Big Brother Is Watching - Get An Anonymous New Life Identity and Name - Fast Easy Legal
Big Brother Is Watching - Get An Anonymous New Life Identity and Name - Fast Easy Legal
Big Brother Is Watching - Get An Anonymous New Life Identity and Name - Fast Easy Legal
Published By:
Good Advice Self-Help Book Publications
Please don’t waste your money on some of the other books out
there about hiding from Big Brother, creating a new hidden
identity or changing your name. I bought most of them as part
of my research to write this in-depth yet concise book. Those
other books were more expensive to buy than this book. I want
to help many people, so I’ve kept the price for this book low,
but the quality of information is VERY HIGH. I’ve filtered
away the fluff and trivial information. Most important of all, I
will keep you legal, legitimate, and even respected. Most of the
other books are limited in scope and advise you to do
something illegal. It is not wise to violate laws to set up a new
hidden identity and name. There are legal, simple, quick, and
inexpensive options available. It is your legal right to use any
name you like but you must go about it properly to avoid
problems or legal entanglements.
You can quickly and easily start a new life with a clean slate of
credit and opportunities and do so anonymously. You can leave
behind a negative past, financial disaster, tragedy, abusive
person, crazy person, stalker, or predator that has wrecked
havoc on your life. You can become hidden, protected and
Read on and I will reveal the simple, fast, and legal process to
start afresh and leave the past behind as if it never existed and
live hidden from Big Brother.
The best place to start your new life is in a big city. The more
people there are around you, the easier it will be to disappear
into the crowd and remain anonymous. In big cities, people
don’t want to talk to you or get to know you, not even your
neighbors. In smaller towns, people might ask questions or
make inquiries as to where you came from. If you already live
in a larger city, it is possible to stay in your city by moving
elsewhere within the city. If you want to be more anonymous
and private but stay in your present job and/or home, you can
do that too. How deeply hidden you become is your choice and
you don’t need to give up your present name and identity. You
can continue to use your present identity for specific reasons or
not at all, as you will now have control over your present and
future name and identity.
New Identity Primary Method
We are about to get into the details of how to create your new
name and identity. Before we begin, I want you to know there
are many Internet links throughout this book to give you
important extra information without the need to incorporate this
information directly within this book’s pages. The Internet
links also take you to the places online you need to go to fill out
forms and file the paperwork to set up your new business name
and identity.
All the Internet links in this book are active and will work for
you by simply clicking on them. If the links don’t work for
some reason, I’m certain you will be able to figure out how to
find what the author has found. None of the “Internet stuff” is
difficult and is easy to find with any Internet search engine
given the prompts I provide to you.
The table of contents also has active links and this makes it
easy to navigate around this book. Just click on a chapter title
and you will be shifted to that section of the book.
Business Name Choices
The first step when you’ve decided to start a new business and
reinvent yourself as a successful and respected businessperson
is to come up with a name for your new business. You also need
to be certain your new business name is not already in use by
another business.
When a person starts a new business, his or her personal
background is NOT checked by anyone, for any reason. One of
the important facts about a business is that a business has an
Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN has the same
number of digits as a person’s Social Security Number (SSN)
but dashes are in a different place as shown below.
A personal SSN would look like this: 123-45-6789
A business EIN would look like this: 12-3456789
You do not have to do anything special to get an EIN number
except to have a mailing address and a NAME for your
business. The address could be your current home address, past
address, friend’s address, a PO Box, or a Private Mailbox you
rent from a UPS store or some other private mailbox provider.
Just check the local yellow pages or online to find Private Mail
Services. Any mailing address where you can anonymously
receive mail will do. You must have a business name to get an
EIN so give some careful thought to what that name might be. I
will give you some help in choosing the right name for your
business a bit further on in this book because you want a
business name that looks like a real person’s name. This is all
you need to get an EIN and they are free to get online or by
telephone. It only takes a couple of minutes to get an EIN
online … ain’t that sweet!
A business will use an EIN just as a person would use their
SSN. When a business calls in to have electricity turned on, the
electric utility company does not ask you for a personal SSN,
they will ask you for the business EIN. A business can open a
bank account, get a debit card, credit cards, and establish credit.
