Surveillance of Hospital Infections at AIIMS
Surveillance of Hospital Infections at AIIMS
Surveillance of Hospital Infections at AIIMS
From the historical perspective, the History of Infections Control Committee at AIIMS dates back
to Nov., 1973. Nurses from other hospitals were trained in Hospital Infection Control Policies/Protocol at
AIIMS. It was initially chaired by the head of the Microbiology Deptt. & known as HIFCOM (Hosp.
Infection Control Organizing Machinery). The HIFCOM Committee consisted of the following members:-
a) Nursing Supdt.
b) HOD Microbiology
c) HOD Medicine
d) One Infection Control Nurse
However, later on it was re-constituted under the Chairperson Ship of the Medical Supdt.
Chairman - Medical Supdt.
Members - CNO/Nursing Supdt., Officer In-charge MOT
One Senior faculty from specialty like Medicine, Ortho, Anesthesia, G.E., Gynae, Surgery Microbiology,
Paed. Surgery and Hospital Admn.
Three Infection Control Nurses in Main Hospital, One ICN in CTVS, One ICN in NSC, One ICN in
AIRCH, Two ICNs in Dr. RPC, One ICN in JPNA Trauma Centre, total 9 ICNs in the whole hospital.
Member Secretary- faculty from Hospital Administration.
Core Group:
Chairman - Medical Supdt.
One faculty each from Microbiology, Paediatrics, Intensive Care & Hospital Administration.
One Nursing Supdt., In-charge for Hospital Infection Control.
Three Hospital Infection Control Nurses.
One M.H.A. Resident.
I. Activities of ICN
Environmental surveillance.
Surveillance of air in OT’s/ICUs
To check for sterilization & dis-infection practices.
In-use test of disinfectants
Autoclave checks
Water testing
II. Monitoring of infections based on culture positivity. Its purpose being to know the organisms
causing infections in the hospital and to monitor the anti-microbial resistance. Tabulation of data
is done for individual departments every month.
III. Continuous surveillance of infections for early detection of outbreak for which, appropriate control
measures are undertaken.
IV. Surveillance of any community outbreak viz. Dengue, meningitis, diphtheria, meningococcemia
etc. to prevent spread within the hospital amongst HCW’s.
VI. Advising HCS’s regarding terminal dis-infection of unit /Laundry, Proper Hospital Waste
Seen a cut in the cost of treating infections by the identification of impending outbreaks due to active
surveillance indirectly.
Helped in changing practices viz. A switch over to digital thermometers from clinical thermometers,
using distilled H2O ampoules to dissolve injections rather than using common stock solutions, wet
mopping over dry sweeping, using ecoshield for fumigation over the use of formaldehyde etc.
Have helped in changing attitudes of HCW’s over the years and have made them more sensitive
towards the infection control policies and protocols at AIIMS.
Average length of stay of patients in the hospital has declined from 5.9 in 1997-98 to 4.8 in