Ask Me A Question: Your Questions Your Answers

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Ask me a question

1 Ask the questions and listen to B’s answers. 1 Listen to A’s questions and find the correct answers.
Are they correct?

Your questions Your answers

1 What’s your name? a Yes, I am. I’m an English student.
My name’s Antonio. b No, I’m not. I’m from Mexico.
c It’s in Australia.
2 Are you a student?
d He’s from Sydney.
Yes, I am. I’m an English student.
e My name’s Antonio.
3 Where is your teacher from? f No, you’re not. This is the English class.
He’s from Sydney. g No, it’s not. Canberra is the capital.
4 Where’s Sydney?
It’s in Australia.
5 Is Sydney the capital of Australia?
No, it’s not. Canberra is the capital.
6 Are you from Australia?
No, I’m not. I’m from Mexico.
7 Am I in the German class?
No, you’re not. This is the English class.

2 Listen to B’s questions and find the correct answers. 2 Ask the questions and listen to A’s answers.
Are they correct?

Your answers Your questions

a It’s in Scotland. 1 Am I in Room 4?
b I’m Spanish. I’m from Madrid. Yes, you are. This is Room 4.
c Yes, I am. 2 Are you in the English class?
d Her name’s Jenny. Yes, I am.
e Yes, you are. This is Room 4.
3 What’s the teacher’s name?
f No, it’s not. I think the capital is Edinburgh.
Her name’s Jenny.
g No, she’s not. She’s from Glasgow.
4 Is she English?
No, she’s not. She’s from Glasgow.
5 Where’s Glasgow?
It’s in Scotland.
6 Is Glasgow the capital of Scotland?
No, it’s not. I think the capital is Edinburgh.
7 Where are you from?
I’m Spanish. I’m from Madrid.

Personal Best Write five more questions with be to ask your Personal Best Write five more questions with be to ask your
partner; e.g., Are you a teacher? Are you from partner; e.g., Are you a teacher? Are you from
Japan? (You can use the questions on the resource Japan? (You can use the questions on the resource
sheet for ideas.) Then ask your questions. sheet for ideas.) Then ask your questions.

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1A Grammar
Ask me a question
The verb be (I, you, he, she, it)

Sts match questions with answers in pairs. The aim is to review the verb be (I, you, he, she, it); e.g., Are you a student? Yes, I am.
I’m an English student.

Make one copy of the resource sheet for every pair of sts. Cut PERSONAL BEST
or tear the sheet where indicated.
Sts write five more questions with the verb be to ask their
PRACTICE partner; e.g., Are you a teacher? Are you from Japan? They
can use the resource sheet questions for ideas. Then they
1 Sts work in A/B pairs. Give each student one half of the ask their questions.
resource sheet. Tell them not to show their sheet to their
2 Explain that sts are going to ask and answer two sets of
questions. Student A asks his/her set of questions first. Fast finishers work in their A/B pairs. As ask the questions on
Student B listens and chooses the correct answer for each their resource sheet again and Bs answer without looking at
question. Student A checks that the answers are correct. their sheet. Then have them swap roles.
At the end, they swap roles.
3 Tell sts that they need to listen carefully for pronouns
(I, you, he, she, it), people, places, and things in the
questions, and check that the answers match. Use the
first question on each sheet to do two examples with the
class. Ask a student with sheet A to read the first question,
What’s your name? Ask sts with sheet B to find the correct
answer, My name’s Antonio. Then ask the Bs to read the
first question on their sheet, Am I in Room 4?, and the As
to find the correct answer, Yes, you are. This is Room 4.
4 Set a time limit for sts to do the activity. Then go through
the answers. Start with Student A’s questions, with two
sts reading out the questions and answers. Repeat with
Student B’s questions.

Student A
1 e, 2 a, 3 d, 4 c, 5 g, 6 b, 7 f
Student B
1 e, 2 c, 3 d, 4 g, 5 a, 6 f, 7 b

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Work in groups. Take turns to match a country, a nationality, a capital city, and a language. Score a point for a correct
set of four.

Country Capital
Peru Buenos Aires

India Madrid Beijing
Turkey the UK
Mexico Ankara
Paris Tokyo
Argentina the USA Rome
Mexico City
Spain Canada
Japan Warsaw Brasília
Chile New Delhi Washington
France Ottawa

Nationality Language(s)

Personal Best Work with a partner. Think about the people in your town or city. Are there any people from different countries? List the
countries and nationalities.

