P.E Chapter 4

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Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Chapter 4

Pre-Test 4. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the
correct answer. Let us test the depth of your knowledge first by
answering this exercise.

1. It is a repeated, planned, and structured series of movements

which contributes to a person’s physical fitness.
a. Movement c. Practice
b. Exercise d. None of the above

2. It refers to a lifestyle that lacks physical exercise.

a. Sedentary Lifestyle c. Nomadic Lifestyle
b. Healthy Lifestyle d. Solo Lifestyle

3. Mr. Jerick is always doing jog, zumba, and stair climbing every day.
What type of exercise is he performing?
a. Strength Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Flexibility Exercise d. Aerobic Exercise

4. This is an exercise that helps avoid diabetes and heart diseases

which also builds cardiovascular endurance.
a. Aerobic Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Strength Exercise d. Flexibility Exercise

5. An intense exercise that specializes in strengthening the bones and

a. Balance Exercise c. Strength Exercise
b. Flexibility Exercise d. Aerobic Exercise

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

6. Which among the following exercises are needed in order to

perform strength exercise?
a. Push-ups, Jogging and Doing yoga
b. Standing one foot, Doing yoga and Dancing
c. Lifting weights, Intense Push-ups and using resistance
machines at gym
d. Dancing, Jogging, and using resistance bands to leverage your
own body weight in building strength.

7. Why does strength exercise is said to help older adults maintain

their independence?
a. Strength training helps maintain the strength of bones and
muscles which prevent older adults from falling; it keeps their
regular works like lifting groceries active.
b. Strength training helps to promote coordination between the
body and brain.
c. Strength training improves brain function and bodily
d. It develops self-awareness.

8. Which of the following exercise is NOT helpful in making your body

a. One leg balance c. Stretching various parts of body
b. Stork balance test d. Regular indulgence to Yoga

9. Why is it important for older adults to perform daily balance

a. balance exercise helps the body to become more flexible and
helps older adults to do stunts
b. balance exercise is important because it helps the older adults
to become stronger and be able to do more regular works
c. balance exercise helps older adults to avoid stress
d. balance exercise strengthens the body’s core and helps prevent

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

10. Which of the following statement is NOT a benefit of aerobic

a. It helps us to prevent many illnesses.
b. It boosts our immunity.
c. It builds up endurance and keeps our heart and lungs healthy.
d. It increases the risks to injuries.

11. Mr. Albasin wants his biceps to become manlier; what principle is
helpful for him?
a. Recovery c. Specificity
b. Reversibility d. Progression

12. What type of exercise should a weightlifter perform?

a. Flexibility Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Aerobic Exercise d. Strength Exercise

13. Which among the following exercise is best suited to perform

a. Aerobic Exercise c. Flexibility Exercise
b. Balance Exercise d. Strength Exercise

14. What phase must be done first in exercising?

a. Stretching c. Warm up
b. Conditioning d. All of the above

15. This phase ends your exercise session with recovery time for
your body.
a. Cooling down Phase c. Conditioning Phase
b. Stretching Phase d. Warm Up Phase

16. What principle of exercise training addresses the diversity of

people’s physique, intelligence, emotion, social capacities, and

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

a. Progression c. Individuality
b. Overload d. Specificity

17. What principle of exercise training helps a person attain the

desired fitness goal by starting from basic to advanced
movements or exercises?
a. Overload c. Progression
b. Trainability d. Specificity

18. Mr. Roque is doing a strenuous workout in 2 consecutive days

and is starting to feel muscle pain, what principle is helpful for
a. Recovery c. Variety
b. Specificity d. Regularity

19. Mr. Richard wants his muscles to become stronger, what exercise
is perfect for him?
a. Strength Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Endurance Exercise d. Flexible Exercise

20. Based on the FITT principle, it refers to the kind of activity you
choose in doing exercise.
a. Intensity c. Time
b. Frequency d. Type

21. It measures how long you spend being physically active during
your daily routine.
a. Frequency c. Time
b. Intensity d. Type

22. This refers to how often you are physically active and usually
measured in days per week.
a. Frequency c. Time
b. Intensity d. Type

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

23. It describes on how hard your body is working during physical

a. Time c. Frequency
b. Intensity d. Type

24. All of the following are the benefits of exercise, EXCEPT.

a. Easily gets depressed
b. Increase your chances of living longer
c. Improve your mental health and mood
d. Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as
you age

25. The following are the reasons why we need to sequentially follow
the phases of exercise, EXCEPT.
a. To achieve the desired fitness level
b. To experience the chances of unintentional injuries
c. To prepare the muscles and joints including the ligaments
and tendon for an effective workout
d. To avoid muscle soreness, light headedness, and over fatigue

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Activity 4.1: DANCE WITH ME

Direction: The class will mimic a Zumba dance and will observe the
process of the activity.

