AUTOSAR EXP PlatformDesign

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design

AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design

Document Title
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 706

Document Status Final

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Adaptive Platform
Part of Standard Release 17-10

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
2017-10-27 17-10 AUTOSAR Added RESTful Communication
2017-03-31 17-03 AUTOSAR Initial release

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained
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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction to this document .............................................................................. 6
1.1 Contents ....................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Prereads....................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Relationship to other AUTOSAR specifications ............................................ 6
2 Technical Scope and Approach ........................................................................... 7
2.1 Overview – landscape of intelligent ECUs .................................................... 7
2.2 Technology Drivers ...................................................................................... 7
2.3 Adaptive Platform – Characteristics ............................................................. 8
C++...................................................................................................................... 8
SOA ..................................................................................................................... 8
Parallel processing .............................................................................................. 9
Leveraging existing standard............................................................................... 9
Safety and security .............................................................................................. 9
Planned dynamics ............................................................................................. 10
Agile .................................................................................................................. 10
2.4 Integration of Classic, Adaptive and Non-AUTOSAR ECUs ....................... 10
2.5 Scope of specification ................................................................................ 12
3 Architecture ....................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Logical view ................................................................................................ 13
ARA ................................................................................................................... 13
Language binding, C++ Standard Library, and POSIX API ............................... 14
Application launch and shutdown ...................................................................... 14
Application interactions...................................................................................... 14
Non-standard interfaces .................................................................................... 15
3.2 Physical view .............................................................................................. 15
OS, processes, and threads .............................................................................. 15
Library-based or Service based Functional Cluster implementation .................. 16
Interaction between Functional Clusters............................................................ 16
Machine/hardware ............................................................................................. 16
4 Methodology and Manifest ................................................................................ 18
4.1 Manifest...................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Application Design...................................................................................... 20
4.3 Application Manifest ................................................................................... 20
4.4 Service Instance Manifest .......................................................................... 21
4.5 Machine Manifest ....................................................................................... 21
5 Operating System .............................................................................................. 23
5.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 23
5.2 POSIX ........................................................................................................ 23
5.3 Scheduling ................................................................................................. 24
5.4 Memory management ................................................................................ 24
5.5 Device management .................................................................................. 24
6 Execution Management ..................................................................................... 25
6.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 25
6.2 System Startup ........................................................................................... 25
6.3 Execution Management Responsibilities .................................................... 25
6.4 State Management ..................................................................................... 26

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

7 Communication Management............................................................................ 28
7.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 28
7.2 Service Oriented Communication ............................................................... 28
7.3 Language binding and Network binding ..................................................... 29
7.4 Generated Proxies and Skeletons of C++ Language Binding .................... 30
7.5 Static and dynamic configuration................................................................ 30
8 RESTful Communication ................................................................................... 32
8.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 32
8.2 Architecture ................................................................................................ 32
8.3 Components ............................................................................................... 33
9 Diagnostics ........................................................................................................ 34
9.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 34
9.2 Diagnostic communication sub-cluster ....................................................... 34
9.3 Event memory sub-cluster.......................................................................... 35
10 Persistency .................................................................................................... 37
10.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 37
10.2 Key-Value Storage ..................................................................................... 37
10.3 File-Proxy Storage...................................................................................... 37
11 Safety............................................................................................................. 39
11.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 39
11.2 Protection of information exchange (E2E-Protection)................................. 39
11.3 Platform Health Management ..................................................................... 40
11.4 C++ coding guidelines ................................................................................ 40
12 Security .......................................................................................................... 42
12.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 42
12.2 Identity and Access Management .............................................................. 42
12.3 Crypto and Key Management (Crypto Stack) ............................................. 45
Security Architecture ......................................................................................... 45
Key Management Architecture .......................................................................... 46
Remarks on API Extension................................................................................ 47
13 Update and Configuration Management ........................................................ 48
13.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 48
13.2 Software Package processing .................................................................... 48
13.3 Software information reporting...................................................................... 48
13.4 Software update consistency ......................................................................... 48
14 Time Synchronization .................................................................................... 49
14.1 Overview .................................................................................................... 49
14.2 Design ........................................................................................................ 49
14.3 Architecture ................................................................................................ 50
15 References .................................................................................................... 51

Figure 2-1 Exemplary deployment of different platforms .......................................... 11

Figure 2-2 Exemplary interactions of AP and CP ..................................................... 11
Figure 3-1 AP architecture logical view .................................................................... 13
Figure 3-2 Applications ............................................................................................. 14

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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Figure 4-1 AP development workflow ....................................................................... 18

Figure 6-1 AP start-up sequence .............................................................................. 25
Figure 6-2 Interaction between States ...................................................................... 27
Figure 7-1 Service-oriented communication ............................................................. 28
Figure 7-2 Example Language and Network Binding ............................................... 29
Figure 8-1 ara::rest stack architecture overview ....................................................... 32
Figure 8-2 ara::rest components............................................................................... 33
Figure 12-1 High-level IAM Framework .................................................................... 44
Figure 2 Crypto Stack - Reference Architecture ....................................................... 46
Figure 3 CKI Key Management Interactions ............................................................. 47
Figure 14-1 Time Synchronization ............................................................................ 49

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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1 Introduction to this document

1.1 Contents
This specification describes the AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform (AP) design. The
purpose of this document is to provide an overview of AP, but is not to detail all the
elements of AP design. It is to provide the overall design of the AP and key concepts
for both AP users and AP implementers.

The document is organized as follows. It starts with Technical Scope and Approach
to provide some background of AP, followed by Architecture describing both logical
and physical views of AP. Independent chapters of Methodology and Manifest and all
Functional Clusters follow, which are the units of functionalities of AP, each
containing its overview and introductions to their key concepts.

The detailed specification and discussions on the explained concepts are defined in
the relevant RS, SWS, TR and EXP documents.

1.2 Prereads
This document is one of the high-level conceptual documents of AUTOSAR.
Useful pre-reads are [1] [2] [3].

1.3 Relationship to other AUTOSAR specifications

Refer to Contents and Prereads.

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

2 Technical Scope and Approach

2.1 Overview – landscape of intelligent ECUs

Today’s ECUs mainly implement functionality that replaces or augments electro-
mechanical systems. Software in those deeply-embedded ECUs control electrical
output signals based on input signals and information from other ECUs connected to
vehicle network. Much of the control software is designed and implemented for the
target vehicle and does not change fundamentally during vehicle life-time.

Future vehicle functions, such as highly automated driving, will introduce highly
complex and computing resource demanding software into the vehicles and must
fulfill strict integrity and security requirements. Such software realizes functions, such
as environment perception and behavior planning, and integrates the vehicle into
external backend and infrastructure systems. The software in the vehicle needs to be
changed during the lifecycle of the vehicle, due to evolving external systems or
improved functionality.

The AUTOSAR Classic Platform (CP) standard addresses the needs of deeply-
embedded ECUs, while the needs of ECUs described above cannot be fulfilled well.
Therefore, AUTOSAR specifies a second software platform, the AUTOSAR
Adaptive Platform (AP). AP provides mainly high-performance computing and
communication mechanisms and offers flexible software configuration, e.g. to support
software update over-the-air. Features specifically defined for the CP, such as
access to electrical signals and automotive specific bus systems, can be integrated
into the AP, but is not in the focus of standardization.

2.2 Technology Drivers

There are two major groups of technology drivers behind. One is Ethernet, and the
other is processors.

The ever-increasing bandwidth requirement of on-vehicle network has led to

introduction of Ethernet, that offers higher bandwidth and with switched networks,
enabling more efficient transfer of long messages, point-to-point communications,
among others, compared to the legacy in-vehicle communication technologies such
as CAN. The CP, although it supports Ethernet, is primarily designed for the legacy
communication technologies, and it has been optimized for such, and it is difficult to
fully utilize and benefit from the capability of Ethernet based communications.