To find out how to get credit under a business name just do a
Google search for “business credit” or click this link:
Dunn and Bradstreet is the credit bureau for businesses, just
like Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are credit bureaus for
people. You can register your new business and start building
credit under your new business name at their website. Just click
the link below:
Anyone can easily get an EIN in a couple of minutes by going
to this web address and it is FREE to do so:
Not only is it FREE to get an EIN, you don’t have to enter any
offices anywhere. You can do it online or by phone but I
recommend you do it online. You can find the phone number on
the website link above if you wish to do it by phone. You will
have to provide your social security number to get an EIN but
you are giving your SSN to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The IRS will be the only entity in the world that knows you
have an EIN number and the IRS will never disclose it to any
other entity or person in the world. They don’t publish any
record of who the owner of an EIN is. Nobody can discover that
you now have an EIN number or multiple EIN numbers for
multiple businesses if you so wish. It is impossible, unless you
tell somebody, so if you don’t want anybody to know then
DON’T TELL ANYBODY! No record of your personal
information will associate with the EIN number unless you give
the information to someone who would associate you with it.
An EIN is assigned to a business and NOT to an individual.
There is nowhere anyone can go to find out if a person has ever
received an EIN. You cannot call the IRS and ask if John Doe
has been assigned an EIN number. The IRS won’t share
information except maybe with federal agencies like the FBI or
CIA. As long as the FED’s do not want you, you’re good to go.
Even if you have warrants for your arrest, they don’t do any
background checks when you apply for an EIN number. An EIN
belongs to a business and NOT to a person.
Once you have an EIN number or several, you can use your new
business to own another business if you so choose. In this case,
you do not give your personal SSN and info to get another EIN.
You give the EIN and business info for an established business
that will own the NEW business.
Five Businesses Types
After you have decided what type of the five businesses you are
going to start, the next step to do is to find a name for your new
business. Your new business name must not be in use by
another business. Once you’ve chosen your business name, you
get your EIN number online at the website above. Depending on
what type of business you start and what county and state it is
located in, you may need to file a Fictitious Name Statement.
You can use any name you want for your business as long as
it’s not the same name as an existing business. For example,
you can’t call your business IBM or Microsoft, because those
names are taken. Do a Google search online to see if the
business name you want to use is taken. Next, I would search
the fictitious name filings in the county or state you intend to
locate your business in to be certain your business name is not
in use by another business.
It is important to recognize that a business can have a name like
a person. I could name my business John Doe if I wanted to or
Jane Doe Enterprises. To file a Fictitious Name Statement
(means you are doing business in a name other than your
personal name), call the courthouse in the county where you
want to start your business. Ask them “how do I file a Fictitious
Name Statement”. Fax, email, do it online, or snail mail the
paperwork, pay any fee due and you have a business with a
legitimately registered fictitious name. You can usually do this
online and could pay the fee with an anonymous pre-paid debit
card. This way, you don’t use plastic in your real name. You
can buy them at any Wally Mart or Targete, etc. You don’t have
to appear in any office and you can do it from anywhere, even a
computer at a local library. It is always easier to do it over the
phone or online rather than doing it in person.
Note: Use an address that is NOT your home address for the
Fictitious Name Statement. Use your new business address
(your previous home address, PO Box or Private Mail Service).
It is simpler if your new business address is in an
unincorporated area to avoid any local government (City)
requirements for licensing, fees, etc. Every city is different so
check with your city to find out what the requirements for your
new business might be. Do this in advance so you can make the
best possible decisions.
The last step you may have to do to make your business legal is
to get a business license. You won’t have to do this if you
choose a business type that does not require a business license.
You call your local county courthouse (city too if your business
address is within city limits). Tell them what type of business
you are going to start and where it will be located (a locked
hole in wall at a post office or private mail service). They will
tell you how much the fee is for the business license. Many
types of businesses DO NOT need a license and I suggest you
start this type of business so you won’t have to get a business
license. When you call the courthouse or city, ask them what
kinds of businesses don’t need a license. Start one of those if
you don’t want to pay another fee and recurring fees to license
your business. Every state is different, every county is different,
and every city is different.
No matter what it takes to get your business started, it will be
inexpensive and quick. You can do the whole thing in less than
24 hours. Usually, you can do the whole process in less than an
hour or two.
