Control-M - Server For Unix Admin Guide

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CONTROL-M®/Server for


Administrator Guide

Version 6.0.03

September 16, 2001

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iv CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

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• sequence of events leading to the problem

• commands and options that you used

• messages received (and the time and date that you received them)

— product error messages

— messages from the operating system, such as file system
— messages from related software

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vi CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide



About This Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix

Related Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
Notational Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii

Chapter 1 Overview
CONTROL-M Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Server-Agent Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Identification of Agent Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Communication Status of Agent Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
Interrupted Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Time-Related Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Authorized CONTROL-M Servers File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Agent Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Load Balancing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Failover Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Host Identification in the Agent Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12
New Day Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Scheduling Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-15
User Daily Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Date Control Record (UDLAST) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-21
Handling of Interruptions During a User Daily Job . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
Issuing a Job Order Manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-23
Shout Destination Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Shout Message Destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-26
Runtime Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-28
CONTROL-M Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-31
Daylight Savings Time Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33
Advancing the Clock Forward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-33

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Moving the Clock Backwards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-34
CONTROL-M Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-36
Heartbeat Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-37
Advanced Problem Detection Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-38
Setting Event Logger Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-39
Managing Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-41
Stack Trace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-42
Watchdog Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-44
Watchdog User Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-47
Error Handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-48
User Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-50
Processing Overhead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-50

Chapter 2 Utilities
Utility Reference Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-4
Reports Generated from Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6
Directing Output From Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-7
Accessing Utilities From Other Unix Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9
Define Variables in the User’s Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-9
Add an Executable Library to the User’s Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-12
Assign Read/Write Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-14
Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15
ctm_agstat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-15
ctm_backup_bcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17
ctm_restore_bcp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19
ctmcontb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-21
ctmcreate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-25
ctmdbapasswd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-36
ctmdbbck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-37
ctmdbcheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-39
ctmdbrst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-44
ctmdbspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-45
ctmdbtrans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-46
ctmdefine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-47
ctmdiskspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-62
ctmexdef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-64
ctmfw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-66
ctmgrpdef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-75
ctmjsa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-77
ctmkilljob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-81

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ctmldnrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-82
ctmloadset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-86
ctmlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-91
ctmordck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-94
ctmorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-96
ctmpasswd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-102
ctmping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103
ctmpsm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-106
ctmrpln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-120
ctmruninf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-124
ctmshout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-127
ctmshtb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-129
ctmstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-130
ctmstvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-133
ctmsuspend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-134
ctmsys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-135
ctmudchk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-145
ctmudlst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-147
ctmudly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-149
ctmvar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-150
ctmwhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-154
ctm2snmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-155
ecactltb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-157
ecaqrtab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-158

Chapter 3 Security
Level of Application Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
CONTROL-M Security Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Scheduling Table Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Active Jobs File Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Entities Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Agent Platform Security Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Summary of Authorizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Security Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
User Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Group Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Scheduling Table Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
Active Jobs File Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
Entities Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28

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Security Maintenance Utility (Batch Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-32
User Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-32
Group Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33
Scheduling Table Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-33
Active Jobs File Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-34
Entities Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-34
Exporting Security Definition Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-35
Importing Security Definition Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-36

Chapter 4 Maintenance
Starting/Stopping CONTROL-M Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2
Periodic Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-3
Checking Available Space in the CONTROL-M Database . . . .4-4
Cleaning Up the SQL Database Message Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-4
Cleaning Up the Proclog Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-5
CONTROL-M Menu System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
CONTROL-M Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-6
CONTROL-M Manager Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-8
Database Creation Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-10
Database Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-12
Database Mirroring Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-27
Security Authorization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-29
Parameter Customization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-30
Node Group Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-36
Agent Status Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-38
Troubleshooting Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-40

Chapter 5 Customization Parameters

Parameter Coordination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-2
Parameter Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-3
Communication Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-9
Operational Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-11
Parameters for Communicating With Agent Platforms . . . . . . . .5-13
Database Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-15
Mirroring Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-20
Performance Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-21
Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-22

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Chapter 6 User Exits
Configuring CONTROL-M Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
User Exit Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4
Job Order Exit (CTMUE101) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-5
Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Before New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE103) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-9
After New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE104) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10
Before User Daily Exit (CTMUE105) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11
After User Daily Exit (CTMUE106) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11

Chapter 7 Mirroring and Failover

Failover Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1
Failover Administration Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-13
Synchronizing the Primary and Mirror Databases . . . . . . . . . . . 7-35

Appendix A Messages and Codes

Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2

Appendix B Structure of CONTROL-M Log Entries



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Figure 1-1 New Day Procedure and User Daily Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16
Figure 1-2 Directing Shouts Via the Active Shout Destination Table . . . . . 1-25
Figure 2-1 ON_FILEWATCH Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-71
Figure 2-2 ctmordck Sample Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-95
Figure 2-3 ctmpsm – Production Support Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-106
Figure 2-4 ctmpsm - Active Jobs File Menu Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-108
Figure 2-5 List of Scheduling Tables output by the ctmpsm utility . . . . . . . 2-111
Figure 2-6 List of Jobs output by the ctmpsm utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-113
Figure 2-7 CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-143
Figure 2-8 CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-144
Figure 3-1 Security Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
Figure 3-2 User Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Figure 3-3 Group Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Figure 3-4 Scheduling Table Authorization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-22
Figure 3-5 Active Jobs File Authorization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25
Figure 3-6 Entities Authorizations Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Figure 4-1 CONTROL-M Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
Figure 4-2 CONTROL-M Manager Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
Figure 4-3 Database Creation Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Figure 4-4 Database Maintenance Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
Figure 4-5 Database Mirroring Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Figure 4-6 Security Authorization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Figure 4-7 Parameter Customization Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
Figure 4-8 Communication Parameters Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32
Figure 4-9 Operational Parameters Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32
Figure 4-10 Communication Parameters for Agent Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-35
Figure 4-11 Communication Parameters for Specific Agent Platforms . . . . . 4-36
Figure 4-12 Node Group Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37

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Figures xiii
Figure 4-13 Agent Status Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-38
Figure 4-14 Troubleshooting Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-40
Figure 4-15 Troubleshooting Report Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-45
Figure 7-1 Database Mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-2
Figure 7-2 Server Platform Failover - Primary Environment and Mirror
Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-9
Figure 7-3 Mirroring Parameters for Database Copying - Sybase . . . . . . . .7-17
Figure 7-4 Mirroring Parameters for Database Build/Rebuild - Sybase . . . .7-18
Figure 7-5 Mirroring Parameters for Database Copying - Oracle . . . . . . . .7-21
Figure 7-6 Mirroring Parameters for Database Build/Rebuild - Oracle . . . .7-21

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xiv CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide



Table 1-1 Communication Statuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7

Table 1-2 Options for Issuing a Job Order Manually. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-24
Table 1-3 Shout Message Destinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-27
Table 1-4 Heartbeat Monitor Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-37
Table 1-5 Heartbeat Monitor Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-38
Table 1-6 Advanced Problem Detection Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-39
Table 1-7 Event Logger Severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-40
Table 1-8 Managing Log Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-42
Table 1-9 General Watchdog Facility Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-44
Table 1-10 Heartbeat Monitor Exit Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-45
Table 1-11 Parameters for Watchdog System User Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-46
Table 1-12 Parameters for Watchdog Facility User Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-47
Table 1-13 Watchdog Facility Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-48
Table 1-14 Processing Overhead for Job Processing Features. . . . . . . . . . . 1-50
Table 2-1 CONTROL-M Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Table 2-2 CONTROL-M Utility Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Table 2-3 Utility Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Table 2-4 Required Environment Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Table 2-5 Shared Library Path for Sybase Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Table 2-6 Shared Library Path for Oracle Variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Table 2-7 Read/Write Permissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Table 2-8 ctm_agstat Utility Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Table 2-9 ctmcontb – Listing Prerequisite Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Table 2-10 ctmcontb – Adding Prerequisite Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Table 2-11 ctmcontb – Deleting Prerequisite Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-22
Table 2-12 ctmcontb – Deleting Conditions in a Date Range . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Table 2-13 Parameter Name Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27
Table 2-14 SAP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33

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Tables xv
Table 2-15 Oracle Applications Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34
Table 2-16 ctmdbcheck – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Table 2-17 ctmdbcheck – Displayed Fields for Sybase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-40
Table 2-18 ctmdbcheck – Displayed Fields for Oracle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-41
Table 2-19 ctmdefine – Parameter Name Cross Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-50
Table 2-20 SAP Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-58
Table 2-21 Oracle Applications Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-59
Table 2-22 ctmdiskspace – Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-62
Table 2-23 ctmexdef – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-64
Table 2-24 ctmfw – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-68
Table 2-25 ctmfw – Return Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-69
Table 2-26 ON_FILEWATCH Statements – Additional Parameters . . . . . . 2-70
Table 2-27 ctmfw – Valid Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-71
Table 2-28 cmtgrpdef – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-76
Table 2-29 ctmjsa – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-78
Table 2-30 ctmkilljob – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-81
Table 2-31 ctmldnrs – Creating a Manual Conditions File. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-84
Table 2-32 ctmldnrs – Listing or Loading Manual Conditions . . . . . . . . . . 2-85
Table 2-33 ctmloadset Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-87
Table 2-34 ctmlog – Valid Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-91
Table 2-35 ctmlog – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-92
Table 2-36 ctmordck – Output Columns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-94
Table 2-37 ctmordck – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-95
Table 2-38 ctmorder – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-97
Table 2-39 ctmping – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-103
Table 2-40 ctmpsm - Menu Options for Active Jobs File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-107
Table 2-41 ctmpsm - Active Jobs File Actions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-109
Table 2-42 ctmpsm - Menu Options for the Resource Table . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-110
Table 2-43 ctmpsm - Menu Options for Scheduling Functions . . . . . . . . . . .2-110
Table 2-44 ctmpsm - Options for Scheduling Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-111
Table 2-45 ctmpsm - Options in the Scheduling Table List Jobs Menu . . . . .2-113
Table 2-46 ctmpsm - Mode Descriptions and Syntax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-115
Table 2-47 ctmrpln – Report Formats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-120
Table 2-48 ctmrpln – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-121
Table 2-49 ctmruninf – Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-124
Table 2-50 ctmshout – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-127
Table 2-51 ctmstats – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-130
Table 2-52 ctmstvar – Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-133
Table 2-53 cmtsuspend – Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-134
Table 2-54 Fields of the Shout Destination Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-138

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xvi CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-55 ctmudchk – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-145
Table 2-56 ctmudlst – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-147
Table 2-57 ctmvar – Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-151
Table 2-58 Fields of SNMP Traps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-155
Table 2-59 ctm2snmp – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-155
Table 2-60 ecaqrtab – Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-158
Table 2-61 ecaqrtab – Resource Status Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-159
Table 3-1 Security Levels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
Table 3-2 Scheduling Table Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Table 3-3 Active Jobs File Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Table 3-4 Entities Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Table 3-5 Authorization – job submission from a User Daily job . . . . . . . 3-9
Table 3-6 Authorization – job submission from the New Day procedure . 3-9
Table 3-7 Authorization – Order/Force a Scheduling Table from
Table 3-8 Authorization – Ordering/Forcing a job from ENTERPRISE/CS 3-10
Table 3-9 Authorization – Do Forcejob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Table 3-10 Authorization – Actions on a Job in the Active network. . . . . . 3-10
Table 4-1 CONTROL-M Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
Table 4-2 Options of the CONTROL-M Manager Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Table 4-3 Options of the Database Creation Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
Table 4-4 Logical Device Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Table 4-5 Menu Options for Modifying Database Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
Table 4-6 Options of the Database Mirroring Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Table 4-7 Security Authorization Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Table 4-8 Customization Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
Table 4-9 Options of the Node Group Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-37
Table 4-10 Options of the Agent Status Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-39
Table 4-11 Options of the Troubleshooting Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-40
Table 4-12 Two-Letter Codes for CONTROL-M Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-43
Table 4-13 Diagnostic Level Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44
Table 4-14 Columns of the Show Process Flags Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-47
Table 4-15 CONTROL-M/Server Shut Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49
Table 4-16 Sleep Time Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-50
Table 5-1 Parameter Coordination With ENTERPRISE/CS . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Table 5-2 Parameter Coordination With Agent Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Table 5-3 System Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
Table 5-4 Communication Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
Table 5-5 Operational Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
Table 5-6 Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms . . . . . . . 5-14

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Tables xvii
Table 5-7 Sybase Database Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-15
Table 5-8 Oracle Database Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-18
Table 5-9 Mirroring Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
Table 5-10 Performance Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-22
Table 5-11 CONTROL-M/Server Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
Table 5-12 Performance Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Table 5-13 Communication Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26
Table 5-14 ENTERPRISE/CS Communication Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Table 5-15 User Exit Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-27
Table 5-16 CONTROL-M Server and Agent Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Table 5-17 CONTROL-M/Agent Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-28
Table 5-18 General Watchdog Process Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
Table 5-19 Watchdog Parameters for CONTROL-M System Exits. . . . . . . 5-32
Table 5-20 Watchdog Parameters User Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-34
Table 6-1 CONTROL-M General User Exits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2
Table 6-2 Exit Configuration Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-3
Table 7-1 Database Mirroring Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3
Table 7-2 Server Failover Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-11
Table 7-3 Database Mirroring Menu Options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-14
Table 7-4 Sybase Mirroring Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-19
Table 7-5 Oracle Mirroring Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-22
Table 7-6 Utilities Affecting the Primary Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-36
Table A-1 Message Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1
Table B-1 Fields of the CONTROL-M Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

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xviii CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

About . . .

About This Book

This book describes how to install, customize and maintain

CONTROL-M/Server on a Unix platform. The following Unix operating
systems are currently supported:

• Solaris 2.6, 2.7, and 2.8

• AIX 4.3.2, and 4.3.3 with 64-bit support

• HP-UX 9000 10.2 (Sybase only), 11.0 and 11i with 64-bit support

• Digital Unix (OSF) 4.0f with 64-bit support, and 5.0a, 5.0b and 5.1

CONTROL-M/Server is packaged with Sybase SQL Server and

Oracle 8.1.6. This guide describes concepts relating to CONTROL-M
administration, and provides details regarding parameters and utilities
that the administrator will utilize in fulfilling his/her function.

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This book is comprised of the following chapters:

Chapter 1 Overview
Introduces key features and concepts of CONTROL-M.
Chapter 2 Utilities
Provides a detailed description of CONTROL-M utilities.
Operating instructions and examples are included for each
Chapter 3 Security
Discusses security concepts of CONTROL-M and
ENTERPRISE/CS. Provides instructions for the security
utility included with CONTROL-M.
Chapter 4 Maintenance
Describes how to perform various functions related to
startup/shutdown of CONTROL-M/Server, maintenance of
the CONTROL-M database, setting CONTROL-M
parameters and troubleshooting.
Chapter 5 Customization Parameters
Describes parameters used to customize and configure the
CONTROL-M/Server installation.
Chapter 6 User Exits
Describes user-defined procedures that can be used to
modify certain information before it is processed.
Chapter 7 Mirroring and Failover
Describes how to implement a Mirror (backup) environment
for CONTROL-M/Server and the CONTROL-M database.
Appendix A Messages and Codes
Appendix B Structure of CONTROL-M Log Entries

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xx CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Related Publications
• CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide describes
installation and configuration of CONTROL-M/Server for Unix.

• CONTROL-M Quick Installation Guide describes a default

Unix-based installation of CONTROL-M Business Integrated
Scheduling solution. It is intended primarily for trial and
proof-of-concept implementations.

• CONTROL-M/Agent Administrator Guides each describe

installation and maintenance of CONTROL-M/Agent on a supported

• Enterprise Controlstation User Guide describes ENTERPRISE/CS

concepts, features, facilities and operating instructions.

• Enterprise Controlstation Administrator Guide describes

administrator responsibilities, customization, maintenance and
security of ENTERPRISE/CS.

• Enterprise Controlstation Installation Guide describes how to

install and configure ENTERPRISE/CS.

• CONTROL-M/Desktop User Guide describes components used to

define and manage CONTROL-M job processing definitions,
Scheduling tables, and Calendars in Enterprise Controlstation.

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Notational Conventions
The following abbreviations and terms are used in this guide:

ENTERPRISE/CS = Enterprise Controlstation.

The following table describes conventions used in this guide.

<key> When describing keystrokes, angle brackets are

used to enclose the name of a key (e.g., <F1>).
When two keys are joined with “+” as in
<Shift>+<F1>, hold down <Shift> while pressing
Menu => Option This represents an option selection sequence. For

Users and Groups=>Groups=>Add

means that you first select Users and Groups from

the menu bar; then select the Groups option from
the submenu. Finally, select the Add option from the
Groups submenu.
{Option A|Option B} The vertical bar is used to separate choices. For


means that you specify either AND or OR.

[Option] Square brackets are used to enclose parameters
that are optional.
<variable> In commands and parameters, angle brackets are
used to enclose variable information. For example, the
cd <controlm_path>

means that you specify cd followed by the path of


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xxii CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Wildcards or Certain CONTROL-M utilities and parameters
Mask Characters support wild cards. These are also sometimes
referred to as mask characters. A mask is a string
value containing wild cards.
The following wild card characters are supported:
? Indicates any one character.
* Indicates any number of characters.
Note: Values containing mask characters must be
enclosed in single or double quotes.

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xxiv CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Overview 1

CONTROL-M/Server is a component of CONTROL-M for Business

Integrated Scheduling. This family of products handles production
control and schedules, submits and tracks jobs across your network. The
load-balancing feature of CONTROL-M/Server enables you to attain
maximum production throughput by ensuring that each job is submitted
on a machine with sufficient resources to execute the job efficiently.

This guide describes concepts and tools required by the administrator to

set up and manage CONTROL-M/Server on a Unix platform.

BMC Software’s Business Integrated Solution consists of the following


• Enterprise Controlstation
This component is the central point of control for production
operations. It provides the graphical user interface to the production
control and scheduling system. From this workstation (referred to as
the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation), you can view the status of
jobs in any part of the system. You can issue requests, modify job
parameters, and handle exceptions to ensure smooth production job

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Overview 1-1
• CONTROL-M Data Center
Production component of the system. In for versions of
CONTROL-M earlier than version 2.2.x, the data center consisted of
a single platform which ran the CONTROL-M application in
addition to all production jobs. In the current version, the functions
of the data center have been distributed among various platforms,
each running one of the following CONTROL-M components:

— CONTROL-M/Server
The central software component of CONTROL-M.
CONTROL-M/Server runs on a Unix workstation (referred to as
the Server platform). From this location, CONTROL-M/Server
exchanges data with ENTERPRISE/CS and with multiple
production machines, and maintains the CONTROL-M database.

This is the component of CONTROL-M that runs on each
production machine (referred to as the Agent platform) and
which executes job-handling requests received from
CONTROL-M/Server. Any number of Agent platforms with
different operating systems can be handled by a single Server

CONTROL-M/Agent is also installed on the Server platform.

This enables CONTROL-M/Server to utilize the Server platform
as an additional production machine.

In the above configuration, each instance of CONTROL-M/Server and

its associated CONTROL-M/Agents is viewed by Enterprise
Controlstation as a single data center. All processing definitions reside in
a database managed by CONTROL-M/Server. The active scheduling
environment is also managed by CONTROL-M/Server, including all
scheduling logic.

A typical job execution proceeds as follows:

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1-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

1. A job waiting to be submitted “waits” on the Server platform.

2. When all its prerequisite conditions, resource requirements and all

other scheduling constraints are satisfied, CONTROL-M/Server
instructs CONTROL-M/Agent to submit the job.

3. Upon receiving a request to submit the job, CONTROL-M/Agent

submits the job for execution locally according to the job definition.

4. CONTROL-M/Agent monitors the job and reports any exceptional

situation to CONTROL-M/Server.

5. Upon completion of the job, CONTROL-M/Agent performs the

postprocessing analysis. Job sysout is not transmitted over the
network, thus keeping network resource consumption at an absolute

The CONTROL-M/Agent Administrator Guide describes how to install

and manage CONTROL-M/Agent on various Agent platforms.

An overall description of concepts relating to ENTERPRISE/CS and

CONTROL-M is provided in the first chapters of the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide. It is highly recommended that you familiarize
yourself with the material contained there before proceeding with this

The overview in this chapter includes the following topics:

Topic Description
CONTROL-M Database Contents and functions of the CONTROL-M
Server-Agent Interaction CONTROL-M mechanism for distributed
execution of production jobs.
Load Balancing CONTROL-M mechanism for maximizing
throughput by automatic selection of the
platform to execute jobs, based on workload

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Overview 1-3
Topic Description
Failover Planning Contingency planning for the possibility of
failure of the Server platform or CONTROL-M
New Day Procedure Daily scheduling and housekeeping
procedures which run on the Server platform.
Group Scheduling and Handling jobs as a group.
Shout Destination Tables Tables used to determine the recipients of
Shout messages.
Runtime Statistics Job statistics used for planning and
CONTROL-M Log Audit trail of all CONTROL-M events.
Automatic Problem Tools to detect real or potential problems.
Detection Tools (APDT)
Daylight Savings Time Considerations when moving the system clock
forward or backward.
CONTROL-M Administrator CONTROL-M administration responsibilities.
Heartbeat Monitor Special monitor which checks the status of
TCP/IP communication with ENTERPRISE/CS.
Watchdog Facility Mechanism that automatically monitors
CONTROL-M processes and resources.
User Exits Mechanism which enables the user to modify
CONTROL-M operations to suit site needs.

CONTROL-M Database
The CONTROL-M database is the repository of operational data relating
to the functioning of the CONTROL-M data center. One database exists
for each CONTROL-M data center. The database is maintained by
CONTROL-M/Server, using a dedicated or shared SQL server.

The CONTROL-M database contains the following information:

• CONTROL-M log.

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1-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• Active Jobs file.
• Job processing definitions.
• CONTROL-M system, communication and operational parameters.
• Security authorizations.
• Shout Destination tables.
• Node groups.
• Agent Parameter table.
• Status tables for Quantitative resources, Control resources and
prerequisite conditions.

Server-Agent Interaction
CONTROL-M/Agent handles requests from CONTROL-M/Server. A
request can consist of:

• Instructions to submit a job on the Agent platform.

• Requests for information regarding jobs on the Agent platform that
are currently executing or recently completed.
• Requests to view/edit job script statements.
• Requests to view job sysout or job documentation.

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Overview 1-5
In addition, CONTROL-M/Agent can perform the following functions as
instructed by job processing parameters supplied with the job submission

• Handling of job sysout.

• Issuing Shout messages.

Each Agent platform requires a “listener” process to accept requests from

CONTROL-M/Server. Unix platforms accomplish this using operating
system services. On other platforms, CONTROL-M/Agent, as started at
boot-time, includes this listener process.

Identification of Agent Platforms

A discovery process must be run for each Agent before CONTROL-M/

Server can communicate with it. For more information about the
Discovery process, see “Edit Node Group” on page 4-37.

After discovery has been performed, the Agent platform is known to

CONTROL-M/Server by its node ID. This is generally the Agent
platform’s host name. The job processing definition for each job should
include the node ID of the Agent platform on which the job should be
submitted by CONTROL-M/Server.

If load balancing is used, the job processing definition includes a Node
group. For more information, see “Load Balancing” on page 1-9.

Communication Status of Agent Platforms

CONTROL-M/Server uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate with all

Agent platforms. CONTROL-M/Server maintains a list of all Agent
platforms to which it submits requests and assigns a status to each
platform indicating the success or failure of communication with the
platform. Valid statuses for Agent platforms are described in Table 1-1.

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1-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 1-1 Communication Statuses

Status Description
Available Communication to the Agent is checked periodically by the
ctmping utility. When the ctmping utility detects an Agent, the
Agent is assigned the status Available. Communication with
the Agent continues to be checked and if the check fails, the
Agent‘s status is returned to Unavailable.
Unavailable If an Agent does not successfully complete the discovery
process it is assigned a status of Unavailable.
This status is also assigned to an agent if communication to
the Agent ends with an error.
CONTROL-M periodically checks the status of all Agents.
When this check is successful for an Agent that is marked
Unavailable, the Agent’s status is changed to Available.
Disabled You can manually assign this status to an Agent platform if you
want to temporarily prevent CONTROL-M/Server from
submitting jobs to that platform. CONTROL-M/Server will not
attempt to communicate with a disabled Agent platform until its
status is manually changed to Available. When an Agent
platform’s status is changed to Disabled, any jobs that were
running on the platform at that moment are assigned the status

The communication status of Agent platforms can be viewed or modified

via the Agent Status menu described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

Depending upon the type of protocol used for communication, certain

user-defined communication parameters determine timeouts and the
number of retries attempted before the status of an Agent platform is
changed. Communication parameters are described in Chapter 5,
“Customization Parameters.”

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Overview 1-7
Interrupted Communication

If communication is interrupted between CONTROL-M/Server and one

or more Agent platforms, CONTROL-M/Server sends a special Shout
message to ENTERPRISE/CS. All jobs that were running on the affected
Agent platform(s) are reclassified in the Active Jobs file as Unknown.
The status of the Agent platform is changed to Unavailable.

If processing on the Agent platform was not interrupted, any job

submitted to a platform prior to the interruption continues executing.

When communication between CONTROL-M/Server and an Agent

platform is restored, CONTROL-M checks the status of any jobs that
were running on the Agent platform and updates the status in the Active
Jobs file. If a job completed execution during the period of interrupted
communication, CONTROL-M/Server retrieves its completion status
from the Agent platform.

Time-Related Functions

The time value used for any CONTROL-M function is determined by the
system time on the Server platform. This applies to the following:

• The time window in which a job can be submitted (according to the

job processing parameters Time From and Time Until).

• Time values recorded for operations in the CONTROL-M log.


• The time value for SUBMITTED AT recorded for a job in the

CONTROL-M log is the time that CONTROL-M/Server issued the
job submission request to the Agent platform, not the time that the
request was received or the time that the job actually started
executing on the platform.

• The time value recorded for ENDED is the time that

CONTROL-M/Server received notification that the job completed
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1-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Authorized CONTROL-M Servers File

CONTROL-M contains a security mechanism to ensure that Agent

platforms process only legitimate job-handling requests.

To ensure that an Agent platform does not receive a request from any
unintended source, each Agent platform contains a file listing host names
of Server platforms that are authorized to issue requests to that platform.
A request from any Server platform not listed in this file is rejected by
CONTROL-M/Agent on the Agent platform.

The Authorized CONTROL-M Servers file for each Agent platform

typically contains the host name of the Server platform to which the
Agent platform is assigned and the host name of a backup
CONTROL-M/Server platform. For a Windows NT Agent platform, this
information resides in the Windows NT registry database.

Agent Configuration Parameters

Each Agent platform has a unique set of configuration parameters. These

parameters include specification of directories used by the Agent
platform when executing jobs and parameters required by
CONTROL-M/Agent for communicating with the Server platform (see
“Communication Parameters” on page 5-9).

Load Balancing
Under the Agent Technology implementation of CONTROL-M, you
have the additional option of scheduling jobs using the CONTROL-M
load-balancing feature. This feature enables you to submit a job to a
node group rather than to a specific Agent platform. This node group
represents a user-defined list of Agent platforms that are capable of
executing a given job. CONTROL-M/Server uses a load-balancing
algorithm to determine which of these Agent platforms is best able to
handle execution of the job at that moment and submits the job to that

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Overview 1-9
This feature enables CONTROL-M to optimize utilization of available
resources and ensure maximum production throughput.

The following CONTROL-M facilities are used to administer load

balancing on the Server platform.

• The Node Group menu (described in Chapter 4, Maintenance) is

used to define which Agent platforms are contained in each node

• The ctmloadset utility is used to report utilization of Quantitative

resources on an Agent platform by non-CONTROL-M jobs.

• The Quantitative Resources window (in Enterprise Controlstation) is

used to view or define Quantitative resources available on the Server
platform or Agent platforms.

For an overview of the load balancing facility, refer to “Load Balancing”

in the CONTROL-M Concepts chapter of the Enterprise Controlstation
User Guide.

Failover Planning
As CONTROL-M is integrated in the production environment of the data
center, it becomes increasingly important to ensure that interruptions of
CONTROL-M functionality are as short as possible.

A properly designed and executed failover plan ensures that

CONTROL-M functions are resumed as soon as possible if a recovery is

Failover planning for CONTROL-M should provide for the following


• Loss of integrity in the CONTROL-M (primary) database due to a

failure of the SQL server which maintains the database.

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1-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• Failure of the platform on which CONTROL-M/Server runs (Server

CONTROL-M provides two levels of failover protection, which address

these two scenarios: database mirroring and server platform failover.

CONTROL-M Database Mirroring

Failover protection for the CONTROL-M database is provided using

database mirroring. In addition to the primary database installed on the
CONTROL-M platform, a backup database is defined on another SQL
server. All database updates from CONTROL-M are sent simultaneously
to both instances of the SQL database, each on its own server.

If the CONTROL-M primary database loses integrity, CONTROL-M can

continue to function using the secondary database. The primary database
is later restored from the secondary database.

Server Platform Failover

To handle an irrecoverable hardware or software failure on the

CONTROL-M/Server platform, failover capability can be provided by
preparing a backup installation of CONTROL-M/Server on a separate
workstation. This backup installation, or “mirror environment,” contains
a constantly updated mirrored database, and is connected to the same
agent platforms and ENTERPRISE/CS workstations as the primary

If the primary CONTROL-M installation fails, the mirror environment’s

CONTROL-M installation and its mirrored database are activated. The
backup CONTROL-M installation maintains communications with
Agents and ENTERPRISE/CS workstations. This ensures that active jobs
continue despite failure of the primary CONTROL-M platform.

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Overview 1-11
Host Identification in the Agent Platform
Each Agent platform has a unique set of configuration data. This data
includes the following items:

• CONTROL-M/Server Host Name

This is the host interface name of the Server platform currently
issuing job-handling requests to the platform.

• Authorized CONTROL-M Servers File

This file contains a list of the host names of Server platforms that are
authorized to issue job-handling requests to the platform. The current
Server platform host name appears in this list.

Each job submission or job tracking request from CONTROL-M/Server

contains the host name of the Server platform.

The CONTROL-M/Server Host Name is retained by the Agent

platform as a part of CONTROL-M’s failover mechanism. If the Agent
platform detects that the host name accompanying a request does not
match the current host name in the Agent Configuration file,
CONTROL-M/Agent performs the following actions:

• CONTROL-M/Agent verifies that the new host name (contained in

the request) is listed in the Authorized CONTROL-M Servers file.
If the host name does not appear in the list, CONTROL-M/Agent
rejects the request.

• If the new host name appears in the list, CONTROL-M/Agent

automatically modifies the current host name in the Agent
Configuration file and processes the request. This situation indicates
that a failover has occurred.

This mechanism enables a backup Server platform to take over job

submission and tracking functions in the event a failure occurs in the
primary Server platform. Its purpose is to prevent an Agent platform
from receiving job-handling requests from two or more Server platforms
concurrently. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure that
CONTROL-M/Server is not running simultaneously in the primary and
backup Server platforms.

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1-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

New Day Procedure
CONTROL-M processes execute as background processes on the Server
platform and remain active at all times. Once a day, at the time specified
by the CONTROL-M system parameter Day Time (starting time of
working day), CONTROL-M starts the New Day procedure (formerly
known as the “General Daily procedure”).

The New Day procedure performs automatic functions that start a new
day under CONTROL-M. This procedure is used as a master scheduler
for all CONTROL-M activities.

In this overview, Scheduling tables refers to both regular Scheduling

tables and Group Scheduling tables.

The New Day procedure performs the following sequence of operations:

1. A new Odate (CONTROL-M date) is calculated (based on the

system date and CONTROL-M system parameter Day Time).

Odate is the scheduling date assigned to a job when the job is ordered.
See “Date Definition Concepts” in Chapter 2 of the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide for more information regarding this date.

2. The message FORMATTING AJF is displayed in the

ENTERPRISE/CS Communication Status window for the data

3. A selective cleanup of the Active Jobs file is performed. Jobs that

have already executed and ended OK, and jobs whose parameter
Max Wait has been exceeded (and are not Held), are erased from the
Active Jobs file.

A job for which the Max Wait parameter is specified that ends with a
status of NOTOK is not deleted from the Active Jobs file until the Max
Wait parameter is exceeded.

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Overview 1-13
4. A selective cleanup of prerequisite conditions is performed.
Prerequisite conditions are deleted if their date reference (month and
day) is equal to the new CONTROL-M date. This prevents jobs from
being triggered by prerequisite conditions remaining from the
previous year.

You can partially or completely disable cleanup of prerequisite

conditions by using the CONTROL-M system parameter Ignore
New Day Conditions.

5. A partial cleanup of the statistics in the CONTROL-M database is

performed. For each job, CONTROL-M retains statistical
information regarding the last 20 successful executions. This value
can be changed by defining the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT in the
CONTROL-M config.dat file. CONTROL-M must be shut down
and restarted for this change to take effect.

6. A partial cleanup of the CONTROL-M log is performed, based on

system parameter Maximum Days Retained By CONTROL-M
Log. This parameter specifies the maximum number of days that
entries are retained in the CONTROL-M log before being deleted by
the cleanup procedure.

7. A partial cleanup of job sysout directories on Agent platforms is

performed, based on system parameter Maximum Days to Retain
Sysout Files. This parameter specifies the maximum number of days
that job sysout files are retained in the sysout directory before being
deleted by the cleanup procedure.

8. Job orders are placed in the Active Jobs file according to job
processing parameters contained in Scheduling tables (assigned to
User Daily “SYSTEM”). These job orders can include the
submission of User Daily jobs (see “User Daily Jobs” on page 1-18).

9. The end of a daily run is marked by updating the parameter

UDLAST in the Date Control record of User Daily “SYSTEM”. This
parameter represents the last date on which the New Day procedure
ordered jobs.

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1-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

10. CONTROL-M begins downloading the new Active Jobs file to the
ENTERPRISE/CS workstation.

See “Date Control Record (UDLAST)” on page 1-21 for a description of
UDLAST and the Date Control record.

Scheduling Jobs

The New Day procedure is the master scheduler for production jobs.
It orders production jobs according to their job processing definitions,
and can also order User Daily jobs that, in turn, order regular production

In a site with a relatively small number of production jobs, the simplest

and most straightforward method of scheduling jobs is to order them
directly via the New Day procedure.

It is preferable to order jobs using User Daily jobs if two or more of the
following conditions exist:

• There are a large number of jobs.

• Jobs can be clearly divided into separate categories.
• Different jobs are managed by different people.

User Daily jobs can be defined according to function (e.g., by

department, project or factory).

The New Day procedure scans the Scheduling tables assigned to User
Daily “SYSTEM” and places relevant job orders in the Active Jobs file.
Some of these jobs may be regular production jobs, and some may be
User Daily jobs.

Each User Daily job is submitted and monitored by CONTROL-M and

will, in turn, place job orders in the Active Jobs file.

Figure 1-1 demonstrates how the association of Scheduling tables and

User Daily jobs affects the scheduling of jobs under CONTROL-M:

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Overview 1-15
Figure 1-1 New Day Procedure and User Daily Jobs


User Scheduling
Daily Table Name


New Day

Active Jobs File

3 Table Name Job







1. As part of its daily routine, CONTROL-M activates the New Day


2. The New Day procedure scans the CONTROL-M database for all
Scheduling tables assigned to User Daily “SYSTEM” (in this
example, UDAILIES and TABLE1). These Scheduling tables can
consist of regular production jobs and/or User Daily jobs. In this
example, UDAILIES consists of User Daily jobs and TABLE1
consists of production jobs.

3. The New Day procedure places the relevant job orders in the Active
Jobs file.

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1-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

4. As part of its regular processing of ordered jobs, CONTROL-M
scans the Active Jobs file for jobs to submit.

5. Upon determining that all requirements for User Daily jobs

UDAILY1 and UDAILY2 have been met, the CONTROL-M
submits them for execution.

6. The User Daily jobs then order the corresponding tables

tables are added to the Active Jobs file if their scheduling criteria are
satisfied. All ordered jobs are submitted for execution when their
submission criteria are satisfied.

Group Scheduling tables are ordered only if the scheduling criteria of

at least one Schedule Tag in the table is satisfied. Individual jobs in
each Group Scheduling table will be ordered or not, depending on
the value of the Relationship parameter and on values specified for
job-specific basic scheduling parameters.

A Group Scheduling table is ordered as a separate entity, and can be
ordered even if no jobs in the table are ordered. If this happens, the final
status of the group is set to OK, and post-processing for the group is
performed. (That is, setting prerequisite Out Conditions, Shouts and
ON_GROUP_END OK actions.)

Each User Daily job scans all the Scheduling tables assigned to it in the
CONTROL-M database, and orders the jobs based on their Scheduling
criteria, the date in the computer, and the Date Control record (see “User
Daily Jobs” in this chapter). For jobs in a Group Scheduling table, the
User Daily job also orders jobs according to Scheduling criteria of the
Schedule Tags in the Group Scheduling table. Each User Daily job scans
a different set of Scheduling tables and uses a different Date Control
record (see “Date Control Record (UDLAST)” on page 1-21).

Many variations of the method described can be used. For example,

additional User Daily jobs can be defined, each one executing at a
specific time.

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Overview 1-17
User Daily Jobs

For large installations, User Daily jobs are the most suitable mechanism
for adding new job orders under CONTROL-M.

A User Daily job is actually no different from any other regular job
handled by CONTROL-M. The User Daily job is defined via the
ENTERPRISE/CS Graphical User Interface, using the same procedure
and the same job processing parameters as any other job. User Daily jobs
run on the Server platform.

User Daily jobs require CONTROL-M/Agent to be installed on the
Server platform.

A User Daily job must include in its script file (specified by its Mem
Name job parameter) the command to run the ctmudly utility. The
ctmudly utility accepts a parameter containing the name of a specific
User Daily job, and it orders Scheduling tables associated with that User
Daily job. (The name of the User Daily job can be stated explicitly in the
script file or it can be specified using AutoEdit Assignment statements.)

Each User Daily job scans the Scheduling tables assigned to it to

determine which jobs are potential job orders for this specific date.
An ordered job will not necessarily be executed by CONTROL-M
(e.g., a job is not executed if its prerequisite conditions are not met or if
resources required for the job are not available).

When a User Daily job determines that a specific job should be ordered,
it places the job order in the Active Jobs file.

The normal sequence of actions performed by a User Daily job is as


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1-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

1. If no Scheduling tables are assigned to the User Daily, an error is
generated and the User Daily job exits. Otherwise, the User Daily job
continues with the next step.

2. The date UDLAST of the User Daily Date Control record is

compared with Odate.

• If UDLAST is earlier than Odate, the program updates the

starting date of this User Daily job and continues executing.

• If UDLAST is later than or equal to Odate, the program writes a

message to the CONTROL-M log and terminates without
performing any further operations.

3. Each of the Scheduling tables assigned to the User Daily job is

scanned, and relevant job orders are placed in the Active Jobs file.

4. The successful completion of the User Daily job run is marked by

updating UDLAST on the Date Control record with the current value
of Odate.

It is recommended that User Daily jobs be scheduled to run sequentially,
not concurrently. This can be accomplished using the standard scheduling
parameters in job processing definitions (e.g., assign the same Control
resource in exclusive mode to all the User Daily jobs, and sequence the
jobs for execution in a specific order using the priority mechanism).


Assume that a set of jobs is defined in a Scheduling table named

ACCOUNTING assigned to User Daily UDAILY1. Another set of jobs
is defined in a Group Scheduling table named ACCGROUP.

The job processing definition below describes a job that could be used to
order the ACCOUNTING Scheduling table and the ACCGROUP
Group Scheduling table. This type of job is referred to as a User Daily

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Overview 1-19
Job Processing Parameters Script File
Job Name ACCUDAILY1 Script file udaily (referred to
by the Job Processing
Application USER_DAILIES
parameter Mem Name)
Task Type Job contains the following line:
ctmudly $1
Description Accounting User Daily The ctmudly utility used in
Scheduling Table ACCTDAILY this file is described in
Chapter 2, “Utilities.”
Author michelle
Owner bill
Mem Name udaily
Mem Lib /usr/bill/bin
AutoEdit %%PARM1 = UDAILY1

You can manually order the User Daily job ACCUDAILY1 whenever
you want to order the jobs in the ACCOUNTING Scheduling table and
the jobs in the ACCGROUP Group Scheduling table, or you can assign
Scheduling table ACCTDAILY to User Daily name SYSTEM, in which
case ACCUDAILY1 is ordered by the New Day procedure.

When ACCUDAILY1 submits the script file with the parameter $1 set to
UDAILY1, the command actually executed by the script is:

ctmudly UDAILY1

This causes all Scheduling tables assigned to UDAILY1 to be ordered

(including Scheduling table ACCOUNTING and Group Scheduling
table ACCGROUP referred to above).

The script file UDAILY can also be used by other User Daily jobs. In
each job processing definition, assign the appropriate User Daily name to
the AutoEdit variable %%PARM1.

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1-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Date Control Record (UDLAST)

User Daily jobs are used to place job orders in the Active Jobs file. Each
User Daily job usually runs once a day, scanning one or more user
Scheduling tables. As with any regular job, the User Daily job is ordered
according to its defined Scheduling criteria. This means that the User
Daily job is date-dependent. As a result, certain special situations must
be taken into account.

For example:

• The computer has not been working for a day or more

(e.g., weekend, holidays or hardware failure).

• The user wants to run a job or a group of jobs with an Odate

(original scheduling date) that is prior to the current working date.

Each User Daily job has its own Date Control record, enabling the User
Daily job to maintain control over its last running date. The last running
date of the User Daily job is recorded in the Date Control record in a
field called UDLAST. The Date Control record is analyzed to determine
the current running date, the last running date, and possible error

The ctmudlst utility can be used to change the UDLAST field in the Date
Control record. Changing this date field affects the scheduling of jobs as
described below.

Use of the Date Control Record by User Daily Jobs

When a User Daily is run, UDLAST (the last running date of the User
Daily job, recorded in the Date Control record) is compared to Odate
(the current installation working date).

• If UDLAST is earlier than Odate (the normal situation), UDLAST

is updated automatically to the current installation working date. This
date is then used by the User Daily job as the current scheduling

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Overview 1-21
• If UDLAST and Odate are equal, it means that the User Daily job
has already run today. In that case, a message is issued to the
CONTROL-M log, and the User Daily job does not order any jobs.

• If UDLAST is later than Odate, an exceptional situation has

occurred. The User Daily job writes a message to the CONTROL-M
log and stops executing. You can use the ctmudlst utility, if required,
to modify UDLAST.

• If, for any reason (e.g., hardware problems), the New Day procedure
did not run for one or more days, it is not necessary to run it for days
missed. However, production jobs (including User Daily jobs) whose
job processing definition includes the parameter Retro will be
ordered automatically for all the dates on which they were supposed
to be ordered. Retroactive ordering of jobs is performed according to
each job’s scheduling criteria.

For example, if the computer did not operate from the 20th to
the 23rd, then a job which was originally scheduled to run on the
20th will not have run on that day. When it is finally run on the 24th,
the New Day procedure determines whether or not its associated jobs
should be retroactively scheduled to run using the logical date of
the 20th. For additional information, refer to the Retro parameter in
Chapter 5, Job Processing Parameters, of the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide.

There is no need to specify the Retro parameter in the job processing
definition of a User Daily job which is scheduled to run on a daily basis.
In the event that production days are missed (as described above), one
execution of the User Daily job will order retroactively all jobs defined
using the Retro parameter.

The Retro parameter can be used in the job processing definition of a

User Daily job that is not scheduled to run on a daily basis.

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1-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Handling of Interruptions During a User Daily Job

CONTROL-M contains provisions for dealing with interruptions during

the execution of a User Daily job (i.e., when some of the job orders have
already been placed in the Active Jobs file and some have not).

If a User Daily job is interrupted for any reason (e.g., operating system
crashes, User Daily job errors or ordering is erroneously stopped for any
other reason), the entire daily process (starting from execution of the
New Day procedure) can be rerun manually. User Dailies ordered by the
first run of the New Day procedure are not reordered. Therefore, If a
User Daily other than SYSTEM was interrupted, you must run the
ctmudchk utility for that User Daily to order jobs that were not ordered
because of the interruption. The ctmudchk utility verifies that a job is not
already present in the Active Jobs file before ordering the job.

Issuing a Job Order Manually

Most job orders are handled automatically by the New Day procedure or
by User Daily jobs. However, it is sometimes necessary to issue job
orders manually (e.g., an ad hoc job) or to issue a job order for a different
working date.

The following options are available on the ENTERPRISE/CS

workstation for issuing a job order manually:

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Overview 1-23
Table 1-2 Options for Issuing a Job Order Manually

Option Description
Order Requests that the specified job or Scheduling table be ordered.
Each job is placed in the Active Jobs file if its Scheduling
criteria are satisfied. Individual jobs in a Group Scheduling
table cannot be ordered. However, a Group Scheduling table
can be ordered.
Force Forces the specified job or Scheduling table. Each job is placed
in the Active Jobs file regardless of its Scheduling criteria.

The Force option can also be used to order jobs in a Group

Scheduling table. These jobs can be ordered in any of the
following ways:
• As additional jobs in an already ordered instance of the same
Group Scheduling table.
• As jobs in a new instance of the Group Scheduling table.
• As standalone jobs that are not part of a Group Scheduling

For more information regarding the use of the Order and Force options,
see “Ordering/Forcing Jobs” in the Job Processing Definitions Chapter of
the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.

Shout Destination Tables

The CONTROL-M Shout facility sends messages to specified recipients
(e.g., users, terminals, files, CONTROL-M log) based on a destination
specified by the parameters Shout and/or Do Shout in a job processing

The Shout Destination table contains a list of logical destinations and

the equivalent physical destination of each logical destination.

You can create any number of Shout Destination tables, but only one of
them is designated as the active Shout Destination table at any given
time. By changing the designation of the active table, you can change the
actual recipients of messages sent to specific logical recipients.

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1-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Figure 1-2 Directing Shouts Via the Active Shout Destination Table

• The system administrator defined two Shout Destination tables,

labeled DAYSHIFT and NIGHTSHIFT. In DAYSHIFT, the logical
recipient SYS_MANAGER is equated to user Susan, who is the
daytime systems manager. In NIGHTSHIFT, the logical recipient
SYS_MANAGER is equated to user Robert, the night-time systems

• When the DAYSHIFT Shout Destination table is active, Shout

messages addressed to SYS_MANAGER are sent to Susan’s
terminal. At 5 p.m., a job is run which changes the active Shout
Destination table to NIGHTSHIFT. From that point forward, Shout
messages addressed to SYS_MANAGER are sent to Robert’s

Shout Destination tables are created and maintained using the ctmsys
utility (described in Chapter 2, “Utilities”).

Designation of the active Shout Destination table can be performed using

one of the following methods:

• Using the interactive utility ctmsys. In addition to creating and

maintaining Shout Destination tables, ctmsys can display the
currently-active table and allows you to change the active table by
selecting a different table from a list.

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Overview 1-25
• Using utility ctmshtb. This utility accepts the name of the Shout
Destination table to make active.

This second method is especially useful. By defining CONTROL-M

jobs that execute the ctmshtb utility at specified times, the active
Shout Destination table designation can be changed automatically
according to the schedule that suits your requirements. ctmshtb is
described in Chapter 2, “Utilities.”

The ctmshout utility can also be used to issue a Shout message to an

indicated destination. ctmshout is described in Chapter 2, “Utilities.”

Shout Message Destinations

When defining logical and physical destinations in the Shout Destination

table (using the ctmsys utility), you are requested to supply the following
information for each recipient:

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1-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 1-3 Shout Message Destinations

Logical Name Name used in the Shout or Do Shout parameter to

identify the recipient of the Shout message.
Destination Type One-letter code, indicating the type of recipient.
Possible values are:
U Destination is the user name of a
person logged onto the Server platform.
If the user is not logged on when a
message is sent, the message is placed
in the user’s mail.
M Destination is a user’s mail.
T Destination is a specific terminal or file.
O Destination is the system console.
L Destination is the CONTROL-M log.
E Destination is the Alert window of
P Destination is a program, which
performs the Shout operation.
Address Type For Destination Types U, M, T, P or O, a one-letter
code indicating the location of the recipient relative to
the Server platform. Possible values are:
S Recipient is a user on the Server
A Recipient is located on the Agent
platform where the job that caused the
Shout message was executed.

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Overview 1-27
Table 1-3 Shout Message Destinations

Physical Name A one-letter code indicating the address of the

recipient. Possible values are:
U and M The user name of the recipient
T The terminal ID or full path name of a
file. If the file exists, the message will be
appended to the end of the file
P The full path name of the program to be

The recipient program must accept input

in the format:
<hostname> <severity> <message>
O, L, and E No physical name is specified, as each
of these is a unique destination

All Shout messages are recorded in the CONTROL-M log. You would
select the log as a destination only when you do not wish to send the
message to any additional destination.

Runtime Statistics
CONTROL-M includes an option for accumulating and collating runtime
statistics for each defined job. These statistics are used for the following

• The job processing parameter Shout can be specified to issue a

message if the execution time required by a job varies from its
average runtime by more than a stated interval. This can help
highlight possible errors. (The Shout parameter is described in
Chapter 5, Job Processing Parameters, of the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide.)

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1-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• When a simulation is run using the ENTERPRISE/CS Simulation
facility, job statistics are used by the facility to determine how much
time to allow for the execution of each job.

• When viewing information regarding a scheduled job (that is, a job

in the Active Jobs file) in ENTERPRISE/CS, you are provided with
the average runtime and the standard deviation in the Job Details
window. In addition, you can view the job statistics recorded in the
Statistical Details table by selecting the Statistics option from the
Job Node menu.

• The ENTERPRISE/CS display for currently-running jobs includes a

real-time graphical indication of the percentage of the runtime
remaining for each job, based on the job’s runtime statistics.

CONTROL-M generates runtime statistics by compiling information

contained in the Statistical Details table of the CONTROL-M database
and storing this information in a summary table. Runtime statistics for a
given job are passed to the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation each time that
job is ordered.

The compilation and recording of statistical data depends upon the

following CONTROL-M components:

• The CONTROL-M system parameter Statistics must be set to Y (the

default value). This notifies CONTROL-M that you want statistical
data from each successful job execution to be recorded in the
Statistical Details table of the CONTROL-M database. System
parameters are modified via the ctmsys utility.

• The CONTROL-M operational parameter Statistics Mode indicates

the mode used by the ctmjsa utility to collect summary statistics:
JOBNAME compiles statistics for each CONTROL-M Job Name
and Node ID where the job was submitted; MEMNAME (default)
compiles statistics for each CONTROL-M Mem Name/Mem Lib
and Node ID. Operational parameters are modified via the Parameter
Customization menu in the CONTROL-M Menu system (see Figure
4-9 on page 4-32 and the bulleted item about changing Statistics
Mode on page 4-34).

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Overview 1-29
• The CONTROL-M ctmjsa utility is used to compile the data in the
Statistical Details table and store the results in a Statistical Summary
table in the CONTROL-M database. For additional information, see
the description of the ctmjsa utility on page 2-77.

It is recommended that you define a CONTROL-M job to run the ctmjsa

utility on a daily basis. This helps to ensure that the CONTROL-M
database contains current statistics on all jobs executed under
CONTROL-M. A partial cleanup of the Statistical Details table is
performed by the New Day procedure. See “New Day Procedure” in this
chapter for additional information.

The ctmruninf utility displays and deletes data from the Statistical
Details table. The ctmstats utility displays and deletes data from the
Statistical Summary table. Both utilities can be filtered according to date
and job information. For additional information, see the descriptions of
ctmruninf and ctmstats in Chapter 2, “Utilities.”

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1-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The CONTROL-M log contains a complete audit trail of every event
occurring in the CONTROL-M production environment. CONTROL-M
logs every item of meaningful information about its operation and about
the jobs under its supervision. Notification of both routine procedures
and error occurrences are recorded in the log.

Among the types of entries recorded in the CONTROL-M log are

messages regarding the following:

• Operation of the New Day procedure and User Daily jobs.

• Changes in the availability of Control resources, Quantitative

resources and prerequisite conditions.

• Job submissions and terminations, reruns, job log (Sysout) handling

and Shout performance.

• User actions affecting jobs, whether performed via the

ENTERPRISE/CS workstation or via utilities on the Server platform.

• Failures to adhere to security definitions on the Server platform.

• All Shout messages issued by CONTROL-M.

On the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation, CONTROL-M Log entries

relating to a specific job displayed in the active network can be viewed
using the Log window.

On the Server platform, all CONTROL-M Log entries can be viewed

using the CONTROL-M the ctmlog utility (described in Chapter 2,

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Overview 1-31
Entries are placed in the CONTROL-M log continually as long as
CONTROL-M is active. To prevent the log from becoming too large, the
CONTROL-M log is purged once a day by the New Day procedure. The
number of days that entries are retained in the CONTROL-M log before
deletion is determined by CONTROL-M system parameter Maximum
Days Retained by CONTROL-M Log (described in Chapter 5,
“Customization Parameters”).

A description of the structure of CONTROL-M log entries can be found

in Appendix B, “Structure of CONTROL-M Log Entries.”

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1-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Daylight Savings Time Considerations
Daylight savings time considerations are described in the following
paragraphs. All examples assume 02:00 a.m. as the time of change.

Advancing the Clock Forward

The following examples assume that the clock is moved ahead at 2:00
a.m. (2:00 a.m. becomes 3:00 a.m.). If the computer is capable of
changing the clock without restarting the system, do not bring down the
CONTROL-M when the clock is being advanced.

New Day Procedure

No special action should be taken once the clock is advanced.

• If the New Day procedure starts before you reset the clock, the New
Day procedure will start working before the clock is advanced, and
will continue normally (even if the clock is advanced while the New
Day procedure is in process). For more information about the New
Day procedure, see page 1-13.

• If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin at exactly 2:00 a.m.,

the same considerations apply. It is possible that the New Day
procedure will start execution before the clock is manually changed.
Otherwise, changing the clock will initiate New Day processing.

• If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin between 2:00 a.m.

and 3:00 a.m., after the computer clock is advanced, CONTROL-M
will start the normal New Day processing.

• If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin after 3:00 a.m., no

action is required. CONTROL-M will start the standard New Day

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Overview 1-33
Time-Dependent Shouts

• Shout messages scheduled before 2:00 a.m. do not require any


• Shout messages scheduled between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. will be
issued, even though there may not be a delay in production since the
time frame for production is smaller.

• The above also applies to jobs which have shout messages scheduled
at a later time (e.g., 6:00 a.m.). These jobs may be considered late
because of the tighter production time frame.

Time-Dependent Schedules (FROM UNTIL or Cyclic Jobs)

Jobs whose scheduled time overlaps the time gap created by the clock
shift may need manual intervention. For example, it is possible that a job
with a FROM value of 2:15 a.m. and an UNTIL value of 2:45 a.m. may
not be submitted at all. These jobs should be manually adjusted. A cyclic
job may have to be deleted and then resubmitted to continue the
processing cycle during the current day.


The CONTROL-M Log file will not contain entries with timestamps
between 2:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. Any scripts and/or programs that rely
on log entry time should be checked for possible discrepancies as a result
of advancing the clock.

Moving the Clock Backwards

The following examples assume that the clock is moved back at 2:00
a.m. (2:00 a.m. becomes 1:00 a.m.).

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1-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

New Day Procedure

• If the New Day procedure starts before 1:00 am, no special action
should be taken. The New Day procedure will run only once
(between 00:00 and 00:59).

• If the New Day procedure starts exactly at 1:00 a.m., computer time
should not be turned back to 1:00 a.m. to avoid another New Day
process. A second New Day procedure requires manual intervention.
It is advisable to wait until 2:01 a.m., for example, and turn the clock
back to 1:01 a.m.

• If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin between 1:00 a.m.

and 2:00 a.m., do one of the following:

— Wait at least a full hour after the daily run, and then turn the
clock back as needed; the New Day procedure will have ended.

— Update the clock before New Day processing begins.

For example, if the New Day time is 1:45 a.m., the clock should be
moved back one hour no later than 1:44 a.m. If this was not done
by 1:44 a.m., the user should wait until 2:46 a.m. and then shift the
time back.

• If the New Day procedure is scheduled to begin after 2:00 a.m., no

special action should be taken.

Time-Dependent Shouts

Shout messages scheduled between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. may be issued

Time-Dependent Schedules (FROM-UNTIL or Cyclic Jobs)

No special action should be taken for jobs with FROM-UNTIL or cyclic

schedules. Jobs scheduled to start between 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. will
start at the first occurrence of the hour (provided that other conditions,
such as input conditions and resources are met). However, they can be
restarted after the clock is moved back.
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Overview 1-35

The CONTROL-M Log file may contain entries with times earlier than
previous entries, due to the time shift. The same considerations that apply
to advancing the clock forward, should be applied to moving the clock

CONTROL-M Administrator
The aim of the CONTROL-M administrator is to ensure the smooth and
efficient running of CONTROL-M with minimum interruptions and
optimal usage of available resources. To achieve this aim, the
responsibilities of the CONTROL-M administrator can be summarized as

• Providing appropriate security authorizations to CONTROL-M users

via the CONTROL-M Security Maintenance Utility (ctmsec).

• Backing up the CONTROL-M database, CONTROL-M home

directory files and CONTROL-M “data” directory on a periodic
basis to ensure complete recovery in case of system failure.

• Planning CONTROL-M production schedules.

• Performing troubleshooting functions, such as:

— Performing basic CONTROL-M database maintenance functions

(e.g., increasing available space, dumping logs, increasing
— Detecting common system problems by analyzing
CONTROL-M logs and APDT logs.
— Detecting database problems by analyzing CONTROL-M
database logs.
— Collecting and analyzing debug information.
— Checking for enough disk space.
— Monitoring the CONTROL-M production system; checking that
the database is not at full capacity; removing old prerequisite
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1-36 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

— Cleaning up old and unnecessary log files from the proclog
— Installing all CONTROL-M releases and patches, as needed.

Heartbeat Monitor
CONTROL-M contains an integral Heartbeat monitor that verifies that
TCP/IP communication with ENTERPRISE/CS is functional and that
ENTERPRISE/CS is responsive to messages from CONTROL-M.

This feature complements the ENTERPRISE/CS Heartbeat monitor that

verifies that communication with CONTROL-M is functional and that
CONTROL-M is responsive to messages from ENTERPRISE/CS.

The CONTROL-M Heartbeat monitor can operate in either of two

modes. These modes are described in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4 Heartbeat Monitor Modes

Mode Description
Active Mode The CONTROL-M Heartbeat monitor periodically sends a
“heartbeat check” message through one TCP/IP
repeats the message through the second TCP/IP
connection back to CONTROL-M. If CONTROL-M does
not receive a response to a heartbeat check message
within a limited time period, CONTROL-M assumes that
communication with ENTERPRISE/CS is temporarily
interrupted. CONTROL-M then initiates a procedure to
restore communication with ENTERPRISE/CS. In
addition, CONTROL-M issues a response to heartbeat
checks initiated by ENTERPRISE/CS.
Passive Mode CONTROL-M does not initiate heartbeat checks, but
CONTROL-M does respond to the heartbeat checks
initiated by ENTERPRISE/CS. In this mode,
CONTROL-M does not automatically attempt to restore
communication with ENTERPRISE/CS if communication
is interrupted.