Similarly, performance requirements for processors have grown tremendously in

recent years as vehicles are becoming even more intelligent. Multicore processors
are already in use with CP, but the needs for the processing power calls for more
than multicore. Manycore processors with tens to hundreds of cores, GPGPU
(General Purpose use of GPU), FPGA, and dedicated accelerators are emerging, as

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

these offer orders of magnitudes higher performance than the conventional MCUs.
The increasing number of cores overwhelms the design of CP, which was originally
designed for a single core MCU, though it can support multicore. Also, as the
computing power swells, the power efficiency is already becoming an issue even in
data centers, and it is in fact much more significant for these intelligent ECUs. From
semiconductor and processor technologies point of view, constrained by Pollack’s
Rule, it is physically not possible to increase the processor frequency endlessly and
the only way to scale the performance is to employ multiple (and many) cores and
execute in parallel. Also, it is known that the best performance-per-watt is achieved
by mix of different computing resources like manycore, co-processors, GPU, FPGA,
and accelerators. This is called heterogeneous computing – which is now being
exploited in HPC (High Performance Computing) - certainly overwhelms the scope of
CP by far.

It is also worthwhile to mention that there is a combined effect of both processors and
faster communications. As more processing elements are being combined in a single
chip like manycore processors, the communication between these processing
element is becoming orders of magnitude faster and efficient than legacy inter-ECU
communications. This has been made possible by new type of processor inter-
connect technologies such as Network-on-Chip (NoC). Such combined effects of
more processing power and faster communication within a chip also prompts the
need for a new platform that can scale over ever-increasing system requirements.

2.3 Adaptive Platform – Characteristics

The characteristic of AP is shaped by the Overview – landscape of intelligent ECUs
and Technology Drivers. The landscape inevitably demands significantly more
computing power, and the technologies trend provides baseline of fulfilling such
needs. However, the HPC in the space of safety related domain while power and
cost efficiencies also matter, is by itself imposes various new technical challenges.

To tackle them, AP employs various proven technologies traditionally not fully

exploited by ECUs, while allowing maximum freedom in the AP implementation to
leverage the innovative technologies.
From top-down, the applications can be programmed in C++. It is now the language
of choice for the development of new algorithms and application software in
performance critical complex applications in the software industry and in academics.
This should bring the faster adaptation of novel algorithms and improve application
development productivity, if properly employed.
To support the complex applications, while allowing maximum flexibility and
scalability in processing distribution and compute resource allocations, AP follows
service-oriented-architecture (SOA). The SOA is based on the concept that a system
consists of set of services, in which one may use another in turn, and applications

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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that uses one or more of the services depending on its needs. Often SOA exhibits
system-of-system characteristics, which AP also has. A service, for instance, may
reside on local ECU that the application runs, or it can be on a remote ECU, which is
also running another instance of AP. The application code is the same in both cases
– the communication infrastructure will take care of the difference providing the
transparent communication. Another way to look at this architecture is that of
distributed computing, communicating over some form of message passing. At large,
all these represent the same concept. This message passing, communication based
architecture can also benefit from the rise of fast and high-bandwidth communication
such as Ethernet.
Parallel processing
The distributed computing is inherently parallel. The SOA, as different applications
uses different set of services, shares this characteristic. The advancement or
manycore processors and heterogeneous computing that offer parallel processing
capability offers technological opportunities to harness the computing power to match
the inherent parallelism. Thus, the AP possesses the architectural capability to scale
its functionality and performance as the manycore-heterogeneous computing
technologies advance. Indeed, the hardware and platform interface specification are
only parts of the equation, and advancements in OS/hypervisor technologies and
development tools such as automatic parallelization tools are also critical, which are
to be fulfilled by AP provider and the industry/academic eco-system. The AP aims to
accommodate such technologies as well.
Leveraging existing standard
There is no point in re-inventing the wheels, especially when it comes to
specifications, not implementations. As with already described in C++, AP takes the
strategy of reusing and adapting the existing open standards, to facilitate the faster
development of the AP itself and benefiting from the eco-systems of existing
standards. It is therefore a critical focus in developing the AP specification not to
casually introduce a new replacement functionality that an existing standard already
offers. For instance, this means no new interfaces are casually introduced just
because an existing standard provides the functionality required but the interface
superficially is not easy to understand.
Safety and security
The systems that AP targets often require some level of safety and security, possibly
at its highest level. The introduction of new concepts and technologies should not
undermine such requirements although it is not trivial to achieve. To cope with the
challenge, AP combines architectural, functional, and procedural approaches. The
architecture is based on distributed computing based on SOA, which inherently
makes each component more independent and free of unintended interferences,
dedicated functionalities to assist achieving safety and security, and guidelines such
as C++ coding guideline, which facilitates the safe and secure usage of complex
language like C++, for example.

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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Planned dynamics
The AP supports incremental deployment of applications, where resources and
communications are managed dynamically to reduce the effort for software
development and integration, enabling short iteration cycles. Incremental deployment
also supports explorative software development phases.

For product delivery, AP allows the system integrator to carefully limit dynamic
behavior to reduce the risk of unwanted or adverse effects allowing safety
qualification. Dynamic behavior of an application will be limited by constraints stated
in the Application Manifest. The interplay of the manifests of several applications may
cause that already at design time. Nevertheless, at execution time dynamic allocation
of resources and communication paths are only possible in defined ways, within
configured ranges, for example.

Implementations of an AP may further remove dynamic capabilities from the software

configuration for production use. Examples for planned dynamics might be:

 Pre-determination of service discovery process

 Restriction of dynamic memory allocation to startup phase only
 Fair scheduling policy instead of priority-based scheduling
 Fixed allocation of processes to CPU cores
 Access to pre-existing files in the file-system only
 Constraints for AP API usage by Applications
 Execution of authenticated code only

Although not directly reflected in the platform functionalities, the AP aims to be
adaptive to different product development processes, especially agile based
processes. For agile based development, it is critical that the underlying architecture
of system is incrementally scalable, with the possibility of updating the system after
its deployment. The architecture of AP should allow this. As the proof of concept, the
AP specification itself and the demonstrator, the demonstrative implementation of
AP, are both developed with Scrum.

2.4 Integration of Classic, Adaptive and Non-AUTOSAR ECUs

As described in previous sections, AP will not replace CP or Non-AUTOSAR
platforms in IVI/COTS. Rather, it will interact with these platforms and external
backend systems such as road-side infrastructures, to form an integrated system
(Figure 2-1 Exemplary deployment of different platforms, and Figure 2-2 Exemplary
interactions of AP and CP). As an example, CP already incorporates SOME/IP,
which is also supported by AP, among other protocols.

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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Figure 2-1 Exemplary deployment of different platforms

Figure 2-2 Exemplary interactions of AP and CP

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

2.5 Scope of specification

AP defines the runtime system architecture, what constitutes a platform, and what
functionalities and interfaces it provides. It also defines machine readable models
that are used in the development of such a system. The specification should provide
necessary information on developing a system using the platform, and what needs to
be met to implement the platform itself.

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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3 Architecture

3.1 Logical view

Figure 3-1 AP architecture logical view shows the architecture of AP. The Adaptive
Applications (AA) run on top of ARA, AUTOSAR Runtime for Adaptive
applications. ARA consists of application interfaces provided by Functional
Clusters, which belong to either Adaptive Platform Foundation or Adaptive
Platform Services. Adaptive Platform Foundation provides fundamental
functionalities of AP, and Adaptive Platform Services provide platform standard
services of AP. Any AA can also provide Services to other AA, illustrated as Non-
platform service in the figure.

