Slu - Sea - Che 520 L - Separations Technology Diffusion, Evaporation
Slu - Sea - Che 520 L - Separations Technology Diffusion, Evaporation
Slu - Sea - Che 520 L - Separations Technology Diffusion, Evaporation
1. We measured the diffusivity of carbon dioxide in high density polyethylene with a crystalline fraction of 0.77, at a
temperature of 40 and 50 degrees Celsius (313 and 323 Kelvin).D(313K)=4.0E-11m2/s, D(323K) = 6.1 E-11 m2/s. The
activation energy is
a) 37 kJ b) 68 KJ c) 15 kJ d) NOTG
2. The diffusivity of benzene in air at 0°C and 1 atm is 0.299 ft2/hr. The diffusivity (in cm2/s) of benzene in air at 25°C and
1 atm is
a) 0.089 b) 0.261 c) 71.76 d) 277.92
3. Ethyl alcohol is diffusing into an alcohol-water solution at 18 cm2/s. the concentration of alcohol in the bulk of the
solution is negligible, while that at the surface of the solution is 0.12 g/cc. the film thickness is 0.15 cm and the diffusivity
is 1x10-5 cm2/s. the mass of alcohol diffusing through 100 ft2 of interface per hour is
a) 20 lbs b) 14 lbs c) 10 lbs d) 6 lbs
4. Ammonia gas is diffusing at a constant rate through a layer of stagnant air 1 mm thick. Conditions are such that the gas
contains 50% by volume ammonia at one boundary of the stagnant layer. The ammonia diffusing to the other boundary
is quickly absorbed and the concentration is negligible at that plane. The temperature is 295K and the pressure
atmospheric, and under these conditions the diffusivity of ammonia in air is 1.8x10-5 m2/s. Estimate the rate of diffusion
of ammonia through the layer
a) 6.23x10-5 kmol/m2-s b) 3.12x10-4 kmol/m2-s c) 5.15x10-4 kmol/m2-s d) NOTG
5. Ammonia is absorbed in water from a mixture with air using a column operating at 1 bar and 295K. The resistance to
transfer may be regarded as lying entirely within the gas phase. At a point in the column, the partial pressure of the
ammonia is 7.0 KN/m2. The back pressure at the water interface is negligible and the resistance to transfer may be
regarded as lying in a stationary gas film 1 mm thick. If the diffusivity of ammonia in air is 2.36x10 -5 m2/s, what is the
transfer rate per unit area at that point in the column?
a) 4.12x10-4 kmol/m2-s b) 3.69x10-4 kmol/m2-s c) 6.97x10-5 kmol/m2-s d) NOTG
6. A sintered solid of silica 2.0 mm thick is porous, with a void fraction of 0.30 and tortuosity of 4.0. The pores are filled
with water at 298K. at one face the concentration of KCl is held at 0.1 gmol/L, and fresh water flows rapidly past the
other face. Neglecting any other resistance but that in the porous solid, calculate the diffusion of KCl at steady state.
Diffusivity of KCl in water is 1.87x10-9 m2/s.
a) 7.01x10-9 kmol/m2-s b) 3.69x10-5 kmol/m2-s c) 2.23x10-4 kmol/m2-s d) NOTG
7. The diffusion rate of ammonia from an aqueous solution to the gas phase is 10 -3 kmol/m2-s. the interface equilibrium
pressure of NH3 is 660 N/m2 and the concentration of ammonia in gas phase is 5%. If the total pressure is 101 N/m 2,
temperature is 295K and diffusivity of NH3 is 0.24 cm2/s, the gas film thickness is
a) 6.4 um b) 23.5 um c) 1.2 um d) NOTG
8. Oxygen is diffusing in a mixture of oxygen-nitrogen at 1 atm, 25°C. Concentration of oxygen at planes 2mm apart is 10
and 20% volume respectively. Nitrogen is non-diffusing. Calculate the flux of oxygen. Diffusivity of oxygen in nitrogen
is 1.89x10-5 m2/s.
a) 5.78x10-9 kmol/m2-s b) 1.35x10-11 kmol/m2-s c) 4.55x10-5 kmol/m2-s d) NOTG
9. Species A is diffusing at steady state from the surface of a sphere into a stagnant fluid. If the diffusive flux at a distance
r=3cm from the center of the sphere is 27 mol/cm2-s, the diffusive flux at a distance r=9cm is
a) 6 mol/cm2-s b) 9 mol/cm2-s c) 3 mol/cm2-s d) 4.5 mol/cm2-s
10. A gas mixture of methane and helium is contained in a tube at 25°C and 14.7 psia. At one point the partial pressure of
methane is 60.79 kPa and at point 2 cm distance away, the partial pressure of methane is 20.26 kPa. Calculate the flux
of methane.