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Overview 1-37
The CONTROL-M Heartbeat monitor uses the following parameters that
are contained in file ~controlm/ctm/data/config.dat:

Table 1-5 Heartbeat Monitor Parameters

Parameter Description
Whether or not the CONTROL-M Heartbeat monitor
operates in active (Y) or passive (N) mode. Default: Y.
Amount of time (in seconds) to wait after receiving a
response to a heartbeat check before issuing the next
heartbeat check. Default: 300 seconds.
Time (in seconds) to wait for a response after issuing
a heartbeat check before declaring a communication
failure and initiating corrective actions. Default: 300



Advanced Problem Detection Tools

CONTROL-M/Server invokes Advanced Problem Detection Tools to
help you maintain software integrity and protect data. Use of these tools
enhances system monitoring to help avoid failures and provides multiple
methods for safeguarding data. In the event of a system or process crash
you may be asked to run one of these tools and submit their output to
Technical Support.

In addition to the tools mentioned below, also refer to:

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1-38 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• Contingency planning for the possibility of failure of the Server
platform or the CONTROL-M database. For more information, see
“Failover Planning” on page 1-10.
• Writing diagnostic files when the diagnostic level setting is greater
than zero. For more information, see “Set Diagnostics Level” on
page 4-43.

Table 1-6 Advanced Problem Detection Tools

Tool Description
Event logger Generates log files for events that match the specified
severity and category. For more information, see
“Setting Event Logger Parameters” on page 1-39.
Log file size monitor Monitor the size of log files. Save files that exceed a
specified size to a new version of the file. For more
information, see “Managing Log Files” on page 1-41.
Stack trace logger A log of the functions called and the events leading
up to a process crash. For more information, see
“Stack Trace” on page 1-42.
Watchdog Monitors CONTROL-M processes and resources and
sends an alert if a problem is detected. For more
information, see“Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44.
ctmdbcheck Checks database integrity, displays information about
database memory utilization and automatically
monitors database and transaction logs. For more
information, see “ctmdbcheck” on page 2-39.
ctmdbtrans Lists active transactions in the database. For more
information, see “ctmdbtrans” on page 2-46.
ctmlog Performs selective cleanup of the CONTROL-M log or
produces a report of CONTROL-M log entries. For
more information, see “ctmlog” on page 2-91.

Setting Event Logger Parameters

The Event logger records events that occur in CONTROL-M. The

following types of events can be recorded:

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Overview 1-39
• IOALOG events
These are analogous to ctmlog events and involve reading and
writing to the IOA database.

• DBASE events
These are associated with database access and involve reading and
writing to the CONTROL-M database.

CONTROL-M generates log entries when an event matches the logger

parameters specified in the config.dat file relating to severity and
category. The keywords in the parameter related to severity refer to the
message types that are generated when the category they refer to is
matched, for example, informational messages concerning the database
are generated when events occur matching parameters that relate to the
severity keyword INFO and the category DBASE.

The log entries generated are saved in the following location:


If not manually archived, these log files can occupy a large amount of
disk space. Careful selection of events to be logged will prevent
unnecessary large log files. For information about how to maintain the
log files, see “Managing Log Files” on page 1-41.

To configure the Event logger, insert the following commands in the

config.dat file (the text must be entered in uppercase):


Table 1-7 Event Logger Severity

Keyword Description
INFO Informational messages for the specified category.
WARNING Warning messages for the specified category.
ERROR Error messages for the specified category.

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1-40 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


To record IOALOG events with a severity of WARNING and ERROR,

include the following in the config.dat file:



Managing Log Files

CONTROL-M saves information about its processes, operations, errors

and the jobs under its supervision in log files. If not periodically backed
up and cleaned, these files can occupy a large amount of disk space.

CONTROL-M/Server provides a mechanism for archiving log files over

a specified size and to assign a generation number for each archived log.
You can determine the size of the log files and the number of file
generations by using the parameters described below. CONTROL-M
monitors the size and version of log files utilizing configurable
parameters in the <controlm_home>/ctm/data/config.dat file.
These parameters specify the required size and number of generations of
the log file.

If no values are specified, no limits are placed on the size of the log file.

If values are specified, the size of the log file is checked and when the
limit is reached, the file is renamed logger.1. Entries continue to be saved
in the default logger file, and when the file next reaches its limit, the file
is renamed logger.2, and so on, until the maximum number of specified
generations is reached. The oldest file is deleted when another log file
exceeds the limit.

To set size and generation limits, specify the following parameters in the
config.dat file:


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Overview 1-41
Table 1-8 Managing Log Files

Variable Description
LIMIT_LOG_FILE_SIZE File size, specified in megabytes.
LIMIT_LOG_VERSIONS Number of generations of the log file that should
be kept. The valid number must be a positive
integer between 1 and 9.


To set a limit to the size of the log file to 10 MB and to limit the number
of generations of the log file to 3, specify the following parameters in the
config.dat file:


Stack Trace

A stack trace is a useful debugging aid in working out how program

control reached a specific point. The stack trace is a file containing a
record of the events leading up to a process that abends.

CONTROL-M records the progression of the invocations called by

functions. If a process crashes, CONTROL-M generates a stack trace
sequence of functions that were called, leading up to the unexpected

The stack trace is output to a proclog file, providing information about

the process that aborted. The log file generated contains information
relevant to Technical Support and is located in the directory:


The variables in this command line are described in the following table:

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1-42 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

<controlm_path> Home directory of CONTROL-M/Server account
<process-name> Two-character code identifying the process.
<process-ID> ID of the CONTROL-M/Server process.



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Overview 1-43
Watchdog Facility
CONTROL-M contains a special Watchdog (WD) facility which
automatically monitors various CONTROL-M processes and resources,
essential to the running of CONTROL-M, and sends an appropriate alert
when there is a problem. The Watchdog facility can also be used to
automatically execute user-defined scripts or CONTROL-M utilities.
(See Chapter 2, “Utilities.”)

If a Watchdog facility-monitoring check fails, appropriate error messages

can be sent to special error handlers such as CONTROL-O/Server and
ENTERPRISE/CS (see below). The Watchdog facility automatically sends
these messages to the CONTROL-M IOALOG and PROCLOG.

The Watchdog facility is enabled by configuration parameters defined in

the ~controlm/ctm/data/config.dat file. For additional information, see
“Configuration Parameters” on page 5-22.

Certain parameters in the config.dat file indicate general information

about the Watchdog facility. These parameters are listed in Table 1-9.

• To disable the various Watchdog exits, set their parameters to 0.

• To enable the various Watchdog exits specify the values described in
Table 1-9.
Table 1-9 General Watchdog Facility Parameters

Parameter Description
WD_CTMEXIT_NUMBER Indicates the number of predefined Watchdog
user exits to be enabled. There are two built-in
user exits. Valid values are: 0,1 and 2, where:
• 0 disables the built-in user exits.
• 1 invokes the first built-in user exit.
• 2 invokes both built-in user exits.
WD_USEREXIT_NUMBER Indicates the number of Watchdog user exits to
be enabled. Specify the number of desired
user exits or specify 0 to disable all Watchdog
user exits.

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1-44 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The following categories of user exits are described in detail below:

• Heartbeat check (see below)

• Predefined Watchdog user exits (see below)
• Watchdog user exits (see page 1-47)

Heartbeat Check

A special heartbeat check runs automatically when the Watchdog facility

is enabled. This checks that all the primary CONTROL-M processes
(SU, CO, SL, TR, LG) are functioning. If any of the processes do not
respond to the check, a message is sent to the error handlers.

Table 1-10 Heartbeat Monitor Exit Parameters

Parameter Description
WD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL Amount of time (in seconds) to wait after
receiving a response to a heartbeat check
before issuing the next heartbeat check.
WD_HEARTBEAT_TIMEOUT Time (in seconds) to wait for a response
after issuing a heartbeat check before
sending a message to the error handlers.

Predefined Watchdog User Exits

The Watchdog facility monitors CONTROL-M processes and resource

usage using two built-in CONTROL-M utilities. These utilities are
enabled via CONTROL-M System user exit parameters
(WD_CTMEXIT_<n>) in the config.dat file. All these exits reside in
the ~controlm/ctm/exe_<platform> directory and cannot be changed.

Two predefined built-in system user exits are included in the config.dat

• Exit 1
Runs a Disk Space utility to check the amount of free disk space on a
specified device and sends an error message if it is below a specified
amount. See ctmdiskspace in Chapter 2, “Utilities,” for a complete

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Overview 1-45
• Exit 2
Runs a Database Usage utility to check data and log usage in the
CONTROL-M database and sends an error message if it is above a
specified percentage. See ctmdbspace in Chapter 2, “Utilities,” for a
complete description.

The parameters for these two built-in Watchdog system user exits are
described in Table 1-11.

Valid values for <n> in the parameters in Table 1-11 are either 1 or 2.

Table 1-11 Parameters for Watchdog System User Exits

Parameter Description
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_CMD_LINE Contains parameters to be
passed to the exit script.
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_ERROR_MSG Indicates the message to be sent
if an exit script fails.
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_INTERVAL Indicates the number of time
units during which the exit script
should not be invoked.
defines the time units. For more
information, see Table 1-13.
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_RUN_STATE Indicates if the exit script should
be run when CONTROL-M is
running. Valid values are Y or N.
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_SCRIPT_FILE File name of the script or binary
that resides in the ctm/
exe_<platform> directory.
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_SUSPEND_STATE Indicates if the exit script should
be invoked when CONTROL-M is
suspended. Valid values are Y or
WD_CTMEXIT_<n>_TIMEOUT Time (number of minutes) which
should be allowed before the exit
script is terminated.

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1-46 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Watchdog User Exits

The Watchdog facility can also be used to execute user-defined scripts or

CONTROL-M utilities automatically during different intervals of the
Watchdog facility. These scripts are enabled using user exit parameters
which are specified in the config.dat file. The full path name and arguments
for each script or utility are required to add these functions to the Watchdog
facility. If the user exit ends with a “failed” status, a specified error
message can be sent to the error handlers. For more information, see
“Error Handlers” on page 1-48.

Table 1-12 describes all parameters that can be defined for each user exit
of the Watchdog facility.

Table 1-12 Parameters for Watchdog Facility User Exits

Parameter Description
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_CMD_LINE Contains parameters to be
passed to the exit script.
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_ERROR_MSG Indicates the message to be sent
if an exit script fails.
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_INTERVAL Indicates the number of time
units during which the exit script
should not be invoked.
defines the time units. For more
information, see Table 1-13.
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_RUN_STATE Indicates if the exit script should
be run when CONTROL-M is
running. Valid values are Y or N.
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_SCRIPT_FILE Full path of the exit script.
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_SUSPEND_STATE Indicates if the exit script should
be invoked when CONTROL-M is
suspended. Valid values are Y or
WD_USEREXIT_<n>_TIMEOUT Time (number of minutes) which
should be allowed before the exit
script is terminated.

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Overview 1-47

CONTROL-M utility ctmping can be added to the Watchdog facility to

automatically test the communication link between
CONTROL-M/Server and Agent platforms and update the available
Agent list. Add the following parameters to the config.dat file:

WD_USEREXIT_1_CMD_LINE -file /ctm/ctmuser/agntlist

WD_USEREXIT_1_ERROR_MSG Agent not available

Error Handlers

If a Watchdog facility check fails, the error message specified for that
check is sent to the defined error handler. Two other error-handling
options are available: CONTROL-O/Server and a user defined script.
These options are enabled via the parameters in the config.dat file
described in Table 1-13.

Error messages are automatically sent to the CONTROL-M IOALOG and

For more information about error handlers, see Chapter 5,

“Customization Parameters.”

Table 1-13 Watchdog Facility Parameters

Parameter Description
WD_ALIVE_MSG Indicates the message to be sent in response to
successful heartbeat checks. Place a ”#” character in
front of the parameter in the config.dat file to inhibit the
WD_CTO_HOSTNAME Host name or IP Address CONTROL-O/Server.

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1-48 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 1-13 Watchdog Facility Parameters (continued)

Parameter Description
WD_CTO_TIMEOUT Maximum time for the Watchdog facility to send
messages to CONTROL-O/Server.
WD_ERROR_HANDLER_SCRIPT_FILE Path name of the user-defined script called by the
Watchdog facility.
WD_ERROR_HANDLER_TIMEOUT Maximum time for the Watchdog facility to wait for the
user defined script to run.
WD_INTERVAL Defines the time unit interval, in minutes, when the next
exit must be checked.


If you specify 5 minutes for parameter WD_INTERVAL and specify 2

time units for parameter WD_CTMEXIT_1_INTERVAL, the
Watchdog facility will run the system script for system user exit 1 once
every 10 minutes.

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Overview 1-49
User Exits
A user exit is a user-defined procedure that can be used to modify certain
information before it is processed. At certain points in processing a flat
text file is produced describing information that is to be passed to next
step in a procedure. This text file can be modified by a user-defined exit
script before it is passed on for processing.

CONTROL-M user exits can be used to enforce site standards (for

example, file naming conventions or valid date formats), and to apply
security definitions to limit certain user’s actions. Exits can also be used
to trigger other actions prior or subsequent to execution of a

For more information, see Chapter 6, “User Exits.”

Processing Overhead
CONTROL-M provides a wide variety of mechanisms that can be used
to control job scheduling. When determining which mechanisms to use,
it helps to be aware of the different levels of processing overhead that
each mechanism requires.

Table 1-14 lists certain basic scheduling features and their relative levels
of processing overhead. By choosing the right features for your job
processing definitions, you can ensure that your CONTROL-M processes
are fast and efficient.

Table 1-14 Processing Overhead for Job Processing Features

Relative Processing
Feature Overhead
Time window (Basic scheduling parameters) Very low
In (prerequisite) conditions Low
Control Resources Medium

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1-50 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 1-14 Processing Overhead for Job Processing Features

Relative Processing
Feature Overhead
Quantitative Resources High
Designation of a job as “Critical” Very High

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Overview 1-51
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1-52 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Utilities 2

General maintenance can be performed using the utilities described in

this chapter. Some of these utilities generate reports, which are useful for
managing the data center, and for planning job processing definitions and

Many of these utilities are intended for use only by the CONTROL-M
administrator. Because they require extensive authorization in the
CONTROL-M database, they may not work if submitted by a regular

All utilities described in this chapter are included with CONTROL-M.

These utilities are run either from the system prompt or submitted as
batch jobs (except where noted).

Utilities that can be submitted as batch jobs can also be defined as

CONTROL-M jobs. This enables you to utilize the CONTROL-M job
handling features such as automatic scheduling and the use of AutoEdit
variables (see examples in this chapter). Refer to “Accessing Utilities
From Other Unix Users” in this chapter before using this feature.

Refer to Table 2-2 to determine which subsystems must be active before
invoking a CONTROL-M utility.

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Utilities 2-1
Table 2-1 lists the available utilities. Detailed information about each
utility is provided later in this chapter.

Table 2-1 CONTROL-M Utilities (Part 1 of 3)

Utility Description
ctm_agstat Lists or updates an Agent’s status.
ctm_backup_bcp Exports data from a CONTROL-M database.
ctm_restore_bcp Imports data to a CONTROL-M database.
ctmcontb Performs operations on the Prerequisite Conditions
ctmcreate Creates a job in the Active Jobs file.
ctmdbapasswd Changes the database password.
ctmdbbck Backs up the CONTROL-M database.
ctmdbcheck Checks database integrity and displays information
about database memory utilization.
ctmdbrst Restores the CONTROL-M database.
ctmdbspace Checks data and log usage in the CONTROL-M
ctmdbtrans List the active transactions in the database.
ctmdefine Defines a job in the CONTROL-M database.
ctmdiskspace Checks the amount of free disk space on a device.
ctmexdef Exports job specifications from the job processing
Definitions table in the CONTROL-M database to an
ASCII file in either ctmcreate or ctmdefine format.
ctmfw Detects the successful completion of a file transfer
ctmgrpdef Creates a definition for a new Group Scheduling
ctmjsa Accumulates statistical data and records it in the
Statistics Summary table in the CONTROL-M
ctmkilljob Terminates a CONTROL-M job and its associated
ctmldnrs Creates and loads the Manual Conditions file.

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2-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-1 CONTROL-M Utilities (Part 2 of 3)

Utility Description
ctmloadset Updates a resource in the Quantitative Resources
table with regard to usage on an Agent platform.
ctmlog Performs a selective cleanup of the CONTROL-M log
or produces a report of CONTROL-M log entries,
according to user-supplied parameters.
ctmordck Lists a user’s job processing definitions which can be
ordered by a specific User Daily job.
ctmorder Orders one or more jobs from a Scheduling table
contained in the CONTROL-M database.
ctmpasswd Allows changing CONTROL-M user’s password into
the database.
ctmping Collects configuration information about
CONTROL-M/Agents not in the CONTROL-M
database and performs a communication test.
ctmpsm Interactive utility for performing functions affecting
jobs or conditions in the Active environment.
ctmrpln Creates a report that lists all or a selection of jobs in a
specified Scheduling table, and indicates when the
jobs are scheduled to run. The report can be
requested for a specific date, month or a five-year
ctmruninf Lists and deletes runtime data from the Statistical
Details table of the CONTROL-M database.
ctmsec Defines users in the CONTROL-M security database
and assigns them authorizations for working with
CONTROL-M. For more details, see “Security
Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode)” on page 3-11.
ctmshout Issues a Shout message to an indicated destination.
ctmshtb Sets the active Shout Destination table.
ctmstats Displays or deletes statistical data from the Statistical
Summary table in the CONTROL-M database.
ctmstvar Displays the current value of an AutoEdit variable or
ctmsuspend Suspends CONTROL-M/Server scheduling processes
for mass batch uploads/downloads from

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Utilities 2-3
Table 2-1 CONTROL-M Utilities (Part 3 of 3)

Utility Description
ctmsys Maintains CONTROL-M system parameters and
Shout Destination tables.
ctmudchk Allows recovery from interruption of a User Daily.
ctmudlst Enables you to manually set the User Daily last run
ctmudly Orders jobs for a specific User Daily name.
ctmvar Manipulates AutoEdit variables for data centers,
Group Scheduling tables, or jobs in Group Scheduling
ctmwhy Displays a report stating why a job waiting in the
Active Jobs file is not being submitted for execution.
ctm2snmp Sends messages to Network Management
applications via SNMP traps.
ecactltb Lists the status of each resource in the Control
Resources table.
ecaqrtab Performs operations on the Quantitative Resources

Utility Reference Table

Table 2-2 CONTROL-M Utility Reference (Part 1 of 3)

Utility Requires Requires Executable Executable Supports Executable

CTM SQL By User As Batch AutoEdit From Agent
Active Active Other Than Job Variables Platform
CTM Admin (Batch Jobs)
ctm_agstat X
ctm_backup_bcp X X
ctm_restore_bcp X X
ctm_restore_aut X X
ctmcontb X X X X X X
ctmcreate X X X X X X
ctmdbapasswd X

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2-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-2 CONTROL-M Utility Reference (Part 2 of 3)

Utility Requires Requires Executable Executable Supports Executable

CTM SQL By User As Batch AutoEdit From Agent
Active Active Other Than Job Variables Platform
CTM Admin (Batch Jobs)
ctmdbbck X X
ctmdbrst X X
ctmdbcheck X X X
ctmdbspace X X X
ctmdbtrans X X X
ctmdefine X X X X
ctmdiskspace X X
ctmexdef X X X
ctmfw X X X
ctmgrpdef X X X
ctmjsa X X X
ctmkilljob X X X X
ctmldnrs X X X
ctmloadset X X X X X
ctmlog X X X
ctmordck X X X
ctmorder X X X X
ctmping X X X
ctmpsm X X
ctmrpln X X X
ctmruninf X X
ctmshout X X X X X
ctmshtb X X
ctmstats X X X
ctmstvar X X X X
ctmsuspend X X
ctmsys X X

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Utilities 2-5
Table 2-2 CONTROL-M Utility Reference (Part 3 of 3)

Utility Requires Requires Executable Executable Supports Executable

CTM SQL By User As Batch AutoEdit From Agent
Active Active Other Than Job Variables Platform
CTM Admin (Batch Jobs)
ctmudchk X X X
ctmudlst X X
ctmudly X X X
ctmvar X X X X
ctmwhy X X X
ecactltb X X X X X
ecaqrtab X X X X X

Reports Generated from Utilities

The following reports can be generated using utilities described in this


Table 2-3 Utility Reports (Part 1 of 2)

Report Description
Daily Job Order Generates a projection of which jobs in a
Scheduling table will be ordered on a given
day using a specific calendar. See “ctmrpln”
on page 2-120.
Monthly Job Order Generates a projection of which jobs in a
Scheduling table will be ordered in a given
month using a specific calendar. See “ctmrpln”
on page 2-120.
Yearly Job Order Generates a projection of which jobs in a
Scheduling table will be ordered over a
five-year period using a specific calendar. See
“ctmrpln” on page 2-120.

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2-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-3 Utility Reports (Part 2 of 2)

Report Description
CONTROL-M Log Lists entries in the CONTROL-M log for speci-
fied (or all) CONTROL-M/Server processes.
See “ctmlog” on page 2-91.
Active Jobs File Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file according to
various criteria. See “ctmpsm” on page 2-106.
User Daily: Lists all jobs associated with a specific User
Associated Job
Processing Definitions
Daily job and displays security parameters
regarding each job. See “ctmordck” on page
Prerequisite Conditions Displays existing prerequisite conditions. See
“ctmcontb” on page 2-21.
Control Resources Lists the status of Control resources. See
“ecactltb” on page 2-157.
Quantitative Resources Lists the status of Quantitative resources. See
“ecaqrtab” on page 2-158.
Summary Statistical Lists summarized runtime statistics. See
“ctmjsa” on page 2-77 and “ctmstats” on page
Runtime Statistical Data Lists runtime statistical data by timestamp.
See “ctmruninf” on page 2-124.
Global AutoEdit Lists Global AutoEdit variables, See “ctmvar”
on page 2-150.

Directing Output From Utilities

Certain utilities described in this chapter generate reports that can be

directed to a file. Each such utility is identified by the inclusion of
<Output> among the utility’s parameters. If this parameter is not
specified, the output is routed to the default output device.

When directing output to a file, do one of the following:

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-7
• Specify the full path name of the file (for example,
• Specify the relative name of the file to be placed in the
<controlm_user_dir>/ directory.

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2-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Accessing Utilities From Other Unix Users
To access CONTROL-M utilities from a Unix user other than the
CONTROL-M/Server account owner, the following modifications must
be made to the user’s environment:

• Define variables in the user’s environment.

• Add an executable library to the user’s path.
• Assign Read/Write permissions.

Define Variables in the User’s Environment

The following variables must be defined in the user’s environment:



Table 2-4 Required Environment Variables



Use the following formats to define the shared library path variables in
the user’s environment, depending upon the Server platform type:

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Utilities 2-9
Table 2-5 Shared Library Path for Sybase Variables

Platform Path Variable

AIX LIBPATH <ctm_owner>/sybase/lib:<ctm_owner>/ctm/exe_AIX
TRU64 Unix <ctm_owner>/sybase/lib:<ctm_owner>/ctm/exe_OSF1

Table 2-6 Shared Library Path for Oracle Variables

Platform Path Variable

TRU64 Unix <ctm_owner>./oracle/product/8.1.5/lib:<ctm_owner>/ctm/exe_O

In both Table 2-5 and Table 2-6 above, <ctm_owner> refers to the Unix
user account under which CONTROL-M/Server is installed.

Setting environmental variables

Using csh or tcsh

When using csh or tcsh, specify the following command for each

setenv <variable-name> <value>

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2-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Sybase Example

setenv CONTROLM /home/controlm/ctm

setenv SYBASE /home/controlm/sybase
setenv CONTROLM_USER ctrlm
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/controlm/ctm/exe_Solaris:

Oracle Example

setenv CONTROLM /home/ora_ctm/ctm

setenv ORACLE_HOME /home/ora_ctm/oracle/product/8.1.5
setenv ORACLE_SID ctrlm
setenv ORACLE_BASE /home1/ora_ctm/oracle
setenv CONTROLM_USER ctrlm
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /home/controlm/ctm/exe_OSF1:

Using Other Shells

When using other shells (for example, sh, ksh), specify the following
command for each variable:

<variable-name>=<value>; export <variable-name>

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Utilities 2-11
Sybase Example

CONTROLM=/home/controlm/ctm; export CONTROLM

SYBASE=/home/controlm/sybase; export SYBASE
LIBPATH=/home/controlm/ctm/exe_HP-UX-10; export

Oracle Example

CONTROLM=/home/controlm/ctm; export CONTROLM

LIBPATH=/home/controlm/ctm/exe_HP-UX-10; export

Determining the values to assign to variables

Specify the following command for each variable from user controlm:

echo $<variable-name>


echo $SYBASE

Add an Executable Library to the User’s Path

The executable directory of CONTROL-M/Server must be added to the

user’s path.

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2-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Using csh or tcsh

Use the following command to modify the path when using csh or tcsh:

set path=($path ~<controlm_owner>/ctm/exe_<OS_ID>)

The following table describes the variables of this command.

Variable Description
<controlm_owner> Unix user account under which
CONTROL-M/Server is installed.
<OS_ID> Identifier for the type of operating system on the
Server platform (AIX, HP-UX-10 or Solaris).


set path=($path ~controlm/ctm/exe_Solaris)

Using Other Shells

Use the following command to modify the path when using other shells
(for example, sh, ksh):

PATH="$PATH: <controlm_path>/ctm/exe_<OS_ID>"

The following table describes the variables of this command.

Variable Description
<controlm_path> Home directory of the CONTROL-M/Server account
<OS_ID> Identifier for the type of operating system on the Server
platform. Specify AIX, HP-UX-10 or Solaris.


PATH="$PATH: controlm/ctm/exe_HP-UX-10"

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Utilities 2-13
Assign Read/Write Permissions

The user must have the following read/write permissions:

Table 2-7 Read/Write Permissions

Permission Type Directory

Read permission for file: <controlm-directory>/.controlm
Read and Write permission for all files in prflag/

The recommended method for providing security access to these files is

as follows:

• Group controlm should be provided with read permission for the


• All users who require access to CONTROL-M utilities should belong

to group controlm.

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2-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide



This utility enables you to list or update an Agent’s status, or to delete an

inactive Agent. (See “Communication Status of Agent Platforms” on
page 1-7.)

To invoke the ctm_agstat utility, specify the following command:


[AGTNAME(<agent name>)]
[QUIET( {*YES | *NO} )] [DEBUG(<debug level>)]

The parameters of this command are described below in Table 2-8.

Table 2-8 ctm_agstat Utility Parameters

Parameter Description
ACTION Action to be performed by the utility:
• LIST – List the current status of the specified Agent.
• LIST_INACT – List all inactive (disabled or unavailable)
Agents and their status.
• UPDATE – Change the status of the specified Agent to the
value of the STATUS parameter.
• DELETE – Delete the specified inactive Agent from the list of

<agent Host name of the Agent to be listed / updated. This parameter

name> must be specified for LIST, UPDATE, and DELETE actions but
is ignored for the LIST_INACT action.
STATUS Current status of the specified Agent. Valid values: *SAME,
AVAILABLE, DISABLED. This parameter must be specified for
UPDATE action but is ignored for all other actions.
QUIET To activate the utility without displays and interaction, specify
*YES. Default: *NO.
<debug Desired diagnostic level. Valid values: 0 (no diagnostics) to 5
level> (highest level of diagnostics), *DFT, *SYSVAL, *SAME.
Default: *SAME (or zero for first startup).

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Utilities 2-15

1. To show the current status of Agent CMAGENT, type:


2. To list all inactive Agents, type:


3. To change the status of Agent CMAGENT to DISABLED, type:



4. To delete inactive Agent CMAGENT, type:


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2-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctm_backup_bcp utility exports data from the CONTROL-M

database to directory <controlm>/ctm/backup_db. Each database table
is backed up as a separate ASCII file.

To invoke the ctm_backup_bcp utility:

1. Shut down CONTROL-M using command shut-ctm.

2. Specify the command:

ctm_backup_bcp [-n]

where -n runs the utility in silent mode. In this mode, confirmation

prompt and “backing up contents” messages are not displayed.

Differences between the ctm_backup_bcp and ctmdbbck utilities:

• You can only use the ctm_backup_bcp utility if

CONTROL-M/Server is down.

• ctm_backup_bcp exports the data in the CONTROL-M database.

ctmdbbck backs up an image of the database for later restoration
using ctmdbrst.

• When using ctm_backup_bcp, you cannot specify the backup


• ctm_backup_bcp backs up each database table to a separate ASCII

file. ctmdbbck backs up the entire database to a single binary file.

• When using ctmdbbck and ctmdbrst, the restored database must be

the same size as the original database. When using ctm_backup_bcp
and ctm_restore_bcp, the original and restored databases do not need
to be the same size.

Example 1


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Utilities 2-17
Backing up contents of database
Please confirm [y/n] : Y

Messages similar to the following are displayed:

backing up contents of CMS_NODGRP

backing up contents of CMR_AGSTAT
backing up contents of CMS_AGCOMM
backing up contents of CMS_AGSRVTIM
backing up contents of CMR_AJF
backing up contents of CMS_JOBDEF
backing up contents of CMS_USERS

Database backup ended successfully.

Example 2

ctm_backup_bcp -n

In this case, CONTROL-M does not display the confirmation prompt and
does not issue messages. Only dots are displayed.

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2-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctm_restore_bcp utility imports the CONTROL-M database from the

bcp_backup directory. The content of this directory was created by the
ctm_backup_bcp utility.

To invoke the ctm_restore_bcp utility:

1. Shut down CONTROL-M using the shut-ctm command.

2. Specify the command:

ctm_restore_bcp [-n]

where -n runs the utility in silent mode. In silent mode, the

confirmation prompt and restoring contents messages are not

The ctm_restore_bcp utility is similar to the ctmdbrst utility. The

following bullets describe the differences between these utilities:

• The ctm_restore_bcp utility imports files created by the

ctm_backup_bcp utility. The ctmdbrst utility restores a backup
created by the ctmdbbck utility.

• When using the ctm_restore_bcp utility, you cannot specify the

directory containing the exported files.

• You can only use the ctm_restore_bcp utility if CONTROL-M/Server

is down.

• The ctm_restore_bcp utility imports ASCII files. The ctmdbrst utility

restores from a binary file.

Example 1

Restoring contents of database.
This procedure DELETES any information in main
Please confirm [y/n]: y
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Utilities 2-19
Messages similar to the following are displayed:

restoring contents of CMS_NODGRP

restoring contents of CMR_AGSTAT
restoring contents of CMS_AGCOMM
restoring contents of CMS_AGSRVTIM
restoring contents of CMR_AJF
restoring contents of CMS_JOBDEF
restoring contents of CMS_USERS

Database restore ended successfully.

Example 2

ctm_restore_bcp -n

In this case, CONTROL-M does not display the confirmation prompt and
the “restoring contents” messages. Only dots are displayed.

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2-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmcontb utility performs operations on the Prerequisite Conditions

table. These operations include:

• Listing existing prerequisite conditions.

• Adding/deleting a prerequisite condition.
• Deleting a range of conditions (from/to specified dates).

Use the following command to list existing prerequisite conditions:

ctmcontb -LIST <Condition Name> <Condition Date> [<Output>]

The parameters of this utility are described in Table 2-9.

Table 2-9 ctmcontb – Listing Prerequisite Conditions

Variable Description
<Condition Name> Name of the prerequisite condition to include in
the report. The condition name can include the
mask character ∗ to match any character string
(including no characters). In this instance, the
condition name must be enclosed in quotation
marks (for example, “LVL∗”). Specify “∗” by itself
to include all existing conditions.
<Condition Date> Date of the prerequisite condition. Must be
specified in mmdd format. The condition date
can include mask character ∗ to match any
character string (including no characters). In this
case, enclose the condition date in quotation
marks (for example, “12∗ ”).
• Specify “∗” by itself to include all dates.
• Specify ODAT to accept the CONTROL-M
• Specify STAT to indicate that the date
reference of the condition is not relevant.
<Output> Full path name to which the report should be
sent (optional). If this parameter is not specified,
the output is routed to the default output device.

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Utilities 2-21
Use the following command to add prerequisite conditions:

ctmcontb -ADD <Condition Name> <Condition Date>

The parameters for this command are described in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10 ctmcontb – Adding Prerequisite Conditions

Variable Description
<Condition Name> Name of prerequisite condition to add.
<Condition Date> Date of the prerequisite condition. Must be
specified in mmdd format.
• Specify ODAT to accept the CONTROL-M date.
• Specify STAT to indicate that the date reference
of the condition is not relevant.

Use the following command to delete prerequisite conditions:

ctmcontb -DELETE <Condition Name> <Condition Date>

The parameters for this command are described in Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 ctmcontb – Deleting Prerequisite Conditions

Variable Description
<Condition Name> Name of prerequisite condition to delete.
The condition name can include the mask character
∗ to match any character string (including no
characters). In this instance, the condition name
must be enclosed in quotation marks (for example,
“LVL∗ ”). Specify “∗” by itself to include all existing
<Condition Date> Date of the prerequisite condition. Must be
specified in mmdd format. The condition date can
include the mask character ∗ to match any
character string (including no characters). In this
instance, the condition date must be enclosed in
quotation marks (for example, “12∗ ”).
• Specify “∗” by itself to include all dates.
• Specify ODAT to accept the CONTROL-M date.
• Specify STAT to indicate that the date reference
of the condition is not relevant.

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2-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Use the following command to delete prerequisite conditions with
condition dates in a given range:

ctmcontb -DELETEFROM <Condition Name> <From Date> <To Date>

The parameters for this command are described in Table 2-12.

Table 2-12 ctmcontb – Deleting Conditions in a Date Range

Variable Description
<Condition Name> Name of prerequisite conditions to delete.
The condition name can include the mask character
∗ to match any character string (including no
characters). In this instance, the condition name
must be enclosed in quotation marks (for example,
“LVL∗ ”). Specify “∗” by itself to include all existing
<From Date> Starting and ending dates for range of condition
<To Date> dates of prerequisite conditions to delete. Each date
must be specified in mmdd format.
If the To Date is less than the From Date, the range
of condition dates will include the From Date up to
the end of the year (1231) plus the beginning of the
year (0101) up to the To Date.

Example 1

The following command specifies that the prerequisite condition

bckp_end with condition dates in December should be deleted:

ctmcontb -DELETE bckp_end "12∗"

Example 2

The following command specifies that all prerequisite conditions with

prefix a, whose condition dates are between December 1st and
December 15th should be deleted:

ctmcontb -DELETEFROM "a∗" 1201 1215

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Utilities 2-23
Example 3

The following command specifies that existing prerequisite conditions

should be listed:

ctmcontb -LIST "∗" "∗"

When this command is specified, a report similar to the following is


Date: 30-JUN-2000. Page 1

Conditions list

APR1- L20 0629
APR1-L20 0630
ARD- L30K 0630
LVL11-LVL22 0628
LVL11-LVL22 0629
LVL11-LVL22 0630
PKR11-LVL01 0630

This example demonstrates the advantage of defining a CONTROL-M

job to run a utility. The following job processing definition causes
CONTROL-M to run ctmcontb each work day, each time deleting all
prerequisite conditions which are between five and ten days old:

Week Days 2,3,4,5,6

AutoEdit Assignment %%A=%%CALCDATE %%DATE –10
%%A=%%SUBSTR %%A 3 4
%%B=%%SUBSTR %%B 3 4
Command Line ctmcontb -DELETEFROM “∗” %%A %%B

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2-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmcreate is an API (Application Program Interface) utility that allows an

ad hoc job to be inserted directly into the Active Jobs file. The job does
not have to be defined in the CONTROL-M database. The function
performed by this utility is equivalent to the Force function in

The ctmcreate utility can also be used to define jobs for specific
applications such as SAP and Oracle Applications. For more information,
see “Creating Application-specific Jobs” on page 2-31.

To invoke the ctmcreate utility, specify the following command:

[-group <group name>] \
[-application <application name>] \
[ -group_ord <grp_orderno|ALONE|LAST>\
[ -adjust_cond {Y|N}\
[ -nodegrp <node ID/group> ] \
[ -memlib <directory name> ] \
[ -memname <file name> ] \
[ -cmdline <command line text> ] \
[ -jobname <name of job> ] \
[ -schedtab <name of scheduling table> ] \
[ -owner <user name of job owner> ] \
[ -author <user name of the job creator>] \
[ -odate <scheduling date>|ODAT ]\
[ -maxrerun <maximum reruns> ]\
[ -timefrom <earliest submission time> ]\
[ -timeuntil <latest submission time> ]\
[ -priority <job priority> ]\
[ -critical {Y|N} ]\
[ -cyclic {Y|N} ]\
[ -intervalfrom {START|END}]\
[ -confirm {Y|N} ]\
[ -interval <minutes> ]\
[ -overlib <alternate directory> ]\
[ -maxwait <days> ]\
[ -description <job description> ]\
[ -docmem <file name> ]\
[ -doclib <directory name> ]\
[ -incond ‘(<condition1> ’ <date1> {AND|OR} …
-incond ‘ <condition2>)’ <date2> {AND|OR} …
-incond ‘ <condition3>)’ <date3> {AND|OR}]\
[ -outcond <cond> <date> {ADD|DEL} ]\
[ -autoedit <variable name> <expression> ]\
[ -quantitative <quantitative resource> <quantity> ]\
[ -sysout {RELEASE|DELETE|COPY|MOVE} [<parameter>] ]\
[ -control <control resource> {E|S} ]\
<message> [<time>] ]\
[ -on <statement> <code>\
[ -dook ]\
[ -donotok ]\

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-25
[ -dorerun ]\
[ -doshout <destination> {R|U|V} <message> ]\
[ -dostopcylic]\
[ -domail <destination> <cc> <urgency> {R|U|V} <subject> <message>\
[ -docond <condition> <date> {ADD|DEL} ]\
[ -doautoedit <variable name> <expression> ]\
[ -doforcejob <table name> <job name> <odate> ]\
[ -dosysout {RELEASE|DELETE|COPY|MOVE}[<parameter>]]\
[ -debug <level> ] \
[ -quiet ]

Each of the parameters of this utility, except for group_ord, debug and
quiet, is described in detail in Chapter 5 of the Enterprise Controlstation
User Guide.

Parameter Description
-group_ord Specifies in which order of a Group Scheduling table to put the
job. Valid values are:
<order-no> A specific order number of the Group
Scheduling table.
If the specified order number does not exist
the command is not executed and an error
message is displayed.
ALONE The job is on its own (not in any table).
LAST The last order of the specified Group
Scheduling table.
Note: When an order ID or LAST is specified for this
parameter, the -group and -schedtab parameters are
mandatory and must both contain the name of Group
Scheduling table that is currently in the Active Jobs file.
-debug Level of debug messages, 0 to 5.
Default: 0 (no debug messages).
-quiet If specified, no informational messages are displayed during
the execution of the command.

Table 2-13 lists each parameter available for the utility and the name by
which the parameter appears in the User Guide.

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2-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-13 Parameter Name Cross Reference

Utility Parameter Parameter Utility Parameter Parameter
adjust_cond Adjust condition interval Interval
application Application intervalfrom Interval (From field)
autoedit AutoEdit jobname Job Name
cmdline Command Line maxrerun Max Rerun
confirm Confirm Submission maxwait Max Wait
control Control Resources memlib Mem Lib
critical Critical memname Mem Name
cyclic Cyclic nodegrp Node ID/Group
description Description odate see note below
doautoedit Do AutoEdit on On Statement/Code
doclib Doc Lib outcond Out Conditions
docmem Doc Mem overlib Over Lib
docond Do Cond owner Owner
doforcejob Do Forcejob priority Priority
domail Do Mail quantitative Quantitative Resources
donotok Do NOTOK schedtab Scheduling Table
dook Do OK shout Shout
dorerun Do Rerun sysout Sysout Handling
doshout Do Shout taskclass Task Class
dostopcyclic Do Stop Cyclic tasktype Task Type
dosysout Do Sysout timefrom Time
group Group timeuntil Time
incond In Conditions

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Utilities 2-27
The following syntax rules apply when using this utility:

• More than one parameter can be specified on a line.

• Parameter odate specifies the date to use as the job’s scheduling

date. Specify a date in yyyymmdd format, or specify ODAT to
accept the CONTROL-M date.

• The %%NEXT, %%$NEXT, %%PREV, and %%$PREV AutoEdit

variables cannot be specified for the ctmcreate utility. These
variables refer to the next or previous scheduling dates and are
therefore not relevant for this utility which places jobs directly in the
Active Jobs file.

• The length of the command line, after decoding, must not exceed 999

• Although most parameters are listed as optional, certain parameters

are required depending upon the option specified for the -tasktype

• All fields of each parameter (as specified in the syntax on page 2-25)
must contain values. If no value is desired for a parameter field, a
null string "" must be specified in the relevant position in the
parameter specification.

For example

The -domail parameter has the following syntax:

-domail <destination> <cc> <severity> <subject> <message>

To specify this command without a value for the cc field, include a

null string in the appropriate location. For example:

-domail [email protected] "" R "subject line" "My message"

• All task types require parameters group and application. In


— JOB and DETACHED require parameters memname and

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2-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

— COMMAND requires parameter cmdline.

• Strings containing blanks must be enclosed in quotes (for example,

-cmdline “ctmudlst list payroll”).

• A Unix metasymbol (which must be enclosed in quotation marks)

appearing in a command line string should be enclosed in single
quotes (for example, -cmdline “ctmcontb list '*' ”).

• An AutoEdit variable that does not contain a $ sign can be enclosed

in single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) quote marks. An AutoEdit variable that
does contain a $ sign should be enclosed in single quote marks. An
AutoEdit variable containing a $ sign cannot be resolved if it is
enclosed in double quote marks.

• Condition dates are specified in mmdd format. Time is specified in

hhmm format.

• A parameter requiring more than one entry can be repeated as many

times as necessary (for example, if a job must wait for several
prerequisite conditions, specify a separate -incond parameter for each
prerequisite condition).

• An -on parameter must be followed by at least one -do... parameter.

• -do... parameters are dependent upon the last -on parameter

preceding them.

• Normally, when a -dorerun parameter is implemented, the current run

of the job ends with a status of NOTOK. To ensure that the job will
have a status of OK even though it is rerun, specify a -dook
parameter immediately after the -dorerun parameter.

• The order of the parameters does not affect the outcome of the job,
with the exception of -on and -do... parameters.

• When using -doforcejob to force an entire table, <job name> must be

specified as a blank enclosed in quotes (that is, “ ”).

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-29
• When the ctmcreate utility is invoked from a script: To use the ∗∗∗∗
option for a -incond date parameter, specify this parameter as

• If a single character is specified for the priority parameter, the first

character is assumed to be A. For example, priority 1 is interpreted
as priority A1.

• A maximum of 99 prerequisite conditions can be specified for the Do

Cond parameter.

• A maximum of 99 prerequisite conditions can be specified for the

Out Conditions parameter.

Example 1

-incond pk_oly_ok \"∗∗∗∗\"

When the Unix symbol ~ is used in parameter -memlib, -overlib, or

-doclib to represent the user’s home directory, the entire parameter
should be enclosed in double quotes. This ensures that the ~ will be
translated by the Agent before submission, and not by the Server before
transmission to the Agent platform.

-memlib "~/controlm/scripts/"

Example 2

The following command contains the minimum parameters required to

create a job in the Active Jobs file:

ctmcreate -tasktype comman -group ecs\

-application test -cmdline "ls -l /etc/passwd"

Example 3

The following command includes examples of most of the parameters

that can be used to create a job in the Active Jobs file:

ctmcreate -tasktype JOB \

-cyclic N \
-description "Daily Summary" \

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2-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

-group SUPPLY -application SUPPLIES \
-memlib /users/ctm/ -memname PROLYPAR -nodegrp UNIXGRP \
-jobname PROLYPAR \
-owner suppman \
-odate 19981130 \
-timeuntil 1800 \
-priority AA -critical N \
-confirm Y \
-doclib /users/supply/doc/ -docmem prolypardoc \
-incond pk_oly_ok ODAT AND \
-incond pk_olp_ok ODAT AND \
-outcond pk_oly_ok ODAT DEL \
-outcond pk_olp_ok ODAT DEL \
-outcond pk_olypar ODAT ADD \
-autoedit %%PARM1 "%%CALCDATE %%ODATE -2" \
-quantitative tape 2 -quantitative cpu 50 \
-sysout MOVE /test/logs/ \
-control disk2 E \
-shout OK oper2 U "Daily summary completed" \
-on "COPY JWINFO_2507" "%COPY-E-OPENIN, error" \
-dosysout MOVE /oper/openerr

Creating Application-specific Jobs

The ctmcreate utility can be used to define jobs for specific applications
such as SAP and Oracle Applications. These jobs are defined by setting
the – TASKCLASS parameter to SAP or OAP.

• If TASKCLASS is set to SAP, the job will run under SAP.

• If TASKCLASS is set to OAP, the job will run under Oracle


The program that is used to run an application-specific job resides in a
script directory in the agent platform. This program is located under
$HOME/ctm/script. SAP and the EXE directory is /r3/exe. is the name
for the SAP script. OAP. is the name for the Oracle Applications script.
Make sure that the path to the script directory is located in the user’s
environment path.

The following CONTROL-M system parameters must also be set in

order to allow support for application specific jobs:

• The AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC parameter must be set to SYSTEM in

the $home/ctm/data/config.dat file of CONTROL-M/Server for
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-31
• The AUTOEDIT_INLINE parameter must be set to Y in the
$home/ctm/data/agconfig.dat file of CONTROL-M/Agent for

The following parameters must be specified for the utility:


In addition to these parameters, you can specify application-specific


Table 2-14, “SAP Parameters,” on page 2-33 lists parameters for SAP
jobs. The parameters for SAP applications are described in detail in the
CONTROL-M Option for R/3 Administrator Guide version 3.0.04 or

Table 2-15, “Oracle Applications Parameters,” on page 2-34 lists the

parameters for Oracle Applications. The parameters for Oracle
Applications are described in detail in the CONTROL-M Option for
Oracle Applications Administrator Guide version 2.0.01or later.

When the ctmcreate command line is processed, the application-specific

parameters are used to create special AutoEdit variables with the
specified values. These AutoEdit variables are used to pass information
to the CONTROL-M Option for the specified application. The
parameters are added as AutoEdit variables in the command line. For
more information, see the “ERP Job Parameters” appendix in the
CONTROL-M/Desktop User Guide.

In the tables below:

• Type indicates whether a parameter value is a character string (c) or

an integer (n).

• Minimum and Maximum determine

– for characters: the number of characters that are allowed in a string.
– for integers: the minimum and maximum values for the parameter.

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2-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Table 2-14 SAP Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

SAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–account c 0 80
–archive_info c 0 2
–archive_object c 0 10
–archive_sapobject c 0 10
–asap c 0 1
–host c 0 80
–job_mode c 1 10
–job_in_file c 0 80
–jobcount c 0 8
–language c 0 2
–print_archmode c 0 1
–print_authorization c 0 68
–print_banner c 0 1
–print_banner_page c 1 1
–print_copies n 0 255
–print_destination c 0 4
–print_expiration n 1 9
–print_immediately c 1 1
–print_numcolumns n 1 255
–print_numlines n 0 130
–print_recipient c 0 32
–print_release c 0 1
–program c 0 80

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Utilities 2-33
Table 2-14 SAP Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

SAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–polling_interval c 0 80
–spool c 0 80
–step_num n 0 999
–r3_owner c 0 80
–variant c 0 80
–waitonly c 0 1

Table 2-15 Oracle Applications Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

OAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–ioa_appl c 1 30
-display_output c 0 1
-notification_<n> c 0 30
where n is 1 - 30

–username c 1 30
-ver c 0 6
–respname c 1 30
–respapp c 1 50
–tasktype c 1 20
–progname c 1 30
–appname c 1 50
–printername c 0 100
–printstyle c 0 20
–printcopies c 0 6
–profile_<n> c 0 80
where n is 1 - 30

–description c 0 80

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2-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-15 Oracle Applications Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

OAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–waitchild c 1 1
–security_groupname c 0 80
–parm<n> c 0 80
where n is 1-100

–stageparm<n> c 0 80
where n is 1-100

Sample of a Command Line

ctmcreate -tasktype job -memname MEMSAP -memlib

/home/ag6tst/ctm/scripts -jobname sap6 -job_mode
-account ABC -taskclass SAP

The following messages are issued when this command-line is processed:


new ORDER created, orderid:00001b(47) for

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Utilities 2-35

The ctmdbapasswd utility enables the administrator to change the

database password of a dedicated CONTROL-M/Server. Only an
administrator can change a database password.

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmdbapasswd utility:


The system will prompt you to enter the old password:

Please enter the old password for System Administrator


1. Enter the old password for the System Administrator account. The
system will prompt you to enter the new password:

Please enter the new password for System

Administrator account:

2. Enter the new password for the System Administrator account. Make
sure that the password has at least 6 characters. You will not see your
entry on the screen. The system will then prompt you to reenter the

Enter again to verify:

3. Reenter the new password for the System Administrator account.

The system will respond with the message that the password was
successfully changed:

Password was successfully changed

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2-36 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmdbbck utility backs up the CONTROL-M database.

The ctmdbbck utility can be used only to back up a dedicated database
server. It should not be used if CONTROL-M was installed using an
existing database server.
To back up an existing database, use the ctm_backup_bcp utility
(described on page 2-17).

To invoke the ctmdbbck utility, specify the following command:

ctmdbbck [<Backup Device>]

where <Backup Device> is the device to be used for backup of the

existing database. A list of devices can be obtained using the option List
Backup Devices from the Database Maintenance menu. The device
specified for this parameter must be either:

• a valid device defined in Sybase


• the full path name of a file to be created by the backup procedure for
Sybase or Oracle

The default backup device is tapedump2, which points to one of the

following devices:

Operating System Device

AIX /dev/rmt0
HP-UX /dev/rmt/0m
Solaris /dev/rmt/0mn
Compaq TRU64 Unix /dev/nrmt0h

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Utilities 2-37

ctmdbbck tapedump2

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2-38 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmdbcheck utility displays information about the memory capacity

and the status of the CONTROL-M database. To invoke the ctmdbcheck
utility, specify the following command:


The ctmdbcheck utility can also be used with the following syntax to
monitor the database and the transaction log:

ctmdbcheck [-d <db_threshold_%>] [-l <log_threshold_%>][-n]

ctmdbcheck [general_threshold_%]

These commands trigger a shout message to ENTERPRISE/CS if more

than the specified percentage of the database or the database transaction
log are full. This message can then be used to trigger actions that will
extend the appropriate CONTROL-M database component.

The ctmdbcheck utility can be run as a cyclic job.

If the -n switch is specified in the ctmdbcheck command, only database
capacity information is returned, and database thresholds and integrity
are not checked.

For performance reasons, run the ctmdbcheck utility during non-peak

hours or when CONTROL-M is down. If you need to determine database
sizes frequently, use the ctmdbused command. This command displays
the size (in KB) of the data and log components of the database plus the
amount and percentage of space currently used in each component.

The parameters in these commands are described in Table 2-16.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-39
Table 2-16 ctmdbcheck – Parameters

Parameter Description
db_threshold Threshold for usage of the CONTROL-M database. If more
_% than the specified percentage of the database is full, a Shout
message is sent to ENTERPRISE/CS warning that the
database should be extended. This variable must be
preceded by the -d switch. For example, -d80 indicates that
a shout message should be issued if the database is more
than 80% full.
log_threshold Threshold for usage of the transaction log of the
_% CONTROL-M database. If more than the specified
percentage of the database is full, a Shout message is sent
to ENTERPRISE/CS warning that the transaction log
should be extended. This variable must be preceded by the
-l switch. For example, -l80 indicates that a shout message
should be issued if the transaction log is more than 80% full.
general_ Checks data and log partitions of the CONTROL-M
threshold_% database by the same percentage (for example, if percent
usage of either the data area or the transaction log exceeds
80%, ctmdbcheck 80 triggers a Shout message).

ctmdbcheck Output

The ctmdbcheck utility returns information about the CONTROL-M

database. Table 2-17 describes the fields that are returned by this utility
for a Sybase database. Table 2-18 describes the fields that are returned by
this utility for an Oracle database.

Table 2-17 ctmdbcheck – Displayed Fields for Sybase

Field Description
db total Total amount of memory (in KB) allocated for the database.
data Total amount of memory (in KB) allocated to the Data
partition of the database.
log Total amount of memory (in KB) allocated to the Log partition
of the database.
Data used Total memory currently used in the Data partition.
Log used Total memory currently used in the Log partition.

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2-40 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-18 ctmdbcheck – Displayed Fields for Oracle

Field Description
Tablespace Name of the Tablespace.
Size Allocated size of the Tablespace in MB.
Percent Free Percent of allocated Tablespace size that is not used.

In addition to the above fields, ctmdbcheck also returns one of the

following messages describing the current database status:

• Database is OK.
• WARNING: Database is more than half full.
• ATTENTION: Database log segment is more than 90% full.
• ATTENTION: Database is more than 80% full.

Example 1

This example uses the ctmdbcheck utility to check the status of a Sybase
database without specifying any parameters (that is, no shout messages
will be issued for this run on the utility, even if database is over the
desired threshold).

Utility Input


Utility Output

db total = 25000.0 KB (data= 19500.00 , log= 5500.00)

data used = 3696 KB (18%).
log used = 0 KB (0%).
Checking database...
Database is OK.

Example 2

This example uses the ctmdbcheck utility to check the status of an Oracle
database without specifying any additional parameters.

Utility Input


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Utilities 2-41
Utility Output

Tablespace Size % Free

-------------------- ----- -------
MADONA6A 120M 77%
RBS 90M 68%

Checking database...
Database is OK.

Example 3

Utility Input

ctmdbcheck -d80

Utility Output

Message ’Warning: DB is more than 80% full’, urgency ’U’ NodeID ’linda’
– Shout to user 'ECS' 'SUCCESS'
db total = 25000.0 KB (data= 19500.00 , log= 5500.00)
data used = 21250 KB (85%).
log used = 0 KB (0%).
Checking database...
Database is OK.

This example produces the same display as ctmdbcheck except that a

warning message is generated if the percent usage of the data area is
higher than the percentage specified in the command. In this example,
the message data used = 21250 KB (85%) was generated because 85%
exceeds the specified threshold of 80%. This message is also sent to the
ENTERPRISE/CS alert window.

Example 3

Utility Input

ctmdbcheck -l80

Utility Output

db total = 25000.0 KB (data= 19500.00 , log= 5500.00)

data used = 21250 KB (85%).
log used = 0 KB (0%).
Checking database...
Database is OK.

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2-42 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

This command is similar to the example above except that here the Log
partition is being checked. No warning message is generated because 0%
is less than the specified threshold of 80%.

Example 4

Utility Input

ctmdbcheck 50

The general threshold % option is used to specify the same percentage

for both the database and the log. In this example, if either the database
or log exceeds 50%, ctmdbcheck 50 will trigger a shout message.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-43

ctmdbrst restores the CONTROL-M database.

To invoke the ctmdbrst utility, specify the following command:

ctmdbrst [<Backup Device>]

where <Backup Device> is the device from which the database should
be restored. The device specified for this parameter must be either a valid
device defined in Sybase, or the full path name of a file to be used as
input for the ctmdbrst utility. A list of devices can be obtained using the
option List Backup Devices from the Database Maintenance menu.

CONTROL-M must be shut down before invoking this utility. Make sure
that no other users or processes are connected to the SQL Server.

The default backup device is tapedump2, which points to one of the

following devices:

Operating System Device

AIX /dev/rmt0
HP-UX /dev/rmt/0m
Solaris /dev/rmt/0mn
Compaq TRU64 Unix /dev/nrmt0h


The following command causes the CONTROL-M database to be

restored from the default backup device:


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2-44 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmdbspace checks the data and log usage in the CONTROL-M database
and displays the usage. The utility returns a “failed” status if the usage
exceeds the specified limit.

ctmdbspace can be included in the CONTROL-M Watchdog process. See
“Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44 for more information.

To invoke the ctmdbspace utility, specify the following command:

ctmdbspace -limit <amount> [-quiet]

where <amount> is the maximum amount (percentage) of data and log

usage in the database. If the -quiet parameter is specified, no
informational messages are displayed during the execution of the


The following command returns a “failed” status if the CONTROL-M

database usage is more than 50%:

ctmdbspace -limit 50%

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-45

The ctmdbtrans utility lists the active transactions in the database. A

transaction is defined as the unit of work performed by CONTROL-M in
the database. Each transaction is assigned a unique name identifying that
specific unit of work.

You may be asked by technical support to run this utility and to provide
them with the output for debugging purposes.

To see which transactions are active in the database, specify the

following command:



Select “List Active Transactions” from the Troubleshooting menu

(described on page 4-40).

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2-46 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmdefine is an API (Application Program Interface) utility that adds a

job processing definition to a Scheduling table, or creates a new Group
Scheduling table in the CONTROL-M database. This utility can be used
when converting job scheduling information from other job control
products to CONTROL-M. The function performed by this utility is
equivalent to the manual process of creating job processing definitions,
described in Chapter 7, “Job Processing Definitions”, in the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide.

The ctmcreate utility can also be used to define jobs for specific
applications such as SAP and Oracle Applications. For more information,
see “Defining Application-specific Jobs” on page 2-57.

Group Scheduling tables can also be defined using the ctmgrpdef utility
(described on page 2-75).

When creating new Scheduling tables or job processing definitions, the

following considerations are applicable:

• If the job name specified when using this utility already exists in a
job processing definition in the Scheduling table, the new job
processing definition does not overwrite the existing one. Both job
processing definitions will appear in the table, each with a different
internal job number.

• If the Scheduling table specified when using this utility does not
exist, the utility creates it.

• After using this utility to create one or more job processing

definitions, the modified Scheduling tables should be downloaded to
the ENTERPRISE/CS database (see “Table Synchronization” in
Chapter 7, Job Processing Definitions, in the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide).

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-47
• A newly created Scheduling table can be assigned a User Daily
parameter via the ENTERPRISE/CS GUI after the Scheduling table
is downloaded to the ENTERPRISE/CS database or using the
ctmpsm utility.