The interface of Functional Clusters, either they are those of Adaptive Platform
Foundation or Adaptive Platform Services, are indifferent from AA point of view –
they just provide specified C++ interface, or any other language bindings AP may
support in future. There are indeed differences under the hood. Also, note that
underneath the ARA interface, including the libraries of ARA invoked in the AA
contexts, may use other interfaces than ARA to implement the specification of AP
and it is up to the design of AP implementation.

Figure 3-1 AP architecture logical view

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

Be aware that Figure 3-1 AP architecture logical view contains Functional Clusters
that are not part of initial releases of AP, to provide a better idea of overall structure.
Further new Functional Clusters not shown here may well be added future releases
of AP.
Language binding, C++ Standard Library, and POSIX API
The language binding of these API is based on C++, and the C++ Standard library is
also available as part of ARA. Regarding the OS API, only PSE51 interface, a single-
process profile of POSIX standard is available as part of ARA. The PSE51 has been
selected to offer portability for existing POSIX applications, and to achieve freedom
of interference among applications.

Note that the C++ Standard Library contains many interfaces based on POSIX,
including multi-threading APIs. It is recommended not to mix the C++ Standard
library threading interface with the native PSE51 threading interface to avoid
complications. Unfortunately, the C++ Standard Library does not cover all the PSE51
functionalities, such as setting thread scheduling policy. In such cases, combined use
of both interfaces may be necessary.
Application launch and shutdown
Lifecycles of applications are managed by Execution Management (EM).
Loading/launching of application is managed by using the functionalities of EM, and it
needs appropriate configuration at system integration time or at runtime to launch an
application. In fact, all the Functional Clusters are applications from EM point of view,
and they are also launched in the same manner, except for EM itself. Figure 3-2
Applications illustrates different types of applications within and on AP.

Figure 3-2 Applications

Application interactions
Regarding interaction between AAs, PSE51 do not include IPC (Inter-Process-
Communication), so there is no direct interface to interact between AAs. The
Communication Management (CM) is the only explicit interface. CM also provides
Service Oriented Communication for both intra-machine and inter-machine, which

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

are transparent to applications. CM handles routing of Service requests/replies

regardless of the topological deployment of Service and client applications. Note that
other ARA interfaces may internally trigger interactions between AAs, however this is
not explicit communication interface but just a byproduct of functionalities provided by
the respective ARA interfaces.
Non-standard interfaces
AA and Functional Clusters may use any non-standard interfaces, provided that they
do not conflict with the standard AP functionalities and also that they conform to the
safety/security requirements of the project. Unless they are pure application local
runtime libraries, a care should be taken to keep such use minimal, as this will impact
the software portability onto other AP implementations.

3.2 Physical view

The physical architecture of AP is discussed here. Note that the most of contents in
this section are for illustration purpose only, and do not constitute the formal
requirement specification of AP, as the internals of AP are implementation defined.
Any formal requirement on the AP implementation is explicitly stated.
OS, processes, and threads
The AP Operating System is required to provide multi-process POSIX OS capability.
Each AA is implemented as an independent process, with its own logical memory
space and name space. Note that a single AA may contain multiple processes, and
this may be deployed onto a single AP instance or distributed over multiple AP

Functional Clusters are also typically implemented as processes. A Functional

Cluster may also be implemented with a single process or multiple (sub) processes.
The Adaptive Platform Services and the non-platform Services are also implemented
as processes.

All these processes can be a single-threaded process or a multi-threaded process.

However, the OS API they can use differs depending on which logical layer the
processes belong to. If they are AAs running on top of ARA, then they should only
use PSE51. If a process is one of the Functional Clusters, it is free to use any OS
interface available.

In summary, from the OS point of view, the AP and AA forms just a set of processes,
each containing one or multiple threads – there are no difference among these
processes, though it is up to the implementation of AP to offer any sort of partitioning.
These processes do interact with each other through IPC or any other OS
functionalities available. Note that AA processes, may not use IPC directly and can
only communicate via ARA.

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

Library-based or Service based Functional Cluster implementation

As in Figure 3-1 AP architecture logical view, a Functional Cluster can be an
Adaptive Platform Foundation module or an Adaptive Platform Service. As described
previously, these are generally both processes. For them to interact with AAs, which
are also processes, they need to use IPC. There are two alternative designs to
achieve this. One is “Library-based” design, in which the interface library, provided by
the Functional Cluster and linked to AA, calls IPC directly. The other is “Service-
based” design, where the process uses Communication Management functionality
and has a Server proxy library linked to the AA. The proxy library calls
Communication Management interface, which coordinates IPC between the AA
process and Server process. Note it is implementation defined whether AA only
directly performs IPC with Communication Management or mix with direct IPC with
the Server through the proxy library.

A general guideline to select a design for Functional Cluster is that if it is only used
locally in an AP instance, the Library-based design is more appropriate, as it is
simpler and can be more efficient. If it is used from other AP instance in distributed
fashion, it is advised to employ the Service-based design, as the Communication
Management provides transparent communication regardless of the locations of the
client AA and Service. Functional Clusters belonging to Adaptive Platform
Foundation are “Library-based” and Adaptive Platform Services are “Service-based”
as the name rightly indicate.

Finally, note that it is allowed for an implementation of a FC to not to have a process

but realize in the form of library, running in the context of AA process, as long as it
fulfils the defined RS and SWS of the FC. In this case, the interaction between an AA
and the FC will be regular procedure call instead of IPC-based as described
Interaction between Functional Clusters
In general, the Functional Clusters may interact each other in the AP implementation
specific ways, as they are not bound to ARA interfaces, like for example PSE51, that
restricts the use of IPC. It may indeed use ARA interfaces of other Functional
Clusters, which are public interfaces. One typical interaction model between
Functional Clusters is to use protected interfaces of Functional Clusters to provide
privileged access required to achieve the special functionalities of Functional
The AP regards a hardware it runs on as a Machine. The rationale behind is that the
hardware may be virtualized using various hypervisor related technologies, and to
achieve consistent platform view regardless of such.

On a hardware, there can be one or more Machines, and only a single instance of AP
runs on a machine. It is generally assumed that this ‘hardware’ includes a single chip,
hosting a single or multiple Machines. However, it is also possible that multiple chips
form a single Machine, if the AP implementation allows it.

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4 Methodology and Manifest

The support for distributed, independent, and agile development of functional
applications requires a standardized approach on the development methodology.
AUTOSAR adaptive methodology involves the standardization of work products for
the description of artifacts like services, applications, machines, and their
configuration; and the respective tasks to define how these work products shall
interact to achieve the exchange of design information for the various activities
required for the development of products for the adaptive platform.
Figure 4.1 illustrates a draft overview how adaptive methodology might be
implemented. For the details of these steps see [3].

Figure 4-1 AP development workflow

4.1 Manifest
A Manifest represents a piece of AUTOSAR model description that is created to
support the configuration of an AUTOSAR AP product and which is uploaded to the

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
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AUTOSAR AP product, potentially in combination with other artifacts (like binary files)
that contain executable code to which the Manifest applies.

The usage of a Manifest is limited to the AUTOSAR AP. This does not mean,
however, that all ARXML produced in a development project that targets the
AUTOSAR AP is automatically considered a Manifest.
In fact, the AUTOSAR AP is usually not exclusively used in a vehicle project.

