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Big Brother Is Watching - Get An Anonymous New Life Identity and Name - Fast Easy Legal

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Good Advice Self-Help Book Publications

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LEGALLY Create an ANONYMOUS New Identity
LEGALLY Establish ANONYMOUS New Credit
LEGALLY Rent or Buy an ANONYMOUS Place to Live
LEGALLY Be Protected
LEGALLY Be Unlimited In Your Future
LEGALLY Become the Person You Always Wanted to Be
LEGALLY Do It All - Inexpensive - Fast - Easy

Important Note / Introduction / Reasons To Establish A New

Identity / Where To Start Your New Life / New Identity
Primary Method / Links / Business Name Choices / Five
Businesses Types / Name Your New Business / Open A
Business Bank Account / New Identity Example / First Task
/ Become An Author - Actor - Investor / Find A Place To
Live Anonymously / People Do Not Keep Secrets / Rent Or
Lease A Permanent Place to Live / Purchase A Home Or
Condo Anonymously / Turn On Utilities Anonymously / Rent
A Car Anonymously / Purchase A Car Anonymously / Work
Anonymously / Fly Anonymously / Open A Bank Account
Anonymously / Cash Checks Anonymously / Run A
Business? / Birth Certificate / Create A New Identity /
Drivers License & State Identification Card / International
Drivers License / Social Security Number / Stay In Touch
With Family And Friends / Take Children With You / Final
Tips / Alternate Lifestyles / Important Author’s
Afterthoughts / Congratulations / Legal Notice../..Good
Advice Self-Help Books

Important Note

Please don’t waste your money on some of the other books out
there about hiding from Big Brother, creating a new hidden
identity or changing your name. I bought most of them as part
of my research to write this in-depth yet concise book. Those
other books were more expensive to buy than this book. I want
to help many people, so I’ve kept the price for this book low,
but the quality of information is VERY HIGH. I’ve filtered
away the fluff and trivial information. Most important of all, I
will keep you legal, legitimate, and even respected. Most of the
other books are limited in scope and advise you to do
something illegal. It is not wise to violate laws to set up a new
hidden identity and name. There are legal, simple, quick, and
inexpensive options available. It is your legal right to use any
name you like but you must go about it properly to avoid
problems or legal entanglements.

You can quickly and easily start a new life with a clean slate of
credit and opportunities and do so anonymously. You can leave
behind a negative past, financial disaster, tragedy, abusive
person, crazy person, stalker, or predator that has wrecked
havoc on your life. You can become hidden, protected and

Read on and I will reveal the simple, fast, and legal process to
start afresh and leave the past behind as if it never existed and
live hidden from Big Brother.


You might need to start a new life with complete anonymity

right away. Perhaps you plan to vanish and start over soon,
when the timing is best. Maybe you want an alternative identity
you can use whenever you choose for business, safety, or
privacy reasons. This book provides you with the information
you need to legally vanish and start your life over with a new
identity. Perhaps, you want nothing more than to legally create
a Pen Name to use as an author or an acting name to use as an
actor. Regardless of what your needs are for wanting a new
name and identity, this book can help you to do it legally and

In this age of computers and data sharing, the processes that
worked in the past DO NOT WORK TODAY. Big Brother is
watching closer than ever. It is important to do it right and
avoid the illegal processes that might get you into trouble.

This book uses simple yet legal processes. These processes are
anonymous and use the convenience of the Internet or a phone
call. You do not have to appear in person to carry out the
methods of living anonymously presented here.

I have used these processes myself to escape and start a new
life. Along the way, I discovered I also had the opportunity to
become the person I always wanted to be and live the lifestyle I
always wanted to live.

You are embarking on a fresh start in life without hindrances
from the past to restrict you. It is easy to start over in life and
wipe the slate clean of past blunders, disasters or tragedies.

You can use these tactics to live anonymously yet openly with
complete freedom and without fear.

Hold your head high as you start your new life. It’s time to take
positive actions and chase your dreams into reality

Let’s get started!

Reasons To Establish A New Identity

There are many legit reasons a person might want to set up

a new identity:

You wish to become invisible to governments, organizations,
and individuals that would restrict your freedoms or invade
your privacy. Big Brother is indeed WATCHING!

You are an Author, Actress or other type of professional. Your
desire is to conduct your professional business under your Pen
Name, Actor Name or other professional name.

Maybe you just want to have an alternate identity in reserve.

Escape from and forever avoid an abusive spouse, insane
person, criminal, scam artist, stalker, or other horrific person
that has wrecked havoc on your life.

Protect your children from an abusive person or some other
predatory person.

Start afresh after an Identity Theft. It is almost impossible to
undo the financial, reputation and credit damages that result
from an Identity Theft. Don’t allow an identity theft to destroy
your future life.

Maybe you just want to avoid Abusive Creditors or any
organization or individual that is harassing you.

Set up new credit quickly rather than suffer the long and
difficult process of trying to repair badly damaged credit.

You are a public figure or famous person that cannot go out in
public or travel without being recognized. Step into an
anonymous identity to travel freely when and where you

Sidestep the expensive, long, and humiliating Bankruptcy
process that will leave you with destroyed credit for 10 years or
longer. Keep your assets, save the legal costs, and establish a
new identity with a clean credit slate.

Establish a new identity, reputation, and credit after an
economic crisis. The recent crash in our economy has wrecked
the lives of so many good people.

Get a fresh start after Foreclosure. Leave the misfortune behind
and start over with a new identity?

You were buried under an avalanche of medical bills after an
auto accident, disease, illness, or prolonged hospital stay. It
does not have to happen to you personally. It could happen to
your spouse, ex-spouse, child, or parent and you are stuck with
the bills.

Avoid a deficiency judgment or other form of judgment. If you
have lost your home or are about to lose your home to
Foreclosure, the lien holder can come after you for any
deficiency after the foreclosure sale. You can avoid judgments
and hide your assets under the protective umbrella of a new

Wealthy or prominent people are constantly the target of con
artists or other bad people. You can disappear from the radar of
these people by stepping into an alternative identity.

There are many more legitimate reasons why someone would
want a new identity. It is not Doom and Gloom or shameful in
any way. It is a unique opportunity to start afresh with a clean
slate and unlimited opportunity in the future.

Where To Start Your New Life

The best place to start your new life is in a big city. The more
people there are around you, the easier it will be to disappear
into the crowd and remain anonymous. In big cities, people
don’t want to talk to you or get to know you, not even your
neighbors. In smaller towns, people might ask questions or
make inquiries as to where you came from. If you already live
in a larger city, it is possible to stay in your city by moving
elsewhere within the city. If you want to be more anonymous
and private but stay in your present job and/or home, you can
do that too. How deeply hidden you become is your choice and
you don’t need to give up your present name and identity. You
can continue to use your present identity for specific reasons or
not at all, as you will now have control over your present and
future name and identity.

New Identity Primary Method

The primary method in this book for you to quickly and

legally create a new identity is to set up a new business or
multiple businesses and do everything under your new
business name(s). You become the owner of a respectable
business and do everything in your business name. You
disappear as a person because you no longer function as an
individual. You will still have your old identity in your given
name but you won’t be using it anymore, unless you choose to.
You will move forward in your life using a new “business
name” that looks like a “real person’s name” and it is simple to
do. It is easy to set up a new business and it does not matter if
your business succeeds in the sense of producing income. Your
business may never progress any further than creating a new
business name and getting an Employer Identification Number
(EIN). You don’t have to have employees to get an EIN, which
is the business equivalent of your personal Social Security
Number (SSN). Your new EIN even has the same number of
digits as an SSN for an individual. Your new EIN is FREE to
get online and it only takes a couple of minutes to do. I’ll tell
you a little bit further on where to go online to get an EIN, and
it is FREE.

I know this works because I have started many businesses that
failed in the sense they did not produce profits. They were
successful for my purpose of having an alternate identity to use
or step into at will. They were also successful to own a home,
car, or boat in a business name rather than in my personal
name. Some of my other businesses are profitable and support
me nicely in my lifestyle as an entrepreneur, author and
successful businessperson. I use my business names to do
everything an individual can do so I can personally remain
anonymous. I own my home in a business name and my
practical ownership of that home is anonymous, as I do not
personally own it. I anonymously drive a car legally owned
under a different business name and the car I drive is not
traceable to me personally. I own a yacht under a business
name. Finally, I earn income under multiple business names.
I’m respected as an entrepreneur and author who owns
numerous business enterprises. For all practical purposes, I do
not exist or function as an individual person. I live under the
protective umbrellas of my legitimate businesses.

Note: It is interesting to recognize that if the police get behind
me while I’m driving and radio the license plate in, they will
only discover the car is owned by a business. The police will
NOT have identified me personally. How’s that for becoming
anonymous? … The police don’t even know who I am. In a
normal situation where someone owns a car in their real name,
the police would know everything about that person from the
registration information. If that individual had an arrest record
(even if found not guilty), the police will be aware and are
much more like to pull them over. When a vehicle is owned by
a business, the business name and address will be all the police
will know and nothing more. A police friend of mine has
admitted this is true and it is interesting to know you can drive
an automobile with such anonymity. This is just one example of
how anonymous you can be as a business owner.

A business can rent or buy houses, condominiums, or
apartments. It can buy cars, boats, aircraft, or any property that
has a title. A business can have utilities turned on, get phone
service, Internet service, satellite service, and cellular service.
In short, a business can do anything a person can do except
drive a car but you as the owner of a business can legally drive
a business car. A business cannot drive a car because it is not a
person, but it can hire a person to drive for you and they call
such a person, a chauffeur. I’m not saying you can’t drive a car
as a business owner because you can. You could have your
business hire a chauffeur to drive you around or your business
employees could do so. I’m not saying you have to have
employees or a chauffeur. I’m simply trying to show that in
your new life, as a business owner, there are no limits. You
could indeed have employees, a chauffeur, house cleaner, chef,
maid, personal assistant, or even … all the above!


Take advantage of the marvelous opportunities you have in
your new life … only you can limit yourself … so don’t limit


We are about to get into the details of how to create your new
name and identity. Before we begin, I want you to know there
are many Internet links throughout this book to give you
important extra information without the need to incorporate this
information directly within this book’s pages. The Internet
links also take you to the places online you need to go to fill out
forms and file the paperwork to set up your new business name
and identity.

All the Internet links in this book are active and will work for
you by simply clicking on them. If the links don’t work for
some reason, I’m certain you will be able to figure out how to
find what the author has found. None of the “Internet stuff” is
difficult and is easy to find with any Internet search engine
given the prompts I provide to you.

The table of contents also has active links and this makes it
easy to navigate around this book. Just click on a chapter title
and you will be shifted to that section of the book.

Business Name Choices

The first step when you’ve decided to start a new business and
reinvent yourself as a successful and respected businessperson
is to come up with a name for your new business. You also need
to be certain your new business name is not already in use by
another business.

When a person starts a new business, his or her personal
background is NOT checked by anyone, for any reason. One of
the important facts about a business is that a business has an
Employer Identification Number (EIN). An EIN has the same
number of digits as a person’s Social Security Number (SSN)
but dashes are in a different place as shown below.

A personal SSN would look like this: 123-45-6789

A business EIN would look like this: 12-3456789

You do not have to do anything special to get an EIN number
except to have a mailing address and a NAME for your
business. The address could be your current home address, past
address, friend’s address, a PO Box, or a Private Mailbox you
rent from a UPS store or some other private mailbox provider.
Just check the local yellow pages or online to find Private Mail
Services. Any mailing address where you can anonymously
receive mail will do. You must have a business name to get an
EIN so give some careful thought to what that name might be. I
will give you some help in choosing the right name for your
business a bit further on in this book because you want a
business name that looks like a real person’s name. This is all
you need to get an EIN and they are free to get online or by
telephone. It only takes a couple of minutes to get an EIN
online … ain’t that sweet!