• Values for a creation/modification timestamp and the user ID of the

user who created or modified the job processing definition are
automatically added to the communication protocol between
Enterprise Controlstation and CONTROL-M and are stored in the
ENTERPRISE/CS database. These values are initialized by the
CTMDEFINE utility and are sent to Enterprise Controlstation when
the Scheduling table is downloaded. When the Scheduling Table is
uploaded, Enterprise Controlstation sends these values to

Use the following command to invoke the ctmdefine utility:

ctmdefine -table <Scheduling table name> \

-jobname <job name> \
-group <group name> \
-application <application name> \
[-adjust_cond Y|N] \
[ -nodegrp <node ID/group> ] \
[ -memlib<directory name> ] \
[ -memname <file name> ] \
[ -cmdline <command line text> ] \
[ -owner <user name of job owner> ] \
[ -author <user name of the job creator>] \
[ -maxrerun <maximum reruns> ] \
[ -timefrom <earliest submission time> ] \
[ -timeuntil <latest submission time> \
[ -priority <job priority> ] \
[ -critical {Y|N} ] \
[ -cyclic {Y|N} ] \
[ -intervalfrom {START|END}]\
[ -confirm {Y|N} ] \
[ -interval <minutes> ] \
[ -overlib <alternate directory> ] \
[ -maxwait <days> ] \
[ -description <job description> ] \
[ -docmem <file name> ] \
[ -doclib <directory name> ] \
[ -incond <condition> <date> {AND|OR} ] \
[ -outcond <condition> <date> {ADD|DEL} ] \
[ -autoedit <variable name> <expression> ] \
[ -quantitative <resource name> <quantity> ] \
[ -sysout {RELEASE|DELETE|COPY|MOVE} [<parameter>] ] \
[ -control <resource name> {E|S} ] \
<destination> {R|U|V} <message> [<time>] ] \
[ -on <statement> <code> \
[ -dook ] \
[ -donotok ] \

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2-48 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

[ -dorerun ] \
[ -doshout <destination {R|U|V} <message> ] \
[ -docond <condition> <date> {ADD|DEL} ] \
[ -doautoedit <variable name> <expression> ] \
[ -doforcejob <table name> <job name> <odate> ] \
[ -dosysout {RELEASE|DELETE|COPY|MOVE}[<parameter>]]] \
[ -domail <destination> <cc> {R|U|V} <subject> <message>]\
[ -dostopcyclic ] \
[ -days <days string> ] \
[ -weekdays <weekdays string> ] \
[ -date <mmdd> ] \
[ -dayscal <calendar name> ] \
[ -weekcal <calendar name> ] \
[ -confcal <calendar name> ] \
[ -shift {‘<’|’>‘} ] \
[ -cal_andor {AND|OR} ] \
[ -retro {Y|N} ] \
[ -debug <level> ] \
[ -quiet ] \
[ -TAG <tagname> ]\

Each parameter included in the above syntax, except debug and quiet, is
described in detail in Chapter 5, “Job Processing Parameters”, in the
Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.

Parameter Description
debug Level of debug messages, 0 to 5. Default: 0 (no
debug messages).
quiet If specified, no information messages are displayed
during execution of the command.

Table 2-19 lists each parameter of the ctmdefine utility, and the name
under which the parameter appears in the Enterprise Controlstation User

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Utilities 2-49
Table 2-19 ctmdefine – Parameter Name Cross Reference

Utility Parameter Parameter Utility Parameter Parameter
adjust_cond Adjust Condition interval Interval
application Application intervalfrom Interval (From field)
autoedit AutoEdit Assignments jobname Job Name
cal_andor AND/OR maxrerun Max Rerun
cmdline Command Line maxwait Max Wait
confcal Conf Calendar memlib Mem Lib
confirm Confirm Submission memname Mem Name
control Control Resources month See below
critical Critical nodegrp Node ID/Group
cyclic Cyclic on On Statement/Code
date Dates outcond Out Conditions
days Days overlib Over Lib
dayscal Days Calendar owner Owner
description Description priority Priority
doautoedit Do AutoEdit quantitative Quantitative Resources
doclib Doc Lib relationship Relationship
docmem Doc Mem retro Retro
docond Do Cond shift Shift
doforcejob Do Forcejob shout Shout
donotok Do NOTOK sysout Sysout Handling
domail Do Mail table Scheduling Table
dostopcyclic Do Stopcyclic tag Schedule Tag
dook Do OK taskclass Task Class
dorerun Do Rerun tasktype Task Type
doshout Do Shout timefrom Time
dosysout Do Sysout timeuntil Time
group Group weekcal Weekdays Calendar
incond In Conditions weekdays Weekdays

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2-50 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

For the -month parameter, specify the first three letters of a month (for
example, JAN) or ALL for all months (the default is none). To specify
two or more individual months, use a separate -month parameter for
each month. See Months parameter.

The following syntax rules apply for this utility:

• More than one parameter can be specified on a line.

• Keywords can be written in either uppercase or lowercase, but

parameter values are case-sensitive.



specify the same group ACCGROUP.

-group accgroup

specifies a different group Accgroup.

• If a single character is specified for the priority parameter, the first

character is assumed to be A. For example, priority 1 is interpreted
as priority A1.

• The length of the command line, after decoding, must not exceed 999

• The -taskclass parameter can accept either DECOLLATION or

DISTRIBUTION as a value. This attribute enables integration with

• Although most parameters are listed as optional, certain parameters

may be required, depending on the option specified for parameter

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Utilities 2-51
• All task types require the group and application parameters. In

— JOB and DETACHED require parameters memname and


— COMMAND requires parameter cmdline.

— GROUP requires the tag parameters. Each tag definition is

followed by its scheduling parameters.


-tag mytag1
-maxwait 1
-days 0,2,3
-dayscal cal1

• Strings containing blanks must be enclosed in quotes

(for example, -cmdline “ctmudlst list payroll”).

• A Unix metasymbol (which must be enclosed in quotation marks)

appearing in a command line string should be enclosed in single
quotes (for example, -cmdline “ctmcontb list '*' ”).

• An AutoEdit variable that does not contain a $ sign can be enclosed

in single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) quote marks. An AutoEdit variable that
does contain a $ sign should be enclosed in single quote marks. An
AutoEdit variable containing a $ sign cannot be resolved if it is
enclosed in double quote marks.

• Condition dates are specified in mmdd format. Time is specified in

hhmm format.

• A parameter requiring more than one entry can be repeated as


— If a job is dependent upon several prerequisite conditions,

specify a separate -incond parameter for each prerequisite

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2-52 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

— If a job can run only in January and July, specify a separate
-month parameter for each month. (For example,
-month ALL N -month JAN Y -month JUL Y.)

— If a job should run every month except July, specify

-month ALL Y and -month JUL N.

— If a job is in a Group Scheduling table and is scheduled

according to tags FIRSTDAY and SALARY1, specify –tag

• The default for the -month parameter is ALL Y. This means that if
you wish to define a job that should run only in one specific month,
you must first indicate that it should not run on any month. For
-month ALL N -month NOV Y

• An -on parameter must be followed by at least one -do... parameter.

• -do... parameters are dependent upon the last -on parameter

preceding them.

• The order of parameters does not affect the outcome of the job, with
the exception of -on and -do... parameters.

• All fields of each parameter (as specified in the syntax on page 2-48)
must contain values. If no value is desired for a parameter field, a
null string "" must be specified in the relevant position in the
parameter specification.

For example

The -domail parameter has the following syntax:

-domail <destination> <cc> <severity> <subject> <message>

To specify this command without a value for the cc field, include a

null string in the appropriate location. For example:

-domail [email protected] "" R "subject line" "My message"

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Utilities 2-53
• Normally, when a -dorerun parameter is implemented, the current run
of the job ends with a status of NOTOK. To ensure that the job will
have a status of OK even though it is rerun, specify a -dook
parameter immediately after the -dorerun parameter.

• When using -doforcejob to force an entire table, <job name> must be

specified as a blank enclosed in quotes (that is, “ ”).

• IN condition statements using complex boolean logic can be



-incond ‘(job_a’ ODAT OR -incond ‘job_b)’ ODAT AND

-incond ‘job_c)’ AND -incond job_d

For more information, see the description of the In Conditions

parameter in Chapter 5, “Job Processing Parameters”, in the
Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.

• When ctmdefine is invoked from a script: To use the ∗∗∗∗ option for
a -incond date parameter, specify this parameter as \“∗∗∗∗\”

Example: -incond pk_oly_ok \"****\"

• When the Unix symbol ~ is used in parameter -memlib, -overlib, or

-doclib to represent the user’s home directory, the entire parameter
should be enclosed in double quotes. This ensures that the ~ will be
translated by the Agent before submission, and not by the Server
before transmission to the Agent platform.

Example: -memlib "~/controlm/scripts/"

• A maximum of 99 prerequisite conditions can be specified for the Do

Cond parameter.

• A maximum of 99 prerequisite conditions can be specified for the

Out Conditions parameter.

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2-54 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 1

The following command contains the minimum parameters required to

define a job:

ctmdefine -table cmmnds -jobname cmls13 \

-tasktype command -group ecs -application test \
-date 0101 -cmdline "ls -l /etc/passwd"

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Utilities 2-55
Example 2

The following command includes examples of most of the parameters

that can be used to define a job:

ctmdefine -tasktype JOB -cyclic N\

-table djsales -jobname dj102\
-description "Daily Summary"\
-group SUPPLY -application SUPPLIES\
-memlib /users/ctm/ -memname PROLYPAR -nodegrp UNIXGRP\
-owner suppman\
-month ALL N\
-month MAR Y -month JUN Y -month SEP Y -month DEC Y\
-timeuntil 1800\
-priority AA -critical N\
-confirm Y\
-doclib /users/supply/doc/ -docmem prolypardoc\
-incond pk_oly_ok ODAT AND\
-incond pk_olp_ok ODAT AND\
-outcond pk_oly_ok ODAT DEL\
-outcond pk_olp_ok ODAT DEL\
-outcond pk_olypar ODAT ADD\
-autoedit %%PARM1 "%%CALCDATE %%ODATE -2"\
-quantitative tape 2 -quantitative cpu 50 \
-sysout MOVE /test/logs/\
-control disk2 E\
-shout OK oper2 U "Daily summary completed"\
-on "COPY JWINFO_2507" "%COPY-E-OPENIN, error"\
-dosysout MOVE /oper/openerr/\
-on "*" notok\
-doshout ecs v "Daily summary failed. Attempting rerun"

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2-56 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Defining Application-specific Jobs

The ctmdefine utility can be used to define jobs for specific applications
such as SAP and Oracle Applications. These jobs are defined by setting
the – TASKCLASS parameter to SAP or OAP.

• If TASKCLASS is set to SAP, the job will run under SAP.

• If TASKCLASS is set to OAP, the job will run under Oracle


The program that is used to run an application-specific job resides in a
script directory in the agent platform. This program is located under
$HOME/ctm/script. SAP and the EXE directory is /r3/exe. is the name
for the SAP script. OAP. is the name for the Oracle Applications script.
Make sure that the path to the script directory is located in the user’s
environment path.

The following CONTROL-M system parameters must also be set in

order to allow support for application specific jobs:

• The AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC parameter must be set to SYSTEM in

the $home/ctm/data/config.dat file of CONTROL-M/Server for

• The AUTOEDIT_INLINE parameter must be set to Y in the

$home/ctm/data/agconfig.dat file of CONTROL-M/Agent for

The following parameters must be specified for the utility:


In addition to these parameters, you can specify application-specific


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Utilities 2-57
Table , “,” on page 2-58 lists the SAP parameters. The parameters for
SAP applications are described in detail in the
CONTROL-M Option for R/3 Administrator Guide version 3.0.04.

Table 2-21, “Oracle Applications Parameters,” on page 2-59 lists the

Oracle Applications parameters. The parameters for Oracle Applications
are described in detail in the CONTROL-M Option for Oracle
Applications Administrator Guide version 2.0.01 or later.

When the ctmcreate command line is processed, the application-specific

parameters are used to create special AutoEdit variables with the
specified values. These AutoEdit variables are used to pass information
to the CONTROL-M Option for the specified application. The
parameters are added as AutoEdit variables in the command line. For
more information, see the “ERP Job Parameters” appendix in the
CONTROL-M/Desktop User Guide.

In the tables below:

• Type indicates whether a parameter value is a character string (c) or

an integer (n).

• Minimum and Maximum determine

– for characters: the number of characters that are allowed in a string.
– for integers: the minimum and maximum values for the parameter.

Table 2-20 SAP Parameters

SAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–account c 0 80
–archive_info c 0 2
–archive_object c 0 10
–archive_sapobject c 0 10
–asap c 0 1
–host c 0 80
–job_mode c 1 10
–job_in_file c 0 80

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2-58 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-20 SAP Parameters

SAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–jobcount c 0 8
–language c 0 2
–print_archmode c 0 1
–print_authorization c 0 68
–print_banner c 0 1
–print_banner_page c 1 1
–print_copies n 0 255
–print_destination c 0 4
–print_expiration n 1 9
–print_immediately c 1 1
–print_numcolumns n 1 255
–print_numlines n 0 130
–print_recipient c 0 32
–print_release c 0 1
–program c 0 80
–polling_interval c 0 80
–r3_owner c 0 80
–spool c 0 80
–step_num n 0 999
–variant c 0 80
–waitonly c 0 1

Table 2-21 Oracle Applications Parameters

OAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

–ioa_appl c 1 30
-display_output c 0 1

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Utilities 2-59
Table 2-21 Oracle Applications Parameters

OAP Parameters Type Minimum Maximum

-notification_<n> c 0 30
where n is 1 - 30

–username c 1 30
–respname c 1 30
–respapp c 1 50
–tasktype c 1 20
–progname c 1 30
–appname c 1 50
–printername c 0 100
–printstyle c 0 20
–printcopies c 0 6
–profile_<n> c 0 80
where n is 1-30

–description c 0 80
–waitchild c 1 1
–security_groupname c 0 80
–parm<n> c 0 80
where n is 1-100

–stageparm<n> c 0 80
where n is 1-100

Sample of a Command Line

ctmdefine -tasktype job -group SAP1 -application SAPA

-table SAPjobs -memname MEMSAP -memlib
/home/ag6tst/ctm/scripts -jobname sap6 -job_mode
run_copy -account ABC -taskclass SAP

The following messages are issued when this command-line is processed:


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2-60 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

new JOB defined, TABLE=’SAPjobs’, JOBNAME=’sap6’,
JOBNO = 00005p(205)ddx

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Utilities 2-61

ctmdiskspace checks the amount of free disk space on a device and

displays the result. The utility returns a “failed” status if the current free
space is below the specified limit.

ctmdiskspace can be included in the CONTROL-M Watchdog process.

For more information, see “Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44.

Use the following command to invoke the ctmdiskspace utility:

ctmdiskspace -limit <amount> -path <path_name> [-quiet]

Table 2-22 describes the parameters of this command.

Table 2-22 ctmdiskspace – Parameters

Parameter Description
amount Specifies the minimum amount (percentage, K, or M) of free
space on the device as a whole number (integer).
path_name Specifies the full path name of the device. Multiple devices
can be specified on the command line.
-quiet Suppresses informational messages from being displayed
during the execution of the command.

More than one -path <path_name> statement can be specified for each
run of the ctmdiskspace utility.

Example 1

The following command returns a “failed” status if the amount of free

disk space in the CONTROL-M user directory is below 25%:

ctmdiskspace -limit 25% -path /ctm/ctmuser

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2-62 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 2

The following command returns a “failed” status if the amount of free

disk in the CONTROL-M user directory is below 20M:

ctmdiskspace -limit 20M -path /ctm/ctmuser

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Utilities 2-63

The ctmexdef utility exports job processing definitions from the

CONTROL-M database to a flat (ASCII) file. This file can then be used
as input for either the ctmcreate utility or the ctmdefine utility.

The ctmexdef utility can be used to:

• Modify existing job processing definitions in batch mode (together

with the ctmdefine utility). The job processing definitions in the file
exported by ctmexdef can be edited offline and then returned to the
CONTROL-M database using ctmdefine. For more information, see
“ctmdefine” on page 2-47.

• Creating ad hoc jobs to be inserted in the Active Jobs file based on

previously defined jobs. Together with the ctmcreate utility, the
ctmexdef utility can copy and modify job processing definitions in
batch mode which can then be sent directly to the Active Jobs file
using ctmcreate. See ctmcreate in this chapter for a complete
description of the utility.

Use the following command to invoke the ctmexdef utility:

ctmexdef -TABLE <table_name> \

{-JOBNAME <jobname>|-MEMNAME <memname>} \
[-FILE <output_file>] \

Table 2-23 ctmexdef – Parameters

Parameter Description
<table_name> Scheduling table containing the job processing definition.
<jobname> Name of the job. Either the JOBNAME or MEMNAME
parameter is required.
<memname> Mem name of the job.
CREATE The exported flat file will use the ctmcreate format.

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2-64 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-23 ctmexdef – Parameters

Parameter Description
DEFINE The exported flat file is in ctmdefine format. Default.
<output_file_ Full path name of the file to contain the exported job
name> specifications. If this parameter is not specified, the output
is routed to the default output device.

The <jobname> and <memname> parameters can include mask characters as


* Represents any number of characters (including no characters).

Any parameter including ∗ should be enclosed in quotation
marks (see example below).

? Represents any single character.


To export all job processing definitions from Scheduling table PROD to

file tabprod, specify the following command:

ctmexdef -FILE /tmp/tabprod -TABLE PROD -JOBNAME “*”

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Utilities 2-65

The CONTROL-M File Watcher utility (ctmfw) detects the following file

• Successful completion of file transfer

• Creation of a file
• Deletion of a file

ctmfw can be used before activating a job or before performing a task

(for example, sending a shout message or adding/deleting conditions)
that is dependent upon creation or deletion of a file.

The ctmfw utility cannot be used to monitor files larger than 4GB.

The ctmfw utility runs as a process on a client machine. The process

waits for the creation or deletion of specified file(s).

• For a file transfer activity, when the file is detected, the job continues
to monitor the size of the file. When the file reaches a specified
minimum size and does not increase in size for a specified period of
time, the File Watcher utility either completes with a status of OK or
executes a specified DO action. DO actions can consist of adding or
deleting conditions or executing a command.

• For file creation or deletion, if a wildcard is specified as part of the

filename, file size is ignored.

• For file deletion, ctmfw must first detect the existence of the file
before it can detect its deletion.

The ctmfw utility can also be run from the command line.

The ctmfw utility can be invoked to detect either a single file or multiple

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2-66 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Specify the following command to invoke ctmfw for a single file:

ctmfw <filename> [mode] [min_size] [sleep_int]

[mon_int] [min_detect] [wait_time]

The parameters are described in Table 2-24, “ctmfw – Parameters,” on

page 2-68.

The procedure for watching multiple files is described on page 2-69.

The parameters in this command are identified by their sequence.
Although all parameters are optional, you cannot skip a parameter and
assign a value to a subsequent parameter. The first value is assumed to be
the desired mode, the second value is assumed to be the min_size, and so
If only five values are specified, the default value for wait_time is used.
If four parameters are specified, default values for min_detect and
wait_time are used, and so forth. For example:

ctmfw /tmp/temp1/ CREATE 100 10

is resolved using default values for mon_int, min_detect and wait-time

as follows:

ctmfw /tmp/temp1/ CREATE 100 10 10 3 0

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Utilities 2-67
Table 2-24 ctmfw – Parameters

Param Description
filename Path of the file to be detected. The file name can include mask
character * to represent any number of characters (including no
characters). In this case, enclose the full path name in quotation
marks (for example, “c:\ctm\a*.txt”). When including an * as part
of a file name in a Rules file, (see page 2-70), the name should
not be enclosed in quotation marks. When a wildcard is used, the
ctmfw utility does not monitor the size of the file.
mode CREATE Detects creation of a file. If filename includes a
wildcard, the size of the file is ignored. Default.
Note: If a mask is specified for the filename, the
ctmfw utility will end successfully after detection of
the first file that matches the specified mask.
DELETE Detects deletion of a file. When the ctmfw utility is
run in this mode, it first checks for files that match
the specified name. After a specified file is
detected, the ctmfw utility checks at the specified
interval for deletion of that file. Note: If a mask is
specified as the filename, the ctmfw utility will end
successfully only after all detected files that match
the specified mask have been deleted.
min_size Minimum file size in bytes. This parameter is ignored when using
wildcards in filename or when using DELETE mode.
Default: 0 (any size detected).
sleep_int Interval between successive attempts to detect the
existence/deletion of a file (in seconds). Default: 60 seconds.
mon_int Interval between attempts to monitor the size of a file after it is
detected (in seconds). This parameter is ignored when using
wildcards in filename or when using DELETE mode. Default: 10.
min_detect Number of attempts to monitor file size where the size remains
static and greater than or equal to min_size (indicating
successful creation of the file). This parameter is ignored when
using wildcards in filename or when using DELETE mode.
Default: 3.
wait_time Maximum time (in minutes) to run the process without detecting
the file at its minimum size (CREATE) or detecting its deletion
(DELETE). If the file is not detected/deleted in this specified time
frame, the process terminates with an error return code, as
described in Table 2-25. Default: 0 (no time limit).

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2-68 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Return Codes

The return codes listed in Table 2-25 are issued by the ctmfw utility after
detecting if a file is created or deleted in the specified time frame.

Table 2-25 ctmfw – Return Codes

Return Code Description

0 File successfully created (file arrived in the specified time
frame and file size is above or equal to the minimum
specified size) or deleted.
1 File was not created or deleted in the specified time frame.
2 Indicates that the ctmfw request timed-out.
Note: This return code will be issued only if the ctmfw utility
is executed in command line mode.

To watch multiple files:

Use the following command to invoke the ctmfw utility:

ctmfw -input <rules_filename>

where <rules_filename> is the complete path name of the file containing

the definitions for each file to be detected.

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Utilities 2-69
The Rules file contains two sections:

• ON_FILEWATCH statements identifying which files to detect,

specific criteria for each file, and the action to take upon detection or
non-detection. Any number of ON_FILEWATCH statements can
appear in a Rules file.

• Default values to use for the ON_FILEWATCH statements. The

MIN-SIZE, MIN-DETECT, and WAIT-TIME parameters are the
same as for a single file, see Table 2-24. Two additional parameters
are available, as described in Table 2-26.

All keywords must be entered in uppercase.

Table 2-26 ON_FILEWATCH Statements – Additional Parameters

Parameter Description
INTERVAL Sleep interval between succeeding scans for all the files.
This parameter replaces the individual sleep_int and
mon_int parameters for each file. Default: 10 seconds.
FROM_TIME Starting time for detecting all the files (default
FROM_TIME). Used with WAIT_TIME to identify the time
frame for detecting and monitoring the files. This
parameter is expressed in 24-hour, hhmm format.
Default: 0000.

If any mandatory parameter is omitted from a Rules file, the default

value for that parameter is used. Parameters entered for
ON_FILEWATCH statements override the default values. If entered,
they must appear in the order shown in Figure 2-1.

In a Rules file, if a wildcard (*) is used in a filename in an
ON_FILEWATCH statement, the name and path must not be embedded
in quote marks.

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2-70 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 2-1 ON_FILEWATCH Statements
# Mandatory Parameters
INTERVAL <60> # Sleep interval (seconds)
FROM_TIME <0000> # Starting time for all files (hhmm)
MIN_SIZE <0> # Minimum size for all files (bytes)
MIN_DETECT <3> # Number of iterations for all files
WAIT_TIME <0> # Time limit for all files (minutes)

# ON_FILEWATCH statements
ON_FILEWATCH <filename> [mode] [min_size] [min_detect] [wait_time]
[from_time] [cyclic_interval]

Figure 2-1 displays a sample Rules file. In this sample:

• # indicates comments.
• Default values are shown for all mandatory parameters.
• from_time is the time from which to watch for the specified file
• cyclic_interval is the interval between multiple operations of
detecting the file (in minutes). This interval must be greater than the
value for wait_time. If the cyclic_interval is 0, only one attempt to
detect the file will be performed. Default: 0.
• <action> refers to any of the actions described in Table 2-27.

All key words must be entered in uppercase.

Table 2-27 ctmfw – Valid Actions

Action Description
DO_COND <condition name> Add (+) or delete (-) a condition.
<condition date> <+|->
DO_CMD <command> Execute a valid command under the
command interpreter. Full path names are
required for files.
DO_OK Terminate ctmfw with status OK.
DO_NOTOK [exit code] Terminate ctmfw with status NOTOK. Exit
code is optional and replaces the standard
return code, as described in Table 2-25.

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Utilities 2-71
• If the file is detected and the size remains static within the time
frame (CREATE) or the file has been deleted (DELETE), the DO
commands in the THEN block are executed.

• If the file is not detected/deleted within the time frame, the

statements following the ELSE block are executed.

• ctmfw terminates when either all the files in the Rules file have been
processed or a DO_OK/DO_NOTOK action is executed.

If any ON_FILEWATCH statement contains a cyclic_interval parameter,
ctmfw will only terminate on a DO_OK/DO_NOTOK action.

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2-72 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 1

The ctmfw utility is invoked to watch multiple conditions. A Rules file

contains the definitions that the ctmfw utility uses for watching each file.

The following instructions are defined in the Rules file:

• The sleep interval between succeeding scans must be 10 seconds.

• If the ctmfw utility detects that the file datafile.txt in directory
c:\controlm is created in the specified time interval, then:
— condition datafile dated 1 January must be added.
— The command interpreter must execute the command to move
the contents of the file c:\ctm\datafile.,txt to c:\ctm\workfile.txt.
• If the ctmfw utility detects that the datafile.txt file in the
c:\controlm directory is not created in the specified time interval,
then condition datafile dated 1 January must be deleted.
• When the ctmfw utility detects that the c:\ctm\tempfile.txt file is
deleted, condition tempfile dated 1 January must be deleted.

ON_FILEWATCH /controlm/datafile.txt CREATE
DO_COND datafile 0101 +
DO_CMD move /ctm/datafile.txt /ctm/workfile.txt
DO_COND datafile 0101 -
ON_FILEWATCH /ctm/tempfile.txt DELETE
DO_COND tempfile 0101 -

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Utilities 2-73
Example 2

A job processing definition is created to implement a File Watcher job.

The file must arrive between 19:00 to 22:00, and be created in the \tmp
directory under the name trans.dat. The minimum file size is 100 bytes.
The detection process should be performed each minute. The file size
monitored every 10 seconds, and the number of intervals where the file
size remains static is 5. If the file is not detected by 22:00, an alert should
be sent to ENTERPRISE/CS.

Parameter Value
Job Name FileWatch
Mem Name FileWatch
Owner <control_m_user>
From Time 1900
Command line ctmfw /tmp/trans.dat CREATE 100 60 10 5 180
On Statement/Code processing:
Stmt *
Do Cond file_trans_dat_ok Date: ODAT Sign: +
Stmt *
Do Shout To: ENTERPRISE/CS Text: “File trans.dat did not arrive
on time”

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2-74 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmgrpdef utility creates a definition for a new Group Scheduling


Group Scheduling tables are used for jobs whose processing should be
treated as a single unit. The definition created via this utility contains
values for parameters that affect handling of the entire group.

For more information about parameters of a group definition, see the

description of the Group Editing form in the CONTROL-M/Desktop User

Use the following command to invoke ctmgrpdef:

-GROUP <group_name>
-APPLICATION <appl_name>
-TAG <tagname>
[ -MAXWAIT <maxwait> ]
[ -DAYS <daystr> ]
[ -WEEKDAYS <weekdaystr> ]
[ -DATE <MMDD> ]
[ -DAYSCAL <days calendar> ]
[ -WEEKCAL <week calendar> ]
[ -CONFCAL <conf calendar> ]
[ -SHIFT ’>’|’<’ ]
[ -OWNER <username> ]
[ -AUTHOR <username> ]
[ -DEBUG <level> ]
[ -QUIET ]
[ -TIMEFROM <earliest submission time> ]
[ -TIMEUNTIL <latest submission time> ]
[ -PRIORITY <job priority> ]
[ -DESCRIPTION <string> ]
[ -DOCMEM <filename> ]
[ -DOCLIB <directory name> ]
[ -INCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT AND|OR ]
[ -OUTCOND <condition> <dateref>|ODAT ADD|DEL ]
[ -AUTOEDIT <varname> <expression> ]
<destination> <urgency R|U|V> <message> [<time>] ]
[ -DOOK ]
[ -DOSHOUT <destination> <urgency R|U|V> <message> ]
[ -DOCOND <condname> <dateref>|ODAT ADD|DEL ]
[ -DOAUTOEDIT <varname> <expression> ]
[ -DOFORCEJOB <tablename> <jobname> <odate>|ODAT ]
[ -DOMAIL <destination> <cc> {R|U|V} <subject> <message> ]

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Utilities 2-75
Most parameters in the command shown above are described in detail in
Chapter 5, Job Processing Parameters, in the Enterprise Controlstation
User Guide. See Table 2-19 for the names under which these parameters
are listed in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.

At least one Schedule tag must be specified (using the -TAG parameter)
for each run of the ctmgrpdef utility. Definition of additional tags is

Parameters not in the user guide are described in Table 2-28.

Table 2-28 cmtgrpdef – Parameters

Parameter Description
debug Level of debug messages, 1 to 5. The default value
is 0 (no debug messages.
quiet If specified, no information messages are displayed
during execution of the command.

After the ctmgrpdef utility is used to create a Group Scheduling table,

you will need to create job processing definitions for the table. These
definitions can be created using the ctmdefine utility. See “ctmdefine” on
page 2-47.

When using AutoEdit variables in cmtgrpdef parameters, an AutoEdit

variable that does not contain a $ sign can be enclosed in single (‘ ’) or
double (“ ”) quote marks. An AutoEdit variable that does contain a $ sign
should be enclosed in single quote marks. An AutoEdit variable
containing a $ sign cannot be resolved if it is enclosed in double quote

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2-76 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmjsa compiles runtime data from the Statistical Details table and
records it in the Statistics Summary table of the CONTROL-M database.

Each time it is run, this utility:

• Scans the statistical data for jobs that terminated with a status of OK.
The jobs scanned can be limited to a range of dates as described

• Computes the average run time and standard deviation for each job
for which data was found.

• Records the statistical data in a summary table in the CONTROL-M

database (from which the data is made available to

Statistical data is only accumulated when the CONTROL-M system
parameter Statistics is set to Y. Operational parameter Statistics Mode
determines the mode to be used to compile summary statistics:

For more information regarding runtime statistical data, see “Runtime

Statistics” on page 1-28.

ctmjsa also includes an option to display the summary data filtered

according to specified parameters.

Specify one of the following commands to invoke the ctmjsa utility:

ctmjsa <From Date> <To Date>

ctmjsa -<Delta1> -<Delta2> <Date>
ctmjsa "∗"
ctmjsa -list [<Filter>]

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Utilities 2-77
Table 2-29 ctmjsa – Parameters

Parameter Description
<From Date> Starting date of statistical data to be compiled. The date is
specified in yyyymmdd or yymmdd format.
<To Date> Ending date of statistical data to be compiled. The date is
specified in yyyymmdd or yymmdd format.
-<Delta1> Unsigned number used to establish the starting date for
statistical data to be compiled. This date is determined by
subtracting <Delta1> from <Date> (for example, if <Delta1> is
10 and <Date> is 991220, the starting date is 991210).
-<Delta2> Unsigned number used to establish the ending date for
statistical data to be compiled. This date is determined by
adding <Delta2> to <Date> (for example, if <Delta2> is 5 and
<Date> is 991220, the ending date is 991225).
<Date> Date used together with <Delta1> and <Delta2> to determine
the range of dates used for compiling statistical data. The date
is expressed in yyyymmdd or yymmdd format.
“∗” Asterisk enclosed in quotation marks. Specifies that the utility
collects all statistical data available without regard to date.
-list Display data from the Statistical Summary table filtered
according to specified subparameters. Use this option after
you have updated the summary table. This information is also
available from ENTERPRISE/CS in the Statistics window.
<Filter> Specify one of the following options and its subparameter or
leave blank to display statistics for all jobs.
-JOBNAME <jobname> Identify the job by its Job Name
-MEMNAME <memname> Identify the job by its Mem Name
-MEMLIB <memlib> Identify jobs by their Mem Lib
-NODEID <nodeid> Identify jobs by their node group
parameter (Agent platform).

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If the Statistics Mode parameter is JOBNAME, Mem Name and Mem
Lib fields in the Statistical Summary table are blank. If the Statistics
Mode parameter is MEMNAME, the Job Name field is blank.

If the Statistics Summary table contains duplicate lines, see the bulleted
item about changing Statistics Mode on page 4-34.

Each <Filter> option subparameter can include these mask characters:

* Represents any number of characters (including no characters).

Any parameter that includes a * should be enclosed in quotation
marks (see examples below).

? Represents any single character.

Example 1

The following commands compile statistical data for the 5-day period
from June 21, 2000 through June 25, 2000 (assuming this data is
available). In the second command, the hyphens indicate the beginning
of unsigned parameter values; they are not minus signs.

ctmjsa 000621 000625

ctmjsa -3 -1 000624

Example 2

The following command compiles statistical data using all data currently

ctmjsa "∗"

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Utilities 2-79
Example 3

This command displays summary data for all jobs whose Mem Name
parameter starts with “pgmac”: ctmjsa -list -MEMNAME "pgmac*"
A report similar to the following is displayed:

pgmacct1 prod.acct.pgm diana 0.19 233.15
pgmacct2 prod.acct.pgm verdi 0.12 6.12
pgmacct3 prod.acct.pgm diana 0.05 170.45
pgmacct4 prod.acct.pgm diana 0.34 145.23

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2-80 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmkilljob utility terminates a specified CONTROL-M job and all its
processes. ctmkilljob terminates only jobs that are currently executing.

Only jobs running on CONTROL-M/Agent version 2.2.5 and later can be
terminated using ctmkilljob.

This utility can only be run interactively. Specify the following command
to invoke the ctmkilljob utility:

ctmkilljob {[-orderid <unique order ID>] |

[-nodeid <name>] | [-memlib <path>] |
[-memname <filename>] | [-jobname <name>]}

Table 2-30 ctmkilljob – Parameters

Parameter Description
orderid CONTROL-M Order ID of the job to be terminated.
nodeid Host name of an Agent platform, or name of a node group to
which the job should be submitted.
memlib Name of the library/directory in which the job script resides.
memname Name of the file that contains the job script statements.
jobname Descriptive reference for a job processing definition.

If the action was successful, the utility responds with the statement:

Job was killed.

and the specified job is ended with a status of NOTOK.

The parameters specified for ctmkilljob must indicate one unique job. If
more than one job fits the description specified in the command, you are
informed that a unique name must be entered to carry out the action.
Reenter the command with parameters that specify one unique job.

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Utilities 2-81

ctmldnrs creates and loads the Manual Conditions file. This file contains
prerequisite conditions that are required by jobs in the Active Jobs file
but which will not be available (that is, added to the
Conditions/Resources table) unless there is some form of manual

For example:

• Conditions that are never added automatically by scheduled jobs

because manual confirmation is always desired.
• Conditions that are normally added automatically by scheduled jobs
but the jobs which add them are not scheduled for the day.

How to View the Manual Conditions File

Use one of the following methods to make prerequisite conditions

contained in the Manual Conditions file available to the system:

• ctmcontb utility (see page 2-21).

• LOAD option of ctmldnrs (see page 2-85).
• Prerequisite Conditions window (see Chapter 11, “Resources and
Conditions”, in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide).
• WHY option in the ENTERPRISE/CS job menu (see Chapter 10,
“Viewing and Updating Details”, in the Enterprise Controlstation
User Guide).

Identifying Conditions to be Placed in the Manual Conditions File

The ctmldnrs utility identifies conditions that should be placed in the

Manual Conditions file by first performing a search for all prerequisite
conditions required for submission of jobs on the particular day.
The search for prerequisite conditions is performed by checking the In
Conditions of the job processing definitions for all jobs in the Active
Jobs file.

Once these prerequisite conditions have been identified, the utility

eliminates any “non-manual” conditions from the list that satisfy either
of the following criteria:

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• The prerequisite condition already exists in the Conditions/Resources

• The prerequisite condition is added to the Conditions/Resources

table by an Out Conditions or DO COND job processing parameter
in a job scheduled to run that day.

All prerequisite conditions in Conditions parameters that do not meet the

above criteria are assumed to be manual conditions and are placed in the
Manual Conditions file. These conditions can be limited further with the
use of IGNOREx parameters passed to the utility (see below).

The ADDMODE parameter determines if the Manual Conditions file

will be re-created with all previous conditions deleted from the file or
whether previous conditions will be retained in the new file.

The following options are available for using this utility:

• Create the Manual Conditions file.

• List prerequisite conditions from the Manual Conditions file.

• Load prerequisite conditions from the Manual Conditions file to the

Conditions/Resources table.

Creating the Manual Conditions File

» Specify the following to create the Manual Conditions file:

ctmldnrs -CALCCOND [ -ADDMODE {YES|NO}] \
[ -OUTPUT <Filename> ] \
[ -IGNOREIN <Condition Name> ] \
[ -IGNOREOUT <Condition Name> ] \
[ -IGNORECODES <Condition Name> ]

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Utilities 2-83
Table 2-31 ctmldnrs – Creating a Manual Conditions File

Parameter Description
ADDMODE • YES – When the new Manual Conditions file is created,
conditions from the previous file are retained in the new
• NO – The Manual Conditions file is recreated and all
previous conditions are deleted. Default.
OUTPUT Output file to be created. If this parameter is not specified,
the default file is <controlm_user_dir>/ctmldnrs.dat.
<Filename> Full path name of the output file to be created.
IGNOREIN All conditions that satisfy the specified condition name are
ignored when the file is created.
IGNOREOUT References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that
is specified in Out Conditions job processing parameters
are ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.
IGNORECODES References to conditions that satisfy a condition name that
is specified in DO COND job processing parameters are
ignored by the algorithm that builds the file.
<Condition Name of the prerequisite condition. The condition name
Name> can include the mask character ∗ to represent any number
of characters (including no characters). In this instance,
the condition name must be enclosed in quotation marks
(for example, “LVL ∗”). Specify “∗” by itself to include all
existing conditions.

Multiple IGNOREx parameters can be included in the command in any

Listing Prerequisite Conditions

» Specify the following command to list prerequisite conditions in the

Manual Conditions file:

ctmldnrs -LIST <Condition Name> [-INPUT <Filename>]

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Loading Prerequisite Conditions

» Specify the following command to load prerequisite conditions from the

Manual Conditions file to the Conditions/Resources table:

ctmldnrs -LOAD <Condition Name> [-INPUT <Filename>]

Table 2-32 ctmldnrs – Listing or Loading Manual Conditions

Parameter Description
<Filename> Path name of the input Manual Conditions file. If this
parameter is not specified, the default input file is
<Condition Name> All conditions in the input file which satisfy the
specified characters are loaded or listed. Specify “∗” by
itself to load/list all conditions.

Example 1

The following command re-creates the default Manual Conditions file in

the user’s directory:


Example 2

The following command creates a Manual Conditions file

/h/mcond/data/output.dat which ignores all conditions with prefix “a”:


/h/mcond/data/output.dat \
-IGNOREIN “a∗” \

Example 3

The following command loads all conditions from the default input
Manual Conditions file to the Conditions/Resources table:

ctmldnrs -LOAD “∗”

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Utilities 2-85

The ctmloadset utility is used to record current resource usage on an

Agent platform in the Quantitative Resources table. This utility is
typically invoked by a cyclic job that runs on the Agent platform and
measures usage of a certain resource on the platform. Usage data is then
used to update the Quantitative Resources table on the server platform.

ctmloadset is used when load balancing is implemented. The

load-balancing algorithm uses the data recorded in the Quantitative
Resources table to determine to which Agent platform a job should be

CONTROL-M maintains the following information regarding usage of

each Quantitative resource:

Item Description
Total Used Units of the resource currently in use. This parameter
represents the sum of the values specified in the other
two columns of this table (described below).
Used by Units of the resource currently in use by jobs submitted
Used by Others Units of the resource currently in use by
non-CONTROL-M jobs.

Update resource usage values in the Quantitative Resources table in

either of two ways:

• Specify the value for Total Used for a resource. ctmloadset subtracts
the value for Used by CONTROL-M from the value you specify
and places the remainder in the field Used by Others.

• Specify the value for Used by Others for a resource. This value is
added to the value Used by CONTROL-M to calculate the value
Total Used for the resource.

Values for the utility can be expressed as an absolute number of units or

as a percentage of the total number of units defined (Max value).

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The utility’s output is displayed as type Q rows in the Quantitative
Resources window. However, the field Mem Name remains blank since
this represents usage by one or more non-CONTROL-M jobs.

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmloadset utility:

ctmloadset {TOTAL|OTHERS} <QR name> <Load value>[%]

Table 2-33 ctmloadset Parameters

Parameter Description
TOTAL Indicates that the load value provided specifies the total usage
of the resource by all jobs (both CONTROL-M jobs and
non-CONTROL-M jobs).
When this option is specified, the utility calculates the usage of
the resource by non-CONTROL-M jobs and updates the table
OTHERS Indicates that the load value provided specifies the units of the
resource used by one or more non-CONTROL-M jobs.
<QR name> Name of the Quantitative resource to update.
<Load Number of units of the resource currently used.
value> -or-
When % is specified, the amount of the resource currently
used, expressed as a percentage of the maximum available
units defined for this Quantitative resource.

Example 1

A node group contains three Agent platforms: diana, jacklin and ruby.
Each platform is defined in the Quantitative Resource table as having
200 units of resource CPU_load, representing the load on the platform’s

• Platform jacklin is used exclusively to run jobs submitted by

CONTROL-M. The platform is currently executing a job that uses
120 units of resource CPU_load.

• Platform ruby is used exclusively to run jobs submitted by

CONTROL-M. The platform is currently executing a job that uses
150 units of resource CPU_load.

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Utilities 2-87
• Platform diana is used both for CONTROL-M and
non-CONTROL-M jobs. The platform is currently executing a job
submitted by CONTROL-M that uses 75 units of resource

A cyclic job is defined to run periodically on diana to measure the total

load on the CPU. The job updates the Quantitative Resources table using
the ctmloadset utility to indicate to CONTROL-M exactly what the load
is on that platform. The last run of this job determined that the load on
the CPU is 80% of total capacity. The job invokes ctmloadset as follows:

ctmloadset TOTAL CPU@diana 80%

The Total Used for diana is set to 80% of 200, or 160. Since the usage by
CONTROL-M jobs is currently 75 units, ctmloadset calculates that the
“Other” (non-CONTROL-M usage) is 160 – 75, or 85.

As a result, the Quantitative Resources table now contains the following


Total Used by Total Used by

Resource Max CONTROL-M Others Free
CPU@jacklin 200 120 80
CPU@ruby 200 150 50
CPU@diana 200 75 85 40

The CONTROL-M load-balancing algorithm uses these values when

determining where to submit the next job.

Example 2

The following examples demonstrate the effect of ctmloadset on the

Quantitative Resources table, as represented by the display generated by
the ecaqrtab utility. All examples below are based on the following

For agent platform diana, 30 units of resource CPU@diana are

currently used by CONTROL-M jobs.

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The output from the ecaqrtab utility is as follows:

Resource Name Type Max-Avail Reserved Used Free

CPU@diana L 50 0 30 20

Example 3

The following command specifies that the current usage of the

Quantitative resource CPU@diana by non-CONTROL-M jobs is 12

ctmloadset OTHERS CPU@diana 12

As a result, the output from the ecaqrtab utility is now as follows:

Resource Name Type Max-Avail Reserved Used Free

CPU@diana L 50 0 42 8

Example 4

The following command specifies that the current usage of the

Quantitative resource CPU@diana by non-CONTROL-M jobs is 12%:

ctmloadset OTHERS CPU@diana 12%

The non-CONTROL-M usage of the resource is calculated as 12% of 50,

or 6 units. As a result, the output from the ecaqrtab utility is now as

Resource Name Type Max-Avail Reserved Used Free

CPU@diana L 50 0 36 14

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Utilities 2-89
Example 5

The following command specifies that the current total usage of the
Quantitative resource CPU@diana by all jobs is 48 units:

ctmloadset TOTAL CPU@diana 48

As a result, the output from the ecaqrtab utility is now as follows:

Resource Name Type Max-Avail Reserved Used Free

CPU@diana L 50 0 48 2

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ctmlog is used to create a report from entries in the CONTROL-M log or

to delete entries in the CONTROL-M log.

Specify one of the following commands to invoke the ctmlog utility:

ctmlog <Action> <Action Option> \

<From date> <From Time> <To Date> <To Time> \
[<Output> [<Report Width>] ]

ctmlog <Action> <Action Option> "∗" \

[<Output> [<Report Width>] ]

Valid values for <Action> and <Action Option> are listed in Table 2-34.
All other parameters of this utility are described in Table 2-35.

All actions are limited to log entries in the range specified using the time
and date parameters.

Table 2-34 ctmlog – Valid Actions (Part 1 of 2)

Action Action Option

listss Prints a report for a specific <subsystem> Subsystem to include in the report.
subsystem Specify one of the following:
• SU Supervisor
• TR Tracker
• SL Selector
• CD Download, Database
• NS Communication with Agent
• LG Agent utilities
• UT Utilities
• WD Watchdog
list Prints a report of all entries. None.

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Utilities 2-91
Table 2-34 ctmlog – Valid Actions (Part 2 of 2)

Action Action Option

listord Prints a report of entries for a <Order ID> Order ID to include in the report.
specific Order ID. Note: The Order ID as displayed in
the Job Details window of
ENTERPRISE/CS is a base 36
number. If you want to specify the
Order ID here as a base 10
number, precede the number with
an asterisk and enclose the result
in quotation marks (for example,
listjob Prints a report including all <Job no.> Job number to include in the
entries for a specific job report.
listmsg Prints a report of messages with <msgid> Message ID to include in the
a specific message ID. report.
delete Deletes entries in a specified None
date and time range.
listjobname Prints a report including all <jobname> The name of the job whose entries
entries for the specified job should be printed in the report.

Table 2-35 ctmlog – Parameters

Parameter Description
<From Date> Starting and ending dates and times for the range of
<From Time> entries to be scanned by the specified action. Date is
<To Date> specified in yyyymmdd format. Time is specified in
<To Time> hhmm format.
“∗” Asterisk enclosed in quotation marks. Scan all entries in
the CONTROL-M log (without regard to date or time).
<Output> Full path name to which the report should be sent
(optional). If this parameter is not specified, the output
is routed to the default output device. This parameter is
not applicable for the delete action.
<Report Width> Width (in columns) of the report to generate. Specify a
number in the range of 80 – 132 (default is 80). This
parameter can only be specified if the Output
parameter is specified.

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2-92 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 1

The following command produces a report of all entries in the

CONTROL-M log between 10:00 A.M. March 12th, 1999 and 8:00 A.M.
March 14th, 1999. The report is output to file rprt.txt in 80-column

ctmlog list 19990312 1000 19990314 0800


Example 2

The following command produces a report of all entries in the

CONTROL-M log relating to downloads to the ENTERPRISE/CS
database and to CONTROL-M database updates, without regard to date
or time. The report is output to file gdrprt.txt in 132-column format:

ctmlog listss CD "∗" /ctm/user1/gdrprt.txt 132

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Utilities 2-93

The ctmordck utility lists job processing definitions associated with a

specific User Daily name and indicates the security status of each job
with regard to the owner of the User Daily job (that is, whether or not the
CONTROL-M security mechanism will allow jobs associated with a
User Daily name to run with the authorizations currently assigned to the
owner of the User Daily job).

This utility displays the following fields:

• Name of the job.

• Number of the job in the CONTROL-M database.
• Author of the job processing definition.
• Owner of the job processing definition.

The following information is displayed for each job processing


Table 2-36 ctmordck – Output Columns

Column Description
TB Whether or not the owner of the User Daily job is authorized
to order the Scheduling table of the job listed.
FL Whether or not the owner of the User Daily job is authorized
to execute the script file of the job listed.
UA Whether or not the owner of the User Daily job is authorized
to order jobs for the owner of the job listed.

This utility can be used non-interactively for non-terminal destinations
(see the description of the <Output> parameter below).

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmordck utility:

ctmordck <User Name> <User Daily> [<Output>]

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Table 2-37 ctmordck – Parameters

Parameter Description
<User Name> Owner of the User Daily job.
<User Daily> User Daily name.
<Output> Full path name to which the report should be sent. If this
parameter is not specified, the output is routed to the
default output device.


The following command generates a list for user SYSTEM and the User
Daily SYSTEM. The list is directed to the udlist file:

ctmordck SYSTEM SYSTEM /ctm/user1/udlist

The following is sample output from the above command:

Figure 2-2 ctmordck Sample Output

Date: 10-NOV-2000. Page: 1

User SYSTEM , Daily SYSTEM Ordering list


---------- --- ------ ----- -- -- --
CTMLOG HAN 2066 root root Y N Y
PURGE JOB 2067 root root Y N Y
user3-DAIL 2033 BARRY user3 Y N Y
user2-DAIL 2032 STEVE user2 Y N Y
user1-DAIL 2031 STEVE user1 Y N Y
JEAN-UD 2000 jean jean Y N Y
JOB-STATUS 2068 root root Y N Y
GD-TEST1 20 jean user1 Y N Y
GD-TEST2 21 jean user2 Y N Y
GD-TEST3 22 jean user3 Y N Y
GD-user4 2008 jean user4 Y N Y
GD-user5 2009 jean user5 Y N Y

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Utilities 2-95

ctmorder orders or forces one or more jobs from a Scheduling table in the
CONTROL-M database.

• Ordered jobs are placed in the Active Jobs file if their scheduling
criteria are met.

• Forced jobs are placed in the Active Jobs file regardless of their
scheduling criteria.

If two jobs with the same name exist in a Scheduling table and you use
the ctmorder utility to force a job with that name, only the first job is

If the ctmorder utility is running when the New Day procedure begins, it
is automatically suspended until New Day procedure is ended.


The ctmorder utility can be invoked using either of two formats.

• The first format includes a limited number of parameters in a specific


ctmorder <scheduling table> <job name> <odate> /


This short format cannot be used on CONTROL-M/Agents. Use the
second, more explicit format described below.

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• The second format allows specification of more details and requires
each parameter to be named. The parameters in this format can be
specified in any order. This format is as follows:

ctmorder -schedtab <scheduling_table> \

-jobname <job_name> \
-odate <odate> \
[-force {y|n>}] \
[-seqno <job_sequence_number>] \
[-ingrouporderid <group_order_id>|last|alone|newg]\
[-debug <level>] \
[-quiet] \
[-noduplication] \
[-autoedit <variable> <expression>]

As of CONTROL-M version 6.0.00, the ctmorder utility can be accessed
using a command line interface only. The interactive interface available
in earlier versions is no longer supported.

All parameters of the ctmorder utility are described in Table 2-38.

Table 2-38 ctmorder – Parameters (Part 1 of 3)

Parameter Description
-schedtab Name of the Scheduling table containing the jobs.
-jobname Job name (or mask) of the job(s) to order or force.

You can order a group scheduling table, but you cannot

order an individual job, or selection of jobs, from a Group
Scheduling table.

The specified job name can include mask characters as

• * indicates any number of characters (or no characters at
all). Specify * by itself to include all jobs in the table. Note:
Any parameter including * must be enclosed in double
quotes (see the example provided below).
• ? Represents any single character.

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Utilities 2-97
Table 2-38 ctmorder – Parameters (Part 2 of 3)

Parameter Description
-odate Date to use as the job’s scheduling date. Specify a date in
yyyymmdd format, or specify the keyword ODAT to use the
current CONTROL-M date.
-force Add the specified jobs to the Active Jobs file regardless of
scheduling criteria. If -force is not specified, jobs are added
to the Active Jobs file only if their scheduling criteria are
satisfied (known as order).
Y Force the specified jobs.
N Order the specified jobs. Default.
-seqno A counter identifying the row number of the job in the
Scheduling table. The first job in each Scheduling table is
numbered 1 and each subsequent job increments the
counter by one. If this parameter is not specified, the first job
in the specified table is ordered.
-ingrouporderid Note: This parameter is relevant only for jobs in a Group
Scheduling table.
<group_order_ID> Order ID of an existing Group
Scheduling table.
last The specified jobs are added to the last
ordered instance of their Group
Scheduling table in the Active Jobs file.
alone The specified jobs are ordered
individually. They are not associated
with any Group Scheduling table.
Note: group_order_ID, last and alone options can only be
used when -force parameter is set to Y.
newg A new group is created and the
specified jobs are ordered to that Group
Scheduling table. Default.
-debug level Activates a debug trace at the specified level.
Valid levels are 0 – 5. Default: 0
Performance is somewhat slower when operating in debug
mode. It is recommended that you activate debug mode only
when requested by Technical Support.
-quiet Suppresses display of the utility output. If specified, no
information messages are displayed during execution of the

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2-98 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-38 ctmorder – Parameters (Part 3 of 3)

Parameter Description
-noduplication Allow jobs to be ordered and added to an existing ordered
Group Scheduling table only if those jobs have not already
been ordered in that instance of the Group Scheduling table.
This parameter can be specified only if last or
<group_order_ID> is specified for the -ingrouporderid
Note: This parameter is relevant only for jobs in a Group
Scheduling table.
-autoedit Assigns an AutoEdit variable to a new Group Scheduling
This parameter can be specified only if newg is specified for
the -ingrouporderid parameter.
For more information, see the description of AutoEdit Facility
in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide. The following
information must be specified for each new AutoEdit
<variable> Name of the variable.
<expression> Value assigned to the variable.

If neither ORDER nor FORCE is included in the command activating
this utility, the specified jobs are ordered.

Example 1

The following command orders all jobs contained in Scheduling table

ACCT100. Any jobs placed in the Active Jobs file will have the current
CONTROL-M date as their original scheduling date:

ctmorder -schedtab ACCT100 -jobname “*” -odate odat

Example 2

The following command orders all jobs contained in the Scheduling table
ACCT100 whose job name begins with ga. Any jobs placed in the
Active Jobs file will have the date March 15, 2000 as their original
scheduling date:

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Utilities 2-99
ctmorder -schedtab ACCT100 -jobname "ga*" \
-odate 20000315 -force y

Example 3

The following command forces all jobs contained in the Scheduling table
ACCT100 whose job name is prodyjob. Any jobs placed in the Active
Jobs file will have the date December 31, 2000 as their original
scheduling date:

ctmorder -schedtab ACCT100 -jobname prodyjob \

-odate 20001231 -force y

Example 4

The following command forces the third job contained in the Group
Scheduling table ACCT200 whose job name parameter consists of
prodyjob. This job is placed in the Active Jobs file and will have the
date December 31, 2000 as its original scheduling date. This job is
added to an active group whose orderid is B2.

ctmorder -schedtab ACCT200 -jobname prodyjob \

-odate 20001231 -force y -seqno 3 -ingrouporderid B2

Example 5

The following command assigns the AutoEdit variable

%%PRDNDATE with the value of %%ODATE, and orders every job
in the PRODUCTION Group Scheduling table whose job name has a
prefix of PRDN. These jobs are placed in the Active Jobs file in a new
group and are assigned December 31, 2000 as their original scheduling

ctmorder -schedtab PRODUCTION -jobname “PRDN*” \

-odate 20001231 -force n -ingrouporderid newg \
-autoedit ‘%%PRDNDATE’ ‘%%ODATE’

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2-100 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 6

The following command orders every job in the INVENTORY Group

Scheduling table whose job name has a prefix in the range BIN_A1 to
BIN_A9. These jobs are placed in the Active Jobs file in a new Group
Scheduling table, and are assigned December 31, 2001 as their original
scheduling date. The APPLICATION and OWNER parameters of these
jobs are modified to STOCK_COUNT and STOREMAN, respectively.

ctmorder -schedtab INVENTORY -jobname “BIN_A?” \

-odate 20011231 -force n -ingrouporderid newg \
-autoedit ‘%%PRDNDATE’ ‘%%ODATE’ \
-autoedit ‘%%APPLIC’ ‘STOCK_COUNT’ \
-autoedit ‘%%OWNER’ ‘STOREMAN’

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Utilities 2-101

The ctmpasswd utility enables the administrator to change the

CONTROL-M User’s password for accessing the database. Only an
administrator can change the password.

To invoke the ctmpasswd utility, specify the following command:


The system will prompt you to enter the old password:

Please enter the old password for CONTROL-M account:

1. Enter the old password for the CONTROL-M account. The system
will prompt you to enter the new password:

Please enter the new password for CONTROL-M


2. Enter the new password for the CONTROL-M account. Make sure
that the password consists of at least 6 characters. Note that you will
not see your entry on the screen. The system will then prompt you to
enter the password again:

Enter again to verify:

3. Re-enter the new password for the CONTROL-M account. The

system will respond with the message that the password was
successfully changed:

Password was successfully changed

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2-102 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmping utility detects and collects configuration information about

CONTROL-M/Agents. This utility can also connect Agents that are
already in the database, and test communication between them and the

ctmping can be included in the Watchdog process. See “Watchdog
Facility” on page 1-44 for details.

This utility can check if an Agent is down and, if necessary, register it in

the database as unavailable. When the Agent again becomes available,
the state of the Agent is changed and information about it is gathered by
a CONTROL-M process.

To invoke the ctmping utility, specify the following command:

ctmping -nodeid <agent_name> [-file <path_name>] \

[-discover {y|n}] \
[-debug <level>] \

Table 2-39 contains descriptions of the parameters in this command.

Table 2-39 ctmping – Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
-nodeid Host name of the Agent platform to be pinged (tested).
At least one Node ID must be specified for each run of the
ctmping utility. Additional Node IDs can optionally be specified
to enable a single run of this utility to test communication with
more than one Agent platform.
-file Full path name of a file containing a list of Agents to be pinged.
Each line in the specified file contains the hostname or IP
address of an Agent.

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Utilities 2-103
Table 2-39 ctmping – Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
-discover Indicates whether to update the database.
Y – Update the database with information gathered by the
N – Do not update the database. Default.
-debug Activates a debug trace at the specified level. Valid levels:
0 through 5. Default: 0. Performance is slower when operating
in debug mode. It is recommended that you activate debug
mode only when requested by Technical Support and use the
specified level.
-quiet Suppresses display of utility output.

Example 1

To connect and perform a communication test with the Agent jacklin,

specify the following command:

ctmping -nodeid jacklin

The response is:

Agent: jacklin is alive

Example 2

To attempt to connect and test communication with the Agent diana

which is currently down, specify the following command:

ctmping -nodeid diana

The response is:

Agent: diana, Msg: Agent not available.

Add it to the database? y/n:

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2-104 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 3

To connect and test communication with the Agent jacklin and collect
configuration information needed for the discovery process, specify the
following command:

ctmping -nodeid jacklin -discover y

The response is:

Agent: jacklin is alive

Example 4

To connect and test communication with the Agent jacklin and generate
a debug trace without displaying the results on screen, specify the
following command:

ctmping -nodeid jacklin -debug 1 -quiet

Only the return code of the utility will indicate if it was successful. The
debug trace information is saved to the following file:


where PID is the Process Identity number.