Open A Business Bank Account
The final step to make your business not just legal, but fully
functional for your purposes, is to open a business checking
account with a bank. You will need to provide the bank with
your EIN number and the Fictitious Name Statement for your
new business. You will also probably have to provide your
personal information and it is safe to do so unless you’re on the
run from the FED’s. If you do this right, your personal info will
not show on your checks or the Debit Card you are issued by the
bank. Just the Business Name will be shown (ask them to show
your business name only and not your personal name as the
business owner). Some banks may insist your personal name
also be on the checks and that is one reason why I recommend
you form a partnership rather than a Sole Proprietorship. Even
if your bank insists you must have your personal name on your
business checks, you don’t have to accept that. Instead, you
order your checks form a private vendor on the Internet and
have them print your checks the way YOU want them. Ordering
your checks online is much less costly than getting them from
the bank and you’ve cut out the middleman (the bank). I order
all my checks online and get the exact style and info shown that
I want. For example, you could have the address and phone
number on your checks be different from what the bank has on
file for your business account, if you so choose. It is your
choice and NOT the bank’s choice as to what info is on your
business checks. You form the business partnership as an author
would between your Real Name and your Business Name (your
new identity name that looks like a person’s name). Then you
have the bank only show your partner’s name (your Pen Name)
on the checks and Debit Cards. You are now going to live under
your Business Name. Actors do the same thing as they live their
lives and are paid under their acting name rather than their
given name. You could also be an investment company where
you are the brains and your partner handles the money and does
the banking. You want your partner’s name on the checks and
debit cards and your partners name will be the name you now
assume as your new identity name and business name. You are
going to be just like other people who work under a business
name that is NOT their given name (a fictitious name as shown
on the Fictitious Name Statement). You are doing what an
Author, famous Movie Star, or a filthy rich top dog Investor
does. This is a common thing in our world today. Good
company to have in your new identity and indeed you are now
free to become one of the privileged people who get special
treatment worldwide and wherever they go. There is even a
special acronym for people like this who have special status and
privilege … they are known as a VIP (Very Important Person).
You can become a VIP with your new business!
Note: My personal favorite bank to open a business account at
the time of this writing is Bank of America. I prefer Bank of
America for two reasons. First and most importantly, you can
ask them to put your photo on your new business Debit Card
and only show your business name. You now have picture ID in
your business name (your legal new identity name) in the form
of a Debit Card with your photo on it … very cool! If your
business name just happens to sound like a person’s real name
(John Doe Enterprises for example), you have picture ID to
confirm your new identity name as John Doe, which is also
your business name. If someone wants to see identification and
wants picture ID, you can use your Debit Card instead of a
Driver’s license, State ID Card, Student ID card or Passport.
I’m not aware of any other bank that puts your photo on a
business Debit Card … perhaps they exist and perhaps you can
find one but Bank of America is your friend.
The second reason I like Bank of America is because they are a
MONSTER. This bank has branches everywhere and you can
conduct your banking business wherever you may go in your
new life!
Note: Some banks may want a Partnership Agreement filed
with the State and Bank of America is one of them. This is NOT
a legal requirement by the state and merely a requirement of
that bank. It is easy to just go online and do this for a small fee
as I have done. Smaller and less-known banks are less likely to
want a Partnership Agreement registered with the state. Call the
bank you want to use in advance and ask them what documents
they require to open a Business Partnership account. This is
NOT required for a Corporation or LLC. These more complex
and costly forms of business are registered with the state as part
of the normal process. Sole Proprietorships do not have this
requirement, as there is only one owner of the business. Trusts
are more complex and I recommend you do NOT go this route
or hire an attorney and / or accountant to do it for you if you
form a trust.
New Identity Example
Decide what your new Pen Name / New Identity Name is going
to be … your personal “Kathy Author” equivalent.
To arrive at a more anonymous pen name, you might want to
choose it from common names like David Smith or Mary
Johnson. Go to any phone book and you will see there are tons
of Smiths and Johnsons. You can easily become lost among
them and become just another Smith or a Jones, especially so in
a bigger city where there will be pages and pages of Smiths or
Jones or Hernandez’s.
If you don’t want to become a Smith or a Johnson, you can go
to this website to discover the most common first names and
last names for both females and males:
It is best to keep your first name as you are used to people
calling you by your first name and only change your last name.
Change your first name only if it is a rare name and could link
you to your old identity.
Do a Google search online for your new name to see what
comes up.
Check online to see if your chosen name is available as a
domain name by going to:
Become An Author - Actor - Investor
So now that you have chosen your new Pen Name, how do you
officially become a legitimate Author? There is NO licensing
requirement or official list of Authors out there to get your new
pen name on so how do you do this?