A business will use an EIN just as a person would use their
SSN. When a business calls in to have electricity turned on, the
electric utility company does not ask you for a personal SSN,
they will ask you for the business EIN. A business can open a
bank account, get a debit card, credit cards, and establish credit.
To find out how to get credit under a business name just do a
Google search for “business credit” or click this link:


Dunn and Bradstreet is the credit bureau for businesses, just
like Equifax, Experian and TransUnion are credit bureaus for
people. You can register your new business and start building
credit under your new business name at their website. Just click
the link below:


Anyone can easily get an EIN in a couple of minutes by going
to this web address and it is FREE to do so:


Not only is it FREE to get an EIN, you don’t have to enter any
offices anywhere. You can do it online or by phone but I
recommend you do it online. You can find the phone number on
the website link above if you wish to do it by phone. You will
have to provide your social security number to get an EIN but
you are giving your SSN to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
The IRS will be the only entity in the world that knows you
have an EIN number and the IRS will never disclose it to any
other entity or person in the world. They don’t publish any
record of who the owner of an EIN is. Nobody can discover that
you now have an EIN number or multiple EIN numbers for
multiple businesses if you so wish. It is impossible, unless you
tell somebody, so if you don’t want anybody to know then
DON’T TELL ANYBODY! No record of your personal
information will associate with the EIN number unless you give
the information to someone who would associate you with it.
An EIN is assigned to a business and NOT to an individual.
There is nowhere anyone can go to find out if a person has ever
received an EIN. You cannot call the IRS and ask if John Doe
has been assigned an EIN number. The IRS won’t share
information except maybe with federal agencies like the FBI or
CIA. As long as the FED’s do not want you, you’re good to go.
Even if you have warrants for your arrest, they don’t do any
background checks when you apply for an EIN number. An EIN
belongs to a business and NOT to a person.

Once you have an EIN number or several, you can use your new
business to own another business if you so choose. In this case,
you do not give your personal SSN and info to get another EIN.
You give the EIN and business info for an established business
that will own the NEW business.

Five Businesses Types

Sole Proprietorship: A Sole Proprietorship is exactly what it

sounds like … one person starting their own business solely by
themselves. The business can have employees or not have them.
A Sole Proprietor is only permitted to get one EIN and would
use the same EIN for every Sole Proprietorship they own. It
wouldn’t matter if they owned one business or a thousand
businesses that are Sole Proprietorships. All of those businesses
would use the same EIN. This is the simplest and least
expensive form of business to set up. You will only have one
EIN number for as many Sole Proprietorship businesses as you
like. The problem with having multiple Sole Proprietor
businesses is that they will all be linked by a common EIN
number. If you create only one new business, this would be the
simple way to go. I recommend you create multiple new
businesses, which are independent from each other, and not
linked by a common EIN. You can do this with the other four
types of business entities that follow.

Partnership: Partnership is also exactly what it sounds like.
Two or more individuals or entities form a business partnership
and the entities need not be individuals. Two businesses can
form a partnership or one individual and a business or six
individuals, etc. Each partnership must have its own separate
EIN unlike a Sole Proprietorship where all of your businesses
use the same EIN. Partnerships are my personal favorite to set
up a new business because each new business partnership gets a
separate EIN and there are other advantages. A partnership has
no linkage to any other business you might choose to create,
unless you use the partnership to own another business. A
partnership does not have the added expense or complexity of a
Corporation, LLC, or Trust, which I cover in the next sections.
Authors are a good example as they do this all the time. Many
Authors use a pen name, which is NOT their given name, and
they do business under their Pen Name. Actors are the same, as
many actors do not use their given name to conduct their
business as an actor. It is common for Authors or Actors to
work under a different name than their given name. Nobody
disrespects a famous Author or Actor. We admire and idolize
them. We give famous and successful people special VIP status
and privilege as Very Important Persons.

Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC):
Corporations and LLC’s must have their own EIN. If a person
were to own ten different Corporations or LLC’s, there would
be ten different EIN’s, one for each business. These types of
businesses limit your personal liability for the business. There
is more monetary expense and it may take a bit more time to
form one of these business entities. Corporations and LLC”s are
subject to annual renewal fees a Sole Proprietor or Partnership
are NOT subject to. There are continuing expenses and
compulsory annual or quarterly filings to maintain a
Corporation or LLC. The only advantage I see with these
entities is the prestige of having an official title like
“President” or “Chairman of the Board”. Anyone can form an
LLC or Corporation and give himself or herself any official
title they choose. I would advise against these forms of business
due to the higher expense, higher complexity, continuing
expense and compulsory filings … KISS … Keep It Super
Simple … always sage advice!

Trusts: Trusts are the final choice and you get a different EIN
for each trust. Trusts are also more expensive to form and
generally require the specialized assistance of an attorney
and/or accountant. I don’t recommend this more complicated
form of business … KISS … Keep It Simple Stupid … or …
Keep It Stupid Simple!

There are five paths to get an EIN you can use for establishing
credit, opening bank accounts, buying homes, renting homes,
connecting utilities, buying cars etc. Those five ways are (1)
start a Sole Proprietorship, (2) start a Partnership (3) start a
Corporation, (4) start a LLC or (5) start a Trust. All five of
these can make you 100% anonymous. Your business(s) own
the house, auto and pay for utilities, phone service, etc. You
won’t function as a person anymore. You will be a business
owner and have your business do everything for you.

When buying a car or house, you tell them to put it in your
business name. They won’t even ask you what your personal
information is except your name to sign as the owner of the
business. If you do this right, you will not even sign your real
name. THEY DON”T CARE because it is not a person buying
the car or house! When turning on utilities, you tell them you
are putting service in the name of the business. They will ask
you for a contact name, phone number and email address of a
person they can contact just in case they need to contact
someone about the service. You can make up any name and
phone number and they won’t ask for a SSN or anything else or
sign your business name. I would give them a valid email
address you have set up in advance so they can contact you if
need be. I would personally also give them a valid phone
number where they can leave a message you will get but NOT a
phone or Cell Phone you would actually answer. Keep a record
of the name, phone number and email address you give the
utility company for contact purposes. You need to have info for
later in case you want to contact the utility to change or end

Another important thing about an EIN is this is the number your
business will use to earn money. You are in fact your business
so you are the one earning the money except that the money is
going into your business name and business account instead of
a personal name and personal account. When you are paid, ask
your client to make the check out to your business name instead
of your personal name. This is how real businesses work and
you are now a 100% real and legitimate business.

You will also pay taxes under your business name, assuming
you make enough money to pay taxes. You may not make
enough money to pay taxes so check the tax table. You would
still receive all the benefits of using a business identity, no
matter how much money you made. In fact, a business can fail
to make money and still be a legal business for eternity. Even if
the business loses money every single year, it’s still a business
and can stay in existence forever.

There are few things a business must do to get started and be
legal. They are all inexpensive or even free. One thing a
business may need to do is file a Fictitious Name Statement. It
may not be called a Fictitious Name Statement in your county
or state but it will have a similar name. Just call the local
county courthouse in the county where you want to establish
your new business and ask them what you need to do to start a
new business. If it is done at the state level, you call the state.
You can also find the information online for your county or
state. To file a Fictitious Name Statement, there will generally
be a small fee to pay. I do It online and get a copy sent to my
business email address.

Name Your Business

After you have decided what type of the five businesses you are
going to start, the next step to do is to find a name for your new
business. Your new business name must not be in use by
another business. Once you’ve chosen your business name, you
get your EIN number online at the website above. Depending on
what type of business you start and what county and state it is
located in, you may need to file a Fictitious Name Statement.
You can use any name you want for your business as long as
it’s not the same name as an existing business. For example,
you can’t call your business IBM or Microsoft, because those
names are taken. Do a Google search online to see if the
business name you want to use is taken. Next, I would search
the fictitious name filings in the county or state you intend to
locate your business in to be certain your business name is not
in use by another business.

It is important to recognize that a business can have a name like
a person. I could name my business John Doe if I wanted to or
Jane Doe Enterprises. To file a Fictitious Name Statement
(means you are doing business in a name other than your
personal name), call the courthouse in the county where you
want to start your business. Ask them “how do I file a Fictitious
Name Statement”. Fax, email, do it online, or snail mail the
paperwork, pay any fee due and you have a business with a
legitimately registered fictitious name. You can usually do this
online and could pay the fee with an anonymous pre-paid debit
card. This way, you don’t use plastic in your real name. You
can buy them at any Wally Mart or Targete, etc. You don’t have
to appear in any office and you can do it from anywhere, even a
computer at a local library. It is always easier to do it over the
phone or online rather than doing it in person.

Note: Use an address that is NOT your home address for the
Fictitious Name Statement. Use your new business address
(your previous home address, PO Box or Private Mail Service).
It is simpler if your new business address is in an
unincorporated area to avoid any local government (City)
requirements for licensing, fees, etc. Every city is different so
check with your city to find out what the requirements for your
new business might be. Do this in advance so you can make the
best possible decisions.

The last step you may have to do to make your business legal is
to get a business license. You won’t have to do this if you
choose a business type that does not require a business license.
You call your local county courthouse (city too if your business
address is within city limits). Tell them what type of business
you are going to start and where it will be located (a locked
hole in wall at a post office or private mail service). They will
tell you how much the fee is for the business license. Many
types of businesses DO NOT need a license and I suggest you
start this type of business so you won’t have to get a business
license. When you call the courthouse or city, ask them what
kinds of businesses don’t need a license. Start one of those if
you don’t want to pay another fee and recurring fees to license
your business. Every state is different, every county is different,
and every city is different.

No matter what it takes to get your business started, it will be
inexpensive and quick. You can do the whole thing in less than
24 hours. Usually, you can do the whole process in less than an
hour or two.

Open A Business Bank Account

The final step to make your business not just legal, but fully
functional for your purposes, is to open a business checking
account with a bank. You will need to provide the bank with
your EIN number and the Fictitious Name Statement for your
new business. You will also probably have to provide your
personal information and it is safe to do so unless you’re on the
run from the FED’s. If you do this right, your personal info will
not show on your checks or the Debit Card you are issued by the
bank. Just the Business Name will be shown (ask them to show
your business name only and not your personal name as the
business owner). Some banks may insist your personal name
also be on the checks and that is one reason why I recommend
you form a partnership rather than a Sole Proprietorship. Even
if your bank insists you must have your personal name on your
business checks, you don’t have to accept that. Instead, you
order your checks form a private vendor on the Internet and
have them print your checks the way YOU want them. Ordering
your checks online is much less costly than getting them from
the bank and you’ve cut out the middleman (the bank). I order
all my checks online and get the exact style and info shown that
I want. For example, you could have the address and phone
number on your checks be different from what the bank has on
file for your business account, if you so choose. It is your
choice and NOT the bank’s choice as to what info is on your
business checks. You form the business partnership as an author
would between your Real Name and your Business Name (your
new identity name that looks like a person’s name). Then you
have the bank only show your partner’s name (your Pen Name)
on the checks and Debit Cards. You are now going to live under
your Business Name. Actors do the same thing as they live their
lives and are paid under their acting name rather than their
given name. You could also be an investment company where
you are the brains and your partner handles the money and does
the banking. You want your partner’s name on the checks and
debit cards and your partners name will be the name you now
assume as your new identity name and business name. You are
going to be just like other people who work under a business
name that is NOT their given name (a fictitious name as shown
on the Fictitious Name Statement). You are doing what an
Author, famous Movie Star, or a filthy rich top dog Investor
does. This is a common thing in our world today. Good
company to have in your new identity and indeed you are now
free to become one of the privileged people who get special
treatment worldwide and wherever they go. There is even a
special acronym for people like this who have special status and
privilege … they are known as a VIP (Very Important Person).
You can become a VIP with your new business!

Note: My personal favorite bank to open a business account at
the time of this writing is Bank of America. I prefer Bank of
America for two reasons. First and most importantly, you can
ask them to put your photo on your new business Debit Card
and only show your business name. You now have picture ID in
your business name (your legal new identity name) in the form
of a Debit Card with your photo on it … very cool! If your
business name just happens to sound like a person’s real name
(John Doe Enterprises for example), you have picture ID to
confirm your new identity name as John Doe, which is also
your business name. If someone wants to see identification and
wants picture ID, you can use your Debit Card instead of a
Driver’s license, State ID Card, Student ID card or Passport.
I’m not aware of any other bank that puts your photo on a
business Debit Card … perhaps they exist and perhaps you can
find one but Bank of America is your friend.

The second reason I like Bank of America is because they are a
MONSTER. This bank has branches everywhere and you can
conduct your banking business wherever you may go in your
new life!