A typical vehicle will most likely be also equipped with a number of ECUs developed
on the AUTOSAR CP and the system design for the entire vehicle will therefore have
to cover both – ECUs built on top of the AUTOSAR CP and ECUs created on top of

In principle, the term Manifest could be defined such that there is conceptually just
one "Manifest" and every deployment aspect would be handled in this context. This
does not seem appropriate because it became apparent that manifest-related model-
elements exist that are relevant in entirely different phases of a typical development

This aspect is taken as the main motivation that next to the application design it is
necessary to subdivide the definition of the term Manifest in three different partitions:

Application Design This kind of description specifies all design-related aspects that
apply to the creation of application software for the AUTOSAR AP. It is not
necessarily required to be deployed to the adaptive platform machine, but the
application design aids the definition of the deployment of application software in the
Application Manifest and Service Instance Manifest.

Application Manifest This kind of Manifest is used to specify the deployment-related

information of applications running on the AUTOSAR AP.
An Application Manifest is bundled with the actual executable code to support the
integration of the executable code onto the machine.

Service Instance Manifest This kind of Manifest is used to specify how service-
oriented communication is configured in terms of the requirements of the underlying
transport protocols.
A Service Instance Manifest is bundled with the actual executable code that
implements the respective usage of service-oriented communication.

Machine Manifest This kind of Manifest is supposed to describe deployment-related

content that applies to the configuration of just the underlying machine (i.e. without
any applications running on the machine) that runs an AUTOSAR AP.
A Machine Manifest is bundled with the software taken to establish an instance of the

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Explanation of Adaptive Platform Design
AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

The temporal division between the definition (and usage) of different kinds of
Manifest leads to the conclusion that in most cases different physical files will be
used to store the content of the three kinds of Manifest.

In addition to the Application Design and the different kinds of Manifest the
AUTOSAR Methodology supports a System Design with the possibility to describe
Software Components of both AUTOSAR Platforms that will be used in a System in
one single model. The Software Components of the different AUTOSAR platforms
may communicate in the service-oriented way with each other. But it is also possible
to describe a mapping of Signals to Services to create a bridge between the service-
oriented communication and the signal-based communication.

4.2 Application Design

The application design describes all design-related modeling that applies to the
creation of application software for the AUTOSAR AP.

The Application Design focuses on the following aspects:

 Data types used to classify information for the software design and
 Service interfaces as the pivotal element for service-oriented communication
 Definition how service-oriented communication is accessible by the application
 Persistency Interfaces as the pivotal element to access persistent data and files
 Definition how persistent storage is accessible by the application
 Definition how files are accessible by the application
 Definition how crypto software is accessible by the application
 Definition how the Platform Health Management is accessible by the application
 Serialization properties to define the characteristics how data is serialized for the
transport on the network
 REST service interfaces as the pivotal element to communicate with a web
service by means of the REST pattern
 Description of client and server capabilities
 Grouping of applications in order to ease the deployment of software.

The artifacts defined in the application design are independent from a specific
deployment of the application software and thus ease the reuse of application
implementations for different deployment scenarios.

4.3 Application Manifest

The purpose of the application manifest is to provide information that is needed for
the actual deployment of an application onto the AUTOSAR AP.
The general idea is to keep the application software code as independent as possible
from the deployment scenario to increase the odds that the application software can
be reused in different deployment scenarios.

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With the application manifest the instantiation of applications is controlled, thus it is

possible to
 instantiate the same application software several times on the same machine, or
 deploy the application software to several machines and instantiate the
application software per machine.

The Application Manifest focuses on the following aspects:

 Startup configuration to define how the application instance shall be started. The
startup includes the definition of startup options, and access roles.
Each startup may be dependent on machines states and/or function group states.

4.4 Service Instance Manifest

The implementation of service-oriented communication on the network requires
configuration which is specific to the used communication technology (e.g.
SOME/IP). Since the communication infrastructure shall behave the same on the
provider and the requesters of a service, the implementation of the service must be
compatible on both sides.

The Service Instance Manifest focuses on the following aspects:

 Service interface deployment to define how a service shall be represented on the
specific communication technology.
 Service instance deployment to define for specific provided and required service
instances the required credentials for the communication technology.
 Configuration of E2E protection
 Configuration of Security protection

4.5 Machine Manifest

The machine manifest allows to configure the actual adaptive platform instance
running on a specific hardware (machine).

The Machine Manifest focuses on the following aspects:

 Configuration of the network connection and defining the basic credentials for the
network technology (e.g. for Ethernet this involves setting of a static IP address or
the definition of DHCP).
 Configuration of the service discovery technology (e.g. for SOME/IP this involves
the definition of the IP port and IP multicast address to be used).
 Definition of the used machine states
 Definition of the used function groups
 Configuration of the adaptive platform functional cluster implementations (e.g. the
operating system provides a list of OS users with specific rights).
 Configuration of the Crypto platform Module

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 Configuration of Platform Health Management

 Documentation of available hardware resources (e.g. how much RAM is available;
how many processor cores are available)

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5 Operating System

5.1 Overview
The Operating System is responsible for run-time resource management (including
time) for all Applications on the Adaptive Platform. Execution Management is
responsible for platform initialization and the start-up / shut-down of Applications,
working in cooperation with OS.

Adaptive Platform does not specify a new Operating System for highly performant
processors. Rather, it defines an execution context and Operating System Interface
(OSI) for use by Adaptive Applications.

The OSI specification contains application interfaces that are part of ARA, the
standard application interface of Adaptive Application. The OS itself may very well
provide other interfaces, such as creating processes, that are required by Execution
Management to start an Application. However, the interfaces providing such
functionality, among others, are not available as part of ARA and it is defined to be
platform implementation dependent.

The OSI provides both C and C++ interfaces. In case of a C program, the
application’s main source code business logic include C function calls defined in the
POSIX standard, namely PSE51 defined in IEEE1003.13 [1]. During compilation, the
compiler determines which C library from the platform’s operating system provides
these C functions and the application’s executable shall be linked against at runtime.
In case of a C++ program, application software component’s source code includes
function calls defined in the C++ Standard and its Standard C++ Library.

There are several operating systems on the market, e.g. Linux, that provide POSIX
compliant interfaces. However, applications are required to use a more restricted API
to the operating systems as compared to the platform services and foundation.

The general assumption is that a user Application shall use PSE51 as OS interface
whereas platform Application may use full POSIX. In case more features are needed
on application level they will be taken from the POSIX standard and NOT newly
specified wherever possible.

The implementation of Adaptive Platform Foundation and Adaptive Platform Services

functionality may use further POSIX calls. The use of specific calls will be left open to
the implementer and not standardized.

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5.3 Scheduling
The operating system provides multi-threading and multi-process support. The
standard scheduling policies are SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR, which are defined
by the POSIX standard. Other scheduling policies such as SCHED_DEADLINE or
any other operating system specific policies are allowed, with limitation that this may
not be portable across different AP implementations.

5.4 Memory management

One of the reasons behind the multi-process support is to realize ‘freedom of
interferences’ among different Functional Clusters and AA. The multi-process support
by OS forces each process to be in an independent address space, separated and
protected from other processes. Two instances of the same executable run in
different address spaces such that they may share the same entry point address and
code as well as data values at startup however the data will be in different physical
pages in memory.

5.5 Device management

Device management will be provided under POSIX PSE51 interfaces. Refer to
POSIX specifications for details.

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6 Execution Management

6.1 Overview
Execution Management is responsible for all aspects of system execution
management including platform initialization and startup / shutdown of Applications.
Execution Management works in conjunction with the Operating System to perform
run-time scheduling of Applications.

6.2 System Startup

When the Machine is started, the OS will be initialized first and then Execution
Management is launched as one of the OS’s initial processes. Other functional
clusters and platform-level Applications of the Adaptive Platform Foundation are then
launched by Execution Management. After the Adaptive Platform Foundation is up
and running, Execution Management continues launching Adaptive Applications. The
startup order of the platform-level Applications and the Adaptive Applications are
determined by the Execution Management, based on Machine Manifest and
Application Manifest information.