Here is the easiest method I know to go about officially
becoming an Author. Go to the nearest mirror and put a solemn
look on your face. Raise either hand and watch yourself in the
mirror as you repeat these magical words … “I AM AN
AUTHOR” … and so it shall be!
To become a Private Investor, utter the magical words “I AM A
To become an Actress, utter the magical words “I AM AN
To become a Publisher, utter the magical words “I AM A
You could do more than one solemn oath and become more
than one new type of person … be Kathy Author and Kathy
Investor … now you have TWO new identities. You have a
second identity and business you can use as you see fit or hold
in reserve if need arises. You could own your home in one
business and your car in another business … I do. Now you’re a
respected self-employed businessperson with multiple business
enterprises … HOW COOL IS THAT.
How about Kathy Author Enterprises for a new business name?
… That’s an impressive business name, which contains your
new identity name within it. This name makes you appear to be
the guiding force of an important bunch of Enterprises and
indeed, you could in fact own other businesses under this
business name … why not? … I have done so! There are
unlimited possibilities so be creative and why not become who
you’ve always wanted to be as part of the process.
You can be personally known as Kathy Author and use the full
business name of Kathy Author Enterprises as your own
Publishing Company for your books. On Amazon Kindle, there
is a place to upload the “Publisher” for any book uploaded for
publication. You might as well make your book look more
professional by having an Official Publisher. Kathy Author
Enterprises could also be your official Editor on Kindle and the
graphic arts company that designed the covers for your books.
Kathy Author Enterprises could be a real estate investment
company, a property management company, or “anything you
can imagine” company.
Perhaps you’ve always wanted to write a book. Now you are a
genuine Author, a genuine Publisher, and a genuine Editor too
(you took the solemn oaths in front of a mirror). You can be all
three with just the one business name of Kathy Author
Enterprises. So go write some books and chase your dreams
into reality … whatever they may be.
You have a wonderful opportunity to create a new identity and a
genuine new business to go with it. You can become the person
you always wanted to be with a sparkling clean slate. Please
don’t make or repeat the same mistakes or bad choices you may
have made before in your previous life.
Astute Note: You might have astutely noticed the Author
example above is a real life example for me personally. I’ve
become an Author and written many books including this one
but NOT in my given name. I use my Pen Names (yep … you
guessed it … I have more than just one pen name and so can
you). I have the business names, banking accounts, business
cards, mailing addresses, online Domain Names, etc, for each
of my legitimate businesses as an author as well as being my
own Publisher, Graphic Arts designer, and Editor. I can do my
professional business as well as my personal business under my
business names and so can you. I have published this book
under my legit pen name of “David Author (I can’t believe
nobody took that name before me but it’s mine now). I own the
domain names and My businesses as an Author,
Publisher, and Editor are legal businesses in the state of
Washington (or was it Delaware?). Today, I only use my given
name to collect the social security benefits I earned under that
name. I’m known to others personally acquainted with me by a
different legitimate pen name (not David Author). For the
purpose of writing and marketing this book … I am indeed
David Author.
To Summarize: None of this requires anything special. I’ve
personally started many businesses without the need to file a
Fictitious Name Statement or get a business license. It all
depends on what state or county your business address is in and
what type of business it is you’ve chosen to establish. Put some
careful thought into it and choose your business name, type of
business, and location, wisely.
Anybody can easily do these things with a new business name,
which you choose free, and a new business address for a
nominal expense or free. You could use a trusted friend’s
address. The EIN is free. If needed, there is a small expense for
a Fictitious Name Statement. There might be another small fee
for a Business License depending on where your business is
located and what type of business you’ve chosen.
Note: I recommend you find a state and county that do not
require a Business License for your new business. The
Fictitious Name Statement would be a one-time small fee so
that is not a big deal. A Business License will be an ongoing
annual fee with probable regular mandatory filings for taxes
and this can be a pain. KISS … Keep It Super Simple.
Note: While I recommend you disappear into a Big City, I also
recommend your business address (PO Box, friends address, or
Private Mail Service) be located in an unincorporated area. An
unincorporated area is an area outside of official city limits and
not subject to city laws, regulations, or licensing requirements.