Note: Some banks may want a Partnership Agreement filed
with the State and Bank of America is one of them. This is NOT
a legal requirement by the state and merely a requirement of
that bank. It is easy to just go online and do this for a small fee
as I have done. Smaller and less-known banks are less likely to
want a Partnership Agreement registered with the state. Call the
bank you want to use in advance and ask them what documents
they require to open a Business Partnership account. This is
NOT required for a Corporation or LLC. These more complex
and costly forms of business are registered with the state as part
of the normal process. Sole Proprietorships do not have this
requirement, as there is only one owner of the business. Trusts
are more complex and I recommend you do NOT go this route
or hire an attorney and / or accountant to do it for you if you
form a trust.

New Identity Example

For this example, I will use the Author Scenario. As a new

Author, you should be forming a business partnership between
your real name and your Pen Name. You will elect to use your
Pen Name as your Business Name so your Business Name looks
like a real person on the Debit Card and Checks. You will file a
Fictitious Name Statement (if needed) in the name of your Pen
Name, which just means you are going to be doing business in a
name other than your real name.

If your real name is Kathy Beautiful, you might choose Kathy
Author as your pen name (also your new business name as
shown on the Fictitious Name Statement). Note that you can
keep or change your first name but you do want to change your
last name unless it is a common name like Smith or Hernandez
(Spanish equivalent of Smith). You might want to change your
first name too and especially if it is a unique or rare first name
that could give your old identity away. You will now be doing
business as Kathy Author or better yet, use Kathy Author
Enterprises and so will say your debit card and business checks.
You can now introduce yourself as Kathy Author and nobody
will know you by your real name. You will have checks and
Plastic with your new business name that just happens to match
your chosen New Identity Name of Kathy Author of Kathy
Author Enterprises. Don’t get fancy and use a middle name.
Just become plain Kathy Author of Kathy Author Enterprises. If
anyone asks what your middle name is, just say you don’t have
one or you don’t use it because you don’t like it!

Another thing you can do to lend status to your new name,
Kathy Author, is to get some business cards that say “Kathy
Author Enterprises” on them. You can put your new business
address (Private Mail Service or PO Box) and NOT your home
address on there. You might want to include a message phone
number you never answer but will record a voice message. This
phone number will take messages and notify you when you
have message(s) waiting (Google Voice number, MagicJack or
even a prepaid cell phone).

You can order 250 FREE business cards for your new business
name and business by going here:


You can also add legitimacy to your new business by setting up
an Internet online presence. A domain name is the name of an
online website a business could use to market and sell products.
You do not have to market products or services but you could
… that’s what a real business does. For an example, if your pen
name were John Author, you might want to buy the Domain
Name of JohnAuthor.com and/or JohnAuthorEnterprises.net.

Note: You might want to check what domain names are
available in advance. A business name you want to use might
not be available as a domain name and that might affect your
choice for your new business name that looks like a person’s
name. You can see if your new business name is available as a
.com, .net, .co, etc, by going to the website below. If the name
you want is available, you should consider buying the domain
name so you don’t have to risk that it might not be available


I own a whole bunch of domain names for my various
businesses. I’ve bought domain names as inexpensively as
$1.99 and the most I’ve ever paid is $7.99. That is inexpensive
to set up an online business presence. It’s a good deal even just
to have the domain name to show on your new business card
and lend your new business (your new identity name) more
legitimacy and prestige. It is your choice if you want a domain
name to become a genuine business outlet for your new
business, or not. Maybe, a domain name will do nothing more
than to improve the image of your new business and identity

This piece of information will save you much more than the
cost of this book. You can establish a FREE domain name and a
FREE website for one year by going to:


First Task

Decide what your new Pen Name / New Identity Name is going
to be … your personal “Kathy Author” equivalent.

To arrive at a more anonymous pen name, you might want to
choose it from common names like David Smith or Mary
Johnson. Go to any phone book and you will see there are tons
of Smiths and Johnsons. You can easily become lost among
them and become just another Smith or a Jones, especially so in
a bigger city where there will be pages and pages of Smiths or
Jones or Hernandez’s.

If you don’t want to become a Smith or a Johnson, you can go
to this website to discover the most common first names and
last names for both females and males:


It is best to keep your first name as you are used to people
calling you by your first name and only change your last name.
Change your first name only if it is a rare name and could link
you to your old identity.

Do a Google search online for your new name to see what
comes up.

Check online to see if your chosen name is available as a
domain name by going to:


Become An Author - Actor - Investor

So now that you have chosen your new Pen Name, how do you
officially become a legitimate Author? There is NO licensing
requirement or official list of Authors out there to get your new
pen name on so how do you do this?

Here is the easiest method I know to go about officially
becoming an Author. Go to the nearest mirror and put a solemn
look on your face. Raise either hand and watch yourself in the
mirror as you repeat these magical words … “I AM AN
AUTHOR” … and so it shall be!

To become a Private Investor, utter the magical words “I AM A

To become an Actress, utter the magical words “I AM AN

To become a Publisher, utter the magical words “I AM A

You could do more than one solemn oath and become more
than one new type of person … be Kathy Author and Kathy
Investor … now you have TWO new identities. You have a
second identity and business you can use as you see fit or hold
in reserve if need arises. You could own your home in one
business and your car in another business … I do. Now you’re a
respected self-employed businessperson with multiple business
enterprises … HOW COOL IS THAT.

How about Kathy Author Enterprises for a new business name?
… That’s an impressive business name, which contains your
new identity name within it. This name makes you appear to be
the guiding force of an important bunch of Enterprises and
indeed, you could in fact own other businesses under this
business name … why not? … I have done so! There are
unlimited possibilities so be creative and why not become who
you’ve always wanted to be as part of the process.

You can be personally known as Kathy Author and use the full
business name of Kathy Author Enterprises as your own
Publishing Company for your books. On Amazon Kindle, there
is a place to upload the “Publisher” for any book uploaded for
publication. You might as well make your book look more
professional by having an Official Publisher. Kathy Author
Enterprises could also be your official Editor on Kindle and the
graphic arts company that designed the covers for your books.
Kathy Author Enterprises could be a real estate investment
company, a property management company, or “anything you
can imagine” company.

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to write a book. Now you are a
genuine Author, a genuine Publisher, and a genuine Editor too
(you took the solemn oaths in front of a mirror). You can be all
three with just the one business name of Kathy Author
Enterprises. So go write some books and chase your dreams
into reality … whatever they may be.

You have a wonderful opportunity to create a new identity and a
genuine new business to go with it. You can become the person
you always wanted to be with a sparkling clean slate. Please
don’t make or repeat the same mistakes or bad choices you may
have made before in your previous life.

Astute Note: You might have astutely noticed the Author
example above is a real life example for me personally. I’ve
become an Author and written many books including this one
but NOT in my given name. I use my Pen Names (yep … you
guessed it … I have more than just one pen name and so can
you). I have the business names, banking accounts, business
cards, mailing addresses, online Domain Names, etc, for each
of my legitimate businesses as an author as well as being my
own Publisher, Graphic Arts designer, and Editor. I can do my
professional business as well as my personal business under my
business names and so can you. I have published this book
under my legit pen name of “David Author (I can’t believe
nobody took that name before me but it’s mine now). I own the
domain names DavidAuthor.com and
DavidAuthorEnterprises.co. My businesses as an Author,
Publisher, and Editor are legal businesses in the state of
Washington (or was it Delaware?). Today, I only use my given
name to collect the social security benefits I earned under that
name. I’m known to others personally acquainted with me by a
different legitimate pen name (not David Author). For the
purpose of writing and marketing this book … I am indeed
David Author.

To Summarize: None of this requires anything special. I’ve
personally started many businesses without the need to file a
Fictitious Name Statement or get a business license. It all
depends on what state or county your business address is in and
what type of business it is you’ve chosen to establish. Put some
careful thought into it and choose your business name, type of
business, and location, wisely.

Anybody can easily do these things with a new business name,
which you choose free, and a new business address for a
nominal expense or free. You could use a trusted friend’s
address. The EIN is free. If needed, there is a small expense for
a Fictitious Name Statement. There might be another small fee
for a Business License depending on where your business is
located and what type of business you’ve chosen.

Note: I recommend you find a state and county that do not
require a Business License for your new business. The
Fictitious Name Statement would be a one-time small fee so
that is not a big deal. A Business License will be an ongoing
annual fee with probable regular mandatory filings for taxes
and this can be a pain. KISS … Keep It Super Simple.

Note: While I recommend you disappear into a Big City, I also
recommend your business address (PO Box, friends address, or
Private Mail Service) be located in an unincorporated area. An
unincorporated area is an area outside of official city limits and
not subject to city laws, regulations, or licensing requirements.
This way, you are not subject to local City Licensing, taxes, or
reporting. It is always wise to KISS things and Keep It Simple

IMPORTANT NOTE: As long as you have no intent to
defraud anyone, it is all 100% legal. In the USA, you have the
legal right to use any name you like and the right to start a

Find A Place To Live Anonymously

The first thing you will need after you make your exit from
your old life is a place to stay. Depending on why you need to
disappear and change your identity, you have many choices. If
you only seek to have an alternate identity you can assume at
will, you would not necessarily have to move elsewhere. The
choice is yours and depends on your individual circumstances
for wanting a new identity.

Assuming you need to relocate, a temporary answer is to rent a
hotel room. You can use your current ID to rent a hotel room
and you will be hidden from just about anybody. Many
“extended stay” hotels have inexpensive weekly or monthly
rates that can even be cheaper than renting a house and much
less expensive than a regular hotel. I recently rented a hotel
room with cooking facilities and two queen-sized beds for only
$179 per week. In some areas, it can be even cheaper and the
monthly rate would be even more reasonable on a per day basis.
Cable TV with HBO was included as was Internet access. I was
allowed to have my pet with me so it is possible to take Doggie
or Kitty with you. If you give your driver’s license as ID to rent
a hotel room you are still mostly safe from discovery. No
national database exists which records every person who rents a
hotel room.

The only way you’re ever found is if someone you’ve told your
new location … tells on you. If you are running from someone
that has access to your banking records, just open a new
business account at another bank and use that account to avoid
detection. No one can know what city you are going to so DO
NOT TELL ANYONE to be safe. Don’t tell your relatives or
best friends so they cannot tell what they DO NOT know.
Someone who knew what city you were going to would still
have to call every hotel in that city to find out if you are
registered and have a room rented there. This is another good
reason to choose a larger city rather than a small town. If you
are running from the FED’s and are wanted for a serious crime,
you know they will check all of your credit/debit cards and
bank accounts to try to track you that way. Therefore, if you
bought gas all the way from Miami to Las Vegas with your
debit card, you probably won’t want to rent a hotel in Las
Vegas. The Fed’s will surely check every hotel in town until
they find you. If you use your debit card to rent a hotel, they’ll
be there in minutes. They won’t have to check with every hotel
since you used your debit card and led them right to you. If you
don’t leave a trail of plastic charges or debits to your location,
you can’t be traced. If you pay cash all the way, you can still
pay cash for a hotel room without discovery and still use your
real driver’s license or ID to check into a hotel. Especially if
the person or organization trying to track you have no way of
knowing what town you will be in. Las Vegas is always the first
place they check since many criminals on the run go there right
away. Anywhere, any state would probably be a better choice so
think about where you are going to travel to for your fresh start.
If you are in a big city, you could just move elsewhere in the

If you are hiding from an abusive spouse, stalker, or person who
does NOT have access to your bank account, you can use your
ID and plastic to rent a room. They won’t be able to discover
where you are or what you are doing. The only way they can
find you is to call the hotel you are staying in and ask if you are
registered. If you want to get away from someone like this then
go somewhere they would never guess you would go and don’t
tell anyone where you are.

If you have friends and family in Seattle then it may NOT be a
good idea to go to Seattle and rent a hotel room there or stay
with your friends or relatives. The person you are running from
may be smart enough to call every hotel in Seattle and your
friends and relatives and might find you. You may want to go to
San Diego (or some other city where you don’t have family and
friends). Especially if you have never been there before and the
person you are hiding from would never think you would go
there. This means they also wouldn’t think to check with every
hotel in San Diego so you would be safe by just renting a hotel
room. You can take some time to find a permanent place to live
you can move into anonymously. I’ll give details on how to do
that in a coming chapter.