Figure 6-1 AP start-up sequence

6.3 Execution Management Responsibilities

Execution Management is responsible for all aspects of Adaptive Platform execution
management and Application execution management including:

1. Platform Lifecycle Management

Execution Management is launched as part of the Adaptive Platform startup
phase and is responsible for the initialization of the Adaptive Platform and
deployed Applications.

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2. Application Lifecycle Management

The Execution Management is responsible for the ordered startup and shutdown
of the deployed Applications. The Execution Management determines the set of
deployed Applications based on information in the Machine Manifest and
Application Manifests and derives an ordering for startup/shutdown based on
declared Application dependencies. Depending on the Machine State and on the
Function Group States, deployed Applications are started during Adaptive
Platform startup or later, however it is not expected that all will begin active work
immediately since many Applications will provide services to other Applications
and therefore wait and “listen” for incoming service requests.

The Execution Management is not responsible for run-time scheduling of

Applications since this is the responsibility of the Operating System. However, the
Execution Management is responsible for initialization / configuration of the OS to
enable it to perform the necessary run-time scheduling based on information
extracted by the Execution Management from the Machine Manifest and Application

6.4 State Management

State Management provides a mechanism to define the state of the operation for an
Adaptive Platform. The Application Manifest allows definition in which States the
Application Executables shall run. State Management grants full control over the set
of Applications to be executed and ensures that Applications are only executed (and
hence resources allocated) when needed.

Machine States and Function Group States define the current set of running
Applications. They are significantly influenced by vehicle-wide events and modes.
Each Application declares in its Application Manifest in which States it shall be active.

Four different states are relevant for Execution Management:

• Machine State
Machine States are mainly used to control machine lifecycle (startup/
shutdown/restart), platform level processes, and other infrastructure. There
are several mandatory Machine states that must be present on each machine.
Additional machine specific Machine States can be defined in the Machine
• Function Group State
Function Group States are mainly used to individually start and stop groups of
functionally coherent user level Application processes. They can be configured
in the Machine Manifest.
• Process State
Process States are used for Application Lifecycle Management and are
implemented by an Execution Management internal state machine.

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• Application State
The Application State characterizes the internal lifecycle of any instance of an
Application Executable, i.e. process. Each process must report Application
State changes to Execution Management.

vehicle management, error management, diagnostics, authorized applications, etc.


State Management
Arbitration of input data (e.g. state requests, events) to determine current target states

SetFunctionGroupState ConfirmState: SetFunctionGroupState ConfirmState:

(FG1, State2) FG1, State2 (FG1, State3) FG1, State3

Execution Management

initial state of
Function State Transition FG1:State2 State Transition FG1:State3
Group “FG1“
State Transitions
FG1 State managed by EM

Idle Starting
(Application process
Execute Schedule Running Terminate Terminating process
Manifest created,
references resources
FG1:State2) allocated
Process Lifecycle
Process State managed by EM

Terminate() “waitpid”
ReportApplicationState ReportApplicationState
schedule (Terminating)
Start() (Running) process

Initializing Terminating
application store data,
create process perform main Terminate
data free resources,
allocate functionality trigger
initialization exit
Application State
Application Process

Figure 6-2 Interaction between States

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7 Communication Management

7.1 Overview
The Communication Management is responsible for all aspects of communication
between applications in a distributed real-time embedded environment.

The concept behind is to abstract from the actual mechanisms to find and connect
communication partners such that implementers of application software can focus on
the specific purpose of their application.

7.2 Service Oriented Communication

The notion of a service means functionality provided to applications beyond the
functionality already provided by the basic operating software. The Communication
Management software provides mechanisms to offer or consume such services for
intra-machine communication as well as inter-machine communication.

A service consists of a combination of

 Events
 Methods
 Fields

Communication paths between communication partners can be established at

design-, at startup- or at run-time. An important component of that mechanism is the
Service Registry that acts as a brokering instance and is also part of the
Communication Management software.

Figure 7-1 Service-oriented communication

Each application that provides services registers these services at the Service
Registry. To use a service a consuming application needs to find the requested

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service by querying the Service Registry, this process is known as Service


7.3 Language binding and Network binding

The Communication Management provides standardized means how a defined
service is presented to the application implementer (upper layer, Language Binding)
as well as the respective representation of the service’s data on the network (lower
layer, Network Binding). This assures portability of source code and compatibility of
compiled services across different implementations of the platform.

The Language binding defines how the methods, events and fields of a service are
translated into directly accessible identifiers by using convenient features of the
targeted programming language. Performance and type safety (as far as supported
by the target language) are the primary goals. Therefore, the Language Binding is
typically implemented by a source code generator that is fed by the service interface


Application layer
Proxy->setX(…) (type safe)
- analog to Rte_write_X ()

Generated from ARXML.

API API Independent from
Language Binding communication technology
Operating Execution
Communication Binding
system Management Generated based on used
Com Middleware transport layer (serialization)

Adaptive AUTOSAR Foundation Not standardized

- analog to

Figure 7-2 Example Language and Network Binding

The Network Binding defines how the actual data of a configured service is serialized
and bound to a specific network. It can be implemented based on Communication
Management configuration (interface definition of the AUTOSAR meta model) either
by interpreting a generated service specific recipe or by directly generating the
serializing code itself.

The local Service Registry is also part of the Network Binding.

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Please note: the interface between Language Binding and Network Binding is
considered as a private interface inside Communication Management software.
Therefore, a normative specification defining this interface is currently out of scope.
Nevertheless, platform vendors are encouraged to define independently such an
interface for their software to allow for easy implementation of other Language
Bindings than C++ together with other Network Bindings inside their platform

7.4 Generated Proxies and Skeletons of C++ Language Binding

The upper layer interface of the C++ Language Binding provides an object-oriented
mapping of the services defined in the interface description of the AUTOSAR meta

A generator that is part of the development tooling for the Communication

Management software generates C++ classes that contain type safe representations
of the fields, events, and methods of each respective service.

On the service implementation side, these generated classes are named Service
Provider Skeletons. On the client side, they are called Service Requester Proxies.

For Service Methods, a Service Requester Proxy provides mechanisms for

synchronous (blocking the caller until the server returns a result) and asynchronous
calling (called function returns immediately). A caller can start other activities in
parallel and receives the result when the server’s return value is available via special
features of the C++ standard template library (std::future).

A platform implementation may be configured such that the generator creates mock-
up classes for easy development of client functionality when the respective server is
not yet available. The same mechanism can also be used for unit testing the client.

Whereas proxy classes can be used directly by the client the Service Provider
Skeletons for the C++ binding are just abstract base classes. A service
implementation shall derive from the generated base class and implement the
respective functionality.

The interfaces of ara::com can also provide proxies and skeletons for safety related
E2E protected communication. These interfaces are designed that compatibility to
the applications is assured independent whether E2E protection is switched on or off.

7.5 Static and dynamic configuration

Configuration of communication paths can happen at design-, at startup- or at run-
time and is therefore considered either static or dynamic:

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 Full static configuration:

service discovery is not needed at all as the server knows all clients and clients
know the server.
 No discovery by application code:
the clients know the server but the server does not know the clients. Event
subscription is the only dynamic communication pattern in the application.
 Full service discovery in the application:
No communication paths are known at configuration time. An API for Service
discovery allows the application code to choose the service instance at runtime.