This way, you are not subject to local City Licensing, taxes, or
reporting. It is always wise to KISS things and Keep It Simple
IMPORTANT NOTE: As long as you have no intent to
defraud anyone, it is all 100% legal. In the USA, you have the
legal right to use any name you like and the right to start a
Find A Place To Live Anonymously
The first thing you will need after you make your exit from
your old life is a place to stay. Depending on why you need to
disappear and change your identity, you have many choices. If
you only seek to have an alternate identity you can assume at
will, you would not necessarily have to move elsewhere. The
choice is yours and depends on your individual circumstances
for wanting a new identity.
Assuming you need to relocate, a temporary answer is to rent a
hotel room. You can use your current ID to rent a hotel room
and you will be hidden from just about anybody. Many
“extended stay” hotels have inexpensive weekly or monthly
rates that can even be cheaper than renting a house and much
less expensive than a regular hotel. I recently rented a hotel
room with cooking facilities and two queen-sized beds for only
$179 per week. In some areas, it can be even cheaper and the
monthly rate would be even more reasonable on a per day basis.
Cable TV with HBO was included as was Internet access. I was
allowed to have my pet with me so it is possible to take Doggie
or Kitty with you. If you give your driver’s license as ID to rent
a hotel room you are still mostly safe from discovery. No
national database exists which records every person who rents a
hotel room.
The only way you’re ever found is if someone you’ve told your
new location … tells on you. If you are running from someone
that has access to your banking records, just open a new
business account at another bank and use that account to avoid
detection. No one can know what city you are going to so DO
NOT TELL ANYONE to be safe. Don’t tell your relatives or
best friends so they cannot tell what they DO NOT know.
Someone who knew what city you were going to would still
have to call every hotel in that city to find out if you are
registered and have a room rented there. This is another good
reason to choose a larger city rather than a small town. If you
are running from the FED’s and are wanted for a serious crime,
you know they will check all of your credit/debit cards and
bank accounts to try to track you that way. Therefore, if you
bought gas all the way from Miami to Las Vegas with your
debit card, you probably won’t want to rent a hotel in Las
Vegas. The Fed’s will surely check every hotel in town until
they find you. If you use your debit card to rent a hotel, they’ll
be there in minutes. They won’t have to check with every hotel
since you used your debit card and led them right to you. If you
don’t leave a trail of plastic charges or debits to your location,
you can’t be traced. If you pay cash all the way, you can still
pay cash for a hotel room without discovery and still use your
real driver’s license or ID to check into a hotel. Especially if
the person or organization trying to track you have no way of
knowing what town you will be in. Las Vegas is always the first
place they check since many criminals on the run go there right
away. Anywhere, any state would probably be a better choice so
think about where you are going to travel to for your fresh start.
If you are in a big city, you could just move elsewhere in the
If you are hiding from an abusive spouse, stalker, or person who
does NOT have access to your bank account, you can use your
ID and plastic to rent a room. They won’t be able to discover
where you are or what you are doing. The only way they can
find you is to call the hotel you are staying in and ask if you are
registered. If you want to get away from someone like this then
go somewhere they would never guess you would go and don’t
tell anyone where you are.
If you have friends and family in Seattle then it may NOT be a
good idea to go to Seattle and rent a hotel room there or stay
with your friends or relatives. The person you are running from
may be smart enough to call every hotel in Seattle and your
friends and relatives and might find you. You may want to go to
San Diego (or some other city where you don’t have family and
friends). Especially if you have never been there before and the
person you are hiding from would never think you would go
there. This means they also wouldn’t think to check with every
hotel in San Diego so you would be safe by just renting a hotel
room. You can take some time to find a permanent place to live
you can move into anonymously. I’ll give details on how to do
that in a coming chapter.
Important Note: Before going any further, I want you to know
the main reason someone could find you is your own mouth. If
you tell other people where you are going, or what you are
doing, you will only have yourself to blame when the person
you are hiding from finds you.
People Do Not Keep Secrets
One of the main things you may need while you are living
under the radar is a car.
There are several ways to rent a car anonymously. The first way
is to have a business account with a business debit or credit
card so you can reserve the rental with the plastic card. When
you pick the car up, you will have to show your driver’s license.
This will only be used to prove you have a legal license to drive
and to prove you are who you say you are. No one will be able
to find out you rented the car unless they have access to the
bank records for the debit or credit card you are using. You will
of course make sure ahead of time there is no way anyone can
do that. It is simple to open a business checking account and I
explain that in the section on banking. The police can call all
rental companies and get records of who has rented cars but the
info isn’t sent to them automatically. Even if the police were
looking for you, you would still be safe to rent a car and use it.