Important Note: Before going any further, I want you to know
the main reason someone could find you is your own mouth. If
you tell other people where you are going, or what you are
doing, you will only have yourself to blame when the person
you are hiding from finds you.

People Do Not Keep Secrets

When someone knows a secret, it’s almost as though that

person must tell it to someone else in confidence as they ask
them to not tell anyone else. Then the person or people they tell
will in turn tell other people in confidence and so on, and so on,
and so on. Soon, many people know your business and you still
think just one person knows because they would never admit to
you they told your secrets to someone else.

may tell their lover in confidence, who will then tell their best
friend, who will then tell their family and so on.

DO YOU GET MY POINT? Keep your mouth shut and don’t
tell another living soul where you are going and what you are
doing if you want to disappear and keep it that way. You will
kick yourself later if you trust other people with your secrets.
You can tell people you are going to take off but don’t tell them
where you are going or how to get in touch with you. You can
remain in contact with people if you need to and I’ll explain
how to do this further on in this book. You can also make it
possible for them to get an anonymous message to you and I
will explain how to do that further on in this book.

If you in fact are lucky enough to have a person you can trust
with your life, you may know a person who will help you out. If
this is the case then you can have your trusted person rent a
hotel room for you in their name. Then you are anonymous
instantly. This applies to renting apartments, houses, or
anything else as well. This is a great way to become instantly
anonymous and is the first way you can rent a place to live
anonymously. People like this are rare so be careful about who
you trust and keep it to one person.

If you know someone who will give you his or her credit or
debit card, you can make a reservation at a hotel using his or
her credit card number. When you check into the hotel, all they
will ask for is the credit card used to reserve the room. All you
have to do is give them the credit card and there is a good
chance you won’t have to show a driver’s license or anything
else. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a high chance of success. You
must have the card with you when you go to the front desk. The
hotel has to swipe the card when you get there. I’ve used my
own debit card to reserve a room both over the phone and over
the Internet and they never asked to see my driver’s license
when I went to the front desk to check in. All they wanted to see
was the debit card I used to make the reservation. You could
establish your new business in advance and open a business
checking account. Most banks will issue a temporary debit card
you can use until your permanent business debit card shows up
at your new business address.

You can buy a gift card or a pre-paid debit card at Wally Mart
and use this card to make the reservation and then check in
without showing any ID. It’s worth a try. If you don’t know
where to find those cards, they are at almost every cash register
at Wally Mart. If you don’t see them then just tell the cashier
you are looking for their pre-paid debit cards. They will know
exactly what you are talking about and point you to them. This
is also a great way to send money anonymously and a great way
to spend money over the Internet anonymously. You can buy
these cards 24/7 and use them for everything you can imagine.
They don’t work everywhere every single time, but they do
work 95% of the time. Of course, you have to load money onto
them when you buy them and they cost $3 for the card itself.
Therefore, if you want one with $200 credit on it then you take
$203 in cash to the register.

Note: You will usually have to show identification when you
rent a hotel room unless you reserve the room with a credit card
and you then present that card to the front desk when you check
in. Otherwise, you are going to have to show a photo ID. You
could get lucky in a small non-chain hotel but there is a reason
a hotel wants to see your ID. They don’t want someone to steal
their television and everything else they can get their hands on.
If you open your business account at Bank of America, you can
get a debit card with your photo on it and use that as picture ID.
A student ID or Passport can serve as Picture ID and would be
difficult to trace to you personally.

Rent Or Lease A Permanent Place To Live

The best way is to rent a place without having to show your ID

or have a credit report run. I have done this successfully more
than once. First, don’t be too fussy about where you will stay.
You’re not going to be able to rent a really nice place unless
you pay all cash for the entire term of the lease up front. By
paying cash, I mean you pay cash for the entire time you will be
there up-front. For example, let’s say the rent is $800 a month
and they will agree to lease to you for six months and you will
have to pay a deposit of $1000 as well. This would be $4800 for
the six months rent plus $1000 deposit, which comes to $5800
total. If you are willing to pay cash up-front then maybe you
can move in without showing ID or having a credit report run
on you.

The process I have used successfully is to find a small property
owner who needs the money. Avoid the larger rental properties
with professional management staff. Get the local classified ads
on places for rent. Call on the phone and tell the property owner
you have cash for the first month’s rent. If they say yes, that
means they are probably going to have you give some limited
personal information, not do a background check and give you
the keys for the first month’s rent. If the property owner does
not ask for ID, you can make up any name you want. It would
probably be safe to give your real ID as there is not going to be
a background check but your new landlord would know your
real identity.

Craigslist is also a good place to search for rentals online
because you can type in search criteria. Using Craigslist, type in
“no credit check” in the search criteria and it will then show the
places that don’t do a credit check. Calling them first is a good
place to start.

Finding a place to rent in this manner may take some time or
you might get lucky on the first call. Just keep at it until you
find the right one. It’s best to do all the legwork over the
telephone. This way, you don’t waste your time driving all over
town talking to many people who won’t rent to you without ID
and credit or background checks. Look for a mobile home you
can rent weekly or a small house or townhouse, etc. Small
apartment complexes that only have about 10 or less apartments
or a duplex or four-plex is more likely to have a private owner
and no professional management. Put in the effort and you will
eventually find the right landlord.

Another way is to become a professional house sitter. Check the
local yellow pages or online for house sitting businesses. These
service businesses provide a live-in house sitter to people to
care for and protect their homes while they are away. You could
end up living in a very posh place FREE and anonymously as
you don’t own or even rent the home you are living in. You may
or may not have to pass some sort of screening by the house
sitting agency that sends you out to live in someone else’s
home. Heck, it’s even a great business idea for your new
business. Why not start your own house sitting business and
you run it from whatever home you are living in while being
paid a fee to do so. How would that be?

Two ways to rent a place anonymously and legally are:

Find a landlord that will accept cash and not ask for ID or a
credit/background check.

Have someone else rent a place for you in his or her name.

Two ways to live in a home FREE and anonymously are:

Become a house sitter for a professional house sitting agency.

Advertise your services as a FREE house-sitter.

Two ways to be PAID to live in a home anonymously would

Set up your own house sitting agency as a business and run your
business from the home you are personally occupying for a
paying client.

Advertise your services as a paid house sitter without starting a
formal business to do this for other homes. In other words, you
just want one home for you to occupy on a house sitting basis.

Note: If the place you find to rent does not do a credit check or
a background check then it would be okay to show your real ID.
You would still be anonymous to the rest of the world. The only
person who would know who you are would be the person who
rented you the place and whomever they might tell.

Note: If you are a female, you might just be able to tell the
property owner your ex-husband has tried to kill you and he
beat you up for years. Ask the landlord to NOT run a credit
check on you because he knows all your information and he has
pulled your credit report online before. Tell them … if they run
your credit he might show up on your doorstep and finish what
he promised to do … which is to kill you.

Important Reminder: I want to remind you here that it is
NOT illegal to go by another name. You have the right to go by
whatever name you want to in the USA as long as you are not
trying to defraud someone or escape the law. As long as you use
your new name for everything, you have the right to go by any
name of your choosing. Just make sure you memorize the name
and don’t ever forget it. When your new landlord calls you by
your new name, you don’t want to act like you don’t know who
they are talking to. Women change their names often and most
people think nothing of it. Women usually change their name
when they get married and frequently when they get divorced
(not necessarily back to their maiden name but to any name
they like). My ex-wife has used this process to change her name
multiple times. My mother did not like her first name and
preferred her middle name. As an adult, she simply chose to use
her middle name by reversing it and using her first name as her
middle name. My mother also changed her name when she
married my father. I’ve used my cat’s name with the phone
company just so my phone number would be anonymous
without having to pay a monthly fee for an unlisted number.
People use alternate names all the time just for convenience
sake or for privacy reasons or even personal taste or bias.
Telemarketers never use their real names nor do strippers.
Waitresses and other service people often use a different name
to protect their identity. Public figures such as famous authors
and actors use pen names or acting names. People use alternate
names all the time because it is prudent to do so and we rarely
think of it as being sinister or illegal.

Purchase A Home Or Condo Anonymously

You do this by buying the property in the name of your Sole

Proprietorship, Partnership, Corporation, LLC, or in the name
of your Trust.

There are five different types of business entities and so there
are five different ways to buy a house anonymously right there.

You will need to set up a business or create a Trust. We’ve
already gone over how to establish your new business. For the
purpose of purchasing real estate, you might want to name your
business something like XYZ Investments or ABC Properties or
Kathy Investor Enterprises. When you buy the house, you do
the documents in your business name and tell them to title the
house in your business name. This is a common thing and done
thousands of times every day in the USA.

You can finance or get a loan for a piece of real estate in a
business name or Trust because businesses and Trusts can get
credit and loans. Of course, you would first have to go through
the steps of starting a business first and then establishing credit
in the business name

Do a Google search for:

“Incorporate” http://www.google.com/search

In addition, do a Google search for “corporate credit” or
“business credit”. You will find much information on how a
business can get credit to buy real estate.

Thousands of times every day, businesses buy real estate,
automobiles, aircraft, and boats in this manner. I’ve done it
myself and I still own some properties from doing it.

Trusts buy real estate all the time. Trusts are valuable ways to
protect your identity and assets and wealthy people commonly
use them to hide their assets, protect their identity and to reduce
personal liability.

Get more info from this Google search below:


Another way to live anonymously is to stay with friends or to
have a friend or family member get a place for you in their
name. If you choose this method, you are trusting this person
won’t tell anybody else where you are. It’s better if people you
used to hang with don’t know where you are. This way they
won’t be able to tell anybody where you are or place you in

Be prepared to give neighbors a made up name (could be your
business name) and try not to talk to any of them besides to say
a friendly “hi”. Maybe you could just give them your first name
and get by with that. It’s always best when trying to fool people
that you will see regularly to use your real first name. That way
you will always recognize the name you’ve given them and you
don’t slip when talking to them and reveal your real name,
which is different from the name you told them.

Don’t give other people details about yourself or start
relationships without knowing exactly who you are going to say
you are and what you do for a living. People are nosy and
inquisitive so take the time to get your story straight before you
run into someone who asks many questions. Remember, this is
legal and ethical. You have a right to go by whatever name you
want and so does your new business. Your business may only
do one thing and that one thing may just be to own or rent the
place you live in. That might be all you need your business to

Note: You don’t have to start a business to buy a home. Call a
realtor and ask them. They’ll tell you how easy and common it
is to buy a home in a company name. You buy the business that
owns the home and you not only have a new business name, you
have the home that came with it and perhaps even the loan that
came with it.

Another choice would be to lease with an option to buy in your
business name. You will have the future option to purchase or
not purchase the property you are living. Options are a cool way
to control a property without owning it.

Note: You don’t have to start a new business … you can
purchase or assume an existing business! You might find a
motivated business owner who just wants out for any number of
legit reasons and you can buy an existing business.

Turn On Utilities Anonymously

You will need to have your utilities turned on anonymously.

The way to do this is to have your utilities put in the name of
your business. You could even have a different business name
for your utilities. Put your house in one business name and your
utilities in a different business name. You will need to get an
EIN or “Employer Identification Number” in order to have your
utilities turned on. There is no way for a utility company to
verify the EIN you provide to them is attached to the business
name you give. You could make up an EIN but that would be
silly as they are free and easy to obtain online. An EIN has the
same number of digits as a Social Security Number with the
only difference is an EIN has one dash in it and the dash comes
after the first two numbers. Like this, 12-3456789. As opposed
to a Social Security Number, which has two dashes 123-45-
6789. You can go to the IRS website to get a new EIN and you
can find their website here:


You will then click on “Apply for an EIN online”. You will
need to supply the IRS with all of your information. This will
include supplying your name and social security number.

You will need an address for your business and a phone
number. So think about what you are doing and get all of that
information worked out first. You could go to any UPS Store
and rent a mailbox to use for your business address or any other
Private Mail Box Service. The UPS Store will ask to see your
driver’s license but just go ahead and give it to them because
they won’t share that info with anyone else. They are just
required to get ID in case somebody uses one of their boxes for
fraud and the authorities have to hunt that person down. You
will not be committing any fraud so you are 100% safe. In fact,
all you need is an address. You won’t receive any mail because
you will get your EIN online. You could just look up a UPS
Store address and provide that as your business address without
having rented a private mailbox.

