CS2358 Set2
CS2358 Set2
CS2358 Set2
Sixth Semester
(Regulations – 2008)
1.Embed an image map picture(India map) on a Web page that provides different links to other
Web pages(different states) and show the all the related information depending on where a user
clicks on the image.(100 Marks).
2. Create an webpage to embed a human body image, identify and display all the related
information about the human body parts(head,eye,nose,finger etc) based on the user clicks on
the human body image map.(100 marks)
3.Add an embedded style sheet to the html document that represent hotel menu items .The style
sheet should contain the rules for displaying all non vegetarian menu items in {color:red;font-
size:smaller;font-weight:bold} and vegetarian menu items in {color:green;font-size:larger}.(100
4.Create external style sheet using different subset of the style rules with the following
li {font-weight:bold}
Then write a complete html document to apply all the above rules to the suitable application
domain .(100 marks)
5. Develop a web page that allows the user to enter all the details of the passenger(name, age,
emailid , gender).Write a client side scripting code to validate the emailid ,age and gender, where
email id should consists of the special symbol @and period(.),where age between 1 to 100 and
gender is male or female(100 marks).
6. Create a form that gets input of several lines of text and a search character. On clicking the
search button in the client form invoke suitable script function to display the number of
occurrences of the character in the text using suitable string methods.(100 marks)
7. Write an applet program to view the color palette. Using the Slider create three Slider objects
for the colors red, green and blue. The initial values for each color are set to 128. You choose
your own values When you move the pointer on the Slider of each color, the corresponding color
is displayed on the Graphics panel .(100 marks)
8.Write a program in java to create applet for selecting the background and foreground color of
the text area control with the help of radio buttons .(100 marks)
9. Write a java applet to draw the primitive shape (circle,square, rectangle) with the specified
foreground and background colors using required radio button controls.(100 marks)
10. To write a java code to implement Color palette with matrix of Buttons
Background and Foreground in control text area by selecting form color palette and selecting
from the check box (100 marks)
11.Create an address book servlet that allows the user to register for several mailing lists. The
address book contains firstname,designation, address1, address2, City, State,emailid. When
emailid is given, it return an HTML page with all the information.(100 marks)
12. (i) write a servlet program to display a 'Wish you happy birth day' message on the client
system.(30 marks.
ii. Create a dynamic HTML form that allows the user to enter the name of the city. While
submission of this form, the servlet retrieves and responses the weather report for the user
entered city.(70 marks)
13.Write a Java Server Page program to find the simple interest .Test this by a client program to
get the form data inputs (Principal amount, rate of interest,periods) and display the
result(SI=(P*N*R)/100) (100 Marks)
14.With the help of JDBC Connectivity to get details of bank customers transactions (credits
and debits).Write a JSP to calculate the current balance, cumulative total of credits and debits of
the individual customer.
15.Create an XML to represent the BOOKS catalog that has the following
elements(TITLE,ISBN NO,AUTHOR,PUBLISHER,PRICE).Display the book details styled
with XSLT. (100 MARKS)
16. Create an Extensible mark up language to represent the students mark information of a
class. Create a webpage to display all the students consolidated mark statement with pass (green
color)or fail (red color)using XSLT. (100 MARKS)
17. Create a program to implement the concept of asynchronous java script XML for webpage
login process(100 Marks)
18. Create a program in AJAX using Javascript, DHTML and the XMLHttpRequest object to
perform a GET or POST and return a result without reloading the HTML page.(100 MARKS)
19. Create a SOAP based web service for a simple Java Calculator class with operations ‘add’
and ‘subtract’ and then create a web service client which then consumes the web service and
displays the result of the invoked web service.(100 marks)
20. Take the case of a Travel Website and the two web services airline and travel agent. A
normal operation between a user and the travel site would look like:-