All you have to do to be safe is drop it back off at night when
there was no one there. Put the key in the drop box and walk
Another way to rent a car anonymously is to have someone else
rent the car for you and let you have the keys. All rental car
companies will ask the person renting the car if there will be
any other drivers. If they answer yes then the rental car
company will want to see the other driver’s driver license. They
will also charge more for renting the car if there is going to be
more than one driver. It works every time if the person renting
the car says “no there won’t be any other driver’s” and they
trust you enough to let you drive the car. However, it doesn’t
matter if you show your driver license because they aren’t
going to enter the second driver’s name into any database
anywhere. They want to look at your ID because they need to
know if you are legally licensed to drive a car. It’s a good idea
to be certain you have insurance on the car when you do this. It
may be a good idea to pay the small extra fee for the insurance
the rental car company will try to sell to you.
Purchase A Car Anonymously
You want to do the same as buying the house. You start your
own business and you title the car in the name of the business. I
recommend finding a car for which you can afford to pay cash.
There are plenty of inexpensive and expensive cars available
When you buy the car and the seller signs the title over to you,
you just tell them to make the title out in the name of your
business. Again, you don’t have to start a business. You just tell
the people you’re dealing with you have a business and you
want the car titled in the business name. They might ask you
what your business does so it would be a good idea to have your
story straight in advance. You could put the car in the same
business name as the house, if you bought a house. Personally, I
would put my home in one business name and my car in another
business name. This way, the car is not connected to the house
in any way. If you didn’t buy a house then you can just make up
a business name just for the purchase of your car. You are free
to name your business anything you want. I would probably
make the name of my business sound like a respectable
business and not some goofy fun name. You don’t want to draw
attention to yourself. You might call your business something
like “Investor Enterprises” or “Jackson Investments”.
Businesses buy and own cars every day and all you need is a
legitimate business name. You won’t need an EIN or anything
else to buy a car in your business name.
One benefit of having your car titled in a company name is if a
police officer should ever call in your license plate, he will
never know who you are. If the police officer doesn’t pull you
over then you are safe. License plates give the police much
information about you if you title your car in your personal
name. If you have a criminal history, even a misdemeanor, you
may not want them to know who you are. They might just pull
you over only because you have an arrest record and even if
you’ve paid your debt to society, you are still a marked person.
Even if you were accused of a crime and found NOT GUILTY,
you will still have an arrest record unless you had the record
expunged (it still might show up). If the police have no idea
who you are, they are less likely to pull you over. A Police
friend of mine has verified that fact. If they call in your license
plate and the car is in your personal name, they will
immediately have all of your information. They will know your
name, address, and criminal background just from your auto
license plate. If you title your car in the name of your business,
all they know is the name and address of the business. You may
want to rent a mailbox in order to use the mailbox address as
the address of your car-owning business. You have you car’s
registration in the address of the mailbox rather than your home
address. This way, you will not have your home address on
record with the license plate on your car. If someone ever
comes looking for the owner of the car, they won’t come to
your house. They will go to the private mailbox address you
rented and NOT your home address. Of course, your car is now
anonymous too.
When you have bought a car, you will need anonymous
insurance on the car. The insurance company will allow you to
get insurance on the car in the name of your business as well.
The insurance company will ask for a driver’s license. The
insurance company will then insure the car. The car will be
titled in the name of the company and the tags will only betray
the company’s information so it would be okay to show your
real license to get the insurance. The license plate still only
reveals the information on the business that owns the car, not
the driver’s insurance information.
Don’t get pulled over while driving is always sage advice.
Drive correctly and stay out of the spotlight. Don’t break the
law and invite the police to pull you over. Pay the taxes on the
car every year and always get your tags renewed on time. Keep
your business car in good standing.
Work Anonymously
You may have guessed what I’m going to say here … Start a
business! Starting a business is the best way to work
anonymously. Here you will need an EIN as we discussed
earlier. Again, you could have a friend or family member get
you a number to use under their name. For this, you can’t just
make up a number as you can to have your utilities turned on. If
you borrow someone else’s EIN, you may run into problems
with the IRS later on so DO NOT do that. You will want a real
number so you can file taxes under that number and be legal.