You may not want to provide your real information to the SSA
for your EIN if you are going in deep cover. This can
compromise your anonymity. There are ways to do this
anonymously since they are free and the process is online. If
you haven’t done anything illegal and if the law is not looking
for you, you are 100% safe giving your real information. You
can use that EIN to buy your house, turn on your utilities, work,
and make money.

You can just make up a phone number if you want because they
won’t ever try to call you and they don’t verify the phone

EIN’s first two numbers are the only numbers that have to be
valid. This site will give you all of the first two number
prefixes that are valid:


When you call the utility company, you tell them your business
now owns or rents this property and you need to have the
utilities put into the name of your business. New businesses buy
and rent properties every day of the week. This is a common
event and they won’t suspect anything.

Rent A Car Anonymously

One of the main things you may need while you are living
under the radar is a car.

There are several ways to rent a car anonymously. The first way
is to have a business account with a business debit or credit
card so you can reserve the rental with the plastic card. When
you pick the car up, you will have to show your driver’s license.
This will only be used to prove you have a legal license to drive
and to prove you are who you say you are. No one will be able
to find out you rented the car unless they have access to the
bank records for the debit or credit card you are using. You will
of course make sure ahead of time there is no way anyone can
do that. It is simple to open a business checking account and I
explain that in the section on banking. The police can call all
rental companies and get records of who has rented cars but the
info isn’t sent to them automatically. Even if the police were
looking for you, you would still be safe to rent a car and use it.
All you have to do to be safe is drop it back off at night when
there was no one there. Put the key in the drop box and walk

Another way to rent a car anonymously is to have someone else
rent the car for you and let you have the keys. All rental car
companies will ask the person renting the car if there will be
any other drivers. If they answer yes then the rental car
company will want to see the other driver’s driver license. They
will also charge more for renting the car if there is going to be
more than one driver. It works every time if the person renting
the car says “no there won’t be any other driver’s” and they
trust you enough to let you drive the car. However, it doesn’t
matter if you show your driver license because they aren’t
going to enter the second driver’s name into any database
anywhere. They want to look at your ID because they need to
know if you are legally licensed to drive a car. It’s a good idea
to be certain you have insurance on the car when you do this. It
may be a good idea to pay the small extra fee for the insurance
the rental car company will try to sell to you.

Purchase A Car Anonymously

You want to do the same as buying the house. You start your
own business and you title the car in the name of the business. I
recommend finding a car for which you can afford to pay cash.
There are plenty of inexpensive and expensive cars available


When you buy the car and the seller signs the title over to you,
you just tell them to make the title out in the name of your
business. Again, you don’t have to start a business. You just tell
the people you’re dealing with you have a business and you
want the car titled in the business name. They might ask you
what your business does so it would be a good idea to have your
story straight in advance. You could put the car in the same
business name as the house, if you bought a house. Personally, I
would put my home in one business name and my car in another
business name. This way, the car is not connected to the house
in any way. If you didn’t buy a house then you can just make up
a business name just for the purchase of your car. You are free
to name your business anything you want. I would probably
make the name of my business sound like a respectable
business and not some goofy fun name. You don’t want to draw
attention to yourself. You might call your business something
like “Investor Enterprises” or “Jackson Investments”.
Businesses buy and own cars every day and all you need is a
legitimate business name. You won’t need an EIN or anything
else to buy a car in your business name.

One benefit of having your car titled in a company name is if a
police officer should ever call in your license plate, he will
never know who you are. If the police officer doesn’t pull you
over then you are safe. License plates give the police much
information about you if you title your car in your personal
name. If you have a criminal history, even a misdemeanor, you
may not want them to know who you are. They might just pull
you over only because you have an arrest record and even if
you’ve paid your debt to society, you are still a marked person.
Even if you were accused of a crime and found NOT GUILTY,
you will still have an arrest record unless you had the record
expunged (it still might show up). If the police have no idea
who you are, they are less likely to pull you over. A Police
friend of mine has verified that fact. If they call in your license
plate and the car is in your personal name, they will
immediately have all of your information. They will know your
name, address, and criminal background just from your auto
license plate. If you title your car in the name of your business,
all they know is the name and address of the business. You may
want to rent a mailbox in order to use the mailbox address as
the address of your car-owning business. You have you car’s
registration in the address of the mailbox rather than your home
address. This way, you will not have your home address on
record with the license plate on your car. If someone ever
comes looking for the owner of the car, they won’t come to
your house. They will go to the private mailbox address you
rented and NOT your home address. Of course, your car is now
anonymous too.

When you have bought a car, you will need anonymous
insurance on the car. The insurance company will allow you to
get insurance on the car in the name of your business as well.
The insurance company will ask for a driver’s license. The
insurance company will then insure the car. The car will be
titled in the name of the company and the tags will only betray
the company’s information so it would be okay to show your
real license to get the insurance. The license plate still only
reveals the information on the business that owns the car, not
the driver’s insurance information.

Don’t get pulled over while driving is always sage advice.
Drive correctly and stay out of the spotlight. Don’t break the
law and invite the police to pull you over. Pay the taxes on the
car every year and always get your tags renewed on time. Keep
your business car in good standing.

Work Anonymously

You may have guessed what I’m going to say here … Start a
business! Starting a business is the best way to work
anonymously. Here you will need an EIN as we discussed
earlier. Again, you could have a friend or family member get
you a number to use under their name. For this, you can’t just
make up a number as you can to have your utilities turned on. If
you borrow someone else’s EIN, you may run into problems
with the IRS later on so DO NOT do that. You will want a real
number so you can file taxes under that number and be legal.

One thing about starting a business and getting an EIN is you
can call your business by the name of your choosing. In other
words, if I want to name my business “Joan Cutiepie”, then I
can name it “Joan Cutiepie”. I could go online and get my EIN
in the name of Joan Cutiepie. “Joan Cutiepie” is just like a
name a person would have. If I went to apply for a job
somewhere and I told them my name was Joan Cutiepie, I could
also give them my EIN as my Social Security Number. They
will never know the number you gave is an EIN. Just put in two
dashes the same way a SSN would have and you’d be fine. The
IRS wouldn’t know it either, because you will be paid in the
business name and that’s exactly how a real business would be
paid … BY CHECK, in the business name. As long as they
don’t do credit checks and background checks, that would work
great as a way to get a job working for a company owned by
someone else. This is NOT legal to do so I would advise against
it but it would work nicely in many circumstances. You know, I
don’t think it’s legal, but the truth is I actually really don’t
know for sure. As long as the name matches the number, I don’t
think the IRS would discover what was really happening.
Sometimes, ignorance can be bliss but I would still not
recommend you do this.

It really depends on what you do that determines whether you
actually need an EIN number or not.

There are many ways to make money under the radar. You can
wash and detail cars. You can wash and detail cars for people at
their place of business. This way they don’t have to come to
you, you go to them. Alternatively, you can have them bring the
cars to you. You can sell stuff on eBay, Amazon.com,
Craigslist.org or a whole host of other sites on the Internet. You
can babysit, mow lawns, paint, re-model homes, or do
plumbing. If you have a marketable skill, you can make a living
doing it privately. I have personally made a good living buying,
repairing, and reselling outboard motors on Craigslist and eBay.

The message here is that the best way to be anonymous is to
work for yourself by starting your own business. Just do what
you’re good at or do what you’ve always wanted to do. You can
find clients and advertise your business FREE on

Fly Anonymously

It’s simple to fly anonymously. The first method is to

remember you have the legal right to go by whatever name you
want. The thing about this first method of flying anonymously
is you must recruit a friend or family member to help you.
Since 9/11, airlines require you to show identification to fly.
There is an exception to this rule though. If you have someone
who has ID and they will agree to go with you to the airport,
then the airline will allow them to show their identification and
allow them to vouch for you. All your friend has to do is say,
“Yes, you are who you say you are”. You make a flight
reservation in whatever name you want. Then you take cash and
your friend with you to the airport. When you go to pay for your
ticket the airline will ask you for your ID. You say you don’t
have it because you lost it. Your friend says I have
identification. Your friend shows their identification and tells
the airline you are whom you say you are, and “voila” you just
got a plane ticket anonymously.

The second method that allows you to fly without showing
identification is when you are making a return flight. This
means you had to have bought a round trip ticket and the airline
presumes you have used the first part of your ticket to get to
where you are now. In other words, let’s say you are in Chicago
and you want to travel to Miami, you buy a round trip ticket to
Chicago with the originating flight in Miami. You have
supposedly flown to Chicago and you are now ready to fly back
to Miami. You go to the ticket counter and they ask you for
your ID. You tell them your wallet was stolen or you lost it
while you were in Chicago and you don’t have any ID. Since the
airline believes you flew from Miami you won’t have to show
any ID because they assume you already showed ID once when
you got on the plane in Miami. Therefore, they will let you fly
this time without showing your ID. Remember, this happens all
the time. People lose their wallets all the time. The trick here is
you could have been in Chicago all along. In other words, you
are in Chicago and you need to fly to Miami on Friday. You buy
a round trip ticket that flies from Miami to Chicago on
Monday, and then back from Chicago to Miami on Friday. Then
you only take the flight back from Chicago to Dallas on Friday
and you were never in Miami. You started your trip in Chicago
and now you’re going to end it in Miami. You paid for a round
trip ticket from Miami to Chicago and back to make it appear
as though you came from Miami and now you are just on your
way back. You will be on the flight anonymously.

Open A Bank Account Anonymously

Again, I’m going to tell you to start a business so you can open
a business checking account. If you haven’t figured it out yet,
the best way to do everything is to start a business then live and
work under your business name. A business can do anything a
person can do. Rent a place, buy real estate, open a bank
account with debit cards, turn on utilities, everything! Don’t
forget that Corporations, LLC’s and Trusts work for all these
same things too.

ChexSystems Note: Some individuals are kept from opening a
personal bank account because their personal name has negative
info on a ChexSystems report to which the bank subscribes.
Many banks do not check your personal name when you open a
business account but they might do so. If you have this problem
and are rejected for a new business account, you have two
options. First, find a bank that does not use ChexSystems for
business accounts or searches using the business name rather
than a personal name. Second, you find a bank that DOES NOT
use ChexSystems. Call some banks and ask if they use
ChexSystems, you will eventually find one that will open an
account for you.

Hint: You will have your best chance of success with credit
unions or smaller community banks that frequently do not use

Some banks will let you open a business checking account
online. You can do a search for “open a business checking
account online” on


Alternatively, click the following link where I’ve done the
search for you


You should find a few banks there.


BanCorp is another one

Another one is my personal favorite … Bank of America …
they have branches just about everywhere.


You can certainly find other banks on your own. A person could
easily open a business checking account online and only have to
fax one of one Corporation officer’s driver’s license and social
security card. Could you borrow your brother’s or mother’s or a
close friend’s driver’s license and social security card and just
make a copy of it so you can get this bank account open right

Remember, only the EIN number will be associated with the
account. The bank just needs to see somebody’s ID who is one
of the owners or officers of the business to open the account …
Just ONE and NOT all.

Another way to get an account open is to go into the bank in
person. You say you work for this Corporation or Partnership
and you need to open a bank account. You tell them the Chief
Financial Officer or your partner is in another state and you
need to get the account open. The Chief Financial Officer or
Partner that you are talking about will have to be a live person
who will be available by telephone and by fax. The bank will
ask to talk to that person on the phone and they will have to fax
over a copy of their driver’s license and social security card.
I’ve done this myself and it is simple to do.

You can deposit checks made out to any name into your
business checking account. If someone gave you a check made
out to John Doe, you just write “for deposit only” on the back of
the check and drive through the drive through and deposit it. If
they tell you they can’t do it, just take the check back and go to
another branch and drive through their drive through. I would
just continue this until some teller deposits the check. This
usually happens on the first try though. This is one way to cash
checks anonymously. You don’t get cash immediately but as
soon as the check is credited to your account, you can use your
debit card to withdraw the cash.