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Utilities 2-105

The ctmpsm utility can be invoked interactively to display the

CONTROL-M Production Support menu. This menu is used to perform
functions affecting jobs or conditions in the active environment of the
data center. It provides an alternative to using the ENTERPRISE/CS GUI
and enables you to perform many of the GUI functions directly in the
data center.

The ctmpsm utility can also be invoked by the Command Line Interface,
as described in “Command Line Invocation” on page 2-115.

To invoke the ctmpsm utility interactively:

1. Log on to the Server platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner

(for example, user controlm).

2. Specify the command: ctmpsm.

The following menu is displayed:

Figure 2-3 ctmpsm – Production Support Menu

Active Jobs File Resource Map

---------------- ------------

1) List All 61) Control Resources

2) List All (Show Started/Ended) 62) Quantitative Resources
3) List All (Show Application) 63) Prerequisite Conditions
4) List All (Show Mem Name) 64) Control Resources Usage
65) Quantitative Resources Usage
5) List Jobs That Ended OK
6) List Jobs That Ended NOTOK
7) List Submitted/Executing Jobs
8) List Cyclic Jobs
9) List Jobs Waiting for Time Window
10) List Jobs Waiting for Confirmation
Scheduling Functions
40) List Application/Group Tree 71) Scheduling Tables
41) List Scheduling Tables 72) Order Tables/Jobs
42) List Group Entities

Q) Quit

Enter Option:

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2-106 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The functions in this menu are divided into three categories:

• Active Jobs File functions provide various views of the Active Jobs
file. Each view displays information about the jobs and provides
options to perform such actions on the jobs as Hold, Free, Delete,
Rerun, Why, Confirm, View or modify job details, and view the

• Resource Map functions enable you to view and modify Quantitative

resources, Control resources, and prerequisite conditions. The first
three of these functions activate the ecactltb, ecaqrtab, and ctmcontb
utilities respectively.

• Scheduling Functions enable you to order or force Scheduling tables

or specific jobs in Scheduling tables. You can also generate monthly
or yearly scheduling plans using the ctmrpln utility.

Active Jobs File Options

Perform various tasks using information in the Active Jobs file. These
options are described in Table 2-40 below.

Table 2-40 ctmpsm - Menu Options for Active Jobs File (Part 1 of 2)

Code Option Description

1 List All Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs file.
2 List All Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs file. Indicates which jobs have
(Show Started/Ended) started or ended execution.
3 List All Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs file. Indicates the application to
(Show Application) which each job belongs.
4 List All Lists all jobs in the Active Jobs file. Indicates the Mem Name for
(Show Mem Name) each job.
5 List Jobs That Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file with a completion status of
Ended OK Ended OK.
6 List Jobs That Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that have a completion status of
Ended NOTOK Ended NOTOK.
7 List Submitted/ Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that are currently executing.
Executing Jobs

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Utilities 2-107
Table 2-40 ctmpsm - Menu Options for Active Jobs File (Part 2 of 2)

Code Option Description

8 List Cyclic Jobs Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that are cyclic.
9 List Jobs Waiting for Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that are waiting to begin
Time Window executing based on the time specified in their Time From
10 List Jobs Waiting for Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that are waiting for confirmation.
40 List Application/Group Displays a summarized list of the applications and groups for all
Tree jobs currently contained in the Active Jobs file.
41 List Scheduling Tables Displays a list of all Scheduling tables in the Active Jobs file.
42 List Ordered Groups Displays a list of all CONTROL-M groups in the Active Jobs file.

All Active Jobs file options display the following menu at the bottom of
the screen:

Figure 2-4 ctmpsm - Active Jobs File Menu Options

H) Hold, F) Free, D) Delete, U) Undelete, R) Rerun, W) Why, Z) Details

LO) LogOrd, LJ) LogJob, C) Confirm, Sx)Sort[x: 1.ORDERNO 2.JOBNAME]
J) Sysout A) Statistics V) View Script/JCL K) Force OK I)Dependencies Jobs
Gx) Global action x [x: H(Hold), F(Free), D(Delete), U(Undelete), R(Rerun)]
Enter Option:

These actions are described in Table 2-41:

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Table 2-41 ctmpsm - Active Jobs File Actions (Part 1 of 2)

Option Action Description

H Hold Hold a job.
F Free Free a previously held job.
D Delete Mark a job for deletion.
R Rerun Rerun a job.
U Undelete Undelete a job marked for deletion.
W Why Display why a job has not yet been submitted.
Z Details View or modify a job’s parameters. This is also referred to as
zooming and saving a job’s parameters.
Note1: When a job is being viewed, it is automatically held.
After changes are made and saved, the job is freed.
Note2: If prerequisite conditions are added to or deleted
from a job in the Active Jobs File with the Z option, the
changes are automatically saved when you quit.
LO LogOrd List CONTROL-M log entries for a specific Order ID.
LJ LogJob List CONTROL-M log entries for a specific Job Name.
C Confirm Confirm submission of a job.
S1 Sort (by Order No.) Sort jobs displayed by Order number.
S2 Sort (by Job Name) Sort jobs displayed by Job Name.
J Sysout Display the jobs sysout.
A Statistics Display the job statistics (last 20 runs).
V View script/JCL View a job’s script or JCL.
Note: This option is not available if CONTROL-M/Server is
not active.
K Force OK Force a job’s status to be OK.
I Dependencies Jobs Displays all jobs that have conditions that depend on the
specified job.
GH Global Action (Hold) Hold all jobs in the displayed list.
GF Global Action (Free) Free all jobs in the displayed list.
GD Global Action (Delete) Mark all jobs in the displayed list for deletion.
GR Global Action (Rerun) Rerun all jobs in the displayed list.

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Utilities 2-109
Table 2-41 ctmpsm - Active Jobs File Actions (Part 2 of 2)

Option Action Description

GU Global Action (Undelete) Undelete all jobs marked for deletion.
Note: The R (Rerun) option and the Global options (GH, GF, GD, GR, and GU) affect only
jobs and not group scheduling tables.

Resource Table Options

Table 2-42 ctmpsm - Menu Options for the Resource Table

Code Option Description

61 Control Resources Lists Control resources currently used in the Active
environment. This option activates the ecactltb utility.
62 Quantitative Resources Allows you to list, add, modify or delete Quantitative
resources in the Active environment. This option activates
the ecaqrtab utility.
63 Prerequisite Conditions Allows you to view, add or delete prerequisite conditions in
the Active environment. This option activates the ctmcontb
64 Control Resources Usage Shows current usage of Control resources by jobs in the
Active Jobs file.
65 Quantitative Resources Shows current usage of Quantitative resources by jobs in
Usage the Active Jobs file.

Scheduling Function Options

Table 2-43 ctmpsm - Menu Options for Scheduling Functions

Code Option Description

71 Scheduling Tables Lists Scheduling tables and jobs defined in the
CONTROL-M database. Allows you to force Scheduling
tables or jobs, associate User Dailies with Scheduling
Tables, and generate scheduling reports.

72 Order Tables/Jobs Allows you to order Scheduling tables or jobs. You are
prompted to specify the Scheduling table, Job Name
(optional) and Odate for the table or job to order.

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When the Scheduling Tables option is selected, output similar to the
following is displayed:

Figure 2-5 List of Scheduling Tables output by the ctmpsm utility

Scheduling Tables
Table name Daily name Table type
1) supply Quarterly GROUP
2) temp REGULAR
3) inventory GROUP
4) Payroll Monthly GROUP
5) inventory SYSTEM GROUP

D#) Delete UserDaily Table # U#) Update table #

F#) Force table # J#) List jobs #
A) Add R) Remove Table Q) Quit.

Option []:

The options in Table 2-44 are available from the above screen.

If a table that is associated with more than one User daily is modified
using ENTERPRISE/CS and then uploaded to CONTROL-M, that table
is removed from all User dailies except the one that is associated with it

Table 2-44 ctmpsm - Options for Scheduling Functions

Code Option Description

A Add Associates a User Daily with a Scheduling Table. When selected,
you are prompted for the Table name and its associated User Daily
name. Both the Schedule Table and the User Daily should already
exist in the database.
R Remove Deletes a specific Scheduling table and all its associated jobs (for
example, specify R RE_SYSOUT to delete table RE_SYSOUT).

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Utilities 2-111
Table 2-44 ctmpsm - Options for Scheduling Functions

Code Option Description

D# Delete # Removes an instance of a scheduling table from the CONTROL-M
• If the specified instance is the only instance of the table (that is,
that table is ordered by only one user daily), the scheduling table
and all its associated jobs are deleted.
• If the specified instance is not the only instance of the table, then
only the specified instance is removed from the CONTROL-M
F# Force table # Forces a specific Scheduling table (for example, specify F6 to force
table RE_SYSOUT).
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter the odate for the job to be forced in YYYYMMDD format, or
enter the value ODAT to indicate that the job should use the current
working date as its odate.

If the specified table is a Group Scheduling table, the following

prompt is displayed:
Please choose one of the following:
A) Alone.
N) New group.
L) Last.
B) Bind to existing group Orderno.
These options are described below:
• A – Forces each job in the table separately as a non-group job.
• N – Forces the jobs in the table as a new group in the Active Jobs
• L – Forces the jobs in the table, and adds them to the most
recently ordered group in the Active Jobs file.
• B – Forces the jobs in the table, and adds them to a specified
group in the Active Jobs file.
J# List jobs # Lists jobs in a Scheduling table and provides options to force a
specific job or generate a report (for example, specify J1 to list the
jobs in table supply).
U# Update table # Updates the User Daily name for a specific Scheduling table (for
example, specify U6 to update the User Daily name for table

When the List Jobs # option is selected, output similar to the following
is displayed:

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2-112 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 2-6 List of Jobs output by the ctmpsm utility

Scheduling Table RE_SHED Jobs


1) Jobname:DAYS_CAL_N, Memname:DAYS_CAL_NONE
2) Jobname:DAYS_30_FE, Memname:DAYS_30_FEB
3) Jobname:DAYS_28_29, Memname:DAYS_28_29_FEB
4) Jobname:NO_CALENDA, Memname:NO_CALENDAR
5) Jobname:DATES_0101, Memname:DATES_0101_0202
6) Jobname:DATES_2902, Memname:DATES_2902
7) Jobname:DAYS_CAL_M, Memname:DAYS_CAL_MINUS
8) Jobname:DAYS_CAL_P, Memname:DAYS_CAL_PLUS
11) Jobname:wdays_all , Memname:WDAYS_ALL
12) Jobname:wdays_1_2_, Memname:WEEKDAYS_1_2_3

Q) Quit. F#) Force job #

M#) Month Schedule Plan # Y#) Year Schedule Plan for job #

Option []:

The options in Table 2-45 are available from the above screen.

Table 2-45 ctmpsm - Options in the Scheduling Table List Jobs Menu

Code Option Description

F# Force job # Forces a specific job (for example, specify F2 to force job
M# Month Schedule Plan Generates a monthly Job Order report for the table. You
are prompted to enter the year and month in format
Y# Year Schedule Plan for job # Generates a yearly Job Order report for a specific job.
You are prompted to enter the year in format YYYY.

The ctmpsm utility can display the sysout for a specified order ID and

To display the sysout for a given order ID and runcount, invoke the
following command:

ctmpsm -listsysout <order ID> [-sysoutnumber <number>]

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Utilities 2-113
Parameter Description
<order ID> The order ID of a job.
<number> A counter incremented by one each time a job is run.
Default: the runcount number of the most recent run of the
specified job.


To display the most recent sysout of the job whose order ID is 1234,
specify the following command:

ctmpsm -listsysout 1234

To display the second sysout of the job whose order ID is 1234, specify
the following command:

ctmpsm -listsysout 1234 -sysoutnumber 2

The ctmpsm utility redirects the display of the sysout of a job to the
viewer defined by parameter CTMPSM_VIEWER. This parameter is
specified in the ctm/config.dat file. If no viewer is specified, the more
viewer opens in the active screen.

If the viewer opens in a new window, the DISPLAY environment

variable should be set to your host name. For more consult your Unix

To specify the CTMPSM_VIEWER parameter in the config.dat file,

type the following:

CTMPSM_VIEWER <viewer command>

where <viewer command> is the name of the viewer application

selected by the user for displaying the sysout.

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2-114 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


To specify the CTMPSM_VIEWER parameter in the config.dat file,

opening a viewer in a new window and showing the sysout using the
switch more:

CTMPSM_VIEWER xterm -e more

Command Line Invocation

The format and valid values for each mode of the ctmpsm utility
command line interface are described in Table 2-46.

Table 2-46 ctmpsm - Mode Descriptions and Syntax

Mode Description
CHILD Lists dependent jobs with IN conditions that are created by the job whose order
ID is specified in this command.
ctmpsm -CHILD <order_ID> [<tasktype>]
order_ID Identifies the “parent” job.

tasktype B=batch job

IMPORT_CAL Imports a calendar from the Enterprise Controlstation.
ctmpsm -IMPORT_CAL <file_name>
where file_name is the full pathname of the calendar file to be uploaded from
Enterprise Controlstation.
LISTCAL Lists available calendars. The list can be restricted by calendar name and year.
ctmpsm -LISTCAL [<Calen_name>][<Calen_year>]
Calen_name Restricts the list to calendars with the specified name or
prefix (indicated by * at the end).
Calen_year Restricts the list to calendars for the specified year.

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Utilities 2-115
Mode Description
LISTALL Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file. The list can be filtered by time, application, and
member name. The list can be sorted by order ID or job name.

In addition to the order ID and the job name, one of the following fields can also
be included in the LISTALL output:
TIME _ Time execution started and ended.
APPLICATION _ Application to which the job belongs.
MEMNAME _ Member name for the job.
ALL – Includes ODAT and TIME fields.

–SORT indicates the order in which the jobs should be listed. Valid orders are:
LISTJOB List in Active Jobs file with a specified status. Jobs can be restricted by status:
OK, NOTOK, executing, cyclic, waiting for the end of a time interval, waiting for



OK _ Jobs with a completion status of Ended OK.

NOTOK _ Jobs with a completion status of Ended NOTOK.
EXECUTING _ Jobs that are currently executing.
CYCLIC _ Jobs that are cyclic.
WAITTIME _ Jobs waiting to begin executing based on the time specified in their
Time From parameter.
WAITCONFIRM _ Jobs waiting for confirmation.

–SORT indicates the order in which the jobs should be listed. Valid orders are:
LISTGROUP Lists jobs in the specified group that are associated with the specified
ctmpsm -LISTGROUP <application> <group>

Wildcards can used as part of the specified application or group names.

* represents any number of characters.
? represents any single character.

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2-116 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Mode Description
LISTAJFTAB Lists jobs in the Active Jobs file that were ordered from the specified scheduling
ctmpsm -LISTAJFTAB <table_name>

Wildcards can used as part of the specified table name.

* represents any number of characters.
? represents any single character.
SCHEDTAB Lists Scheduling tables and jobs defined in the CONTROL-M database, and
allows you to add or delete Scheduling tables.
ctmpsm -SCHEDTAB {-LISTTABLE <table_name>|-UPDATE <row_number>
<udaily_name>|-ADD <table_name> <udaily_name>|-DUDAILY <row_number>|-
REMOVE <table_name>|-LISTJOBS <row_number>}

The options in this command are described below:

-LISTTABLE Lists all instances of scheduling tables that match the
specified name or mask. For example, if a scheduling table is
ordered by two different user dailies, that table will appear
twice in the output of this option.

Wildcards can used as part of the table name for this option.
* represents any number of characters.
? represents any single character.
-UPDATE Updates the User Daily name for a specific Scheduling table.
-ADD Adds a Scheduling table to the CONTROL-M database. The
Table name and User Daily name must be specified when
this option is used.
-DUDAILY Removes an instance of a scheduling table from the
CONTROL-M database.
• If the specified instance is the only instance of the table
(that is, that table is ordered by only one user daily), the
scheduling table and all its associated jobs are deleted.
• If the specified instance is not the only instance of the
table, then only the specified instance is removed from the
CONTROL-M database.
-REMOVE Deletes a specific Scheduling table and all its associated
-LISTJOBS Lists jobs in a Scheduling table.

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Utilities 2-117
Mode Description
LISTSYSOUT List the sysouts for an order ID. The list can be restricted by runcount number.
ctmpsm -LISTSYSOUT <order_ID> [SYSOUTNUMBER {<number>|ALL}]
order_ID Identifies the job whose sysouts are listed.
number Restricts the list to the sysout whose runcount is specified.
If ALL is specified, the output will contain only a list of all
sysouts related to the specified order ID.
LISTDETAILS Lists the details of the job associated with the specified order ID.
Valid syntax is:
UPDATEAJF Performs a specified command or updates conditions for a job in the Active Jobs
that is associated with a specified order ID.
ctmpsm -UPDATEAJF <order ID> <command>
Where command is one of the following:
• HOLD _ Set a job’s status to HELD.
• FREE _ Free a previously held job.
• DELETE _ Mark a job for deletion.
• UNDELETE _ Undelete a job marked for deletion.
• RERUN _ Rerun a job.
• CONFIRM _ Confirm submission of a job.
• FORCEOK _ Force a job’s status to be OK.
• CONDADDIN <cond> <date> <AND|OR> _ Add the specified IN condition with
the specified date reference. You can include one or more additional IN
conditions by using the AND or OR conjunctional parameter.
• CONDADDOUT <cond> <date> <+|-> _ Add the specified OUT condition with
the specified date reference. Use + to indicate that the condition must be
present. Use - to indicate that the condition must not be present.
• CONDDELIN <cond> _ Delete the specified IN condition.
• CONDDELOUT <cond> _ Delete the specified OUT condition.
Note: Conditions specified using this mode are applied only to the specified
instance of the job in the Active Jobs file. Subsequent orders of that job are not
affected by these changes.

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2-118 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Mode Description
UPDATEGROUP Applies a specified command to jobs in the specified group that are associated
with the specified application.
ctmpsm -UPDATEGROUP <application> <group> <command>

Where <command> is one of the following:

• HOLD _ Set the jobs’ status to HELD.
• FREE _ Free previously held jobs.
• DELETE _ Mark the jobs for deletion.
• UNDELETE _ Undelete the jobs marked for deletion.
• RERUN _ Rerun the jobs.
• CONFIRM _ Confirm submission of the jobs.
UPDATETABLE Applies a specified command to jobs in the Active Jobs file that were ordered
from the specified table.
ctmpsm -UPDATETABLE <table> <command>

Where command is one of the following:

• HOLD _ Set the jobs’ status to HELD.
• FREE _ Free previously held jobs.
• DELETE _ Mark the jobs for deletion.
• UNDELETE _ Undelete the jobs marked for deletion.
• RERUN _ Rerun the jobs.
• CONFIRM _ Confirm submission of the jobs.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-119

ctmrpln creates a report that lists all or a selection of jobs in a specified

Scheduling table, and indicates when the jobs are scheduled to run. In
addition, it enables you to test the effect of different calendars on the
scheduling of jobs in the table.

Each report can be created in one of three formats, as described in

Table 2-47:

Table 2-47 ctmrpln – Report Formats

Format Description
Daily Report Displays jobs in the specified Scheduling table that are
scheduled to run on a specific day. Each job’s Mem Name
(or Job Name), Group and Description parameters are
also displayed.
Monthly Report Displays a table of all days in a specified month and marks
(with an asterisk “∗”) the days of the month on which jobs
in the specified Scheduling table are scheduled to run.
Jobs can be identified either by their Mem Name or Job
Name parameters.

NOTE: To print the monthly report, the <Output>

parameter (described below) must specify a printer that
can print 132-column reports.
Yearly Report Displays five individual year-calendar tables and marks
each day with various characters (described below) which
indicate if jobs in the specified Scheduling table are
scheduled to run. The years displayed encompass the
period ranging from two years prior to the specified year
until two years following the specified year.

The following characters can appear in this report. The characters

indicate that a job is scheduled to run (that is, the job is placed in the
Active Jobs file.)

Char Description
∗ The days on which the job is scheduled is indicated by an asterisk “∗”

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2-120 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Char Description
. Job is not scheduled; the day is not a calendar day.
- Job is not scheduled because job processing parameter contains a
minus sign (-). Placing a minus in the job order overrides the other
characters “*” and “.”.

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmrpln utility:

ctmrpln <Report_type> <Calendar> <Schedtab> <Jobname> <Date> [<Output>]

Table 2-48 describes the parameters in the ctmrpln utility.

Table 2-48 ctmrpln – Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
<Report_type> Specify one of the following values:
DM (or Creates a daily report, identifying each job by
D) its Mem Name parameter.
DJ Creates a daily report, identifying each job by
its Job Name parameter.
MM (or Creates a monthly report, identifying each job
M) by its Mem Name parameter.
MJ Creates a monthly report, identifying each job
by its Job Name parameter.
Y Creates a year report.
<Calendar> Specify one of the following values:
Y Creates the report using the calendar
specified in the job’s scheduling parameters.
N Creates the report ignoring the calendar
specified in the job’s scheduling parameters.
<Name> Creates the report using a calendar whose
name you specify (ignores the calendar
specified in the job’s scheduling parameters, if
any). Use this option to see the effect another
calendar would have on the schedule.

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Utilities 2-121
Table 2-48 ctmrpln – Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
<Schedtab> Name of the Scheduling table on which to base the report.
The Scheduling table name can include the following
mask characters:
* Represents any number of characters
(including no characters). Specify * by itself to
include all Scheduling tables. Any parameter
including * should be enclosed in quotation
? Represents any single character.
<Jobname> Contents of the job processing parameter Job Name of
the job or jobs to include in the report. The Job Name can
include mask characters (see <Schedtab> above). Specify
* by itself to include all jobs in the Scheduling table.
<Date> Date for the report:
• For daily reports: A date in yyyymmdd format.
• For monthly reports: A month in yyyymm format.
• For yearly reports: A year in yyyy or yy format.
Note: The ctmrpln utility supports only years from 1972 to
<Output> Full path name to which the report should be sent
(optional). If this parameter is not specified, the output is
routed to the default output device.

Example 1

The following command causes the utility to generate a report for

Scheduling table PROD1. The report will include all jobs whose Job
Name parameter begins with “jn” and that will run on Jan. 1, 2000 based
on the calendar work_days. The output is directed to the user’s display:

ctmrpln D work_days PROD1 "jn∗" 20000101

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2-122 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 2

The following command causes the utility to generate a table of days on

which job PRDJ02 in Scheduling table PROD1 will run during the month
of April, 2000, based on the calendar work_days. The output is directed
to printer lp1:

ctmrpln M work_days PROD1 PRDJ02 200004 lp1

Example 3

The following command causes the utility to generate a five-year report

encompassing the period Jan. 1999 through Dec. 2003, indicating on
which days each job in Scheduling table PROD1 runs, based on the
calendar work_days. The output is directed to printer lp1:

ctmrpln Y work_days PROD1 "∗" 2001 lp1

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Utilities 2-123

ctmruninf displays runtime data from the Statistical Details table of the
CONTROL-M database. An option is available to delete data from this
table. The jobs scanned for both options can be limited to a range of
dates as described below.

Statistical data is only accumulated when the CONTROL-M system
parameter Statistics is set to Y.

For more information about runtime statistical data, see “Runtime

Statistics” on page 1-28.

Specify one of the following commands to invoke the ctmruninf utility:

ctmruninf -list <From Date> <To Date> [<Filter>] [-total]

ctmruninf -list "∗" [<Filter>] [-total]
ctmruninf -delete <From Date> <To Date>

The parameters for the above commands are described in Table 2-49.

Table 2-49 ctmruninf – Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
-list Displays data from the Statistical Summary table within the
dates specified by the From Date and To Date parameters.
The data listed can be limited with use of the Filter
subparameter (see below).
-delete Deletes data from the Statistical Summary table in the
range specified by the From Date and To Date parameters.
<From Date> Starting date of statistical data to be displayed/deleted.
The date is specified in yyyymmddhhmmss format.
<To Date> Ending date of statistical data to be displayed/deleted. The
date is specified in yyyymmddhhmmss format.
“∗” Asterisk enclosed in quotation marks. Specifies that the
utility should list all statistical data currently available,
without regard to date.

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2-124 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-49 ctmruninf – Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
<Filter> Specify one of the following options and its associated
subparameter or leave blank to display the statistics for all
jobs in the range.
-JOBNAME <jobname>
Identify the job by its Job Name parameter.
-MEMNAME <memname>
Identify the job by its Mem Name parameter.
-MEMLIB <memlib>
Identify jobs by their Me Lib parameter.
-NODEID <nodeid>
Identify jobs by their Node ID parameter (Agent platform).
Each of the subparameters in the filter can include the
following mask characters:
• * — Represents any number of characters (including no
characters). Any parameter including ∗ should be
enclosed in quotation marks (see example below).
• ? — Represents any single character
-total Displays a line that contains the total CPU and elapsed
times for the jobs selected.

Example 1

The following command displays runtime data for the period January 21,
2000 through January 25, 2000 (assuming that this data is available):

ctmruninf -list 20000121000000 20000125000000

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Utilities 2-125
Example 2

The following command causes the utility to display and total runtime
data for all jobs on Agent platform diana.

ctmruninf -list "∗" -NODEID "diana" -total

A report similar to the following is displayed:


------------- ---------- -------- ---- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- -------
2000012160524 acct12 00000007 1 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.19 233.15
2000012161205 gen786 0000000b 1 diana genx prod.general 0.12 6.12
2000012162311 acct14 00000011 1 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.05 170.45
2000012164512 acct15 00000012 1 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.14 145.23
------------- ---------- -------- ---- ------------ ---------- -------------- ----- -------
Total records printed : 2 0.50 555.35

Example 3

The following command deletes the statistical data for January 31, 2000

ctmruninf -delete 20000131000000 20000131235959

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2-126 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmshout issues Shout messages to an indicated destination. It can be

entered directly or from a job script. See “Shout Destination Tables” on
page 1-24, for more information about Shout message destinations.

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmshout utility:

ctmshout [-ORDERID <Order_ID>] [-NODEID <Node_ID>]

-USER <Destination> [-USER <Destination>]\
-MESSAGE <Message_text> [-MESSAGE <Message_text>] \

Table 2-50 ctmshout – Parameters

Parameter Description
<Order_ID>a Order ID of a job, as displayed in the Job Details window
in ENTERPRISE/CS. The Order ID associates the
message with a specific job in the Active Network.
<Node_ID> Node ID of the agent platform. This parameter is used for
messages whose destination is either a user in the data
center or a user defined in the Shout Destination table. If
-ORDERID is also specified, this Node_ID will overwrite
the Node ID specified for the job with that Order ID.
<Destination> Name of a user in the data center or a valid destination
name in the Shout Destination table. Shout messages can
be sent to multiple destinations in the same command.
<Message_text> Free text to be sent to the destination. If the text is more
than one word, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.
Multiple messages can be sent in the same command.
<{R|U|V}> One letter character indicating the urgency of the
message where:
R Regular (Default)
U Urgent
V Very urgent
If this parameter is not specified, the urgency of the
message is Regular.

a. This parameter is required for releases of ENTERPRISE/CS prior to Version

2.1.3 Level 9605.

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Utilities 2-127
Each parameter name can be shortened to the minimum number of letters
required to identify the parameter. For example: -ORDERID can be
shortened to -O.

Example 1

The following command sends the message “File not found” to the
Alerts window in ENTERPRISE/CS and associates it with a job whose
Order ID is 1234:

ctmshout -ORDERID 1234 -USER ECS -MESSAGE "File not found" \


Example 2

The following command sends the message “The weekly paycheck

job has abended” to user John on Agent platform diana:

ctmshout -NODEID diana -USER John -MESSAGE

"The weekly paycheck job\ has abended" -SEVERITY V

Example 3

The following illustrates the use of the ctmshout utility in a job script
command to send the Shout message “Job started” to the Alerts window

The job processing definition for a certain job contains the following
AutoEdit Assignment parameter:


The script used to execute the job contains the following command:

ctmshout -O $1 -USER ECS -MESSAGE "Job started" \


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2-128 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmshtb sets the active Shout Destination table. The Shout Destination
table associates physical output destinations with logical destination
names specified in Shout and Do Shout statements in job processing
definitions. For more information, refer to “Shout Destination Tables” in
Chapter 1, Overview.

Activation of this utility changes the active Shout Destination table to the
table specified.

You can add, delete and modify Shout Destination tables using the
ctmsys utility, described earlier in this chapter. The ctmsys utility can
also be used to specify the active Shout Destination table interactively.

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmshtb utility:

ctmshtb <Table>

where <Table> is the new Shout Destination table name.

By defining CONTROL-M jobs that execute the ctmshtb utility at
specified times, the active Shout Destination table designation can be
changed automatically according to the schedule that suits your


The following command sets the current active Shout Destination table
designation to SHIFTMAN:

ctmshtb SHIFTMAN

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Utilities 2-129

ctmstats displays and deletes statistical data from the Statistical

Summary table of the CONTROL-M database. The data scanned for both
options can be limited to a range of dates. The Statistical Summary table
is created via the ctmjsa utility.

Statistical data is only accumulated when the CONTROL-M system
parameter Statistics is set to Y. For more information, see “System
Parameters” on page 5-3.

Specify one of the following commands to invoke the ctmstats utility:

ctmstats -list <From Date> <To Date> [<Filter>] [-total]

ctmstats -list "∗" [<Filter>] [-total]
ctmstats -delete <From Date> <To Date>

Table 2-51 ctmstats – Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description

-list Displays data from the Statistical Summary table

within the dates specified by the From Date and To
Date parameters. The data listed can be limited with
use of the Filter sub-parameter (see below).
-delete Deletes data from the Statistical Summary table in the
range specified by the From Date and To Date
<From Date> Starting date of statistical data to be dis-
played/deleted. The date is specified in yyyymmddh-
hmmss format.
<To Date> Ending date of statistical data to be displayed/deleted.
The date is specified in yyyymmddhhmmss format.

“∗” Asterisk enclosed in quotation marks. Specifies that

the utility should list all statistical data currently avail-
able, without regard to date.

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2-130 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-51 ctmstats – Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description

<Filter> Specify one of the following options and its associated

subparameter or leave blank to display the statistics
for all jobs in the range.
-JOBNAME <jobname>
Identify the job by its Job Name parameter.
-MEMNAME <memname>
Identify the job by its Mem Name parameter.
-MEMLIB <memlib>
Identify jobs by their Mem Lib parameter.
-NODEID <nodeid>
Identify jobs by their node id parameter (Agent plat-
Each of the subparameters in the filter can include the
following mask characters:
* – Represents any number of characters (including
no characters). Any parameter including ∗ should be
enclosed in quotation marks (see example below).
? – Represents any single character
-total Displays a line that contains the total CPU and
elapsed times for the jobs selected.

Example 1

The following command displays statistical data for the period January
21, 1999 through January 25, 1999 (assuming that this data is available):

ctmstats -list 19990121000000 19990125000000

A report similar to the following is displayed:

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Utilities 2-131
-------------- ---------- ------------ ---------- -------------- ------- -----------
19990122141214 acct12 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.19 233.15
19990122032025 gen786 diana genx prod.general 0.12 6.12
19990121123111 acct14 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.05 170.45
19990121113512 acct15 diana pgmacct prod.acct.pgm 0.14 145.23

Example 2

The following command displays statistical data for all jobs on Agent
platform diana:

ctmstats -list "∗" -NODEID diana -total

Example 3

The following command deletes the statistical data for January 31, 1999:

ctmstats -delete 19990131000000 19990131235959

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2-132 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmstvar utility displays the current value of an AutoEdit variable or

function. Specify the following command to invoke the ctmstvar utility:

ctmstvar <order id> <autoedit string>

Table 2-52 ctmstvar – Parameters

Variable Description
<order id> The Order ID of a job waiting in the Active Jobs file (as
displayed in the Job Details window of ENTERPRISE/CS).
The Order ID displayed in ENTERPRISE/CS is a base 36
number. If you want to specify the Order ID here as a base
10 number, precede the number with an asterisk, and
enclose it in quotation marks (for example,“∗1234”).
Use “0” to indicate no specific Order ID.
<autoedit string> The AutoEdit variable or string enclosed in quotes.

An AutoEdit variable that does not contain a $ sign can be enclosed in

single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”) quote marks. An AutoEdit variable that does
contain a $ sign should be enclosed in single quote marks. An AutoEdit
variable containing a $ sign cannot be resolved if it is enclosed in double
quote marks.


ctmstvar a1 ‘%%$CALCDATE %%ODATE -2’

ctmstvar 0 "%%ODATE"

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Utilities 2-133

ctmsuspend suspends and restores CONTROL-M/Server

non-communication processes for mass batch uploads/downloads from
ENTERPRISE/CS. During suspension mode, CONTROL-M inactivates
its job processing functions by suspending the TR, SL, NS, and LG
processes. For more information, see “CONTROL-M/Server Processes”
on page 4-43. Requests for job processing during this mode are
suspended until execution of ctmsuspend restoration mode.

This utility should be invoked before executing the Mass Upload or

Mass Download features on the ENTERPRISE/CS Graphical User

Specify the following command to invoke the ctmsuspend utility:

ctmsuspend {-s|-r}
Table 2-53 cmtsuspend – Options

Var Description

-s Suspends CONTROL-M/Server scheduling processes.

Leaves the gateway to ENTERPRISE/CS open.
-r Restores CONTROL-M/Server processes. Resumes normal
operating mode.


The following command causes CONTROL-M/Server scheduling

processes to be restored.

ctmsuspend -r

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2-134 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmsys utility is an interactive utility for maintaining the following

CONTROL-M parameters:

• Shout Destination tables (for directing Shout messages).

• CONTROL-M system parameters.

To invoke the ctmsys utility:

1. Log on to the Server platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner

(for example, user controlm).

2. Specify the command:


The following menu is displayed:

| Main Menu |

1) Shout Destination Tables

2) System Parameters

q) Quit

Enter option:

The options in this menu and in all other menus provided by this utility
can be selected by typing the option number or command letter and
pressing Enter.

Each option appearing in the main menu is described below.

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Utilities 2-135
Shout Destination Tables

Shout Destination tables associate logical output destinations (specified

in Shout and Do Shout statements in job processing definitions) with
physical destination names. See “Shout Destination Tables” on page 1-
24, for additional information.

To access the Shout Destination Tables menu:

Select Option 1 from the main menu.

The following menu is displayed:

Shout Destination Tables Menu

Active Shout Destination Table: <table_name>

1) Create/Modify a Table
2) Set Active Table
3) List Tables
4) Delete Table

q) Quit and return to main menu

Enter option:

The name of the currently-active Shout Destination table is displayed in

the <table_name> field on the menu.

To create or modify a Shout Destination table:

Step 1 Select Option 1 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

A list of available tables, similar to the following, is displayed:

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2-136 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Shout Destination Tables

Table to create/modify or ’q’ to quit [SYSTEM]:

Step 2 Specify the name of the table to be created or modified (or press
<Enter> to accept the default).

If the name you specify is not the name of an existing Shout Destination
table, a new table will be created with the specified name.

A display similar to the following is displayed. For an existing table, the

display lists the defined destinations.

Shout Destination Table ’SYSTEM’


# Destination Type Addr Logical Name Physical Name

- ---------------- ---- ------------ -------------
2 T S Term_B $TTB.#B

q) Quit e#) Edit entry # n) New entry d#) Delete

entry #

Enter option:

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Utilities 2-137
The following fields in the table are displayed:

Table 2-54 Fields of the Shout Destination Table

Item Description
# Entry number in the table.
Destination Type One-letter code indicating the type of recipient:
U—Specific user. If the user is not logged onto the data
center when the Shout message is sent, the message is
placed in the user’s mail.
M—User’s mail.
T—Specific terminal or file.
O—System console.
E—Alert window of ENTERPRISE/CS.
P—Program which will perform the Shout operation.
Address Type One-letter code indicating whether the destination is on
the Server (S) or Agent (A) platform.
Logical Name Name used in the Shout or Do Shout parameter of the
job processing definition to identify the recipient of the
Shout message.
Physical Name For Destination Types U and M, name of a user in the
data center.
For Destination Type T, terminal ID or full path name
(max. 96 characters) of a file. If the file exists, the
message will be appended to the end of the file.
For Destination Type P, the full path name of the program
file/script which will perform the Shout operation.
For Destination Types O, L and E, no physical name is
specified, as each of these is a unique destination.

To create a new entry in the table:

1. Specify n.

The following prompts appear:

Dest. Type: (U)ser (M)ail (T)erminal c(O)nsole

(L)og (P)rogram (E)NTERPRISE/CS:

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2-138 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

2. Specify the letter corresponding to the desired destination type.

The following prompt is displayed:

Address Type (S)erver or (A)gent:

3. For Destination types U, M, P, T or O, specify whether the

destination is on the Server (S) or Agent (A). For Destination type E,
specify S.

The following prompt is displayed:

Logical Name:

4. Specify the logical name for this destination.

The following prompt is displayed:

Physical Name:

5. For Destination types U, M, P or T, specify the physical name. For

Destination types O and E, leave this field blank.

The new entry is added to the table.

To modify an existing entry (physical name only) in the table:

1. Specify e<entry_number>. For example, to modify entry number 2,

specify e2.

The following prompt is displayed:

Dest Type:
Address Type:
Physical Name:

Note that this option cannot be used to modify a logical name.

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Utilities 2-139
2. Specify a new physical name for the entry. The table is redisplayed
with the modified entry.

To delete an existing entry in the table:

1. Specify d<entry #>. For example, to delete entry # 2, specify d2.

The entry is deleted.

2. Specify q to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

To change the active Shout Destination table:

1. Select Option 2 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

Existing Shout Destination Tables

Enter name of table to make active or q to quit

2. Specify the name of the table to set as the active Shout Destination

The following message is displayed:

Table <table name> is now active.

Press ENTER to continue.

3. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

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2-140 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The active Shout Destination table is changed immediately, affecting
Shout and Do Shout operations performed by CONTROL-M.

To specify the active Shout Destination table via a batch job, run the
ctmshtb utility, described earlier in this chapter.

To list existing Shout Destination tables:

1. Select Option 3 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

Shout Destination Tables


Press ENTER to continue

2. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

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Utilities 2-141
To delete an existing Shout Destination table by name:

1. Select Option 4 from the Shout Destination Tables menu.

A list of existing Shout Destination Tables is displayed.

2. Specify the name of the table to delete.

The following message is displayed:

Delete completed successfully.

Press ENTER to continue.

3. Press <Enter> to return to the Shout Destination Tables menu.

It is not possible to delete the active Shout Destination table.

System Parameters

This option is used to view/modify CONTROL-M system parameters.

These parameters are described in Chapter 5, “Customization

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2-142 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

To view or modify CONTROL-M system parameters:

Step 1 Choose Option 2 from the Main menu.

The first group of parameters (and their current values) is displayed. See
Figure 2-7.

Figure 2-7 CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 1)

CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 1/2)


Computer System :sparc

Operating System :Solaris
CONTROL-M Version :6.0.0
Database Version/schema :6.0.0
Executable Path :/home3/ctmssl/ctm/exe_Solaris
1) Day Time :+0700
CONTROL-M Date :20010219
2) Statistics :Y
3) Maximum Retries :50
4) Start Day of the Week :2
Active Shout Table :SYSTEM
5) Full Security :N

n) Next Page
s) Save and Return to Main Menu
c) Cancel

Enter command, or item number you wish to change [n]:

When you specify n, the second page of parameters is displayed. See

Figure 2-8.

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Utilities 2-143
Figure 2-8 CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 2)

CONTROL-M System Parameters (Page 2/2)


6) Maximum Days Retained by CONTROL-M Log :2

7) Maximum Days to Retain Sysout Files :1
8) Ignore New Day Conditions :N
9) Secure Socket Layer :DISABLED

p) Previous Page
s) Save and Return to Main Menu
c) Cancel

Enter command, or item number you wish to change [p]:

Parameters that can be modified are preceded by a number.

Step 2 Modify or view parameters as follows:

• To switch between the two pages of parameters, type n (next page) or

p (previous page) as required.
• To modify a parameter, type the number preceding the parameter.

— If the parameter has a Y/N value, typing the parameter’s option

number toggles the value between Y and N and redisplays the

— If the parameter requires any other value, you are prompted to

type the value. After you supply the value, the page is

Step 3 When you want to exit:

• Type s to save your changes and exit to the main menu.

Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.
• Type c to cancel all changes and exit to the main menu.

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2-144 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmudchk checks whether all the jobs which should have been ordered by
a User Daily job are in the Active Jobs file. This utility facilitates
recovery from the interruption of a User Daily job.

When using the ctmudchk utility, the New Day procedure must not be
running (that is, the status of the data center in the Communication Status
window of ENTERPRISE/CS must not be “Formatting AJF”).

Use the following command to invoke the ctmudchk utility:

ctmudchk -DAILY <User Daily name> -ACTION {LIST|ORDER}

-FILE <File Name>

The parameters of this command are described in Table 2-55.

Table 2-55 ctmudchk – Parameters

Parameter Description
-DAILY Name of the User Daily to be checked.
-ACTION Indicates whether jobs that are missing from the
Active Jobs file should be listed or ordered.
The following values can be specified for this
LIST Lists the job name and the name of
the scheduling table for each
missing job.
ORDER Orders the missing jobs.
-FILE Indicates the path name for the output of the
ctmudchk utility. This parameter is required only if
LIST is specified for the ACTION parameter.

Example 1

Use the following command to check the Active Jobs file for jobs which
are ordered by the User Daily whose name is payroll. The Job Name and
Scheduling table are listed for each job that is not in the Active Jobs file.

ctmudchk -DAILY payroll -ACTION LIST

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Utilities 2-145
Example 2

Use the following command to check the Active Jobs file for jobs which
are ordered by the User Daily whose name is admin1. The utility orders
each job that is not in the Active Jobs file.

ctmudchk -DAILY admin1 -ACTION ORDER

Return Codes

The utility returns status code 1 (NOTOK) if it attempts to order a job,

but fails to do so. Otherwise, the utility returns status code 0 (OK).

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2-146 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctmudlst utility is used to display or modify UDLAST (the User

Daily last run date). See “Date Control Record (UDLAST)” on page 1-
21, for more information.

When using the ctmudlst utility, the New Day procedure must not be
running (that is, the status of the data center in the Communication Status
window of ENTERPRISE/CS must not be “Formatting AJF”).

To invoke the ctmudlst utility, specify one of the following commands:

ctmudlst LIST <User Daily>

ctmudlst LIST "∗"
ctmudlst UPDATE <User Daily> <Date>

The parameters of these commands are described in Table 2-56.

Table 2-56 ctmudlst – Parameters

Parameter Description
LIST Lists the User Daily last run date.
UPDATE Updates the User Daily last run date.
<User Daily> User Daily name.
“∗” Asterisk enclosed in quotation marks. Displays a list of all
User Daily names and corresponding last run dates.
<Date> Requested value for the last running date in yyyymmdd

Example 1

The following command lists the last run date for User Daily payroll:

ctmudlst LIST payroll

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Utilities 2-147
Example 2

The following command changes the last run date for User Daily
inventory to Aug. 10, 1998:

ctmudlst UPDATE inventory 19980810

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2-148 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ctmudly orders jobs for a specific User Daily name.

The utility orders all Scheduling tables associated with a specific User
Daily name. Each job in the ordered Scheduling tables whose Scheduling
criteria are satisfied is placed in the Active Jobs file.

See “User Daily Jobs” on page 1-18, for more information and examples.

To invoke the ctmudly utility, specify the command:

ctmudly <User Daily>

where <User Daily> is a User Daily name associated with one or more
Scheduling tables. This parameter is case-sensitive.


The following command orders all Scheduling tables whose User Daily
parameter is prod:

ctmudly prod

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Utilities 2-149

The ctmvar utility defines, deletes, modifies and displays AutoEdit

variables. This utility can be applied to variables that are:

• In a specific job processing definition in a Group Scheduling table

• Common to all jobs in a Group Scheduling table
• Global for an entire data center (a CONTROL-M/Server and all
associated agents)

Special notes:

• If a group scheduling table specified in the ctmvar utility has been

ordered more than once, the utility updates every instance of that
group scheduling table in the Active Jobs file.

• AutoEdit variables in jobs that are not part of a group scheduling

table cannot be modified using the ctmvar utility.

• A value specified for a Global AutoEdit variable is overridden if a

local variable with the same name is defined in a job processing
definition or for a group scheduling table.


To invoke the ctmvar utility, specify the following command:

ctmvar -action <LOAD|SET|DELETE|LIST> \

[-var “%%[\<gptble>[\<jobname>]]\<varname>”]\
[-varexpr <variable expression>] \
[-filename <filename>] \
[-quiet] \
[-debug <level>]

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2-150 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-57 ctmvar – Parameters (Part 1 of 3)

Parameter Description
-action Indicates the action to be performed on the specified AutoEdit
variable. The possible actions are:
LOAD Loads AutoEdit variables from a file. When this
option is used, parameter -filename is required.
The format for each variable in the specified file is:
• If the variable does not exist in the data center or
the specified group scheduling table or job, it is
• If the variable already exists, it is updated with
the specified value.
SET Defines a new AutoEdit variable. When this option
is used, parameters -var and -varexpr are
• If the variable does not exist in the data center or
the specified group scheduling table or job, it is
• If the variable already exists, it is updated with
the specified value.
DELETE Deletes an AutoEdit variable. When this option is
used, the -var parameter is mandatory.
LIST Displays all Global AutoEdit variables for the data
center or all variables for the specified group
scheduling table specified in the -var parameter.

Example 1:
ctmvar -action LIST
Displays all Global AutoEdit variables for the data

Example 2:
ctmvar -action LIST -var “%%\PAYROLL”
Displays all AutoEdit variables that are global for
the PAYROLL group scheduling table.

Variable values can also be displayed using the

ctmstvar utility. However, the ctmstvar utility
resolves the current value of only a specified
AutoEdit variable or function. The ctmvar utility
displays all AutoEdit variables in the data center or
the specified group scheduling table.

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Utilities 2-151
Table 2-57 ctmvar – Parameters (Part 2 of 3)

Parameter Description
-var Name and location of the AutoEdit variable that the specified
action should be applied to.
The valid format for this parameter depends on the type of
variable being handled.
• For a variable that is global for an entire data center, valid
format is:
-var “%%\<var_name>”
• For a variable that is global for all jobs in a Group
Scheduling table, valid format is:
-var “%%\<group_table_name>\<var_name>”
• For variable in a specific job in a group scheduling table,
valid format is:
-var “%%\<group_table_name>\<jobname>\<var_name>”
This parameter cannot be specified together with -action
For more information about AutoEdit variables, see the
AutoEdit chapter in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.
-varexpr Value to be assigned to the specified AutoEdit variable. The
specified value can be:
• a string (embedded in quotes)
• an integer (a numeric value)
• an AutoEdit expression (for example, with an AutoEdit
• another (existing) global variable.
This parameter cannot be specified together with
-action LOAD.
For more information, see the AutoEdit chapter in the
Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.
-filename File containing the list of AutoEdit variables. The value
specified for this parameter must be a valid path and filename.
This parameter is only valid when specified together with -
action LOAD.
The syntax for each line in the specified file is
Note: The entire pathname must be specified in this

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2-152 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-57 ctmvar – Parameters (Part 3 of 3)

Parameter Description
-quiet Suppresses the display of the results.
-debug Sets a debug level for the utility. This parameter is used for
maintenance and troubleshooting purposes. The level, a
numeric value from 0 to 5, must be used only if requested and
specified by Technical Support.
Note: Performance is somewhat slower and requires a larger
number of resources when operating in debug mode. It is
recommended that you activate debug mode only when
absolutely necessary and revert to normal mode as soon as


The following command assigns the value UP to AutoEdit variable


ctmvar -action set -var “%%\CTMSTATUS” -varexpr “UP”

The following command assigns the value 31 to AutoEdit variable

%%MONTHDAYS in the group scheduling table called PAYROLL:

ctmvar -action set -var “%%\PAYROLL\MONTHDAYS”

-varexpr 31

The following command assigns the current value of system variable

%%TIME to AutoEdit variable %%AAA:

ctmvar -action set -var “%%\AAA” -varexpr %%TIME

The format AutoEdit variable %%@varname indicates that the variable

should contain a value to be resolved by each job that uses it. In the
following example, the command assigns the value %%@TIME to
AutoEdit variable %%AAA:

ctmvar -action set -var “%%\AAA” -varexpr %%@TIME

For more information about AutoEdit variables that resolve at definition

or reference time, see the AutoEdit Facility chapter in the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide.
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Utilities 2-153

ctmwhy displays a report stating why a job waiting in the Active Jobs
file is not being submitted for execution. This utility is equivalent to the
Why option available from the Job Node menu in the Enterprise
Controlstation window.

To invoke the ctmwhy utility, specify the command:

ctmwhy <Order ID>

where <Order ID> is the Order ID of a job waiting in the Active Jobs
file (as displayed in the Job Details window of ENTERPRISE/CS).

The Order ID as displayed in the Job Details window is a base 36
number. If you wish to specify the Order ID here as a base 10 number,
precede the number with an asterisk, and enclose it in quotation marks
(for example, “ ∗1234”).

Example 1

Specify the following command to determine why the job with Order ID
A4X is not being submitted for execution:

ctmwhy A4X

A typical response might be QR: ’TAPE4’ : needed 2. None reserved,

which indicates that the job is not being submitted because it requires
two of the Quantitative resource TAPE4, and none is available.

Example 2

Specify the following command to determine why the job with Order
ID 11 is not being submitted for execution. The Order ID in this example
is expressed as a base 10 number:

ctmwhy "∗37"

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2-154 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The ctm2snmp utility enables the user to send messages to various

Network Management applications (for example, HP-OpenView,
NetView for AIX, and Tivoli Management Environment Console) via
SNMP traps. See the SNMP Interface appendix in the Enterprise
Controlstation Administrator Guide for a description of SNMP traps.

SNMP traps issued via CONTROL-M consist of the fields described in

Table 2-58.

Table 2-58 Fields of SNMP Traps

# Field Description
1 SEVERITY Severity of the alert. Possible values are:
• R Regular
• U Urgent
• V Very urgent
2 SEND TIME Time/date that the alert was issued (format
3 USER NAME Name of the CONTROL-M user who invoked the
4 MSG TEXT Full text of the alert.

To invoke the ctm2snmp utility, specify the following command:

ctm2snmp -hostname <host_name> -severity <severity> -message <message>

Table 2-59 ctm2snmp – Parameters

Parameter Description
-host_name Host name or IP address of the machine containing the
Network Management application.
-severity Severity of the alert (R, U, V)
-message Message to be sent.

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Utilities 2-155
Special customization is required to support SNMP traps issued by

• SNMP traps can be issued in either Single Variable format or

Multiple Variable format. The format is determined by the
CTM_SNMP_SEND_FORMAT parameter specified in the
~controlm/ctm/config.dat file. The default is Single Variable (S)
format. For more information, see “Configuration Parameters” on
page 5-22.

— Single Variable Format

The trap is contained in one SNMP variable. This variable is a
string consisting of four trap fields separated by blanks. There
are three specific traps:

A. Specific-trap 1: Regular CONTROL-M alerts.

B. Specific-trap 2: Urgent CONTROL-M alerts.
C. Specific-trap 3: Very urgent CONTROL-M alerts.

— Multiple Variable Format

The trap consists of 4 distinct SNMP variables. There is one
specific trap type:

A. Specific-trap 10: CONTROL-M alerts.

• The following entry must be added to the /etc/services/ file (if not
already present):
snmp-trap 162/udp # snmp monitor trap port

• The Network Management applications, HP-OpenView, NetView for

AIX, and Tivoli Management Environment Console, must be
customized so that they recognize the Enterprise ID of
CONTROL-M and the generated trap codes. Follow the procedure
for each application described in the “SNMP Interface” appendix in
the Enterprise Controlstation Administrator Guide.

Use CTMS_4D and for the CONTROL-M

Enterprise name and MID. Edit all the described file entries
replacing ECS with CTMS.

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2-156 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


ecactltb displays a list of Control resources and the status of each


To invoke the ecactltb utility, specify the following command:

ecactltb [<Output>]

<Output> is the full path name to which the report should be sent
(optional). If this parameter is not specified, the output is routed to the
default output device.


The following command generates a list of Control resources in the file


ecactltb /ctm/user1/rprt.txt

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Utilities 2-157

ecaqrtab performs operations on the Quantitative Resources table. These

operations include:

• Listing Quantitative resources.

• Adding/deleting a Quantitative resource.
• Manually altering availability of a Quantitative resource.

If the resource name is longer than 20 characters, the resource is not

Use the following command to invoke the ecaqrtab utility:

ecaqrtab {LIST|ADD|DELETE|UPDATE}[<QR_Name>][<Max>][<Output>]

Table 2-60 describes the parameters for this utility.

Table 2-60 ecaqrtab – Parameters

Parameter Description
LIST Displays the status of the specified Quantitative resources.
This information is also available from ENTERPRISE/CS in
the Quantitative Resources window.
ADD Defines a new Quantitative resource and sets the maximum
availability for the resource.
DELETE Deletes an existing Quantitative resource.
UPDATE Changes the maximum availability for an existing Quantitative
<QR_Name> Name of the Quantitative resource.
For the LIST option, the QR_Name can include mask
character ∗ to indicate any number of characters (including no
characters). If a mask character is specified, the name must
be enclosed in quotation marks (for example, “LVL∗”). You
can specify “∗” by itself to include all existing Quantitative
resources (default).

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2-158 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 2-60 ecaqrtab – Parameters

Parameter Description
<Max> Specifies the maximum availability for the specified resource.
This parameter should only be specified with the ADD and
UPDATE options
<Output> This parameter can only be specified for the LIST option. It
indicates the full path name to which the report should be
sent (optional). If this parameter is not specified, the output is
routed to the default output device.

To list Quantitative resources:

Specify the following command:

ecaqrtab LIST[<QR_Name>][<Output>]

Table 2-61 describes the fields that are displayed for each Quantitative
resource that matches the specified resource name or mask.

Table 2-61 ecaqrtab – Resource Status Fields

Parameter Description
QR name Quantitative resource name (with @<Node ID> where
Type For future use.
Max Avail Maximum number of units of this resource in the platform.
Reserved Number of units of the resource reserved for critical-path jobs.
Used Number of units of the resource currently in use or reserved. If
the ctmloadset utility is used in the data center, this number
can include usage of the resource by non-CONTROL-M jobs.
Free Number of units of the resource currently available for use.
This represents the difference between Max Avail and Used.


The following command lists the current status of all Quantitative

resources contained in the Quantitative Resource table:

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Utilities 2-159
ecaqrtab LIST “*” or ecaqrtab LIST

A report similar to the following is displayed:

Resource Name Type Max-Avail Reserved Used Free
CPU@linda L 10 0 10 0
CPU@linda L 20 0 15 5
MEM@diana L 10 0 0 10
Tape2 L 12 2 2 10

To add a Quantitative resource:

Specify the following command:

ecaqrtab ADD <QR name> <Max>


The following command specifies that the new Quantitative resource

tape2 is to be added to the Quantitative Resource table, with a maximum
availability of 12 units:

ecaqrtab ADD tape2 12

To delete a Quantitative resource:

• Specify the following command:

ecaqrtab DELETE <QR name>


The following command specifies that the Quantitative resource tape3 is

to be deleted from the table:

ecaqrtab DELETE tape3

To alter the availability of a Quantitative resource:

Specify the following command:

ecaqrtab UPDATE <QR name> <Max>

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2-160 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


The following command specifies that the new maximum availability for
the existing Quantitative resource linerje2 on platform diana is 12 units:

ecaqrtab UPDATE linerje2@diana 12

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Utilities 2-161
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2-162 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Security 3

CONTROL-M includes security features that protect CONTROL-M

against unauthorized usage or modification. These features enhance the
standard Unix security, and provide an additional application-level
security layer.

Using CONTROL-M security, you can specify actions that each

ENTERPRISE/CS user or CONTROL-M user is authorized to perform.
These authorizations used to perform security checks each time one of
the following actions is attempted:

• Accessing a Scheduling table (to add, delete, or modify a job


• Ordering a job.

• Selecting and submitting a job.

• Commands affecting jobs in the Active Jobs file (for example, Hold,
Confirm, Rerun).

• Maintenance of CONTROL-M entities (for example, calendars,

prerequisite conditions).

Security verifications for the above actions are implemented according to

the specifications in a database of authorizations. This database can be
modified by the security officer or systems manager to meet the needs of
the enterprise. For more information, see “Security Maintenance Utility
(Interactive Mode)” on page 3-11.

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Security 3-1
Level of Application Security
CONTROL-M provides the following levels of application security for
users not explicitly defined in the CONTROL-M security database:

Table 3-1 Security Levels

Security Level Description

Restricted A user not defined in the CONTROL-M security database
is regarded as having no authorizations and cannot
perform any function requiring security authorization.
Unrestricted A user not defined in the CONTROL-M security database
is regarded as having all CONTROL-M application

Regardless of which level is implemented:

• A user, for whom one or more authorizations have been assigned in

the security database, can only perform those actions for which the
user has authorization.

• The owner of each job processing definition must be defined as a

user on the Agent platform. Otherwise, CONTROL-M will not order
or execute the job.

The security level is determined by the value of the CONTROL-M

system parameter Full Security (described in Chapter 5, “Customization

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3-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CONTROL-M Security Concepts


Every time a user or a job attempts to perform an action that requires

access to or updates any component of the CONTROL-M database,
CONTROL-M verifies that the user or job is authorized to perform the
attempted action. Tables that list authorizations are contained in a portion
of the CONTROL-M database referred to as the Security database. The
Security database is maintained using the Security Maintenance utility.
See “Security Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode)” on page 3-11.

Authorizations in the CONTROL-M Security database are divided into

the following areas:

• Scheduling Table Authorization

User actions performed on specific Scheduling tables.

• Active Jobs File Authorization

User actions performed on jobs in the Active Jobs file.

• Entities Authorization
User actions performed on various CONTROL-M entities (for
example, prerequisite conditions).

Each security check relates to one of the following:

• Whether or not the current ENTERPRISE/CS user is authorized to

perform the action that he/she is attempting to perform.

• Whether or not the owner of an executing job is authorized to order

or force additional jobs belonging to the same or different owners.

