Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
Module 1
Quarter, Week 1
Objective : Identifying common and proper nouns and observing correct capitalization for proper
Topic : Lesson 1 – A Newfound Friend (Common and Proper Nouns)
References : LM – 2-13
Words which are used as names of persons, animals, places, or things are called Nouns.
Everything we can see or talk about is represented by a word that names it. That
"naming" word is called a Noun. All naming words are Nouns.
Examples of Nouns
People: soldier, sister, teacher, aunt, cousin, lawyer etc.
Animals: squirrel, rat, lizard, tiger, lion, camel, zebra etc.
Places: house, London, park, beach, office, factory, shelter etc.
Things: table, book, pen, pizza, book, flower, ring etc.
Two Kinds of Nouns : Common and Proper
Common nouns name a person, place, or thing. They do not begin with
a capital letter.
Proper nouns name a specific person, place, or thing. They always
begin with a capital letter.
holiday Christmas
girl Lisa
crayon Crayola
day Friday
month June
dog Blacky
Teacher’s Note:
Kindly read your book on Lesson 1 pages 1-13 for more information and answer the activities pages
ACTIVIT 12-14. Score will be recorded in the written task (30%)
A. Write a matching proper noun for the given common noun.
Common noun Proper noun
1. watch
2. ball pen
3. bag
4. book
5. smartphone
6. teacher
7. classmate
8. notebook
9. town
3. Samsung
4. Ubay
5. Tuesday
6. December
7. Spaghetti
8. English
9. Philippines
10.Mahogany tree
D. Read each word. Color the common nouns green and the proper nouns yellow. Remember
proper nouns begin in a capital letter.
List down 5 examples of Proper and Common nouns.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.