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1A Vocabulary
Countries and nationalities

Sts play a game in small groups. The aim is to review countries and nationalities vocabulary, e.g., Mexico/Mexican, Japan/Japanese.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each group.
Sts work in their pairs and think about the people in their
town or city who are from different countries. They list the
PRACTICE countries and the nationalities, using their dictionaries to
look up new words.
1 Sts work in groups of four with two competing pairs. Give
each group a copy of the resource sheet.
2 Explain the activity. Pairs take turns to match a country EXTRA PRACTICE
with a nationality and a capital city. Then they decide
what the country’s official language is (or languages are). Fast finishers test each other on the spellings of countries
(Official language = the language used in government.) and nationalities using the resource sheet or the vocabulary
For each correct set of words, pairs win a point. practice section on page 107 of the Student’s Book. One
student looks at the sheet/page, says a word, and the other
3 Do an example as a class using the U.S. Write the U.S. on spells it. The first student listens and checks the spelling and
the board and ask sts to find the nationality (American), pronunciation are correct, and then they swap roles.
the capital (Washington D.C.) and the official language
(English). Tell them to cross out the four words to show
they have been used.
4 Set a time limit for sts to play the game and monitor. Both
pairs must agree that a set of words is correct, or ask you
to decide if they are unsure. If they make an incorrect set,
the other pair can try to correct the set to win the point.
The pair with the most points in each group is the winner.
At the end, elicit the answers.

Argentina (Argentinian, Buenos Aires, Spanish)
Brazil (Brazilian, Brasília, Portuguese)
Canada (Canadian, Ottawa, English and French)
Chile (Chilean, Santiago, Spanish)
China (Chinese, Beijing, Chinese)
France (French, Paris, French)
Germany (German, Berlin, German)
India (Indian, New Delhi, Hindi and English)
Italy (Italian, Rome, Italian)
Japan (Japanese, Tokyo, Japanese)
Mexico (Mexican, Mexico City, Spanish)
Peru (Peruvian, Lima, Spanish)
Poland (Polish, Warsaw, Polish)
Russia (Russian, Moscow, Russian)
Spain (Spanish, Madrid, Spanish)
Turkey (Turkish, Ankara, Turkish)
the UK (British, London, English)
the U.S. (American, Washington D.C., English)

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Job mimes

Mime the jobs. Then guess the other pair’s jobs.

1 3 5 7

9 11 13 15

Personal Best Think of five or six people you know. What are their jobs? Make a list of names and jobs, e.g., Mom = nurse, Ana = salesclerk.
Look up new words in a dictionary. Then tell your partner about the people on your list.

Job mimes

Mime the jobs. Then guess the other pair’s jobs.

2 4 6 8

10 12 14 16

Personal Best Think of five or six people you know. What are their jobs? Make a list of names and jobs, e.g., e.g. Mum
Look Lookwords
up new up newin awords in a dictionary,
dictionary. then partner
Then tell your tell yourabout
theabout theonpeople
people on your list.
your list.

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1B Vocabulary
Job mimes

Sts mime jobs in groups. The aim is to review jobs vocabulary, e.g., police officer, teacher.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each group. Cut or
Sts think of five or six people they know and make a list of
tear the sheet where indicated.
their names and their jobs, using their dictionaries to look
up new words. For example, Mom = nurse, Ana = salescerk.
PRACTICE Then they tell their partner about the people on their list.
1 Sts work in groups of four with two competing A/B pairs.
If you have an odd number of sts, have one group of three EXTRA PRACTICE
competing against a pair. Give each pair in the group one
half of the resource sheet. Tell them not to show it to the Fast finishers play a game in their groups. One person in
other pair. the group has both resource sheets. He/She chooses a job
2 Explain that each pair has pictures of eight different jobs. and slowly spells the job, pausing between each letter, e.g.,
They take turns miming their jobs to the other pair, who D … O … C … T … O … R. The other group members listen
have to guess the job; e.g., Pair A mimes job 1 (teacher), and compete to guess the job before the final letter. The first
then Pair B mimes job 2 (singer). The pair doing the mime person to guess correctly wins a point.
must not speak. They can only nod or shake their heads to
indicate a correct/incorrect guess from the other pair.
3 Allow time for sts to talk in their pairs and decide how
they are going to mime the jobs on their resource sheet.
4 Set a time limit for sts to complete the activity. Then begin
and monitor while they work in their groups. You could
keep a note of any interesting/amusing mimes you see
and ask pairs to perform them for the whole class at the

 1 teacher
 2 singer
 3 waiter
 4 salesclerk
 5 tour guide
 6 police officer
 7 TV host
 8 doctor
 9 IT worker
10 office worker
11 receptionist
12 chef
13 actor
14 student
15 engineer
16 taxi driver

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Roll a coin

? +
1 2 3 4

your partner / they / not / waiters Moscow / in Russia Robinho / not / Italian

+ +

5 6 7 8

your parents / I / not / a salesclerk you and I / we / late for the class

+ ? +
from the U.S.? in the English class

9 10 11 12

I / Italian you and your partner / he / an engineer you / not / my student

in London?

? ?
13 14 15 16

you / an IT worker? my teacher / not / Lima / the capital we / not / police officers

+ +
from Manchester of your country?

17 18 19 20

“Hello” and “Goodbye” / Sheila / twenty-three Warsaw / not / the you / twenty-one?
English words capital of my country

Personal Best Write down the questions from the resource sheet. Then answer in a way that’s true for you. For example, 1: Is your partner
French? No, he/she’s not. He/She’s from _____.

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1C Grammar
Roll a coin
The verb be (we, you, they)

Sts play a game. The aim is to review the verb be (I, you, he, she, it, we, they); e.g., Is your partner French? They’re not waiters.