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Security 3-3
Scheduling Table Authorization

Scheduling Table Authorization determines a user’s authorization to

perform actions on an entire Scheduling table. The actions are controlled
by this authorization are described in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Scheduling Table Authorization

Action Description
Delete Deletes an entire Scheduling table or a job contained in the
Read Downloads a Scheduling table from the Server platform to the
ENTERPRISE/CS workstation.
Update Uploads a Scheduling table from the ENTERPRISE/CS
workstation to the Server platform.
OrderTable Orders or forces an entire Scheduling table or a job in the
table. For more information about when this authorization is
checked, see “Ordering a Scheduling Table” below.
Delete Deletes an entire Scheduling table or a job contained in the

Ordering a Scheduling Table

Authorization for an OrderTable action for a Scheduling table is

checked in the following situations:

• When a user of ENTERPRISE/CS attempts to order or force a

Scheduling table or a job in the table, CONTROL-M checks the
user’s authorization for the action.

• When a job executing under CONTROL-M attempts to perform a Do

Forcejob action on a Scheduling table or a job in the table,
CONTROL-M checks the authorization of the job’s Owner.

• When the Scheduling table is ordered by a User Daily job,

CONTROL-M checks the authorization of the User Daily job’s

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3-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• When a Scheduling table is ordered by the New Day procedure,
CONTROL-M checks the authorization of the CONTROL-M
account owner.

In addition to the security checks described above, CONTROL-M checks
authorization for each job in the Scheduling table, as described in
“Active Jobs File Authorization” below.

Active Jobs File Authorization

Active Jobs File Authorization determine a user’s authorization to

perform actions that affect jobs in the Active Jobs file, or that place jobs
in the Active Jobs file. Authorizations are assigned to a user for jobs
belonging to specific owners. (For example, user Robert is or is not
authorized to order a job whose owner is Michelle). For each
ENTERPRISE/CS user, the security facility enables you to specify what
action the user is authorized to perform on jobs owned by other users.

CONTROL-M requires that a user be assigned authorization to perform
actions even if that user is specified in the job’s Owner parameter.

The actions that can be controlled are described in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Active Jobs File Authorization (Part 1 of 2)

Action Authorization
Order Order a job.
Force Force a job.
Rerun Select the Rerun option from the job Details menu.
Hold Select the Hold/Free option from the job Details menu.
Confirm Select the Confirm option from the job Details menu.
Delete Select the Delete option from the job Details menu.
Why Select the Why option from the job Details menu.

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Security 3-5
Table 3-3 Active Jobs File Authorization (Part 2 of 2)

Action Authorization
Sysout Select the Sysout option from the job Details menu.
Log Select the Log option from the job Details menu.
Statistics Select the Statistics option from the job Details menu.
Zoom & Save Select the Zoom & Save option from the job Details menu.
Terminate Job Select the Kill job option from the job Details menu.

Authorization for the Order action is checked in the following


• When a user of ENTERPRISE/CS attempts to order a job from the

Job List window, CONTROL-M checks the authorization of the user
with regard to the job’s owner.

• When a job is ordered or forced (regardless of how), CONTROL-M

checks the authorization of the job’s author with regard to the job’s

Authorization for the Force action is checked in the following situations:

• When a user of ENTERPRISE/CS attempts to force a job from the

Job List window, CONTROL-M checks the authorization of the user
with regard to the job’s owner.

• When a job executing under CONTROL-M attempts to perform a Do

Forcejob action on an entire table or on a job, CONTROL-M checks
the authorization of the job’s Owner with regard to the owner of
each job contained in the Scheduling table or each job.

When performing Order or Force actions on an entire table,
CONTROL-M checks Scheduling table authorizations, as described in
“Scheduling Table Authorization” on page 3-21, in addition to the
security checks described above.

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3-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The ctmordck utility can be used to generate a report that indicates
whether or not the CONTROL-M security mechanism will allow jobs
associated with a given User Daily name to run with the authorizations
currently assigned to the owner of the User Daily job. See Chapter 2,
“Utilities,” for more information.

For the other actions listed above (Rerun, Hold, Confirm, Delete, Why,
Sysout, Log, Statistics, Zoom-and-Save, Kill job), CONTROL-M
checks that the ENTERPRISE/CS user performing the action is
authorized to perform the specific action with regard to the job’s owner.

Entities Authorization

Entities Authorization determines a user’s authorization to perform

actions on certain CONTROL-M entities. These entities are accessed
either directly from the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation or via utilities on
CONTROL-M Server or Agent platforms. Table 3-4 describes the
entities that are controlled by these authorizations.

Table 3-4 Entities Authorization

Entity Authorization Access

Condition CONTROL-M prerequisite conditions, ENTERPRISE/CS
(including global conditions) ctmcontb
Control Control resources ENTERPRISE/CS
Resource Quantitative resources ENTERPRISE/CS
Calendar Calendars used when specifying job ENTERPRISE/CS
processing parameters
Log CONTROL-M log ctmlog

For each of the above entities, a user can be assigned authorization to

perform Add, Delete, and Change actions. No special authorization is
required to view any of these entities.

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Security 3-7
Passing Global Conditions Between Data Centers

When a global condition is added or deleted in one data center,

ENTERPRISE/CS also performs that action in other data centers. In each
of these other data centers, the addition or deletion of the global
condition is attributed to a special user named GCSERV.

When the CONTROL-M security mechanism is implemented in a data

center to which actions on global conditions will be passed, user
GCSERV must be defined in the CONTROL-M security facility at that
data center. User GCSERV should be assigned authorization to add and
delete prerequisite conditions.

Agent Platform Security Checks

In addition to the security checks detailed above, CONTROL-M utilizes

checks provided by the Agent platform operating system to further
enhance data center security. These security checks are applied regardless
of the security mode (restricted or unrestricted) implemented in the data

Agent platform operating system authorization is verified by

CONTROL-M in the following instances:

• Before a job is selected or submitted, the operating system security

mechanism on the relevant Agent platform is called to verify that the
job’s Owner is authorized to execute the job script file. Actions not
authorized by the operating system are rejected.

The owner of each job processing definition must be defined as a user on
the Agent platform. Otherwise, CONTROL-M will not order or execute
the job.

• When an ENTERPRISE/CS user attempts to perform the Edit JCL/

Script action, CONTROL-M/Agent verifies that the user is defined
on the Agent platform and that the user has write permission to
update the relevant files.

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3-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Summary of Authorizations

The following tables summarize the authorizations required to perform

various actions under CONTROL-M.

Table 3-5 Authorization – job submission from a User Daily job

Who Authorization
User Daily job’s owner Scheduling Table authorization: OrderTable for
the Scheduling table containing the jobs.
Owner of each job ordered Agent platform operating system authorization
by the User Daily job to execute the job script file.
Author of each job ordered Active Jobs File authorization: Order for the
owner of the job.

Table 3-6 Authorization – job submission from the New Day procedure

Who Authorization
CONTROL-M account Scheduling Table authorization: OrderTable for
owner the Scheduling table containing the jobs.
Owner of each job ordered Agent platform operating system authorization
by the User Daily job to execute the job script file.
Author of each job ordered Active Jobs File authorization: Order for the
owner of the job.

Table 3-7 Authorization – Order/Force a Scheduling Table from


Who Authorization
ENTERPRISE/CS user Scheduling Table authorization: OrderTable for
the Scheduling table containing the jobs.
Owner of each job ordered Agent platform operating system authorization
or forced to execute the job script file.
Author of each job ordered Active Jobs File authorization to order/force:
or forced Order/Force for the owner of the job.

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Security 3-9
Table 3-8 Authorization – Ordering/Forcing a job from ENTERPRISE/CS

Who Authorization
ENTERPRISE/CS user Scheduling Table authorization: OrderTable for
the Scheduling table containing the job.
Active Jobs File authorization to order/force a
job: Order/Force for the owner of the job.
Agent platform operating system authorization
to execute the job script file.
Owner of each job ordered Agent platform operating system authorization
or forced to execute the job script file.
Author of each job ordered Active Jobs File authorization: Order for the
or forced owner of the job.

Table 3-9 Authorization – Do Forcejob

Who Authorization
Owner of the job performing Scheduling Table authorization: OrderTable for
the Do Forcejob action Scheduling table containing the job(s) to be
Active Jobs File authorization: Force for the
owner of the job(s) being forced.
Owner of each job forced Agent platform operating system authorization
to execute the job script file.
Author of each job forced Active Jobs File authorization: Order for the
owner of the job.

Table 3-10 Authorization – Actions on a Job in the Active network

Who Action Authorization

ENTERPRISE/CS All actions A user on the Agent
user platform.
Rerun, Hold, Confirm, Separate Active Jobs File
Delete, Why, Sysout, authorization for each
Log, Statistics, Kill Job, specified action.
Edit JCL/Script Operating system write
permission for the script files
on the Agent platform.

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3-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Security Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode)
The ctmsec CONTROL-M Security Maintenance utility defines users in
the CONTROL-M Security database, assigns authorization types for
various action relevant to working with CONTROL-M using an
ENTERPRISE/CS workstation. The ctmsec utility is run on the Server

Modifications to authorizations by this utility are implemented only after
the utility is exited.

Users can also be defined as part of a group. Authorizations can be

specified for a specific user, for a group, or for both. See “User
Authorization” on page 3-32.

When assigning a user to a group, the following rules apply:

• If there are no authorizations defined for the specific user, the user
inherits the authorizations specified for the group.

• If there are authorizations defined for a specific user, these

authorizations take precedence.

• When defining an authorization for a user (for example, Scheduling

Table), use of the (D)efault setting enables the specific authorization
(for example, Read) defined for the group.

• If all authorizations for a specific CONTROL-M element (for

example, Scheduling Table) for a user are defined with a (D)efault
setting, it is more efficient to delete the authorizations for that
element for the user.

• Authorizations not specifically defined for a group or for a user not

belonging to a group revert to the Full Security parameter setting.
See “System Parameters” on page 5-3.

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Security 3-11
Certain functions of the ctmsec utility can be activated in batch mode
from the command line. For more information, see “Security
Maintenance Utility (Batch Mode)” on page 3-32.

When working with CONTROL-M via the ENTERPRISE/CS
workstation, mask characters are available for all options. Mask
characters * and $ that are used when assigning authorizations in the
CONTROL-M Security database, are translated as mask characters
during runtime security checking. (For example, if User1 is granted full
Scheduling Table authorization for table ACC*, CONTROL-M allows
User1 to update and/or order any table whose name starts with ACC).
Valid mask characters are:

* represents any number of characters (including no characters).

$ represents a single character.

Mask character authorizations do not override full name authorizations.

(For example, if User1 from the example above is also defined to have
only Read privileges for ACC999, CONTROL-M will not allow User1
to update and/or order table ACC999).

To invoke the CONTROL-M Security Maintenance utility, log on to the

Server platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner (for example, user
controlm) and specify the command:

• ctmsec


• Select Security Authorization => Security Maintenance Utility

from the CONTROL-M Main Menu. See “CONTROL-M Main
Menu” on page 4-6.

The CONTROL-M Security Maintenance Utility Main menu is


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3-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 3-1 Security Maintenance Menu

| Main Menu |

1) User Maintenance
2) Group Maintenance
3) Scheduling Table Authorization
4) Active Jobs File Authorization
5) Entities Authorization
q) Quit
Enter option:

Each of the options appearing in the Main menu is described below.

User Maintenance

The User Maintenance option of the ctmsec utility is used to add,

delete, or modify specific users in the CONTROL-M Security database.

Each ENTERPRISE/CS user who performs actions affecting the
CONTROL-M database or jobs in the Active Jobs file must be defined in
the CONTROL-M Security database when full security is on. In addition,
all other users who invoke CONTROL-M Security utilities must be
defined in the Security database and assigned appropriate privileges.

Select Option 1 from the Security Maintenance Main menu. The User
Maintenance menu is displayed.

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Security 3-13
Figure 3-2 User Maintenance Menu

User Maintenance Menu

1) List Users
2) Add User
3) Delete User
4) Modify User Information
5) Copy User
q) Quit

Enter option:

To list existing users in the CONTROL-M Security database:

Select Option 1 from the User Maintenance menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

Name Description Group

GCSERV For passing Global conds. Group1
User1 Group2

Press ENTER to continue:

Press <Enter> to return to the User Maintenance menu.

To add a new user to the CONTROL-M Security database:

1. Select Option 2 from the User Maintenance menu.

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:

User []:

2. Specify the user name of the ENTERPRISE/CS user (maximum 30

characters, case-sensitive).

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3-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:

User ‘User2’ is not defined in the CONTROL-M

Security database.
Add this user now [Y/N]?

3. Enter Y to add the new user.

The following prompts are displayed:

Description []:
Group []:

4. Specify a value for Description (maximum length: 50 characters) or

press <Enter>.

This field is optional and is for documentation purposes only.

5. Specify a value for Group (maximum length: 32 characters) or press


This field is optional. If specified, the user inherits all authorizations

defined for the group that are not specifically defined for the user.

6. Press <Enter> to return to the User Maintenance menu.

To delete an existing user from the CONTROL-M Security database:

1. Select Option 3 from the User Maintenance menu.

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:

User [User1]:

2. Specify the user name of the ENTERPRISE/CS user to delete. After

confirmation, the user is deleted from the Security database, and the
User Maintenance menu is displayed.

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Security 3-15
To modify the Description or Group fields for an existing user:

1. Select Option 4 from the User Maintenance menu.

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:

User/Group [User1]:

2. Specify the user name of the ENTERPRISE/CS user to modify.

A user definition similar to the following is displayed:

User: User1
Modify User Information
1) Description :
2) Group :
s) Save and return to menu
c) Cancel and return to menu
Enter command, or specify item number to modify:

3. To modify a field, type the number preceding the field.

You are prompted to supply a value for the field.

• Maximum length for Description is 50 characters. The

Description field is for documentation purposes only

• Maximum length for Group is 32 characters.

4. Type s to save your changes and return to the previous menu.

Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.


Type c to cancel all changes and return to the previous menu.

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3-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

To copy an existing user:

1. Select Option 5 from the User Maintenance menu.

The following prompt is displayed:

FROM user:

2. Specify the exact name of the user to be copied.

The following prompt is displayed:

TO user:

3. Specify a new user name for the ENTERPRISE/CS user (maximum

30 characters, case-sensitive).

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:

User ‘User2’ is not defined in the CONTROL-M

Security database.
Add this user now [Y/N]?

4. Enter Y to add the new user. The following prompt is displayed:

Description []:

5. Specify a value for Description (maximum length 50 characters).

This field is optional and is for documentation purposes only.

The following prompt is displayed:

Group []:

6. Specify a value for Group (maximum length 32 characters).

This field is optional. If specified, the user inherits all authorizations

defined for the group that are not specifically defined for the user.

7. Press <Enter> to return to the User Maintenance menu.

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Security 3-17
Group Maintenance

Each ENTERPRISE/CS user with a user account on the Server platform,

who is defined in the CONTROL-M Security database, can be defined as
part of a group. Belonging to a group is optional. All users belonging to a
group inherit the authorizations defined for the group.

Select Option 2 from the Security Maintenance Main menu to display the
Group Maintenance menu.

Figure 3-3 Group Maintenance Menu

Group Maintenance Menu

1) List Groups
2) Add Group
3) Delete Group
4) Modify Group Information
q) Quit
Enter option:

To list existing groups in the CONTROL-M Security database:

1. Select Option 1 from the Group Maintenance menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

Group Description
Group1 CONTROL-M Group
Press ENTER to continue:

2. Press <Enter> to return to the Group Maintenance menu.

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3-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

To add a new group to the CONTROL-M Security database:

1. Select Option 2 from the Group Maintenance menu. The

following prompt is displayed:

Groupname []:

2. Specify the Group name (maximum length 32 characters).

This name must be unique. It cannot be an existing user or group

name. The following prompt is displayed:

Description []:

3. Specify a Description (maximum length 50 characters) or press

<Enter>. The Description field is optional and is for documentation
purposes only. The group is added to the Security database, and the
Group Maintenance menu is displayed.

To delete an existing group from the CONTROL-M Security database:

1. Select Option 3 from the Group Maintenance menu. A prompt

similar to the following is displayed:

Group [Group1]:

2. Specify the name of the group to delete. After confirmation, the

group is deleted from the Security database, and the Group
Maintenance menu is displayed.

To modify the Description field for an existing group:

1. Select Option 4 from the Group Maintenance menu. A prompt

similar to the following is displayed:

Group [Group1]:

2. Specify the name of the group to modify.

A group definition similar to the following is displayed:

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Security 3-19
Group: Group1
Modify Group Information
1) Description :
s) Save and return to menu
c) Cancel and return to menu

Enter command, or specify item number to modify:

3. To modify the Description field, type 1.

You are prompted to supply a value for the field (maximum length 50
characters). This field is optional and is for documentation purposes

4. Type s to save your changes and return to the previous menu.

Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.


Type c to cancel all changes and return to the previous menu.

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3-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Scheduling Table Authorization

This option is used to assign authorizations to a user or group to perform

actions on a Scheduling table.

For more information about the types of authorization that can be granted
using this option, see “Scheduling Table Authorization” on page 3-4.

To maintain Scheduling Table authorizations:

1. Select Option 3 from the Main menu. A prompt similar to the

following is displayed:


User/Group [User1]:

2. Specify the user or group for whom you are defining authorizations.

If the user or group is not defined in the CONTROL-M/Server

database, the following message is displayed:

User/Group ‘name’ is not defined in the CONTROL-M

Security database.

Press ENTER to continue:

3. Press <Enter> to return to the Main menu. The Scheduling Table

Authorization menu is displayed:

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Security 3-21
Figure 3-4 Scheduling Table Authorization Menu

Scheduling Table Authorization Menu

1) List Tables
2) Create/Modify Table Authorization
3) Delete Table Authorization

q) Quit

Enter option:

To list existing Scheduling Table authorizations for the specified user/group:

» Select Option 1 from the Scheduling Table Authorization menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

List for user: User1

Table Delete Read Update OrderTable
Sched1 N N N N
Sched2 N Y Y Y
Press ENTER to continue:

Press <Enter> to return to the Scheduling Table Authorization menu.

To create or modify Scheduling Table authorizations for the specified user:

1. Select Option 2 from the Scheduling Table Authorization menu.

The following prompt is displayed:

Table Name:

2. Specify the name of a Scheduling table (maximum 20 characters,

case-sensitive). The Scheduling table does not have to exist at the
time you specify authorizations for it.

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3-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

A table definition similar to the following is displayed:

Scheduling Table Name: Sched1, User/Group: User1

Create/Modify Table Authorization
1) Delete :N
2) Read :N
3) Update :N
4) OrderTable :N

s) Save and return to menu

c) Cancel and return to menu

Enter command, or specify item number to toggle Y/


The Y setting enables authorization for the action (for example, Read), N
disables the authorization, and (D)efault uses the authorization defined
for the user’s group. If the user was previously authorized for this
scheduling table, the user’s current authorizations are displayed;
otherwise, all authorizations are set to N.

3. To modify an authorization, type the number preceding the

authorization. Press <Enter> to toggle the authorization between N,
Y and D.

Type s to save your changes and return to the previous menu.

Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.


Type c to cancel all changes and return to the previous menu.

To delete Scheduling Table authorizations for the specified user/group:

1. Select Option 3 from the Scheduling Table Authorization menu.

The following prompt is displayed:

Table Name:

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Security 3-23
2. Specify the name of the Scheduling table whose authorizations you
want to delete for this user or group (or press <Enter> to return to
the menu).

The user’s authorizations for this table are deleted from the Security
database, and the Scheduling Table Authorizations menu is
displayed. If the user belongs to a group, authorizations for the
Scheduling Table revert to the authorizations defined for the group.

Active Jobs File Authorization

This option is used to assign authorizations to a user or group for actions on

jobs in the Active Jobs file. The authorizations assigned are with regard to
specific job owners (the user appearing in the Owner parameter for each

For more information about the types of authorization that can be granted
using this option, see “Active Jobs File Authorization” on page 3-5.

To maintain Active Jobs File authorizations:

1. Select Option 4 from the Main menu.

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:



Specify the user or group for whom you are defining authorizations.

If the user or group is not defined in the CONTROL-M/Server

database, the following message is displayed:

User/Group ‘name’ is not defined in the CONTROL-M

Security database.
Press ENTER to continue:
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3-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

2. Press <Enter> to return to the Main menu. The Active Jobs File
Authorization menu is displayed:

Figure 3-5 Active Jobs File Authorization Menu

Active Jobs File Authorization Menu

1) List Owner Names
2) Create/Modify AJF Authorization
3) Delete AJF Authorization

q) Quit

Enter option:

To list owners for whom the user has Active Jobs File authorizations:

Select Option 1 from the Active Jobs File Authorization menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

List for user: User1

Owner Node Group Hold Force Del Rerun Log Why Statist Sysout Order Conf Z&S Kill
----- ---------- ---- ----- --- ----- --- --- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- ----
Owner1 Node1 N Y Y Y N N N N Y N N Y
Owner2 Node2 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N

Press ENTER to continue:

To create or modify Active Jobs File authorizations for the specified user:

1. Select Option 2 from the Active Jobs File Authorization menu.The

following prompt is displayed:


2. Specify the name of a job owner.

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Security 3-25
The following prompt is displayed:

Node Group:

3. Specify the node group of the Agents where the job can be scheduled
to run (maximum 30 characters, case-sensitive).

A value must be specified for the Node Group prompt. (Null is not a
valid value.) To indicate all node groups, specify an asterisk (*) for this

A list similar to the following is displayed:

Owner: Owner1, Node Group: Node1 User/Group: User1

Create/Modify Active Jobs File Authorization


1) Order :Y
2) Force :Y
3) Rerun :Y
4) Hold :N
5) Confirm :N
6) Delete :Y
7) Why :N
8) Sysout :N
9) Log :N
10) Statistics :N
11) Zoom & Save :N
12) Kill job :N
s) Save and return to menu
c) Cancel and return to menu

Enter command, or specify item number to toggle Y/N/D:

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3-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The Y setting enables authorization for the action (for example, Read), N
disables the authorization, and (D)efault uses the authorization defined
for the user’s group. If the user was previous authorized for this
owner and node, the user’s current authorizations are displayed;
otherwise, all authorizations are set to N.

4. To modify an authorization, type the number preceding the

authorization. Press <Enter> to toggle the authorization between N,
Y and D.

5. Type s to save your changes and return to the previous menu.


Type c to cancel all changes and return to the previous menu.

To delete Active Jobs File authorizations for the specified user:

1. Select Option 3 from the Active Jobs File Authorization menu.

The following prompt is displayed:


2. Specify the name of the Job owner for whom authorizations should
be deleted (or press <Enter> to return to the menu).

The following prompt is displayed

Node Group:

3. Specify the name of the Node group of the Job owner for whom
authorizations should be deleted (or press <Enter> to return to the

The user authorizations for this owner on the Node group are deleted
from the Security database, and the Active Jobs File Authorization
menu is displayed.

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Security 3-27
Entities Authorization

This option is used to assign authorizations to a user or group to perform

actions relating to CONTROL-M entities.

For more information about the types of authorization that can be granted
using this option, see “Entities Authorization” on page 3-7.

To maintain Entities authorizations:

1. Select Option 5 from the Main menu.

A prompt similar to the following is displayed:


User/Group [User1]:

2. Specify the user or group for whom you are defining authorizations.

• If the user or group name is not defined on the Server platform, a

message similar to the following is displayed:

User ‘name’ is not defined in the CONTROL-M

Security database
Press ENTER to continue:

Press <Enter> to return to the Main menu.

• If the user or group name is defined the Entities Authorizations

menu is displayed:

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3-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 3-6 Entities Authorizations Menu

Entities Authorizations Menu

1) List Entity Categories
2) Create/Modify Entity Authorizations
3) Delete Entity Category

q) Quit

Enter option:

To list Entity categories for which the user or group has authorizations:

1. Select Option 1 from the Entities Authorizations menu.

A list similar to the following is displayed:

List for user: User1

Category Add Delete Change
Press ENTER to continue:

2. Press <Enter> to return to the Entities Authorizations menu.

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Security 3-29
To create or modify Entity authorizations for the specified user or group:

1. Select Option 2 from the Entities Authorizations menu. The

following menu is displayed:

2) LOG
q) Quit
Category number:

2. Specify the number of the category for which to create or modify

authorizations. For example, if you specify 1, a list similar to the
following is displayed:

Category: CALENDAR, User: User1

Create/Change Entity Authorizations

1) Add :Y
2) Delete :N
3) Change :N
s) Save and return to menu
c) Cancel and return to menu

Enter command, or specify item number to toggle Y/N/D:

The Y setting enables the specific authorization (for example, Read), N

disables the authorization, and (D)efault uses the authorization defined for
the group with which the user is associated. If the user was previous
authorized for this category, the user’s current authorizations are
displayed; otherwise, all authorizations are set to N.

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3-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

3. To modify an authorization, type the number preceding the
authorization. Press <Enter> to toggle the authorization between N,
Y and D.

4. Type s to save your changes and return to the previous menu.

Modifications are not saved until you perform this action.


Type c to cancel all changes and return to the previous menu.

To delete Entity authorizations for the specified user or group:

1. Select Option 3 from the Entities Authorizations menu. The

following menu is displayed:

2) LOG
q) Quit

Category number:

2. Specify the number of the category for which to delete authorizations

and press <Enter>.

The user or group’s authorizations for this category are deleted from
the Security database and the Entities Authorizations menu is

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Security 3-31
Security Maintenance Utility (Batch Mode)
Certain ctmsec Security Maintenance utility functions can be activated in
batch mode. These functions include listing, updating, and deleting
entries in the CONTROL-M Security database. These functions are
described in “Security Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode)” on page

User Authorization

The user authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to list,
update, delete, and copy users in the CONTROL-M Security database.

• Use the following command to list user authorizations:

ctmsec -USER_LIST <user>

• Use the following command to update user authorizations:

ctmsec -USER_UPDATE <user> <description> <group>

• Use the following command to delete user authorizations:

ctmsec -USER_DELETE <user>

• Use the following command to copy user authorizations from one

user to another:
ctmsec -USER_COPY <from_user> <to_user>

If the user in the commands listed above is a CONTROL-M/Agent user,
then the <user> format is <username@node_id>.

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3-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Group Authorization

Group authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to copy,

list, modify, and delete groups in the CONTROL-M Security database.

• Use the following command to list group authorizations:

ctmsec -GROUP_LIST <group>

• Use the following command to update group authorizations:

ctmsec -GROUP_UPDATE <group> <description>

• Use the following command to delete group authorizations:

ctmsec -GROUP_DELETE <group>

Scheduling Table Authorization

The Scheduling table authorization options of the ctmsec command are

used to assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions on
Scheduling tables.

• Use the following command to list Scheduling table authorizations:

ctmsec -SCHED_LIST {<user>|<group>}

• Use the following command to update Scheduling table

ctmsec -SCHED_UPDATE {<user>|<group>} <table>
[-DELETE {Y|N|D}] [ -READ {Y|N|D}]
[ -ORDER {Y|N|D}] [ -UPDATE {Y|N|D}]

• Use the following command to delete Scheduling table

ctmsec -SCHED_DELETE {<user>|<group>} <table>

If the user in the commands listed above is a CONTROL-M/Agent user,
then the <user> format is <username@node_id>.

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Security 3-33
Active Jobs File Authorization

The Active Jobs File authorization options of the ctmsec command are
used to assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions on
jobs in the Active Jobs file.

• Use the following command to list Active Jobs File authorizations:

ctmsec -ACT_LIST {<user>|<group>}

• Use the following command to update Active Jobs File


ctmsec -ACT_UPDATE {<user>|<group>} <owner> <node>

[-HOLD {Y|N|D}]
[-FORCE {Y|N|D}]
[-ORD {Y|N|D}]
[-WHY {Y|N|D}]
[-RERUN {Y|N|D}]
[-LOG {Y|N|D}]

• Use the following command to delete Active Jobs File

ctmsec -ACT_DELETE {<user>|<group>} <owner>

If the user in the commands listed above is a CONTROL-M/Agent user,
then the <user> format is <username@node_id>.

Entities Authorization

The entity authorization options of the ctmsec command are used to

assign authorizations to users and groups to perform actions relating to
CONTROL-M entities.

• Use the following command to list entity authorizations:

ctmsec -ENTITY_LIST {<user>|<group>}

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3-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• Use the following command to update entity authorizations:
ctmsec -ENTITY_UPDATE {<user>|<group>}
[-ADD {Y|N|D}] [-DELETE {Y|N|D}] [-CHANGE {Y|N|D}]

• Use the following command to delete entity authorizations:

ctmsec -ENTITY_DELETE {<user>|<group>}

If the user in the commands listed above is a CONTROL-M/Agent user,
then the <user> format is <username@node_id>.

Exporting Security Definition Tables

The EXPORT option of the ctmsec command is used to export

CONTROL-M Security Definition tables. The file that is generated by
the ctmsec command is an executable file containing API functions that
will redefine all the security entries when the script is run. The generated
file can be modified, and imported to any CONTROL-M installation.

The file created using the EXPORT option of the ctmsec utility, can be
modified before security definitions are imported either back to the same
installation, or to a different CONTROL-M installation. This is different
from the file that is created using the Backup Security Definition Tables
option of the Security Authorization Menu (which cannot be modified).
For more information about exporting CONTROL-M Security Definition
tables, see “Security Authorization Menu” on page 4-29.

Use the following command to export CONTROL-M Security Definition


ctmsec -EXPORT <filename>

where <filename> is the full path name of the file to be exported.

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Security 3-35

ctmsec -EXPORT /home/controlm/securedata

Importing Security Definition Tables

The file created using the -EXPORT option of the ctmsec utility contains
multiple ctmsec commands that describe the various security definitions
in your CONTROL-M installation. If necessary, these ctmsec commands
can be modified before the security definitions are imported either back
to the same installation, or to a different CONTROL-M installation.

To import security definitions execute the script file that was created
using the ctmsec utility.

For Example:


This procedure will work only with a file that was created using the
-EXPORT option of the ctmsec utility. If your input is a file created using
the Backup Security Definition Tables option of the Security
Authorization menu, then you must import using the Restore option in
that same menu. for more information, see Table 4-7, “Security
Authorization Menu,” on page 4-29.

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3-36 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Importing Security Definitions from CONTROL-M version 2.2.5

Use the following steps to import security definitions from an installation

of CONTROL-M version 2.2.5:

1. Creating a security definitions export file: in the version 2.2.5

installation, choose the Export Security Definition Tables option
from the Security Authorization menu.

2. Importing the security definitions export file: in the version 6.0.03

installation, use the following command to import the security

ctm_restore_aut <filename>

where <filename> is the full path name of the file created by the
option chosen in step 1.

The security definitions cannot be modified before they are imported to
the version 6.0.03 installation.

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Security 3-37
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3-38 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Maintenance 4

This chapter describes how to maintain the CONTROL-M installation

and database. The following topics are covered:

• Starting/stopping CONTROL-M Tasks.

• Periodic Maintenance.
• CONTROL-M Menu System.

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Maintenance 4-1
Starting/Stopping CONTROL-M Tasks
To start CONTROL-M functions in the data center, the following tasks
must be running on the Server platform:

• SQL Database Server.

• CONTROL-M/Server.

The SQL Database Server must be started before CONTROL-M/Server

and must be active as long as CONTROL-M/Server is active.

If CONTROL-M is implemented using an existing SQL Database Server,
starting and stopping the server is the responsibility of the database
administrator and is beyond the scope of this document.

CONTROL-M tasks can be started or stopped on the Server platform

using one of the following methods:

• Automatic startup/shutdown (as part of the Server platform boot

and shutdown processes).

The installation procedure for CONTROL-M/Server includes

directions for adding startup of SQL Database Server and
CONTROL-M/Server to the boot procedure and shutdown procedure
of the Server platform. For more information see the
CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide.

• Using the CONTROL-M Menu system.

The CONTROL-M Menu system provides the necessary options for

easily starting/stopping CONTROL-M/Server and the SQL Database
Server. For more information, see “CONTROL-M Manager Menu”
on page 4-8.

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4-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• Using supplied scripts.

CONTROL-M is supplied with scripts for starting up and shutting

down CONTROL-M/Server and the SQL Database Server. You can
invoke these scripts directly (as described below) or incorporate
them into your own scripts.

To start up the SQL Database Server and CONTROL-M/Server


1. Log in as the CONTROL-M/Server account owner.

2. For the SQL server, specify the command: startdb

3. For CONTROL-M/Server, specify the command: start-ctm

To shut down CONTROL-M/Server and the SQL Database

Server manually:

1. Log in as the CONTROL-M/Server account owner.

2. For CONTROL-M/Server, specify the command: shut-ctm

3. For the SQL database server, specify the command: shutdb

Periodic Maintenance
The following procedures should be performed on a regular basis:

• Check available space in the CONTROL-M database.

• Clean up the SQL database message log.
• Clean up the proclog directory.

Each of these topics is discussed below.

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Maintenance 4-3
Checking Available Space in the CONTROL-M Database

It is recommended that the amount of available space in the

CONTROL-M database be checked on a regular basis. If the available
space falls below 20%, the database should be extended (see “Extending
the Size of the CONTROL-M Database” later in this chapter).

You can check the available space in the CONTROL-M database using
the option Check Database in the Database Creation menu (described on
page 4-10).

You can also define a CONTROL-M job that automatically checks the
database on a regular basis and issues a Shout message if a problem is
detected. Such a job would call the script:


This is the same script used by the Check Database option. Possible
messages generated by this script relating to the amount of available
space in the CONTROL-M database are:

WARNING: Database is more than half full

ATTENTION: Database is more than 80% full
ATTENTION: Database log segment is more than 90% full

These messages can be detected in a CONTROL-M job using the

On Statement/Code parameter. Appropriate Shout messages could then
be issued as required.

Cleaning Up the SQL Database Message Log

The SQL database server writes a message to a log file when the server is
started or shut down, and when a database error occurs. This file is not
automatically truncated. If not manually truncated, the file will utilize a
large amount of disk space.

The responsibility of maintaining the log file depends on whether

CONTROL-M/Server uses the dedicated SQL database server provided
with the installation, or an existing SQL database server.

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4-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• When CONTROL-M/Server uses a dedicated SQL database Server
provided during installation, it is the responsibility of the
CONTROL-M administrator to truncate this file on a regular basis.
The location of this file depends on the database type:

For Sybase:


For Oracle:


• If CONTROL-M/Server is configured to use an existing SQL

Database Server, it is the responsibility of the database administrator
to truncate this file on a regular basis.

In both the above mentioned paths, <controlm_path> is the home
directory of the CONTROL-M account owner.

Cleaning Up the Proclog Directory

When CONTROL-M/Server is using a diagnostic level greater than zero,

diagnostics log files are written to the following directory:


where <controlm_path> is the home directory of the

CONTROL-M/Server account owner. For more information, see “Set
Diagnostics Level” on page 4-43.

If CONTROL-M/Server is operated in this manner for long time, these
log files will utilize a large amount of disk space. The CONTROL-M
administrator should delete these files when they are no longer needed.

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Maintenance 4-5
CONTROL-M Menu System
The CONTROL-M Menu system enables you to access a variety of
functions and utilities used to maintain CONTROL-M.

The functions accessible from these menus are organized according to

function group, enabling you to easily locate the desired option. These
menus can only be accessed from the account of the
CONTROL-M/Server owner.


The CONTROL-M Main menu is the entry point for accessing the
CONTROL-M Menu system.

To open the CONTROL-M Main menu:

1. Log into the Server platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner (for

example, user controlm).

2. Enter the following command:


The following menu is displayed:

Figure 4-1 CONTROL-M Main Menu

CONTROL-M Main Menu: Select one of the following menus:

1 - CONTROL-M Manager
2 - Database Creation
3 - Database Maintenance
4 - Database Mirroring
5 - Security Authorization
6 - Parameter Customization
7 - Node Group
8 - Agent Status
9 - Troubleshooting

q - Quit

3. Enter the corresponding number and press Enter. Each menu is

described in this chapter.
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4-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The following menus are available:

Table 4-1 CONTROL-M Main Menu

Menu Item Description

CONTROL-M Manager Start up and shut down CONTROL-M and the SQL
database server.
Database Creation Create or delete the CONTROL-M database.
Database Maintenance Perform various CONTROL-M database
maintenance functions.
Database Mirroring Perform various CONTROL-M mirror database
Security Authorization Export or import Security Definition tables and
invoke the CONTROL-M Security Maintenance
utility (ctmsec) to define user authorizations.
Parameter View and update parameters for customizing
Customization CONTROL-M/Server.
Node Group Maintain Node Groups for load balancing.
Agent Status View and update the communication status of
Agent platforms.
Troubleshooting Perform various troubleshooting functions.
Quit Exit to the shell prompt.

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Maintenance 4-7
CONTROL-M Manager Menu

The CONTROL-M Manager menu is used to start and stop the SQL
database server and CONTROL-M/Server. Selecting CONTROL-M
Main Menu => CONTROL-M Manager displays the following:

Figure 4-2 CONTROL-M Manager Menu

CONTROL-M Manager Menu: Select one of the following options:

1 - Check All
2 - Start All
3 - Start Database
4 - Start CONTROL-M/Server
5 - Stop All
6 - Stop Database
7 - Stop CONTROL-M/Server
q - Quit

• All references below to starting and stopping the SQL database

server are applicable only when CONTROL-M/Server uses a
dedicated instance of the SQL database server.

• If CONTROL-M/Server uses a shared instance of the SQL database

server to maintain the CONTROL-M database, the database
administrator is responsible for starting and stopping the server.

• Similarly, if mirroring of the CONTROL-M database is

implemented, the database administrator is responsible for starting
and stopping the mirroring server.

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4-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 4-2 Options of the CONTROL-M Manager Menu

Menu Item Description

Check All Determines whether the SQL database server task
and the CONTROL-M/Server task are currently
running, and reports the status of each task.
Start All Starts any tasks required for CONTROL-M that are
not already running. The SQL database server is
started first, followed by CONTROL-M/Server.
Start Database Starts the SQL database server (only if dedicated to
the CONTROL-M database).
Start Starts CONTROL-M/Server. The SQL database
CONTROL-M/Server server must be running when this option is selected.
Stop All Stops all CONTROL-M tasks. CONTROL-M/Server is
stopped first, followed by the SQL database server.
Stop Database Stops the SQL database server (only if dedicated to
the CONTROL-M database). CONTROL-M/Server
should not be running when this option is selected.
Stop Stops CONTROL-M/Server.
Quit Quits the CONTROL-M Manager menu and returns to
the CONTROL-M Main menu.

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Maintenance 4-9
Database Creation Menu

The Database Creation menu is used to perform functions related to

creating and deleting the CONTROL-M database. Selecting
CONTROL-M Main Menu => Database Creation displays the

Figure 4-3 Database Creation Menu

Database Creation Menu


Select one of the following options:

1 - Show Database Parameters

2 - Build Database
3 - Delete Database
4 - Erase Database Contents
5 - Check Database

q - Quit

Table 4-3 Options of the Database Creation Menu

Menu Item Description

Show Database Displays the CONTROL-M database parameters. To
Parameters choose this option, select 1 from the Database Creation
menu. Information similar to the following is displayed:

SQL Server/<SQL version number>/...

Build Database Builds a new CONTROL-M database.
CONTROL-M/Server must be shut down before selecting
this option. For a detailed description of the database build
process, see the “Build the Database” step in Chapter 3 of
the CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide.

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4-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 4-3 Options of the Database Creation Menu

Menu Item Description

Delete Database Drops (deletes) the CONTROL-M database entirely and
removes the database files. After using this option, you
cannot use CONTOL-M. To use CONTOL-M, you must
rebuild the entire database, rebuild the objects as well as
redefine CONTROL-M objects. Server must be shut down
before selecting this option.
Note: The Delete Database option is not supported for
CONTROL-M installations that were installed using an
existing database server.
Erase Database Erases the contents of the CONTROL-M database after
Contents verification. For example, Scheduling tables, calendars,
CONTROL-M log, Active Jobs file. The database files are
not deleted. After using this option, you can still use
CONTROL-M, but no previous data exists.
CONTROL-M/Server must be shut down before selecting
this option.

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Maintenance 4-11
Table 4-3 Options of the Database Creation Menu

Menu Item Description

Check Database Displays the size of the CONTROL-M database and
availability of space, and verifies database integrity.
Information similar to the following is displayed:

db total = 29000.0 KB (data= 23500.00

log= 5500.00)
data used = 1928 KB (8%).
log used = 0 KB (0%).
Checking database

This function is also available by running the script:

ctmdbcheck can also be used to provide automatic
database and transaction log monitoring. The following
options are available:

ctmdbcheck [db threshold %] [log

threshold %]
ctmdbcheck [general threshold %]

where db threshold % and log threshold % are user

defined percentages which, when exceeded, generate
shout messages to ENTERPRISE/CS warning that the
CONTROL-M database or log should be extended.
Quit Quits the Database Creation menu and returns to the
CONTROL-M Main menu.

Database Maintenance Menu

The Database Maintenance menu is used to perform functions related to

maintaining the CONTROL-M database. Selecting CONTROL-M Main
Menu Database Maintenance displays a menu similar to Figure 4-4.

If you are using a dedicated Oracle SQL database server, an additional
option called Archive Mode appears at the beginning of this menu. This
option is described below.

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4-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 4-4 Database Maintenance Menu

Database Maintenance Menu


Select one of the following options:

1 - Archive mode
2 - Backup Database or
3 - Restore Database
4 - List All Devices
5 - List Backup Devices
6 - Add Backup Device
7 - Drop Backup Device
8 - Extend Database Size
9 - Extend Temporary Database (Tempdb) Size
10 - Extend Database Log Size
11 - Show Database Parameters
12 - Check Database

q - Quit

Archive Mode

Activates Oracle archive mode. In this mode, Oracle database logs are
written to a special backup destination when they are full, and before
they are overwritten by new information.

If you specify the same device for each backup, make sure the previous
backup is copied to the appropriate media for archive purposes.

Two types of back up can be performed, depending on the archive mode:

• Cold backup – copies the contents of the database to a file when

CONTROL-M is down.
• Hot backup – copies the contents of the database to a file when
CONTROL-M is active.

When the Archive Mode option is chosen in the Database Maintenance

menu, you are asked to supply the name of the destination to contain
archived Oracle logs. The archived logs can be used in case of a database
crash to restore the database up until the most recent SQL transaction.

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Maintenance 4-13
If you choose to use Archive mode, it should be a choice for long term
use. If this option is activated and deactivated frequently, the archived
logs will not provide useful information for database restoration.

If Archive mode is activated, database transactions may be performed
more slowly and archive files will require more disk space.

Backup Database

This option backs up the CONTROL-M database onto a backup device.

The function performed by this option is identical to the function
performed by the ctmdbbck utility. See “ctmdbbck” on page 2-37 for
more details. This option can be invoked while the database is running.

The Backup Database procedure should be performed periodically. Daily

backup is recommended.

Sybase Backup

To back up a Sybase database:

Step 1 Select 2 from the Database Maintenance menu.

Step 2 The following prompt is displayed:

Enter backup device name [tapedump2]:

Enter the name of the backup device. The backup device must be either a
valid device defined in the SQL database, or the full path name of a file
to be created by the backup procedure. Use the option List Backup
Devices (see“List Backup Devices” on page 4-19) to display a list of
valid devices.

The backup procedure backs up the Sybase database.

Oracle Backup

To back up an Oracle database:

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4-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Step 1 Select 2 from the Database Maintenance menu.

Step 2 The following prompt is displayed:

Enter a destination directory name [<ctm_home_dir>]:

Press <Enter> to accept the default directory, or enter the name of a

different directory where you want the backup to be saved. The backup
procedure assigns its own filename.

Step 3 If Archive mode is not active at your site, a Cold backup (described
below) is automatically performed.

If Archive mode is active, the following prompt is displayed:

Enter your choice for backup mode (Hot or Cold) [H/C]:

You have the choice between two types of Oracle database backup; Hot
or Cold.

Cold Backup

• Can be used to restore the database to the state it was in when the
backup was performed.

• Is performed in non-Archive mode.

CONTROL-M is automatically shut down when a Cold backup is
performed. After the backup is completed, CONTROL-M will have to be
manually restarted.

Hot Backup

• Can be used to restore the database to the state it was in after the last
completed transaction (the last COMMIT command executed).

• Is performed in Archive mode, and the backup procedure sets the

mode if it was not previously set. Running the database in Archive
mode requires extra disk space for Control files.
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Maintenance 4-15
• Requires that the directory you specify exist prior to starting the

You can perform a Hot backup on a dedicated database. However, you
cannot perform a Hot backup on an existing database.

Type H for a Hot backup or C for a Cold backup.

Step 4 The following prompt is displayed:

Specify archiving process destination directory:

Enter the directory in which the archive process will store its Control

The backup procedure shuts down CONTROL-M/Server before

beginning the backup, and starts it again after the backup is completed.
The procedure displays informational messages indicating its progress.

Restore Database

This option restores the CONTROL-M database from a backup device.

The function performed by this option is identical to the function
performed by the ctmdbrst utility. For more information, see “ctmdbrst”
on page 2-44.

Sybase Restore

To restore a Sybase database:

1. Select 3 from the Database Maintenance menu.

2. The following prompt is displayed:

Enter restore device name [tapedump2] :

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4-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Press <Enter> to accept the default or enter the name of your backup
device. The backup device must be either a valid device defined in
Sybase, or the full path name of a backup file to be used as input for the
ctmdbrst utility. Use the option List Backup Devices to display a list of
valid devices. For more information on this option, see“List Backup
Devices” on page 4-19.

Oracle Restore

To restore an Oracle database:

1. Select 3 from the Database Maintenance menu.

2. The following prompt is displayed:

Enter a destination directory name


Press <Enter> to accept the default directory, or type the name of the
directory in which the backup was saved.

3. If Archive mode is not active at your site, a restore is automatically

performed using the information from the most recent Cold backup.

If Archive mode is active, a restore is automatically performed using

the information from the most recent Hot backup.

For details about Hot and Cold backups, see Step 3 on page 4-15.

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Maintenance 4-17
The restore procedure shuts down both CONTROL-M/Server and the
Oracle database server before performing the restore. After the restore is
completed, the restore procedure starts up only the Oracle database
server. CONTROL-M/Server must to be restarted manually after the
procedure is finished.

If you wish to perform a restore from a Cold backup and Archive mode
is active, deactivate Archive mode (using option 1 of the Database
Maintenance menu) before performing the steps described above.

If you attempt to restore a dedicated Oracle database using the ctmdbrst
utility without previously having backed up the database, the database
will become unavailable. To access the database, enter the following
procedure from the CONTROL-M home directory command line:
connect internal
dalter database mount
altere database open

To restore a Sybase database if it is corrupted:

1. Shut down CONTROL-M. Make sure there are no users or processes

connected to the SQL Server.

2. Use the option Database Creation => Build Database to rebuild the

3. Use the Restore Database option to load the data into the new

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4-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

List All Devices

Displays a list of all Sybase devices.

This menu option is relevant only for sites using a Sybase database

List Backup Devices

Displays a list of Sybase backup devices. Use this option to locate a

device for backing up the CONTROL-M database (see above).

This menu option is relevant only for sites using a Sybase database

Add Backup Device

Adds a backup device to the list of devices available for backing up the
CONTROL-M database.

This menu option is relevant only for sites using a Sybase database

The following prompt is displayed:

Enter <dev_logical_name> {disk|tape} <device_name> <[size_in_MB]>

The variables in this prompt are described in Table 4-4.

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Maintenance 4-19
Table 4-4 Logical Device Description

Variable Description
<dev_logical_name> Logical name of the device.
{disk | tape} Disk or tape device.
<device_name> Path and name of the device.
<size_in_MB> Size of the device (optional).

This device can be either a disk file or a tape drive. (Backups to disk files
are faster and do not require operator intervention.)

Enter the required parameters for the new device.


cont tape cont_dev

In this instance the following messages are displayed:

Creating Tape device.‘Tape’ device added.

(return status = 0)

Drop Backup Device

This menu option is relevant only for sites using a Sybase database

Deletes a device from the list of backup devices. The following prompt is

Enter <dev_logical_name>:

Enter the logical name of the device to delete from the list. Upon
completion of the process, the following message is displayed:

Device dropped (return status = 0)

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4-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Extending the Size of the CONTROL-M Database

Table 4-5 describes the menu options that can be used to extend the size
of different segments of the CONTROL-M database. These options can
be used while CONTROL-M/Server is active or when it is shut down.
See “Checking Available Space in the CONTROL-M Database” on page
4-4 for additional information.

Table 4-5 Menu Options for Modifying Database Size

Option Description
Extend Database Size Extends the data segment of the database.
Extend Temporary Extends the temporary storage area of the
Database Size database (tempdb).
Extend Database Log Size Extends the log segment of the database
Extend Rollback Extends the log segment of the database
Tablespace Size (Oracle).

The options in Table 4-5 can be applied only when CONTROL-M/Server
uses the dedicated Sybase Database Server supplied with CONTROL-M.
If CONTROL-M/Server is configured to use an existing (remote) server,
you can use the commands disk init and alter database to extend the
CONTROL-M database. To extend the log segment, the command
sp_logdevice is also used. These commands are described in the Sybase
Commands Reference Manual. Similarly, you can use these commands to
extend the CONTROL-M mirror database.

Extend Database Size

This option extends the size of the data segment only. The size of the log
segment is not extended.

To extend the size of the data segment of the CONTROL-M


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Maintenance 4-21
1. Select option Extend Database Size from the Database Maintenance
menu. The following prompt is displayed:

Enter size of database extension in MB

(default 10):

2. Specify the amount to extend the database, or press <Enter> to

accept the default. The following prompt is displayed:

For Sybase:

Enter physical device name for database extension

(default <Sybase data

For Oracle:

Enter size of database extension in MB (default

The entered value is: 10

1 - /disk2/controlm/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/rbs01.dbf

0 - New Data File

Your choice ? (0/1) [0]:

3. Supply a full path name or press <Enter> to accept the default

(Sybase). [0] New Data File is the default in Oracle. The file
specified must not exist. The local file system where the file will be
located must have enough free space to accommodate the size
specified above.

Upon completion of the process, the following message is displayed:

For Sybase:

Extension request succeeded

For Oracle:

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4-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

SVRMGR> Connected.
SVRMGR> Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Server Manager complete.

Extend Temporary Database Size

The size of the temporary storage area of the database should be

approximately 10% of the data segment size.

To extend the size of the temporary area of the CONTROL-M


1. Select the option Extend Temporary Database Size from the

Database Maintenance menu.The following prompt is displayed:

Enter size of temporary db extension in MB (default


2. Specify amount to extend the database, or press <Enter> to accept

the default. The following prompt is displayed:

For Sybase:

Enter physical device name for temporary db

extension (default <Sybase data

For Oracle:

Enter size of database extension in MB (default

The entered value is: 10

1 - /disk2/controlm/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/temp01.dbf

0 - New Data File

Your choice ? (0/1) [0]:

3. Supply a full path name or press <Enter> to accept the default. [0]
New Data File is the default in Oracle.

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Maintenance 4-23
The file specified must not exist. The local file system where the file
will be located must have enough free space to accommodate the size
specified above. Upon completion of the process, the following
message is displayed:

For Sybase:

Extension request succeeded

For Oracle:

SVRMGR> Connected.
SVRMGR> Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Server Manager complete.

Extend Database Log Size (Sybase) or

Extend Rollback Tablespace Size (Oracle)

The size of the log segment of the database should be approximately 1/3
of the data segment size.

To extend the size of the log segment of the CONTROL-M database:

1. Select option Extend Database Log Size from the Database

Maintenance menu (Sybase). In Oracle, select the Extend Rollback
Tablespace Size option from the Database Maintenance menu. The
following prompt is displayed:

Enter size of transaction log extension in MB

(default 10):

2. Specify amount to extend the database, or press <Enter> to accept

the default. The following prompt is displayed:

For Sybase:

Enter physical device name for transaction log

extension (default <Sybase data

For Oracle:

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4-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Enter size of database extension in MB (default
The entered value is: 10

1 - /disk2/controlm/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/rbs01.dbf

0 - New Data File

Your choice ? (0/1) [0]:

3. Supply a full path name or press <Enter> to accept the default. The
file specified must not exist. The local file system where the file will
be located must have enough free space to accommodate the size
specified above.

Upon completion of the process, the following message is displayed:

For Sybase:

Extension request succeeded

For Oracle:

SVRMGR> Connected.
SVRMGR> Statement processed.
SVRMGR> Server Manager complete.

Show Database Parameters

Displays the CONTROL-M database parameters. To choose this option,

select 11 from the Database Maintenance menu. Information similar to
the following is displayed:

SQL Server/<SQL version number>/...


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Maintenance 4-25
Check Database

Displays the size of the CONTROL-M database and availability of space,

and verifies database integrity. Information similar to the following is

db total = 29000.0 KB (data= 23500.00 log= 5500.00)

data used = 1928 KB (8%).
log used = 0 KB (0%).
Checking database

This function is also available by running the script:


The ctmdbcheck utility can also be used to provide automatic database

and transaction log monitoring. The following options are available:

ctmdbcheck [db threshold %] [log threshold %]

ctmdbcheck [general threshold %]

where db threshold % and log threshold % are user defined

percentages which, when exceeded, generate shout messages to
ENTERPRISE/CS warning that the CONTROL-M database or log
should be extended.

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4-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Database Mirroring Menu

The Database Mirroring menu is used to perform functions related to

initializing/disabling database mirroring, recovering from CONTROL-M
database failure, initializing failover, and recovering from Server
platform failure. Selecting CONTROL-M Main Menu => Database
Mirroring displays the following:

Figure 4-5 Database Mirroring Menu

Database Mirroring Menu

Select one of the following options:

Primary Server Options

1 - Check Mirroring Status
2 - Initialize Mirroring
3 - Disable Mirroring
4 - Use Mirror Database
5 - Restore CONTROL-M Database From Mirror

Failover Server Options

6 - Initialize Failover
7 - Start Failover
8 - Stop Failover

q - Quit

Table 4-6 Options of the Database Mirroring Menu

Option Description
Check Mirroring Indicates whether or not mirroring of the CONTROL-M
Status database is currently enabled.
Initialize Builds the CONTROL-M mirror database from the
Mirroring existing CONTROL-M database and configures
CONTROL-M to maintain the mirror database. This
procedure is described in Chapter 7, “Mirroring and
Failover.” CONTROL-M/Server must be shut down
before selecting this option.

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Maintenance 4-27
Table 4-6 Options of the Database Mirroring Menu

Option Description
Disable Discontinues mirroring of the CONTROL-M database (if
Mirroring mirroring was previously initialized). To restore mirroring
after selecting this option, use option Initialize
Mirroring. This option is used in the following
Mirroring is enabled but CONTROL-M cannot be started
because it cannot attach to the mirroring SQL server.
Mirroring is no longer desired.
Use Mirror Configures CONTROL-M to use the mirror database as
Database its primary database. This option can be used in the
event that there was a failure of the primary
CONTROL-M database and mirroring was active.
CONTROL-M/Server must be shut down before you
select this option.
To resume using the primary database, use the option
Restore CONTROL-M Database from Mirror.
For more information, see Chapter 7, “Mirroring and
Restore Rebuilds the CONTROL-M database using the mirror
CONTROL-M database. This option is used when there was a failure
Database from of the primary CONTROL-M database and mirroring
Mirror was active. CONTROL-M must be shut down before
selecting this option.
For more information, see Chapter 7, “Mirroring and
Initialize Saves site specific information about the backup Server
Failover platform. This data is needed to start CONTROL-M on
the backup Server platform in case of failure of the
primary Server.
Start Failover Copies the saved site-specific information about the
backup Server platform to the Mirror database. This
data is needed to start CONTROL-M on the backup
Server using the Mirror database.
Stop Failover Restores the site-specific information about the primary
Server platform to the Mirror database. This data is
used to restore the primary database.
Quit Quits the Mirror Database menu and returns to the
CONTROL-M Main menu.

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4-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Security Authorization Menu

The Security Authorization menu is used to invoke the ctmsec Security

Maintenance utility and export or import Security Definition tables.
Selecting CONTROL-M Main Menu => Security Authorization
displays the following:

Figure 4-6 Security Authorization Menu

Security Authorization Menu

Select one of the following options:
1 - Security Maintenance Utility
2 - Backup Security Definition Tables
3 - Restore Security Definition Tables
q - Quit

Table 4-7 Security Authorization Menu (Part 1 of 2)

Option Description
Security Invokes the Security Maintenance utility (ctmsec). This
Maintenance utility is used to define users in the CONTROL-M Security
Utility database and assign authorizations for working with
CONTROL-M. For more information, see “Security
Maintenance Utility (Interactive Mode)” on page 3-11“.
Backup Security Exports Security Definition tables. Specify the full path
Definition name of the file. This function can be run only on the
Tables CONTROL-M/Server platform. A message confirming the
completion of the export to file process is displayed. Press
<Enter> to return to the Security Authorization menu.

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Table 4-7 Security Authorization Menu (Part 2 of 2)

Option Description
Restore Restores Security Definition tables from a file created
Security using the Backup Security Definition Tables option of
Definition this menu. The restored definitions override all existing
Tables Security Definition tables.

Specify the full path name of the file. This function can be
run only on the CONTROL-M/Server platform. A message
confirming the completion of the import is displayed.

Press <Enter> to return to the Security Authorization


Note: Security Definition tables that were generated by

the export utility under CONTROL-M/Server version 2.2.5
can be imported only using the ctm_restore_aut utility. For
more information, see “Importing Security Definitions from
CONTROL-M version 2.2.5” on page 3-37
Quit Quits the Security Authorization menu and returns to the
CONTROL-M Main menu.

The Backup Security Definition Tables and Restore Security
Definition Tables options in this menu can be used only to transfer or
backup existing security definitions.

To modify security definitions before copying them to another

installation, or before restoring them to the current installation, it is
recommended that you use the ctmsec utility –EXPORT option. For more
information, see “Exporting Security Definition Tables” on page 3-35.

Parameter Customization Menu

The Parameter Customization menu is used to view and maintain the

various groups of parameters used by CONTROL-M. Selecting
CONTROL-M Main Menu => Parameter Customization displays the

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4-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 4-7 Parameter Customization Menu

Parameter Customization Menu


Select one of the following options:

1 - Communication and Operational Parameters

2 - System Parameters and Shout Destination Tables
3 - Default Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms
4 - Parameters for Communicating with Specific Agent Platforms

q - Quit

All the parameters that appear in these menus are described in:

Table 4-8 Customization Parameters

Option Description
Communication and Displays/updates CONTROL-M operational
Operational Parameters and communication parameters. This option is
described below.
System Parameters and Calls the ctmsys utility to view or update
Shout Destination Tables system parameters and Shout Destination
tables. This utility is described in Chapter 2,
Default Parameters for Displays/updates the default values of
Communicating With parameters used for communication with
Agent Platforms Agent platforms. When communicating with an
Agent platform, these values are used unless
overridden using the following option. This
option is described below.
Parameters for Displays/updates parameters for
Communicating With communicating with a specific Agent platform.
Specific Agent Platforms This option is used to assign values other than
the default parameter values for a specific
Agent platform. This option is described below.
Quit Quits the Parameter Customization menu and
returns to the CONTROL-M Main menu.