1. How are you going to describe the process of the activity?

The process of the activity on the video can be seen that it

followed the correct way of executing the ways of exercise
in physical education. The performance is about zumba
dance that applies the different four phases of zumba. Thee
four phases were executed and were performed. The
pattern was also followed in the right and proper way, from
warm-up to stretching to conditioning phase, and the last
which phase is the cooling down.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

2. What are the movements being executed? Can you describe it?

The first movement shown were to warm-up the body to prepare our
muscles, ligaments, and etc. so that our flexibility will improve and will
protect us against muscle soreness after the work out. Second part
included in steps were the stretching movements that helps our muscles
and joints to be extended to its full range. Next was the workout
movements, where the steps being executed intends to produce the
desired fitness benefits and it was more focused in dancing. The last
one was the cooling down, we can distinguish because it was obviously
executed in a slower pace to give our body time to recover and
preventing any trigger of tension to our muscles.

3. Have you followed all the steps? Why or Why not?

Yes, I have followed all the steps. For a reason that it’s a good practice
of maintaining our body healthy. The zumba dance movements are
beneficial mostly to individuals who prefers dancing than weight lifting
or any other exercise that requires endurance and hardships. The steps
were all easy that is why there is no problem for me to follow it.

4. What do you think are the benefits of this Zumba dance?

Zumba is probably the most popular dance workout. There

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya
are a lot of benefits we can get from doing zumba, not just
for our physical aspect, but for our wholeness as well. Zumba 7

targets lots of different muscle groups at once for total body

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Learning Activities

DIRECTION: Design your own FITT plan following the template below and
apply it for at least a month. Then take the same Physical Fitness test
done in chapter 3 and compare the latest result to the one taken at the
beginning of the class.


FREQUENCY Twice a Once a One a Twice a Once a Thrice a On
day day day day day day d

INTENSITY 15 push Light 10 jump Medium Light Light Li

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

ups squats

TIME 4 minutes 1 3 30 30 3 1h
minute minutes minutes minutes minutes

TYPE Push-up Plank Jump Yoga Swimming Jumping Jog


Week no.____
Weekly reflection:

Activity No. 4.3: Exercise Chart

Direction: Comprehensively define exercise and determine the types of

exercise and elaborate each type using the chart below.

What is Exercise?

We all know that exercise is important in our daily lives.

Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life.
Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a
healthy life Amozon;J.
C. Balacuit;J. or cause them to haveRuiz;&
Inabangan;E. diabetes. The benefits of
R. Rabaya
exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement
in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which
Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Aerobic (Endurance)

session involves warming

up, exercising for at least
20 minutes, and then
cooling down. Aerobic
exercise mostly uses
large muscle groups.
Anaerobic exercises are
high-intensity activities
Balance Exercise

work our core muscles, lower Anaerobic (Strength)

back, and legs. Lower-body Exercise
strength-training exercises are high-intensity activities
can also help improve your that should last no longer
balance.These exercises keep than around 2 minutes.
our body active, improve Anaerobic exercises includes
balance and coordination, and weight lifting and sprinting.
prevent falls and injuries.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020


Flexibility Exercise

improves our ability of each

joint to move through the
available range of motion
for a specific joint.
Examples would be
Activity No. 4.4: GIVE ME stretching
A PARAGRAPHindividual
muscles or the ability to
1. What are the types of exercise? Discuss
perform certain each.
movements such as the
lunge. The sit and reach test
Aerobic (Endurance) Exercise
is most often used to test

By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and

heart rate will increase during aerobic activities. Aerobic exercise helps
keep your heart, lungs, and circulatory system healthy.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Endurance, or aerobic exercise, increase your breathing and heart rate.

By doing endurance exercises, you are working to keep your heart,
lungs, and circulatory system healthy while improving your total fitness.
Over time your endurance level will increase which will make everyday
activities seem easier. Examples of endurance activities are: dancing,
swimming, playing tennis, swift walking or jogging, biking, and yard
work (digging, mowing, etc.)

Anaerobic (Strength) Exercise

Anaerobic exercise comprises brief, strength-based activities, such as

sprinting or bodybuilding, whereas aerobic exercise is centered around
endurance activities, such as marathon running or long-distance
cycling. However, the early stage of all exercise is anaerobic.
If you want to build up your muscles, then strength exercises are right
for you! Strength exercises are also called “strength training” or
“resistance training.” Even the slightest increase in strength can make a
huge difference in your ability to carry out everyday tasks. Developing
strong muscles and bones can reduce your risk of weak bones and
slouching. Examples of strength exercises are lifting weights and using
a resistance band.