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8 RESTful Communication
8.1 Overview
Both communication stacks, ara::com and ara::rest can establish communication
paths between Adaptive Applications. ara::rest is a framework to build RESTful APIs
as well as specific services on top of such an API. It does not define a specific API
out-of-the-box to construct directly RESTful services. This framework is modular, it
enables developers to access different layers involved in RESTful message
transactions directly. In contrast, the focus of ara::com is to provide a traditional
function call interface and to hide all details of the transactions beyond this point.
Another important difference is that ara::rest ensures interoperability with non-
AUTOSAR peers. For example, an ara::rest service can communicate with a mobile
HTTP/JSON client and vice versa.

8.2 Architecture
The Architecture of ara::rest is based on a modular design which supports
developers at the level of API as well as service design. The following diagram
illustrates its general design. It depicts how a service application is composed in

Figure 8-1 ara::rest stack architecture overview

The generic REST layer of ara::rest only provides three fundamental abstractions: A
tree-structured message payload (Object Graph), a URI and a request method (like
GET or POST known from HTTP). From these basic primitives domain-specific
RESTful APIs can be composed which defines a concrete high-level protocol for
interaction via object graphs, URI and methods. Its purpose is to define the rules for
access into a domain-specific data model and to provide an abstract (C++) API to an
application. Instead of using this Domain API, it is also possible for an Adaptive
Application to use ara::rest directly when this further abstraction is not needed.

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8.3 Components
ara::rest comprises of the following set of components.

Figure 8-2 ara::rest components

The Object Graph is a protocol-binding independent tree-like data structure which is
the cornerstone of all ara::rest communication. Its purpose is to map to a protocol
format such as JSON as well as to C structs. This maximizes compatibility with non-
ARA communication peers and Classic AUTOSAR. Object graphs are transmitted in
messages which abstract completely from a concrete underlying protocol binding.
Still they enable a user to access protocol-specific details if required.

Messages encapsulate the entire context of a request/reply communication cycle in

the asynchronous programming model of ara::rest.

The routing concept provides a means to map requests (including request method
and URI) onto user-defined handler functions. Routing is the cornerstone to lift
abstraction from generic REST into a specific kind of RESTful API.

Uri is a generic RFC-compliant but highly efficient URI representation.

ara::rest provides so-called (network) endpoints for server and client communication
which both provide a comparable degrees of resource control. Both are designed to
provide fast and efficient communication capabilities on single as well as multi-core

The entire framework design is strictly geared towards maximal resource control. All
computations and allocations can be strictly controlled and customized to the precise
needs of an application (deployment).

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9 Diagnostics

9.1 Overview
The Diagnostic Management realizes the ISO 14229-5 (UDSonIP) which is mainly
based on the ISO 14229-1 (UDS) and ISO 13400-2 (DoIP).

The Diagnostic Management is an Adaptive Platform Service using ara::com.

Therefore, it is language independent and may be able to serve Adaptive
Applications with other language bindings e.g. Java in future.
The configuration is based on the AUTOSAR Diagnostic Extract Template (DEXT) of
the Classic Platform. DEXT starts to be settled in the market and is already used and
supported by several OEMs and vendors.

The supported Transport Layer is DoIP. Future Adaptive Platforms will support
further Transport Layers e.g. CAN. Maybe also customized Transport Layers are also
planned to be supported, because DoIP is typically not used as in-vehicle protocol.

The scope is to abstract the diagnostic protocol from Adaptive Applications. The
interfaces are harmonized with the Classic Platform (e.g. SetEventStatus) to allow an
easy change for Classic Platform developers.

9.2 Diagnostic communication sub-cluster

The diagnostic communication sub-cluster is like the DCM of the Classic Platform – it
realizes the diagnostic server. Currently the supported services are limited, but the
support of further UDS services will be extended in future releases.

Beside the pseudo parallel client handling of ISO 14229-1, the Diagnostic Manager
(DM) is extended to support a full parallel handling of different diagnostic clients. This
satisfies the demands of modern vehicle architectures including several diagnostic
clients (tester) for data collection, access from the backend, SOTA (Software Over-
the-Air) and finally the classic workshop and production use-cases.

Diagnostic agnostic Adaptive Application (AA)

In this case the DM uses an existing interface of an AA to fulfill a certain diagnostic

The AAs interface, which DM uses to serve the diagnostic request, is an existing one,
which cannot be changed and was NOT developed with diagnostic needs in mind.
Adapting the existing interface in a way, which perfectly suits the diagnostic
requirements/expectations defined by the tester is not an option, since AA shall not
be changed.

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The typical candidates for such use cases are UDS DataServices (RDBI), where
some information provided by an AA anyway like vehicle speed shall be made
accessible via UDS diagnostics.

Diagnostic aware Adaptive Application (AA)

In this case the DM dispatches an incoming diagnostic request (typically routine
control or DID related service) to an AA, which provides an explicit diagnosis related
interface (service interface specific to UDS service type. E.g. the service interface for
a routine control consists of methods "start", "requetsResults" and "stop" and each
method defines specific UDS error codes as application errors).

Parameters parsed/serialized by AA itself from/to UINT8-Array

in this case the entire UDS data-parameters starting with data-parameter#1 in the
request and the entire UDS data-parameters starting with data-parameter#1 in the
positive response are given as IN/OUT parameters of type UINT8-Array to the
service method.

Parameters given as typed in/out method parameters

in this case the entire UDS data-parameters starting with data-parameter#1 in the
request and the entire UDS data-parameters starting with data-parameter#1 in the
positive response are given as distinct IN/OUT parameters of data type according to
the type definition of the DiagnosticDataElement related to the data-parameter#N in

9.3 Event memory sub-cluster

The event memory sub-cluster is like DEM of the Classic Platform – it is responsible
for DTC management.

The supported functionality and interface are like the Classic Platform. The
diagnostic monitor is represented as (Diagnostic-)Event which can be combined with
a DTC. The DTC can be assigned to PrimaryMemory (accessible via 19 02/04/06) or
to configurable UserMemories (accessible via 0x19 17/18/19). The DTC can store
Snapshot- and ExtendedDataRecords.

Counter- and Timebase Debouncing are supported. Furthermore, DM offers

notifications about internal transitions: interested parties are informed about DTC
status byte changes, the need of monitor re-initialization for DiagnosticEvents and if
the Snapshot- or ExtendedDataRecord is changed.

The operation cycle changes – important for the aging and readiness calculation –
need to be forwarded to the DM.

Same applies for the storage- and enable conditions – changes need to be forwarded
to DM. By enable conditions the general update of DTCs can be controlled e.g. to

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disable all network related monitors within under voltage conditions. By storage
conditions the DTC cannot be stored in the DTC memory.

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10 Persistency

10.1 Overview
Persistency offers mechanisms to Applications to store information in the non-volatile
memory of an Adaptive Platform. The data is available over boot and ignition cycles.
Persistency offers a library based approach to access the non-volatile memory.

The Persistency library takes storage location identifiers as parameters from the
application to address different storage locations.

The available storage locations fall into two categories:

- Key-Value Storage
- File-Proxy Storage

Every application may use a combination of multiple of these storage types.

Persistent data is always private to one application. There is no mechanism available

to share data between different applications using the Persistency library. This
decision was taken to prevent a second communication path beneath the
functionality provided by Communication Management.

Persistency offers encryption for stored data to make sure that sensitive data will be
encrypted before storing it on a physical device.

10.2 Key-Value Storage

Key-Value Storage provides a mechanism to store and retrieve multiple Key-Value
pairs in one storage location. The supported value types are base types, PODs (C++
Plain Old Data structures) and arrays/containers derived from these types.

The keys need to be unique strings per Key-Value database and are defined by an
application using the methods provided by the Persistency library.

Adding serialization/storage support for AUTOSAR data types which are defined in
Application Design is planned.

10.3 File-Proxy Storage

It is obvious that not all data relevant for persistent storage is structured in such a
way that Key-Value databases are a suitable storage mechanism.
Therefore, the mechanism of File-Proxy Storage was introduced.