Another way you can open a business account is to open a sole
proprietorship business checking account and not a Corporation
checking account. You should get an EIN number for this also
but you can just use your social security number if you want.
You could even have a friend or family member open a
business checking account for you. Banks do this every day and
it is simple to do. You could just borrow your mother’s
information and open the account for her as described above.
You can use all the same tricks from above for opening a
Corporation checking account and a “Trust” checking account.
All the same rules apply to these types of checking accounts

You may have to give the bank what they call a Fictitious Name
Statement”. To get a Fictitious Statement, you just call your
local county courthouse and ask them how you get one. You can
usually get one online at their website or just stop by the
courthouse and fill out a simple form stating the name of your
business and its owners. You then pay a small fee and they give
you a document that shows you own the business. You’ll need
to provide your business address inside their county and a
business telephone number. You can figure out how to get an
address easily. Just use your mailbox rental or a friends
address. They may send you quarterly income tax statements.
Just tell them you haven’t made any money because your
business hasn’t gotten off the ground yet and you will owe
nothing for taxes.

Another way to open a checking account anonymously is to
start a Trust. You can hire someone or use an online service to
do this for you. Just do a Google search for “start a Trust”

You can use all the same information described earlier on how
to open a Corporation checking account for this Trust account.
The requirements will be the same as opening a corporate or
business checking account. This is another way to bank
anonymously. You can make anonymous deposits in the
account and the simple business checking account as well.

As stated earlier if you have a business checking or Trust
checking account you can deposit any check into that account,
no matter what name is on the check.

Another way to open a bank account anonymously is to have a
friend or family member open an account and just let you have
the debit card and access to the account online etc. The account
will be in their name, so you will remain anonymous but you
now have a checking account you can use. You must Trust this
person to NOT give you away so please be careful who you

To read a couple of stories about how to open a bank account
without a social security number click the following links:



Tip: When you open a new business account, it would be wise
to use a bank you’ve never used before so there is no risk of the
bank linking you to a past personal account.

Cash Checks Anonymously

One way to cash checks anonymously is to go to just about any

check cashing service. Call them first and ask them if you have
to have ID to cash a check. Many will say no you don’t have to
have an ID. What happens is you go to the check-cashing place
and they will call the person that wrote you the check. They will
ask them if they wrote you the check and ask them if it is okay
to cash the check for you. As long as that person says yes, you
will get your check cashed. They may ask that person what you
look like and if they can describe you correctly, your check will
get cashed with no hassles at all. You might mow someone’s
lawn, they would write the check out to John Doe, and you go
straight to the check cashing company to cash it with no ID.
The check cashing company would ask if you minded if they
called the person that wrote the check. You would say, “Be my
guest”. They would call and ask if they wrote John Doe a check
and the person would say, “Yes”. They will ask the person what
you look like and if the description matches, you will walk out
with the cash in just a few minutes without having any ID. This
happens in every check cashing business every single day.

Another way to cash checks anonymously is to use any one of
the five types of business checking accounts from the chapter
on how to open checking accounts anonymously. Any of these
five types of business accounts will work. You can use a John
Doe name for any of those techniques as well.

Another way to cash checks anonymously is to have the person
write the check to your John Doe name or any name you please.
Then find a friend or family member that already has a
checking account. Sign the check over to them and have them
deposit the check in their account and give you the cash.

Run A Business?

I want to stress again, to do the things we’ve discussed in this

book, you don’t have to run a business to have a business
checking account, to own real estate in a business name, or to
own a car in a business name. All you have to do is have some
paperwork that proves the business exists. Your business will
be legal and valid if you have done the proper paperwork and
obtained an EIN. However, the business doesn’t have to do
anything specific.

Let’s say you open a business checking account for a business
you just started up. Then it does not work out and you never get
the business going. You don’t have to close the business
checking account. You can keep that checking account forever.
Ninety percent of new businesses fail so this is a common

The case is the same for real estate and cars. You bought the
house in the company name or the car in the company name and
then you never got the business off the ground. You don’t have
to sell the house or the car or change the ownership on the title
or deed. You can keep them in the name of the company that
never got off the ground and do so forever. Just pay taxes on the
real estate and the registration fees on the car every year and
you have no worries. You had intended to start a business and it
just never happened but you still get all the anonymity benefits
from the business that never was.

Birth Certificate

The first point I want to make is … YOU DO NOT NEED TO

DO THIS! I will provide you with the information on how to do
this but I recommend you DO NOT pursue this. It is
unnecessary to do so and you will avoid potential legal

No matter which way a person chooses to get a birth certificate,
that person should always call the county where they want to
get the certificate. Ask the questions, “What does it take to get
a birth certificate?” “How much does is cost?” “Who can get
copies and who can’t?” “How do you get them mailed to you?”

You ask all of the questions you need to know answers to. Don’t
ever be afraid to call and ask questions. These places have calls
coming in all day long that are just people asking questions so
you definitely won’t stand out. Most places have websites
nowadays so you can find their websites and get all that info
online too. Most times, it’s just easier to call and ask.

I will cover this in more detail in the next section so read on.

Create A New Identity

The basis of any identity is a birth certificate. One way a real

birth certificate could be obtained is by getting what is called a
Delayed Birth Certificate. A delayed birth certificate is a birth
certificate that is acquired after birth. In other words, when the
birth happened, there was no birth certificate issued.

Usually, there would not be a birth certificate issued if the birth
did not take place in a hospital. For instance, Amish parents
have children and when Amish people have children, they have
them in their own Amish communities. They don't go to
hospitals. The fact that they don't go to hospitals doesn't mean a
birth didn't happen. When Amish have children, they don't
apply for birth certificates or social security numbers. They just
have their children and raise them. When someone leaves the
Amish community, they find out they have to get a birth
certificate and a social security number in order to work and get
a driver’s license. They get a Delayed Birth Certificate. The
same thing would happen with a Mexican woman who had a
baby in a taxicab in New York City. There was no doctor
present so a Delayed Birth Certificate is what is needed be it
one day or 50 years later. There are many reasons why babies
are not born in hospitals and so we have Delayed Birth
Certificates issued for those babies and even issued later in life
when they have grown into adults.

The Delayed Birth Certificate is quite common. If a person was
born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, outside of a hospital, that person
could get a Delayed Birth Certificate any time after their birth
took place. Their parents may get them a birth certificate soon
after the birth. All cases are different so it’s easy to come up
with reasons why you didn’t get yours yet. Just plan your story
well before you go about the process of getting a delayed birth

It could be the parents never get the child a birth certificate.
The child may grow up to the age of 71 years old and have
never had a birth certificate. In this case, the person could send
a letter to the department of vital statistics (or whatever the
local county department is called that handles birth certificates)
asking for a copy of their birth certificate. In that letter, the
person would have to provide the details in their request for the
birth certificate. That person might say something like, "Hi, my
name is John Doe. I was born in Big County Oklahoma on Dec
25, 1957. I would like to get a copy of my birth certificate. My
mother's maiden name is Jane Katherine Maiden and my
father's name is James Frank Doe."

Big County won't find a copy of John Doe's birth certificate
because this name is only being used by the person applying
and is not a real person. When Big County receives the request
for the birth certificate, John Doe would now be on record in
Big County just because he applied for a birth certificate. Big
County will send a letter back to John Doe stating they don't
have a birth certificate on record. They will tell John he will
have to provide them with some proof of his existence and that
once they get the proof, they can issue him a delayed birth
certificate. They will send along a list of what things they will
accept as proof of his existence. One of the things they will
accept is if two people will vouch for John Doe and say they
knew John's parents and they have known John since his birth.
If two real people write John a letter (possibly needing
notarization on this letter) and those two people vouch for John
then they will go ahead and issue John the birth certificate.

A person could make up a name, a mother and father's name, a
birth date, and send in a request to any county in any state for a
copy of their birth certificate. The county would not be able to
locate the birth certificate so they would send a reply telling the
applicant what they need to issue the Delayed Birth Certificate.
They usually would also send a document that would enable
this person to use this new name to go and get a driver's license
or state ID card. They will send you one. You apply and they
send you an official piece of paper that says, “If you need to get
a driver’s license just use this piece of paper in place of your
birth certificate”. Take that piece of paper and a fake employee
ID you make with a computer and a laminating machine you
can buy at Office Depot, go apply, and get a State ID card. You
want to get a State ID card because you don’t have to take a
driving test or a written test. I just showed them my stuff and
got my State ID card within about 10 minutes.

Big County may send a document that you can use to get a
driver's license, or state ID card. You now have one of the
things you need in order to get a driver's license. The state
driver's license bureau will tell you what else you will need.

Note: It is important to point out here that it is always easier to
get a State Issued ID Card than it is to get a driver's license. It
would be a good idea to get a State Identification Card on the
first visit to the DMV. Then once you have that, you can go
back and use your State ID as identification to get a driver's
license. One reason a State ID is easier is you don't have to take
any driving tests. You just show your documents take your
picture and get your ID.

A State ID Card is just as good as a driver's license for
identification purposes, even if you are caught driving without a
driver's license. Let’s say you never had a driver's license and
you are caught driving. All that will happen is that you will get
a ticket for driving without a driver's license and you won’t go
to jail.

The only other way to get a birth certificate in a name that has
just been made up out of thin air is to create one yourself. There
are so many different styles of birth certificates that nobody
knows if they are real or not. A person could get a blank birth
certificate and fill in the blanks themselves. A birth certificate
whited-out, copied, and edited has worked for thousands of
people. Using this type of birth certificate to get State ID or a
driver licenses is risky. Many DMV's can check to see if a birth
certificate is on file in the county it is supposed to be from. I
would NOT suggest this method.

Some identity changers have stolen or borrowed someone else’s
identity. They get someone else’s information and go do a
DMV and get an ID in that person's name with their own picture
on it. This is easy to do but it may take a few days or even
weeks. If someone knew a real person's information, that person
could send a request by mail for a copy of that person's birth
certificate and claim they are that person. They just need a copy
of the birth certificate. Then that person would have the birth
certificate, so all they would need is a picture ID in order to get
real State ID Card or driver's license. A good way to get a
picture ID is to go enroll in one cheap course at a local
community college under the new name so you get a new
college student ID. Another way to get a picture ID is to open a
checking account with a bank that puts photos on the Debit
Card (Bank of America for example). With a birth certificate
and a photo ID, a State ID can be obtained in just a matter of
minutes. A State ID is a powerful ID. Even the police won't
question them unless the person presenting it doesn't know the
information by heart. A real person would know his or her birth
date, address, social security number, and how to spell his or
her name correctly.

An identity changer should always know by heart all of the
information that will instantly give them away if they don't
know it. In addition, when using someone else’s information it
might be best if the new ID were acquired in a state that the
person had never lived in before. A person could say, “I just
moved here and I need a new ID”. If it were done in the same
state and same city as the real person lived then it may be best
to say, “I lost my license and I need a duplicate issued”. If you
ask, “What do I need to get the duplicate”, Missouri will say,
"Nothing, we have your picture on file so just come on in.”
When you come in, they will just look at your picture and look
at you and if you are the same person, they will give you
another driver license or state ID card.

Recommendation: I suggest you do not need to get a new birth
certificate and set up a new identity and name using this
approach. It is much simpler and easier to keep your real
identity and simply NOT use it. Start a business and operate
under the business name, as this is simpler to do and legal to

Drivers License And State Identification Card

The first point I want to make is … YOU DO NOT NEED TO

DO THIS! I will provide you with the information on how to do
this but I recommend you DO NOT pursue this, as it is
unnecessary to do so. You will avoid potential legal

First, don't ever be afraid to call the DMV and ask them
questions. They answer these same questions dozens of times
every day and they won't mind answering them for you too. As
stated above, a State ID Card is much easier to get than a
driver's license because no testing is needed. All that has to be
done is to give the DMV the proof they want and they will give
you a state ID card. A birth certificate or a baptismal certificate
will work as proof of your age.

A baptismal certificate can be bought at any bible supply store,
or church supply store. They can also be found online easily.
Just do a Google search for "baptismal certificates”. The picture
ID could be a yearbook with an old picture. That person could
easily look quite different today. There are all types of things
the DMV will accept to issue you your new ID. Just call them
up, have a pen ready, and ask them what they need for a person
to get a state ID. Then choose which of those things is easiest
for you to obtain and then get them. This process is simple if
the information is verifiable. Use the methods described above
to get a birth certificate and then find a state to get the ID in
that doesn't require you to provide your social security number.
Michigan is one state that does not (at the time I wrote this)
require a person to provide their social security number when
getting a driver's license, or state ID. Check this web address:


In addition, a person can refuse to provide a social security
number for religious reasons. Read the info on these next links
as this is powerful stuff.