Flexibility Exercise

Flexibility exercises stretch your muscles and can help your body stay
flexible. These exercises may not improve your endurance or strength,
but being flexible gives you more freedom of movement for other
exercise as well as for your everyday activities. It may also help you
avoid discomfort when confined in a space for a long period of time
(like a long meeting or a plane flight).
The purpose of flexibility exercises is to stretch your muscles and help
your body stay limber. This allows for more freedom of movement for
other exercises and for everyday activities. Flexibility exercises also

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

have the ability to improve your range of motion, posture, ability to

breathe deeply, and circulation. Also, it alleviates the muscle tension
that is caused by stress. Examples of flexibility exercises are shoulder
and upper arm stretches, yoga, and calf stretches.

Balance Exercise

Completing balance exercises helps prevent falls. These exercises are

especially important to older adults because it helps them stay
independent. Most good balance exercises that can help maintain
balance are ones that keep you constantly moving with your feet on the
ground. Examples of balance exercises are heel-to-toe walking,
standing on one foot, and sitting down in a chair and standing up
without using your hands. Also, several lower-body strength exercises
can help you improve your balance.

2. Based on your experience, cite examples to each type of exercise.

Aerobic Exercise Anaerobic Flexibility Balance Exercise

Exercise Exercise
Jogging Jumping or Yoga Standing on one
Jumping Rope foot

Dancing Weightlifting Cat Stretch

Balance walk
Hiking Jump Squats Roll Down Single lift leg
Swimming Biking Side Stretch Balance on a
stability ball

Walking High intensive Chest Stretch Heel-to-toe

interval training walking

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Activity No. 4.5: IDENTI-PHASE

Direction: Comprehensively read the question and write the correct

answer on the blank provided.

Warm-Up 1. This phase of exercise is done to warm the body by

increasing the body temperature and prepares the muscles, ligaments,
and tendons for the strenuous part of the work out.
Warm-Up 2. This phase of exercise involves light aerobic activities
such as slow walking and light jogging.
Stretching 3. This is the phase of exercise where muscles and joints
are extended to its full range.
Stretching 4. What phase of exercise is confined to ballistic, dynamic,
static, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)?
Conditioning/Workout 5. This phase of exercise is the most strenuous
level of activity that intends to produce the desired fitness benefits such
as the muscle strengthening and building endurance.
Conditioning/Workout 6. This phase of exercise can be done in a form
of calisthenics, sports, or dance.
Cooling down 7. This is executed to finish the exercise session and give
the body time to recover.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Cooling down 8. It requires the body for continuous movement but at a

slower pace.
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) 9. What type of stretch
is considered as the most effective way to increase maximum flexibility?
Static 10. This is a type of stretch that allows the muscles and
connective tissues surrounding the joints to stretch for enough to its full-
range where one holds a stretch without transferring the body from one
place to another.

Activity No. 4.6: Bubble Diagram

Directions: Jot down at least 2 benefits in each aspect of exercise using

the bubble diagram below.


 It further improves the concentration  It helps us build friendship while keeping

and focus for longer period of time. fit. Being in a gym or in game enables us
to meet new people and build social
 It sharpens the memory and thinking relations.
skills because endorphins that make us  It strengthens intimate relationship
feel better helps for concentration and between couples. Feeling and looking
let us feel mentally sharp for tasks at better makes a more enjoyable and
hand. passionate intercourse for couples.


 It stimulates digestion making it more EXERCISE  Exercise eliminates the lactic acid from
efficient that helps to reduce chances the blood. Because of this, you can
for colon cancer. It also improves the lower the risk of stress and depression.
body’s speed, balance, coordination,
 Exercise increases the production of
strength, power, agility and
endorphins, and by doing so, it
promotes pain tolerance. Aside from
 It helps us to C. Balacuit;J.
have clearer andAmozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya these, exercise also aids in the
healthier skin because it efficiently production of epinephrine which
removes the dirt, impurities, and toxins 15
stimulates sense of excitement.
from the body and also skin pores
open more during exercise.
Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

 A strong healthy body leads to
invigorate our spiritual life.

 Increased physical activity aid to tone

up our character and helps us deviate
to temptations to do vices that could
draw us near to the heart God.

Activity No. 4.7: ISPORRTification (ISPORRT definition and application)

Directions: Identify the principles of exercise and elaborate the given

abbreviation then cite an example of daily application.