For parameter changes to take effect, you must shut down and restart

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Communication and Operational Parameters

When this option is selected, the Communication Parameters menu is

displayed. The current value for each parameter follows the parameter

Figure 4-8 Communication Parameters Menu

Communication Parameters:

1) Local IP Host Interface Name:

2) Agent-to-Server Port Number:
Communication Protocol: TCP

a) Modify all of the above

q) Quit
n) Next page

Enter command or item number you wish to change [n]:

When you enter n, the operational parameters menu is displayed.

Figure 4-9 Operational Parameters Menu

Operational Parameters:

1) Input Process Communication Port Number:

2) Maximum Job State Changes:
4) Statistics Mode:
6) Maximum server processes (CS):
7) Minimum server processes (CS):

a) Modify all of the above.

p) Previous
q) Quit

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4-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

• To modify parameters, specify the number appearing next to the
parameter that you want to change, or specify a to change all the
parameters in the menu. You are prompted for the parameter value(s)
as required.

See Chapter 5, “Customization Parameters,” for a description of each


• To switch between the two menus, specify n (next) or p (previous) as


• To exit, specify q from either menu.

• If you modify either of the parameters Agent-to-Server Port

Number or ENTERPRISE/CS TCP/IP Port Number, the
following prompt is displayed:

You have modified one or more network port numbers.

It is recommended that you record the port numbers
used by CONTROL-M in the /etc/services file on your
machine. This requires access to the root password.
Do you wish these port numbers to be recorded in
the /etc/services file now (y/n) [y]:

If you respond y to the prompt above, the following prompt is



Specify the root password. The /etc/services file is updated.

The /etc/services file contains a description of the usage of each port

on the Server platform. Proper maintenance of this file prevents
conflicting usage of ports by various applications. The
CONTROL-M Maintenance facility can automatically modify the
/etc/services file for changes you made to one or both of the port
number parameters mentioned above.

• If you modify the Communication Protocol parameter, the

following message is displayed:

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For this change will take effect in CONTROL-M, you
will need to re-start CONTROL-M. Use ’shut-ctm’ and
’start-ctm’ to re-start CONTROL-M.

If the Communication Protocol parameter defined on an Agent

platform is different from the modified one, after shutting down and
starting CONTROL-M/Server again, you must also redefine this
parameter on the Agent platform according to its requirements. Refer
to the appropriate chapter for the platform in the
CONTROL-M/Agent Administrator Guide.

Redefining the Communication Protocol parameter on a Unix Agent
platform requires that you re-customize the CONTROL-M/Agent

• If you modify the Statistics Mode parameter, existing entries in the

statistics database are updated and new entries are added. This may
cause duplicate lines in the output of the ctmjsa utility. After
switching modes, you can eliminate these duplicate output lines by

truncate table CMR_STATIS

Afterwards, run the ctmjsa utility again for statistics compilation.

Default Parameters for Communicating With Agent Platforms

When this option is selected, the following menu is displayed. The

current value for each parameter follows the parameter name:

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4-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Figure 4-10 Communication Parameters for Agent Platforms

Default Parameters for Communicating With Agent


1) Polling Interval:
2) Communication Timeout:
3) Maximum Retries:
4) Retry Interval:
5) Server-to-Agent Port Number:
6) Communication Protocol Version:

a) Modify all of the above

q) Quit

(All time parameters expressed in seconds)

Enter command or item number you wish to change [q]:

• To modify parameters, specify the number appearing next to the

parameter that you want to change, or specify a to change all the
parameters in the menu. You are prompted for the parameter value(s)
as required.

See Chapter 5, “Customization Parameters,” for a description of each


Parameters for Communicating With a Specific Agent Platform

When this option is selected, the following prompt is displayed:

To view/modify communication parameters,

enter node ID of Agent Platform:

1. Specify the node ID of the desired Agent platform.

Use of this option does not require communication with the Agent
platforms. There is no verification that the specified Agent platform
exists at the time this option is used.

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The following menu is displayed. The current value for each
parameter follows the parameter name:

Figure 4-11 Communication Parameters for Specific Agent Platforms

Parameters for Communicating With Specific Agent Platform (<node ID>)

1) Communication Timeout:
2) Maximum Retries:
3) Retry Interval:
4) Server-to-Agent Port Number:
5) Communication Protocol Version:
6) Check Interval(Available)

a) Modify all of the above

q) Quit

(All time parameters expressed in seconds)

Enter command or item number you wish to change [q]:

2. To modify parameters, specify the number appearing next to the

parameter that you want to change, or specify a to change all the
parameters in the menu.

You are prompted for the parameter value(s) as required.

See Chapter 5, “Customization Parameters,” for a description of each


3. To exit, specify q.

Node Group Menu

The Node Group menu is used to maintain and view node groups. Node
groups are used by the CONTROL-M load-balancing function. Selecting
CONTROL-M Main Menu => Node Group displays the following

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Figure 4-12 Node Group Menu

Node Group Menu


Select one of the following options:

1 - List All Node Groups

2 - Edit Node Group
3 - Delete Node Group

q - Quit

The options in this menu are described in Table 4-9.

Table 4-9 Options of the Node Group Menu

Option Description
List All Node Groups Displays a list of all existing node groups.
Edit Node Group Views, creates or modifies a node group. For
details, see the next section.
Delete Node Group Requests the name of an existing node group, and
then deletes the group.
Quit Quits the Node Group menu and returns to the
CONTROL-M Main menu.

Edit Node Group

This option is used to view, create or modify a node group. When this
option is selected, the following prompt is displayed:

Node Group Name:

Specify the name for a new node group or specify the name of an
existing node group whose member list you want to view or modify. The
following menu is displayed:

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Edit Node Group Menu

Select one of the following options:

1 - View Current Node Group

2 - Add Node ID
3 - Delete Node ID

q - Quit

Enter Option (Group: <node_group>) :

Specify the number for the desired option:

View Current Node Displays the node IDs included in the specified node
Group group.
Add Node ID Prompts you for the name of a node ID to add to the
specified group.
Delete Node ID Prompts you for the name of a node ID to delete
from the specified group.

Agent Status Menu

The Agent Status menu is used to view and update the communication
status of Agent platforms. Selecting CONTROL-M Main Menu =>
Agent Status displays the following:

Figure 4-13 Agent Status Menu

Agent Status Menu


Select one of the following options:

1 - List Last Known Status of Agents Platform

2 - Change Agent Platform Status to Available
3 - Change Agent Platform Status to Disabled
4 - Delete Agent Platform Status Entry
5 - Ping Agent Platform
6 - Discover Agent

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q - Quit

Enter option number --->

For more information about statuses for Agent platforms, see

“Communication Status of Agent Platforms” on page 1-6.

Table 4-10 Options of the Agent Status Menu

Option Description
List Last Known Status Prompts for the node ID of an Agent platform, and
of Agents Platform then displays the last known status of the platform
(Available, Unavailable or Disabled).
Change Agent Platform Prompts for the node ID of an Agent platform, and
Status to Available then changes the communication status of the
platform to Available.
Change Agent Platform Prompts for the node ID of an Agent platform, and
Status to Disabled then changes the communication status of the
platform to Disabled.
Delete Agent Platform Displays a list of all Agent platforms whose
Status Entry communication status is Disabled, and prompts for
the node ID of the platform you want to delete.
Ping Agent Platform Prompts for the node ID of an Agent platform and
then tests the communication link with the platform.
The response indicates whether the Agent platform
is available or unavailable.
This option cannot be used to test communication
with an Agent platform whose status is Disabled.
Discover Agent Prompts for the node ID of an Agent platform, and
then pings the agent and gathers information about
the Agent platform.
Quit Quits the Agent Status menu and returns to the
CONTROL-M Main menu.

The first four options in the above table do not require communication
with the Agent platforms. They do not verify that the Agent platforms
exist. As a result, the following may occur:

• The Change options can be used to modify the status of a non-

existent platform.

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• If you request the status of a non-existent platform, the default status
of Available is displayed. If the status of the platform has been
changed to Disabled, the platform will appear in the list of platforms
that are Not Available.

Troubleshooting Menu

The Troubleshooting menu is used to perform a variety of diagnostic

activities. Selecting CONTROL-M Main Menu => Troubleshooting
displays the following:

Figure 4-14 Troubleshooting Menu

Troubleshooting Menu

Select one of the following options:

1 - Set Diagnostics Level 12 - Erase Proclog File

2 - Set Sleep Time 13 - Show Calendar names
3 - Show Processes Flags (prf) 14 - Interactive SQL Commands
4 - Show All Processes (shctm) 15 - Communication Diagnostic Report
5 - Show Communication Environment 16 - Force Download

6 - Restart New Day Procedure 17 - Check directory permissions

7 - Reset CONTROL-M Active Environment
8 - Truncate Database Log
9 - Troubleshooting Report
10 - Check Kernel Configuration
11 - List Active Transactions

q - Quit

Enter option number ---> []:

Table 4-11 Options of the Troubleshooting Menu (Part 1 of 3)

Option Description
Set Diagnostics Determines the diagnostic level for all CONTROL-M/Server processes or for
Level any specific process. For details, see “Set Diagnostics Level” on page 4-43.
Set Sleep Time Determines the sleep time for all CONTROL-M/Server processes or for any
specific process. For details, see “Set Sleep Time” on page 4-45.
Show Process Displays the status of CONTROL-M/Server processes. For details, see “Show
Flags (prf) Process Flags (prf)” on page 4-46

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Table 4-11 Options of the Troubleshooting Menu (Part 2 of 3)

Option Description
Show All Displays all CONTROL-M/Server processes currently running. For details, see
Processes (shctm) “Show All Processes (shctm)” on page 4-47.
Show Displays the port numbers used by CONTROL-M/Server to communicate with
Communication ENTERPRISE/CS. Information similar to the following is displayed:
Environment ENTERPRISE/CS <-> CONTROL-M communication-port:

[ SPN - Socket Port Number ]

Restart New Day Starts the New Day procedure again (after confirmation).
Reset Clears all components of the CONTROL-M active environment (Active Jobs
CONTROL-M file, prerequisite conditions, and so on) and forces CONTROL-M to start a
Active download of the entire Active Jobs file to ENTERPRISE/CS. This option is
Environment described in “Reset CONTROL-M Active Environment” on page 4-48.
Truncate Database Truncates the CONTROL-M database log. This option should be used if the
Log Sybase message “Can’t allocate space for <text> in database <name>
because the log segment is full” occurs in one of the log files located in
directory ~controlm/ctm/proclog/.
Troubleshooting Creates a report containing specified CONTROL-M system information. This
Report option is typically used at the request of Technical Support to determine the
cause of a CONTROL-M problem. This option is described in “Troubleshooting
Report” on page 4-45.
Check Kernel For Solaris platforms, checks whether the current configuration settings of the
Configuration kernel comply with requirements for CONTROL-M/Server.
If all parameters are configured correctly, the following message is displayed:
Check kernel configuration for <system>
terminated successfully
If one or more parameters are not configured correctly, the parameters are
listed followed by:
Check kernel configuration for <system>
terminated unsuccessfully
Note: This option is not relevant for AIX platforms.
List Active Runs the ctmdbtrans utility to list the active transactions in the database.
Transactions A transaction is a unit of work performed by CONTROL-M in the database.
Each transaction is assigned a unique name identifying that specific unit of
You may be asked by technical support to run this option and to provide them
with the output for debugging purposes.

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Table 4-11 Options of the Troubleshooting Menu (Part 3 of 3)

Option Description
Erase Proclog Erases the contents of the current process log file for all active
Files CONTROL-M/Server processes or for any specific active process.
The following prompt is displayed:
Enter <process-name> [SU,TR,SL,CO,NS,LG,ALL]
Specify the two-character code for a specific process or ALL for all current
process log files. See “Set Diagnostics Level“ earlier in this table for more
information about process log files.
Show Calendar Displays a list of all Calendar names defined in the CONTROL-M database.
Interactive SQL Starts an interactive SQL session that enables you to issue Sybase Database
Commands commands to perform actions in the CONTROL-M database. To end this
session, enter the command: quit.
This option should only be used when requested by Technical Support.
Communication Checks parameters and environmental conditions relevant to communication
Diagnostic Report between the Server platform and a specific Agent platform. This option is
typically used at the request of Technical Support to determine the cause of a
communication problem.
When this option is selected, you are prompted to supply the node ID of an
Agent platform. A diagnostic program is then executed and a report listing the
findings is generated.
Force Download Forces CONTROL-M to start download of the entire Active Jobs file to
Check directory Checks the current directory and all sub-directories under it for permissions
permissions and displays a report similar to the following:

’/home/ctm600’ directory permissions OK.

’/home/ctm600/ctm’ directory permissions OK.
’/home/ctm600/ctm/scripts’ directory permissions OK.
’/home/ctm600/ctm/exe_Solaris’ directory permissions
’/home/ctm600/ctm/sql’ directory permissions OK.
’/home/ctm600/ctm/sysout’ directory permissions OK.
’/home/ctm600/ctm/proclog’ directory permissions OK.
Quit Quits the Troubleshooting menu and returns to the CONTROL-M Main menu.

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4-42 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CONTROL-M/Server Processes

When implemented under a Unix operating system,

CONTROL-M/Server consists of several integrated processes. Most of
the processes run whenever CONTROL-M/Server is active. Each process
is identified by a two-letter code:

Table 4-12 Two-Letter Codes for CONTROL-M Processes

Code Description
SU Supervisor.
TR Tracker.
SL Selector and submitter.
NS Communication with Agent platforms.
CO Communication gateway.
CD New Day procedure, downloads, updates to the CONTROL-M
CS Communication (user requests from ENTERPRISE/CS).
LG Utilities invoked from Agent platforms.
WD Watchdog process.
RT Inter-process Communication Router

Several options in the Troubleshooting menu act on one or more

processes. See Table 4-11, “Options of the Troubleshooting Menu,” on
page 4-40 for details.

Set Diagnostics Level

Determines the diagnostic level for all CONTROL-M/Server processes

or for any specific process. If modified while CONTROL-M/Server is
running, the diagnostic level specified is effective immediately.

The following prompts are displayed:

Enter <diagnostics-level> [0 - 5] : [0]:

Enter Module <module_number> [0,1,2,3] : [0]:

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Table 4-13 describes the parameters that are set when responding to these

Table 4-13 Diagnostic Level Parameters

Parameter Description
<diagnostic-level> The diagnostic level ranges from 0 (no diagnostics) to
5 (highest level of diagnostics). Output from each
process is written to a separate process log file

For example:

The variables in this pathname are:

<controlm_path> Home directory of
CONTROL-M/Server account
<process_name> Two-character code identifying
the process.
<process-ID> ID of the CONTROL-M/Server
<module_number> Indicates which components are to be traced for
diagnostic purposes.

Valid values are:

0 – All components. Default
1 – Common functionality flow.
2 – Event manager.
3 – Database layer.
Process Name Indicates a two-character code for a specific process,
or ALL for all CONTROL-M/Server processes.

See “CONTROL-M/Server Processes” on page 4-43,

for a description of the process codes appearing in
this prompt.

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4-44 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Set Sleep Time

Determines the sleep time for all CONTROL-M/Server processes or for

any specific process. The sleep time is the length of time that the process
lies dormant before “waking up” to check if any request to perform an
action was received. If modified while CONTROL-M/Server is running,
the sleep time specified becomes effective immediately. See “Sleep Time
Considerations” on page 4-49.

The following prompt is displayed:

Enter <process-name> [SU,TR,SL,RT,CO,NS,LG,ALL] and


See “CONTROL-M/Server Processes” below for a description of the

process codes appearing in the prompt. Specify the two-character code
for a specific process, or ALL for all CONTROL-M/Server processes,
followed by the desired sleep time (in seconds).


SL 130

Troubleshooting Report

Creates a report containing specified CONTROL-M system information.

This option is typically used at the request of Technical Support to
determine the cause of a CONTROL-M problem.

The following menu is displayed:

Figure 4-15 Troubleshooting Report Information

Troubleshooting Report Information

1) Control-M Active Processes Map: Y
2) Control-M Environment Variables: Y
3) Active Jobs File Statistics: Y
4) System Communication Data: Y
5) Conditions and Resources Maps: Y
6) SU (Supervisor) Logs: Y
7) SL (Selector) Logs: Y

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8) TR (Tracker) Logs: Y
9) CD (New Day Procedure) Logs: Y
10) CO (Communication Gateway) Logs: Y
11) CS (Communication with ENTERPRISE/CS) Logs: Y
12) LG (Agent Utilities) Logs: Y
13) NS (Communication with Agents) Logs: Y
14) Database Error Log: Y
15) Logs of Failed Jobs within the Last 24 Hours: Y
16) Logs of All Jobs run within the Last 24 Hours: N

R) Generate Troubleshooting Report

Q) Quit

Select item to include/exclude:

To change the information included in the report, enter the number of the
item to change and switch the flag from Y to N. Default options include
all information. Enter “R” to generate the report.

The generated report is compressed and placed in the CONTROL-M

user’s home directory.

<controlm_path >/ctmtsrpt.<mmddyyhhmm>.tar.Z


<controlm_path> Home directory of CONTROL-M/Server account owner.

<mmddyyhhmm> Date and time of report.

Show Process Flags (prf)

When selected, the Show Process Flags option displays the status of
CONTROL-M/Server processes as recorded in the CONTROL-M

A table similar to the following is displayed:


CD 21176 R R 60 0
CO 21199 R R 60 0
LG 21178 R R 360 0
NS 21180 R R 120 0
RT 21166 R R 60 0
SL 21182 R R 60 0
SU 21167 R R 60 0
TR 21184 R R 30 0
WD 21185 R R 30 0

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The columns in this table are described in Table 4-14.

Table 4-14 Columns of the Show Process Flags Table

PROCNAME Two-letter code identifying the CONTROL-M/Server

process (described above).
PROCID Process ID of the CONTROL-M/Server process. If this
entry is missing, the process is not currently running.
PROCSTAT and Current statuses of the process. The codes that can
PSTAT_REQ appear in these columns have the following meaning:
• R– RUNNING—R–Run requested
• T,Z – Terminated—T,Z–Terminate requested
• S–Suspended—Suspend requested
• SLEEP_TIME—Current sleep time of the process
• DIAG_LVL—Current diagnostic level of the process
DIAG_LVL Current diagnostic level.

Show All Processes (shctm)

When selected, the Show All Processes option displays all

CONTROL-M/Server processes currently running on the Server
platform. A list similar to the following is displayed:

controlm 5703 0:02 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmco

controlm 5620 0:00 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmns
controlm 5645 0:00 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmlg
controlm 5691 0:00 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmtr
controlm 5705 0:00 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmsl
controlm 5609 0:01 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmsu
controlm 5712 0:01 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmcd
controlm 5714 0:01 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmwd
controlm 5713 0:01 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmcs
controlm 5610 0:01 /usr1/controlm/ctm/exe_AIX/p_ctmrt

The operating system identifier (in the above example, AIX) in the path
of the run module varies according to the type of Unix running on the
Server platform.

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The columns displayed in this list are:

• User name under which the process is running (for example,

• Process ID (for example, 5703)
• Run time (for example, 0:02)
• Full path of the process’ run module (for example,
/usr1/...ctmco). The last two characters of the path identify the
process (for example, the first line in the list above represents the CO
process – the Communication module).

The following additional columns are displayed for the CS process (the
last line in the list above):

• Two columns of mailbox numbers (for example, 603 604)

• Diagnostic level (for example, 0)

Reset CONTROL-M Active Environment

Shut down CONTROL-M/Server before selecting this option.

When selected from the Troubleshooting menu, the Reset

CONTROL-M Active Environment option performs the following
actions (after confirmation by the user):

• The contents of the Active Jobs file are erased.

• All prerequisite conditions, Quantitative resources and Control

resources are deleted.

• The entire Active Jobs file is downloaded to ENTERPRISE/CS.

It is also possible to reset the CONTROL-M/Server process sleep times

and diagnostic level using the init_prflag utility. This utility performs the
following actions:

• The sleep times for all CONTROL-M/Server processes are reset to

their initial (installation) values, as follows:

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Table 4-15 CONTROL-M/Server Shut Down

Process Sleep Time

SU 60
TR 30
SL 30
NS 120
CO 60
CD 60
LG 360
WD 360
RT 60

• The diagnostic level for all CONTROL-M/Server processes is reset

to zero.

Sleep Time Considerations

The sleep time setting for CONTROL-M processes can affect the
functionality of CONTROL-M and the performance of your data center.
Sleep time is the length of time that a process lies dormant before
“waking up” to check if any request to perform an action was received.
When modifying certain CONTROL-M process sleep time settings, it is
important to consider the number of jobs that are processing, the job
schedule plan, and the overall load on the machine.

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Table 4-16 Sleep Time Considerations

Sleep Time
Initial Sleep TIme Modification
Process Task Settings Considerations
SU Supervisor 60 Increase: Delay in startup, downloads, and
New Day procedure.
TR Job Tracking 15 Increase: Delay in freeing resources after job
ends and delay in Shout messages. Can be
increased during period of minimal job
Decrease: Additional CPU resources.
SL Job Selector 30/60 Increase: Delay in Job Submission and Shout
messages for late submission Can be
increased during period of minimal job
Decrease: Additional CPU resources.
NS Communication 120 No effect.
CO Communication 60 No effect.
CD New Day Procedure; 60 No effect.
Database uploads and
LG Utilities 360 No effect.
WD Watchdog 30 No effect.
RT Inter-process 60 No effect.
Communication Router

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4-50 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Customization Parameters 5

You can customize the CONTROL-M/Server installation by modifying

parameters used by the various CONTROL-M/Server modules. You can
assign values to most of the parameters described in this chapter during
the CONTROL-M/Server installation procedure. Certain parameters are
assigned default values during installation and can be modified later.

CONTROL-M/Server parameters are divided into the following


• System parameters.
• Communication parameters.
• Operational parameters.
• Agent Communication parameters.
• Database parameters.
• Mirroring parameters.
• Performance parameters.
• Configuration parameters.

CONTROL-M/Agent customization parameters are described in

Chapter 1, General Information, of the CONTROL-M/Agent
Administrator Guide.

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Customization Parameters 5-1

Parameter Coordination

For CONTROL-M/Server to communicate with Agent platforms and

with the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation, the values assigned to certain
parameters described in this chapter must be coordinated with values
assigned to parameters on these systems. These parameters are listed in
the following tables.

Table 5-1 Parameter Coordination With ENTERPRISE/CS

Parameter Parameter Default Value
Local IP Host Interface Name TCP/IP Host Name Local hostname as returned by
Unix command hostname.

Table 5-2 Parameter Coordination With Agent Platforms

Parameter Parameter Default Value
Communication Protocol Communication Protocol TCP
Agent-to-Server Port Number Agent-to-Server Port Number 7005
Server-to-Agent Port Number Server-to-Agent Port Number 7006
Local IP Host Interface Name Authorized No default value. Specify the
CONTROL-M/Servers Interface Name of the machine
where CONTROL-M/Server is

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5-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Parameter Descriptions

System Parameters

CONTROL-M system parameters are assigned default values during

installation. These parameters can be modified using the ctmsys utility,
described in Chapter 2, “Utilities”. CONTROL-M system parameters are
listed below. Modifiable parameters are identified by an asterisk (*). All
other parameters are “display only”.

Table 5-3 System Parameters (Part 1 of 4)

Parameter Description
DBO Sybase password for the CONTROL-M database owner
Password (6 to 30 characters, alphanumeric). The characters you enter
are not echoed. This password is used by CONTROL-M
processes and utilities to access the CONTROL-M
database. Default: password.
Computer Platform type and model where CONTROL-M/Server is
System installed (for example, HP700).
Operating Operating system running on the Server platform (for
System example, AIX).
CONTROL-M Version number of the CONTROL-M/Server.
Database Internal database scheme version number (not the Sybase
Version version number).
Sysout Log Location where CONTROL-M puts job log (Sysout) files after
Directory * a job’s execution (for example, /usr/controlm/ctm/sysout).
This directory is created during the installation procedure.To
change this location, create the new directory first (using the
Unix mkdir command). This parameter cannot be modified
while CONTROL-M is active.
Executable Location where CONTROL-M/Server expects to find all its
Path executable programs (for example,

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Customization Parameters 5-3

Table 5-3 System Parameters (Part 2 of 4)

Parameter Description
Day Time * Installation start-of-day time used by CONTROL-M. This is
the time at which the CONTROL-M date (Odate) changes
and the New Day procedure is run. Default: +0700.
The Day Time parameter is specified using one of the
following formats:
+hhmm CONTROL-M date is changed at the specified time
after midnight.
-hhmm CONTROL-M date is changed at the specified time
before midnight.
Time is expressed in 24-hour format (for example, 2200 is
equivalent to 10 p.m.). This parameter is commonly set
using the +hhmm format.
+0600 Specifies that the hours between midnight and 6:00
a.m. are considered part of the previous date’s work day
(that is, system date February 10th, 5:59 a.m. is still the
CONTROL-M work day February 9th).
-2200 Specifies that the hours between 10 p.m. and
midnight are considered part of the next date’s work day
(that is, at 10:00 p.m. on system date February 10th, the
CONTROL-M date changes to February 11th).
CONTROL-M Date that CONTROL-M/Server regards as the actual
Date working date (Odate). This date is determined using the
operating system date and the value of the parameter Day
Time (described above). The format is yyyymmdd (for
example, 20000215). The value is initially set to 00000000
by the installation procedure. The value is then updated by
the New Day procedure each time it runs.
Statistics * Whether or not job statistics should be written to the
CONTROL-M database. Valid values are Y (record job
statistics) and N (do not record job statistics). See “Runtime
Statistics” on page 1-28 for more information. Default: Y.
Maximum Number of times the CONTROL-M auto-recovery
Retries * mechanism can reactivate CONTROL-M/Server processes
in case of failure. If this number is exceeded,
CONTROL-M/Server is shut down. Default: 10.

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5-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-3 System Parameters (Part 3 of 4)

Parameter Description
Start Day of Day of the week on which the work week at your site starts.
the Week * Valid values: 0 (Saturday), 1 (Sunday), …, 6 (Friday). This
parameter affects the usage of the job processing parameter
Weekdays (described in Chapter 5 in the Enterprise
Controlstation User Guide). Default: 2 (Monday).
Active Shout Currently-active Shout Destination table. Default: SYSTEM.
Table *
Full Whether CONTROL-M operates in a restricted or
Security * unrestricted level of security. Valid values:
Y (restricted) and N (unrestricted). Default: N.
• For restricted security (value Y), a user not defined in the
CONTROL-M security database does not have any
application authorizations.
• For unrestricted security (value N), a user not defined in
the CONTROL-M security database is regarded as having
all application authorizations.
A user for whom one or more authorizations have been
assigned in the security database can only perform the
actions for which the user is specifically authorized.
Maximum Maximum number of days that entries are retained in the
Days CONTROL-M log before being deleted by the New Day
Retained by cleanup procedure. Default: 2.
Log *
Max.Days to Number of days that job sysout files are retained for jobs
Retain executed by Agent platforms. After this period, all job sysout
Sysout Files * files are deleted by the New Day procedure. Default: 2.

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Customization Parameters 5-5

Table 5-3 System Parameters (Part 4 of 4)

Parameter Description
Ignore New Specifies whether the New Day procedure should ignore
Day prerequisite conditions whose reference date (day and
Conditions * month) matches the CONTROL-M date.
• When this parameter is N, the New Day procedure deletes
any prerequisite condition whose reference date matches
the CONTROL-M date. Default.
• When this parameter is Y, the New Day procedure
accesses a file containing prefixes of prerequisite
conditions that should be ignored (that is, not deleted) by
the daily cleanup procedure. (See “Ignore New Day
Conditions Parameter” below.)
Secure Socket Indicates if the SSL protocol is used for communications:
Layer • Disabled: CONTROL-M/Server does not communicate
using SSL.
• Enabled: CONTROL-M/Server uses only SSL for
• Inactive: CONTROL-M/Server does not use SSL, but will
communicate initially with a CONTROL-M/Agent using
SSL. The CONTROL-M/Server renegotiates the
communications link with the CONTROL-M/Agent to
non-SSL communications.
SSL support must be installed on CONTROL-M/Server for
the Enabled and Inactive settings to take effect.

Ignore New Day Conditions Parameter

After assigning the new CONTROL-M date, the New Day procedure
performs a selective cleanup of prerequisite conditions. By default, any
prerequisite condition whose reference date (month and day) is equal to
the new CONTROL-M date is deleted. This is done to prevent jobs from
being triggered by any prerequisite conditions remaining from the
previous year.

This cleanup function of the New Day procedure can conflict with user
intentions under certain circumstances. For example, if a job processing
definition contains the parameter Out Conditions with the Date field
containing the value Next, a prerequisite condition is created with a
reference date one or more days in the future. This prerequisite condition
would normally be deleted by the New Day procedure before it can be
used to trigger the submission of a job.

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5-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

You have the option of selectively or completely disabling the cleanup of
such prerequisite conditions by using the CONTROL-M system
parameter Ignore New Day Conditions.

The Ignore New Day Conditions parameter specifies whether or not the
New Day procedure should delete all prerequisite conditions whose
reference date (day and month) matches the new CONTROL-M date.

• When this parameter is N, the New Day procedure deletes any

prerequisite condition whose reference date matches the
CONTROL-M date. This is the default.

• When this parameter is Y, the New Day procedure accesses a

user-defined file that contains prefixes of prerequisite conditions that
should be ignored (that is, not deleted) by the cleanup procedure.

The Ignore New Day Conditions parameter can be modified using the
ctmsys utility.

When this parameter is set to Y, CONTROL-M searches for a file called:


where <home_dir> is the home directory of the CONTROL-M owner

account. This file (referred to as the Ignore Conditions file) should
contain a list of prefixes of prerequisite conditions, and/or including
masks, that should not be deleted by the New Day procedure. (Note that
prerequisite condition names are case-sensitive.)

The mask characters that can be used in this file are:

* Indicates any number of characters (including no characters).

Specify ∗ by itself to signify all existing conditions (see the
examples below).

? Indicates any single character.

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Customization Parameters 5-7

You can create and maintain this file using any text editor available at
your site. Place one prerequisite condition prefix on each line in the file.

If Ignore New Day Conditions parameter is set to Y but CONTROL-M
cannot locate the Ignore Conditions file, CONTROL-M behaves as if the
parameter is set to N (that is, all prerequisite conditions whose reference
date matches the new CONTROL-M date will be deleted).

Example 1

If the new CONTROL-M date is 15-01-00 and Ignore New Day

Conditions parameter is set to Y, the Ignore Conditions file contains the
following prefixes:


The following table demonstrates which prerequisite conditions will be

deleted from the Conditions/Resources table in the CONTROL-M
database by the New Day procedure:

Conditions Existing Before Conditions Remaining After

Executing New Day Procedure Executing New Day Procedure
bra_fn_01 14/01 bra_fn_01 14/01
bra_fn_01 15/01
prq_rs_21rpts 14/01 prq_rs_21rpts 14/01
prq_rs_21rpts 15/01 prq_rs_21rpts 15/01
pre_prn_01 14/01 pre_prn_01 14/01
pre_prn_01 15/01 pre_prn_01 15/01
pre_prn_02 14/01 pre_prn_02 14/01
pre_prn_02 15/01 pre_prn_02 15/01
srt_def_a 14/01 srt_def_a 14/01
srt_def_a1 14/01 srt_def_a1 14/01
srt_def_a 15/01 srt_def_a 15/01
srt_def_a1 15/01

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5-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Example 2

If Ignore New Day Conditions parameter is set to Y, The Ignore

Conditions file contains the following entry:

No prerequisite conditions will be deleted from the Conditions/Resources

table by the New Day procedure.

Communication Parameters

Communication parameters are modifiable during installation. You can

also modify these parameters afterwards using the Parameter
Customization menu, described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

Valid Communication parameters are described in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Communication Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
Local IP Host Host interface name of the TCP/IP network interface card
Interface Name on the Server platform to use for communication with
ENTERPRISE/CS. This is typically the host name of the
Server platform. The default value for this parameter is the
default host interface name defined in the Server platform
operating environment. This parameter can also be
specified by its IP address (for example,
This parameter should be modified only if the Server
platform contains more than one network interface card
(for example, Ethernet and Token-Ring). See additional
information about this parameter below.

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Customization Parameters 5-9

Table 5-4 Communication Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
Agent-to-Server CONTROL-M/Server communicates with
Port Number CONTROL-M/Agent via two TCP/IP ports. One port is
used for data flowing from CONTROL-M/Server to
CONTROL-M/Agent. The other port is used for data
flowing in the reverse direction.
This parameter specifies the port used in the Server
platform for receiving data from the Agent platform.
The second port is specified using Server-to-Agent Port
Number parameter (described in See “Parameters for
Communicating With Agent Platforms” on page 5-13.)
Default: 7005.
The value for this parameter must match the value
assigned to Agent-to-Server Port Number parameter on
the Agent platform.
Verify that the port number specified for this parameter is
not used for any other purpose in the Server platform.
The value for this parameter must be a number between
1024 and 65533 inclusive.
Communication Protocol used to communicate with the Agent platforms.
Protocol Specify UDP or TCP. It is recommended that you use TCP
when there are many jobs running simultaneously
reporting to CONTROL-M/Server. The protocol specified
here must be the same as that specified on the Agent
platform. Default: TCP.

Local IP Host Interface Name Parameter

CONTROL-M/Server only listens on one network interface card for

messages from ENTERPRISE/CS. If the Server platform contains more
than one network interface card, it is necessary to ensure that
ENTERPRISE/CS is sending messages to the same interface card
listened to by CONTROL-M/Server. This is accomplished by ensuring
that CONTROL-M/Server parameter Local IP Host Interface Name
and ENTERPRISE/CS parameter TCP/IP Host Name both refer to the
same IP address.

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5-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

If one or both of these parameters contain a logical host name, you can
determine the IP address mapped to the logical host name by specifying
the following command at the Unix prompt:

arp <host_name>

The system responds with the IP address mapped to the host name on the
local machine.

Even if the same logical host name is specified for these two parameters,
the host name can be mapped to different IP addresses on the Server
platform and the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation. Use the arp command
(see above) to verify that the host name on each machine is mapped to
the same IP address.

You can also ensure that both machines are using the same address by
specifying the actual IP address of the network interface card for each of
these parameters. The IP address specified must be a local address on the
Server platform.

Operational Parameters

Operational parameters are modifiable during installation. You can also

modify these parameters afterwards using the Parameter Customization
menu, described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

The operational parameters are described below:

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Customization Parameters 5-11

Table 5-5 Operational Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
Input Process Socket Port number used for communication between
Communication CONTROL-M processes. The parameter replaces the
Port Number Input Mailbox Key and Output Mailbox Key
parameters in earlier versions of CONTROL-M/Server.
As of CONTROL-M/Server version 6.0.00, all inter-
process communication is handled by the RT process.
Maximum Job Number of job state changes retained by
State Changes CONTROL-M/Server in the event communication with
ENTERPRISE/CS is interrupted. If the number of job
state changes that occur exceeds the value specified for
this parameter, CONTROL-M/Server will initiate a
download when communication with ENTERPRISE/CS
is resumed. Default: 1000.
ENTERPRISE/CS CONTROL-M communicates with Enterprise
TCP/IP Port Controlstation using a pair of consecutive TCP/IP ports
Number (for example, 2370 and 2371). The lower port is used
for data flowing from CONTROL-M to
ENTERPRISE/CS. The higher port is used for data
flowing in the reverse direction. Default: 2370.
This parameter is used to specify the lower of the two
port numbers and must correspond to the value
assigned to field TCP/IP Port Number in the definition of
the CONTROL-M data center in the ENTERPRISE/CS
Data Centers window. Verify that the two port numbers
are not used for any other purpose on the Server
platform. The value for this parameter must be a
number between 1024 and 65533 inclusive.
Release Version
Statistics Mode Mode used by the ctmjsa utility to collect summary
statistics. JOBNAME compiles statistics for each
CONTROL-M Job Name and Node ID where the job
was submitted. MEMNAME compiles them for each
CONTROL-M Mem Name/Mem Lib and Node ID.
Default: MEMNAME.

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5-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-5 Operational Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
Minimum Server Minimum number of communication server processes
Processes that the CONTROL-M/Server gateway process will run
concurrently. Default: 1.
Maximum Server Maximum number of communication server processes
Processes that the CONTROL-M/Server gateway process can run
concurrently. Default: 1.

Parameters for Communicating With Agent Platforms

Parameters for communicating with Agent platforms are modifiable

during installation. The values specified for these parameters are used as
the default values for communication with each Agent platform.
Parameter values for specific Agent platforms can be modified separately
afterwards. You can also modify these parameters using the Parameter
Customization Menu, described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

The parameters for communicating with agent platforms are described in

Table 5-6.

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Customization Parameters 5-13

Table 5-6 Parameters for Communicating with Agent Platforms

Parameter Description
Polling Interval Time interval (in seconds) between requests from
CONTROL-M/Server for status updates from Agent
platforms that are executing jobs. Specify -1 to disable
polling. Default: 900.
Communication Maximum length of time (in seconds) that
Timeout CONTROL-M/Server should spend attempting to
communicate with an Agent platform before assigning it
the status Unavailable. Default: 120.
During this time, CONTROL-M/Server attempts to
communicate with the Agent platform x times, where x is
the value specified by parameter Maximum Retries.
If the value of Communication Timeout is 120 and
Maximum Retries is 12, CONTROL-M/Server attempts to
communicate with the Agent platform once every 10
seconds (120/12) during the timeout period.
Maximum Number of communication retries to attempt in the period
Retries of time specified before assigning the status Unavailable
to an Agent platform. Default: 12.
Retry Interval Length of time to wait (in seconds) between attempts to
communicate with an Agent platform whose status is
Unavailable. Default: 90.
Server-to-Agent Port number in the Agent platform through which data is
Port Number received from the Server platform. The value assigned to
this parameter must correspond to the value assigned to
the field Server-to-Agent Port Number in the Configuration
file on the corresponding Agent platform. Default: 7006.
Communication Version of CONTROL-M Agent.
Protocol Specify 01 (2.2.4), 02 (2.2.5), or 03 (6.0.00). Default: 03.

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5-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Database Parameters


Sybase Database configuration parameters are specified during

installation before the CONTROL-M database is created. You can also
modify these parameters and rebuild the CONTROL-M database using
the Database Creation menu, described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

The Sybase database parameters are described below:

Table 5-7 Sybase Database Parameters (Part 1 of 3)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Sybase name for the CONTROL-M database owner. The
Database Owner custom script creates this user in the database. This name
is used by CONTROL-M when accessing its database.
Default: ctrlm
DBO Password Sybase password for the CONTROL-M database owner (6
to 30 characters, alphanumeric). The characters you enter
are not echoed for security reasons. This password is
used by CONTROL-M processes and utilities to access
the CONTROL-M database. Default: password
Database Password (6 to 30 characters, alphanumeric) for the
Administrator’s Sybase database administrator (user sa). The characters
Password you enter are not echoed for security reasons. This
password is used by CONTROL-M utilities to access
restricted sections of the CONTROL-M database.
Default: password
Database (Data Amount of space (in MB) to allocate for the data portion of
Portion) Size the CONTROL-M database. Default: 20.
If the database will be located in a file system, the custom
script allocates the amount of space you specify plus an
additional 50% to accommodate the Sybase transaction
log. For example, if you specify 30 MB, the amount of
space actually allocated is 45 MB.
Sybase recommends that you use raw partitions for the
data device. In this case, the size of the raw partition must
be equal to the size of the Data portion plus 4 MB.

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Customization Parameters 5-15

Table 5-7 Sybase Database Parameters (Part 2 of 3)

Parameter Description
Query Socket Sybase utilizes these two TCP/IP ports for communication
Port Number between CONTROL-M and Sybase SQL Server. The port
-and- numbers must be different from each other. If these port
Backup Socket numbers are already used by an existing application,
Port Number choose other values, each in the range 1024 to 65534
Query Socket and Backup Socket each comprise 2 ports.
Therefore, each value entered should be the lower port of
a pair of available ports. For example, if the Query Port
Socket is 7102, then port 7103 will also be used for Query
Port communications.
Default: 7102 and 7104
Master Device Type of disk storage (raw partition or file system) used for
Type the master Sybase database. (A raw partition installation
offers enhanced database integrity.) Default: FILE.
If you want Sybase to use a raw partition, type y in
response to the prompt. An additional prompt will be
displayed requesting the physical device name (described
Master Physical For Master Device Type FILE: Full path name where the
Device/Path master Sybase database will be located.
Name Default: <controlm_home_dir>/sybase/data/master.dat
For Master Device Type RAW: Physical device name of
the raw partition on which the Sybase database will be
Data Device Type of disk storage (raw partition or file system) used for
Type the CONTROL-M database. Default: FILE
Data Physical For Data Device Type FILE: Full path name where the
Device/Path CONTROL-M database will be located.
Name Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/sybase/data/ctrlm_ux.dat
For Data Device Type RAW: Physical device name of the
raw partition in which the CONTROL-M database will be
Log Device Type Type of disk storage (raw partition or file system) used for
the CONTROL-M database log. Default: FILE.

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5-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-7 Sybase Database Parameters (Part 3 of 3)

Parameter Description
Log Physical For Log Device Type FILE: Full path name where the
Device/Path CONTROL-M database log will be located.
Name Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/sybase/data/ctrlm_log.d
For Log Device Type RAW: Physical device name of the
raw partition in which the CONTROL-M database log will
be located.
Sybase Directory in which the Sybase interfaces file is located.
Interface This path should be visible to CONTROL-M.
Sybase Server Name of the SQL server.
Name When you choose to modify this value, the custom script
reads the Sybase interfaces file and displays a list of the
available SQL servers. Specify the name of an SQL server
from the displayed list (contact your system administrator
for this information). Default: SYBASE
Remote Sybase Name of the host for an existing Sybase Database server
Host Name installation.
CONTROL-M Name for the CONTROL-M database. This name must be
Database Name unique. Default: ctrlm
CONTROL-M Name of the Sybase device on which the CONTROL-M
Database Data database will be created. (See the disk init command in
Device Name the Sybase Commands Reference Manual for information
about creating a Sybase device.) Default: ctrlm_ux
CONTROL-M Name of the Sybase device on which the CONTROL-M
Database Log database log will be created. (See the disk init command
Device Name in the Sybase Commands Reference Manual for
information about creating a Sybase device.)
Default: ctrlm_log


Oracle Database configuration parameters are specified during

installation before the CONTROL-M database is created. You can also
modify these parameters and rebuild the CONTROL-M database using
the Database Creation menu, described in Chapter 4, “Maintenance.”

The Oracle database parameters are described below:

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Customization Parameters 5-17

Table 5-8 Oracle Database Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Database The name of the Oracle SQL server (1 to 8
Instance name characters, alphabetic plus “_”). Default: ctrlm
Database User Name of CONTROL-M database user.
Default: controlm
User Password Password for the CONTROL-M database user (6 to
30 characters, alphanumeric). The characters you
enter are not echoed for security reasons. This
password is used by CONTROL-M processes and
utilities to access the CONTROL-M database.
Default: password
Tablespace size Total size of the CONTROL-M database.
Default: 250 MB
Oracle home directory Directory where Oracle binary files are stored.
Default: /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle
Size of CONTROL-M The size of each database log file. There are two
database log files files of equal size.
Default: 20 MB
Name of the Full path name of the CONTROL-M database data
Tablespace data file file.
Name of the first Full path name of the first database log file.
database log file Default:
Name of the second Full path name of the second database log file.
database log file Default:
Oracle CDROM name Name of CDROM device containing the Oracle
installation CDROM.
CONTROL-M Listener Oracle utilizes this TCP/IP port for communication
port number between CONTROL-M and Oracle SQL Server.
The port must be dedicated to this purpose.
Choose a number in the range 1024 to 65534
inclusive. Default: 1521

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5-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-8 Oracle Database Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
Oracle SYSTEM user Password of the Oracle SYSTEM user.
tablespace file tablespace file.
location Default:
CONTROL-M SYSTEM Size of the CONTROL-M SYSTEM tablespace file.
tablespace size Default: 50 MB
CONTROL-M RBS Full path name to the CONTROL-M RBS
(Rollback Segment) tablespace file.
tablespace file Default:
location /<controlm_home_dir>/oracle/oradata/ctrlm/rbs0
CONTROL-M RBS Size of the CONTROL-M RBS tablespace file.
tablespace size Default: 50 MB
CONTROL-M TEMP Full path name to the CONTROL-M TEMP
tablespace file tablespace file.
location Default:
CONTROL-M TEMP Size of the CONTROL-M TEMP tablespace file.
tablespace size Default: 100 MB
tablespace file tablespace file.
location Default:
CONTROL-M INDEX Size of the CONTROL-M INDEX tablespace file.
tablespace size Default: 50 MB
Oracle Server Host The host machine name of an existing Oracle
name server.

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Customization Parameters 5-19

Mirroring Parameters

Parameters for database mirroring are specified when mirroring is

initialized, either during CONTROL-M/Server installation or any time
afterwards. You can modify these parameters by mirror initialization
using the Database Mirroring menu described in Chapter 4,

Database mirroring parameters are described in Table 5-9.

Table 5-9 Mirroring Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Mirror Name for the CONTROL-M mirror database owner.
Database Owner The install_mirror script creates this user in the
(Sybase and Oracle) database. This name is used by CONTROL-M when
accessing the mirror database. Default: ctrlm
DBO Password Password for the CONTROL-M mirror database
(Sybase and Oracle) owner (6 to 30 characters, alphanumeric). The
characters you enter are not echoed for security
reasons. This password is used by CONTROL-M
processes and utilities to access the CONTROL-M
mirror database.
Mirror Sybase Name of the SQL server to which CONTROL-M will
Server Name connect for mirroring. When you choose to modify this
(Sybase) value, the install_mirror script reads the Sybase
interfaces file and displays a list of the available SQL
servers. Specify the name of an SQL server from the
displayed list (contact your system administrator for
this information). Default: CTRLM2
Mirror Host name of machine that runs the instance of the
Sybase/Oracle Host database SQL Server used for mirroring.
Name (Sybase and
Mirror TCP/IP query port number for the database SQL
Sybase/Oracle Port Server used for mirroring. If you are using a
Number (Sybase CONTROL-M dedicated database SQL Server for the
and Oracle) mirror database, you can find its Sybase/Oracle Port
Number in the QUERY_SPN field in the
<controlm_owner>/install/install_defs file.

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5-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-9 Mirroring Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Sybase CONTROL-M mirror database.
database name This name must be unique. Default: ctrlm
Mirror Oracle The name of the Oracle mirror SQL server (1 to 8
Instance name (SID) characters, alphabetic plus “_”). Default: ctrlm
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Oracle CONTROL-M mirror database.
tablespace name This name must be unique. Default: ctrlm
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Sybase device on which the
database data CONTROL-M mirror database will be created.
device name Default: ctrlm_ux
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Sybase device on which the
database log device CONTROL-M mirror database log will be created.
name (Sybase) Default: ctrlm_log
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Sybase device on which the
Database Data CONTROL-M mirror database will be created. (See
Device Name the disk init command in the Sybase Commands
(Sybase) Reference Manual for information about creating a
Sybase device.) Default: ctm
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the Sybase device on which the
Database Log CONTROL-M mirror database log will be created.
Device Name (See the disk init command in the Sybase
(Sybase) Commands Reference Manual for information about
creating a Sybase device.) Default: ctmlog

Performance Parameters

Special parameters are available for tuning CONTROL-M performance.

These parameters affect how jobs are selected for both scheduling and
post-processing. Table 5-10 describes the performance parameters in the
CONTROL-M <controlm>/ctm/data/config.dat file where <controlm>
is the CONTROL-M home directory.

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Customization Parameters 5-21

Table 5-10 Performance Parameters

Parameter Description
PRIORITY_SL_SCAN Indicates if job priority should be used during the
job selection process (when deciding which job
should run next. Valid values are:
0 - Use job priority. Default
1 - Do not use job priority. This setting increases
CONTROL-M performance.
SL_BREAK_INT Specify how many jobs to scan in the selection
process before checking for jobs in the post
processing queue. The lower the value, the faster
the performance. The downside is that jobs at the
bottom of the queue will take longer to be
scheduled. Value range: 1-99999. Default: 100
PP_THRESHOLD Specify the maximum number of jobs that can wait
in the post processing queue before post
processing is initiated. The lower the value, the
faster the jobs get post processed, but jobs at the
bottom of the queue will take longer to be
processed. Value range: 1-99999. Default: 10

The sleep time setting for CONTROL-M processes can also affect the
performance and functionality of CONTROL-M. For example, setting
the sleep time of the Selector (SL) and/or Tracking (TR) process to 5,
will improve performance, but CONTROL-M will consume more CPU.
For more information, see “Sleep Time Considerations” on page 4-49.

Configuration Parameters

The following tables contain the current parameters in the

CONTROL-M/Server configuration parameter file (config.dat) and
CONTROL-M/Agent configuration parameter file (agconfig.dat). The
config.dat file resides in directory <controlm>/ctm/data/ on the Server
platform. The agconfig.dat file resides on the Agent platform.

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5-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CONTROL-M/Server Parameters (config.dat)

Table 5-11 CONTROL-M/Server Parameters (Part 1 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

ALARM_DEST Logical name of the Shout destination for critical Alert
messages. Default: ECS
SEC Indicates which AutoEdit variables are sent to the
Agent for each submitted job.
Valid values:
SYSTEM – All the AutoEdit variables for each
submitted job are sent to the Agent. These include
System, Global, Group, and Local variables.
GLOBAL – Global, Group, and Local AutoEdit
variables are sent to the Agent for each submitted
job. System AutoEdit variables are not sent.
GROUP – Group and Local AutoEdit variables are
sent to the Agent for each submitted job. System and
Global variables are not sent.
LOCAL – Only Local AutoEdit variables are sent to
the Agent.
Default: LOCAL
CTM_DB_ {300 – 3600}
TIMEOUT Timeout value (in seconds) for long database
transactions. Default: 600
ADJUST_DUMMY When this parameter is set to Y, and a Group
Scheduling table is ordered, jobs in the group that
should not be ordered at this time are ordered as
DUMMY jobs. This functionality is useful for data
centers that require identical job flow regardless of
whether certain jobs in a group are ordered for a
specific instance of the group. Default: N

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Customization Parameters 5-23

Table 5-11 CONTROL-M/Server Parameters (Part 2 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

RECHECK Indicates if group conditions should be checked for
each job in a Group Scheduling table after the groups
conditions have been satisfied.
• N (default) group conditions are ignored when
ordering specific jobs in a group.
• Y group conditions are checked for each job in the
group (in addition to conditions specified for the
Note: If N is specified for this parameter, groups are
activated when the necessary conditions exist, and
remain active regardless of whether or not any of
those conditions are deleted. Default: N
CTM_SLP_ {30 – 1200}
SUSPEND During the New Day Procedure and Download of the
Active Jobs file to ENTERPRISE/CS, the ctmcreate,
ctmudly, and ctmorder utilities are suspended. They
stay suspended until the Download or New Day
Procedure is complete or until the specified timeout
period. Default: 30 minutes
SEND_FORMAT Indicates whether Single (S) or Multiple (M) variable
format is used for SNMP traps. For more information,
see “ctm2snmp” on page 2-155. Default: S
CONSOLE If this parameter is set, critical alerts are sent to the
console of the Server in addition to being sent as
Shout messages to ENTERPRISE/CS. Default: NO
When this parameter is set to Y, the use of the ctmlog
utility for delete operation to Control-M is restricted.
Administrator only.
Default: N
The default action of the utility is to order, not force,
jobs in the Active Jobs file. This action can be
modified by adding keyword Force to the command
that invokes the utility. To change the default to force,
set this parameter to Y. Default: N

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5-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-11 CONTROL-M/Server Parameters (Part 3 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

CYCLIC_MAXWAIT Indicates when cyclic jobs, that have previously
executed at least once, should be removed from the
Active Jobs file by the New Day procedure.
Valid values:
• KEEP – jobs are removed from the Active Jobs file
when MAXWAIT days have passed regardless of
whether or not the job ended OK.
• NOT KEEP – jobs are removed from the Active
Jobs file at the next run of the New Day procedure.
If a cyclic job ends NOTOK and this parameter is set
to OK, the cyclic job will be rerun. If set to NOTOK,
the job will not be rerun. Default: OK.
During the New Day procedure, old IOALOG records
are removed. The default is to delete the old records
in hourly bundles. If set to 24, all the old logs are
deleted in one bundle. Default: 1.
LIMIT Number of Run Information records to keep for a
given MemName/MemLib/NodeID. If
RUNINF_PURGE_MODE is 0, the New Day
Procedure deletes all Run Information records for
each unique name except the last n records, where n
is the value of this parameter. Default: 20.
MODE New Day Procedure algorithm for cleaning Run
Information records. If set to 1, the New Day
procedure will keep records for the last two days only.
If 0, it uses the RUNINF_PURGE_LIMIT value.
Default: 0.
STATS_TIME Indicates how the START TIME and END TIME for a
job should be set. Valid values are:
• SERVER – START TIME and END TIME are set by
using information received from the
STATS_TIME START TIME and END TIME of a job can be set
SERVER or AGENT relative to either server or agent.

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Customization Parameters 5-25

Table 5-12 Performance Parameters

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

PP_THRESHOLD {1 – 99999}
Maximum number of jobs that can wait in the post
processing queue before the Selector process is
interrupted and post-processing is initiated. Default: 10.
SCAN Indicates whether to disable (0) or enable (1) the use of
the a job’s Priority in the selection process. Disabling
priority increases performance. Default: 0.
SL_BREAK_INT {0 – 99999}
The maximum number of jobs to scan in the selection
process before checking for jobs in the post processing
queue. Default: 100.

Table 5-13 Communication Parameters

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

CMN_PRM_CD_IPC_ Inter processing Communication (IPC) Input Queue.
IN IPC between the CD and CO processes is performed
by using Message Queue kernel resources. The CO
process creates the resource and the CD process
uses the value specified by this parameter to connect
to the resource. The value specified must be unique
for the machine where CONTROL-M is running.
CMN_PRM_CD_IPC_ IPC Output Queue.
CMN_PRM_CD_MAX {1000 – 65K}
_DBU CONTROL-M accumulates all updates to the
database before sending them to ENTERPRISE/CS.
This parameter determines the maximum number of
updates to accumulate before requesting a
Download. Default 1000.
CMN_PRM_CD_MAX {60 – 32K}
_SERVICE Sets the maximum number of requests that can be
queued by CONTROL-M/Server that originate from
ENTERPRISE/CS gateways. Default: 60.

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5-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

ENTERPRISE/CS Communication Parameters

Table 5-14 ENTERPRISE/CS Communication Parameters

Name {Valid Values} Explanation
_ACTIVE Indicates whether the Heartbeat monitor operates in active
(Y) or passive (N) mode. Default: Y (Active)
_BETWEEN Time in seconds between heartbeat checks. Default: 300.
_ROUNDTRIP_ Time in seconds to wait for a confirmation from
TIMEOUT ENTERPRISE/CS. If confirmation does not arrive, a
timeout is generated and the connection is severed.
Default: 300.

Table 5-15 User Exit Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

Indicates whether CONTROL-M user exits and
Watchdog process exits are enabled.
(See “Watchdog Process Parameters
(config.dat)” on page 5-31.) Default: Y
UExxx (101-106) Indicates whether the associated UExxx user exit
is enabled. For more information, see “User Exits”
on page 1-50. The following user exits are
• UE101 Job Ordering User Exit
• UE102 Job Submission User Exit
• UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit
• UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit
• UE105 Before User Daily User Exit
• UE106 After User Daily User Exit
Default: N

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Customization Parameters 5-27

Table 5-15 User Exit Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

CTM_PRM_SCRIPT_ Name of the Uexxx user exit script. These scripts
UExxx must reside in the ~controlm/ctm/ue_exit
directory. Default:
UExxx Time in seconds to wait for a user exit script to
run before it is terminated. Default: 20.

CONTROL-M Server and Agent Parameters (config.dat and agconfig.dat)

Table 5-16 CONTROL-M Server and Agent Parameters

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

Debug trace for communication. Default: 0.
COMTIMOUT {20-360}
Communication timeout in seconds. Default: 120.
Communication retry value. Default: 12.
OS_PRM_HOSTNAME Specifies a local Host Name other than the
machine default Host Name.
Communication protocol. Default: TCP

CONTROL-M/Agent Parameters (agconfig.dat)

Table 5-17 CONTROL-M/Agent Parameters (Part 1 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

AG_PORT_NUM Agent Port number.
AGENT_DIR CONTROL-M/Agent installation directory.
PRINTER_NAME Printer name for Sysout.
DELETE At the end of job execution, temporary scripts
generated from jobs are deleted. If this value is set to
Yes, temporary scripts are not deleted.

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5-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-17 CONTROL-M/Agent Parameters (Part 2 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

CTM_PRM_KSH_ {-v,-x}
FLAGS Flags to include when running a job that is written in
Korn Shell. Default: –x.
CTM_PRM_SH_ {-v,-x}
FLAGS Flags to include when running a job that is written in
Borne Shell. Default: –x.
CTM_SU_PATH Alternate path for the /bin/su binary that is used by
CONTROL-M to launch user jobs.
CTM_PARM_ENC Character to use to enclose parameters before the
job script is launched.
To use blanks (version 2.1.0), leave the value blank.
Default: Double quotes (“).
Each parameter passed to the script contains this
character before and immediately after the parameter.
If more than one parameter is used, the parameters
are delimited by a space between the parameters.
Use double quotes (“) if the CTM_PARM_ENC
parameter is not defined in the agconfig.dat file.
To specify the CTM_PARM_ENC parameter without a
value, leave the enclosing character blank ( ).
CONTROL-M launches a job using su - owner -c
memlib/memname parm1 parm2 parm3 ...
The user can control the evaluation of parameters by
enclosing the parameters with different characters.
If double quotes are used (") then variables are
resolved in the owners environment before they are
passed to the script. If single quotes (’) are used then
the parameters are not evaluated before the script is
Before enclosing a parameter with predefined
characters CONTROLM checks if the user already
enclosed the parameter.
If the parameter is already encapsulated, then
CONTROLM skips the encapsulation process so that
the parameter will not be encapsulated twice.
MODE If this parameter is set to IP, the IP address is saved
in CTMS_HOSTNAME instead of the host name. Use
this parameter when CONTROL-M runs on a platform
with more than one network card.