One thing about starting a business and getting an EIN is you
can call your business by the name of your choosing. In other
words, if I want to name my business “Joan Cutiepie”, then I
can name it “Joan Cutiepie”. I could go online and get my EIN
in the name of Joan Cutiepie. “Joan Cutiepie” is just like a
name a person would have. If I went to apply for a job
somewhere and I told them my name was Joan Cutiepie, I could
also give them my EIN as my Social Security Number. They
will never know the number you gave is an EIN. Just put in two
dashes the same way a SSN would have and you’d be fine. The
IRS wouldn’t know it either, because you will be paid in the
business name and that’s exactly how a real business would be
paid … BY CHECK, in the business name. As long as they
don’t do credit checks and background checks, that would work
great as a way to get a job working for a company owned by
someone else. This is NOT legal to do so I would advise against
it but it would work nicely in many circumstances. You know, I
don’t think it’s legal, but the truth is I actually really don’t
know for sure. As long as the name matches the number, I don’t
think the IRS would discover what was really happening.
Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss but I would still not
recommend you do this.
It really depends on what you do that determines whether you
actually need an EIN number or not.
There are many ways to make money under the radar. You can
wash and detail cars. You can wash and detail cars for people at
their place of business. This way they don’t have to come to
you, you go to them. Alternatively, you can have them bring the
cars to you. You can sell stuff on eBay,, or a whole host of other sites on the Internet. You
can babysit, mow lawns, paint, re-model homes, or do
plumbing. If you have a marketable skill, you can make a living
doing it privately. I have personally made a good living buying,
repairing, and reselling outboard motors on Craigslist and eBay.
The message here is that the best way to be anonymous is to
work for yourself by starting your own business. Just do what
you’re good at or do what you’ve always wanted to do. You can
find clients and advertise your business FREE on
Fly Anonymously
Again, I’m going to tell you to start a business so you can open
a business checking account. If you haven’t figured it out yet,
the best way to do everything is to start a business then live and
work under your business name. A business can do anything a
person can do. Rent a place, buy real estate, open a bank
account with debit cards, turn on utilities, everything! Don’t
forget that Corporations, LLC’s and Trusts work for all these
same things too.
ChexSystems Note: Some individuals are kept from opening a
personal bank account because their personal name has negative
info on a ChexSystems report to which the bank subscribes.
Many banks do not check your personal name when you open a
business account but they might do so. If you have this problem
and are rejected for a new business account, you have two
options. First, find a bank that does not use ChexSystems for
business accounts or searches using the business name rather
than a personal name. Second, you find a bank that DOES NOT
use ChexSystems. Call some banks and ask if they use
ChexSystems, you will eventually find one that will open an
account for you.
Hint: You will have your best chance of success with credit
unions or smaller community banks that frequently do not use
Some banks will let you open a business checking account
online. You can do a search for “open a business checking
account online” on
Alternatively, click the following link where I’ve done the
search for you
You should find a few banks there.
BanCorp is another one
Another one is my personal favorite … Bank of America …
they have branches just about everywhere.
You can certainly find other banks on your own. A person could
easily open a business checking account online and only have to
fax one of one Corporation officer’s driver’s license and social
security card. Could you borrow your brother’s or mother’s or a
close friend’s driver’s license and social security card and just
make a copy of it so you can get this bank account open right
Remember, only the EIN number will be associated with the
account. The bank just needs to see somebody’s ID who is one
of the owners or officers of the business to open the account …
Just ONE and NOT all.
Another way to get an account open is to go into the bank in
person. You say you work for this Corporation or Partnership
and you need to open a bank account. You tell them the Chief
Financial Officer or your partner is in another state and you
need to get the account open. The Chief Financial Officer or
Partner that you are talking about will have to be a live person
who will be available by telephone and by fax. The bank will
ask to talk to that person on the phone and they will have to fax
over a copy of their driver’s license and social security card.
I’ve done this myself and it is simple to do.
You can deposit checks made out to any name into your
business checking account. If someone gave you a check made
out to John Doe, you just write “for deposit only” on the back of
the check and drive through the drive through and deposit it. If
they tell you they can’t do it, just take the check back and go to
another branch and drive through their drive through. I would
just continue this until some teller deposits the check. This
usually happens on the first try though. This is one way to cash
checks anonymously. You don’t get cash immediately but as
soon as the check is credited to your account, you can use your
debit card to withdraw the cash.
Another way you can open a business account is to open a sole
proprietorship business checking account and not a Corporation
checking account. You should get an EIN number for this also
but you can just use your social security number if you want.