I Individuality The Individualization Make sure your training
Principle dictates that program is customized to
sports training should be your individual needs and
adjusted according to each goals. Write down your
athlete’s characteristics and goals; make sure they are
needs, such as age, gender, relevant, realistic, and
rate of progress, and measurable. Get an
previous experience. The assessment done, either a
goal of individualization is general fitness, or if
to capitalize on each possible, a performance
athlete’s strengths, exploit test specific to your sport.
their genetic potential, and
strengthen their

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

S Specificity The principle of specificity A runner should run to

states that sports training improve running
should be relevant and performance.
appropriate to the sport for
which the individual is
training in order to produce
the desired effect.
Essentially, specificity
training means that you
must perform the skill in
order to get better at it.
P Progression A principle of exercise that If an athlete want to see
states that a person should results when lifting
start slowly and increase weights, he/she have to
exercise gradually. lift more weight from time
Progression can refer to to time to improve what
both progressing slowly his/her muscles can
over a large span of time, physically handle at the
such as weeks or months, time.
and progression within a
single workout.

O Overload The Overload Principle is a Increase the weight lifted.

basic sports fitness training
concept. It means that in Increase the volume of
order to improve, athletes work.
must continually work
harder as they their bodies
adjust to existing workouts.
Overloading also plays a
role in skill learning.
R Recovery The Recovery Principle Hydrotherapy, active
suggests that athletes need recovery, stretching,
adequate time to recuperate compression garments,

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

from the training regime massage, sleep and

and participating in a nutrition.
competition. Many trainers
believe that an athlete’s
ability to recover from
workouts is just as
important as the workout
R Reversibility The Reversibility Principle Retraining. Increase
states that athletes lose the exercise gradually and
effects of training after they progressively after long
stop working out; however, periods of inactivity.
the detraining effects can Athletes should avoid
be reversed when training is performing intense work
resumed. without first

T Trainability Trainability has been Some individual feels the

defined as to how first time they ran two
responsive an individual is miles will sore them after,
to the training stimulus and but now it’s just a warm
what extent of development up for their daily main
was achieved in various workout.
levels of growing and

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Activity No. 4.9: Essay Phase

Directions: Compose your concepts and ideas completely according to

what is asked below regarding the phases of Exercise.

1. Why do we need to do warm-up exercise and stretching before an

intense workout?

Warming up our muscles before we workout helps our muscle adjust to the exercises
that we will be doing, and it's a great way to slowly increase our heart rate. Doing  warm-
up gently prepare the body for exercises by gradually increasing the heart rate and circulation;
this will loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscles.  Stretching the muscles
prepares them for physical activity and prevents injuries. It is very important to perform a
proper warm up and stretching before any type of physical activity.   The purpose of a warm up
is to prevent injury by increasing the body’s core and muscle temperature.   Warm muscles
increase the rate of energy production which increases reflexes and lowers the time it takes to
contract a muscle.   A good warm up should also increase range of motion and mentally
prepare you for exercise. Warm ups should be specific to the type of exercise you are doing,
but should be a full body warm up even if you only plan to workout a few muscle groups.   For
example, if you are planning to do a leg workout you should do a warm up with mostly lower
body exercises, but also include a few upper body/full body exercises as well. On the other
hand, itIfis you
also importatct
 stop to stretch
exercising   out body before
abruptly going through
 without cooling any intense
down, workoutyour
because stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need
muscles will suddenly stop contracting vigorously. This can cause blood to pool in the lowerthat flexibility
to maintain of
extremities a  range
your of motion
body, in the your
leaving joints. blood
Without it, the
 without  asmuscles
much shorten
 to become
be pumpedtight.
back to the heart and brain. Stopping exercise too abruptly might make our heart rate drop
too fast, and could cause dizziness also the blood does not get to our head, creating the
2. What
potential will
of even happen
fainting. (effects)
Moreover, if there
our muscles willwill be
retain no metabolic
more cooling waste,
make usafter
tired and sore that day after, one of the causes we don’t engage in a
continuous workout. One study has also shown that athletes who perform an appropriate
cool-down are less likely to become injured. That is why these negative effects that can
possibly occur and happen to us can all be avoided by just simply cooling down after we
perform our exercise. That is why we should always remember that cooling down after a
workout is as important as warming up. This gives your muscles a chance to relax and
prevents your blood pressure from dropping too rapidly, which can happen if your blood is
allowed to pool in your extremities.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

Post-Test 4. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. It refers to a lifestyle that lacks physical exercise.

a. Sedentary Lifestyle c. Nomadic Lifestyle
b. Healthy Lifestyle d. Solo Lifestyle