Make one copy of the resource sheet for each pair of sts. Pairs PERSONAL BEST
will also need a coin to roll during the activity.
Sts write down the questions from the resource sheet and
PRACTICE answer in a way that is true for them. For example, 1 Is
your partner French? No, he/she’s not. He/She’s from _____.
1 Sts work in pairs. If you have an odd number of sts, have
one group of three. Give each pair a copy of the resource
sheet and a small round coin to roll during the game. EXTRA PRACTICE
2 Pre-teach/Elicit the meaning of parents. Fast finishers work in their pairs and write new prompts
3 Sts take turns rolling the coin onto the resource sheet. for their partner, two affirmative, two negative, and two
When the coin lands on a square, they use the prompt to questions. Their partner makes six correct sentences from the
make a sentence with the verb be. If the coin lands on a + prompts.
square, they make an affirmative sentence. If it lands on
a – square, they make a negative sentence. If it lands on
a ? square, they make a question. Sts score one point for
a correct affirmative sentence, two points for a correct
negative sentence, and three points for a correct question.
Both sts must agree that the sentence is correct, or ask
you for confirmation if they are unsure.
4 Tell sts to cross off the prompt after they have used it. If
someone lands on a used prompt, they miss a turn.
5 Set a time limit for sts to play the game and monitor
and help. Remind them to make a note of the score. The
winner is the student with the most points in each pair. At
the end, elicit the answers.

1 Is your partner French?
2 They’re not/aren’t waiters.
3 Moscow is in Russia.
4 Robinho’s not/isn’t Italian.
5 Are your parents from the U.S.?
6 I’m not a salesclerk.
7 You and I are in the English class.
8 We’re late for class.
9 I’m Italian.
10 Are you and your partner in London?
11 He’s an engineer.
12 You’re not/aren’t my student.
13 Are you an IT worker?
14 My teacher’s not/isn’t from Manchester.
15 Is Lima the capital of your country?
16 We’re not/aren’t police officers.
17 “Hello” and “Goodbye” are English words.
18 Sheila’s/is twenty-three.
19 Warsaw’s not/isn’t the capital of my country.
20 Are you twenty-one?

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Do you agree?
Look at the pictures. Choose one or more adjectives from the box to describe each picture. You can use adjectives more
than once.

bad beautiful big boring cheap difficult easy expensive good happy interesting
new old sad small ugly young

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

Personal Best Work with a partner. Say an adjective from the box. Your partner says the opposite without looking at the resource sheet.
Swap roles.

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1C Vocabulary
Do you agree?
Adjectives (1)

Sts compare opinions about photos in pairs or small groups. The aim is to review adjectives, e.g., happy, boring, difficult.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each student.
Sts work in pairs. They take turns saying an adjective
from the wordbank while their partner says the opposite
PRACTICE without looking at their resource sheet.
1 Give each student a copy of the resource sheet.
2 Sts work alone for a few minutes and choose adjectives EXTRA PRACTICE
from the wordbank to describe each picture and write the
words in the boxes underneath the pictures. Allow time Fast finishers work with a new partner and compare their
for sts to do this and ask them not to show their resource ideas again.
sheets to anyone else.
3 Put sts in pairs or groups of three to compare the
adjectives they chose for each picture and find out if
they made the same choices. Use one or two pictures to
demonstrate. For example, have sts look at picture 1. Say
My words are “happy” and “old.” I think they’re old and
happy. Ask different sts what words they have – these
might include not young/beautiful/interesting.
4 Set a time limit for sts to complete the activity. Monitor
while sts work. Encourage sts not to look at each other’s
resource sheets while they are describing their pictures
using their chosen adjectives.

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An application form
Fill out the application form.








My name is Jonathan Woodington.

My date of birth is 12/31/1992.
I’m a police officer from the U.S.
My address is 1949 Grand Ave, Los Angeles.
The zip code is 90019.
My phone number is 310-555-8189.
My e-mail is [email protected]

Personal Best Work with a partner. Use the information in the application form to write the original text. Then check your text against
the original.

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1D Skills
An application form
Capital letters

Sts do a running dictation in groups. The aim is to practice text builder language (capital letters) and filling out a form.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each group of
Sts work in pairs and use the information in the
three. Cut or tear the sheet where indicated and display the
application form to recreate the original text. They check
bottom halves with the text on a wall/desk at the front of the
their text against the original.
classroom. Clear desks and chairs to the sides of the room so
that sts can move around safely.
Fast finishers work in pairs. They use the information in
1 Put sts in groups of three. the form to ask and answer questions about Jonathan
2 Explain the activity. One student is the writer and the Woodington. For example, What’s his first name? His first
other two are runners. Give the writer the top half of the name is Jonathan.
resource sheet. Tell all of the sts to look at the application
form and decide what information they need for the first
space. The first runner goes to the front of the class and
finds the answer (Jonathan), and then runs back and
dictates it to the writer. While they are doing that, the
second runner goes to the wall/desk to find the answer
for the next space.
3 Ask sts to raise their hands when they have finished.
Check their work. If there are any mistakes, tell them to
check the text on the wall/desk again. If necessary, give
them a clue; e.g., Check your spelling/capital letters. The
winner is the first group to correctly reproduce the text.

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