Radiography Testing: Larsen & Toubro Limited
Radiography Testing: Larsen & Toubro Limited
Radiography Testing: Larsen & Toubro Limited
02 Page 1 of 15
3.2 Personnel with Level I, II, or III certificate as per SNT-TC-1A shall be
considered qualified for conducting the test. Such personnel shall sign
report, only after being qualified as Level I, II or III as per L & T written
3.3 When referencing document does not specify Art.1 of ASME Sec. V
directly, qualification of personnel shall only involve a satisfactory
demonstration of competence in the established procedure. Such
qualified personnel shall be employed for conducting the examination in
that procedure only.
The radiograph shall have sufficient sensitivity to display designated hole IQI
image and the 2T hole or the essential wire of a wire IQI. The radiographs shall
also display the IQI identifying numbers and letters.
6. FILMS :
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All the films/ radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical or other
blemishes to the extent that they cannot be masked or be confused with the
image of any discontinuity in the area of interest of the object being
radiographed. Such blemishes include but are not limited to :
i. Fogging
ii. Defects such as streaks, water marks or chemical stains.
iii. Scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static marks, smudges or tears.
iv. Loss of details due to poor screen to film contact.
v. False indication due to defective screen or internal faults.
8.1 Only metallic intensifying screens shall be used in weld radiography, such as
lead, copper etc.
8.2 The florescent or flurometalic screens are not permitted.
8.3 For X-Ray radiography and for Gamma radiography 0.004”(0.1mm) thick lead
screens (both front and back) would be used.
8.4 Films without screens may be used for X- rays upto 160 KV.
Processing shall be done in atmospherically controlled (air conditioned) dark
room. The room shall be free from light leakages. The dark room safe light shall
be periodically checked for light leakage.
9.1.3 FIXING:
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Film shall be placed in a fixer solution for twice the clearing time. Clearing time
is a time duration in which milky appearance of a film disappeared. During
fixation process undeveloped part of silver bromide grains get dissolved in the
solution and developed part will get harden to the film surface.
9.1.4 WASHING:
After processing, the films shall be washed in running water. Effective washing
of the films depends on sufficient flow of water to rapidly carry off the fixer, as
well as to allow adequate time for fixer chemicals to diffuse out of the film. In
general, the hourly flow of water in the washing tank shall be approximately 4 to
8 times the volume of the tank.
9.1.5 DRYING:
After washing, the films shall be immersed for 1 or 2 minutes in a wetting agent
solution and taken to the drier. This will help in quick drying and avoid water
marks on the films.
All the parameters and the operating procedures shall be set as per the
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Surface of all tables in dark room which are used for films loading and
unloading shall be free of dirt, grease, oil or water to avoid damages to the
TABLE - 2 (a )
TABLE - 2 (b)
TABLE - 3 (a)
Nominal single-Wall Source Side Film Side
Material Thickness** Hole – Type Wire – Type Hole – Type Wire –
Range, in. Designation Essential Wire Designation Type
Upto 0.25, incl. 12 5 10 4
Over 0.25 through 0.375 15 6 12 5
Over 0.375 through 0.50 17 7 15 6
Over 0.50 through 0.75 20 8 17 7
Over 0.75 through 1.00 25 9 20 8
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10.4.2 Equivalent Hole – Type Sensitivity : If a thinner of thicker hole – type IQI
than listed in table 3(a) was substituted, an equivalent IQI sensitivity , as
specified in table 3(b) shall have been maintained.
TABLE - 3 (b)
Equivalent Hole – Type Designation
Hole – Type
1T Hole 4T Hole
2T Hole
10 15 5
12 17 7
15 20 10
17 25 12
20 30 15
25 35 17
30 40 20
35 50 25
40 60 30
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50 70 35
60 80 40
80 120 60
100 140 70
120 160 80
160 240 120
200 280 140
10.5.1 As a standard practice the hole and wire type IQIs shall be placed on the source
side of the object. However, where inaccessibility prevents hand placing the
IQIs on the source side, then the same can be placed on the film side of the
object and a lead letter ‘F’ shall be placed adjacent to or on the IQIs. In case of
hole type IQIs it shall not mask the essential hole. The lead letter ‘F’ shall be
atleast as high as the identification number of the IQIs.