2. It is a repeated, planned, and structured series of movements

which contributes to a person’s physical fitness.
a. Movement c. Practice
b. Exercise d. None of the above

3. Mr. Jerick is always doing jog, zumba, and stair climbing every day.
What type of exercise is he performing?
a. Strength Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Flexibility Exercise d. Aerobic Exercise

4. An exercise that helps avoid diabetes and heart diseases which also
builds cardiovascular endurance.
a. Aerobic Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Strength Exercise d. Flexibility Exercise

5. An intense exercise that specializes in strengthening the bones and

a. Balance Exercise c. Strength Exercise
C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

b. Flexibility Exercise d. Aerobic Exercise

6. What type of exercise should a weightlifter perform?

a. Flexibility Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Aerobic Exercise d. Strength Exercise

7. Which among the following exercise is best suited to perform

a. Aerobic Exercise c. Flexibility Exercise
b. Balance Exercise d. Strength Exercise

8. What phase must be done first in exercising?

a. Stretching c. Warm up
b. Conditioning d. All of the above

9. This phase ends your exercise session with recovery time for your
a. Cooling down Phase c. Conditioning Phase
b. Stretching Phase d. Warm Up Phase

10. Mr. Albasin wants his biceps to become manlier; what principle is
helpful for him?
a. Recovery c. Specificity
b. Reversibility d. Progression

11. What principle of exercise training addresses the diversity of

people’s physique, intelligence, emotion, social capacities, and
a. Progression c. Individuality
b. Overload d. Specificity

12. What principle of exercise training helps a person attain the

desired fitness goal by starting from basic to advanced
movements or exercises?

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

a. Overload c. Progression
b. Trainability d. Specificity

13. Mr. Roque is doing a strenuous workout in 2 consecutive days

and is starting to feel muscle pain, what principle is helpful for
a. Recovery c. Variety
b. Specificity d. Regularity
14. Mr. Richard wants his muscles to become stronger, what exercise
is perfect for him?
a. Strength Exercise c. Balance Exercise
b. Endurance Exercise d. Flexible Exercise

15. Based on the FITT principle, it refers to the kind of activity you
choose in doing exercise.
a. Intensity c. Time
b. Frequency d. Type

16. It measures how long you spend being physically active during
your daily routine.
a. Frequency c. Time
b. Intensity d. Type

17. This refers to how often you are physically active and usually
measured in days per week.
a. Frequency c. Time
b. Intensity d. Type

18. It describes on how hard your body is working during physical

a. Time c. Frequency
b. Intensity d. Type

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

19. Which of the following exercise is NOT helpful in making

your body flexible?
a. Stretching various parts of body c. One leg balance
b. Stork balance test d. Regular indulgence to Yoga

20. Why does strength exercise is said to help older adults

maintain their independence?
a. Strength training helps maintain the strength of bones and
muscles which prevent older adults from falling; it keeps their
regular works like lifting groceries active.
b. Strength training helps to promote coordination between the
body and brain.
c. Strength training improves brain function and bodily
d. It develops self-awareness.

21. Why is it important for older adults to perform daily balance

a. balance exercise helps the body to become more flexible and
helps older adults to do stunts
b. balance exercise is important because it helps the older adults
to become stronger and be able to do more regular works
c. balance exercise helps older adults to avoid stress
d. balance exercise strengthens the body’s core and helps prevent

22. Which among the following exercises are needed in order to

perform strength exercise?
a. Push-ups, Jogging and Doing yoga
b. Standing one foot, Doing yoga and Dancing
c. Lifting weights, Intense Push-ups and using resistance machines
at gym
d. Dancing, Jogging, and using resistance bands to leverage your
own body weight in building strength.

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya

Physical Education towards Health and Fitness 2020

23. Which of the following statement is NOT a benefit of aerobic

a. It helps us to prevent many illnesses.
b. It boosts our immunity.
c. It builds up endurance and keeps our heart and lungs healthy.
d. It increases the risks to injuries.

24. All of the following are the benefits of exercise, EXCEPT.

a. Easily gets depressed
b. Increase your chances of living longer
c. Improve your mental health and mood
d. It helps keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp
as you age.

25. The following are the reasons why we need to sequentially follow
the phases of exercise, EXCEPT.
a. To achieve the desired fitness level
b. To experience the chances of unintentional injuries
c. To prepare the muscles and joints including the ligaments
and tendon for an effective workout
d. To avoid muscle soreness, light headedness, and over fatigue

C. Balacuit;J. Amozon;J. Inabangan;E. Ruiz;& R. Rabaya


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