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Customization Parameters 5-29

Table 5-17 CONTROL-M/Agent Parameters (Part 3 of 3)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

CTMS_ {01| 02| 03}
COMVERSION Specifies the CONTROL-M/Server version with which
the agent is working. Valid values are:
• 01 for 2.2.4
• 02 for 2.2.5
• 03 for 6.0.00. Default
CTMS_HOSTNAME Primary host running CONTROL-M/Server.
CTMS_PORT_NUM Port number that CONTROL-M/Server listens to.
EXIT_STATUS_DIR Redefined Exit Status directory on the Agent platform
used to store job status.
If this parameter is set to JOBNAME, parameter
Jobname is used in the sysout file instead of
parameter Memname. Default: MEMNAME.
SYSOUT_MODE Octal value indicating file access mode of the Sysout
(output) file.
For example, 777 indicates the highest level of
If this parameter is set to N, $0 is not translated in a
script before it is run. Otherwise, $0 is replaced by a
file name before the script is run. Default: Y

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5-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Watchdog Process Parameters (config.dat)

The following parameters are used for the Watchdog Process. (For
more information, see “Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44.) Parameter
CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE must be set to Y to enable the WD process.

General Parameters

Table 5-18 General Watchdog Process Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

Amount of time in minutes between each set of
Watchdog checks. If the checks take longer than the
specified time, the time interval is saved and the
longest interval time is included in the message sent
automatically to the error handler(s) once every 50
intervals. Default: 5.
INTERVAL Nth interval in the Watchdog process to check
CONTROL-M processes. If this parameter is set to 5,
the Watchdog process sends a message to each of
the primary CONTROL-M processes every 5th
interval and awaits a response. Default: 5
TIMEOUT Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for a response
from each of the CONTROL-M processes, after
issuing a Heartbeat check, before sending a message
to the error handlers. Default: 360.
NUMBER Total number of CONTROL-M system exits to run.
Default: 2.
NUMBER Total number of user exits to run. Default: 0.
WD_ALIVE_MSG Message string sent every interval to the error
handlers if all the Watchdog processes are
functioning. We recommend that you use this
parameter when using CONTROL-O/Server as an
error handler (see WD_CTO_HOSTNAME below).
Default: WD is alive.

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Customization Parameters 5-31

Table 5-18 General Watchdog Process Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

WD_CTO_ Host name or IP address of the machine running
HOSTNAME CONTROL-O/Server. If this parameter is specified,
the Watchdog process sends all error messages to
the CONTROL-O/Server Central Message window.
Maximum time (in second) to send messages to
CONTROL-O/Server before terminating the
communication. Default: 10 seconds.
WD_ERROR_ Full path name of a user defined script called by the
HANDLER_ Watchdog process as an error handler. The error
SCRIPT_FILE messages are included as arguments to the script.
Default: ./scripts/UE_handler that sends alerts to
HANDLER_ Maximum time in seconds to wait for the error handler
TIMEOUT script to run before terminating the script. Default: 5.

CONTROL-M System Exit Parameters

The # used in each of the following CONTROL-M system exit

parameters represents the corresponding CONTROL-M utility that can
be included in the CONTROL-M Watchdog process: Disk Space Utility
(1) and Database Usage Utility (2). See “ctmdiskspace” on page 2-62 and
“ctmdbspace” on page 2-45 for more information.

Table 5-19 Watchdog Parameters for CONTROL-M System Exits

(Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

WD_CTMEXIT_#_CMD_LINE Arguments to be passed to the utility.
Arguments must start with a ‘-’ sign. Values
separated by either a space or a ‘-’ sign
must be enclosed in double quotes.
Default for #1: -Limit 10M -Path $HOME
Default for #2: -Limit 90
WD_CTMEXIT_#_ERROR_MSG Error message string to be passed to the
error handler(s) if the utility returns a
“failed” status. Optional.

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5-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Table 5-19 Watchdog Parameters for CONTROL-M System Exits
(Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

WD_CTMEXIT_#_INTERVAL {1-1440 intervals per day}
Interval in the Watchdog process in which
to run this utility. Required. Default: 5.
Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the
utility in Run (that is, normal) mode. A Y
must be specified for either this parameter
or for parameter
the utility to be run. Default: N.
WD_CTMEXIT_#_SCRIPT_FILE Relative path of the executable file from
the ~controlm\ctm\exe_<platform>
Default for #1: CTMDISKSPACE
Default for #2: CTMDBSPACE
_STATE Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the
utility in Suspend mode (that is, during New
Day procedure or download, when the
database inaccessible). A Y must be
specified for either this parameter or for
for the utility to be run. Default: N.
Maximum time (in seconds) that the utility
is allowed to run. If the utility runs longer
than the time indicated, it will terminate
and an error message will be sent.
Mandatory. Default: 5 seconds.

Watchdog User Exit Parameters

The # used in the following user exit parameters represents a separate

number for each user exit that can be included in the CONTROL-M
Watchdog process (see “Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44). A user exit
can be either a user supplied script/executable file or a CONTROL-M
utility (see Chapter 2, “Utilities”).

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Customization Parameters 5-33

Table 5-20 Watchdog Parameters User Exit

Parameter Name {Valid Values} Explanation

WD_USEREXIT_#_CMD_LINE Arguments to be passed to the
script/executable file. Arguments must start
with a ‘-’ sign. Values separated by either a
space or a ‘-’ sign must be enclosed in
double quotes. Optional.
WD_USEREXIT_#_ERROR_ Error message string to be passed to the
MSG error handler(s) if the check returns a
“failed” status. Optional.
WD_USEREXIT_#_INTERVAL {1-1440 intervals per day}
Interval in the Watchdog process in which
to run this script. Mandatory. Default: 5.
STATE Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the
script in Run (that is, normal) mode. This
parameter or WD_CTMEXIT_#_SUSPEND
_STATE must be set to Y for the script to be
run. Default: N.
WD_USEREXIT_#_SCRIPT_ Full path of the user script/executable file.
FILE Mandatory. Example:
STATE Specify whether (Y) or not (N) to run the
script in Suspend mode (that is, during New
Day procedure or download, when the
database inaccessible). This parameter or
WD_CTMEXIT_#_RUN _STATE must be set
to Y for the script to be run. Default: N.
Maximum time in seconds that the script is
allowed to run. If the script runs longer than
the time indicated, it will terminate and an
error message will be sent. Mandatory.
Default: 5.

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5-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


User Exits 6

A user exit is a user-defined procedure that can be used to modify certain

information before it is processed. At certain points in CONTROL-M
processing a flat text file is produced describing information that is to be
passed to next step in a procedure. This text file can be modified by a
user-defined exit script before it is passed on for processing.

CONTROL-M user exits can be used to enforce site standards (for

example, file naming conventions or valid date formats), and to apply
security definitions to limit certain user’s actions. Exits can also be used
to trigger other actions prior or subsequent to execution of a
CONTROL-M job or a CONTROL-M procedure.

All user-defined exit scripts must be located in the ~<controlm_owner>/

ctm/ue_exit directory and have default file names in the format, where xxx is the exit number.

Table 6-1 describes the available CONTROL-M user exits.

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User Exits 6-1

Table 6-1 CONTROL-M General User Exits

User Exit Description

CTMUE101 Job Ordering User Exit – executed for each CONTROL-M
job before it is ordered. For more information, see “Job
Order Exit (CTMUE101)” on page 6-5.
CTMUE102 Job Submission User Exit – executed for each
CONTROL-M job before it is submitted for execution. For
more information, see “Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102)”
on page 6-7.
CTMUE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit – executed before
the New Day procedure is run.
For more information, see “Before New Day Procedure Exit
(CTMUE103)” on page 6-9.
CTMUE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit – executed after the
New Day procedure is run. For more information, see “After
New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE104)” on page 6-10.
CTMUE105 Before User Daily User Exit – executed before each run of
a CONTROL-M User Daily job (except SYSTEM).
For more information, see “Before User Daily Exit
(CTMUE105)” on page 6-11.
CTMUE106 After User Daily User Exit – executed after each run of a
CONTROL-M User Daily job (except SYSTEM).
For more information, see “After User Daily Exit
(CTMUE106)” on page 6-11.

A special category of user exits can be defined for the Watchdog facility.
For more information, see “Watchdog Facility” on page 1-44.

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6-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Configuring CONTROL-M Exits
To enable CONTROL-M exits, you must specify Y for parameter
CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE in the config.dat file. Certain other
parameters are used to enable and disable specific exits.

Some of these parameters are described in Table 6-2. For more

information, see Chapter 5, “Customization Parameters.”

Table 6-2 Exit Configuration Parameters

Parameter Name Values Description
CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UE {Y, N} Indicates whether or not CONTROL-M user exits are
enabled. This parameter must be set to Y to enable
all user exits. Default: Y
CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UExxx {Y, N} Indicates whether or not the Associated UExxx user
exit is enabled (where xxx = 101-106).
• UE101 Job Ordering User Exit
• UE102 Job Submission User Exit
• UE103 Before New Day Procedure User Exit
• UE104 After New Day Procedure User Exit
• UE105 Before User Daily User Exit
• UE106 After User Daily User Exit
Default: N
CTM_PRM_SCRIPT_UExxx string Name of the UExxx user exit script (where
xxx = 101-106). These scripts must reside in the
~<controlm_owner>/ctm/ue_exit directory.
CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_UExxx {n} Time (in seconds) to wait for the associated user exit
script to run before it is terminated. Default: 20

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

User Exits 6-3

User Exit Workflow
Each user exit is triggered at a specific point in CONTROL-M
processing. The following steps illustrate what happens when an exit has
been enabled.

User exits are implemented only if they have been enabled by setting the
appropriate configuration parameters (described in Table 6-2, “Exit
Configuration Parameters,” on page 6-3).

1. A flat text file is produced containing parameters to be processed by


2. The name of the text file is passed as the $1 parameter to the user
exit script in the ue_exit directory.

3. The user exit script is run. This script is often used to modify the
contents of the text file. However, it can also be used to perform any
other action (for example, to copy information from the text file to
another location).

4. CONTROL-M continues processing using the modified text file.

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6-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Job Order Exit (CTMUE101)
This exit is executed for each CONTROL-M job before it is ordered. The
flat text file passed to the exit is a job record from the Scheduling
definition table. User exit CTMUE101 can be used to alter the job
information in this after it is fetched from the database and before it is
passed to the procedure that will determine if the job will be ordered for
the current day.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE101 exit:

JOBNAME daily_job
AUTHOR ctm600
OWNER ctm600
CMDLINE ./stress_cmd_spl.ctm600
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User Exits 6-5



The following exit script changes the Days parameter (DAYSTR) for jobs
that were scheduled on the first day of the month, so that these jobs will
be ordered on the second day of the month.

cp $1 /tmp/ue101.$$
sed -e ’s/DAYSTR 1/DAYSTR 2/’ /tmp/ue101.$$ > $1

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6-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Job Submission Exit (CTMUE102)
This exit is executed for each CONTROL-M job before it is submitted
for execution. The flat text file passed to the exit contains a job record
from the Active Job File table. User exit CTMUE102 can be used to alter
job information in this record before it is passed to the CONTROL-M/
Agent for job submission.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE102 exit:

MEMLIB /mdw/oper/tgt/scripts/shells
MEMNAME dw##r#####
OVERLIB /mdw/oper/tgt/scripts/shells/overlib_all
CMDLINE sleep 30
ODATE 19960229
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User Exits 6-7

OWNER ctm600
DESCRIPT Datawarehouse ln snapshot sort and form
DOCMEM dwlnr1
DOCLIB /mdw/cntlm/doc


The following exit script checks if the job has a Owner of root and
changes the Owner for these jobs to nobody.

cp $1 /tmp/ue102.$$
sed -e ’s/OWNER root/OWNER nobody/’ /tmp/ue102.$$ > $1

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6-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Before New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE103)
This exit is executed before the New Day procedure is run. The New Day
Procedure performs automatic functions at the beginning of each new
CONTROL-M working day. This procedure is used as a master scheduler
for all CONTROL-M activities. For more information, see “New Day
Procedure” on page 1-13.

The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the Daily
(SYSTEM), time, and original scheduling date (Odate) of the procedure.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE103 exit:

TIME 1300
ODATE 20001121


The following exit script runs a procedure that performs various actions
before the New Day procedure is run.


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User Exits 6-9

After New Day Procedure Exit (CTMUE104)
This exit is executed after each run of the CONTROL-M New Day
procedure. The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of
the Daily (SYSTEM), time, and original scheduling date (Odate) of the

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE104 exit:

TIME 1319
ODATE 20001121


The following exit script runs a procedure that performs various actions
after completion of the New Day procedure.


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6-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Before User Daily Exit (CTMUE105)
This exit is executed before each CONTROL-M User Daily job (except
SYSTEM) is run. User Daily jobs can be used to order new jobs. For
more information, see “User Daily Jobs” on page 1-18.

The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the User
Daily, time, and original scheduling date (Odate) of the User Daily job.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE105 exit:

DAILY_NAME my_daily
TIME 1321
ODATE 20001121

After User Daily Exit (CTMUE106)

This exit is executed after each CONTROL-M User Daily job (except
SYSTEM) is run. User Daily jobs can be used to order new jobs. For
more information, see “User Daily Jobs” on page 1-18.

The flat text file that is passed to the exit contains the name of the User
Daily, time, and original scheduling date (Odate) of the User Daily job.

The following is a sample text file in the format that is passed to the
CTMUE105 exit:

DAILY_NAME my_daily
TIME 1322
ODATE 20001121

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User Exits 6-11

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6-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Mirroring and Failover 7

This chapter provides in-depth information about database mirroring and

failover support for the CONTROL-M/Server platform. General planning
considerations and detailed administrative procedures are discussed.

Failover Planning

You can implement either one of the following levels of failover


• Mirror Database - a database on an independent database server

mirrors the CONTROL-M/Server database.

• Failover Server - a secondary CONTROL-M/Server installation on a

different computer, including a mirror database.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-1

Mirror Database

The Mirror Database option is illustrated schematically in Figure 7-1. In

addition to the primary database installed with CONTROL-M/Server, a
secondary database is built on another Database Server platform. All
transactions to the primary CONTROL-M database are written to the
secondary mirror database.

Figure 7-1 Database Mirroring

If the CONTROL-M primary database server fails, or if the primary

database loses integrity, CONTROL-M/Server operation can be restored
using either of the following manual interventions:

• You can direct CONTROL-M/Server to use the mirror database

instead of the primary database. The primary CONTROL-M
database can be rebuilt when time allows.

• You can rebuild the CONTROL-M primary database from the mirror

If communication with the mirror database fails, the mirror database is

considered damaged and writing to it is disabled. Normal CONTROL-M
operation is not affected. Mirroring can be re-initialized after you repair
the communications link.

Implementing a Mirror Database

Database mirroring can be initialized any time after CONTROL-

M/Server has been installed.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

7-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

The mirror database should be built on a separate database server,
independent of the database server that hosts the primary CONTROL-M

• Requirements and preparatory steps for a mirror database on a

Sybase database server are described in “Preparing a CONTROL-M
Mirror Database on a Sybase Server” on page 7-4.

• Requirements and preparatory steps for a mirror database on an

Oracle database server are described in “Preparing a CONTROL-M
Mirror Database on an Oracle Server” on page 7-7.

Several administrative functions are used to initialize, enable, and restore

CONTROL-M database mirroring. They are described in Table 7-1.
These functions are accessed from the Database Mirroring menu of the
CONTROL-M/Server Main Menu (see “The Database Mirroring Menu”
on page 7-13).

For a description of database failover, recovery, and restoration

procedures, see “Recovering from Database Failure (Mirror Database)”
on page 7-29.

Table 7-1 Database Mirroring Functions (Part 1 of 2)

Menu Option Description

Check Reports the current mirroring status:
Mirroring Enabled: system writes transactions to mirror database.
Status Disabled: system does not write to mirror database.
Damaged: mirror database is damaged, mirroring is
Mirroring is not defined: the query process did not
succeed in accessing the primary database server.
Initialize Initializes Mirroring with a secondary database. You can
Mirroring choose to copy the primary database to an existing
database, or build/rebuild the secondary database from
scratch. Running this procedure leaves mirroring enabled.
See “Initializing the Mirror Database - Copy/Build” on page
Disable Stops Mirroring. Transactions are no longer written to the
Mirroring secondary database server. You must use the Initialize
Mirroring option to re-enable mirroring.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-3

Table 7-1 Database Mirroring Functions (Part 2 of 2)

Use Mirror Used when the primary database has failed or become
Database damaged. CONTROL-M/Server operates using the mirror
database. See “Operating CONTROL-M/Server with the
Mirror Database” on page 7-30.
Restore Restores normal function after the primary database has
CONTROL-M been repaired. Copies mirror database to primary
Database from database. CONTROL-M/Server operates using the
Mirror primary database. After restoring, you must run the
Initialize Mirroring option to re-enable mirroring. See
“Restoring the Primary Database and Initializing Mirroring”
on page 7-31.

Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on a Sybase Server

To prepare the mirror database, verify the requirements listed here, and
perform the specified configuration steps.

Database and account names that you create must conform to Sybase
naming conventions.

1. Verify that the Sybase SQL Server used for mirroring will be
running, both when initializing mirroring, and whenever
CONTROL-M/Server is operational.

2. When building a database from scratch, you will need the password
of the Sybase system administrator for installation.

3. Determine the following parameter values:

• Sybase Host Name - Host name of the machine that runs the
Sybase SQL Server to be used for mirroring.

• Sybase Port Number - TCP/IP query port number for the

Sybase SQL Server to be used for mirroring. Use the dsedit
utility to find this value.

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7-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

• Parameters user connections, memory, and locks must contain
appropriate values. For more information, see the
CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide.

If you change the value of any of these parameters, the change will
not be implemented until you shut down and restart Sybase SQL
Server. For more information about Sybase parameters see
descriptions of dsedit, sp_configure, and reconfigure in the Sybase
Commands Reference Manual.

4. The following details are needed to construct the database:

• A database name and a database owner (DBO) name for the

mirror database. The database name can be the same as the
database owner name, but the database name and database owner
name must each be unique for a particular Sybase SQL Server.
Therefore, when selecting names for the CONTROL-M database
(using an existing Sybase SQL Server), verify that the database
name and database owner name are unique for the Sybase SQL

• Unix system paths or raw partitions for the temp and log
datafiles. These paths must be unique.

• Sybase device names for the temp and log databases. These
names must be unique for the database server. Use the
sp_helpdevice command to view existing devices on the
database server.

If you will be building a database, you must supply values for the
database owner, database name, devices and file/partition paths:

• Specifying existing owner name, database name, and device

assigments will erase and recreate these database elements.

• Specifying new, unique values for owner name, database name,

and device assigments will build a new database on the server.

• Any filenames you specify for a file-based installation must not

exist on the mirror database server.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-5

For more information about database names, see create database in
the Sybase Commands Reference Manual. For more information
about login names, see sp_addlogin in the Sybase Commands
Reference Manual.

5. Every platform type uses a different character set for Sybase. If the
character set for the primary database and mirror database are not the
same, the character set for the primary database must be installed on
the mirror Sybase SQL Server. Use the dsedit Sybase utility to
configure the character set for the existing SQL Server.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

7-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on an Oracle Server

To prepare the mirror database, verify the requirements listed here, and
perform the specified configuration steps.

Database and account names that you create must conform to Oracle
naming conventions.

1. Verify that the Oracle SQL Server and the listener for the mirror
database will be running, both when initializing mirroring, and
whenever CONTROL-M/Server is operational.

2. When building a database from scratch, you will need the password
of the Oracle system administrator for installation.

3. Determine the following parameter values:

• Oracle SID - Server ID of the secondary database server.

• Oracle Host Name - Host name of the machine that runs the
Oracle SQL Server to be used for mirroring.

• Oracle Port Number - TCP/IP query port number for the Oracle
SQL Server used for mirroring.

To find the values for these parameters, specify the following

commands on the secondary database server:

cat $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora

4. The tablespace name and database owner name must each be unique
for a particular Oracle SQL Server. However, the tablespace name
and the DBO name can be identical to each other. Therefore, when
selecting names for the CONTROL-M mirror database, verify that
the tablespace name and owner name are each unique for the
particular Oracle SQL Server.

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Mirroring and Failover 7-7

If you will be building a database, you must supply values for the
database owner and tablespace name:

• Specifying existing owner and tablespace will erase and recreate

these database elements.

• Specifying new, unique values for owner and tablespace name

will build a new database on the server.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

7-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Failover Server

The Failover Server option is illustrated schematically in Figure 7-2. A

secondary installation of the CONTROL-M/Server resides on a separate
computer. Typically the database of the secondary CONTROL-M/Server,
created as part of the CONTROL-M/Server installation, acts as a mirror

The secondary CONTROL-M/Server, including its database, acts as a

backup to the primary CONTROL-M/Server. This secondary
CONTROL-M/Server platform is sometimes called the Mirror

The secondary CONTROL-M/Server duplicates all of the primary

CONTROL-M/Server’s links to CONTROL-M/Agents or
ENTERPRISE/CS workstations. The secondary CONTROL-M/Server is
defined in the each ENTERPRISE/CS workstation’s Data Centers
window, and in each Agent’s list of authorized server hosts.

Figure 7-2 Server Platform Failover - Primary Environment and Mirror


During normal operation, the secondary database is constantly updated to

remain identical with the primary database. The secondary
CONTROL-M/Server remains inactive.

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Mirroring and Failover 7-9

If the primary CONTROL-M/Server fails due to a hardware/software
problem on the primary platform, the administrator activates failover to
the secondary CONTROL-M/Server. The secondary CONTROL-
M/Server performs all normal CONTROL-M functions until the primary
CONTROL-M/Server is repaired.

Jobs submitted to Agent platforms before failover continue executing.

The secondary CONTROL-M/Server polls the Agent platforms to
determine the status of jobs listed in the Active Jobs file.

When the primary CONTROL-M/Server is stable, normal operation is

restored. The failover server is shut down, the primary database is
restored, and the primary CONTROL-M./Server is restarted. The
secondary server returns to passive readiness.

Implementing a Failover Server

A failover server can be implemented any time after CONTROL-

M/Server has been installed.

The secondary CONTROL-M/Server installation should be built on a

separate computer and database server, independent of the platforms
server that host the primary CONTROL-M/Server and its database.

Requirements and preparatory steps for the failover server are described
in “Preparing a Failover Server” on page 7-12.

Several administrative functions are used to initialize, enable, and restore

database mirroring. They are described in . These functions are accessed
from the Database Mirroring menu of the CONTROL-M/Server Main
Menu (see “The Database Mirroring Menu” on page 7-13).

For a description of server failover, recovery, and restoration procedures,

see “Recovering from Primary CONTROL-M/Server Failure (Server
Failover)” on page 7-33.

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7-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Table 7-2 Server Failover Functions

Menu Option Description

Initialize Failover Initializes the Failover Server on the secondary
CONTROL-M/Server. The secondary CONTROL-
M/Server is dormant and inactive. See “Initializing the
Failover Server” on page 7-27.
Start Failover Used when primary CONTROL-M/Server platform fails. To
activate the secondary CONTROL-M/Server using the
mirror database, you must first run this option, then start
CONTROL-M/Server on the secondary platform. See
“Failover to the Secondary CONTROL-M/Server” on page
Stop Failover Stops failover operation. See “Restoring the Primary
CONTROL-M/Server” on page 7-34.
Disable Failover Disengages the secondary CONTROL-M/Server from the
primary CONTROL-M/Server. To restore failover, you must
initialize the failover server from scratch using the Initialize
Failover and Initialize Mirroring options.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-11

Preparing a Failover Server

Install CONTROL-M/Server on the secondary, failover computer using

the standard installation procedures described in the CONTROL-
M/Server for Unix Installation Guide. Verify the following conditions for
the secondary installation:

• The Agent-to-Server Port Number and Server-to-Agent Port

Number communication parameters must be the same on both
CONTROL-M/Server platforms. These ports must also be
dedicated to the use of CONTROL-M/Server. You should also
ensure that both machines are using the same date.

• Although the failover server can be configured to use a dedicated

or a non-dedicated database SQL Server, it should not use the
same instance of the database SQL Server used by the primary

• The parameter Database (Data Portion) Size should be

assigned the same value as the current size of the primary

• All Agent platforms or ENTERPRISE/CS workstations that are

defined on the primary CONTROL-M/Server should also be
defined on the failover server. These definitions must be
identical. If you installed CONTROL-M/Agent on the primary
CONTROL-M computer, it should also be installed on the
failover server. The parameters should be the same on both
CONTROL-M/Server installations.

The failover server’s host name must be added to each Agent’s

list of authorized hosts. Similarly, each ENTERPRISE/CS
workstation.should include the mirror environment host name in
the Data Center window.

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7-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Failover Administration Procedures
This section details the steps you will take to prepare failover systems, to
implement them if necessary, and to restore normal function.

The Database Mirroring Menu

Most of the commands and procedures used to manage mirroring and

failover are accessed through the Database Mirroring menu.

To access the Database Mirroring Menu:

Step 1 Log in to the platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Step 2 Enter the following command to open the CONTROL-M Main Menu:


Step 3 The following menu is displayed:

CONTROL-M Main Menu: Select one of the following menus:

1 - CONTROL-M Manager
2 - Database Creation
3 - Database Maintenance
4 - Database Mirroring
5 - Security Authorization
6 - Parameter Customization
7 - Node Group
8 - Agent Status
9 - Troubleshooting

q - Quit

Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>.

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Mirroring and Failover 7-13

Step 4 The Database Mirroring menu is displayed:

Database Mirroring Menu

Select one of the following options:

Primary Server Options:

1 - Check Mirroring Status
2 - Initialize Mirroring
3 - Disable Mirroring
4 - Use Mirror Database
5 - Restore CONTROL-M Database from Mirror

Failover Server Options:

6 - Initialize Failover
7 - Start Failover
8 - Stop Failover
9 - Disable Failover

q - Quit

Enter option number ---> []:

The options of the Database Mirroring menu are divided into procedures
implemented on the primary CONTROL-M/Server, and procedures
implemented on the secondary, failover CONTROL-M/Server. Table 7-3
summarizes the Database mirroring options.

Most options on the Database Mirroring menu change system variables
in the user environment (in file .cshrc). To start CONTROL-M/Server in
the current window after running these options, specify the command
source ~/.cshrc to restore user environment variables.

Table 7-3 Database Mirroring Menu Options (Part 1 of 2)

Primary Server Options

Option Description
Check Mirroring Reports the current mirroring status:
Status Enabled: system writes transactions to mirror database.
Disabled: system does not write to mirror database.
Damaged: mirror database is damaged, mirroring is
Mirroring is not defined: the query process did not
succeed in accessing the primary database server.

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7-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Table 7-3 Database Mirroring Menu Options (Part 2 of 2)

Initialize Mirroring Initializes Mirroring with a secondary database. You can

choose to copy the primary database to an existing
database, or build/rebuild the secondary database from
scratch. Running this procedure leaves mirroring enabled.
Disable Mirroring Stops Mirroring. Transactions are no longer written to the
secondary database. You must use the Initialize Mirroring
option to re-enable mirroring.
Use Mirror Used when the primary database has failed or become
Database damaged. CONTROL-M/Server operates using the mirror
Restore Restores normal function after the primary database has
CONTROL-M been repaired. Copies mirror database to primary
Database from database. CONTROL-M/Server operates using the
Mirror primary database. After restoring, you must run the
Initialize Mirroring option to re-enable mirroring.
Failover Server Options
Option Description
Initialize Failover Initializes the Failover Server on the secondary
CONTROL-M/Server. The secondary CONTROL-
M/Server remains dormant and inactive.
Start Failover Used when primary CONTROL-M/Server platform fails.
First run this option on the secondary CONTROL-
M/Server, then start the secondary CONTROL-M/Server.
Stop Failover Stops failover operation.
Disable Failover Disengages the secondary CONTROL-M/Server from the
primary CONTROL-M/Server. To restore failover, you must
implement the failover server from scratch using the
Initialize Failover and Initialize Mirroring options.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-15

Initializing Mirror Database and Failover Server

This section describes the procedures for initializing the mirror database
and failover server.

• For a Mirror Database, the initialization process copies the contents

of the existing database to an existing secondary database, or builds a
new secondary database from scratch and copies the contents of the
existing database. Then database mirroring is activated between the
primary and secondary databases.

To initialize a mirror database, follow the procedure “Initializing the

Mirror Database - Copy/Build” on page 7-16.

• For a Failover Server, the initialization process synchronizes primary

and secondary CONTROL-M/Servers and activates failover
readiness. The Mirror Database is also initialized.

To initialize a mirror environment, follow the procedure “Initializing

the Failover Server” on page 7-27.

Initializing the Mirror Database - Copy/Build

The following procedure is used to initialize database mirroring for the

CONTROL-M database.

During the procedure to initialize the CONTROL-M mirror database:
for Sybase: a new entry is automatically added to the interfaces file with
the Sybase Server Name MIRROR.
for Oracle: a new entry is automatically added to the tnsnames.ora file
with the Oracle Server Name ctrlm_mirror.

Step 1 Verify that the secondary database server conforms to the requirements
for mirroring as described in:

• “Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on a Sybase Server” on

page 7-4 for a Sybase SQL Server
• “Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on an Oracle Server”
on page 7-7 for an Oracle SQL Server

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7-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Step 2 Verify that:

• The primary CONTROL-M/Server is not running.

• Both the primary and mirror database servers are running.

Step 3 Log in to the primary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Step 4 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From
the Database Mirroring menu, type 2 to select Initialize Mirroring and
press <Enter>.

Step 5 The following messages are displayed:

|Copy/Build the CONTROL-M Mirror database|

Do you wish to build a new CONTROL-M Mirror database [y/n] :

To copy the primary database to an existing secondary database, type n

and press <Enter>.

To build a secondary database from scratch, type y and press <Enter>.

If you are initializing database mirroring for the first time, you must
select the build option to create the mirror database. You cannot use the
copy option until the mirror database has been built.

• For Sybase database servers, continue with Step 6.

• For Oracle database servers, continue with Step 8 on page 7-21.

Step 6 The Mirroring Parameters screen is displayed.

If you selected the copy option, Figure 7-3 shows the Mirroring
Parameters screen for Sybase Database Servers.

Figure 7-3 Mirroring Parameters for Database Copying - Sybase

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-17

Mirroring Parameters:

1) CONTROL-M Mirror Database owner(DBO): ctmfox

2) DBO password: ######
Mirror database (data portion) size: 80 MB
Sybase interface directory: /home/ctm600us/sybase
3) Mirror Sybase Host Name: jordan
4) Mirror Sybase Port Number: 4100
5) CONTROL-M Mirror database name: FoxDb

a|A) Modify all of the above

b|B) Build Mirror Database
q|Q) Quit

Enter command or item number you wish to change [b]:

If you selected the build option, additional parameters are displayed as in

Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Mirroring Parameters for Database Build/Rebuild - Sybase

Mirroring Parameters:

1) CONTROL-M Mirror Database owner(DBO): ctmfox

2) DBO password: ######
Mirror database (data portion) size: 80 MB
Sybase interface directory: /home/ctm600us/sybase
3) Mirror Sybase Host Name: jordan
4) Mirror Sybase Port Number: 4100
Mirror Sybase server name: MIRROR
5) CONTROL-M Mirror database name: FoxDb
6) CONTROL-M Mirror database data device name: FoxDb_data
7) CONTROL-M Mirror database log device name: FoxDb_log
8) Data Physical Device Path Name: /home1/syb12/FoxDb/FoxDb_data.dat
9) Log Physical Device Path Name: /home1/syb12/FoxDb/FoxDb_log.dat

a|A) Modify all of the above

b|B) Build Mirror Database
q|Q) Quit

Enter command or item number you wish to change [b]:

Step 7 The following options are available on these screens:

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7-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Option Description
a Prompts you for a new value for a parameter.
or a
specific To modify all parameters enter a. You will be prompted for a value
number for each parameter in the current parameter page. For more
information about these parameters, see Chapter 5, “Customization
b Continues with Step 10, copying or building the database.
q Quits the initialization procedure. You can restart the initialization at
a later time from the CONTROL-M Main Menu. Modifications you
have made may not be saved.

Verify that the Mirroring Parameters match the port, host, and database
values of the target mirror database server. Modify the values as
necessary. Table 7-4 describes the parameters. Parameter values must
conform to Sybase naming conventions.

If mirroring has already been implemented, the parameter values shown

generally reflect the settings of the existing mirror database server.
However, some parameters may have been changed since the last
database initialization.

Continue with Step 10 on page 7-23.

Table 7-4 Sybase Mirroring Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Name of the CONTROL-M Mirror database owner. This
Mirror Database name is used by CONTROL-M when accessing the mirror
Owner database.
When building a new mirror database, the initialization
script creates this user on the database server.
When copying to an existing database, this user must
already be defined on the database server.
DBO Password Password for the CONTROL-M Mirror database owner (6
to 30 characters, alphanumeric). The characters you enter
are not echoed for security reasons. This password is
used by CONTROL-M processes and utilities to access
the mirror database.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-19

Table 7-4 Sybase Mirroring Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
Mirror Database Amount of space (in MB) to allocate for the data portion of
(Data Portion) the CONTROL-M Mirror database.
Size This value is taken from the current size of the primary
database. It cannot be modified. Verify that the secondary
database server can host a database of this size.
Sybase Full path to the Sybase interfaces file on the primary
Interface system. This value is displayed, but cannot be modified.
Mirror Sybase Name of the host computer for the mirror Sybase
Host Name Database server.
Mirror Sybase The communications port on which the secondary
Port Number database server listens for queries.
Mirror Sybase Name of the mirror database server. This entry is
Server Name automatically added to the primary database’s interfaces
file. This value is displayed, but cannot be modified.
CONTROL-M Name for the CONTROL-M Mirror database. This name
Mirror Database must be unique.
Name When building a new mirror database, the initialization
script creates this user on the database server.
When copying to an existing database, this user must
already be defined on the database server.
CONTROL-M Name of the Sybase device on which the CONTROL-M
Mirror Database Mirror database will be created.
Data Device
CONTROL-M Name of the Sybase device on which the CONTROL-M
Mirror Database Mirror database log will be created.
Log Device
Data Physical Full path or physical device name where the mirror
Device Path database will be located on the secondary database
Name server. Specifying a pathname initiates a File-based
installation. Specifying a device name initiates an
installation to a Raw partition.
Log Physical Full path or physical device name where the mirror
Device Path database’s log database will be located on the secondary
Name database server. Specifying a pathname initiates a File-
based installation. Specifying a device name initiates an
installation to a Raw partition.

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7-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Step 8 The Mirroring Parameters screen is displayed.

If you selected the copy option, Figure 7-5 shows the Mirroring
Parameters screen for Oracle Database Servers.

Figure 7-5 Mirroring Parameters for Database Copying - Oracle

Mirroring Parameters:

1) CONTROL-M Mirror Database Owner(DBO): ctrlm

2) DBO Password: #####
3) Mirror Oracle Host Name:
4) Mirror Oracle Port Number:
5) Mirror Oracle Instance name (SID):

a|A) Modify all of the above

b|B) Build Mirror Database
q|Q) Quit

Enter command or item number you wish to change [b]:

If you selected the build option, additional parameters are displayed as in

Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 Mirroring Parameters for Database Build/Rebuild - Oracle

Mirroring Parameters:

1) CONTROL-M Mirror Database Owner(DBO): ctrlm

2) DBO Password: #####
3) Mirror Oracle Host Name:
4) Mirror Oracle Port Number:
5) Mirror Oracle Instance name (SID):
6) CONTROL-M Mirror tablespace name: ctrlm

a|A) Modify all of the above

b|B) Build Mirror Database
q|Q) Quit

Enter command or item number you wish to change [b]:

Step 9 The following options are available on these screens:

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-21

Option Description
a Prompts you for a new value for a parameter.
or a
specific To modify all parameters enter a. You will be prompted for a value
number for each parameter in the current parameter page. For more
information about these parameters, see Chapter 5, “Customization
b Continues with Step 10, copying or building the database.
q Quits the initialization procedure. You can restart the initialization at
a later time from the CONTROL-M Main Menu. Modifications you
have made may not be saved.

Verify that the Mirroring Parameters match the port, host, and database
values of the target mirror database server. Modify the values as
necessary. Parameters are described in Table 7-5. Parameter values must
conform to Oracle naming conventions.

If mirroring has already been implemented, the parameter values shown

generally reflect the settings of the existing mirror database server.
However, some parameters may have been changed since the last
database initialization.

Table 7-5 Oracle Mirroring Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

Parameter Description
CONTROL-M Mirror Name of the CONTROL-M Mirror database owner.
Database Owner This name is used by CONTROL-M when
accessing the mirror database.
When building a new mirror database, the
initialization script creates this user on the database
When copying to an existing database, this user
must already be defined on the database server.
Database Owner Password for the CONTROL-M database user.
Password The characters you enter are not echoed for
security reasons. This password is used by
CONTROL-M processes and utilities to access the
CONTROL-M database.
Mirror Oracle Host The host machine name of an existing Oracle
Name server.

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7-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Table 7-5 Oracle Mirroring Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

Parameter Description
Mirror Oracle Port Oracle utilizes this TCP/IP port for communication
Number between CONTROL-M/Server and Oracle
Database Server. The port must be dedicated to
this purpose.
Mirror Orcale Instance The name of the Oracle Database Server.
Name (SID) To find out this name use the following command
on the mirror database server:
Tablespace name Name of a defined tablespace on the database
server that will be used by the mirror database.

Continue with Step 10.

Step 10 When you are satisfied with the values of all the parameters, specify b
and press <Enter>.

• If you selected the copy option, the initialization process continues

with Step 12.

• If you selected the build/rebuild option, the initialization process

continues with Step 11.

Step 11 The following prompt is displayed:

Please confirm that you wish to build a new CONTROL-M Mirror database [y/n]:

Specify y to start building the CONTROL-M mirror database.

The following messages are displayed during the process:

| CONTROL-M Database Mirroring Customization |

Building CONTROL-M database ...
Building the CONTROL-M database requires the System Administrator’s password.
Do you wish to continue? [y]: y

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Mirroring and Failover 7-23

Specify y or press <Enter> to continue. The following prompt is

Please enter mirror database administrator’s password:

Specify the requested password. The following message is displayed:

For Sybase Database Servers:

This procedure creates new devices on the following physical files:

copying database contents.......

During the copy/rebuild process, messages may appear if server settings

do not match recommended settings for database operation. For example:

Locks (sp_configure) is less than 30000 for CONTROL-M database of 50 Mb size.

Please modify the above resource(s) before starting CONTROL-M.
Press <Return> to continue.

Note the system parameters that need to be changed, then press <Enter>
to complete the copy/rebuild procedure. You will need to manually
change these system settings after the copy/build procedure.

The initialization process continues with Step 13.

For Oracle Database Servers:

If the database you wish to build does not exist on the secondary
database server, the following message is displayed:

The data tablespace file location is on the Server Host Machine

Enter the data tablespace file name with full


Enter the full path and name of the tablespace file, or press <Enter> to
accept the default path and file . The filename must conform to Oracle
naming conventions.

The following messages are displayed:

Creating CONTROL-M/Server database schema...

copying database contents.......

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7-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

The initialization process continues with Step 13.

Step 12 The following prompt is displayed:

Please confirm that you wish to copy the contents of CONTROL-M primary
database to CONTROL-M Mirror database [y/n] :y

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Mirroring and Failover 7-25

Specify y or press <Enter> to continue. The following message is

| CONTROL-M Database Mirroring Customization |

copying database contents......................................

Step 13 The following message is displayed:

In order to complete this procedure after exiting the menu, please execute
‘source ~/.cshrc’ command.

CONTROL-M Database Mirroring initialization completed successfully

Press Enter to continue

Press <Enter> to return to the CONTROL-M Main Menu.

This marks the conclusion of the procedure to build the CONTROL-M

mirror database and initialize mirroring. From now on, any changes
CONTROL-M/Server makes to the primary database are copied to the
mirror database.

Step 14 Exit the current session and start a new login session, or specify the
command source ~/.cshrc to reset user environment variables in the
current window.

Step 15 Restart CONTROL-M/Server.

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7-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Initializing the Failover Server

Step 1 Install the secondary CONTROL-M/Server on the secondary computer.

Verify the configuration requirements listed in “Preparing a Failover
Server” on page 7-12.

Step 2 Verify that the secondary CONTROL-M database conforms to the

requirements for the mirror database as described in:

• “Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on a Sybase

Server” on page 7-4 for a Sybase SQL Server

• “Preparing a CONTROL-M Mirror Database on an Oracle

Server” on page 7-7 for an Oracle SQL Server

Step 3 Duplicate all communications links to Agent platforms and

ENTERPRISE/CS workstations that are configured on the primary
CONTROL-M/Server platform. Enter the mirror environment’s host
computer in each Agent’s list of authorized servers (see Chapter 1,
“Authorized CONTROL-M Servers File”), and in the ENTERPRISE/CS
Data Center window.

Step 4 Verify that:

• Both primary and secondary installations of CONTROL-M/Server

are shut down.

• Both the primary and mirror database servers are running.

Step 5 Log in to the secondary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Step 6 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From
the Database Mirroring menu, type 6 to select Initialize Failover and
press <Enter>.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-27

Step 7 The following message is displayed:

CONTROL-M failover initialization completed successfully.

Press Enter to continue

Press <Enter> to return to the Database Mirroring menu. Then type q

and press <Enter> to exit the Main Menu.

Step 8 Continue with Step 3 of “Initializing the Mirror Database - Copy/Build”

on page 7-16. When you restart CONTROL-M/Server on the primary
platform, CONTROL-M/Server on the failover server remains down
until it is needed.

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7-28 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Recovering from Database Failure (Mirror Database)

If database mirroring has been implemented and the primary database

fails, two options exist for restoring CONTROL-M/Server operation:

• Operate CONTROL-M/Server using the mirror database instead of

the primary database. The primary CONTROL-M database can be
rebuilt at a later stage.

This method resumes CONTROL-M/Server operation in the

minimum time possible. However, mirroring cannot be reactivated
until after the primary database is rebuilt.

To implement this option, follow the procedure “Operating

CONTROL-M/Server with the Mirror Database” on page 7-30.

When the primary database is stable, restore normal operation using

the procedure “Restoring the Primary Database and Initializing
Mirroring” on page 7-31.

• Restore the CONTROL-M primary database from the mirror

database and start CONTROL-M/Server again.

This method allows the CONTROL-M database to continue to

operate with mirroring. However, you will not be able to start
CONTROL-M/Server until you have completed restoring the
CONTROL-M database - and this can result in significant downtime.

To implement this option, follow the procedure “Restoring the

Primary Database and Initializing Mirroring” on page 7-31 to rebuild
the primary database and resume normal operation.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-29

Operating CONTROL-M/Server with the Mirror Database

Step 1 Verify that the primary CONTROL-M/Server is not running. Log in to

the primary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Step 2 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From
the Database Mirroring menu, type 4 to select Use Mirror Database and
press <Enter>.

Step 3 The following message is displayed:

Please confirm that you wish to use the Mirror

Database INSTEAD of the Main Control-M database [y/n]:

Type y and press <Enter>. The following message is displayed:

In order to complete this procedure after exiting the

menu, please execute ’source ~/.cshrc’ command.

Step 4 Exit the current session and start a new login session, or specify the
command source ~/.cshrc to reset user environment variables in the
current window.

Step 5 Restart CONTROL-M/Server on the primary platform.

CONTROL-M/Server uses the Mirror Database instead of the primary

This is intended as a temporary solution to restore CONTROL-M/Server
operation as quickly as possible. At the first opportunity, the primary
database should be restored and CONTROL-M/Server should be
re-configured to use the primary database.

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7-30 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Restoring the Primary Database and Initializing Mirroring

Step 1 Log in to the primary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Verify that CONTROL-M/Server is not running.

Step 2 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From
the Database Mirroring menu, type 5 to select Restore CONTROL-M
Database from Mirror and press <Enter>.

Step 3 The following prompt is displayed:

Restore Database from Mirror [N]:y

Type y and press <Enter> to restore the database.

Step 4 The following prompt is displayed:

Warning: Attempt to restore primary CONTROL-M database without rebuilding it.

Please confirm that this is your intention [y/n]:y

Type y and press <Enter>.

Step 5 The following messages are displayed:

For Oracle databases:

Oracle is up and runnning ...

For both Oracle and Sybase databases:

In order to complete this procedure after exiting the menu, please execute
’source ~/.cshrc’ command

Press Enter to continue

Press <Enter> to return to the Database Mirroring menu.

Step 6 Exit the current session and start a new login session, or specify the
command source ~/.cshrc to reset user environment variables in the
current window.

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Mirroring and Failover 7-31

Step 7 Continue with Step 3 of “Initializing the Mirror Database - Copy/Build”
on page 7-16.

Before restarting CONTROL-M/Server, remember to exit the current

session and start a new login session, or specify the command source
~/.cshrc to reset user environment variables in the current window.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

7-32 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Recovering from Primary CONTROL-M/Server Failure (Server Failover)

These procedures assume that a failover server has already been installed
and initialized on a secondary platform. Two procedures are used during
failover situations:

• When the primary CONTROL-M/Server fails, use the procedure

“Failover to the Secondary CONTROL-M/Server” on page 7-33 to
activate the secondary CONTROL-M/Server.

• After the primary CONTROL-M/Server has been stabilized, use the

procedure “Restoring the Primary CONTROL-M/Server” on page 7-
34 to restore normal function.

Failover to the Secondary CONTROL-M/Server

Step 1 Verify that:

• Both primary and secondary CONTROL-M/Server installations are

not running.

• Both the primary and mirror database servers are running.

Step 2 Log in to the secondary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Step 3 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From
the Database Mirroring menu, type 7 to select Start Failover and press

Do not start the secondary CONTROL-M/Server while the primary
CONTROL-M/Server is running, or before the Start Failover procedure
finishes executing. If the secondary CONTROL-M/Server is started too
early, the following message is displayed:

** Unable to start CONTROL-M due to path specified for

PROCLIB directory $PROCLIB. This path is invalid **

Step 4 The following message is displayed:

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-33

This operation disables CONTROL-M database mirroring,
and starts FailOver CONTROL-M !!!

Confirm that CONTROL-M in the primary data center is not running.

Continue [y/n] :

Type y and press <Enter> to continue with failover.

Step 5 The following message is displayed:

Failover started successfully

Press Enter to continue

Press <Enter> to return to the Database Mirroring menu.

Step 6 From the Database Mirroring menu, specify q to return to the

CONTROL-M Main Menu.

Step 7 From the CONTROL-M Main Menu, type 1 to select CONTROL-M

Manager. Then select the Start CONTROL-M/Server option. This
starts CONTROL-M/Server on the failover server, using the mirror
database. Database mirroring is disabled.

Step 8 In the ENTERPRISE/CS Data Centers window, modify the parameters

TCP/IP Host Name and TCP/IP Port Number to the values
appropriate to the secondary CONTROL-M/Server.

At the first opportunity, the primary CONTROL-M/Server environment
should be returned to operational status. The primary database should be
restored and CONTROL-M/Server should be restarted on the primary

Restoring the Primary CONTROL-M/Server

Step 1 Log in to the secondary platform as the CONTROL-M/Server owner.

Shut down CONTROL-M/Server.

Step 2 Specify the ctm_menu command to open the CONTROL-M Main

Menu. Type 4 to select Database Mirroring and press <Enter>. From

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7-34 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

the Database Mirroring menu, type 8 to select Stop Failover and press

Step 3 The following prompt is displayed:

This procedure stops FailOver CONTROL-M

Continue [y/n] :y

Type y and press <Enter> to continue.

Step 4 The following message is displayed:

Failover Stopped

Press Enter to continue

Press <Enter> to return to the Database Mirroring menu.

Step 5 Continue with “Restoring the Primary Database and Initializing

Mirroring” on page 7-31.

Step 6 Continue with Step 3 of “Initializing the Mirror Database - Copy/Build”

on page 7-16. In Step 15 of that procedure, start the primary CONTROL-

Step 7 In the ENTERPRISE/CS Data Centers window, modify parameters

TCP/IP Host Name and TCP/IP Port Number to values appropriate
for the primary CONTROL-M/Server.

Synchronizing the Primary and Mirror Databases

When database mirroring is enabled, all database updates from

CONTROL-M/Server are sent simultaneously to both the primary and
mirror CONTROL-M database. However, if a CONTROL-M/Server
administrative utility modifies the primary database, the mirror database
will not automatically reflect these changes. Either the same or a similar
utility must be run against the mirror database, or the mirror database
must be re-initialized as described in “Initializing the Mirror Database -
Copy/Build” on page 7-16.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Mirroring and Failover 7-35

The following table lists CONTROL-M/Server utilities that affect the
primary database. Also included is the action to perform to get the mirror
database in sync. For more information about these utilities, see Chapter
2, “Utilities.”

Table 7-6 Utilities Affecting the Primary Database

ctm_menu Option Database Utility Action

Database Creation Menu
Build Database All make_db Initialize Mirroring
Delete Database All Initialize Mirroring
Erase Database All ctm_clean_db Initialize Mirroring
Database Maintenance Menu
Restore Database All ctmdbrst Initialize Mirroring
Add Backup Devices Sybase addumpdev No action necessary
Delete Backup Devices Sybase deldumpdev No action necessary
Extend Database Size All ctm_db_extend Initialize mirroring
Extend Temporary Sybase ctm_tempdb_extend Either run the utility on the
Database Size backup Server platform or
see your Systems
Extend Temp Oracle ctm_tempdb_extend Either run the utility on the
Tablespace Size backup Server platform or
see your Systems
Extend Rollback Oracle ctm_rollback_extend Either run the utility on the
Tablespace Size backup Server platform or
see your Systems
Extend Database Log Size Sybase ctm_logdb_extend Either run the utility on the
backup Server platform or
see your Systems
Troubleshooting Menu
Truncate Database Log Sybase ctm_cleanlog Either run the utility on the
backup Server platform or
see your Systems

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7-36 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide

Table 7-6 Utilities Affecting the Primary Database

ctm_menu Option Database Utility Action

Restart New Day Procedure All reset_gd Initialize Mirroring.
Reset CONTROL-M Active All clean_ajf Clears all components of the
Environment CONTROL-M active
environment (Active Jobs file,
prerequisite conditions, and
so on) and forces
CONTROL-M to start a
download of the entire Active
Jobs file to

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Mirroring and Failover 7-37

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7-38 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Installation Guide


Messages and Codes A

The messages described in this appendix are displayed on the

Server-platform and/or recorded in the CONTROL-M log. Each
CONTROL-M/Server message is preceded by a two character code
identifying the Server process that generated the message. Each
ENTERPRISE/CS message is preceded by the code CTM.

Table A-1 Message Prefixes

Code Server Process

SU Supervisor
TR Tracker
SL Selector and submittor
NS Communication with Agent platforms
CO Communication gateway
CD New Day procedure, downloads, updates to CONTROL-M database
CS Communication (user requests from ENTERPRISE/CS)
LG Utilities invoked from Agent platforms
WD Watchdog process
CTM Enterprise Controlstation



BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-1


Explanation: All CONTROL-M processes have been terminated.

5001 FORCING <process_ID> OUT

Explanation: The CONTROL-M supervisor process is about to force a

CONTROL-M process to stop. An attempt to perform an orderly termination of
a CONTROL-M process failed. The process is being stopped.

System Action: The CONTROL-M process is stopped.

5002 PROCESS <process_ID> IS RUNNING

Explanation: CONTROL-M process <process_ID> (Tracker, Submittor,

and so forth) has been successfully activated.



Explanation: CONTROL-M is shutting down. The supervisor tried to

activate CONTROL-M process <process_ID> (Tracker, Submittor, and so forth)
the number of times specified in the CONTROL-M system parameter
MAXRETRY, and failed.

User Response: Restart CONTROL-M. If the problem persists, notify your

BMC Software technical support representative.


Explanation: The New Day procedure is executing.

System Action: While this process is executing, all other CONTROL-M

processes are suspended.


Explanation: The New Day procedure has terminated successfully.

System Action: Operation of all other CONTROL-M processes resumes.

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A-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: This information message indicates that the New Day

procedure has performed a partial cleanup of the CONTROL-M log. Data for the
specified number of days is retained, as determined by the value assigned to the
CONTROL-M system parameter Maximum Days Retained by CONTROL-M

System Action: New Day processing continues.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the New Day

procedure has performed a partial cleanup of CONTROL-M job statistics. When
the CONTROL-M system parameter Statistics is set to Y, CONTROL-M retains
statistical data regarding the last 20 executions of each job. Older data is deleted
by the New Day procedure.

System Action: New Day processing continues.



Explanation: This information message indicates that the New Day

procedure has performed a partial cleanup of prerequisite conditions. The New
Day procedure deletes prerequisite conditions whose reference date is equal to
the specified month and day (from the new CONTROL-M date).

System Action: New Day processing continues.


Explanation: This message indicates that the job is being modified to a non-
cyclic job. A cyclic job that is executing at the time the New Day procedure is
started is changed to a non-cyclic job. This is because CONTROL-M cannot
determine what action to take regarding this job while it is executing.

System Action: The job completes its current cycle and is changed to a non-
cyclic job.

User Response: If the job should continue executing as a cyclic job modify the
job processing parameter Cyclic accordingly.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-3


Explanation: A failure of the mirroring SQL server has occurred. If you

installed the database mirroring option for CONTROL-M, the instance of
Sybase SQL server that handles the CONTROL-M mirror database must be
running whenever CONTROL-M is running. This error message is displayed if
the mirroring Sybase SQL Server fails. In this event, the mirror database is no
long synchronized with the CONTROL-M database.

System Action: CONTROL-M continues operating normally. The mirror

database is no longer updated.

User Response: You can allow CONTROL-M to continue operating without

updating the mirror database. However, to restore the mirroring function, you
must stop CONTROL-M normally and then rebuild the mirror database. (See
“Security Authorization Menu” on page 4-29.)

5020 PROCESS STATE CHANGED FROM <old_state> TO <new_state>

Explanation: This information message indicates that a CONTROL-M

process that was interrupted has restarted.



Explanation: This information message indicates that the New Day

procedure has completed and the Active Jobs file has started/ended downloading
to the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation.

System Action: All other CONTROL-M processes that were suspended during
the New Day procedure are resumed.


Explanation: The New Day procedure has been submitted.

System Action: While this procedure is executing, all other CONTROL-M

processes are suspended.

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A-4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: The New Day procedure has finished cleaning up the Active
Jobs file. This message is issued by the New Day procedure just before it starts
inserting new job orders into the Active Jobs file.


Explanation: The New Day procedure cannot run due to a date

inconsistency. The date inconsistency is due to one of the following causes:

• The New Day procedure has already run today.

• The last running date of the New Day procedure is later than today's

User Response: If the New Day procedure has already run today, no user
action is required. If the last running date of the New Day procedure is later than
today’s date, run the ctmudlst utility and modify the last running date.


<quantitative_resource> USED = <n1>, QRTAB = <n2>

Explanation: Due to an internal accounting problem, there is a discrepancy

between the actual usage count (<n1>) of the specified Quantitative resource,
and the calculated sum of the usage of this resource by all jobs (<n2>) in the
Quantitative Resource table.

User Response: Hold all jobs using this resource and run the ecaqrtab utility
to adjust the usage count in the table so that it matches the actual usage count.


USED=<n1>, CTLTAB=<n2>

Explanation: Due to an internal accounting problem, there is a discrepancy

between actual usage count (<n1>) of the specified Control resource by all
submitted and not-ended jobs (in Shared mode), and the calculated sum of the
usage of this resource by all jobs (<n2>) in the Control Resource Database table.

User Response: Contact your BMC Software representative for assistance.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-5


Explanation: Due to an internal accounting problem, Control resource

<resource_ID> appears to be used in exclusive mode by more than one job.

User Response: Allow the jobs using this resource to terminate. If the problem
persists, notify your BMC Software technical support representative.



Explanation: Due to an internal accounting problem, Control resource

<resource_ID> appears in the Conditions/Resources table as being used in
Exclusive mode by more than one job.

User Response: Allow the jobs using this resource to terminate. If the problem
persists, notify your BMC Software technical support representative.


Explanation: The job was deleted from the Active Jobs file because it
existed in the Active Jobs file without being submitted for more than the number
of days specified in the MAXWAIT parameter.

User Response: Check the job’s pre-processing parameters.



Explanation: The User Daily job was run for the first time. When a new
User Daily job is run (that is, the User Daily job is run for the first time), the last
run date is nonexistent and therefore cannot be accessed. No user action is
required. At the end of this run (as at the end of all runs), a new last run date will
automatically be generated.


Explanation: This is the normal start message of User Daily job


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A-6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

5062 USER DAILY <daily_ID> ENDED

Explanation: This is the normal termination message of User Daily job



Explanation: The calendar referred to in the job processing definition (of

the User Daily) could not be found, or does not contain all the relevant years.

System Action: The User Daily job cannot be run.

User Response: Use Enterprise Controlstation to either create the calendar or

to verify that all relevant years appear in the calendar.


<date1>, NEXT <date2>

Explanation: The specified User Daily job cannot run due to a date
inconsistency. The inconsistent date can be due to one of the following:

• The User Daily job has already been run today.

• The last running date of the User Daily job is later than today's date.

System Action: The User Daily job stops executing.

User Response: If the User Daily job has already been run today, no user
action is required. If the last running date of the User Daily job is later than
today’s date, run the ctmudlst utility (see Chapter 2, “Utilities”) to modify the
last running date according to your requirements.

5065 ORDERED JOB: <job_ID>; DAILY <daily_ID>, ODATE <odate_spec>

Explanation: This information message indicates that Job <job_ID> with

ODATE <odate_spec> has been inserted into the Active Jobs file by User Daily
job <daily_ID>.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-7


Explanation: The owner of the job does not have a home directory in the
data center. No home directory is defined in the data center for the user specified
in the job processing parameter Owner for this job.

System Action: The job is not submitted.

User Response: Define a home directory for the job owner; then rerun the job.

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A-8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

5080 FAILED TO SUBMIT JOB <job_name>. <reason>

Explanation: The requested job could not be submitted due to <reason>.

The reasons include:

For UNIX Platforms:

• Mem Lib <mem_lib> does not exist – the path/library was not found.
• Mem Name <mem_name> does not exist – the script was not found.
• User <userr_name> does not exist – there was a security violation.
• Owner <owner_name> does not exist – there was a security violation
• Owner <owner_name> is not allowed to execute this script – there was
a security violation
• The script <script_name> does not have execute permissions – there
was a security violation

For Windows NT Platforms:

• There are currently no logon servers available to service the logon

• Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.
• Logon failure: user account restriction.
• Logon failure: account logon time restriction violation.
• Logon failure: user not allowed to log on to this computer.
• Logon failure: the specified account password has expired.
• A specified privilege does not exist.
• A required privilege is not held by the client.
• The name provided is not a properly formed account name.
• The specified user already exists.
• The specified user does not exist.
• Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type
at this computer.
• A specified logon session does not exist. It may have been terminated.