Religious objections to SSN# and DMV


How to get a bank account without a social security number


How to get a bank account without a social security number


So to get state ID's and licenses, just call them and find out
what they accept, then figure out which of those things you can
come up with to go get them. No one can do this for you! You
may have to get a little creative but don't give up, a state ID is
much easier to get than you think. Make sure you have all of
your information memorized. It's easiest to go to a state that
doesn't require a social security number to get a driver license
or state ID.

Recommendation: I suggest you do not need to get a new state
ID card or Drivers License and set up a new identity using this
approach. It is much simpler and easier to keep your real
identity and simply NOT use it. Start a business and operate
under the business name as this is simpler to do and completely
legal to do. You can still use your current driver’s license to
drive and be a law-abiding respectable businessperson as well.
If you want a simple process to get a legal drivers license,
please check out the next section to get an International Drivers

International Drivers License

While I have not done the following method myself, I know

someone who has used this process with success.

The United States will issue you an International Driver’s
license that will allow you to drive in other countries but NOT
in the United States. I’ve legally driven in many foreign
countries without the need to obtain a local drivers license.
However, this is not what I’m speaking to here. The USA does a
reciprocal thing with citizens from foreign countries who want
to drive here in the USA.

Some Foreign Countries issue International Driver’s licenses
that are valid in other countries other than their own, such as
the good old USA. Do a Google search for International Drivers
licenses issued by other countries and you will find a wealth of
information. Pick the country that seems best suited to your
needs and follow their application process to get an
International Driver’s license. This license from another
country will be valid for driving in the USA. Even if you don’t
have a driver’s license issued by one of our 50 USA states, you
could get an International driver’s license issued by another
country. The foreign countries International Driver’s License
would be valid anywhere in the USA … how interesting is that?

Social Security Number

The first point I want to make is … YOU DO NOT NEED TO

DO THIS! I will provide you with the information on how to do
this but I recommend you DO NOT pursue this. It is
unnecessary to do so and you will avoid any potential legal

There are very few ways to get legal social security numbers.
One way is to prove to the social security administration that
you are the victim of identity theft and your number has been
abused. Another way is to prove you are the victim of abuse and
that your number has been, or will be used by the abuser or the
abuser will use your number to locate you and abuse you again.
They don't take changing your social security number lightly so
it will take some real proof to get it done. Check out their
website for all the details. They do allow people with the
number 666 all in a row to get a new number since that is the
number of the anti-Christ.

You can go to http://www.ssa.gov/ssnumber/

At this website, you can find out straight from the social
security administration exactly what reasons qualify for
changing your current social security number. You can learn
what to do to apply for a new social security number if you've
never had one. If a person over the age of twelve years old
applies for a new social security number, they must do so in
person at a social security office.

Note: If the person is under 12 it can be done through the mail.

Identity changers have created new names and birth certificates
out of thin air then apply for a new social security number in
the same name as the one on their new birth certificate. They
apply for two different birth certificates using the exact same
name. One of these would be under age 12, closer to newborn is
better. The other would be near the age of the person wanting
the new name and social security number. They would
obviously get the two birth certificates from two different
states. Then they apply for a new social security number with
the under 12 identity. Usually, they do this through the mail and
they apply for the number as though they were less than 12
years old. They then just use the number when they get it and
they still give the social security number when they need to,
even when they give the birth date they used on their new name
and birth certificate. Nobody can tell the age of a person by his
or her social security number. If this is done, it has to be done
with a real birth certificate, passport, or US Consular Report of

A person could apply for two Delayed Certificates of Birth as
described under birth certificates section, in the same name but
with different ages. One of the applicants could be from one
state, be under 12 years old, and get a delayed birth certificate
and one could be from another state and be any age over 12
years old. Then they could use the under 12 year old to get a
new social security number. Then use that social security
number as the social security number of the older person with
the same name.

Note: I want to remind you that you don't have to have a social
security number to live and work in the USA. You can simply
use a business EIN number instead, which is the anonymous
business equivalent of a SSN.

You can live and work as your own business and as a business,
you use your Employer Identification Number instead of a
social security number. This is the main reason people seeking
to change their identities have problems. They think they can't
work if they don't have a new social security number. Read the
other chapters about how to live and work under an Employer
Identification Number. If you can live and work anonymously,
you don't even need new identification. Even if the police were
looking for you, you could still live under a business name or
names and you could hide forever.

The police don't actively hunt you down unless you've done
something serious like murder or some type of very big crime.
For all other crimes, the police may go by your last known
address a few times but after three or four times going by, they
give up. They figure you'll be pulled over speeding some day
and then they'll have you. So drive as little as possible and don't
run any stop signs or break any laws when you drive. Just don’t
give the Police a reason to pull you over. It's not hard to hide
from the police for smaller crimes.

If the Federal Government wants you, they will hunt you down
using every resource available so you can't just start a business
using your real identity and not be found. The feds may find out
you started the business and they will check it out. They are
excellent at tracking down information. An identity changer
could start a business and get an Employer Identification
Number under his brother's name without his brother ever
knowing it and he could then live under that business name
without any problems. Maybe his brother would let him do it
and could be trusted to never tell anybody. It depends on who is
looking for you. If it's not the FED’s then it should be easy for
you to hide from anybody else. Just remember that loose lips
sink ships so if you don't want anybody to know where you are -

If you can live and work anonymously, the only thing a person
has a problem with is being stopped by the police when driving.
You don't have to have identification if the police stop you.
People are stopped all the time and they don't have ID. The
police just want the correct information. If the person who was
stopped can give a name, date of birth, address that's on a driver
license, they might get by with no problems. They would have
to be a close match to the height, weight, age, and eye color on
the real driver’s license. If the person pulled over had a state ID
and no driver’s license then they would get a ticket for driving
without a license.

Recommendation: I suggest you do not need to get a new
Social Security Number and establish a new identity and name
using this approach. It is much simpler and easier to keep your
real identity and simply NOT use it. Start a business and
operate under the business name and business EIN, as this is
simpler to do and legal to do.

Social Security Note: You will want to collect social security
benefits when you reach age 62 or older. It will be much
simpler to do so by keeping your given name and identity but
simply not using them. When the time comes, you can
anonymously collect social security benefits under your given
name. I have done it this way and I do receive social security
benefits in my given name. I have my monthly social security
check sent to one of my business addresses and then I endorse
the check for deposit to one of my business accounts. You can
also have your social security benefits automatically deposited
each month to any banking account you choose, including a
business account. This is one reason why you want to keep your
old identity. With the methods in this book, you will operate
under a business identity and business name, still keep your old
identity, and only use it if you choose to.

Stay In Touch With Family And Friends

You can stay in touch with your family or friends without them
ever knowing where you are. If they don't know where you are,
they can't tell anybody where you are either by accident or on
purpose. An easy way of staying in contact is to buy pre-paid
cell phones. Cell phones can be traced to a near proximity of
where the call came from so don't ever call anyone on this
phone from the place where you live. You would want to use
this phone as far away as possible from where you live. When
you’re close to home, don’t even turn the phone’s power on and
keep it turned off as it can be traced even when it is not in use.
It is best is to remove the battery until you want to use it again
at some place far away from where you live.

Note: You can get an area code for any part of the country and
I recommend you get an area code from somewhere other than
your local area code.

The authorities are the only ones who can trace cell phone
locations so if you were just hiding from a stalker you’d be safe
to call from wherever you are.

Driving in a car would be good too. You could turn the phone
on when you were far away from home and then you could be
moving while you have your phone conversation. You could
throw the phone away as soon as you hang up the phone. You
will only need to go to this extreme if the FED’s are after you
or a very powerful organization. Someone who had the ability
to do a cell phone trace and there aren’t many that can. If
you’re not on the run from the government, you should be able
to keep a separate cell phone you use for those calls only.

A pre-paid phone that you can get anonymously would be best.
You can choose whatever area code you like when buying a pre-
paid phone so you could use an area code far from where you

Pre-paid anonymous cell phones are never linked to your real
home or anonymous address. Mail is okay if you use an
untraceable mail drop. Just do a Google search for "Private
Mail Service" and you will find many listings for these

Take Children With You

If you have children you need to take with you into hiding, the
one thing that hurts you is that children must be enrolled in
school by law. Even home schooled children must be registered.
If you are just hiding from an abusive person or stalker, it
should be okay to get the children’s school transcripts from
their old school and use them to enroll them in the new school.
It might be a good idea to call a school ahead of time and ask if
there is way to keep your children’s identity protected. It’s okay
to be honest about why you are worried about it. You could
make some test calls on schools you are not interested in and
this way you are prepared when you call the school you do
want. Unless the person you are hiding from knows to check the
exact school district you enrolled them in the children should
be safe using their own names for school. Other than the school,
they will be living under your legally assumed identity with
you. You don’t have to worry about taking them to the doctor,
go ahead, as all medical records are sealed. A person might be
able to find out there was a record, but only if they knew
exactly what doctor to call or what hospital, etc. Children are
safe because schools don’t let information go easily. Call a few
schools and ask what their policies are. Do they give out
information about who is enrolled in their school? You will find
they don’t.

Final Tips

Think about who might be looking for you or trying to stalk

you. Only a federal agency is going to find you if you live under
a business name and only if you are wanted for a serious crime.
When someone looks for a person, they look for that person.
They don’t look for businesses. They could NOT find you even
if they did look for a business, simply because they wouldn’t
know what business to look for or where to look for that

The most anonymous you can be is if you have someone close
to you that will start a business in their name and let you use
the information to live under. Remember, it must be someone
you can trust. If you were to live under someone else’s business
name, you can just say you are the president of the company or
pose as the owner of the company. You will be able to do
anything under the business name even if you are not the actual
owner. You can only claim you are the owner an as the owner if
you have all of the real owner’s personal information.

It is best if you put your house in the name of one business and
put the car in the name of another business. Finally, put
everything else in the name of a third business. This way none
of your information is crossed or linked together.

NEVER use the address where you live as the address for your
car registration. Rent a Private Mailbox from UPS or some
other provider and use the street address of the place you rented
the box from as your car registration address. This way if
someone checks on your car tags, they will never be able to find
where you live. All they will find is a business name and the
address of your Private Mail Service that will NOT reveal the
address you gave when you opened the Private Mail Box.

IMPORTANT TIP: You might want to open your Private
Mail Box or PO Box with your current home address and
BEFORE you vanish. As of 2010, these mailbox providers are
required by federal law to get your personal information to rent
you a box. They now WILL NOT rent a box to you unless your
Driver’s License or other valid ID has the same address as you
are providing for your home address. In other words, the
address on your driver’s license or other identification you
provide (you must provide two forms) MUST match the address
you give as your home address. It won’t matter if you use your
old home address as you just left it behind and it is easier to
provide this correct (but soon to be invalid or already invalid
info). You can always change your address later or don’t bother
to do so. If someone were able to obtain the address you used to
rent the Private Mailbox, all they would have is the address of
where you used to live.

Many people move and forget to update the address on their
Driver’s License and these people cannot rent a Private Mail
Box until the Address on their identification matches the living
address provided. Of course, they could just use the old address
on their driver’s license. You can rent your new mailbox in a
new business name but you need to make sure your personal
info matches. It is much easier done using your OLD identity
and address and before you escape. The info you provide will
become worthless to anyone trying to track you because it is no
longer valid info as soon as you move.

Use a different business name to have your utilities hooked up.
You don’t have to but that is how you are most anonymous.
You can get a business EIN number free so that is the smart
way to go. A utility company might do a credit check if you use
your real name so use a business name and give them an EIN
instead. If you don’t pay the bill you can just start a new
business name and get it hooked up again. Just give new
information and say you just moved in. If a copy of the lease is
needed, you can buy a lease form at any Office Depot or Office
Max etc. and create your own lease.

You can live and work entirely under a business name. If you
do, the only thing you won’t have is a driver’s license under
your business name but you could get an International driver’s
license (see that section). Since your driver’s license is in your
real name, your task in life is to NOT be pulled over by the
police so drive responsively and that won’t happen. You would
want to change your driver’s license address to an address you
don’t live at and this could be a private mail service. If you
were to get a citation, the public record would not show the
address you live at and would show your business address,
which is not traceable to your real location. Use turn signals all
the time and no rolling stops at stop signs … this is how
everyone should drive! You would make sure the taxes on the
car are paid every year and you keep your license plates and
insurance current.