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A File-Proxy Port allows an application to access a storage location and create one
or multiple accessors in it. These accessors again are identified by unique keys in
string format.
To give a better impression of this mechanism, a comparison to a file system helps: a
File-Proxy Port can be understood as a filesystem directory in which an application is
allowed to create multiple files (accessors).

Since File-Proxy Storage is close to classical file system access, the API was
designed as subset of the well-known C++ std::iostream class with similar behavior.

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11 Safety

11.1 Overview
Safety offers mechanisms to Adaptive Applications to protect the exchange of
information inside the vehicle and with the external world. This will include
mechanisms for inter- and intra-ECU communication. For this purpose, mechanisms
provided will allow fault detection if any corruption has occurred. No mechanisms will
be provided to guarantee the integrity of data.

Safety also offers mechanisms to monitor the correct execution of platform

functionalities and Adaptive Applications. This allows a defined handling of detected
deviations. For this purpose, mechanisms provided will allow fault detection. No
mechanisms will be provided to guarantee the integrity of applications.

In addition, Safety offers guidelines such as coding guidelines, which facilitate the
safe and secure usage of complex languages like C++.

For the other Functional Clusters (e.g. Execution Management) guidance on possible
safety implications will be provided and necessary enhancements will be integrated
into the corresponding Functional Clusters.

In general, Safety will provide concepts and documents that will support the
development of an Adaptive Platform as Safety Element out of context. For example,
there will be an overview of the provided safety features that will be supported by the
Adaptive Platform. Safety expectations of system integrators will be addressed and
so the development of safety cases will be supported.

In a first step, the focus will be on safety mechanisms for fail-safe systems, but it will
be extended to mechanisms for fail-operational systems in future.

11.2 Protection of information exchange (E2E-Protection)

Latest E2E profiles within AUTOSAR will be supported to allow safe communication
between all combinations of AUTOSAR AP and CP instances, whether they are in
the same or different ECUs. Where useful, mechanisms will be provided to allow safe
communication using more capabilities of the service oriented approached within the
Adaptive Platform. The provided functionality gives the possibility to verify that
information sent from a publisher and received by a subscriber has not changed
during the transmission. Acknowledgment of transmission and transmission security
is not provided in the E2E context according to E2E mechanism in AUTOSAR CP.

When E2E protection is used in communication between a publisher and a

subscriber the E2E protection is invoked synchronously in the process of the

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publisher. On the subscriber side the E2E checked is invoked at the reception of the
data within the subscriber process.

For this release E2E can be used for:

 Periodic events in polling mode

Not supported are:

 Filtering and fail-safe values on top of periodic events in polling mode
 Periodic events in callout mode
 Aperiodic events in event mode
 Aperiodic events in callout mode
 Periodic methods
 Aperiodic methods

11.3 Platform Health Management

In a first step, mechanisms will be provided to support fail-safe applications. The
following aspects will be considered:
 Alive supervision
 Deadline supervision
 Logical supervision
 Error handling of supervision errors
 Health Monitoring

For this release only the platform independent specification (RS) will be provided
within foundation.

11.4 C++ coding guidelines

The main application sector that AUTOSAR C++14 Coding Guidelines document
applies to is automotive, but it can be used in other embedded applications that work
in a safety-related and critical environments. The AUTOSAR C++14 Coding
Guidelines rule set is applicable to high-end embedded micro-controllers that provide
efficient and full C++14 language support, on 32 and 64 bit micro-controllers, using
POSIX or similar operating systems.

Existing standards are incomplete, covering old C++ versions or not applicable for
critical/safety-related. In particular, MISRA C++:2008 does not cover C++11/14.
Multiple new language features required analysis of how useful they can be in
providing efficient implementations and how much risk is associated with the usage
of each feature.

Several other coding standards and resources are referenced in this document or
used as a basis of the rules in this document, like JSF, HIC, CERT and C++ Core

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Guideline. Most of the rules are automatically enforceable by static analysis that can
be applicable without a manual code review. Style of code in a sense of naming
conventions, layout or indentation are not be covered by the document.

In the current release, the following are known limitations:

1. The rule set for parallel computing is not provided.
2. The rule set for C++ standard libraries is only initial (incomplete).
3. The rule set for security (as long as it is not common to critical software or safety-
related software) is not provided.
4. The traceability to JSF, ISO CPP contains some non-analyzed rules.
5. The traceability to ISO 26262 is not provided.

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12 Security

12.1 Overview
The security service offers the adaptive platform the means to harden the system
e.g. by providing secure communication and an access management system.

12.2 Identity and Access Management

The AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform is recommended to employ an Identity and Access
Management framework to enable authentication of individual AUTOSAR
components (Adaptive AUTOSAR Applications, Services and Functional Clusters) as
well as the concept for capabilities for managing roles and rights. With the IAM
framework, access control decisions based on existing policies can be inquired by
those applications. The inquiry will be handled through the functional clusters, as the
applications do not have a direct interface to the IAM framework. Upon usage
requests, Services will be able to utilize the specified framework to evaluate
permissions and rights of the requester and accordingly enforce the corresponding

The idea behind this framework is driven by the increasing need for security, as the
AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform needs a robust and well-defined trust relationship with
its applications. If an attacker compromises, an application it should not have any
impact on the Adaptive Platform itself and the attackers’ capabilities should be
restricted to the compromised applications capabilities. That is why applications
should only be able to access system resources or trigger actions that they are
supposed to. The IAM framework manages identities and access rights and can be
seen as a comprehensible mechanism to restrict access of applications to the
necessary minimum.

Scope of the IAM framework: The framework enforces access control between
apps and functional clusters of the Adaptive Platform at runtime. Not in scope is the
deployment/provisioning of AP applications, as the authentication of those
applications is not covered by the IAM framework.

Contents of the AUTOSAR specification

The following table represents which parts of the IAM framework will be defined by
AUTOSAR and which parts are up to the developer implementation-wise.

Description Affiliated to Part of

Access control policies AUTOSAR TPS_Manifest_Specification (of FT-MM)
(Manifest file specification
Format and contents of AUTOSAR Requirement Specification (RS)

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warnings/error specification
messages that the
applications receive on
failed authorization.
Contents of the logging AUTOSAR Requirements (RS)
information. Specification
API for communication Not specified by -
between Functional AUTOSAR
clusters and the IAM
API for activity logging. Not specified by -

Scope and Focus of the IAM Framework

The main interface of the IAM Framework is the “request for an access control
decision” which is directed from the PEP to the PDP of the implemented framework.
Applications must not have control over the PEP or PDP as this would jeopardize the
security concept behind IAM.

In addition to that, the IAM Framework can aid in the following aspects (not in scope
for R10/17):

 Key-management for establishment of secure connections or access to encrypted

 Authorization of applications at runtime (In case of applications being added after
platform startup)
 Distribution of Policies to other platform instances

Architecture of the IAM Framework

In this section, we describe an exemplary architecture that includes the IAM

framework in the security functional cluster. However, the actual implementation can
be shifted to or even distributed over other functional clusters without impact on its
functionality. This is possible due to the flexibility of the framework as it does not
specify where the decision or enforcement on the policy is made. However, it must
ensure that it does not happen within the application.

To understand how the framework works, a few important notions must be defined in
advance. The following list describes the major IAM components. As a reference see
also ‘Terminology for Policy-Based Management’ in rfc3198

 Access Control Policy: This is an artefact which holds the information defining
the basis for access control decisions. The necessary information is being stored
in the application manifest files which are distributed during provisioning.