For All Platforms:

• CONTROL-M/Server <host_name> is not authorized to run jobs on this

agent – the CONTROL-M/Server specified is not listed in the Authorized
CONTROL-M Servers file for the Agent platform.

System Action: The job is not submitted.

User Response: Examine the job processing definition to verify the

information that caused the problem. Either make the necessary corrections,
provide the necessary security authorizations, or add the Server platform to the
Authorized CONTROL-M Servers List. Rerun the job.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-9

5100 ENDED AT <time.> OSCOMPSTAT <return_code.> RUNCNT

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job ended its
execution at the specified time with the given return code and the given run
count of the job.

5101 STARTED ON <node_ID>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job began

executing on the specified Agent platform.

5102 DISAPPEARED AT <time>. RUNCNT <rerun_counter>

Explanation: A job cannot be found in the system. After the job was
submitted, it could not be located by the system (that is, the job has
disappeared). The job’s status, and the location of its log, cannot be determined.
The job may have been stopped by a user, or the Agent platform on which the
job was running may have been rebooted.

System Action: The job is assigned the completion status NOTOK.

User Response: Either rerun the job, or force the job if the job processing
definition has changed since the last New Day procedure or User Daily job.

5103 <message _text>. STATUS CHANGED TO {OK|NOTOK}

Explanation: This information message indicates that after analyzing the

job, CONTROL-M has changed the job’s status to either OK or NOTOK. The
reason for the status change is indicated in the <message_text>:

The job’s sysout file cannot be located.

The job that was executing cannot be located by CONTROL-M.

The job’s completion code indicated that the job ended OK.

The job’s completion code indicated that the job ended not OK.

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A-10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

The job submitted is one of “dummy” format

Job Submission failed. This might have resulted from a Server/Agent
communication problem.

5104 PID=<procID>, CPU:<cpu_time>, EL:<elapsed_time>,


Explanation: A job terminated with the status OK. This statistical message
is written to the sysout file when a job terminates with the status OK and the
CONTROL-M system parameter Statistics has been set to Y.

5105 SUBMITTED AT <time> TO <node_ID>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job was submitted
for execution at the specified time to the specified Agent platform.

5106 DISAPPEARED AT <time>. RUNCNT <rerun_counter>. AGENT IS


Explanation: CONTROL-M cannot track a job because a user changed the

communication status of the Agent platform on which it was running to

System Action: The job is assigned the completion status NOTOK.

User Response: Rerun the job or force the job on a different Agent platform.


Explanation: The file <pathname> that is specified in a %%LIBMEMSYM

AutoEdit variable was not found. AutoEdit variable %%LIBMEMSYM can be
used to refer to a list of AutoEdit assignments contained in a file in the data
center. The file referred to in this instance was not found.

System Action: The job continues to execute.

User Response: Determine why the file was not found. Create the file or
correct the pathname specified for the AutoEdit variable.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-11

5120 JOB STATE CHANGED TO <state_text>

Explanation: This information message indicates that after analyzing the

job, CONTROL-M has changed the job’s state to <state_text>.

5121 SYSOUT FILE COPIED TO <location>

Explanation: The sysout file of the specified job was copied to location
<location>. This message is issued following a successful SYSOUT or DO
SYSOUT copy operation.

System Action: The sysout file is copied to the specified location.

5122 SYSOUT FILE MOVED TO <location>

Explanation: The sysout file of the specified job was moved to location
<location>. This message is issued following a successful SYSOUT or DO
SYSOUT move operation.

System Action: The sysout file is moved to the specified location.


Explanation: The sysout file of the specified job was released to the print
queue. This message is issued following a successful SYSOUT or DO
SYSOUT release operation.

System Action: The sysout file is placed on the print queue.


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job was deleted. This message
is issued following a successful SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT delete operation.

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A-12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job cannot be opened. Either
the sysout file could not be found, or it is corrupt. Since the sysout file could not
be opened, the job’s output cannot be analyzed.

System Action: The sysout file is not opened, the job is not analyzed, and the
job fails.

User Response: Check if the file is missing, and rerun the job if applicable. If
other information in the system indicates that the job has run successfully (for
example, other output data, new files), use available maintenance utilities to
adjust condition values to the state in which they would be if the job had been


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job could not be
copied.CONTROL-M was unable to perform the specified SYSOUT or DO
SYSOUT copy action. Possible reasons are operating system security
restrictions, or lack of disk space.

System Action: The sysout file is not copied.

User Response: Verify user authorization of CONTROL-M, examine operating

system security information, and verify that there is enough disk space.


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job could not be moved.
CONTROL-M was unable to perform the SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT move
action. Possible reasons are operating system security restrictions, or lack of disk

System Action: The sysout file is not moved.

User Response: Verify user authorization of CONTROL-M, examine operating

system security information, and verify that there is enough disk space.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-13


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job could not be printed.
CONTROL-M was unable to perform the SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT release-
to-print action. Possible reasons are the print queue is stopped, closed or

System Action: The sysout file is not printed.

User Response: Try to correct the print queue problem. If you cannot, notify
your ENTERPRISE/CS administrator.


Explanation: The sysout file for the specified job could not be deleted.
CONTROL-M was unable to perform the SYSOUT or DO SYSOUT delete
action. Possible reasons are that the file does not exist, or that the user is not
authorized to delete the file.

System Action: The sysout file is not deleted.

User Response: Check if the file actually exists. If it does, check the job
owner’s authorization (both system and CONTROL-M authorization). If
necessary, contact your ENTERPRISE/CS administrator.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the completion status

of the job was changed as a result of Do OK or Do NOTOK post-processing


Explanation: This information message indicates that the job has terminated
with status OK. Following job execution and post-processing, CONTROL-M
has analyzed the results and has assigned the completion status OK to the job.

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A-14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: The job has terminated with a final status of NOTOK.

Following job execution and post-processing, CONTROL-M has analyzed the
results, and assigned a final status of NOTOK to the job, indicating that a
problem occurred during job processing.

User Response: Examine the job log (SYSOUT) to determine why the job
terminated with a status of NOTOK.

5135 AUTHORIZATION PROBLEM – <problem_description>

Explanation: The job has terminated abnormally due to a security

authorization problem. CONTROL-M attempted to execute a job contained in
the Active Jobs file. The job failed to execute due to the security-related
problem stated in <problem_description>.

System Action: The job is not executed.

User Response: Determine what authorization is lacking. Request that your

CONTROL-M system administrator define the necessary authorization then
rerun the job.


Explanation: This information message indicates that CONTROL-M

attempted to submit the job to the Agent platform but it failed due to the Agent
not responding. The job’s state was changed to Retry and the job was


Explanation: The job’s sysout file cannot be located. The sysout file is
required to determine which post-processing actions, if any, are required for the

System Action: The job is assigned a completion status of NOTOK.

User Response: Determine what happened to the sysout. Once the cause of the
problem has been corrected, resubmit the job.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-15


Explanation: The job that was executing cannot be located by

CONTROL-M. Something occurred to the job while it was running that caused
it to “disappear” from CONTROL-M’s control. A possible cause is that a user
canceled the job directly and not via CONTROL-M.

System Action: The job is assigned a completion status of NOTOK.

User Response: Using the operating system’s process identification number,

determine what happened to the job and act accordingly.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the job ended OK.
CONTROL-M assigns the job a status of OK based on the job’s
completion code.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the job ended not OK.
CONTROL-M assigns the job a status of NOTOK based on the job’s
completion code.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the job was assigned a
status of Ended OK because it is a dummy job.


Explanation: Job Submission failed. This might have resulted from a

Server/Agent communication problem.

System Action: The job is assigned a completion status of NOTOK.

User Response: Using the operating system’s process identification number,

determine why the Job Submission failed and act accordingly.

5200 ORDER STATE CHANGED TO <state_text>

Explanation: This information message indicates that CONTROL-M has

finished job post-processing, and changed the job's state to <state_text>.

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A-16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

5201 SHOUT TO <destination> PERFORMED

Explanation: This information message indicates that a Shout message was

issued to the specified destination.

5202 SHOUT TO <destination> FAILED

Explanation: An attempt to issue a Shout message to the specified

destination was not successful. Possible reasons for the failure are that the
terminal is not connected, an invalid destination was specified, and so forth.

System Action: The Shout message is not issued.

User Response: Check the validity of the destination.


Explanation: This information message indicates that Control resource

<resource_ID> has been reserved for the specified critical job.



Explanation: This information message indicates that Control resource

<resource_ID> has been allocated for the specified non-critical job in the
indicated mode (Shared or Exclusive).


Explanation: This information message indicates that all reserved Control

resources for the specified critical job have been allocated successfully.


Explanation: This information message indicates that all Control resources

allocated for the job order have now been released because the job has

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-17

<resource_quantity> RESERVED

Explanation: This information message indicates that Quantitative resource

<resource_ID> has been reserved in quantity <resource_quantity> for the
specified critical job, and is ready to be allocated.


<resource_quantity> ALLOCATED

Explanation: This information message indicates that quantity

<resource_quantity> of Quantitative resource <resource_ID> has been allocated
for a non-critical job.

5209 CONDITION <condition_ID> <date_ref> ADDED

Explanation: This information message indicates that following job

termination, the specified condition has been added to the Conditions/Resources

5210 CONDITION <condition_ID> <date_ref> DELETED

Explanation: This information message indicates that following job

termination, the specified condition (with the matching date reference) has been
deleted from the Conditions table.

5211 FORCEJOB FAILURE. JOB <job_number>, TABLE <table_ID>

Explanation: A FORCEJOB operation for the specified job number in the

specified table failed. Failure may have been due to problems with the job
processing definition (for example, job not found), security verification
problems, and so forth.

User Response: Verify the existence of the script file, and check
CONTROL-M and operating system security restrictions.

5212 JOB <job_number>, TABLE <table_ID> FORCED

Explanation: This information message indicates that the FORCEJOB

operation for the specified job/table has completed successfully.

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A-18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: This information message indicates that all reserved

Quantitative resources for the specified critical job have been allocated.


Explanation: This information message indicates that all allocated

Quantitative resources for the specified job have now been released.


Explanation: This information message indicates that all the reruns

requested for the specified job have been performed.

5216 <shout_text>

Explanation: The Shout message <shout_text> was issued to the

CONTROL-M log. The text in this message is issued by a Shout statement and
is written to the CONTROL-M log.



Explanation: An attempt to force job <job_ID>, located in table

<table_ID>, failed because the job/table does not exist. Either the table specified
in <table_ID> does not exist, or the job specified in <job_ID> does not exist in
the specified table.

An ENTERPRISE/CS user attempted to force a job via the Scheduling

menu option in the Enterprise Controlstation window.


A CONTROL-M job attempted to execute a Do Forcejob statement as part of

its Post-processing parameters.

System Action: No action is taken.

User Response: Determine the source of the problem (missing job processing
definition, missing Scheduling table, incorrectly specified Do Forcejob
statement, and so forth). Correct the problem and re-execute the Force.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-19


Explanation: An attempt to force Scheduling table <table_ID> failed

because the table specified in <table_ID> does not exist.

An ENTERPRISE/CS user attempted to force a Scheduling table via the

Scheduling menu option in the Enterprise Controlstation window.


A CONTROL-M job attempted to execute a Do Forcejob statement as part of

its post-processing parameters.

System Action: No action is taken.

User Response: Determine the source of the problem (missing Scheduling

table, incorrectly specified Do Forcejob statement, and so forth). Correct the
problem and re-execute the Force.



Explanation: This information message indicates that CONTROL-M

changed the communication status of the Agent platform identified by
<node_ID> from Unavailable to Available. The communication status of the
Agent platform had been changed from Available to Unavailable due to failed
communication. As a result of resumed communication, the status of the Agent
platform has been returned to Available.

System Action: CONTROL-M resumes sending job-handling requests to the

Agent platform.



Explanation: This information message indicates that an authorized user

changed the communication status of the Agent platform identified by
<node_ID> from Disabled to Available. The communication status of the Agent
platform had been previously changed to Disabled, either by a user or due to a
communication failure.

System Action: CONTROL-M resumes sending job-handling requests to the

Agent platform.
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A-20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: CONTROL-M changed the communication status of the

Agent platform identified by <node_ID> from Available to Unavailable due to
repeated communication timeouts. A communication failure has occurred
between the Server platform and the specified Agent platform.


<node_ID> was not specified correctly in the job processing definition or in the
node group.

System Action: CONTROL-M tries to communicate with the Agent platform

but does not send job-handling requests to the platform. If CONTROL-M
succeeds to communicate with the Agent platform, the status of the platform will
be returned to Available; otherwise, the status of the platform will be changed to

User Response: Verify that the node ID specified in the job processing
definition or in the node group is valid. Determine the cause of the failed
communication and correct it.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-21


Explanation: CONTROL-M changed the communication status of the

Agent platform identified by <node_ID> from Unavailable to Disabled due to
repeated communication timeouts.

A communication failure has occurred between the Server platform and the
specified Agent platform.


The node ID was not specified correctly in the job processing definition or in the
node group.

System Action: CONTROL-M no longer attempts to communicate with the

Agent platform and does not send job-handling requests to the platform.

User Response: Verify that the node ID specified in the job processing
definition or in the node group is valid. Determine the cause of the failed
communication and correct it. After correcting the problem, use the Agent Status
menu to change the status of the Agent platform to Available.



Explanation: An authorized user changed the communication status of the

Agent platform identified by <node_ID> from Unavailable to Disabled.

System Action: CONTROL-M no longer attempts to communicate with the

Agent platform and does not send job-handling requests to the platform.

User Response: When desired, use the utility to change the status of the Agent
platform to Available.

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A-22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Explanation: A User Daily job attempted to order a job from a table that it
is unauthorized to access. This is a security violation.

System Action: Access to the scheduling table is denied to the User Daily job.

User Response: Verify/modify user authorizations pertaining to the specific

scheduling table.


Explanation: The owner of the job processing definition is not authorized to

execute the script file specified by the job processing parameters.

System Action: The job terminates with a NOTOK status.

User Response: Either modify the script file protection accordingly, or grant
the owner execution privileges.



Explanation: User <user_ID> tried to perform an unauthorized action on a

job belonging to owner <owner_ID>. There are restrictions on the operations
that users can perform on jobs belonging to other owners unless the user is
authorized by the security administrator.

User Response: If you still want to perform the specified operation, contact
your security manager for the required authorization.

5260 – 5330 See Appendix C, “Messages and Codes”, in the Enterprise Controlstation User


<resource_quantity> DEFINED

Explanation: The user defined a new Quantitative resource, and its

maximum quantity.

System Action: The resource is added to the CONTROL-M resource pool.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-23


Explanation: This information message indicates that by user request,

Quantitative resource <resource_ID> has been deleted from the CONTROL-M
resource pool.


BY <resource_quantity>

Explanation: This information message indicates that by user request, the

maximum quantity of Quantitative resource <resource_ID> has been increased
by quantity <resource_quantity>. The use of Quantitative resources is discussed
in Chapter 2 in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.


DECREASED BY <resource_quantity>

Explanation: This information message indicates that by user request, the

maximum quantity of Quantitative resource <resource_ID> has been decreased
by quantity <resource_quantity>. The use of Quantitative resources is discussed
in Chapter 2 in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.


<resource_quantity> RELEASED

Explanation: This information message indicates that the number of units

<resource_quantity> of Quantitative resource <resource_ID>, that were
allocated by a job, have been released and are now available for other jobs that
require this resource. The use of Quantitative resources is discussed in Chapter 2
in the Enterprise Controlstation User Guide.


Explanation: This information message indicates that the user requested

allocation of a Control resource that does not exist.

System Action: Control resource <resource_ID> is defined and allocated to

the user.


Explanation: This information message indicates that by ENTERPRISE/CS

user request, Control resource <resource_ID> has been released.

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A-24 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

5401 HELD BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message was held by the ENTERPRISE/CS user <user_name>.

5402 FREED BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message was released from its held state by the ENTERPRISE/CS user

5403 DELETED BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message was marked as deleted by the ENTERPRISE/CS user

5404 RERUN BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message was rerun by the ENTERPRISE/CS user <user_name>.

5405 CONFIRMED BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message, that was waiting for confirmation prior to submission, was
confirmed by the ENTERPRISE/CS user <user_name>.

5406 CHANGED BY USER <user_ID>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the indicated

ENTERPRISE/CS user changed a parameter of an active job.

5407 CREATED BY USER <user_name>

Explanation: This information message indicates that the job associated

with the message was placed in the Active Jobs file by the ctmcreate utility.

5500 – 5599 See Appendix C, “Messages and Codes”, in the Enterprise Controlstation User

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Messages and Codes A-25

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

A-26 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


Structure of CONTROL-M Log EntriesB

The CONTROL-M log is part of the CONTROL-M database in each data

center. For more information, see “CONTROL-M Log” on page 1-31.

Table B-1 Fields of the CONTROL-M Log

Field Description Characters

Logtime Message time 6
Logdate Message date 8
Subsystem CONTROL-M process that generated the message 2
Jobname Job name of the job that generated the message 10
Jobno. Job number (from job processing definition) 4 (integers)
Orderno Order number of the job 4 (integers)
Owner User name of job’s owner 30
Odate Original scheduling date of job 8
Msgid Message ID (messages are described in Appendix A) 4
Message Text of message 66
Tasktype Task Type identifier (for example, batch, detached, command) 2
Memname Member name 30

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Structure of CONTROL-M Log Entries B-1

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

B-2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide



Active Jobs File (AJF) The Active Jobs file lists all jobs scheduled for submission in the
current day. Each job in the Active Jobs file is not submitted
until all conditions contained in the job processing definition for
the job are satisfied. The Active Jobs file is contained in the
CONTROL-M database.

Agent Platform Platform on which CONTROL-M/Agent runs. The Agent

platform handles requests from CONTROL-M/Server to execute
jobs or provide information.

Calendar A collection of dates which are used by CONTROL-M/Server to

schedule the ordering of jobs.

CONTROL-M Software product which schedules, submits, tracks and follows

up the execution of jobs in a data center. CONTROL-M
functions are divided between two separate components:
CONTROL-M/Server and CONTROL-M/Agent.

CONTROL-M (Primary) Repository of operational data relating to the functioning of the

Database CONTROL-M data center. Contents of the database include the
Active Jobs file, Scheduling tables (job processing definitions)
and the Resources/Conditions table. The database is maintained
by CONTROL-M/Server, using Sybase SQL Server.

CONTROL-M Date Date used by CONTROL-M to assign the Scheduling date

(Odate) to jobs.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Glossary 1
CONTROL-M Log Log containing a complete audit trail of every significant event
occurring in the CONTROL-M production environment.

CONTROL-M Platform Platform on which CONTROL-M/Server runs.

CONTROL-M/Agent The component of CONTROL-M which runs on each Agent

platform. CONTROL-M/Agent submits jobs and performs other
tasks based on requests from CONTROL-M/Server, and
performs post-processing analysis of completed jobs.

CONTROL-M/Server The component of CONTROL-M which runs on the Server

platform. CONTROL-M/Server maintains the CONTROL-M
database (including the Active Jobs file), schedules jobs,
performs load balancing, sends job-handling requests to Agent
platforms, and handles requests from ENTERPRISE/CS.

Conditions/Resources A component of the CONTROL-M database which lists the

Table current status of all prerequisite conditions, Control resources
and Quantitative resources in the data center.

Control Resource User-defined variable representing a physical or logical resource

in the data center. For each job, the user specifies whether the job
requires exclusive or shared access to the resource.
CONTROL-M/Server verifies that a job is not submitted for
execution unless the Control resources required by the job are
available in the required state (shared/exclusive). This prevents
deadlock situations or contention between jobs for a given
resource. Control resources are recorded in the
Conditions/Resources table.

Data Center (or A Server platform and all the Agent platforms that it handles.

Download (of active Transmission of the Active Jobs file and other elements of the
environment) CONTROL-M database to the ENTERPRISE/CS database. This
allows ENTERPRISE/CS to provide the user with a graphical
display of the current situation in the data center. Download
occurs upon completion of the New Day procedure, after which
updates are issued to maintain the accuracy of the graphical
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2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Enterprise Software product that provides a central point of control for
Controlstation or CONTROL-M data centers. ENTERPRISE/CS provides the GUI
ENTERPRISE/CS which allows users to graphically view the status of job
schedules and execution in data centers, to issue requests for
additional information and to handle problems.
ENTERPRISE/CS also passes global conditions among data

Force To “force” a job is to instruct CONTROL-M/Server to place the

job in the Active Jobs file for possible submission, regardless of
the scheduling parameters contained in the job processing
definition for the job. See also “Order”.

Gateway The process that handles communication between

CONTROL-M/Server and ENTERPRISE/CS. There are gateway
processes on both the Server platform and the ENTERPRISE/CS

General Daily See “New Day Procedure”.


Global Condition A prerequisite condition that is passed between data centers via
ENTERPRISE/CS. Global conditions allow jobs in one data
center to be dependent on completion of a job in another data

Heartbeat Monitor Special monitor which verifies that TCP/IP communication with
ENTERPRISE/CS is functional.

Job Processing Set of user-defined parameters for each job which provide
Definition CONTROL-M with detailed instructions for processing the job.
Job processing definitions are organized into Scheduling tables.

Load Balancing CONTROL-M mechanism for maximizing throughput of

production jobs by automatic selection of the platform to execute
each job, based on workload considerations.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Glossary 3
Manual Conditions The Manual Conditions file contains prerequisite conditions
File which are required by jobs in the Active Jobs file but which will
not be available (that is, added to the Conditions/Resources
table) unless there is some form of manual intervention. These
conditions include conditions which are never added
automatically by scheduled jobs because manual confirmation is
always desired, as well as conditions which are normally added
automatically, but the jobs which add them are not scheduled for
the day.

Mirror Database A backup copy of the CONTROL-M database which is

constantly updated. The Mirror database allows
CONTROL-M/Server to resume functioning with minimal time
loss in the event of a primary database failure.

New Day Procedure Formerly “General Daily Procedure”. Daily scheduling and
housekeeping procedures which run on the Server platform. The
CONTROL-M date is advanced to the next day when this
procedure runs.

Node Group A user-defined collection of Node IDs. A node group is specified

in a Job Processing definition to indicate a group of Agent
platforms from which CONTROL-M/Server can select a
platform to execute the job.

Node ID Name by which an Agent platform is identified to the Server

platform. This is generally the Agent platform’s host name.

Odate (Original Jobs managed by CONTROL-M are assigned a date when they
Scheduling Date) are ordered (placed in the Active Jobs file). This date, referred to
as the Odate, is the CONTROL-M date at the time the job is
ordered and represents the date on which the job should be
submitted for execution. Odate is also the default date assigned
to prerequisite conditions at the time they are created. The
variable ODAT (representing the Odate) is used when defining
job dependencies to insure that a job waiting for completion of
another job is only triggered by a job with the same working

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4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Order To “order” a job is to request that CONTROL-M/Server review
the scheduling parameters contained in the job processing
definition for the job and, if the parameters are satisfied, place
the job in the Active Jobs file for possible submission. See also

Prerequisite A flag representing a user-specified situation or condition.

Conditions or Submission of a job for execution can be made dependent on the
Conditions existence of one or more prerequisite conditions. Prerequisite
conditions are recorded in the Conditions/Resources table.

Quantitative Resource User-defined variable representing a resource in the data center.

The user defines the total quantity of this resource in the data
center and, for each job, the quantity require/used by that job.
CONTROL-M/Server verifies that a job is not submitted for
execution unless the Quantitative resources required by the job
are available. Quantitative resources are recorded in the
Conditions/Resources table.

Scheduling Table A collection of related job processing definitions. Scheduling

tables are stored in the CONTROL-M database (and duplicated
in the ENTERPRISE/CS database). Scheduling tables are
“ordered” by the New Day procedure or User Daily jobs.

Server Platform Platform on which CONTROL-M/Server runs. The Server

platform communicates with the ENTERPRISE/CS workstation
and with the Agent platforms.

Sleep Time The length of time that a CONTROL-M/Server process lies

dormant before “waking up” to determine if any request to
perform an action was received. The value assigned to Sleep
Time affects CONTROL-M/Server throughput and the load on
the Server platform’s resources.

Sybase SQL Server Software product used by CONTROL-M/Server to maintain the

CONTROL-M database. The database can be maintained using
either a dedicated instance of Sybase SQL Server (provided with
CONTROL-M) or an existing instance of Sybase SQL Server
(provided by the user).

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Glossary 5
User Daily Job User-defined job which can be used to automate the ordering of
production jobs.

User Exits Mechanism which enables users to modify CONTROL-M

operations to suit site needs.

Watchdog Process Mechanism which automatically monitors CONTROL-M

processes and resources

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6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide



A users 3-13
account parameter agent parameter 5-28
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 agconfig.dat file
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58 description 5-22
ACTION parameter Agent communication parameters
ctmudchk utility 2-145 defaults 4-34
ctmvar utility 2-151 description 5-13
Active Jobs file modifying 4-35
ad hoc jobs 2-25 Agent platform
ctmpsm utility 2-107, 2-109 deleting 2-15
downloading 4-42, 4-48 status 2-15
erasing contents 4-48 Agent platforms
forcing download 4-42 communication parameters 5-13
listing job details 2-107 communication status 1-6, 2-103, 4-38,
New Day procedure 1-13 A-11
options 2-108 configuration information 2-103
security 3-5, 3-24 ctmping utility 2-103
Active shout table definition 1-2
system parameter 5-5 disabled A-22
ad hoc jobs identification 1-6
creating 2-25 Shout messages to 2-138
Add Backup Device option Agent Status menu
Database Maintenance menu 4-19 description 4-38
adding AGENT_DIR
backup devices 4-19 agent parameter 5-28
groups 3-18 Agent-to-Server
prerequisite conditions 2-21 port number 5-10

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 1
server parameter 5-23
application security 3-1 backing up
appname parameter CONTROL-M database 2-37
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 backup
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 Oracle 4-14
Archive Mode option Sybase 4-14
Database Maintenance menu 4-13 Backup Database
archive_info parameter option
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 Database Maintenance menu 4-14
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58 Backup Socket port number
archive_object parameter Sybase 5-16
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 batch mode
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58 Security Maintenance utility 3-32
archive_sapobject parameter binary files
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 ctmdbrst utility 2-17, 2-19
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58
arp command
IP address locator 5-11 C
asap parameter
SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-33 CDROM name
SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-58 Oracle parameter 5-18
ASCII files character set
ctm_restore_bcp utility 2-19 Sybase SQL server 7-6
ctmexdef utility 2-64 Check Database option
authorization. See security Database Maintenance menu 4-26
Authorization menu, Security 4-29 Check Kernel Configuration parameter 4-41
Authorized CONTROL-M/Servers file checking
host names 1-12 free disk space 2-62
overview 1-9, 1-12 User Daily jobs 2-145
usage A-9 waiting jobs 2-154
AutoEdit variables CHILD mode
ctmstvar utility 2-133 ctmpsm utility 2-113
ctmvar utility 2-150 cleanup. See maintenance
quote marks 2-29, 2-52, 2-76, 2-133 closing. See stopping
Available status communication parameter 5-26
agent platform 1-7 CMN_PRM_CD_IPC_OUT
communication parameter 5-26

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2 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CMN_PRM_CD_MAX_DBU config.dat file
communication parameter 5-26 Event logger configuration 1-40
CMN_PRM_CD_MAX_SERVICE parameters 5-21
communication parameter 5-26 user exit parameters 6-3
Cold backup watchdog parameters 5-31
archive mode 4-13 configuration
agent parameter 5-28 Configuration parameter, Check Kernel 4-41
server parameter 5-28 configuration parameters
communication agconfig.dat file 5-22, 5-28
see also interaction description 5-22
agent parameters 4-34 Watchdog parameters 5-31
agent platforms 5-13 Control resources
Available status 1-7 deleting 4-48
ctmping utility 2-103 listing 2-157
defaults for parameters 4-34 reserved A-17
Diagnostic report 4-42 CONTROL-M
Disabled status 1-7 administrator 1-36
interruptions 1-8 Authorized Servers file 1-9
parameter defaults 4-34 failover planning 1-10
parameter descriptions 5-9 log B-1
parameter modification 4-32, 4-35 main menu 4-6
status 1-6, 2-103, 4-38, A-11 maintenance 4-3
Timeout parameter 5-14 menu system 4-6
Unavailable status 1-7 sample job flow 1-2
Communication protocol parameter security facility 3-1, 3-7
description 5-10
version 5-14
Computer system
system parameter 5-3
agent parameter 5-28
server parameter 5-28
Condition Date parameter
ctmcontb utility 2-21
Condition Name parameter
ctmcontb utility 2-21
conditions. See prerequisite conditions
Conditions file, Manual 2-82

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Index 3
CONTROL-M database description 1-2
backing up 2-37, 4-14 discovery 1-6
checking data usage 2-45 interrupted communication 1-8
checking integrity 2-39, 4-4 CONTROL-M/Server
creation menu 4-10 see also Server
defining jobs 2-47 agent interaction 1-5
extending 4-21 backup server 7-33
maintenance 4-4 host name 1-12, 5-9, 5-28
Oracle parameters 5-18, 7-23 messages and codes A-1
overview 1-4 parameters 5-1
owner parameter (Sybase) 5-15, 7-19 processes 2-134, 4-43
parameters 4-25, 5-15, 5-17 recovery 1-11
percent utilization 2-39 Shout messages 2-138
recovery procedure 7-29 starting 4-2, 4-8
restoring 2-44, 4-16 stopping 4-2, 4-8
statistics 2-77, 2-124 TCP/IP port number 5-12
Sybase parameter 5-17, 7-20 Windows NT 1-9
CONTROL-M date creating
Day Time parameter 5-4 see also ctmcreate, defining
description 1-13 ad hoc jobs 2-25
Odate 1-13 application-specific jobs 2-31
CONTROL-M log CONTROL-M database 4-10
cleanup by New Day procedure 1-14 files 2-66
deleting entries 2-91 Manual Conditions file 2-82
description 1-31 csh command
fields B-1 environment variables 2-10
listing entries 2-91 path modification 2-13
messages A-1 CTLTABCOUNT
recorded times 1-8 messages and codes A-6
Shout destination 1-27 CTM_AGSTAT utility
Shout utility 2-138 Agent status 2-15
CONTROL-M Mirror database parameters description 2-15
5-21 ctm_backup_bcp utility
CONTROL-M SYSTEM tablespace comparison with ctmdbbck 2-17
parameters 5-19 exporting database data 2-17
system parameter 5-3 server parameter 5-23
see also Agent platforms server parameter 5-23
configuration 1-12

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4 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CTM_GROUP_RECHECK ctmcontb utility
server parameter 5-24 prerequisite conditions 2-21
ctm_menu command 4-6 ctmcreate utility
CTM_PARM_ENC ad hoc jobs 2-25
agent parameter 5-29 application-specific jobs 2-31
CTM_PRM_DONT_DELETE Oracle Applications parameters table
agent parameter 5-28 2-34
CTM_PRM_ENABLE_UExxx SAP parameters table 2-33
user exit parameter 5-27, 6-3 ctmdbapasswd utlity
CTM_PRM_KPA_ACTIVE database password maintenance 2-36
communication parameter 5-27 ctmdbbck utility
Heartbeat monitor 1-38 database backup 2-37
CTM_PRM_KPA_BETWEEN_MSGS ctmdbcheck utility
Heartbeat monitor 1-38 database status 2-39
CTM_PRM_KPA_ROUNDTRIP_... problem detection 1-39
communication parameter 5-27 vs ctmdbused command 2-39
Heartbeat monitor 1-38 ctmdbrst utility
CTM_PRM_KSH_FLAGS comparison with ctm_restore_bcp 2-19
agent parameter 5-29 database size 2-17
CTM_PRM_SCRIPT_UExxx database, restoring the 2-44
user exit parameter 5-28, 6-3 ctmdbspace utility
CTM_PRM_SH_FLAGS space verification 1-46, 2-45
agent parameter 5-29 ctmdbtrans utility
CTM_PRM_TIMEOUT_UExxx problem detection 1-39
user exit parameter 5-28 ctmdbused command
wait interval 6-3 database utilization 2-39
ctm_restore_bcp utility ctmdefine utility 2-47
ASCII files 2-19 application-specific jobs 2-57
comparison with ctmdbrst 2-19 Oracle Applications parameters table
importing database data 2-19 2-59
CTM_SLP_SUSPEND SAP parameters table 2-58
server parameter 5-24 ctmdiskspace utility
CTM_SNMP_SEND_FORMAT disk space check 1-45, 2-62
server parameter 5-24 ctmexdef utility
CTM_SU_PATH export job definitions 2-64
agent parameter 5-29 ctmfw utility 2-66
CTM_WRITE_CONSOLE ctmjsa utility 2-77
server parameter 5-24 job statistics 1-30
ctm2snmp utility ctmkilljob utility
message distribution 2-155 job termination 2-81

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Index 5
ctmldnrs utility CTMS_HOSTNAME
Manual Conditions file 2-82 agent parameter 5-30
ctmloadset utility CTMS_PORT_NUM
load balancing 1-10 agent parameter 5-30
resource usage 2-86 ctmsec utility 3-11
ctmlog utility see also Security Maintenance utility
CONTROL-M log 2-91 User Maintenance option 3-13
problem detection 1-39 ctmshout utility
CTMLOG_DEL_CHK message distribution 2-127
configuration parameter 5-24 ctmshtb utility 1-26
ctmordck utility Shout destination table 2-129
job processing definition list 2-94 ctmstats utility 1-30
ctmorder utility statistical summary table 2-130
description 2-96 ctmstvar utility
forcing a job 2-98 AutoEdit variables 2-133
CTMORDER_FORCE ctmsuspend utility
server parameter 5-24 ENTERPRISE/CS communication
ctmpasswd utility 2-134
database passwords 2-102 ctmsys utility
ctmping utility parameter modification 5-7
Agent configuration information 2-103 system parameters 2-135
communication status 1-7 ctmudchk utility
Watchdog facility 1-48 ordering jobs 2-145
ctmpsm utility User Daily job check 2-145
Active Jobs file 2-107 ctmudlst utility
job listing 2-113 Date Control record 1-21
mode descriptions 2-113 description 2-147
Production Support menu 2-106 messages and codes A-5, A-7
Resource Table options 2-110 ctmudly utility
scheduling function options 2-110 User Daily jobs 1-18, 2-149
Scheduling tables 2-111 CTMUE101 user exit
syntax 2-113 job ordering 6-5
ctmrpln utility CTMUE102 user exit
description 2-120 job submission 6-7
ctmruninf utility 1-30 CTMUE103 user exit
Statistical Details table 2-124 New Day procedure 6-9
agent parameter 5-29 New Day procedure 6-10
agent parameter 5-30 User Daily jobs 6-11

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6 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

CTMUE106 user exit Sybase SQL server name 5-17
User Daily jobs 6-11 synchronization 7-36
ctmwhy utility transaction listing 1-39
waiting jobs 2-154 transaction log 2-39
customizing utilization percentage 2-39
Customization menu 4-30 verification 2-37, 2-39
customization parameters 4-30, 5-1 Database Administrator password
platform coordination 5-2 Sybase 5-15
CYCLIC_MAXWAIT Database Creation menu 4-10
server parameter 5-25 database mirroring
CYCLIC_RERUN see alsomirror database
server parameter 5-25 see alsomirroring
messages and codes A-4
Database Size parameter
D Sybase 5-15, 7-20
database status
DAILY parameter ctmdbcheck utility 2-41
ctmudchk utility 2-145 Database version
Daily report system parameter 5-3
ctmrpln utility 2-120 Date Control record
data description 1-21
CONTROL-M database 1-4 inconsistency A-5, A-7
data center modifying manually 2-147
description 1-2 UDLAST parameter 1-14
data device name Date parameter
Sybase parameter 5-17, 7-20 description 5-4
data device type Day Time parameter
Sybase parameter 5-16 description 5-4
data device, physical New Day procedure 1-13
Sybase parameter 5-16, 7-20 Daylight Savings Time 1-33
database DBASE events
backup 2-17 problem detection 1-40
CONTROL-M 1-4 DBO password
log files 5-18 Oracle parameter 5-20
mirroring A-4 Sybase parameter 5-15, 5-20, 7-19
parameters 5-15, 5-17 system parameter 5-3
password maintenance 2-36 debug parameter
recovery procedure 7-29 ctmvar utility 2-153
restoration 2-17
server 4-9
size 2-17, 5-15, 7-20
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Index 7
DEBUG_LEVEL messages and codes A-5
agent parameter 5-28 enabling
server parameter 5-28 user exits 6-3
defining ENDED time
see also creating, ctmdefine CONTROL-M log 1-8
application-specific jobs 2-57 ENTERPRISE/CS
CONTROL-M jobs 2-47 ctmsuspend utility 2-134
deleting description 1-1
backup devices 4-20 release version 5-12
CONTROL-M log entries 2-91 Shout messages 2-138
files 2-66 TCP/IP port number 5-12
groups 3-18 entity authorization
prerequisite conditions 1-14, 2-21, 4-48, Security Maintenance utility 3-28
5-6 environment variables
statistics 1-14, 2-124 required 2-9
users 3-13 setting 2-10
dependencies. See prerequisite conditions event logger
description parameter problem detection 1-39
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 executable path
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 system parameter 5-3
diagnostic level Executable Path parameter 5-3
setting 4-49 EXIT_STATUS_DIR
Disabled status agent parameter 5-30
communication 1-7 exits
Disappeared status CTMUE101 6-5
agent platform 1-7 CTMUE102 6-7
messages and codes A-10, A-16 CTMUE103 6-9
discovery process 1-6, 2-103 CTMUE104 6-10
disk space CTMUE105 6-11
see also df command CTMUE106 6-11
downloading Watchdog facility 1-45, 1-47
Active Jobs file 4-42, 4-48 exporting
Drop Backup Device option job definitions 2-64
Database Maintenance menu 4-20 Extend Database Size option
Database Maintenance menu 4-21
E CONTROL-M database 4-21

ecactltb utility 2-157

ecaqrtab utility
description 2-158
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8 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

value for AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC 5-23
failover group scheduling
levels 7-1 Autoedit variables 2-150
overview 1-10 New Day procedure 1-17
server platform 1-11 groups
FILE parameter see also node ID
ctmudchk utility 2-145 assigning users to 3-11
File Watcher utility 2-66
file, Manual Conditions 2-82
filename parameter H
ctmvar utility 2-152
Heartbeat monitor
first database log file
active mode 1-37
Oracle parameter 5-18
description 1-37
forcing a job
parameters 1-38
authorization 3-5
passive mode 1-37
ctmorder utility 2-98
home directory
failure A-18, A-19
messages and codes A-8
forcing a table
host name
failure A-20
agent platforms 1-6
forcing download
CONTROL-M/Agent 1-12
Active Jobs file 4-42
host parameter
Full Security parameter
SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-33
description 5-5
SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-58
usage 3-2
Hot backup
archive mode 4-13
global condition security 3-8
General Daily. See New Day procedure
agent platforms 1-6
general threshold %
Ignore Conditions file
ctmdbcheck utility 2-43
description 5-7
mask characters 5-7
value for AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC 5-23
Ignore New Day Conditions parameter
global conditions
description 5-6
security considerations 3-8
usage 1-14
global variables
batch utility (ctmvar) 2-150
ctmpsm utility 2-113
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Index 9
In conditions Jobno field
see prerequisite conditions CONTROL-M log B-1
Index tablespace file jobs
Oracle parameter 5-19 CTMUE101 user exit 6-5
init_prflag 4-48 CTMUE102 user exit 6-7
Input process communication port number Disappeared status 1-7
operational parameter 5-12 order options 1-24
install_mirror script 7-17 ordering 6-5
interaction ordering by New Day procedure 1-14
see also communication ordering manually 1-23
Server-Agent 1-5 retroactive ordering 1-22
ioa_appl parameter sample flow 1-2
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 scheduling 1-15
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-59 submitting 6-7
IOALOG events terminating 2-81
problem detection 1-40 User Daily 1-18
IOALOG_DEL_INT jobs ordering
server parameter 5-25 manually 2-96
IP address jobs submission
arp command 5-11 failure A-16
communication parameter 5-9

Kernel Configuration parameter, Check 4-41
job status killing
Disappeared A-11 ctmkilljob utility 2-81
messages and codes A-10
job submission
error messages A-9 L
job_in_file parameter
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 language parameter
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58 SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
job_mode parameter SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 Last Run date
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-58 Date Control record 1-21
jobcount parameter level, Restricted security 3-2
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 LIBMEMSYM file
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 AutoEdit variable A-11
Jobname field List All Devices option
CONTROL-M log B-1 Database Maintenance menu 4-19
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10 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

List Backup Devices option Log device type
Database Maintenance menu 4-19 Sybase parameter 5-16
LISTAJFTAB mode log files
ctmpsm utility 2-117 archiving 1-41
ctmpsm utility 2-116 generation limits 1-41
LISTCAL mode managing 1-41
ctmpsm utility 2-113 problem detection 1-39
LISTDETAILS mode purged by New Day procedure 1-32
ctmpsm utility 2-118 renaming 1-41
listener port number size limits 1-41
Oracle parameter 5-18, 7-23 size monitor 1-39
LISTGROUP mode log physical device
ctmpsm utility 2-116 Sybase parameter 5-17, 7-20
listing Logdate field
Active Jobs file 2-107 CONTROL-M log B-1
job processing definitions 2-94 logical devices
jobs 2-113 adding 4-19
prerequisite conditions 2-21 Logtime field
scheduling tables 2-111 CONTROL-M log B-1
statistics 2-77, 2-124
unordered jobs 2-145
ctmpsm utility 2-116
LISTSYSOUT mode maintainence
ctmpsm utility 2-118 CONTROL-M menu 4-6
load balancing maintaining
agent identification 1-6 CONTROL-M database 2-17, 4-4
overview 1-9 database passwords 2-36, 2-102
resource usage 2-86 New Day procedure 1-14
loading security 3-11, 4-29
Manual Conditions file 2-82 Sybase SQL server 4-4
LOCAL system parameters 2-135
value for AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC 5-23 Manual Conditions file 2-82
Local IP Host Interface Name mask characters
communication parameter 5-10 Ignore Conditions file 5-7
location Master Device Type
user exits 6-1 Sybase parameter 5-16
Log device name Master physical device
Sybase parameter 5-17, 7-20 Sybase parameter 5-16

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Index 11
Max Wait parameter mirror database data device
New Day procedure 1-13 Sybase parameter 5-21
Maximum Days Retained by CONTROL-M mirror database log device
Log Sybase parameter 5-21
system parameter 1-14, 5-5 mirroring
Maximum Days to Retain Sysout Files failure A-4
system parameter 1-14, 5-5 server environment 1-11
Maximum job state changes mode
operational parameter 5-12 Sysout file access 5-30
Maximum Retries parameter modifying
description 5-4, 5-14 see also changing
Maximum server processes see also creating
operational parameter 5-13 see also editing
Memname field see also updating
CONTROL-M log B-1 environment variables 2-9
menu, Production Support 2-106 monitoring
menu, Security Authorization 4-29 Quantitative resources 2-86
menus Monthly report
CONTROL-M main menu 4-6 ctmpln utility 2-120
Database Creation 4-10 MSGID field
Message field CONTROL-M log B-1
see also shout messages N
messages and codes
description A-1 Network Management applications
prefixes A-1 ctm2snmp utility 2-155
messages, distribution of New Day procedure
ctm2snmp utility 2-155 Active Jobs file 1-13
Minimum server processes CTMUE103 user exit 6-9
operational parameter 5-13 CTMUE104 user exit 6-10
mirror database Daylight Savings Time 1-35
extending 4-21 description 1-13
messages and codes A-4 group scheduling 1-17
Oracle 5-20 ordering jobs 1-14
parameters 5-20 prerequisite conditions cleanup 5-6
port numbers 5-20, 7-4 purging log files 1-32
QUERY_SPN field 7-4 restarting 4-41
Sybase 5-20, 7-4 scheduling 1-15
synchronization 7-35 sysout files cleanup 1-14
UDLAST parameter 1-14
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12 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

Node group authorization 3-5
load balancing 1-9 job security 3-5
menu 4-36 New Day procedure 1-14
modifying 4-36 Orderno field
usage 1-9 CONTROL-M log B-1
agent platforms 1-6 agent parameter 5-28
server parameter 5-28
O see reports
see sysout files
Odate Owner field
ctmcontb utility 2-21, 2-22
ctmcreate utility 2-28
ctmdefine utility 2-51 P
ctmorder utility 2-98
ctmpsm utility 2-110 parameter, Check Kernel Configuration 4-41
Date Control record 1-21 parameters
Date parameter 5-4 see also variables
description 1-13 CONTROL-M/Server 5-1
New Day procedure 1-13 coordination 5-2
working date 1-21 customization 5-1
ON_GROUP_END OK actions Customization menu 4-30
New Day procedure 1-17 database 5-15
operating system performance 5-21
system parameter 5-3 Sybase database 5-15
operational parameters system 5-3
description 5-11 PARM1 AutoEdit variable
modifying 4-32 User Daily jobs 1-20
Oracle PARMn parameter
backing up 4-14 Oracle Applications 2-35
database logs 4-13 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-35
Oracle Applications Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
job parameters (ctmcreate) 2-34 passwords
Oracle SQL server database 2-102
home directory 5-18 path modification
host parameter 5-19, 7-22 tcsh command 2-13
listner port number 5-18, 7-23 permission. See security
parameters 5-18, 7-22 pinging
ordering jobs ctmping utility 2-103
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Index 13
Polling interval parameter SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
communication 5-14 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
description 5-14 print_destination parameter
polling_interval parameter SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-34 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 print_expiration parameter
port numbers SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
Agent-to-Server 5-10 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
backup socket 5-16 print_immediately parameter
CONTROLM/Server 4-41 SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
ENTERPRISE/CS TCP/IP 5-12 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
mirror database 5-20, 5-21 print_numcolumns parameter
query socket 5-16 SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
Server-to-Agent 5-14 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
post-processing print_numlines parameter
performance parameters 5-21 SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
PP_THRESHOLD SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
performance parameter 5-22 print_recipient parameter
prefixes SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
messages and codes A-1 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
prerequisite conditions print_release parameter
adding 2-21 SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
cleanup 5-6 SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
ctmcontb utility 2-21 printcopies parameter
deleting 1-14, 2-21, 4-48, 5-6 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34
listing 2-21 Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
unscheduled 2-82 PRINTER_NAME
print_archmode parameter agent parameter 5-28
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 printername parameter
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34
print_authorization parameter Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 printstyle parameter
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34
print_banner parameter Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 PRIORITY_SL_SCAN
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 performance parameter 5-22
print_banner_page parameter server parameter 5-26
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59
print_copies parameter

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14 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

problem detection QUERY_SPN field
IOALOG events 1-40 mirror database 7-4
log file size monitor 1-39 quiet parameter
tools 1-38 ctmvar utility 2-153
Process log file quotation marks
erasing contents 4-42 AutoEdit variables 2-29, 2-52, 2-76,
process, discovery 1-6, 2-103 2-133
CONTROL-M/Server 4-43
suspending 2-134 R
proclog file
stack trace output 1-42 R/3See SAP
Production Support menu 2-106 r3_owner parameter
profile_ parameter SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-59
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 SAP jobs(ctmcreate) 2-34
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 raw partitions. See partitions
progname parameter RBS tablespace file
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 Oracle parameter 5-19
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 read permission
program parameter assigning 2-14
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-33 reading. See downloading
SAP (ctmdefine) 2-59 recovery
Protocol see also failover
communication parameter 5-10, 5-28 data center failure 7-33
communication with agents 1-6 database failure 7-29
Protocol Version parameter failover planning 1-10
description 5-14 relationship parameter
New Day procedure 1-17
release version
Q ENTERPRISE/CS parameter 5-12
Remote Sybase host name
Quantitative resources database parameter 5-17, 7-20
agent platform usage 2-86 removing. See deleting
ctmloadset utility 2-86 reordering jobs
deleting 4-48 User Daily 2-145
discrepancy A-5 reporting
listing 2-158 CONTROL-M log entries 2-91
maintaining 2-158
reserved A-18
Query Socket
port number 5-16
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Index 15
ctmcontb utility 2-21
ctmlog utility 2-92 SAP
ctmordck utility 2-95 job parameters (ctmcreate) 2-33
ctmrpln utility 2-120 job parameters (ctmdefine) 2-58
description 2-6 Savings Time, Daylight 1-33
ecactltb utility 2-157 SCHEDTAB mode
ecaqrtab utility 2-159 ctmpsm utility 2-117
resources scheduling function options
see Control resources ctmpsm utility 2-110, 2-111
see Quantitative resources scheduling jobs
Resource Table options New Day procedure 1-15
ctmpsm utility 2-110 performance parameters 5-21
respapp parameter scheduling tables
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 authorization 3-21
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 ctmpsm utility 2-113
respname parameter defining jobs 2-47
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34 listing jobs 2-120
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 security 3-4
Restore Database option scope
Database Maintenance menu 4-16 AutoEdit variables 2-150
restoring script, install_mirror 7-17
CONTROL-M database 2-44, 4-16 Secure Socket Layer
ctmdbrst utility 2-44 ctmsys utility 2-142
Restricted security level 3-2
Retro parameter
job processing 1-22
Retry Interval parameter
description 5-14
Rollback segment tablespace file
Oracle parameter 5-19
rerun counter A-10
server parameter 1-14, 5-25
server parameter 5-25
runtime statistics 1-28

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16 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

security security_groupname parameter
Active Jobs file 3-5 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-35
agent platform 3-8 Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
application 3-1 server
assigning users to groups 3-11 see also CONTROL-M/Server
authorization problem A-15 see also Oracle SQL Server
authorizations 3-2, 3-9 see also Sybase SQL Server
CONTROL-M entities 3-7 failover 1-11
ctmsec maintenance utility 3-11 Server process
database 3-11 message prefix A-1
export defintion tables 4-29 Server-to-Agent
Global conditions 3-8 port numbers 5-14
import definition tables 4-29 setting. See customizing
job script execution denied A-23 Shout Destination tables
job status 2-94 active table 2-129
levels 3-2 ctmsys utility 2-135
permission assignment 2-14 description 1-24
Restricted security level 3-2, 5-5 maintenance 2-135
Scheduling tables 3-4 specifying destinations 1-28
Security Authorization menu 4-29 Shout facility
Servers file 1-9 description 1-24
setting levels 5-5 Shout messages
summary 3-9 agent platforms 2-138
table access denied A-23 ctmshout utility 2-127
Unrestricted security level 3-2, 5-5 Daylight Savings Time 1-34, 1-35
user ID not authorized A-23 ENTERPRISE/CS 2-138
Security Authorization menu 4-29 invalid destination A-17
security level, Restricted 3-2 Show Database Parameters option
Security Maintenance utility Database Maintenance menu 4-25
Active Jobs file 3-24 SID mirror
adding groups 3-18 Oracle parameter 5-21
adding users 3-13 size monitor
batch mode 3-32 log files 1-39
deleting groups 3-18 size of database log files
deleting users 3-13 Oracle parameter 5-18
description 3-11 SL_BREAK_INT
entity authorization 3-28 performance parameter 5-22
menu 4-29 server parameter 5-26
Scheduling table authorization 3-21
security, application 3-1

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Index 17
Sleep Time viewing 2-130
considerations 4-49, 5-22 Statistics Mode parameter
resetting 4-48 description 1-29, 2-77, 5-12
SNMP traps Statistics Summary table
ctm2snmp utility 2-155 ctmjsa utility 1-30
space usage statistics, runtime 1-28
database 2-45 STATS_TIME
spool parameter server parameter 5-25
SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-34 step_num parameter
SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-59 SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-34
SQL server SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-59
see also Oracle SQL server stopping
see also Sybase SQL server CONTROL-M/Server 4-2, 4-8
SSL ctmkilljob utility 2-81
see also Secure Socket Layer Sybase SQL server 4-9
stack trace SUBMITTED AT time
debugging 1-42 CONTROL-M log 1-8
problem detection 1-39 Subsystem field
proclog file 1-42 CONTROL-M log B-1
stageparm parameter Support menu, Production 2-106
Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60 Sybase
stageparm parameter backing up 4-14
Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-35 Sybase interface directory
Start Day of the Week parameter 5-5 database parameter 5-17
starting Sybase parameter
CONTROL-M/Server 4-2, 4-8 log physical device 5-17, 7-20
Sybase SQL server 4-9 Master physical device 5-16
Statistical Details table owner 5-15, 7-19
ctmjsa utility 1-30 Sybase SQL server
Statistical Summary table character set 7-6
ctmstats utility 2-130 considerations 7-4, 7-7
statistics database mirroring 7-4
compiling 2-77 database name 5-17
ctmjsa utility 1-30 database parameters table 5-15
deleting 1-14, 2-124 dedicated 7-4
listing 2-77, 2-124 maintenance 4-4
overview 1-28 starting 4-9
runtime 1-28 stopping 4-9
summary mode 5-12
systems parameter 1-29, 5-4

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18 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

synchronization CONTROL-M log B-1
database 7-36 tasktype parameter
mirror database 7-36 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34
sysout files Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
cleanup by New Day procedure 1-14 TCP/IP host name parameter
copy error A-13 compatibility 5-10
days retained 5-5 TCP/IP port number
delete failure A-14 ENTERPRISE/CS 5-12
lost A-15 TCP/IP protocol
move failure A-13 agent communication 1-6
open error A-13 tcsh command
release failure A-14 environment variables 2-10
sysout log directory path modification 2-13
system parameter 5-3 terminating
Sysout Log Directory parameter 5-3 jobs 2-81
agent parameter 5-30 CONTROL-M functions 1-8
SYSOUT_NAME Time From parameter
agent parameter 5-30 Job Submission window 1-8
SYSTEM Time Until parameter
value for AUTOEDIT_INC_SEC 5-23 Job Submission window 1-8
system parameters Time, Daylight Savings 1-33
description 5-3 Timeout parameter
maintenance 2-135 description 5-14
System User Daily transfering
UDLAST parameter 1-14 files 2-66
System user password TRANSLATE_$0
Oracle parameter 5-19 agent parameter 5-30
menu 4-40
T report 4-45

table. See Scheduling tables

table security U
access denied A-23
Tablespace UDLAST parameter
data file 5-18 description 1-21
Oracle SQL server 7-7 New Day procedure 1-14
size 5-18 User Daily 1-14
user 5-18 ue_exit directory
Tasktype field user exits 6-4
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 19
Unavailable status unauthorized A-23
agent platform 1-7 User Maintenance option
Unknown status ctmsec utility 3-13
agent platform 1-8 User password
unordered jobs Oracle parameter 5-18, 7-22
listing 2-145 userexits
User Daily jobs 2-145 enabling 6-3
Unrestricted security level username parameter
description 3-2 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-34
UPDATEAJF mode Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-34,
ctmpsm utility 2-118 2-60
UPDATEGROUP mode utilities
ctmpsm utility 2-119 ctm_backup_bcp 2-17
UPDATETABLE mode ctm_restore_bcp 2-19
ctmpsm utility 2-119 ctm2snmp 2-155
User Daily ctmcontb 2-21
AutoEdit variable %%PARM1 1-20 ctmcreate 2-25
ctmordck utility 2-94 ctmdbapasswd 2-36
CTMUE105 user exit 6-11 ctmdbbck 2-37
CTMUE106 user exit 6-11 ctmdbcheck 2-39
Date Control record 1-21 ctmdbrst 2-44
example 1-19 ctmdbspace 2-45
interruptions 1-23 ctmdbtrans 2-46
reordering jobs 2-145 ctmdefine 2-47
scheduling 1-15 ctmdiskspace 2-62
workflow 1-18 ctmexdef 2-64
User Daily jobs ctmfw 2-66
checking 2-145 ctmgrpdef 2-75
ctmudly utility 2-149 ctmjsa 2-77
last run date 2-147 ctmkilljob 2-81
listing job definitions 2-94 ctmldnrs 2-82
unordered jobs list 2-145 ctmloadset 2-86
user exits ctmlog 2-91
see also exits ctmordck 2-94
configuration parameters 5-27, 6-3 ctmorder 2-96
location 6-1 ctmping 2-103
Watchdog facility 1-47 ctmpsm 2-106
workflow 6-3 ctmrpln 2-120
user ID ctmruninf 2-124
see also owner ctmsec 3-13

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

20 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide

ctmshout 2-127
ctmshtb 2-129
ctmstats 1-30, 2-130 waitchild parameter
ctmstvar 2-133 Oracle Applications (ctmcreate) 2-35
ctmsuspend 2-134 Oracle Applications (ctmdefine) 2-60
ctmsys 2-135 waitonly parameter
ctmudchk 2-145 SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-34
ctmudlst 2-147 SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-59
ctmudly 2-149 Watchdog facility
ctmvar 2-150 configuration parameters 5-31
ctmwhy 2-154 description 1-44
ecactltb 2-157 error handlers 1-48
ecaqrtab 2-158 parameters 5-31
environment variables 2-9 predefined exits 1-45
Oracle variables 2-10 problem detection 1-39
output destination 2-7 user exits 1-47
reference table 2-4 Watcher utility, File 2-66
reports 2-6 WD_ALIVE_MSG parameter
summary table 2-2 Watchdog facility 1-48
Sybase variables 2-10 WD_CTMEXIT__CMD_LINE parameter
user access to 2-9 Watchdog exit 1-46
Watchdog exit 1-46
Watchdog exit 1-46
var parameter
ctmvar utility 2-152
Watchdog exit 1-46
varexpr parameter
ctmvar utility 2-152
Watchdog exit 1-46
variables. See AutoEdit variables.
Environment variables, and parameters
Watchdog exit 1-46
variant parameter
SAP (ctmcreate) 2-34
Watchdog exit 1-46
SAP jobs (ctmcreate) 2-34
SAP jobs (ctmdefine) 2-59
Watchdog facility 1-44
database integrity 2-37
Watchdog facility 1-48
User Daily jobs 2-145
WD_CTO_TIMEOUT parameter
Watchdog facility 1-49
see also listing
statistics 2-130
BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 21
Watchdog facility 1-49
Watchdog facility 1-49
Heartbeat check 1-45
WD_INTERVAL parameter
Watchdog facility 1-49
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog exit 1-47
Watchdog facility 1-44
Windows NT
CONTROL-M/Server 1-9
CONTROL-M jobs 1-2
New Day procedure 1-13
scheduling jobs 1-15
User Daily jobs 1-18
write permission
assigning 2-14

Yearly report
ctmpln utility 2-120

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

22 CONTROL-M/Server for Unix Administrator Guide


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