10.5.2. The hole & wire type IQI may be placed adjacent to or on the weld seam. The
identification number and letter ‘F’ when used, shall not be in the area of
When the weld metal is not radiographically similar to the base material or when
the geometric configuration makes it impracticable to place the IQIs as above,
then the identification number and the letter ‘F’ can be placed on the interested
10.5.3 Where the weld is having re-inforcement the hole type IQI shall be shimmed
and the shim thickness be selected such that the total thickness being
radiographed under the hole type IQI is the same as the total weld thickness.
IQIs shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of ASME Sec V.
10.5.4 When the configuration of object or size prevents placing the hole and wire type
IQIs as described above, it may be placed on a separate block and shall meet
the requirements as per clause 10.5.5 .
10.5.5 The material of the shim/block shall be radiographically similar to the object
under test. The dimension of the shim/block shall exceed the IQI dimension
such that atleast 3 sides of the IQI image is visible on the radiograph. There is
no restriction on the thickness but the density tolerance limitations on the IQI /
area of interest shall meet the density requirements as specified in clause 11.
allowable range as per clause 11.1, then an additional IQI is required for the
exceptional area or areas. If the requirements of clause 10.4 are met by two
IQIs, one IQI appearing in the lightest area of the film and other in the darkest of
the intervening densities on the film shall be considered acceptable.
10.6.2 The required hole and wire diameter of IQI shall be essentially visible on the
radiograph as per applicable Table-3(a). or 3(b).
10.6.3 For cylindrical vessels where the source is placed on the axis of the object and
one or more films are used for single exposure of a complete circumference,
atleast three IQIs shall be used each located at approximately 120 apart.
Where a section of longitudinal weld adjoining the circumferential weld are
radiographed simultaneously with the circumferential weld, an additional IQI
shall be placed on each such longitudinal weld at the end of the each section
most remote from the junction with the circumferential weld being radiographed.
10.6.4 For cylindrical vessels where the source is placed at the axis of the object and
four or more films are used for a single exposure of a section of the
circumference, atleast three IQI shall be used. One IQI shall be in
approximately center of the section exposed and others at each end. When the
section of the circumference exposed at 240 the rules in clause 10.6.3 apply.
In each case, additional film location may be required to establish proper IQI
spacing, otherwise atleast one IQI image shall appear on each radiograph.
10.6.5 Where the spherical vessel with circumference and long seams are
simultaneously radiographed with one or more films by keeping the source in
center of the vessel atleast three IQIs at approximately 120 apart shall be
placed on the circumferential seam and all the other welds radiographed
simultaneously on the same vessel, one additional IQI shall be used at the
center of the length of the long seam.
10.6.6 For segments of a spherical vessels where the source is located at the center of
the vessel and four or more film holders are used for a single exposure , the IQI
will be placed as detailed in clause 10.6.4.
10.6.7 Where one or more similar identical flat/curved components were radiographed
simultaneously by a panoramic technique, each film shall have the image of the
10.6.8 In order to maintain the continuity of records involving the subsequent
exposures, all the radiographs exhibiting IQIs that verify techniques permitted in
accordance with clause 10.6.4 must be retained.
11.2 For composite viewing of multiple films, the minimum density on each film of the
set shall be 1.3 and the maximum density shall be 4.00.
11.3 Densitometers shall be provided for assuring the compliance of the film density
requirements. The calibration of these densitometers shall be done as per
procedure HZW/QA/RT-02.
12.2 SINGLE WALL TECHNIQUE : In the single wall technique , the radiation
passes through only one wall of the weld (material), which is viewed for
acceptance on the radiograph.
12.2 DOUBLE WALL TECHNIQUE : When it is impracticable to use a single wall
technique , one of the following double wall techniques shall be used as per
Appendix- A of Art 2 of ASME Sec V.