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 Access Control Decision: The access control decision is a Boolean value

indicating if the requested operation is permitted or not. The access control
decision is based on policies which are defined beforehand in the manifest file.
 Policy Decision Point (PDP): This component represents the logic in which the
access control decision is made. It determines if the application is allowed to
perform the requested task.
 Policy Enforcement Point (PEP): This component represents the logic in which
the access control decision is enforced. It communicates directly with the PDP to
receive the access control decision.

The high-level view on the architecture can be seen in Figure 12-1. The presented
architecture should be considered as an example on how the framework can be
applied. The concept behind this framework is flexible. For example, the policy
manager can also be located outside of the security manager. It is up to the
implementer to make adaptations if necessary.

Figure 12-1 High-level IAM Framework

The initial step in Figure 12-1 is the request. The application communicates with the
functional cluster (FC) and requests a certain action for which the FC needs the
authorization from the PDP inside the Security Manager. The FC calls its internal
PEP, where a request to the PDP is triggered in order to check if the application is
authorized to trigger the requested action. Upon receiving such a request, the PDP
checks the associated database for manifest files which contain information on the
desired request. It then evaluates weather the application is allowed to trigger the
requested action and communicates the results to the PEP. This construct works
because we assume that FCs inside the AUTOSAR stack are not compromised and
sufficiently isolated from the potentially compromised application. Finally, the PEP
enforces the decision it receives from the PDP and either permits or prohibits the
desired request.

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12.3 Crypto and Key Management (Crypto Stack)

AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform supports an API for common cryptographic operations

and secure key management. The API supports the dynamic generation of keys and
crypto jobs at runtime, as well as operating on data streams. To reduce storage
requirements, keys may be stored internally in the crypto backend or externally and
imported on demand.

The API is designed to support encapsulation of security-sensitive operations and

decisions in a separate component, such as a Hardware Security Module (HSM).
Additional protection of keys and key usage can be provided by constraining keys to
particular usages (e.g., decrypt-only), or limiting the availability of keys to individual
applications as reported by IAM.

Depending on application support, the API can also be used to protect session keys
and intermediate secrets when processing cryptographic protocols such as TLS and

Security Architecture

While AUTOSAR AP only defines the high-level Crypto Stack API exposed to
applications, this API is defined with a security architecture in mind that was
designed to meet above security and functional requirements.

The general architecture is depicted in Figure 2. On the highest layer, AUTOSAR AP

as well as native and hybrid applications link against the AUTSAR AP Crypto Stack
API. The API implementation may refer to a central unit (Crypto Service Manager) to
implement platform-level tasks such as access control and certificate storage
consistently across applications. The implementation may also use the Crypto
Service Manager to coordinate the offloading of functionality to a Crypto Driver, such
as a Hardware Security Module (HSM). Indeed, offloading functionality of the Crypto
Stack API this way is expected to be a typical implementation strategy: The Crypto
Driver may implement the complete set of key management and crypto functions in
order to accelerate crypto operations and shield managed keys from malicious

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Figure 2 Crypto Stack - Reference Architecture

In order to realize this layered security architecture, the Crypto Stack API not only
performs bulk crypto operations but also provides native support for:
(1) Operating with encrypted keys or key handles
(2) Managing keys securely despite possible application compromise
(3) Constraining application access to and allowed operations on keys

Key Management Architecture

To support the secure remote management of keys despite potential application
compromise, the Crypto Stack integrates a key management architecture where keys
and associated data are managed in end-to-end protected form. Keys can be
introduced into the system either in a trusted fashion, based on an existing
provisioning key, or in an untrusted fashion via local key generation. Assuming an
appropriately secured crypto backend / driver, applications are unable to modify keys
except via well-defined, authorized requests such as key update or revocation.

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Figure 3 CKI Key Management Interactions

Remarks on API Extension

Significant new usages and interactions that require the introduction of new or
modified permission/policy validation logic should be tied to corresponding new key
usage policy flags. For example, alternative provisioning keys with different
ownership/permission checks can be introduced by adding a corresponding new key
usage policy and enforcing the new logic in all key management operations involving
those new keys.

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13 Update and Configuration Management

13.1 Overview
One of the declared goals of Adaptive AUTOSAR is the ability to flexibly update the
software and its configuration through over-the-air updates. To support changes in
the software on an Adaptive Platform the Update and Configuration Manager(UCM)
provides an Adaptive Platform service that handles software update requests.

UCM is responsible for updating, installing, removing and keeping a record of the
software on an Adaptive Platform. Its role is similar to known package management
systems like dpkg or YUM in Linux, with additional functionality to ensure a safe and
secure way to update or modify software on the Adaptive Platform.

13.2 Software Package processing

Beside application and configuration data each Software Package contains a
manifest providing metadata like package name, version and other meta information
needed for processing the package.

The data content of a Software Package can contain, for example, one or several
Adaptive Applications, kernel or firmware updates, or updated configuration and
calibration data.

UCM processes software packages based on the provided metadata and the
Adaptive Platform software information.

13.3 Software information reporting

UCM provides service interfaces that expose functionality to retrieve Adaptive
Platform software information, such as names and versions of installed software.

13.4 Software update consistency

UCM ensures that only validated packages with all the described dependencies
fulfilled are installed. This way no unwanted or unfitting software will be installed.

UCM provides an interface to read the installation result. In case of a failure during
the update process, UCM recovers the platform to a known functional state. An
example of a recoverable failure would be an interrupted update process due to a
power loss.

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14 Time Synchronization

14.1 Overview
Time Synchronization (TS) between different applications and/or ECUs is of
paramount importance when correlation of different events across a distributed
system is needed, either to be able to track such events in time or to trigger them at
an accurate point in time.

Figure 14-1 Time Synchronization

For this reason, a Time Synchronization API is offered to the Application, so it can
retrieve the time information - synchronized with other Entities / ECUs.

The Time Synchronization functionality is offered by the means of different "Time

Base Resources" which are present in the system.

14.2 Design
For the Adaptive Platform, the following three different technologies were considered
to fulfill all necessary Time Synchronization requirements:

 StbM of the Classic Platform

 Library chrono - either std::chrono (C++11) or boost::chrono
 The Time POSIX interface

The TimeSynchronization module provides a similar functionality like the StbM

module of the Classic Platform but with a std::chrono inspired API design.

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AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

The following functional aspects are considered by the Time Synchronization


 Startup Behavior
 Constructor Behavior (Initialization)
 Normal Operation
 Error Handling

The following functional aspects will be considered in future releases:

 Shutdown Behavior
 Error Classification
 Version Check

14.3 Architecture
The application will have access to a different specialized class implementation for
each Time Base Resource (TBR).

The TBRs are offered as a Resource in a similar way as Services are offered in the
ara::com design and therefore it is adopting the following architectural design
patterns of ara::com:

 Proxy: Similar to the ara::com Service Proxy Skeleton pattern, TS provides a

Resource Proxy pattern, omitting the Skeleton part.

 Find: Similar to the ara::com Service Proxy Find pattern, TS provides a

Resource Proxy Find pattern to provide access to TBRs.

 Proxy Methods: Similar to the ara::com Proxy Methods pattern, TS uses a

Methods pattern also adhering to the asynchronous Future pattern.

This architectural design puts the Time Synchronization design apparently in a frontal
conflict when talking about avoiding latencies, since the latter are inherently added by
the asynchronous behavior of the design pattern of the ara::com API.

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AUTOSAR AP Release 17-10

15 References

[1] Glossary, AUTOSAR_TR_Glossary.pdf.

[2] Main Requirement, AUTOSAR_RS_Main.pdf.
[3] Methodology for Adaptive Platform, AUTOSAR_TR_AdaptiveMethodology.pdf.
[4] Design guidelines for using parallel processing technologies on Adaptive Platform,

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