A business name can take you anywhere you want to go
anonymously and can keep you anonymous for life. However, if
needed for some reason, you can legally continue to create
more new businesses and new identities for the rest of your life.
It is easy to do. Driving is your only worry so drive defensively
and you won’t have any problem or use your real identity
driver’s license for driving. Just don’t get pulled over and you
will never have to show it. When you put things in the name of
a business, they may ask you for the name of a contact person.
Just make up any name you want to use in that case but is
important you keep good records and notes. Record all names,
Business Names and Employer Identification Numbers you use,
especially for utilities and such. The reason for this is because
you may want to make changes to the account at some point and
you can’t make changes or cancel service if you don’t know the
correct information. If you have cable TV in a business name
and you now want to add HBO to the account, you must have
the correct information to make those changes.

Also, remember you don’t even need an EIN to buy a house or a
car in your business name. They won’t ask for anything except
the name of the company. You will need an EIN to get the
water, gas, electricity etc. turned on.

Important Note: I can’t stress this enough! You don’t need a
driver’s license or a social security number to live
anonymously. This is where so many identity changers get into
trouble by doing something illegal to get a driver’s license in a
different name or Social Security Card in a different name and
number. You can safely drive without a license or use your real
license and drive carefully. You can use an Employer
Identification Number instead of a social security number to
make money. If you must work for a company, you can try to
have them hire your business instead of hire you personally.
You could try telling them a psycho has terrorized you and he
has been finding you by your social security number. You ask if
they could hire you by hiring your company and making your
paychecks out to your company that way you could use your
EIN rather than your SSN. You could give your EIN as a SSN as
it does have the same number of digits … just be sure you get
the dashes in the right places but I don’t recommend you do

If you just need to hide money or assets from someone, this
would be simple to do. Just start a business at a mailbox rental
address. Buy houses and cars in the name of the business. Start
a bank account in the name of the business and put your money
in the business account. You now have everything in your
business name and not in your real name.

Get yourself an extra pre-paid anonymous cell phone. Use this
extra cell phone only for your home. In other words, give this
number to the utility companies when you have your utilities
hooked up. With pre-paid minutes, you don’t have a monthly
charge so you will always have this phone when you need it.
You could also use it to have pizza delivered etc. Now you have
an anonymous phone that is not linked to anything. Don’t call
anyone from your old life with this phone.

Get another pre-paid phone you can use to carry with you in
your new life. Use it as your business phone and daily use
phone. Don’t call anyone from your old life with this phone.

You can also buy a MagicJack for about $40 which is available
at Wally Mart, drug stores and online too. You can make
anonymous phone calls anywhere there is Internet service with
this small device. A MagicJack works online over the Internet
from anywhere in the world! You simply plug it into a USB
port on any computer with Internet access and then you can use
a headset to make phone calls from that computer. You can
plug a regular phone into the MagicJack and use the phone to
make phone calls or receive phone calls. If your MagicJack is
not plugged into a computer, it cannot be traced and you will
still get any voice messages. The messages saved to your
MagicJack phone number are forwarded to an email address of
your choosing which you can access anonymously via the

Note: You can get any prefix you want with a MagicJack and
you don’t have to have it plugged into a computer to use it as a
message phone number. You can give a MagicJack number to
utility companies, etc. and they will just leave you a message.
You can then access your messages anonymously via the
Internet and return calls from your prepaid phone. You could
plug the MagicJack into your laptop computer while at a coffee
shop which has free WIFI and make your return calls over the
Internet while you are at the coffee shop with a headset.
MagicJack minutes are unlimited, nationwide within the USA
and can call the USA from ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD
where you can get Internet access. You get one year of service
with your $40 purchase and extra years (not months but years!)
are 30 per year. The MagicJack is a marvelous and inexpensive
anonymous communication option that can work for you

If the Authorities are NOT seeking to find you, it would
probably be safe to use a MagicJack from your home. You
simply plug a phone into it and use your MagicJack like any
phone service. Just to be safe, I would register your MagicJack
in your business name but better yet would be to register it to a
made-up name. Nobody is going to verify what name a
MagicJack is registered to or what address it is registered to
and you don’ have to register it to any address. I just use my
first name twice and register it to David, David as if I
accidentally typed my first name where the last name should
have been. You could be Jane, Jane … or Ralph, Ralph

Google Voice is a way you can get a FREE phone number just
to receive messages online. You could give friends and
relatives a Google Voice phone number as an emergency
contact number and then call them back from a safe phone
when you receive the voicemail message over the Internet.
Google voice numbers are FREE ... just go to this address to get


I’ve personally used both Google Voice phone numbers and
MagicJack numbers for business and personal reasons and have
remained anonymous in doing so. This is quite anonymous as
long as the FEDS are not looking for you. Just don’t register
these types of phone service in your real name or provide your
real address or other real information about yourself. You can
make up any info you like but again keep records of the info
you used to open the account so you can make changes to your
service if you need to or make a payment to continue service.

Note: you can use a MagicJack from anywhere in the world to
call the United States free over the Internet. This is convenient
when you are traveling and have Internet access available. You
can also send a MagicJack to anyone anywhere in the world and
they can use it to call the United States free over the Internet.

Note: If you do have someone stalking you or trying to find
you, be careful where you use your MagicJack. Because it
works over the Internet, it can be tracked to the Internet Service
Provider you use to access the Internet with to use the
MagicJack. If you are using it near to your home and let’s just
say that is in SW Texas, it could show the ISP is Comcast of
SW Texas. You would be pinpointed to the service area of
Comcast of SW Texas. Your general whereabouts could be
discovered by a smart computer jock and that could make it
easier to find you by eliminating the rest of the USA as areas
you might be in.

Always have your information memorized and be ready to spit
it out fast. Practice this often!

Don’t give the wrong info to the wrong people.

Always think ahead and plan when you have to talk to someone.
Be certain in your mind what information you will be giving to
this person.

Don’t ever carry all of your information around with you if you
have other driver licenses etc. If you are caught with more than
one driver’s license, you’ll find yourself in big trouble fast so I
don’t recommend you do this.

Carrying different businesses information around with you is
not suspicious at all … it only shows that you are a successful
businessperson who owns multiple businesses.

Don’t ever use any debit or credit cards that are under your real
name again. If you use that card, someone may get access to
your bank information and find where you are by the bank
records. In fact, don’t ever use any of your real personal
information for anything that can lead someone else to you.
Best is to just get rid of all your past identity stuff but do keep
your driver’s license. Also, keep your Social Security Card but
hide it away and don’t ever carry it on your person.

A great pre-paid debit card is the Wally Mart money card. You
can buy them at any Wally Mart and the website is:


Take it from one who has used the methods in this book and
knows from real life experience. The methods outlined in this
book, even the ones that aren’t exactly legal are the only
methods that work in modern America.

The only other identity change method that works is the classic
paper trip method. It’s NOT legal and it’s very time consuming.
I strongly suggest you DO NOT go that route. If you must have
it, I’m sure you can find it online with a Google search. Again, I
do not recommend you do this or do anything that is illegal as it
is VERY RISKY. Such activities might get you in serious
trouble and it is not necessary to go there! It is so much better
to become a successful business owner and live under the
protective umbrella of your business.

Interesting Note: Who says you have to move within the
USA? You could go to another country. I have traveled to and
lived in many foreign countries while enjoying my alternative
lifestyle aboard my Yacht.

Interesting Yacht Note: A federally documented boat is
known as a “Yacht”. A Yacht is documented with the US Coast
Guard and NOT by one of the 50 states and the Document
issued by the Coast Guard is valid in ANY state. You do not
need to redocument a federally registered boat to legally
operate it in any state, or move it to another state, or even to
another country. There is no driver’s license required for a boat
or a yacht in any state or country. A yacht owned by your
business can go anywhere in the world without the need to
redocument it. Finally, the ownership document for a yacht
renews annually for FREE. You do need an address to have the
new document mailed to each year. When I was traveling
abroad on my yacht, I had the renewal document sent to my
parent’s address and they forwarded it to me wherever in the
world I was.

Alternate Lifestyles

What I’m talking about here is something I have personally

done for many years and I most enthusiastically say, “I truly
enjoy this Alternate Style of Living”.

You can either buy or rent a boat or even boat-sit a boat and
live in a Marina. The marina you are staying at will charge a
monthly moorage fee and they will add an amount to your
monthly moorage fee to cover your utilities as well. The marina
I’m living in as I type these pages includes electric, water,
sewage, garbage, laundry facilities, exchange library (take one
and leave one), WIFI Internet and Cable TV. There is also a
clubhouse, workout facility, swimming pool, and barbeque area
ashore as part of the total package. A small monthly live-aboard
fee only applies to people who live on their boats. I only write
one business check each month (yep, one of my businesses
owns my yacht) to have everything included. That is truly as
KISS as it gets … Keep It Silly Simple!

You could buy a boat that does not run at a lesser price than an
operational boat and just to use as your floating home. You
might be able to boat-sit someone else’s boat for FREE. You
could change your physical location constantly by simply
moving from Marina to Marina, whenever you like. The cool
thing is you don’t have to move your stuff when you move
because you are moving your home and all your stuff within it.
You could buy a fully functional and seaworthy boat and go
cruising so you only put into a marina occasionally for supplies
and fuel. Not only have you disappeared, you’re a moving
target that would be extremely difficult to trace.

You could travel to another Country and take your floating
home with you! The Bahamas are only 50 miles from Florida
and the USA does share borders with Canada and Mexico. I’ve
lived temporarily in many countries as I’ve traveled and
explored while “Cruising along the Shores of Paradise” on my

You could also buy a Land Yacht (Motor Home or RV or
Trailer) and have similar freedoms to change your location and
travel on Land rather than water.

You could have freedom to change your location at will … here
today … gone to somewhere else tomorrow.

See how awesome an Alternate Lifestyle can be and do it

My floating home enjoys a panoramic waterfront view and that
view is easily changeable at will. I take my home with me
wherever I may be and that can be anywhere I choose. My yacht
and I have visited Alaska, Washington State, Oregon,
California, Florida and that’s just the USA. My floating home
has been to Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador,
Honduras, Panama, Columbia, Guatemala, Belize, and many
Islands of Paradise in the Caribbean.

Creating a new business and identity comes with unrestricted
possibilities for the future. You can be the person you always
wanted to be and live the lifestyle you always wanted to live.



Thank you for buying this book and best wishes in your future
business and lifestyle!

David Author

Important Author’s Afterthoughts

You have before you a unique opportunity to embark upon a

fresh start in life. Your opportunities for the future are
unrestricted and unlimited. Make the best of this quintessential
opportunity and become the person who you’ve always wanted
to be.

Move in positive directions, take positive actions, and build a
happy, prosperous, fulfilled, and positive future for yourself.
Divest yourself of the negative factors of your past life as you
move forward adding new and positive factors to your life.
Carry your head high and be proud of who you are and your
achievements in your new life.

If you are not sure how to go about this, you can take a cue
from the famous actor Cary Grant. You see, Cary Grant was a
very shy and meek man but one day, he decided to start acting
like the man he truly wanted to be. Pretty quickly, the act
became reality and he transformed himself into a famous, self-
confident and debonair movie star that women swooned over.

Do a Cary Grant and start acting like who you want to be. Soon,
the act can become your reality. Walk the walk … talk the talk
… dress the dress … dance the dance. Live, eat, breathe and BE
who you WANT to be … you can truly become that person.


May you be truly blessed as you become a respected business

owner and enjoy your Wonderful New Life!

If you’ve found this book to be helpful, you can help me benefit

other people. Please leave a review on Amazon and recommend
this book to others who could be helped.

A Very Special Thank You to each of my readers


Legal Notice

The author is not an attorney and is not giving legal advice or

advice of any kind. The author recommends you consult with an
attorney before taking any action. The Author does not support
or advise you participating in any kind of illegal activity. The
information provided in this book is for informational,
discussion and entertainment purposes only. The Author is not
responsible for your actions and you will always be personally
responsible for your own actions.

All Rights Reserved © 2012 CHRISTOPHER DAVID ALLEN


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