You could even have a friend or family member open a
business checking account for you. Banks do this every day and
it is simple to do. You could just borrow your mother’s
information and open the account for her as described above.
You can use all the same tricks from above for opening a
Corporation checking account and a “Trust” checking account.
All the same rules apply to these types of checking accounts
You may have to give the bank what they call a Fictitious Name
Statement”. To get a Fictitious Statement, you just call your
local county courthouse and ask them how you get one. You can
usually get one online at their website or just stop by the
courthouse and fill out a simple form stating the name of your
business and its owners. You then pay a small fee and they give
you a document that shows you own the business. You’ll need
to provide your business address inside their county and a
business telephone number. You can figure out how to get an
address easily. Just use your mailbox rental or a friends
address. They may send you quarterly income tax statements.
Just tell them you haven’t made any money because your
business hasn’t gotten off the ground yet and you will owe
nothing for taxes.
Another way to open a checking account anonymously is to
start a Trust. You can hire someone or use an online service to
do this for you. Just do a Google search for “start a Trust”
You can use all the same information described earlier on how
to open a Corporation checking account for this Trust account.
The requirements will be the same as opening a corporate or
business checking account. This is another way to bank
anonymously. You can make anonymous deposits in the
account and the simple business checking account as well.
As stated earlier if you have a business checking or Trust
checking account you can deposit any check into that account,
no matter what name is on the check.
Another way to open a bank account anonymously is to have a
friend or family member open an account and just let you have
the debit card and access to the account online etc. The account
will be in their name, so you will remain anonymous but you
now have a checking account you can use. You must Trust this
person to NOT give you away so please be careful who you
To read a couple of stories about how to open a bank account
without a social security number click the following links:
Tip: When you open a new business account, it would be wise
to use a bank you’ve never used before so there is no risk of the
bank linking you to a past personal account.
Cash Checks Anonymously
You can stay in touch with your family or friends without them
ever knowing where you are. If they don't know where you are,
they can't tell anybody where you are either by accident or on
purpose. An easy way of staying in contact is to buy pre-paid
cell phones. Cell phones can be traced to a near proximity of
where the call came from so don't ever call anyone on this
phone from the place where you live. You would want to use
this phone as far away as possible from where you live. When
you’re close to home, don’t even turn the phone’s power on and
keep it turned off as it can be traced even when it is not in use.
It is best is to remove the battery until you want to use it again
at some place far away from where you live.
Note: You can get an area code for any part of the country and
I recommend you get an area code from somewhere other than
your local area code.
The authorities are the only ones who can trace cell phone
locations so if you were just hiding from a stalker you’d be safe
to call from wherever you are.
Driving in a car would be good too. You could turn the phone
on when you were far away from home and then you could be
moving while you have your phone conversation. You could
throw the phone away as soon as you hang up the phone. You
will only need to go to this extreme if the FED’s are after you
or a very powerful organization. Someone who had the ability
to do a cell phone trace and there aren’t many that can. If
you’re not on the run from the government, you should be able
to keep a separate cell phone you use for those calls only.
A pre-paid phone that you can get anonymously would be best.
You can choose whatever area code you like when buying a pre-
paid phone so you could use an area code far from where you
Pre-paid anonymous cell phones are never linked to your real
home or anonymous address. Mail is okay if you use an
untraceable mail drop. Just do a Google search for "Private
Mail Service" and you will find many listings for these
Take Children With You
If you have children you need to take with you into hiding, the
one thing that hurts you is that children must be enrolled in
school by law. Even home schooled children must be registered.
If you are just hiding from an abusive person or stalker, it
should be okay to get the children’s school transcripts from
their old school and use them to enroll them in the new school.
It might be a good idea to call a school ahead of time and ask if
there is way to keep your children’s identity protected. It’s okay
to be honest about why you are worried about it. You could
make some test calls on schools you are not interested in and
this way you are prepared when you call the school you do
want. Unless the person you are hiding from knows to check the
exact school district you enrolled them in the children should
be safe using their own names for school. Other than the school,
they will be living under your legally assumed identity with
you. You don’t have to worry about taking them to the doctor,
go ahead, as all medical records are sealed. A person might be
able to find out there was a record, but only if they knew
exactly what doctor to call or what hospital, etc. Children are
safe because schools don’t let information go easily. Call a few
schools and ask what their policies are. Do they give out
information about who is enrolled in their school? You will find
they don’t.
Final Tips
David Author
Important Author’s Afterthoughts
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