way of evaluating employees. With this results-focused approach, a minimum level is
set and the employee’s performance evaluation is based on this level. In a ranking
method system (also called stack ranking), employees in a particular department are
ranked based on their value to the manager or supervisor. This system is a
comparative method for performance evaluations. Management by objectives
(MBOs) is a concept developed by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of
Management. This method is results oriented and similar to the work standards
approach, with a few differences. A BARS method first determines the main
performance dimensions of the job, for example, interpersonal relationships. Then the
tool utilizes narrative information, such as from a critical incidents file, and assigns
quantified ranks to each expected behavior.

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