12.3 a) SINGLE WALL VIEWING : For materials and for welds in components, a
technique may be used in which the radiation passes through two walls and
only the weld (material) on the film side wall be viewed for acceptance on the
radiograph . When complete coverage is required for circumferential welds
(material), a minimum of three exposures taken at 120 to each other shall be
12.3 b) DOUBLE WALL VIEWING : For materials and for welds in components 3 1/2”
or less in nominal outside diameter, a technique may be used in which the
radiation passes through two walls and the weld (material) in both the walls are
viewed for acceptance on the same radiograph . For double wall viewing , only
a source side IQI shall be used. Care shall be taken to ensure that the required
geometric unsharpness is not exceeded. If the geometric unsharpness
requirements cannot be met, then single viewing shall be used.
12.3 b)(3) Additional exposures shall be made if the required radiographic coverage
cannot be obtained using the minimum number of exposures indicated in
(b)(1) or (b)(2) above.
(R2) The radiation energy employed for any radiographic technique shall achieve the
density and IQI image requirement of this procedure.
2 through 3 0.030
Over 3 through 4 0.040
Greater than 4 0.070
All the radiographs shall be examined and interpreted to assure the compliance
with the referencing code. The manufacturer shall record on the flap of the
radiographs all details such as location numbers, job numbers, seam and
component number, repair designation if any and also the observations /
interpretation on each film flap.
19.1.b Any elongated indication which are having length greater than;
I. 1/4” for ‘t’ upto 3/4” of material thickness.
II. 1/3rd ‘t’ for material thickness 3/4” to 2 1/4”
III. 3/4” for ‘t’ over 2 1/4” thick material.
where ‘t’ is the thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement.
For a butt weld joining two members having different thickness at the weld, t is
the thinner of these two thickness. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet
weld, the
thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in ‘t’.
19.1.c Any group of indication in line, that have aggregate length greater than ‘t’ in a
length of 12t of film except where the distance between successive indication
exceeds 6L, where L is the longest indicating in the group.
19.1.d Rounded indications in excess of that shown in appendix A-250 of ASME SEC.
I, appendix-4 of ASME SEC VIII Div. 1 and appendix-8 of ASME Section - VIII
Div. 2 .
19.3 Acceptance standard for ASME B 31.3 weld joint shall be as per Table 341.3.2
of ASME B 31.3.
20.2 Where the radiograph shows the defects unacceptable as per para. 19.2, two
additional spots away from the location already radiographed will be examined
radiographically and the length of such additional spots will be 150mm each
20.3 Where these two additional radiographs did not reveal any unacceptable
defects, the seam represented by these spots will be treated as acceptable and
the original spot which had unacceptable defects will be repaired and re-
20.4 Where these two additional spots reveal defects which are not acceptable as per
para. 19.2, the whole seam represented by this two spots will be treated as
unacceptable and the full seam has to be fully radiographed and all the defective
spots shall be repaired and re-radiographed. However, if the full seam
represented by the defective are repaired by means of complete removal of the
old weld metal and by depositing with new weld metal, then the seam can be
treated as a new seam and again spot radiographed as per the paragraph 20.1.
20.5 On the other hand, after full seam is radiographed and all the defective areas
rectified individually or locally, one spot out of all the repaired spots can be
radiographed and evaluated as per para. 19.2. If the radiograph reveal no
such indications which are not acceptable then the full repair spots will be
treated as acceptable. However, if the radiograph shows any unacceptable
defect then the para. 20.2, 20.3 & 20.4 shall be implemented for the remaining
repair spots.
20.6 The paragraph 20.5 is applicable only where the repairs were carried out for all
the repair spots under the same parameters and conditions by the same
welder/operator. If different welder/operator were involved in repair procedures
then atleast one spot for each welder/operator shall be taken after repair work
as per para. 20.4.
21.1 After evaluation of all the radiographs, the inspection report in the form of
Radiographic Examination Report will be prepared which has to be signed by
the concerned interpreter indicating his Level and Date.
21.2 Each seam radiographed shall have technique sheet along with Radiographic
Examination Report.
21.3 Radiographs and records shall be made part of the verification documents and
shipped with units when required. Copies shall be retained and the respective
films shall be retained for a minimum of three years for ASME Sec VIII Div. 1,
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and five years for ASME Sec. I and ASME Sec. VIII Div. 2 from the date of
closing the job. At the end of this time films shall be disposed off.