a) 5.23x10-5 kmol/m2-s b) 9.26x10-5 kmol/m2-s c) 4.53x10-5 kmol/m2-s d) NOTG
11. A plate of iron is exposed to a carburizing (carbon-rich) atmosphere on one side and a decarburizing (carbon-deficient)
atmosphere on the other side at 700°C. If a condition of steady state is achieved, calculate the diffusion flux of carbon
through the plate if the concentrations of carbon at positions of 5 and 10 mm beneath the carburizing surface are 1.2
and 0.8 kg/m3, respectively. Assume a diffusion coefficient of 3x10-11 m2/s at this temperature.
a) 2.4x10-9 kg/m2-s b) 2.4x10-5 kg/m2-s c) 2.4x10-11 kg/m2-s d) NOTG
12. A test tube, 1.5 cm in diameter and 12 cm tall, is partly filled with a solution of alkaline pyrogallate. The depth of the
empty space above the solution is 5 cm. The temperature is 25oC and the total pressure is 1 atm. Air may be assumed to
contain 21% oxygen (A) and 79% nitrogen (B). DAB is taken as 0.21 cm2/s. Alkaline pyrogallate readily absorbs oxygen
and nitrogen is virtually insoluble in it. Calculate the rate of absorption of oxygen (in mol/s) from air in alkaline
pyrogallate at steady state if air flows gently over the open end of the test tube.
a) 2.49x10-7 mol/s b) 1.53x10-7 mol/s c) 7.16x10-7 mol/s d) NOTG
13. A reagent bottle containing 3 kg of iso-propanol is accidentally dropped on the floor of an empty room causing a spill of
the entire liquid. The liquid quickly spreads on the floor of the room (3x4m, 3m high), and starts vaporizing. Although
the temperature of the vaporizing liquid will be lower than that of the ambient air, for simplicity it may be assumed that
both are at the same temperature, 27oC. Two exhaust fans are switched in immediately after the spill to ventilate the
room. It takes 5 minutes for the liquid to vaporize completely. If it is assumed that the concentration of iso-propanol in
the air of the room remain small (because of efficient ventilation), and the alcohol vapor diffuses out from the liquid
SLU | SEA | ChE 520 L | SEPARATIONS TECHNOLOGY Diffusion, Evaporation
surface through a stagnant film of air, calculate the thickness of the air-film. Vapor pressure of iso-propanol at 27oC is
0.065 bar and its diffusivity in air is 0.0995 cm2/s.
a) 1.93 mm b) 2.36 mm c) 5.96 mm d) NOTG
14. Your job is to harden titanium by the diffusion of carbon. The concentration of carbon at 1 mm into the surface of the
titanium slab is 0.25 kg/m3 and at 3 mm the concentration is 0.68 kg/m 3. The temperature of the carburizing
environment is 925°C, and the rate at which carbon is entering this 2 mm thick region is 1.27x10-9 kg/(m2-s). Using
Fick’s first law, what is the diffusion coefficient for this particular treatment?
a) 6.39x10-11 m2/s b) 1.26x10-4 m2/s c) 5.91x10-12 m2/s d) NOTG
15. The distribution coefficients for copper in aluminum at 500 and 600°C are 4.8x10 -14 and 5.3x10-13 m2/s, respectively.
Determine the approximate time (in hours) at 500°C that will produce the same diffusion result as a 10 hour heat
treatment at 600°C.
a) 9.1x10-11 b) 10.5 c) 110.4 d) NOTG
16. Water vapor leaving a single effect evaporator is to be condensed using water at 700F. The evaporator produces 24,000
lb/h of vapor from a solution having a negligible BPE. The condenser has an area of 665.4 ft2. Experience has shown that
480,000 lb/h of cooling water can be used and that the overall heat transfer coefficient is 500 Btu/h-ft2-0F. Find the
condensing temperature in the evaporator.
a) 1900F b) 1800F c) 1700F d) 1600F
17. Based from the preceding problem, find the pressure in the evaporator.
a) 5.95 psi b) 8.92 psi c) 11.5 psi d) 15.2 psi
18. If vapors are withdrawn from a given effect of the multiple-effect evaporator and used outside the evaporator system in
place of the steam, the steam saving is number of withdrawal effect times amount of vapor withdrawal divided by the total
number of effects. If one pound of vapor withdrawn from the second effect of a four-effect evaporator, how much steam
would be saved?
a) 0.5 b) 0.75 c) 1.0 d) 1.5
19. Based from the preceding problem, if one pound of vapor withdrawn from the third effect of a four-effect evaporator,
how much steam would be saved?
a) 0.5 b) 0.75 c) 1.0 d) 1.5
20. If the temperature of 20% sulfuric acid solution is 200 0F, what is the boiling point rise?
a) 50F b) 60F c) 70F d) 80F